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Mark Scheme standardisation

November 2021

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in

Business 4BS1

Paper 02: Investigating large businesses

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November 2021
Question Paper Log number 66475
Publications Code 4BS1_02_2111_MS
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2021

General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the
first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.

• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded

for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised for omissions.

• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to

their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.

• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should

be used appropriately.

• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners
should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the
mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if
the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according to the mark

• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the

principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be

• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme
to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be consulted.

• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it
with an alternative response.

• Mark schemes will indicate within the table where, and which strands of
QWC, are being assessed. The strands are as follows:

i) ensure that text is legible and that spelling, punctuation and grammar
are accurate so that meaning is clear
ii) select and use a form and style of writing appropriate to purpose and to
complex subject matter
iii) organise information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary
when appropriate.

Question Which one of the following is an advantage of Mark

Number primary market research?


1 (a) (i) AO1 - 1 mark

A – It is a more up to date method of research

B – is incorrect as it is very time-consuming

C – is incorrect as it is more expensive
D – is incorrect as it is carried out by a variety of
people not just agencies (1)

Question Which one of the following is a financial Mark

Number objective?


1 (a) (ii) AO1 - 1 mark

B – Market share

A – is incorrect as personal satisfaction is not

C – is incorrect as independence is not financial
D – is incorrect as control is not financial (1)

Question Which one of the following is the total revenue Mark

Number for a day?


1 (a) (iii) AO2 - 1 mark

C – £2 400

A – is incorrect as £600 is the fixed cost

B – is incorrect as £1 800 is £600 x £3.00
D – is incorrect as £600 x £12.00 (1)

Question Which one of the following would be a Mark

Number disadvantage for a partner in a partnership?


1 (a) (iv) AO1 - 1 mark

B – Liability for all debts

A – is incorrect as sharing the workload is a

C – is incorrect as access to more capital is a
D – is incorrect as sharing skills is a benefit (1)

Question What would be the brand value in 2019? Mark


1 (a) (v) AO2 - 1 mark

C – $8.66 billion

A – is incorrect as 6.20 is 14/10 = 1.4 7.6 – 1.4

= 6.2
B – is incorrect as 7.74 is 7.6 plus .14
D – is incorrect as 10.64 is 76 x .14 (1)

Question Which one of the following is a source of long- Mark

Number term finance?


1 (a) (vi) AO1 - 1 mark

D – Bank loan

A – is incorrect as an overdraft is short term

B – is incorrect as sales revenue is funds made
from sales
C 0 is incorrect as a bank loan is not long term
finance. (1)

Question Define the term sole trader. Mark


1 (b) AO1 - 1 mark

Award 1 mark for a correct definition of sole


• A business owned exclusively by one

person (1) (1)

Question Define the term demographics. Mark


1 (c) AO1 - 1 mark

Award 1 mark for a correct definition of


• A particular section of the population (1) (1)

Question State one reason why Huawei may Mark

Number use share capital as a source of


1 (d) A02 - 1 mark

Award 1 mark for a valid reason of using share

capital in the context of the business.

• Huawei does not have to pay the funds

back it can use the money to pay the
salaries of the smartphone designers (1)
• Huawei can use the money raised as it
wishes such as investing in new
technology (1)

Accept any other appropriate response.


Question Calculate, to two decimal Additional guidance Mark

Number places, the operating
profit margin for Huawei.


1 (e) A02 - 2 marks

= 73 287 ÷ 721 202 x Award 1 mark for

100 (1) correctly substituting
numbers into formula.
= 10.16 (1)
Award full marks for
correct numerical
answer without
working. (2)

Question Explain one advantage for a business Mark

Number of using sponsorship.


1 (f) A01 - 3 marks

Award 1 mark for identification of an advantage

of a business of using sponsorship, plus 2 further
marks for explaining the reason, for a maximum
of 3 marks.

• By sponsoring an event the business will

gain publicity (1) the event could be
local, national or global (1) this would
mean the business would cover a wide
spectrum of people (1)

• By sponsoring an event brand awareness

will be increased (1) this could encourage
followers of the event to consider
purchasing from the business (1) leading
to increased revenue/profits (1)

NB Answers that list three advantages with no

explanation will get 1 mark only.

