FBL TBM en The Bloodmarch 221028
FBL TBM en The Bloodmarch 221028
FBL TBM en The Bloodmarch 221028
Henrik Rosenborg
Christian Granath
Tomas Härenstam, Nils Karlén
A dense fog cloaks the sea, as if the world has not yet come into
being. The emptiness extends indefinitely towards the east
from whence the humans once sailed to Ravenland, guided
by the Raven God with a snake in its talons. Twelve hundred
years later no one remembers what is out there, but now a
rhythm forms in the haze. The silhouettes of seven tall fig
ures in black emerge from the void, rowing a sloop through the
fog, their oars rising and falling as one at a steady pace. They
show no sign of urgency, nor fatigue, despite the length of their
voyage. Each stroke is performed with purpose.
he oarsman on the second bench on the wading ashore – still without a word. They do
port side has an injured elbow that clicks not tie up the boat that carried them, but let
every time he pulls the oar to his chest. it drift at the mercy of the sea, as they walk
A human would find the noise intolerable after inland towards a stone circle erected on a coast-
only a few hours, but for the oarsmen it sets the line hill by an extinct noble house in memory
pace, like the drops of a water metronome. They of something long forgotten. Their bodies are
row in silence. No one has spoken for weeks, as shrouded in black robes. Their faces are hidden,
there is no need – they all know where they are some by bone plates tied together with leather
going and what they must do. straps, another behind a wooden mask, and a
The rocky coast of Ravenland looms in the third by woven osiers.
night. The oarsmen pay it no heed and main-
tain their pace until their sloop crashes into
the rocks. Everyone drops their oars in unison,
not even bothering to pull them onto the deck, Sigmyn Talleman blows into his hands to keep
before sliding into the waist-high waves and them warm while he waits by the stone circle,
chapter 1
chapter 1
he Bloodmarch is Ravenland’s neighbor During the wars between King Algarod of
to the west, known for its barren plains Alderland and his renegade sorcerer Zygofer
and proud riders who worship the holy three hundred years ago, a horde of demons
volcano known as Horn. In Ravenland the coun- were summoned that slaughtered the Alder-
try is often referred to as the Ashen Vale, which lander armies in Ravenland. After losing control
is really just the eastern region. The only known of the demons, the sorcerer sent them to ravage
passageway between the countries is through the neighboring country of the Bloodmarch
Shadowgate Pass in the Thynde Range. while he himself desperately tried to block the
chapter 2
This book is chronologically set after the campaign Raven’s Purge which took place
in Ravenland. Some of the events described here began there, but it is not nec-
essary to have played Raven’s Purge before the campaign Legacy of Horn which is
included in this book. If the gaming group intends to play Raven’s Purge at some
point, it would be best to do so before embarking on The Bloodmarch.
– From Ferrale Mutra’s speech to the banished PLUNDERERS: The player characters have
Alderlanders, before they were lowered from the heard that the country west of Ravenland has
bulwark of the Iron Lock. just been opened to outsiders. There will no
doubt be treasures to collect if they get there
The player characters will likely begin their early. If they do not wish to keep all the plunder
adventure as Ravenlanders or Alderlanders themselves, they can always find less scrupulous
who have come to Taregyll in the Ashen Vale merchants as well as a fence’s guild in Taregyll.
through Shadowgate Pass. You may choose These people will buy anything from equipment
another starting point, but you and the play- to jewelry and magical artifacts, and can even
ers must then explain who their characters are place orders on behalf of interested parties.
and how they ended up there. You are also free
ORC AMBASSADORS: It is said that the orcs of Before we continue it should be noted that the
the Bloodmarch were never subdued, and an orc first five chapters of this book can be read by
ambassador from someone like Emperor Hroka players and Gamemasters alike, while the texts,
of the Urhur clan could be sent to seek contact illustrations, and maps in chapter 6 onward are
and form an alliance with them. for the Gamemaster’s eyes only.
chapter 2
he Bloodmarch is located on the same are also areas resting on white limestone. These
parallel as Ravenland and its climate is lie outside the horse people’s territory, since
similar, only hotter and drier since it is they believe that the volcano god Horn is not
farther away from the sea. The central plains present there.
have volcanic soil and are rich with dark sand The Bloodmarch is surrounded by moun-
mixed with fertile ash. tains with only a few passes. Tall and strange
Before the Demon Flood there were many rock formations are a common sight, especially
villages along the outskirts of these plains, in the east. All the rivers draining the moun-
often located close to one another to better tains are said to converge in the south, where
defend against plundering horse clans. There they are swallowed by the earth.
chapter 3
CABERIANS: The Caberians have traditionally QUARDS: The Quards have long waged war on
been at war with the Alderlanders, who every so the indigenous Vasnians and never really recov-
often would attack through Gander’s Pass before it ered from the devastation of the Demon Flood.
was blocked by the Demon Flood. The Caberians Quards are often distrustful and mostly want to
value traditional masculinity. Weapon smithing, be left alone. Groups of Quards have returned
combat training, and the skaldic arts are central to the homeland since Shadowgate Pass was
to their way of life. Typical Caberians are easily reopened, but their Aslene brothers and sisters
offended and quick to challenge someone to a duel. think that dishonorable practices like farm-
The Caberian chieftain is Merdekai, a scarred ing have made them soft. Loyal to their own
and imposing horse warrior in his mid-forties. kind, the Quards have nevertheless allowed the
Merdekai supports Mommodar the Gnawer’s returnees to stay in the Crimson Forest by the
claim as leader of all the clans. lake Greyne, but will not help them cleanse the
area of demonic plague.
