Market Failure

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Knockout .Economics-No.

1 Economics and Business Studies Tutors
Private class, Small Course, Online course :@Knockout.economics


Key terms
1. Social benefit : benefit to the society or the sum of private benefit and external
2. Social cost : cost to the whole society or the sum of private cost and external cost
3. Private benefits : benefits from consumption to consumers or benefit from
production to producers
4. Private cost : cost of consumption to consumers or cost of production to producers
5. External cost : negative effects from consumption or production to the third party
6. External benefit : positive effects from consumption or production to the third party
7. Socially optimal output: the level of output where society's welfare is maximized. It
is where social cost and social benefit are equal
8. Merit goods: products which generate positive externalities and are under-
consumed in the free market e.g. education and healthcare
9. Demerit goods: Products which generate negative externalities and are over-
consumed in the free market e.g. alcohol
10. Private goods: Product which is rival and excludable.
11. Public goods : Product which is non-rival and non-excludable. It needs government
help to provide
12. Monopoly : A single seller
13. Price fixing : when two or more firms agree to sell a product at the same price

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Knockout .Economics-No.1 Economics and Business Studies Tutors
Private class, Small Course, Online course :@Knockout.economics
1. What is Market failure?
Market failure : when markets allocate resources ine ciently.

2. Types of market failure

2.1) Externality
: Market fails to take into account all costs and bene ts.
↳ There is overproduction and overconsumption in some goods which generate
external cost e.g. pollution and alcohol.
↳ There is underproduction and underconsumption in some goods which generate
external bene ts e.g. research on medicine and education.
2.2) Information failure
: when consumers and producers do not have equal access to information. It leads to the
wrong decision.
2.3) Underconsumption or underproduction of merit goods
: Products which are under consumed in the free market. And, the goods generate
positive externalities (Positive e ect to the third party)
2.4) Overconsumption or overproduction of demerit goods
: Products which are over consumed in the free market. And, the goods generate negative
externalities (negative e ect to the third party)
2.5) Public goods
: Product which is non-rival and non-excludable, it is under-provided in the free market.
Non-excludable means no one can be excluded from the consumption. Non-rival means
the consumption by one person does not reduce the consumption to the next consumer.
2.6) Monopoly
: A single seller has market power to restrict output to push up the price. Then
consumers face high prices and low quantities of output in the market.
2.7) Immobility of resources
: Some resources are geographical and occupational immobility.

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