Sept. 18-22

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Teacher/s JUANITO T. DARACAN, JR. Grade Level 10


Daily Lesson Log Teaching Dates September 18-22,2023 Learning Area MATHEMATICS 10
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4
I. Learning Targets/
Specific Objectives
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of key concepts of sequences, polynomials, and polynomial equations.
The learners are able to formulate and solve problems involving sequences, polynomials, and polynomial equations in different disciplines through appropriate
B. Performance Standards and accurate representations.
The learners: M10AL-ld-1, M10AL-ld-2
1. Illustrate geometric sequence.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives (L.C. Code) 2. Differentiates a geometric sequence from an arithemtic sequence.

1. Illustrates a geometric sequence. 1. Determine the nth term of an 1. Illustrate the sum of n terms of an 1. . Illustrate the sum of n terms of an
2. Understand the common ratio in a geometric sequence geometric sequence. geometric sequence.
geometric sequence. 2. Apply their knowledge of geometric 2. Find the sum of the first terms of an 2. . Find the sum of the first terms of
3. Find the nth term of a geometric sequences to real-world problems. geometric sequence. an geometric sequence.
Specific (Daily) Objective/s sequence. 3. Appreciate real-life applications of
geometric sequence.

II. Topic Geometric Sequence Geometric Sequence Geometric Sequence Geometric Sequence
III. Learning Resources

A. References Mathematics Learner's Module Mathematics Learner's Module Mathematics Learner's Module Mathematics Learner's Module
Next Century Mathematics 10 Next Century Mathematics 10 Next Century Mathematics 10 Next Century Mathematics 10
1. Teacher's Guide Pages N/A N/A N/A N/A
2. Learner's Materials Pages N/A N/A N/A N/A
3.Textbook Pp. 30-35 35-37 40-43 40-45
4. Additional Materials from LR portal N/A N/A N/A N/A
B. Other Learning Resources N/A N/A N/A N/A
Elicit: 1.Begin the lesson by asking students 1. To access prior knowledge, the 1. Review the concept of a sequence 1. Ask students if they have heard of
(The activities in this if they are familiar with the concept of teacher can ask the students to recall and its types (arithmetic and any patterns or sequences in their
section will evoke or sequences and if they can provide their understanding of sequences and geometric). daily lives.
draw out prior examples. patterns in previous mathematics - Ask students to recall the formula for - Show a short video clip or images
concepts or prior 2. Prompt students to recall any lessons. The teacher can also provide a finding the nth term of an arithmetic that demonstrate real-life examples of
experiences from knowledge they have on arithmetic few examples of real-world situations sequence. geometric sequences.
A. Reviewing previous the students)
lesson or presenting the new sequences and their properties. that involve sequences. - Discuss the differences between - Discuss with students the importance
lesson arithmetic and geometric sequences. and relevance of geometric sequences
in various fields.

B. Establishing a purpose for 1. Personal reflection: Ask students to 1. Display a series of numbers on the 1.Present a real-life scenario where 1. Brainstorming: Have students work
the lesson Engage: think of a situation in their lives where board and ask the students to identify exponential growth occurs, such as in pairs or small groups to come up
they have encountered a pattern or the pattern or rule that governs the population growth or the spread of a with as many real-life examples of
sequence, and share it with a partner. sequence. virus. Discuss the connection to geometric sequences as they can in
Have a few students volunteer to 2. Provide an engaging story problem geometric sequences. five minutes. They can write their
share their examples with the class. that requires the use of geometric 2. Use an interactive app or online examples on a whiteboard or a piece
sequences, such as calculating the game that involves solving problems of paper.
(The activities in this section
will stimulate their thinking growth of a population over time. related to geometric sequences. Allow
C. Presenting examples/ and help them access and students to compete or work
instances of the new lesson connect prior knowledge as a
jumpstart to the present collaboratively in groups.

