Import - 1st Time-X-Ray device-NOC-TA

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For any equipment involving ionizing radiation, which is manufactured outside India, the
procedure for its use in India is as follows

A ‘No Objection Certificate (NOC)’ is required for import of each model of device. The NOC
(for the first time import) can be obtained from AERB by the Indian agent/vendor or Indian
subsidiary of the parent foreign company. This NOC is issued to facilitate import of the device
for Type Testing in the presence of representative(s) of AERB. For obtaining type approval, the
following steps are to be followed:

i. After the import of the device, the Indian supplier of the device should perform
radiation safety related tests by using own radiation survey meter and Submit the
detailed test report to:
ii. Once the submitted test report is found to be satisfactory, inspection process will
be initiated by AERB
iii. ‘A regulatory inspection report’ will be generated through e-LORA by the AERB
inspector(s) based on the observations during Type Approval Inspection
iv. Once performance of the device is found to be satisfactory, the supplier can
submit the application for “NOC to Type Approval’
v. Once Type Approval Certificate (currently valid for 3 years) is issued. The
supplier can supply any number of equipment to AERB authorised end users.

Prerequisites for authorization by AERB to be a supplier

a. Availability of trained man power i.e. Radiography Testing Level-2 (RT-2) qualified
b. Copy of authorization letter issued by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) indicating
that the Indian institution is authorized for import, sale and after sales services
c. Copy of letter issued by (OEM) indicating that the employee(s) of the Indian institution
is/are trained for servicing (model specific) of devices to be supplied in India
d. Appropriate Radiation measuring and monitoring instruments.

At present processing of the applications are done through the online portal of AERB i.e. e-

Steps for a supplier to obtain NOC through e-LORA:

1. Register your institute (as Supplier-Industrial Radiography Devices) with AERB. The
guide lines for registration of an institute is available in the following Link:

Once the application for registration of institute is approved, you will receive user id and
pass word.

2. Supplier Authorization should be obtained through e-LORA.

For getting supplier authorization following are the pre- requisites

(i) Declaration of instruments like survey meter(s), direct reading dosimeter

(s) (pocket dosimeter), in e-LORA. {After logging into your account go to
institute management tab click to add instrument tab}
(ii) Addition of employees like certified radiographer and Site-in-Charge
{After logging into your account go to user management tab click to
add employee tab}
(iii) Nomination of certified radiographer and Site-in-Charge by
submitting the application “Nominate Employee” (Note: only registered
radiation professionals i.e. certified radiographer and Site-in-Charge can
be nominated)Note: After approval of radiographer/Site-in-Charge,
Application for personal monitoring service need to be submitted to the
accredited laboratories with a copy of approval letter issued by AERB
{After logging into your account go to user management tab
Nominate/relinquish tab}

3. NOC for import can be obtained by providing documents like:

 Copy of Competent Authority Approval certificate for the equipment

issued by the country of origin
 A copy of test report with respect to radiation safety
 A copy of national/international standards certificate for the whole device
e.g. CE certification with respect to electrical and mechanical safety
 A letter indicating (paragraph wise) that the device meets Section 2.4 of
AERB Safety Code on Industrial Radiography (AERB/RF-IR/SC-1

4. Once NOC (valid for one year) is issued to the supplier, the end user can approach AERB
for procurement of device. It may be noted that once NOC is issued to the supplier, the
particular model name will available for selection in the “Procurement of Radiography
Device” application form for the end users.

For end user the steps for obtaining permission for procurement of industrial radiography
device are:
Register your institute (as Supplier-Industrial Radiography Devices) with AERB. The
guide lines for registration of an institute is available in the following Link:

Once the application for registration of institute is approved, end user will receive user
id and pass word.

a) Declaration of instruments like survey meter(s), direct reading dosimeter (s)

(pocket dosimeter), {After logging into your account go to institute management
tab> click to add instrument tab}
b) Addition of employees like certified radiographer and Site-in-Charge {After logging
into your account go to institute management tab> click to add employee tab}
c) Nomination of certified radiographer and Site-in-Charge by submitting the
application “Nominate Employee” (Note: only registered radiation professionals i.e.
certified radiographer and Site-in-Charge can be nominated)Note: After approval of
radiographer/Site-in-Charge, Application for personal monitoring service need to be
submitted to the accredited laboratories with a copy of approval letter issued by
AERB{After logging into your account go to institute management tab> click to user
management tab. Nominate/relinquish tab}
d) Recording of site {After logging into your account go to regulatory forms tab> click
industrial radiography> recording of site/contract awarding party}
e) Recording of contract awarding party {After logging into your account go to
regulatory forms tab> click industrial radiography> recording of site/contract
awarding party}
f) Source storage room approval/Enclosure Approval in the name of the facility For
source storage room approval {After logging into your account go to regulatory forms
tab> click industrial radiography> approval for source storage facility}
For enclosure approval {After logging into your account go to regulatory forms
tab> click industrial radiography> approval for enclosure}
After approval of enclosure, an application “Permission to use enclosure” to be
Note: While submitting the application for “Permission to use enclosure, a
report on radiation leakage levels is asked. In the case of non availability of x-ray
equipment, the facility can give a declaration that the detailed report will be
submitted once the device is procured and installed.
g) Procurement of device{After logging into your account go to regulatory forms tab>
click industrial radiography> procurement of device}
h) Submission of Equipment receipt intimation (leakage radiation levels for the device
to be submitted) {After logging into your account go to regulatory forms tab> click
industrial radiography> equipment receipt intimation}
i) Application for Licence{After logging into your account go to regulatory forms
tab> click industrial radiography> license to operate radiography facility}
j) Application for operation of device{After logging into your account go to regulatory
forms tab> click industrial radiography> permission to operate radiography device}

Before the regular use of the device Type Approval from AERB should be obtained by

the Indian supplier.

5. Once the equipment/device imported by the end user, supplier should submit the
application for conversion of NOC to Type Approval application and the type approval
issued by competent authority as per the procedure explained at the top of the page.

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