2023학년도전기대학원외국인전형모집요강 (영문)
2023학년도전기대학원외국인전형모집요강 (영문)
2023학년도전기대학원외국인전형모집요강 (영문)
Graduate School
Admission Guidelines
For International Students
1. Outline of Admissions for New International Students 2
1.1. Important Notes
1.2. Flow Chart of International Students New Admissions Process
1.3. General Admissions Outline
1.4. Quota & Eligibility
1.5. Departments & Programs
1.6. Admissions Process & Application Fees
2. Required Documents 13
2.1. Required Documents - Precautions
2.2. Required Documents - Checklists
2.3. Basic Documents
2.4. Proof of Nationality
2.5. Academic Records
2.6. Proof of Financial Resources
2.7. Others
4. Noted items 22
4.1. Tuition Fee
4.2. Scholarship for International Students
1. Outline of Admissions for New International Students
1.1. Important Notes
► Notes Regarding Internet Application Submission
▪ Please check your eligibility (qualifications – nationality, academic background, language proficiency, etc.) before you apply for our
▪ Application to Graduate School is only available through online (Uwayapply).
▪ Submission is fully completed when all processes including membership registration, drafting of application, and payment of
application fee are done at UWAY website (www.uwayapply.com) before the internet application deadline.
▪ Payment options for the application fee are account transfer or credit card; certain credit cards may not work for some countries, so
be sure to check whether your card is available or not.
▪ All communication concerning application will be made via e-mail. Before submitting your application, please check if you have
entered your correct e-mail address. Please keep in mind that you will be held responsible for any disadvantages if you enter an
incorrect e-mail address.
▪ In addition to e-mail, please enter exact information (phone number, home address, etc.).
▪ After the application deadline, you will not be able to change or cancel your application nor receive a refund of the application fee.
▪ If false information is found on your application or if your academic background proves to be insufficient (i.e., completion of
unaccredited university in the corresponding country), admission will be revoked regardless of your academic status (before or
after admission, including graduation).
► Please read carefully the above content as well as the notes for each section before applying to KU. In case issues not described in
the application guideline arise, they will be resolved by the Admissions Committee of the KU Graduate School.
Interview / Students
Document Announcement
E-mail Submission
Online Verification
1.3. General Admissions Outline
APPLICATION September 19, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. – October 6, 2022 at 5 p.m.
(ONLINE) ▪ All prospective students should apply online. The link to online application is www.uwayapply.com
October 13, 2022 at 2 p.m. and onwards
APPLICANT’S E-MAIL VERIFICATION ▪ Once you complete the online application, we will send a verification message to the applicant’s e-mail in the
(IMPORTANT) application system. If you DO NOT receive an e-mail from us, please send your correct e-mail address to
iadmissions@konkuk.ac.kr. (If you receive the e-mail, you don’t have to e-mail us.)
September 19, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. – October 7, 2022 at 5 p.m.
*Application materials should be arrived to our office by October 7, 2022.
▪ After completing the online application, all applicants should submit the required documents along with a hard
copy of the application (i.e., printout) to the Office of International Affairs.
▪ It is recommended to submit your application materials via post.
▪ Mock exam: October 27, 2022 at 18:00~19:30
Korean Language Test
▪ Exam: October 28, 2022 at 14:00~
by Konkuk Language Institute
※Please read page 5 carefully.
▪ All departments will assess the applicants based on their submitted documents and select accordingly.
▪ Some programs, such as art-related majors, may require an additional interview and/or a performance assessment.
November 11, 2022 or November 12, 2022
▪ Interview locations and times for each department will be announced in the department you are applying for in
the future.
▪ Some departments will require you to bring additional materials or portfolios on the day of the interview.
▪ Interviews are skipped for departments that do not have an interview notice in advance
December 6, 2022 at 4 p.m.
▪ A list of admitted students will be announced online on our website(http://ciss.konkuk.ac.kr/).
▪ Please note that individual notifications will not be made.
In January, 2023 (expected)
▪ Make Full tuition payment, through Shinhan Bank (Korea)
▪ Basically, overseas remittance is not possible, but it may be possible for certain Shinhan Bank branches overseas.