GALDANES: The Galdanes were hit first by the The Quards’ chieftain is called Jorgundos Ash,
Demon Flood as their territory shares a border a quiet man regarded as a just and attentive leader,
with Ravenland. Totally unprepared, the clan though he is notoriously difficult to convince of
was slaughtered in droves before the legendary anything he does not already know or believe.
chapter 3
chapter 3
chapter 3
chapter 3
Havenmark is named after the volcano god’s wife, THE WAILING
Have. The region was once lush and beautiful The wind-swept plain of The Wailing is named
with verdant hills and woods where elves and after the goddess Wail. Here, like in the even
humans lived in peace with each other. Now the stormier Kreysel, the Sabirian horse clan once
land is badly tainted with demon plague and the rode on their winged steeds. The eastern part of
very center of the unnatural vegetation’s spread. The Wailing is often called the Forest of Stone
Most who are not red elves stay away from there. because of its numerous ravines and pillar-like
The Houn clan that once ruled Havenmark cliffs. It is believed that the horses who roamed
is all but extinct and its few surviving members this area before the humans arrived developed
tend to avoid both humans and other kin, but wings so they would be able to move through
have nevertheless been energized by their strong the immense landscape and escape predators.
young leader Selligar Horne. The consensus in The Sabirians are now as divided as the other
the Bloodmarch is that Alderland somehow horse clans in the Bloodmarch.
contributed to the Houn’s downfall through
betrayal. But then again, malicious rumors
about the Alderlanders spread like weed in the KREYSEL
Bloodmarch. The plain narrows toward the west into the
Screaming Land of Kreysel. Here the west wind
howls so strongly and fiercely that few creatures
FIRESTEAD can survive for long. The enduring plants are
A river of lava known as Burn flows westward thick and grow along the ground, while animals
from the volcano Horn until it crashes down in the region have developed turtle-like legs so
into the wide gorge called Scorne Gorge. The as not to get swept away. The wind grew stronger
dwarven realm north of Burn is called Firestead during the Demon Flood, likely enhanced by
and coped fairly well with the Demon Flood, magical means as the sorcerers of The Drawn
since the dwarves during the worst attacks man- Lands beyond Kreysel closed the passage to pro-
aged to hold [Grinagap], the only natural bridge tect themselves. Anyone who travels west will
over the lava river. However, as civil war broke eventually be stopped by the raging hurricane
out between two dwarven clans, the Tarkins near the boundaries of The Drawn Lands. No
joined forces with demons who thereby gained one knows what lies beyond.
chapter 3
ll spells from the Player’s Handbook in the start of the game, but must find masters
the base game are found in the Blood- willing to teach them.
march as well. In addition, there are Furthermore, there are local orders and
three new schools of magic: Magma Song as cults that can cast spells from already exist-
practiced by the country’s priests of Horn, Men- ing magical traditions. These are the Order
talism as practiced by the moon elves of the of Egression (Blood Magic), the Pyrolytes (Ele-
Bloodmarch, and Oneiromancy as it is taught mental Magic and Healing), and Ad Vipera
by the followers of the Dreamstress (page 96). (Shapeshifting). The Order of the Ironbrows from
Adventurers who were not born in the Blood- Alderland also has magnetic abilities similar
march cannot know these magical traditions at to magic.
Ignite 1
Fire’s Friend 1
Mold Stone 1
Fire Memory 2
Water Memory 2
Steam Flight 2
Magma Cascade 3
Firewall 3
Summon Fire Wyrm 3
chapter 4
For the duration of the spell, you become You can make hot, liquid stone or metal shape
immune to all forms of fire, including dragon itself and solidify in any rough-cut form you
fire and lava. For each Power Level another want. Up to one cubic meter of material can
person in your vicinity can become fire’s friend be shaped per Power Level. The molded mass
too. However, the spell does not protect equip- remembers and retains the desired shape when
ment or clothes. it cools and becomes solid. More precise shapes
require a CRAFTING roll and molding weapons
requires the SMITH talent. You can use this
spell to form ten balls of stone for the spell
Magma Cascade.
chapter 4
SUMMON FIRE WYRM The moon elves of Anoma beyond the seas were
✥ R ANK: 3 masters of mentalism, a magical tradition that
✥ R ANGE: Can be summoned within affects the perception, memory, and will of
Short–Long range intelligent creatures. They stole the Eight
✥ DUR ATION: Attack by a fire wyrm. Mother from the worm people and fled, first to
The Power Level determines the size of Ravenland and then onwards to Aslene. Modern
the wyrm. moon elves have lost much of this knowledge,
but are still excellent manipulators.
