cs1010s Midterm Solutions Mar18
cs1010s Midterm Solutions Mar18
cs1010s Midterm Solutions Mar18
School of Computing
National University of Singapore
Midterm Test
7 March 2018 Time allowed: 1 hour 30 minutes
CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
A. x = 9 D. n = 10
y = 5 while n:
def f(x): if n > 0:
return g(x) + y n -= 2*n
def g(x): n += 1
return y + x if n % 3 == 0:
print(g(f(y))) continue
n += 1
[5 marks]
if n % 2 == 0:
B. a = (1, 2) print(n)
b = (a) + (a,)
a = (b, a) + (3, 4) [5 marks]
[5 marks]
E. def foo(y):
return lambda x: x(x(y))
C. t = 'True' def bar(x):
f = 'False' return lambda y: x(y)
if f == False: print((bar)(bar)(foo)(2)(lambda x:x+1))
t, f = f, t
[5 marks]
elif f[-1] == t[-1]:
t += f
if not f == t:
f += t
f = 'ARGH'
[5 marks]
CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Basically, the robot moves forward and turns left whenever it encounters an unvisited grid
square to its left.
The function num_straights takes as input the grid size, and returns the number of squares
which the robot travels straight through without turning, i.e., the number of shaded squares in
the above grids. While there is an obvious pattern of square numbers, your code should solve
it using recursion/iteration.
B. State the order of growth in terms of time and space for the function you wrote in Part (A).
Briefly explain your answer. [2 marks]
D. State the order of growth in terms of time and space for the function you wrote in Part (C).
Briefly explain your answer. [2 marks]
E. The sequence of instructions given to the robot to transverse a size 3 gird is:
('F', 'T', 'F', 'T', 'F', 'F', 'T', 'F', 'F', 'T', 'F', 'F', 'F')
where 'F' means move one square forward, and 'T' means turn 90 degrees to the left. Note
that the last instruction causes the robot to exit the grid.
The function gen_seq takes as input the size of a grid, and returns a sequence of instructions
for the robot to transverse the grid. The sequence of instructions is a tuple containing the strings
'F' and 'T' which represent forward and turn commands.
F. Is your implementation in Part (E) recursive or iterative? State the order of growth in terms
of time and space of your implementation and briefly explain your answer. [2 marks]
CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Please provide possible implementations for the terms S1, S2, S3 and S4. You may optionally
define other functions in PRE if needed. [4 marks]
Please provide possible implementations for the terms T1, T2, and T3. You may optionally
define other functions in PRE if needed. [4 marks]
CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Pizza is a traditional Italian dish consisting of a yeasted flatbread typically topped with tomato
sauce and cheese and baked in an oven. It can also be topped with additional vegetables,
meats, and condiments, and can be made without cheese. Source: Wikipedia.
For this question, you will be modelling pizzas and the toppings.
A topping is has two properties: a name (str) and the number of calories (int). It is supported
by the following functions:
• make_top(name, calories) takes the topping name and number of calories as inputs,
and returns a new topping.
• name(top) takes a topping as input, returns its name.
• calories(top) takes a topping as input, returns the number of calories of the topping.
A pizza is first created with a name (str) and size (int). Various toppings can then be added
to the pizza. It is supported by the following functions:
• make_pizza(name, size) takes the pizza name and pizza size as inputs, and returns a
new pizza.
• add_topping(top, pizza) takes a topping and a pizza as inputs, and returns a pizza
with the topping added to it. Note that it is possible to add the same topping multiple
Consider the following sample run:
>>> pizza = make_pizza("Hawaiian", 10) # makes a 10-inch Hawaiian pizza
A. Draw the box-pointer diagram of pizza , tomato and cheese at the end of the sample
run above. Your diagram should be consistent with your implementations of topping and pizza
functions in Part (B) and Part(C). [2 marks]
B. Provide an implementation for the topping functions make_top , name and calories .
[4 marks]
CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
[Important!] For the remaining parts of this question, you should not break the abstraction
of topping in your code.