Please consult with the branch near you to find out if this option is available.
ON-CAMPUS HOUSING In January, 2023 (Schedule will be announced on KU:L HOUSE website later.)
(DORMITORY) APPICATION ▪ Please refer to the KU:L HOUSE’s English/Chinese website (http://kulhouse.konkuk.ac.kr)
* This schedule is subject to change and announcements will be relayed via e-mail in case changes occur.
* Basically, all announcements will be delivered via e-mail.
1.4. Quota & Eligibility
▶ A limited number of students are admitted to each department and program.
▪ The applicant must meet one of the following language proficiency requirements.
- TOPIK (Korean language proficiency test) Level 3 or higher
- Completed Korean language level 3 or higher at Konkuk University(Seoul) Language Institute
- A certain level of official test of English language proficiency (required)
(Minimum of TOEFL PBT 550, CBT 210, iBT 80 / IELTS 5.5 / TEPS 550)
- Korean Language Test by Konkuk Language Institute Level 3 or higher
* If an applicant can speak only English and no Korean, you must consult with the
department before the application is processed to check whether it is possible to study in
English or not. If possible, please submit the ‘Admission Agreement for Non-Korean
Speakers(KUGRD-P6)’ with your transcript of the official test of English language
LANGUAGE proficiency.
REQUISITE ▪ In case an applicant does not hold any language certificates (applicable to all divisions):
With the study permit and recommendation (KUGRD-P5) and the admission agreement for Non-
Korean speakers(KUGRD-P6) by a KU professor of the respective department or program, the
applicant can be exempted from the language proficiency requirement above mentioned for a
certain period at the entrance stage. *KUGRD-P5&P6 standard form should be filled out and
signed by KU Professor & Head Professor. Students admitted with study permit and
recommendation need to supplement with S-TOPIK level 4(or higher) or an acceptable
English language proficiency test score above mentioned for graduation.
▪ Please note that without a Korean(or English) language proficiency test result, it is not
possible to get international students’ scholarships in the first semester.
▪ Please check remarks in ‘1.5 Departments & Programs’ if you apply for departments below.
- Korean Language & Literature / International Commerce & Business / Stem Cell &
Regenerative Biotechnology / Clothing / KONKUK-KIST Biomedical Science & Technology /
Advanced Translational Medicine / Architecture / Biological Engineering / Cosmetics
Engineering / Moving Image / Medicine / Veterinary Medicine / Literature and Arts
<Korean Language Test by Konkuk Language Institute>
※ Please read our cautions regarding our Korean Language Test by Konkuk Language Institute
carefully. We shall not be held responsible for any problems if applicants do not check notices.
1.5. Departments & Programs
Real Estate Finance & Investment O O
Real Estate Management O O
Real Estate Construction & Development O O
Consumer Information O O
Consumer Information Science
Consumer Retailing Service O O
Entrepreneurial of Industry Fusion O O
Advanced Industry Fusion Venture Management Engineering O O
Technology Commercialization O O
Urban regeneration O O
Urban Regeneration Urban and regional planning X O
Urban engineering O O
Vocational Education and Training O O
Employment Relations
Employment Service Management O O
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering O O
Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering O O
Electric Machinery & Power Electronics O O
Electrical Engineering Control & Biomedical Engineering O O
Energy System Engineering O O
Electronic Materials & Sensor O O
Electronic Info. & Comm. Engineering Electronic Information & Communication Engineering O O
Organic & Nano System Engineering Organic & Nano System Engineering O O
Cellular & Molecular Medicine O O Applicants should contact
the department and your
Medicine Neuroscience O O
advisor (professor) should
Anatomy O O be decided in advance.
Infection & Immunology O O
Molecular Genetics & Pathology O O
Social Medicine O O
Tumor Biology O O
Clinical Science O O
Metabolism & Aging O O
Advanced Translational Medicine O O
Translational Stem cell Medicine O O
Veterinary Anatomy & Cell Biology O O
Veterinary Physiology O O
Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology O O
Veterinary Pathology O O
Veterinary Microbiology & Infectious Disease O O
Applicants should contact
Veterinary Public Health O O the department and your
Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Theriogenology & Animal Reproductive advisor (professor) in
O O advance.