Mental Strength 1 ✥ R ANK: 1
Confusion 2
You can make one allied person or creature per
Amnesia 2
Power Level immune to all damage to Wits and
Truth Sense 2
Empathy, as well as all fear attacks. When tar-
False Shape 3 geted by magical attacks against these attributes,
Fata Morgana 3 the person can make an INSIGHT roll (not an
Geas 3 action) with a positive modification equal to
the Power Level to resist the attack. The roll
cannot be pushed.
chapter 4
✥ R ANK: 1 You can affect the sleep of one or multiple
✥ R ANGE: Personal living creatures by injecting nightmares into
✥ DUR ATION: The day after a night’s sleep their minds. The victims suffer damage to
Wits equal to the Power Level. A victim that
Once per Power Level, you can make a skill has its Wits reduced to zero suffers a critical
roll for an action and only once you have seen fear injury. For every two additional Power
the outcome of that action decide whether you Levels another victim is affected. The night-
actually went through with it or chose not to, mares also render the creature SLEEPLESS
since you knew beforehand that it would turn for the next day. The spell has no effect on
out badly. With Power Level 2 and higher, pre- monsters.
monitions can also apply to your allies’ skill
rolls, but it only works if they have slept next
to you. You do not have to reveal the outcome, RESTORATIVE SLEEP
and the person in question decides whether or ✥ R ANK: 1
not the action is performed. Premonitioned rolls ✥ R ANGE: Personal
cannot be pushed or re-rolled after backing out. ✥ DUR ATION: The day after a night’s sleep
chapter 4
chapter 4
You can stanch a bleeding wound by manipulat- You can manipulate an enemy’s blood so that
ing the iron levels in the blood, automatically the victim immediately loses consciousness.
saving the life of a person who has sustained a Resisting the spell requires a successful Wits
fatal critical injury. roll (not an action) with a negative modification
equal to the Power Level. The victim cannot
be woken, but wakes up by themselves once the
ATTRACT magic wears off. You can also use the Power
✥ R ANK: 2 Level to affect multiple victims at once – every
✥ R ANGE: Short two steps of increased Power Level causes the
✥ DUR ATION: One round spell to affect an additional victim.
For example, Power Level 3 can affect two
You can magnetize an enemy in metal armor so victims and Power Level 5 three victims.
that it becomes easier to hit with metal weap-
ons and suffers increased damage from such
attacks. The spell adds a number of bonus dice
equal to the Power Level to all attacks with
metal weapons made against the enemy. You can
also use the Power Level to make the effect last
longer – each additional Power Level increases
the duration by one round.
chapter 4
The dew bound the ash on the ground, just as the guide had said it would.
Now dried by the heat of day, the dust puffed up with every step until no
one could see their feet. They headed towards the volcano Quard in the
north, but soon a wind stirred everything around them into gray. The
dust soured in their throats like stale beer. They decided to wait it out in
their tents, since no one knew where they were going. As they sat there,
the laughter of small voices reached them from the haze, and Bodvar
who was once a slave swore he smelled the scent of hunger in the wind.
Everyone drew their swords, though it gave them little courage.
slene, known to many as the Bloodmarch, terrain types: Ashlands, Firelands, and Crim-
is drier than Ravenland, with barren cen- son Forest. When the adventurers LEAD THE
tral plains where sharp grass and shrubs WAY, FORAGE , or MAKE CAMP in these areas
are defiantly holding on in the wind. It has no and suffer a mishap, a roll is made on the spe-
swamps or marshes, though there are plenty of cial tables further on in this chapter.
streams and rivers flowing to the plains from
the mountains. The soil is often dark with vol- HUNT: If the player characters HUNT in the
canic ash and fertile as long as there is water. Bloodmarch, use the rules in the Player’s Hand
book but roll for the type of animal on the table
on page 51. Use the regular mishap table
from the Player’s Handbook. Animals in a Crim-
NEW TERRAIN son Forest are often twisted versions of the
chapter 5
The black ashlands are desert-like plains of vol-
canic ash where nothing grows. In this terrain
type there is nothing to hunt, nor any edible THE MAP
plants to forage. The only water available is in The large map of the Bloodmarch
the form of poisonous, dead pools (Potency (sold separately, and available
D6+3). It is not advisable to make camp in ash- for free download on the Free
lands. No healing or recovery of attributes can League website) is divided into
take place in this hazardous environment. hexagons. As with the map
of Ravenland, one hexagon is
roughly 10 kilometers across.
FIRELANDS The two maps can be placed side
In firelands, the magma flows so close to the by side so that their edges line
surface that the ground burns under one’s feet. up at the top.
There are no edible animals to hunt. It is possi-
ble to forage for heat-resistant algae and certain
edible roots, but it is hard and rarely reward-
ing work. Water is found in geysers and boiling CRIMSON FOREST
springs, but it is undrinkable (Potency D6+1). The most peculiar terrain type is the crimson
Making camp in firelands counts as sleeping forest – blood-red demon jungles tangled like
on bare ground, albeit in sweltering heat rather spilled entrails in a strange landscape where
than freezing cold. The adventurers must make grotesque hybrids of animals and plants roam
a SURVIVAL roll to get any sleep at all, and wake in search of prey.
up THIRSTY. In crimson forests it is not hard to find
Hiking through firelands requires a success- things that seem edible, but whoever eats or
ful SURVIVAL roll every Quarter Day in order drinks anything off the land must succeed with
not to suffer 1 point of damage to Strength an ENDURANCE roll not to contract Crimson
from the hot ground. Sickness.
1 Bloodshot eyes. –1 The victim’s vision is affected so that the
world looks more red.
2 Blood streaks from ves- –1 The victim feels nauseous at the sight of
sels in the skin of the colors that do not contain red.
neck and torso.
3 Red, pulsating blood –1 The victim cannot see blood without
vessels on all limbs. wanting to lick it up.
4 Red hand with a will of –1 The victim must attack creatures that
its own. do not have anything red on them
(including blood).
5 Growths on the body. –2 Small, fleshy growths protrude under the
victim’s skin.
