2. Performance The learner is able to formulate and solve problems involving sequences in different discipline through
Standards appropriate and accurate representations.
3. Learning Illustrates a geometric Differentiates a geometric Differentiates a finite The learner determines
Competencie sequence. sequence from an geometric sequence the geometric means
s arithmetic sequence. from an infinite between terms of a
( M10AL-Id-1)
geometric sequence. geometric sequence.
( M10AL-Id-2 )
a. Illustrate geometric (M10AL-Ie-1)
sequence. a. Differentiate a M10AL-Id-3 )
a. Solve the common
geometric sequence from a. Differentiate a finite
b. State whether the given ratio when two
an arithmetic sequence. geometric sequence
sequence is geometric or consecutive terms are
not. b. Tell whether the given from an infinite given
sequence is geometric or geometric sequence.
c. Develop explorative b. Find the common
arithmetic. b. Tell whether the
skills in doing each task. ratio when the first and
c. Value critical thinking. given geometric last terms are given
sequence is finite or
infinite. c. Appreciate the use
of the common ratio in
c. Value critical solving geometric
thinking. sequence.
A. References
4. Additional http://
from definition/infinite-
Learning sequence
previous lesson or TEST
presenting the new
(Using a flashcard, I will
lesson 1. Choose two With your own set Identify if the given
be showing a sequence,
representatives from each criteria, group the sequence is geometric
fill in the missing item.
group: A and B. following: or not. Say Hep, Hep! if
First to give the correct
geometric, otherwise
answer will get a price. ) ● Line
say Hooray!
2. Members A will be the
one to answer on the ● Line segment
1. 8, 3, -2, __, -12, … ● 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … 1. 7, -14, 21, -28
2. 120, 60, 30, __, … 2. 20, 15, 10, 5,…
3. Members B should ● 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11,
3. 5, __, 80, 320, … 3. 1, 4, 9, 16,…
position themselves 13, 17, …
4. -1, __, 17, 26, … 4. 9, -9, 9, -9,…
in a row at the same ● Natural numbers
distance from the board. 5. __, 1, 3, 9, … 5. 1, 1/3, 1/9, 1/27,…
● Even numbers
less than 50
1. 2, 8 6. 16, 32
2.-3, 9 7.-49, 7
3.1, ½ 8. ¼, ½
5.12, 4 10. ½, 1
C. Presenting WATCH AND SEE READ AND ANALYZE FINDING OUT Illustrative Examples:
Divide the first number by 1. Do you remember the Considering the given
of the new lesson
the second whenever sitting arrangement done items above, we could
1. Solve the common
possible. Record the result last year when you took group them this way:
ratio in the geometric
from least to greatest. the NCAE. There were 30
sequence 4, __, __, __,
students in each room.
The table 1 shows that the
1. 54, 3 number of students varies
directly as the number of
( Ans: 2, 6, 18 ) rooms or as the number of Step 1: Identify the
rooms increases, the first term, last term
2. 32, 2 Group A are items
number of students also and the number of
( Ans: 2, 4, 8, 16 ) increases. Can you guess which suggest limit terms in the problem.
the number of students thus it is considered
3. 375, 5 finite.
when there are 12 rooms
( Ans: 3, 15, 75 ) used? Table 1 is an a1 = 4 a5 = 64 n
example of Arithmetic =5
Sequence. Group B are items
whose last value cannot
Notice the sequence
be determined. It has Step 2: Use the
formed by the quotients
no limit, therefore, they formula, an = a1r(n-1)
arranged from least to
greatest. are infinite. which we learned from
our past lesson to find
Those are examples of
the common ratio.
geometric sequence.
2. Suppose that the an = a1r(n-1)
The next number could
number of a certain 64 = 4r5-1
be obtained by multiplying
bacteria grows as shown
the preceding number by 64 = 4r4
in table 2 below. At the
the divisor used. 64 =4r4
start, there are only 1,
In geometric 000 bacteria and after 1 4 4
sequence, that constant hour the number of
16 = r4
number multiplied to the bacteria is doubled. It is
24 = r4
preceding number to consistent that based
±2 = r
obtain the next is called from the observation, the
the common ratio. number of bacteria is
always doubled every
hour. Can you tell the Answer: The common
number of bacteria after 7 ratios, r = 2 and r = -2
hours? 10 hours? Table 2
is an example of
Geometric Sequence.
