150 40S Be 0716
150 40S Be 0716
150 40S Be 0716
In our day to day life there is an increase in the consumption of energy due to this rate of
consumption of energy is increasing, with the decrease in the renewable energy resources. With
the high usage of fossil fuels like petroleum, coal, etc, various environmental problem like
pollution. Ozone layer depletion, global warming are available/renewable energy resource like
solar, wind we can overcome electricity demand and also environmental problems Our aim is to
introduce the portable refrigerator using peltier module with solar energy as supply which
overcomes the disadvantages of existing refrigerator with increase in population and
environment degradation there is an alarming rate for thermoelectric couple system have come to
rescue as these are environmental friendly, affordable and compact in size.
The objective of this project is to develop a proto type of an air to air heat pump, where peltier
elements are build into PV panel for pre-cooling as refrigerator , and evaluate it from an
economic perspective.
The main principle behind this refrigerator is peltier effect, Peltier module uses Peltier
effect to create a heat flux between the junction of two different types of material. The principle
of Peltier effect is when DC current flows through the device, it brings heat from one side to
other, so that one side gets cooled while other side gets hotter. Radiator are heat exchangers
used to transfer thermal energy from one medium to another for the purpose of cooling. The
feedback of Peltier module is connected to Arduino. Arduino used here is ATMEL ATMEGA
328. The ATMEL 8-bit AVR RISC based microcontroller combines 32KB ISP flash with 28
pins. Arduino uno is programmed with arduino software. Temperature sensor is connected to
arduino whose output voltage varies linearly with change in temperature. Arduino is connected
to GSM module and LCD display. GSM module used is SIM 900 which operates at 900 MH. It
is used to send and receive message. LCD display is used to display temperature and voltage.
A good thermoelectric cooling design is achieved using a TEC, which is solid state
electrically driven heat exchanger. This depends on the polarity of the applied voltage. When
TEC is used for cooling, it absorbs heat from the surface to be cooled and transfers the energy by
conduction to the finned or liquid heat exchanger, which ultimately dissipates the waste heat to
the surrounding ambient air by means of convection.
We have achieved an ambient temperature to reduce upto 0 degree with temperature variation
within the TEC is less than 1 degree as this was prototype sample with improvement in
prototyping we can achieve even lower temperature.
While no one cooling method is ideal in all respects and the use of a thermoelectric cooling
system will not be suitable for every application, thermoelectric air conditioners will often
provide substantial benefits over alternative technologies.
The use of thermoelectric refrigerator often provides solutions to many complex cooling
problems where a low to moderate amount of heat must be handled in a harsh environment.
They can cool enclosures to temperatures below ambient conditions while producing little noise
and vibration. Featuring reliability and a long life span coupled with flexible input power
requirements and mounting arrangements, thermoelectric air conditioners offer significant
advantages over conventional cooling methods. In addition, they are ideal solutions for
applications where the cooling system must be portable or subjected to motion. In this proto type
the cooling can b obtained to 5oc in 38 mins. In future the time can reduced, evn temperature can
be reduced corresponding to time.
Arjun kumar G.B arjungb@gmail.com 98446 24142