6 Deformation of the face –2 The victim’s face is twisted almost
and hands. beyond recognition. The hands become
crooked like talons and all SLEIGHT OF
HAND rolls have a –2 modification.
chapter 5
chapter 5
64–66 Earth- The ground starts shaking before it suddenly collapses. All
quake adventurers must succeed with a MOVE roll or fall into a lava
fissure – failure results in an attack with four Base Dice and
Weapon Damage 1 (blunt force), plus one additional point of
damage per round until a MOVE roll succeeds.
chapter 5
2 Parasites You find some seemingly edible plants which turn out to be
infested with parasites that burrow into your skin, inflicting
one point of damage to Empathy.
14–21 Ash storm A powerful ash storm blows in and reduces visibility to zero.
It is impossible to SLEEP without a tent, nor is it possible to
SCOUT during this Quarter Day.
22–24 Mud You wake up soaked and must make an ENDURANCE roll not
to become COLD:
25–31 Lost A random adventurer has lost an item. The GM decides what it
possession is and whether it can be found.
32–33 Hole in Acid has burned through an adventurer’s satchel, which
satchel means that this individual can only take with them items car-
ried on their person. The bag can be repaired with a successful
41–43 The fire The firewood is wet and your campfire goes out. Everyone in
goes out the group must make an ENDURANCE roll not to become COLD.
chapter 5
21–23 Scorching The ground is so hot that is like sleeping in a sauna. Everyone
ground must succeed with a SURVIVAL roll to get any sleep during
this Quarter Day.
24–26 Bad The campsite is poorly located and very uncomfortable to
campsite SLEEP in. No one in the group gets any sleep at all in this place.
31–33 Severe All adventurers must drink an extra unit of WATER to avoid
thirst becoming THIRSTY.
34–36 Broken One item belonging to a random adventurer is broken – the
equipment GM decides which one. The item can be repaired with a suc-
cessful CRAFTING roll.
chapter 5
61–62 Slime Slime snails have left trails of red slime at the campsite. They
snails may return, if the GM wants them to.
63–66 Spores Just as you finish making camp, the trees around you suddenly emit
every- great clouds of spores. Everyone must succeed with an ENDUR
where ANCE roll to avoid contracting Crimson Sickness (page 42).
“In the beginning, Horn awoke, and his lava flowed hot over
the land of Have so that she bore him five sons: Gald, Quard,
Houner, Sabira, and Cabera. They coveted the Bloodmarch,
where the Vasnians roamed. The sons chose Sella, eldest son
of Houner, to lead the clans. And so Horn gave unto Sella
five astra, legendary weapons that granted him the ability to
take the god’s form on the battlefield. Then, from deep within,
Horn spewed horses with manes of flame and gave them unto
the clans, for the land was vast.
Once the Vasnians had been banished, Sella entrusted each
clan with one of Horn’s Astra. He then cast himself into the
fire of Horn, for the feebleness of age was upon him.”
elcome to the Gamemaster’s section once bestowed upon Sella, the first leader of
of this book. Players should read no the Aslene horse clans. These weapons allowed
further! Legacy of Horn is a campaign Sella to conquer Aslene and defeat its indigenous
set in Aslene, the land west of Ravenland that people, known as the Vasnians.
many know as the Bloodmarch. When the fighting was over, the Astra
were divided between the country’s five horse
clans to prevent internal strife. This gesture
of peace did not work as intended, as the clans
BACKGROUND have been fighting each other ever since. When
Horn’s Astra are the five holy weapons that, the sorcerer Zygofer sent an army of demons
according to legend, the volcano god Horn into the Bloodmarch three hundred years ago,
chapter 6
conflicts of the Bloodmarch. They also learn
ARRIVAL IN that the demons who have plagued the land for
THE BLOODMARCH three hundred years have lately grown stronger
This phase begins when the adventurers arrive and that the leader of the red elves, Vaerefor van
in Aslene. Reiben, seeks their help to conquer Aslene in
the name of the red god Rubor.
At this phase the adventurers arrive at the The horse clans seek to unite under a
village of Taregyll in eastern Aslene. They common leader to combat the demons, but
are briefed on the kin, history, and political their efforts are hampered by internal strife.
chapter 6
chapter 6
call this event the Becoming and that is the sea. The Seventh sent a fleet of
their ultimate goal. enslaved humans in pursuit, but the
Beyond the Becoming there will be moon elves twisted their memories
only Meat, and all living things will be with magic and made them think that
part of her. She is omniscient, omnipo- they were following their raven god to
tent, and crawlingly omnipresent. The a promised land. So the humans arrived,
sixth generation learned to control twelve centuries ago, in a land they
humans and animals by placing leeches called Ravenland after the raven god.
on them. The seventh generation of The moon elves knew that the worm
worms even enslaved the country’s people would come for them sooner or
moon elves, a strange kin who mastered later. Unable to kill Octomadria, they
the magic art of mentalism. The Seventh hid her away at their secret temple
gave the moon elves a favored status Agnostica which they moved beyond the
in return for their help in magically con- world. Since this could not be done per-
trolling the will and memories of other manently and they were in a hurry, they
kin. As a reward they were promised linked the temple’s absence to a clock
a place on Meat’s surface rather than that was already in the Bloodmarch: the
becoming her entrails like other crea- giant clock at the House of Winds.
tures, in a future where the worm is Since moon elves inherit their ances-
everything and everything is the worm. tors’ memories, they decided to split
However, when the eighth gener- themselves into two ignorant kin – hal-
ation was about to be born, the moon flings and goblins – while waiting for
elves decided that enough was enough. the worm people to go extinct. In the
They prayed to the moon goddess Eor process they tore the moonstones from
who sent a giant raven to their aid. Once their chests and hid them in Agnostica.
most of the Seventh had died off as part Now the Seventh have learned from
of the generational shift, the giant raven their vision that the thieves are in the
stole Octomadria – the Eighth Mother Bloodmarch and that the Eighth Mother
who would birth the next generation. is alive. They have assembled into seven
The moon elves fled Anoma on their worm creatures on a mission to find and
ships and followed the raven across awaken the mother.