Veterinary Internal Medicine O O
Veterinary Surgery O O
Veterinary Biomedicine O O
Veterinary Medical Imaging O O
Laboratory Animal Medicine O O
National Security and Disaster Integrated Major in National Security and Industrial Security O O
Management Disaster Safety Management O O
Human Image Human Image O O
Data Science Data Science O X
Literature Therapy O O Applicants should have
Literature and Art Psychotherapy Korean language ability
Art Therapy O O over level 3.
※ After the deadline of application, it is not possible to change your selection of department & major.
1.6. Admissions Process & Application Fees
▪ Have an Interview
▪ MA Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate degree certificate, and Academic transcript should
Management of Technology be submitted
▪ PhD Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate and Master’s degree certificate, and Academic
transcript should be submitted
▪ Have an Interview
▪ MA Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate degree certificate, and Academic transcript should
Urban Regeneration be submitted
▪ PhD Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate and Master’s degree certificate, and Academic
transcript should be submitted
▪ Have an Interview
Design ▪ MA Program: Portfolio and Research Plan should be submitted
▪ PhD Program: Portfolio, Research Plan, and MA Degree Thesis should all be submitted
▪ Have an Interview
▪ MA Program: Portfolio, Research Plan, Undergraduate degree certificate, and Academic
Living Design transcript should be submitted
▪ PhD Program: Portfolio, Research Plan, Undergraduate and Master’s degree certificate, and
Academic transcript should be submitted
▪ Have an Interview
▪ MA Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate degree certificate, and Academic transcript should
Literature and Art be submitted
▪ PhD Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate and Master’s degree certificate, and Academic
transcript should be submitted
▪ Have an Interview
▪ MA Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate degree certificate, and Academic transcript should
Bio & Healing Convergence be submitted
▪ PhD Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate and Master’s degree certificate, and Academic
transcript should be submitted
▪ Have an Interview
▪ MA Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate degree certificate, and Academic transcript should
Biological Science be submitted
▪ PhD Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate and Master’s degree certificate, and Academic
transcript should be submitted
▪ Have an Interview
▪ MA Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate degree certificate, and Academic transcript should
Mathematics be submitted
▪ PhD Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate and Master’s degree certificate, and Academic
transcript should be submitted
▪ Have an Interview
▪ MA Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate degree certificate, and Academic transcript should
Sports Medicine and Science be submitted
▪ PhD Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate and Master’s degree certificate, and Academic
transcript should be submitted
▪ Have an Interview
▪ MA Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate degree certificate, and Academic transcript should
Food Marketing & Safety be submitted
▪ PhD Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate and Master’s degree certificate, and Academic
transcript should be submitted
▪ A performance assessment will be conducted.
Applicants should record the test subject song on the DVD or USB (video / audio recording) and
submit it together with the application document. Then, the webcam interview will be conducted
on the actual test date or on a separate date.
▪ Have an Interview
▪ MA Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate degree certificate, and Academic transcript should
Philosophy be submitted
▪ PhD Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate and Master’s degree certificate, and Academic
transcript should be submitted
▪ Have an Interview
▪ MA Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate degree certificate, and Academic transcript should
Physical Education be submitted
▪ PhD Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate and Master’s degree certificate, and Academic
transcript should be submitted
▪ Have an Interview
▪ MA Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate degree certificate, and Academic transcript should
Food Science & Biotechnology
be submitted
of Animal Resources
▪ PhD Program: Research Plan, Undergraduate and Master’s degree certificate, and Academic
transcript should be submitted
▪ Have an Interview
▪ Portfolio Submission-Should be consisted of 10 images or representative examples of your art
- Painting: A4-sized photographic reproduction (title, medium, size, and the date of completion
Contemporary for each work should be stated)
Art - Sculpture & Installation: A4-sized photographic reproduction (title, medium, size, and the date
of completion for each work should be stated)
- Media Art: A4-sized images (time-based work may be submitted in video format files contained
in a CD, and title, medium, size, and the date of completion for each work should be included)
▪ Research Plan – 1 page, A4-sized
* Persons applying to the Arts Division should contact the corresponding departments for further details.