D. Discussing new concepts & Explore: 1. Instruct students to create a 1. . Instruct the students to create their 1. Review the formula for finding the 1. Provide students with a set of
practicing new skills #1 geometric sequence by writing a own geometric sequences using the nth term of a geometric sequence. investment scenarios involving
(In this section, students will number on the first card, then index cards. They should write the first 2. Introduce the formula for finding the geometric sequences, such as
be given time to think, plan,
investigate, and organize
multiplying that number by a common few terms of the sequence on the sum of the first n terms: Sn = a(1 - compound interest or stock market
collected information; or the ratio to write the next term on the cards. r^n) / (1 - r). growth.
performance of the
planned/prepared activities next card, and so on. 2. Ask some students to present their 3. Provide examples and guide 2. Ask students to calculate the future
from the students’ manual 2. Explain the common ratio they used sequence to the class, explaining the students in calculating the sum of the value of the investment using the
with data gathering with
E. Discussing new concepts & Guide Questions) and discuss any challenges they rule or pattern they used. first n terms. given interest rate and time period.
practicing new skills #2 encountered.
Explain: 1. Present a slideshow or use visual 1. The teacher can explain the concept 1. Use a slideshow presentation to 1. Teach the concept of finding the
(In this section, students aids to explain the concept of of geometric sequence using visuals, explain the derivation of the formula sum of a geometric sequence using
will be involved in an geometric sequences, including the such as a number line or diagrams. for finding the sum of the first n terms the formula Sn = a(1 - r^n) / (1 - r),
analysis of their
exploration. Their
definition, common ratio, and 2. The teacher can demonstrate how to of a geometric sequence. where Sn is the sum, a is the first
understanding is clarified formulas for finding the nth term and find the nth term of a geometric 2. Engage students in a class discussion term, r is the common ratio, and n is
and modified because of the sum of a geometric sequence. sequence using the formula and guide by asking questions related to the the number of terms. Provide
activities)/Analysis of the Engage students in discussions and ask the students through several examples. concept and provide real-life examples. examples and guide students through
gathered data and results questions to check for understanding. solving problems using the formula.
and be able to answer the
Guide Questions leading
Translate to English.
F. Developing mastery to the focus concept or 2. Engage students in a discussion
topic for the day.) about the relationship between the
common ratio and the sum of a
geometric sequence.

G. Finding practical applications 1. Ask students to create their own 1. Provide additional real-world 1. Conduct a hands-on activity where 1.Group Problem Solving: Divide
of concepts and skills in daily geometric sequences and challenge problems that require the use of students create their own geometric students into groups and provide
living Elaborate:
their classmates to identify the geometric sequences for the students sequences using manipulatives, such as them with a problem involving
common ratio and find the nth term. to solve. colored blocks or tiles. They should geometric sequences. Ask them to
(This section will give This activity promotes critical thinking 2. Ask the students to create their own then find the sum of the first n terms work collaboratively to find the
students the and reinforces their understanding of geometric sequences and challenge using the formula. solution and present their findings to
opportunity to expand
and solidify/concretize geometric sequences. their classmates to find the nth term. the class.
their understanding of
the concept and/or
H. Making generalizations apply it to a real-world
and abstraction situation)

Evaluation: 1. Present a geometric sequence (e.g., Assessment Quiz: Assessment Quiz: Assessment Quiz:
(This section will provide 2, 4, 8, 16, ...). 1. Create a geometric sequence with a 1. Find the sum of the first 5 terms of 1. Find the sum of the first 4 terms of
opportunities for concept 2. Ask students to identify the common ratio of 0.5 and write down the geometric sequence: 2, 6, 18, 54, ... the geometric sequence 1, 3, 9, 27,
check test items and answer
key which are aligned to the common ratio and explain how they the first five terms. 2. The first term of a geometric 81...
learning objectives – content found it. 2. What is the common ratio of the sequence is 3, and the common ratio is 2. If the common ratio of a geometric
and performance standards
and address misconceptions- 3.What is the nth term of the geometric sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, ...? 0.5. Find the sum of the first 8 terms. sequence is 0.5, and the first term is
I. Evaluating Learning if any) geometric sequence 3, 6, 12, 24, ...? 10, what is the sum of the first 6
4.How did you determine the value of terms?
the nth term?
Extend: 1. Integrate technology by using 1.The teacher can extend the lesson by 1.Encourage students to explore online 1.Ask students to find three
(This section gives situation online interactive tools or simulations introducing more advanced concepts resources or educational apps that additional examples of real-life
that explains the topic in a
new context, or integrate it to
to further investigate geometric related to geometric sequences, such offer interactive practice and games applications of geometric sequences
another discipline/societal sequences and related concepts. as the sum of a geometric series or the related to geometric sequences. and write a short explanation for each.
concept of infinite geometric
J. Additional activities for sequences.
application and remediation


A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor

can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I

wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Master Teacher I Head Teacher III School Principal IV

JUANITO T. DARACAN JR. Date: ________________

Teacher I


Teacher I

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