When Sella the Liberator rose anew out of the magma, he was bearing
Horn’s Astra and his companions kneeled before him, for it seemed to them
that the chieftain emerged stronger and aged in wisdom from the fires of
the underworld. His head was crowned by the Helm of Horn, which spoke
with the Stonechest of Horn around his torso and Sella’s Dragonboot on
his foot. On his belt hung the dagger Glasstooth and in his quiver slithered
the three Arrows of the Fire Wyrm. But in his hand the chieftain held the
Goblet Staff of Have with an all-giving grail at its end. It was said that
possessing all the Astra allowed Sella to wield the divine power of Horn.
t the heart of the campaign Legacy of and commerce with the Bloodmarch’s indigenous
Horn is the search for the five artifacts population, the Vasnians. But the proud Sella was
known collectively as Horn’s Astra, a set offended by some incident during the meeting
of powerful magical items said to be hiding in and let the peace efforts collapse into open war.
the Bloodmarch. The goddesses were so furious that they
Legend says that the god Horn gave his Astra rejected their legates and blocked the road back
to the hero Sella to help him conquer the Blood- to the Drawn Lands with an everlasting hur-
march for the horse clans, which he succeeded in ricane that rages to this day. Now godless, the
doing. After the wars each of the five clans took horse clans turned to the volcano god Horn,
one of Horn’s Astra into their care. Sella thought encouraged by the dwarves of Firestead.
this would preserve the unity between them, but The dwarves gave Sella the mechanical horse
the peace crumbled almost immediately. Witherbeam as well as a set of powerful weapons
What really happened was that the goddesses they did not dare test themselves – Horn’s Astra
Flow and Wail had sent Sella and his riders from – and from this situation the myth arose. The
the Drawn Lands west of Aslene to seek peace dwarves’ plan was to let the horse clans drive the
chapter 7
chapter 7
chapter 7
Ranged attacks diverted from the wearer instead
hit another creature within NEAR range. The
wearer’s hair turns completely white over the
course of a week.
chapter 7
✥ LEVEL 1: The arrow gives the user
Stories tell how the Vasnians gave the name a D8 Artifact Die when fired from a
less rider and his companions a bushel of bow, and returns to its owner after
gold to slay Sella the Liberator while three rounds (to the quiver if it
he was praying to Horn alone in the exists, otherwise on the ground
wilds. But the hero was unfazed by in front of the archer).
The arrow that was buried in Krasylla
(page 136) attracts the fire w yrm
Erinya, who thinks its owner is the
demon. Roll D6 every Quarter Hour
that the bearer spends in firelands –
one l means that the fire wyrm attacks.
The bearer can avoid the attack by firing
Krasylla’s arrow, in which case the fire
wyrm goes after it.
But lord Horn told Sella to go and liberate
the land, and the god dressed his champion
in the breastplate of the mountains so the
swords of his foes would hit not flesh, but solid
stone. And the villains’ blades shattered against
the stone, as did their courage. And the rocks of
Horn filled their hearts and minds until they stood
helpless before their deaths.
chapter 7
Witherbeam is steered like an ordi-
nary horse, with reins, legs, and
other aids. The horse is fueled with
Blue Tar which is poured through
the nose after the bigger horn has been
unscrewed. The horse brakes if Dense Water
is poured through the nose after unscrewing
the smaller horn.
Refueling is done by sacrificing Resource
Dice of the respective liquid. The same number
of Resource Dice are then transferred to
Witherbeam. Every Quarter Day that the horse
is used a roll is made for each liquid.
everal key players in Legacy of Horn
want to get their hands on one or more OF HAVENMARK
of Horn’s Astra, an ancient set of magi-
cal weapons said to have belonged to Sella the Selligar Horne of Havenmark (the byname Horne
Liberator (known among the Vasnians as Sella he added himself) is a handsome, charismatic, and
the Butcher). The key players all have their own skilled horseback warrior. He is the leader of the
intentions, but will likely form alliances with respected but decimated Houns and commander
each other over the course of the campaign of the Horn Riders – a growing group of more
if it benefits them. Several of the key players or less fanatical horse warriors from all clans.
behave discreetly and prefer not to reveal their Selligar rides around to strengthen the alliance
true identities or agendas to strangers. At the between the horse clans and generate interest in
same time, many of them need all the help his cause – to reunite and retake the Bloodmarch
they can get. using Horn’s Astra. Selligar claims to be a direct
chapter 8
key players
chapter 8
key players
chapter 8
Loosely allied with the Caberians in Wyrm cannot be found without a couple of Horn’s
Strilling where he is based. Often Astra. Grudenstaal seeks alliances that serve his
travels throughout the Bloodmarch. interests.
Is on a seeking pilgrimage in the Crudehack is actually trying to sabotage the
Bloodmarch along with goblins led endeavor since the goblins do not want to be
by the wolf rider Crudehack. united with the halflings.