▶ Every applicant should pay relevant fees upon application (foreign resident may make a payment by credit card only.)
2. Required Documents
2.1. Required Documents - Precautions
▶ The application materials required by the KU Graduate School can be categorized as follows.
FAMILY RELATIONSHIP RECORD(Family Relations Certificate) Issued within 6 Months from the beginning date of online application
2.2. Required Documents – Checklist
*Please make sure to submit 2 Set in total for each order (1 Set for application, 1 Set for evaluation)
NOTES Material Type
CATEGORY Application Evaluation
Materials Material
Completed Application Form (can be printed out at the application website) 1 Original 1 Copy
Personal Statement
1 Original 1 Copy
(Use KUGRD-B1 standard form / should be written in English or Korean only)
Study and Research Proposal
1 Original 1 Copy
(Use KUGRD-B2 standard form / should be written in English or Korean only)
BASIC One Recommendation Letter from a full-time faculty member from your former college or university
REQUIRED 1 Original 1 Copy
(You can use our KUGRD-B3 or free template)
Consent Form to Release Personal Information
1 Original 1 Copy
(Use KUGRD-A2 standard form / should be written and signed by applicant)
Consent Form to Release Academic Information
1 Original 1 Copy
(Use KUGRD-A1 standard form / should be written and signed by applicant)
Application Slip of the 84th TOPIK *If you applied for the 81th TOPIK, please submit the slip. 1 Original
Official Family Relationship Record issued by the government of the applicant’s country 1 Original
Applicant’s Identification Card & Parents’ Identification Card 1 Copy
Applicant’s Alien Registration Card 1 Copy
Parents’ Certificate of divorce or death 1 Original
Chinese students should submit all general documents along with Online Verification Report of Higher
Education Degree Certificate (Please refer to CHSI for more details), instead of Apostille or 1 Original 1 Copy
(ADDITIONAL) confirmation from the Korean Consulate.
FINANCIAL If you get financial support by yourself or your parents, please submit documents of case 1 only.
CASE 1 1. Affidavit of Support (Use KUGRD-F1 standard form) 1 Original
2. Bank statement of a minimum deposit of 20,000 USD (issued in English or Korean)
*Please read ‘2.6. Proof of Financial Resources’ carefully.
If you studied Korean at a language institute in Korea, please submit the certificate. 1 Original 1 Copy
If you transferred school, please submit your graduation certificate and transcript of your former school. 1 Copy 1 Copy
*If your former school is located in a foreign country, your graduation certificate and transcript should be translated to
English and notarized as well.
If you studied in Korea as an exchange student, please submit the official academic transcript. 1 Copy 1 Copy
If you have working experience, please submit the certificate of employment. 1 Copy
For a person who has completed all
-Graduation certificate and transcript from elementary school to high school
levels of education equivalent to
*If documents are not written in Korean or English, it is mandatory to translate them to English and
elementary, junior high, high school, 1 Original 1 Copy
notarize them.
and undergraduate school in a foreign
country -Certificate of Entry and Departure Record
► Applicant must sign the documents No. 1, 2, 3, and 5, 6.
► Please type (using a computer) your Personal Statement and Study & Research Proposal using the designated forms.
► For recommendation from a faculty (of your degree program), the personal information and signature (or seal) of the
recommender (affiliation, contact, etc.) must be included. He/she may submit his/her name card as an attachment.
► If applicant’s final degree was obtained at Konkuk University (undergraduate or graduate school), applicant is exempted
from submitting a recommendation letter from a faculty.
► For the Consent Form to Release Personal Information, submit only one copy (Korean or English).
Official record proving parent-child relationship issued by the government office of the
1. Official Family Relationship Record
applicant’s country of origin
Required Materials
A photocopy of both front and back of applicant’s and parents’ ID cards issued in the
respective country (or countries) of origin
2. ID Card of Applicant and Parents
Not required to obtain translation copy or notarization (It is possible to check through
the Official Family Relationship Record.)
