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The objective of presenting this simplified version is to assist the energy auditors to
understand effectively the accreditation procedures. However, for all practical and
legal purposes, the English Version of the said notified regulation will be
considered as final .In view of the above, the prospective candidates intending to
apply for accreditation, are requested to go through the Bureau of Energy
Efficiency (Qualifications for Accredited Energy Auditors and Maintenance of their
List) Regulations, 2010, as notified on 31st March,2010 in the Gazette of India.
1. Qualifications for accredited energy auditor.- An energy auditor shall be
qualified to become an accredited energy auditor if, he/she-
b) Feedback received from clients for the Audit reports (5 numbers) submitted.
d). A list of at least four up-to-date basic instruments possessed by the auditor/firm
in whose name he will be doing the audit ,namely, clip-on-type, power measuring
instruments, flue gas analyser, temperature and lux measuring instruments, duly
calibrated by a laboratory accredited by the National Accreditation Board for testing
and Calibration Laboratories, in the Letter head of the Firm and duly signed and
stamped by the authorized officer .
g) Experience certificate of Minimum 5 years in the field of energy audit and out of
the said 5 years, three years in any of energy intensive industries specified in the
Schedule of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 (52 of 2001).Experience is counted
only after he has become a certified energy auditor.
g). Letter from the organization, whose name is given as Firm name under
which energy audit is proposed to be conducted.
3. Evaluation Criteria
The Accreditation Advisory Committee constituted by the Bureau, for the purpose of
grant of certificate of accreditation, shall assess the energy audit experience and
competence of the energy auditor who has applied for a certificate of accreditation
on the basis of an oral interview on the following criteria, namely:-
f) training experience;
(1)The Bureau shall maintain a register containing list of accredited energy auditors
in Form III (Please refer the Notified Regulation).
(2) The accredited energy auditor or a firm of such accredited energy auditor shall,
before opening an office in the trade name or firm name, apply to the Bureau for
approval to use the trade name or the firm name and on such approval, the Bureau
shall maintain the register of offices and firms of accredited energy auditors in Form
IV. (Note : A modified version of Form IV as Annexure-II, is given below which
is required to be submitted by the Applicant at the time of submission of
(3) The Bureau shall cause to be published the first list of accredited energy auditors
and list of offices and firms of accredited energy auditors as soon as they are
finalised and thereafter these lists shall be updated and published regularly and
uploaded on the Bureau’s official web-site namely, www.beeindia.gov.in.
(4) Every accredited energy auditor shall submit to the Bureau any change in the
information given in the application for accreditation for the purpose of updating the
(5) A copy of the updated list of accredited energy auditors shall be sent to the
designated agencies of the States and designated consumers on the first day of April
every year through electronic mail.
(1) The Bureau may call upon accredited energy auditors to furnish–
The Secretary
Bureau of Energy Efficiency,
4th Floor, Sewa Bhawan R.K.Puram,Sector-1,
New Delhi-110066
Dear Madam,
I am working as energy auditor/ certified energy manager at
…............................. (full address of the place of work)) ………………and hereby
apply for certificate of accreditation.
I hereby state that information furnished above is true and correct to the best
of my knowledge.
Dated this ……………………….. day of ......................................... 20 ………
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of………
Encl: As above
Note: 1.Please also submit Annexure-II along with this Annexure-I
Provisional Certificate issued by National productivity Council on behalf of BEE,
as required under S.No. 2(a) and 2(b), are valid for this purpose.
(Note : To be submitted by the applicant at the time of submission of
application. This is a modified version of Form IV. The original version
of Form IV may please be seen in the Notified Regulation)
2 Father’s name
13 E-mail address
23 Instruments available
D Remarks( if any)
I hereby state that information furnished above is true and correct to the best of my
For and on behalf of………
(Note: Responsibility of the authenticity of the above information rests with
the concerned energy auditor/energy auditing agency.)
(Refer regulation 7(1))
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
2 Father’s name
9 E-mail address
11 Remarks