Accept any other appropriate response. (3)

Question Analyse the benefits of Huawei of locating its factories Mark

Number near to its labour sources.

Indicative content

1 (g) AO2 = 3 marks AO3 = 3 marks


• By locating a factory in an area where there is

a skilled labour force it could reduce training
• Huawei may need certain skills to operate
manufacturing machinery for its products e.g.

• The money saved could then be used for other
purposes within Huawei
• If those skills are available the factory may
become more productive and efficient in
manufacturing smartphones (6)

Level Mark Descriptor

0 No rewardable material.
Level 1 1–2 • Limited application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context (AO2).
• Attempts to deconstruct business
information and/or issues, finding limited
connections between points (AO3).
Level 2 3–4 • Sound application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context although
there may be some inconsistencies (AO2).
• Deconstructs business information and/or
issues, finding interconnected points with
chains of reasoning, although there may be
some logical inconsistencies (AO3).
Level 3 5–6 • Detailed application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context throughout
• Deconstructs business information and/or
issues, finding detailed interconnected
points with logical chains of reasoning

Question State one possible reason why Huawei pays its Mark
Number employees in the UK above the minimum wage.


2 (a) A02 - 1 mark

Award 1 mark for a valid reason for Huawei

paying its employees above the minimum wage
in the context of the business.

• Employees are more likely to stay with

Huawei and not move to a competitor
such as Samsung to earn additional
money (1)
• Employees are less likely to take time off
from making smartphones if they are paid
well and will stay more committed to
Huawei (1)

Accept any other appropriate response. (1)

Question State one possible reason why Huawei would Mark

Number want to keep its customers loyal to its brand.


2 (b) A02 - 1 mark

Award 1 mark for a valid reason why Huawei

would want to keep its customers loyal in the
context of the business.

• Loyal customers will return to Huawei

when they need to upgrade their
smartphones (1)
• Huawei want its customers to return and
purchase other products such as its tablets

Accept any other appropriate response.


Question Explain one reason why having good public Mark

Number relations is important to a business.


2 (c) A01 - 3 marks

Award 1 mark why good public relations is

important to a business, plus 2 further marks for
explaining the reason, for a maximum of 3

• By a business having good public relations

means it is likely to improve its brand
image (1). This could lead to increased
sales and (1) overall profitability (1)

NB No marks are awarded for a definition.

Answers that list three reasons why good public
relations are important to a business with no
explanation will get 1 mark only.

Accept any other appropriate response. (3)

Question Explain one benefit of being a multinational Mark

Number business.

2 (d) A01 - 3 marks

Award 1 mark for a benefit of being a

multinational business, plus 2 further marks for
explaining this reason, for a maximum of 3

• Multinationals operate globally (1). So, if

the sales are low in one country this can
be offset by high sales in another country
(1) thus, thereby spreading the risk for
the business (1)

NB Answers that list three reasons with no

explanation will get 1 mark only.

Accept any other appropriate response. (3)

Question Explain one reason why secondary research Mark

Number would be used by a business.


2 (e) A01 - 3 marks

Award 1 mark for a reason why secondary

research would be of interest to a business, plus
2 further marks for explaining why it would be of
interest to a business, for a maximum of 3

• Secondary research already exists and is

available (1) this can save a business a
great deal of time and effort in collecting
such information (1). The information can
then be used to help the business to
further develop its products or gain
information on other businesses (1)

NB Answers that list three reasons with no

explanation will get a maximum of 1 mark.

Accept any other appropriate response. (3)

Question Option 1: financial Mark

Option 2: non-financial.

Indicative content

2 (f) AO2 = 3 marks AO3 = 3 marks

AO4 = 3 marks

• Option 1 – By offering financial methods
to its employees such as bonus payments,
piece rates, employees will remain
• Option 2 – If Huawei offers non-financial
benefits such as job enrichment
employees are more likely to enjoy
working at the Huawei and feel motivated

• Option 1 – Employees are more likely to
stay with Huawei than move to another
• Option 2 – Employees will gain new skills
and feel valued by Huawei, which may
help them gain promotion such as
becoming a supervisor of a group of staff
assembling tablets or watches

• Option 1 – However, employees may not
be interested in bonus payments if they
are assembling tablets and they do not
meet the targets set therefore not getting
the additional wage
• Option 2 – However, not all employees
are motivated by non-financial methods of
motivation such as job enrichment, they
may prefer to remain producing
smartphones and would prefer to have
additional wages in their payslips so that
they can pay their bills (9)