Additional submission applicable to only applicants possessing ARC (i.e., long-term residents
*. Applicant’s Alien Registration Card (ARC) in Korea)
Photocopy both front and back of currently valid ARC
Optional Materials
► Only those materials notarized by the institution authorized by the government of applicant’s country are accepted.
► The documents requiring notarization, as listed above, need to be translated into English.
► If certain documents cannot be issued due to the circumstances of the country, it is possible to replace with similar
documents (e.g., Birth Certificate).
► For Chinese nationals, a photocopy of the applicant’s and parents’ Hukoubu need to be additionally submitted.
1. Certificate of Graduation Submit certificate of graduation (or proof of expected graduation) of undergraduate or
2. Academic Transcript Submit academic transcript of undergraduate or graduate school
Applicants to doctoral programs need to submit additionally; if previous universities are not
of Undergraduate Program domestic (i.e., Korean), Degree certificate (apostille) and Transcript (notarized or original
(including documents from universities copy in English) must be submitted (※ Exempted for Konkuk master degree-holding
applicants applying to the same doctoral program)
prior to transfer)
*. Study Permit – Recommendation
In the absence of an official language proficiency test, it is possible to substitute with
Form(KUGRD-P5), Admission Agreement
Recommendation Form(KUGRD-P5) and Admission Agreement for Non-Korean
for Non-Korean Speakers(KUGRD-P6)
Speakers(KUGRD-P6) by the prospective academic advisor of applicant’s degree program at
(Written by applicant’s prospective KU * Note: Fulfillment of language proficiency test score is required for graduation
academic advisor (faculty) at Konkuk
► Graduates-to-be of domestic universities (graduate schools) must submit the original copy of proof of expected
graduation at the time of application(September or October); then, the official certificate of graduation (degree)
and final academic transcript (original) by February 24, 2023 to the Office of International Affairs.
► The translated versions of the above optional documents for submission must include the translator’s name,
signature, and contact information.
2.5.2. List of Documents for Applicants with Degree (or Graduates-to-be) from Overseas Universities
Cat. Name of Document Note
1-1. Degree (Graduation) Certificate [OR]
in English)
2. Notarized Academic Transcript
(or original copy in English)
3. Transcript of Official Language
Transcript of S-TOPIK and/or TOEFL, IELTS, TEPS
Proficiency Test
4. Consent Form to Release Academic Use the standard form (KUGRD-A1)
Information (Students from Chinese universities also need to fill it out)
Applicable to students who had transferred
(※ Exempted for Konkuk undergraduate degree-holding applicants applying to the same
* Academic Transcript of University before
master’s program)
If academic transcript is not in Korean or English, a translated version (in Korean or English)
must be also submitted
Optional Materials
Only applicable for Korean nationals who completed all elementary, middle, and high
Additional Required 1. Academic Transcript of elementary, middle,
school education in a foreign (non-Korean) country
and high schools; and Certificate of
To be submitted after receiving notarization from a notarial services institution of the country
where institution is located
Only applicable for Korean nationals who completed all elementary, middle, and high
2. Certificate of Entry/Departure Record school education outside of Korea (Korean nationals abroad)
Period of residence from elementary school to university (graduate school) must be proven
► Degree certificate of overseas universities or graduate schools must be accompanied by a certificate of Apostille (if a
country with apostille agreement) or the Korean Consulate’s confirmation document (if not a country with apostille
agreement). (For the convenience of students residing in Korea, documents certified as true by the embassy of the
applicant’s country in Korea are recognized as the equivalent of the above certifications. However, certification of only
translated materials will not be accepted.
► For applicants expecting graduation, locally notarized proof of expected graduation (documents in English must be
notarized as well) and notarized academic transcript(or original copy in English) are to be submitted at the time of
application; the final degree certificate and academic transcript must be additionally submitted by February 24, 2023.
► The translated versions of the above optional documents for submission must include the translator’s name, signature,
and contact information.