Traveling through the Bloodmarch, The Seventh sometimes count as one creature,
all together or divided into groups. sometimes as seven or more. The Eighth Mother
cannot be found without a couple of Horn’s Astra.
key players
You might think that Poansa is called “moulter”
because of her flaking skin. Not so. It’s because she
leaves empty shells of people in her wake. The shells
are not her own, but the remains of those she has
devoured along the way. One of them was Grene
mer Treba, count of Strula until that venomous
woman seduced him and found his secret Rust
Altar. Once imprisoned he demanded, as a noble
man, to be executed by iron – for religious reasons
that would become clear later – and appealed to
Ad Vipera on the matter. He was surprised to
find Poansa in one of the council seats. But the
Moulter granted his wish and had him exe
cuted by iron as requested: they pounded iron
nails through his body until the screams died down
and the blood stopped flowing.
Poansa Moulter is roughly 35 years old,
thin and agile, pale, with a rather ordi-
nary appearance and short, dark hair. The
chapter 8
key players
chapter 8
key players
chapter 8
Grudenstaal keeps an open mind towards all SKILLS: Might 3, Melee 3, Animal Handling 2
the other key players, viewing them solely as TALENTS: Adaptive, Magnetism 2, Execu-
potential opportunities or threats to his own tioner 2, Defender 1, Horseback Fighter 3,
interests. He judges creatures by their ability Sword Fighter 2
and could not care less about their sex or race. GEAR: Broadsword, large shield, pike, chain-
As a result there are several unexpected associ- mail, war horse
ates that he has recruited in the Bloodmarch. LANCER: Grudenstaal can wield his pike
with one hand while on horseback.
POANSA: Grudenstaal knows that Poansa of
Ad Vipera has also come to the Bloodmarch in
search of Wyrm. He used to have a mole inside
Ad Vipera, but that agent was executed after
being exposed by the Prophet Fangler’s magic. THE IRONBROWS
Poansa has in turn learned about Grudenstaal’s The Ironbrows is an order of warriors
secret plans through her spies. with the Rust Church in Alderland.
Their traditional function has been
VINHELM: Towards the end of the campaign, to hunt down, capture, interrogate,
if Grudenstaal has realized the true nature of and punish heretics, as well as bru-
the situation, he might join forces with Vin- tally suppressing uprisings. When
helm and the other moon elves to hide the they learned about the prophecy of
temple Agnostica forever. In that case every- Wyrm’s rebirth in the Bloodmarch,
thing stays the same and the rumor of Wyrm’s the Rust Church sent a troop of
rebirth turns out to be false, which might suit Ironbrows to find and destroy the
the Rust Church. god before the Congregation of the
Serpent can get their hands on him.
THE RUST CHURCH: Feeling wronged and The Ironbrows are proud and ruth-
betrayed by the Rust Church, Grudenstaal less in nature, but realize that diplo-
might turn against them if the opportunity macy is needed in Aslene and are
arises and try to establish his own power base trying to secure allies for the future,
in the Bloodmarch. He knows that many Alder- so they can be patient and even
landers would join him. To this end he could somewhat friendly with strangers
basically contact and ally himself with any great whom they deem it useful.
power in Aslene, including Vaerefor van Reiben,
Poansa, Vasnia, the Seventh, or the Rust Church
key players
chapter 8
chapter 8
“May his flesh awaken in your flesh!”
key players
chapter 8
key players
The Seventh want to find the Eighth Mother THE SEVENTH AND
and through her spawn an eighth generation of OTHER KEY PLAYERS
worms. They themselves will die in the process, The worm people have no moral or emotional
which does not bother them. If they fail their barriers and can forge and break alliances if it
kind will eventually go extinct anyway. furthers their cause. Once they understand that
They know that moon elves inherit the others are looking for Horn’s Astra, they might
memories of their kin and want to get hold try to find them as well and later use them
of one in order to find out where the Eighth as a bargaining chip. They soon realize that
Mother is hidden. The worm creatures’ ultimate others are seeking the Eighth Mother under the
goal is to reach generation twelve and thereby name “Wyrm Reborn,” and they will happily
give shape to their god Meat. This, they believe, play along to gain the seekers’ trust.
is end of history and the meaning of everything.
If the Seventh get their hands on the Eighth VAEREFOR: Vaerefor van Reiben might con-
Mother, they will produce the Eighth and later vince the Seventh that the sticky vegetation
try to conquer Aslene, Alderland, and Ravenland of the crimson forest is a precursor to the god
by enslaving humans and other kin. They may Meat and form an alliance with them. Both
form alliances with others, but always consider sides look after their own interests and will
themselves superior to everyone else. break the alliance when it is beneficial to do so.
chapter 8
key players
chapter 8
key players
chapter 8
I once saw the lord of the red elves with
my own eyes. He stood on top of a giant
slug that crawled its way through the pass
where cousin Welia and I were picking
bird’s eggs on the mountainside. Vaere
for van Reiben they call him, and that
face of his might as well be made
of bark. They say he lives among
the growths of the crimson for
ests – the ones that have gotten
bigger lately, as you’ve prob
ably heard. I believe he has
something to do with it!
key players
chapter 8
key players
chapter 8
key players
chapter 8
APPEARANCE Octomadria has no secret goals. As a god she has
The Eighth Mother’s first form resembles a no reason to lie, pretend, or manipulate, since
three-meter-long snake with the upper body that would imply that others are her equals.
of a small child. Her six subsequent forms
appear in turn as twisted women with sim-
ilar features, of the following kin: human, MEETING OCTOMADRIA
dwarf, orc, goblin, wolfkin, and moon elf. Octomadria does not appear until the final stage
Each form that dies is replaced by the next. of the campaign, when the adventurers open her
All forms have the same stats, and they are chamber in the moon elves’ temple Agnostica.
key players
chapter 8
“Does this blood trail never end?” asked the little peddler, not
because he was afraid of blood, but because inexhaustibility
irritated his business sense as a matter of principle.