Level Mark Descriptor

0 No rewardable material.
Level 1 1–3 • Limited application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context (AO2).
• Attempts to deconstruct business
information and/or issues, finding
limited connections between points
• Makes a judgement, providing a simple
justification based on limited evaluation
of business information and issues
relevant to the choice made (AO4).
Level 2 4–6 • Sound application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context although
there may be some inconsistencies
• Deconstructs business information
and/or issues, finding interconnected
points with chains of reasoning,
although there may be some logical
inconsistencies (AO3).
• Makes a judgement, providing a
justification based on sound evaluation
of business information and issues
relevant to the choice made (AO4).
Level 3 7–9 • Detailed application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context
throughout (AO2).
• Deconstructs business information
and/or issues, finding detailed
interconnected points with logical chains
of reasoning (AO3).
• Makes a judgement, providing a clear
justification based on a thorough
evaluation of business information and
issues relevant to the choice made

Question Define the term revenue. Mark


3 (a) A01 - 1 mark

Award 1 mark for a correct definition of revenue.

• Income from the sale of goods and (1)

services (1)

Question Outline one reason why Huawei would use Mark

Number robotics in the production of its products.


3 (b) A02 - 2 marks

Award 1 mark for identifying a reason why

Huawei would use robotics, plus 1 further mark
for linking it to the context of the question.

• Huawei could use robots to produce its

smartphones because they are quicker
and more accurate than employees (1)
Robots do not need a break and can work
24/7 (1)

NB Do not accept a reason that is not in the

context of Huawei.
Accept any other appropriate response.

Question Calculate the interest Huawei Additional Mark

Number would pay. guidance

3 (c) A02 - 2 marks
Award 1 mark for
69 941 000 000 x 4.5/100 substituting
(1) numbers into
= 3 147 345 000 (1)
Award full marks
for correct
numerical answer
without working. (2)

Question Analyse why Huawei offers its new employees in the Mark
Number design department off-the job training.

Indicative content

3 (d) AO2 = 3 marks AO3 = 3 marks

• This involves new employees being trained
outside Huawei at an external college by
tutors and/or other experts in modern
technology such as smartphones and tablets
• Employees can learn at their own pace the
detail and requirements of producing
smartphones and tablets
• As a result, it means that Huawei present
employees concentrate on their work, and do
not have to supervise or train new employees
• Employees do not have to worry about
making mistakes or errors that could cost
Huawei money (6)

Level Mark Descriptor

0 No rewardable material.
Level 1 1–2 • Limited application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context (AO2).
• Attempts to deconstruct business
information and/or issues, finding
limited connections between points
Level 2 3–4 • Sound application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context although
there may be some inconsistencies
• Deconstructs business information
and/or issues, finding interconnected
points with chains of reasoning,
although there may be some logical
inconsistencies (AO3).
Level 3 5–6 • Detailed application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context
throughout (AO2).
• Deconstructs business information
and/or issues, finding detailed
interconnected points with logical chains
of reasoning (AO3).

Question Option 1: competition pricing Mark

Option 2: promotional pricing.

Indicative content

3 (e) AO2 = 3 marks AO3 = 3 marks

AO4 = 3 marks

• Option 1 – If Huawei uses this method of
pricing, then it is likely to gain sales of
the new smartphone because the price
will be realistic
• Option 2 – Selling at a cheaper price
encourages customers to switch from
their present brand to Huawei

• Option 1 – This pricing strategy means
that the consumers have more choice of
smartphones as they are all priced at a
similar rate
• Option 2 – Huawei could gain a larger
market share of smartphone users who
change brands

• Option 1 – However, this does not
always mean that the cost of production
is covered and if Huawei uses this
method, it may lose out financially
• Option 2 – However, promotional pricing
may generate sales for the length of time
of the promotion, but once the price of
the smartphones reverts to their normal
price it may reduce sales (9)