► Applicants with degrees from Chinese universities must submit an Online Verification Report of Higher Education
Degree Certificate(CHSI), instead of a Korean Consulate confirmation. Even if a Korean Consulate’s confirmation has
already been received, your degree certificate issued by CHSI is required (mandatory).
► The guarantor of the Affidavit of Support must be one of the two parents and signed by the guarantor himself/herself.
(Even if the owner of the account used for Proof of Bank Balance is the applicant, a parent is required to be the financial
► According to the circumstances, applicant may be requested to submit additional information on parent’s employment
status and proof of income.
► Proof of Bank Balance must be issued in the applicant’s or parent’s name. Please fix your deposit and the duration of
fixed period should be over six months. (In case of Korean Bank, it is not compulsory to fix the deposit period, but,
it must be issued after September 19, 2022 (including September 19) and if the applicant resides abroad, he/she
still needs to fix the deposit period over six months.)
► Please note that if deposit period or amount is insufficient according to KU standards, the application may be excluded
from the admissions evaluation.
► Basically, Proof of Bank Balance other than the parent’s or applicant’s cannot be accepted.
► For exceptional cases, the standard for financial support may be adjusted considering the applicant’s situation.
Professor Total amount to be supported: 20,000 USD or more annually (including tuition)
► Professors can support only one international student financially. Please check it with your professor before you submit
your application. If you cannot get financial support from your professor, please prepare financial documents based on
‘2.6.1.If financially supported by parents’.
► The required documents above are requested based on the financial capability criteria for visa issuance stipulated by the
Korean Ministry of Justice; the documents will be reviewed during the visa issuance by the local diplomatic office (Korean
► Please note that direct requests of supplementary documents (e.g., academic advisor’s proof of personal bank balance,
etc.) are recently on the rise, due to the varying standards for visa review in the Korean Consulates in different countries.
► All “standard forms” mentioned above can be downloaded at the “Graduate School Admissions” page on the Office of
International Affairs website.
► “Financial Support Plans Form by KU Professor” must be signed by both the professor and applicant in their own
▪ However, if the applicant lives abroad, it is acceptable to submit the form after his/her arrival in Korea (or after the
semester starts).
► Faculty’s financial support documents should also be submitted to the Office of International Affairs within the deadline
of application material submission.
2.7. Others
► If there is a gap between the time of graduation (after undergraduate and/or master’s) and application, the additional
documents below are required for submission.
Cat. Name of Document Note
* Certificate of Enrollment (Completion) at Submit certificate including attendance information if an applicant is/has enrolled in
Language Institute language institute
Submit if applicant was an exchange student
* Transcript of Exchange Student Program
Submit in Korean or English version
► The documents above are required for submission if applicable to applicant; if so, they become required documents.
► The documents above will be referred to during document review; make sure to submit all documents.
► The translated versions of the above optional documents for submission must include the translator’s name, signature,
and contact information.
Guardian’s Information
▪ Type name, relationship, and contact information accurately.
Emergency contact Info
▪ Select items for overseas study expenses.
▪ Select Yes/No according to whether applicant is taking language program in Korea.
Other Items
▪ Select level according to level achieved for TOPIK.
▪ Select type of test and type in score according to applicant’s score achieved.
▪ Upload applicant’s identification photo (3.5㎝ x 4.5㎝). (Taken within the past three months; self-shots (“selfies”)
Photo Upload
not allowed.)
[Confirmation of Application]
▶ Please check your application once more for its accuracy.
[Payment of Application Fee]
▶ To complete the application submission process, application fee needs to be paid before the deadline.
* For overseas residents, the only payment option is credit card, thus securing a card usable online is required.
[Confirm Application Printout]
▶ Upon application fee payment, application will be submitted and an examinee number provided. (Check your
examinee slip and number.)
* Applications submitted by mail may take at least 2-3 days or more than one iadmissions@konkuk.ac.kr
week until final review.
* Submission by mail entails the risk of losing your documents; applicant will be
held responsible for all disadvantages resulting from the loss
우편번호 05029
서울특별시 광진구 능동로 120
건국대학교 법학관 105호 국제처 외국인학생센터
대학원 외국인 입학 담당자
Center for International Student Services,
(105, Law School Bldg.) Office of International Affairs,
Konkuk University
120 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, 05029, Republic of Korea
* In case all documents are not submitted within our deadline, the applicant will be excluded from the admissions process .