A. Facts observed in
table 1:
number of students is
2. This is an arithmetic
3. The first term is
increased by 30 to get
increased by 30 to get
4. 30 is known as the
common difference
is addition or its
D. Discussing new Fold Me Up State whether each of the State whether each of
concepts and following sequences is the following geometric
Do the activity with a 1. What are the three
practicing new arithmetic or geometric. sequences is finite or
partner. One of you will properties of the
skills # 1 Name the common infinite.
perform the paper folding geometric sequence
difference for arithmetic
while the other will do the 1) 4, 12, 36, 108,…. that we need to know
and the common ratio for
recording in the table. in order to solve the
geometric seguence. 2) 2, 6, 18, 54, 162
common ratio?
1. Start with a big square
3) 7, 14, 28, 56, 112 …
from a piece of
1) 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23 … 4) -3, 3, -3, 3
paper. Assume that the 2. What is the formula
area of the 2) 2, 6, 18, 54, 162 … to be used to solve the
5) , common ratio?
square is 64 square units. 3) 7, 14, 28, 56, 112 …
24 = r4?
E. Discussing new 1. What is the area of the 1. How do you find doing 1. How do you find
concepts and square formed after the the activity? doing the activity?
practicing new first fold? Second fold?
2. Which of the items are 2. Which of the items
skills # 2 Third fold?
arithmetic sequence and are finite geometric
2. Is there a pattern in the geometric sequence? sequence and which are
areas obtained after 3 infinite geometric 1. Find the common
3. What are the important
folds? sequences? ratio in the sequence
characteristics that you
8, __, __, __, 128.
3. You have generated a should remember in 3. What are the
sequence of areas. What identifying arithmetic or important 2. Find the common
are the first 3 terms of the geometric sequence? characteristics that ratio in the sequence
sequence? 4, __, __, 108
you should remember in
4. Is the sequence a identifying finite
geometric sequence?
or infinite geometric
Why? sequence?
sequence 24, 4, , , …
Step 3. Therefore, the
4) 4 terms of the
sequence 12, 17, 22, 27,
G. Finding practical TRY THIS… State whether each of the State whether each of
application of following sequences is the following geometric
1. What is the common
concepts and skills arithmetic or geometric: sequences is finite or
ratio if three geometric
in daily living infinite.
1. 4, 12, 36, 108, 324… means are inserted
between 7 and 567?
2. -4, 13,, 30, 47, 64… 1) -4, -1,
3. 3, -6, 12, -24, -72 … 2) 7 terms of the
2. If six terms are to be
4. 3, 5, 7, 9, 11…
Suppose the amount of sequence 15, … inserted between
water in the bottle 5. -3, 3, -3, 3, -3… 8,748 and 4 being the
3) 6, 12, 48, …, 768 first term and last term
doubles every second. It is
consistent until the bottle 4) all terms of the respectively, What is
is filled with water having sequence 120, 60, the common ratio?
100ml after 1 second.
30, 15, …
a. Record your
observation in 5 seconds. 5) ..., 4, 8, 16, 32, 64
I. Evaluating State whether each of the State whether each of the State whether each of
learning following sequences is following sequences is the following geometric
Find the common ratio
geometric or not. If it is, arithmetic or geometric: sequences is finite or
of each of the following
find the common ratio. infinite.
1) 3, 9, 27, 81, 243 … geometric sequence:
1.3, 12, 48, 192, 768,…. 1) 4, -12, 36, -108
2) 7, 21, 63, 189, 567 …
2.½, 1, 2, 4, 8,… 2) all terms of the
3) 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 … 1) 5, __, __, __, __, 160
3.-5, -3, -1, 1,3,… sequence
4) 5, 25, 45, 65, 85 … 2) 3, __, __, __, -5,625
4.-5,- 8,-13, -21,- 34,… 3) 200, 100, 50, 25, …
5) 2, 8, 32, 128, 512 3) 256, __, __, 4
5.625, 125, 25, 5….. 4) 3 terms of the
sequence 5, 15, 75,
225, … 4) 8, __, __, __, 648
5) …200, 100, 50, 25 5) 2, __, __, __, __, 2 243
B. Answer:
B. Define a finite and an
Activity 4 and 5 B. Study
infinite geometric
Learners Module 1. Define geometric
pp. 28 - 29
2. Insert three
geometric means
between 3 and -3072.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
who scored below
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
use/discover which
I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by:
Math 10 Teacher