D. Rachel is closely watching her diet and wishes to know how many calories are in a pizza.
The total number of calories in a pizza is the total calories of all the toppings, as well as the
calories of the base bread.
The calories of the base bread is dependent on the size of the pizza, according to the formula:
π( 2s )2 × 5 where s is the size of the pizza.
Implement the function total_calories which takes a pizza as input, and returns the total
number of calories (float) of the entire pizza. Note: math.pi returns the constant π.
[4 marks]
E. Rachel now wants to know what toppings are included in a pizza to help plan her diet.
Implement the function get_toppings which takes a pizza as input, and returns a tuple of the
names of toppings of the pizza. Note that while the same topping can be added several times to
a pizza, the names returned in the tuple should be unique, i.e. no repeats.
Reminder: You are not to use any Python data types which have not yet been taught in class,
i.e. other than tuple. [4 marks]
F. Rachel does not want to eat an entire pizza. She slices a fraction of pizza to eat. Assume
that a slice of pizza proportionally divides all the toppings and calories according to its fraction.
Suppose we want to also model a partially-eaten pizza as a pizza, i.e., using the same data
representation. The function eat(pizza, frac) takes a pizza and a fraction from 0 to 1.0
as inputs, and returns a new pizza without the slice, i.e. the slice has been eaten.
>>> total_calories(pizza)
Describe all issues, if any, of using your pizza data representation and suggest modifications to
fix it. Finally, provide an implementation for eat .
Reminder: You should not break the abstraction of topping. [4 marks]
Based on your initial implementation of topping and pizza, describe what will happen when
she tries to use the functions get_toppings and total_calories on this pizza. [2 marks]
CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
The following are some functions that were introduced in class. For your reference, they are
reproduced here.
def sum(term, a, next, b):
if a > b:
return 0
return term(a) + sum(term, next(a), next, b)
CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Scratch Paper
CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Scratch Paper
CS1010S — Programming Methodology
School of Computing
National University of Singapore
Student No: A
Q2 / 18
Q3 / 8
Q4 / 24
Total / 75
Answer Sheet CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Answer Sheet CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 1A [5 marks]
x = 9
y = 5
def f(x):
return g(x) + y
def g(x):
return y + x
Question 1B [5 marks]
a = (1, 2)
b = (a) + (a,)
a = (b, a) + (3, 4)
Question 1C [5 marks]
t = 'True'
f = 'False'
if f == False:
t, f = f, t
elif f[-1] == t[-1]:
t += f
if not f == t:
f += t
f = 'ARGH'
Answer Sheet CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 1D [5 marks]
n = 10
while n:
if n > 0:
n -= 2*n
n += 1
if n % 3 == 0:
n += 1
if n % 2 == 0:
Question 1E [5 marks]
def foo(y):
return lambda x: x(x(y))
def bar(x):
return lambda y: x(y)
print((bar)(bar)(foo)(2)(lambda x:x+1))
Answer Sheet CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 2A [4 marks]
def num_straights(n):
Question 2B [2 marks]
Question 2C [4 marks]
def num_straights(n):
Answer Sheet CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 2D [2 marks]
Question 2E [4 marks]
def gen_seq(n):
Question 2F [2 marks]
Answer Sheet CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 3A [4 marks]
Answer Sheet CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 3B [4 marks]
Question 4A [2 marks]
Answer Sheet CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 4B [4 marks]
def name(top):
def calories(top):
Question 4C [4 marks]
Answer Sheet CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 4D [4 marks]
import math
def total_calories(pizza):
Question 4E [4 marks]
def get_toppings(pizza):
Answer Sheet CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 4F [4 marks]
Question 4G [2 marks]
Answer Sheet CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Solutions CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 1A [5 marks]
x = 9
y = 5
def f(x):
return g(x) + y
def g(x):
return y + x
Tests the understanding of scoping.