3.3. Evaluation of Application Materials
▶ All arts and physical division applicants need to take an interview and/or performance assessment; thus, it is
necessary to check the details through the Office of International Affairs website.
▶ If an interview and/or performance assessment are/is scheduled, the applicant must arrive at the announced
waiting spot 10 minutes before the designated interview and/or performance assessment schedules. Also, the
applicant must bring his/her ID (passport or alien registration card) and portfolios and/or other documents
for the interview and/or performance assessment.
▶ For all other division (department) applicants, an additional phone interview can take place and depending
on the department.
4. Noted items
4.1. Tuition Fee
▶ The tuition varies according to each department and major.
HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES 1,015,000 KRW 5,057,000 KRW 6,072,000 KRW
Educational Technology
6,066,000 KRW 7,081,000 KRW
Advanced Industry Fusion
1,015,000 KRW 6,066,000 KRW 7,081,000 KRW
* The above fees are for 2022 FALL and are adjustable.
* After the tuition fee for 2023 is decided, you may need to pay the additional fees(or we may refund the
remaining fees).
4.2. Scholarship for International Students
▶ This is our guideline for international students (Graduate School).
▪ TOPIK Level 6
▪ English Language Proficiency Test Score 50% of tuition
New General TOEFL (PBT550, CBT210, iBT80), IELTS 5.5, TEPS 550 and higher
One of the Two
▪ TOPIK Level 3 ~ 5 30% of tuition Conditions should
▪ TOPIK Level 3 be met
(1st Sem.)
Science ▪ English Language Proficiency Test Score 50% of tuition
TOEFL (PBT550, CBT210, iBT80), IELTS 5.5, TEPS 550 and higher
▪ Grade Point Average of Last Semester 4.25 and higher 50% of tuition
General ▪ Grade Point Average of Last Semester 3.50 ~ 4.24 30% of tuition
Students No scholarship will
Scholarship ▪ Grade Point Average of Last Semester below 3.50 0% be provided after
(2nd~4th 4th semester
▪ Grade Point Average of Last Semester 3.50 and higher 50% of tuition
▪ Grade Point Average of Last Semester below 3.50 0%
*Regarding Enrolled student scholarship (2nd ~ 4th semester), if the number of selected students is over
assigned budget, we will select students who get higher grades.
* Scholarship for new foreign students is based on the language grade submitted time of application
* Among the students (Science Department) who have been admitted as a recommended instructor, the scholarship
will be awarded based on the language report card issued within May 31(1st semester entrance) and November
30(2nd semester entrance).
* The students (General Department) who have been admitted as a recommended instructor, the scholarship will
not be awarded.
5. Campus Map & Contact Information of the Graduate School
Center for International Student Services,
(105, Law School Bldg.) Office of International Affairs, Konkuk University
120 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 05029 Republic of Korea
Admissions Officer
Center for International Student Services: http://ciss.konkuk.ac.kr/
KU Graduate School: http://grad.konkuk.ac.kr
Admissions Officer: iadmissions@konkuk.ac.kr
TEL: +82-2-2049-6204 / FAX: +82-2-2049-6214
6. Contact Information of Department Offices
Affiliate Department Phone Place
Comparative Study of Chinese-Korean Language & Literature 02-450-3372 Liberal Arts Building #109
Stem Cell & Regenerative Biotechnology 02-450-3667 Life Science Building #209
KONKUK-KIST Biomedical Science & Technology 02-2049-6023 Biomedical Science Building #605
Food Science & Biotechnology of Animal Resources 02-450-3676 Animal Science Building #202
Chemical Engineering 02-450-3504
ARTS & PHYSICAL Contemporary Art 02-450-0590 Art & Design Building #404
Culture Contents & Communication Liberal Arts Building #110
INTEGRATED COURSES Security & Disaster Management 02-450-4183 Sanghuh Hall #501
Appendix1. List of Application-related Forms
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