Level Mark Descriptor

0 No rewardable material.
Level 1 1–3 • Limited application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context (AO2).
• Attempts to deconstruct business
information and/or issues, finding limited
connections between points (AO3).
• Makes a judgement, providing a simple
justification based on limited evaluation of
business information and issues relevant to
the choice made (AO4).
Level 2 4–6 • Sound application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context although
there may be some inconsistencies (AO2).
• Deconstructs business information and/or
issues, finding interconnected points with
chains of reasoning, although there may be
some logical inconsistencies (AO3).
• Makes a judgement, providing a justification
based on sound evaluation of business
information and issues relevant to the choice
made (AO4).
Level 3 7– 9 • Detailed application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context throughout
• Deconstructs business information and/or
issues, finding detailed interconnected points
with logical chains of reasoning (AO3).
• Makes a judgement, providing a clear
justification based on a thorough evaluation
of business information and issues relevant
to the choice made (AO4).

Question Calculate the cost of Additional guidance Mark

Number this smartphone in US


4 (a) A02 - 2 marks

5 353/6.70 (1) Award 1 mark for

correctly substituting
= 798.96 (1) numbers into formula.

Award full marks for

correct numerical
answer without working. (2)

Question Analyse why Huawei would want good quality Mark

Number control when producing its smartphones.

Indicative content

4 (b) AO2 – 3 marks AO3 – 3 marks

• If Huawei gains a reputation for good
quality products more customers are likely
to purchase its smartphones
• To repair faulty smartphones or tablets
could be expensive for Huawei

• If the standard is not maintained then
customers may not trust the reliability of
the smartphones and may change to other
• If customers have to wait for smartphones
and tablets to be repaired this could give
Huawei a bad reputation (6)

Level Mark Descriptor

0 No rewardable material.
Level 1 1–2 • Limited application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context (AO2).
• Attempts to deconstruct business
information and/or issues, finding
limited connections between points
Level 2 3–4 • Sound application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context although
there may be some inconsistencies
• Deconstructs business information
and/or issues, finding interconnected
points with chains of reasoning,
although there may be some logical
inconsistencies (AO3).
Level 3 5–6 • Detailed application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context
throughout (AO2).
• Deconstructs business information
and/or issues, finding detailed
interconnected points with logical chains
of reasoning (AO3).

Question Evaluate why Huawei would carry out market Mark

Number research before designing a new product.

Indicative content

4 (c) AO1 = 3 marks AO2 = 3 marks

AO3 = 3 marks AO4 = 3 marks

• Market research finds out what customers’
needs and wants are
• By carrying out market research Huawei
will be able to make informed decisions as
to actions it should take

• If Huawei produces a watch that very few
customers want then it could waste a
great deal of money
• Huawei may decide to add additional
features or reduce or increase the size of
its smartphones from comments made by
potential customers

• This could have a negative effect on
Huawei’s financial situation and also
impact upon the development of other
products such as tablets that Huawei
makes and sells
• This could help increase sales of tablets
and smartphones and enable Huawei to
remain competitive

• However, producing a watch that no other
business is offering could mean that it
sells more of the products and gains a
competitive advantage
• However, there is no guarantee that all
the market research carried out is
worthwhile as customers’ tastes and needs
are changing constantly in light of new
technological developments (12)

Level Mark Descriptor

0 No rewardable material.
Level 1 • Demonstrates elements of knowledge
and understanding of business concepts
and issues, with limited business
terminology used (AO1).
• Limited application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context (AO2).
• Attempts to deconstruct business
information and/or issues, finding
limited connections between points
• Makes a judgement, providing a simple
justification based on limited evaluation
of business information and issues
relevant to the choice made (AO4).
Level 2 5– 8 • Demonstrates mostly accurate
knowledge and understanding of
business concepts and issues including
appropriate use of business terminology
in places (AO1).
• Sound application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context although
there may be some inconsistencies
• Deconstructs business information
and/or issues, finding interconnected
points with chains of reasoning,
although there may be some logical
inconsistencies (AO3).
• Makes a judgement, providing a
justification based on sound evaluation
of business information and issues
relevant to the choice made (AO4).

Level 3 9–12 • Demonstrates accurate knowledge and

understanding of business concepts and
issues throughout, including appropriate
use of business terminology (AO1).
• Detailed application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context
throughout (AO2).
• Deconstructs business information
and/or issues, finding detailed
interconnected points with logical chains
of reasoning (AO3).
• Makes a judgement, providing a clear
justification based on a thorough
evaluation of business information and
issues relevant to the choice made

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