Question 1B [5 marks]
a = (1, 2)
b = (a) + (a,)
a = (b, a) + (3, 4)
Question 1C [5 marks]
t = 'True'
f = 'False'
if f == False:
t, f = f, t
elif f[-1] == t[-1]:
t += f
if not f == t:
f += t
f = 'ARGH'
Solutions CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 1D [5 marks]
n = 10
while n:
if n > 0:
n -= 2*n
n += 1
if n % 3 == 0:
n += 1
if n % 2 == 0:
Tests the understanding of while loops, and
break and continue
Question 1E [5 marks]
def foo(y):
return lambda x: x(x(y))
def bar(x):
return lambda y: x(y)
print((bar)(bar)(foo)(2)(lambda x:x+1))
Test knowledge of evaluation of lambda ex-
Solutions CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 2A [4 marks]
def num_straights(n):
if n == 1:
return 0 # no shaded squares on grid size 1
return num_straights(n-1) + (n-1) + (n-2) # 1st side + 2nd side
Question 2B [2 marks]
Space:O(n), there is a total of n recursive calls, and each call will take up space on the stack.
Question 2C [4 marks]
def num_straights(n):
num = 0
for i in range(2, n+1):
num += (n-1) + (n-2)
return num
Solutions CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 2D [2 marks]
Space:O(1), no extra memory is needed because the variables are overwritten with the new
Question 2E [4 marks]
Question 2F [2 marks]
Time: O(n3 ). In every function call (recursion) or loop (iteration), a new tuple of the length
of the path of each “layer” of the spiral is created. Since the length of the spirals is n2 , and
there are n function calls or the loop runs n times, so the total time is n2 × n = O(n3 ).
In other words it is the sum of squares: 12 + 22 + 32 + . . . + n2 = O(n3 )
Space: O(n2 ). End of the day, a new tuple of size n2 is created and returned.
Solutions CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 3A [4 marks]
<S2>: 2
<S4>: n
Solutions CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 3B [4 marks]
<T1>: lambda a, b: b + a
<T3>: n-1
Question 4A [2 marks]
'Hawaiian' 10
tomato cheese
'Tomato' 8 'Cheese' 50
One possible implementation is this:
Other representations are also valid as long as it works with the implemented functions.
-1 mark if the two cheese toppings do not point to the same tuple.
Solutions CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 4B [4 marks]
def name(top):
return top[0]
def calories(top):
return top[1]
Question 4C [4 marks]
Solutions CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 4D [4 marks]
import math
def total_calories(pizza):
base = math.pi * (pizza[1]/2)**2 * 5
return base + sum(map(lambda t: calories(t), pizza[2:]))
Question 4E [4 marks]
def get_toppings(pizza):
top = ()
for t in pizza[2:]:
if name(t) not in top:
top += (name(t),)
return top
Solutions CS1010S Midterm Test — 7 March 2018
Question 4F [4 marks]
The issue is that make_top can only be created with an integer calorie, so we cannot divide
the calories of a topping without losing precision.
One way of solving is to include a fraction in the pizza, and make_pizza will create a pizza
with a fraction of 1. I will insert the fraction as the first element and when calculating the
calories, multiply the result with this fraction.
def eat(pizza, frac):
return (pizza[0]*(1-frac),) + pizza[1:]
-2 marks for multiplying f rac to the size of the pizza, because the size is the diameter, and
f rac is a fraction of the area so this is incorrect.
-2 marks for multiplying f rac to the calories of an ingredient because the calories should be
Question 4G [2 marks]
While the structure of a pizza is fundamentally different from that of a topping, the first
element of both pizza and topping are their names, so get_topping will simply return the
pizza name 'Hawaiian' as one of the toppings.
The second element of a pizza is the size. So total_calories will wrongly compute the
number of calories, assuming that the size of the pizza is the number of calories of it as a