“That is not blood we’re following, but the feces of a giant snail”
answered the hunter. “You may be stepping in the dog it fed on.
Now stop blathering and keep moving! We’re getting close.”
No sooner had they stopped than a long, fat larva came
crawling along the red trail they were following.
“Hurry up! The pearlyveine has awakened and its tenta
cles are coming for us! Soon the crimson forest will flourish
around us!”
his chapter describes a large number of make use of such abilities. Other creatures
beasts and other creatures found in the attack as usual, and their attacks can be both
Bloodmarch. The rules for monsters parried and dodged.
presented in chapter 5 of the Gamem aster’s The chapter concludes with a summary of
Guide apply unless stated otherwise. However, typical NPCs the adventurers might encoun-
only the beasts with listed monster attacks ter on their travels.
SKILLS: Melee 3, Move 2, Scouting 3
GEAR: Short spear
SULFURIC ODOR: Smolderers reek of sulfur,
which makes them unpleasant to be
around. An adventurer who finishes their
turn within ARM’S LENGTH range of a
smolderer suffers an attack with three
Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1. The
attack deals damage to Empathy.
DRAW HEAT: Whenever smolderers succeed
with an unarmed melee attack, they can
(in addition to inflicting damage) drain
their victims’ body heat and thereby
render them COLD
chapter 9
FLOWER ATTACK: Hot-blooded
creatures who come within
NEAR range are attacked
once per round, each by a
separate flower. Roll for the
attack with four Base Dice
and Weapon Damage 1 (stab
wound). The attack can nei-
ther be dodged nor parried.
SKILLS: Scouting 1
EXPLOSIVE: Prunes explode on contact
with fire. The prune is consumed by the
flames and detonates in a cascade of
burning blue tar. Roll for the attack with
eight Base Dice and Weapon Damage 2
against all creatures within NEAR range.
chapter 9
MOVEMENT: 2 (can fly)
SKILLS: Move 2, Scouting 3
KICK: Weapon Damage 1 (blunt force)
chapter 9
1 PARALYZE! The fraege grabs a victim within ARM’S LENGTH range. Roll for the
attack with seven Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (non-typical). A victim who
takes damage from the attack becomes temporarily paralyzed and loses their
next fast and slow action.
2 CHILLING BITE! The fraege reaches for an adventurer within ARM’S LENGTH
range and bites their arm. The victim suffers an attack with six Base Dice and
Weapon Damage 1 (stab wound). If hit, the victim becomes COLD and drops
any item held in that hand.
3 MIGHTY BLOW! The fraege shows its true strength and rises tall! A cold wind
sweeps out from the demon as it swings its arms and strikes with full force.
Roll for the attack with eleven Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (blunt force).
4 ICY EMBRACE! The fraege wraps its arms around an adventurer in an attack with
eight Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (blunt force). Each point of damage
inflicted, if any, increases the fraege’s Strength by 1. If hit, the victim also
becomes grappled and COLD.
5 KICK! The fraege aims a kick at an adventurer. Roll for the attack with nine Base
Dice and Weapon Damage 2 (blunt force). If hit, the adventurer is knocked down.
6 DRAW HEAT! An aura of cold spreads as the fraege drains the heat from all
warm-blooded creatures and open fires within NEAR range. All affected victims
become COLD and all fires are extinguished. The fraege’s Strength increases by
1 for each affected fire and victim.
chapter 9
1 SPEW ACID! The grave lily’s flowers shoot digestive acid at two victims within
NEAR range. Roll for the attack with six Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (non-
typical) against each of them. The attack can be PARRIED with a shield. The
acid corrodes the victim’s armor, which means that damage blocked by the
armor decreases its Armor Rating by the same amount.
2 PARALYZE! The grave lily slashes an adventurer within NEAR range with its long
tentacles. Roll for the attack with seven Base Dice and Weapon Damage 2
(slash wound). A victim who takes damage from the attack is also afflicted with
a paralyzing poison with Potency 7. The attack can be PARRIED.
3 SKEWER! The insectoid plant rears up on its two hind legs and skewers two
adventurers within NEAR range as it drops back down. Roll an attack with six
Base Dice and Weapon Damage 2 (stab wound) against each target.
4 SAW! The grave lily scratches a victim with its thorns in an attack with nine
Base Dice and Weapon Damage 2 (slash wound). A victim who is broken by the
attack automatically sustains the critical injury Severed Arm or Severed Leg
(same chance for each).
5 HOLD! The tentacles wrap themselves around a victim within NEAR range. Roll
for the attack with eight Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (stab wound). If hit,
the victim is grappled and afflicted with a paralyzing poison with Potency 7.
6 DEFENSE! The grave lily swings its tentacles back and forth to defend itself
against the attackers. Roll an attack with six Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1
(slash wound) against everyone within ARM’S LENGTH range.
chapter 9
1 IMMENSE BITE! With a great bellow, the beast throws itself at an adventurer and
snaps its jaws. Roll for the attack with eight Base Dice (ten for fire wyrms) and
Weapon Damage 2 (slash wound). If successful, the beast grabs and shakes the
adventurer before they are thrown to NEAR range and land prone.
2 UNDERGROUND ROAR! The beast lets out a deafening roar and all adventurers
within NEAR range suffer a fear attack with four Base Dice (six for fire wyrms).
3 DARKENED SKY! The beast rears up and darkens the sky with its tremendous
mass. It then drops back down to crush all adventurers within ARM’S LENGTH
range. Each adventurer must make a MOVE roll to evade the beast (not an
action). Anyone who fails suffers an attack (blunt force) with ten Base Dice
(twelve for fire wyrms).
4 THREAT FROM BELOW! The giant beast digs itself into the ground and disappears.
A few seconds later you feel the ground starting to shake and then give way under
your feet! Everyone within NEAR range must make a MOVE roll (not an action) not
to fall into the beast’s mouth, which inflicts one point of damage to Strength per
round (three points for fire wyrms). The victim can keep attacking the wyrm from
within, where it lacks armor. If the victim inflicts at least four points of damage
with a single attack, the adventurer cuts their way out of the wyrm.
5 SWEEPING ATTACK! The beast uses its long body to make a sweeping attack
against all adventurers within NEAR range. Roll for the attack with six Base
Dice (eight for fire wyrms) and Weapon Damage 1 (blunt force). Everyone hit by
the attack is knocked down.
6 COLLAPSING GROUND! The beast burrows down into the earth and its sheer
weight causes the ground to collapse around the adventurers. Everyone within
NEAR range falls 2D6 meters into a sinkhole.
chapter 9
1–2 OVERLOAD! The mecha’s hydraulic system is overloaded and starts pumping
faster than the mecha can handle. All attacks performed this round are rolled
with double the number of dice. This also harms the mecha, which immedi-
ately after the attack suffers the same amount of damage as the victim.
3–4 SPARKS! Metal hits metal with a grinding screech. Sparks fly in every direction
and risk setting fire to the surroundings.
5 BROKEN! The mecha stops in its tracks. An arm or leg is jammed for D3
rounds, which decreases all monster attacks by two Base Dice.
6 EXPLOSION! The mecha begins to creak and squeak. Its sheet-metal curves and the
hydraulic pumps spew oil all over the place before the mecha suddenly explodes.
Sharp pieces of metal whiz through the air. Roll an attack with seven Base Dice and
Weapon Damage 1 (stab wound) against all creatures within NEAR range.
1–2 PUMMEL! The mecha swings its arms at all adventurers within ARM’S LENGTH
range. Roll for the attacks with six Base Dice each and Weapon Damage as
per the mecha’s weapon. The attacks can be parried.
3–4 WEAPON ATTACK! An arm shoots out with tremendous force towards an unfortu-
nate adventurer within ARM’S LENGTH range. Roll for the attack with ten Base
Dice and Weapon Damage as per the mecha’s weapon. The attack can be parried.
5–6 IRON GRIP! The mecha grabs an adventurer within ARM’S LENGTH range and
tries to crush the victim with its mechanical fists. Roll for the attack with
nine Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (blunt force). If it succeeds, the victim
is grappled. The mecha can keep fighting as usual with its other arm and
moves unencumbered despite the weight of the adventurer.
chapter 9
SKILLS: Endurance 1, Melee 2, Scouting 2,
Survival 3
ARMOR RATING: 3 (scales)
CLAW ATTACK: Weapon Damage 2 (slash
chapter 9
1–2 ACID SPIT! The sarcoptes spits a jet of acid at a victim within NEAR range. Roll
for the attack with six Base Dice and Weapon Damage 2 (non-typical). The
attack can be PARRIED with a shield. The acid corrodes the victim’s armor,
which means that damage blocked by the armor decreases its Armor Rating
by the same amount.
3–4 SCRATCH! The sarcoptes uses its massive claws to scratch two victims within
NEAR range. Roll an attack with eight Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1
(slash wound) against each of them.
5 BITE! The sarcoptes tries to bite an adventurer with its sharp mandibles. Roll
for the attack with ten Base Dice and Weapon Damage 2 (slash wound).
6 CRUSH! The sarcoptes tries to crush an adventurer within ARM’S LENGTH
range with its massive body. Roll for the attack with 14 Base Dice and
Weapon Damage 2 (blunt force). If hit, the victim is trapped underneath the
sarcoptes and must make a MOVE roll to escape. The victim suffers an addi-
tional point of damage each round until they break free.
1 ACID SPIT! The head spits acid against an adventurer within NEAR range. Roll for
the attack with seven Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1.
2 BITE! The head bites the nearest adventurer with its sharp teeth. Roll for the
attack with six Base Dice and Weapon Damage 2 (slash wound).
3 SCREAM! The head lets out a terrifying scream. All adventurers within NEAR
range suffer a fear attack with five Base Dice.
4 GRIP! One of the forest star’s arms wraps itself around an adventurer within
NEAR range in an attempt to crush them. Roll for the attack with seven Base
Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (blunt force). If hit, the adventurer is grappled by
the arm which continues to crush the adventurer in the next round.
5 LASHING ARM! The arm lashes at an adventurer within NEAR range. Roll for the
attack with six Base Dice and Weapon Damage 2 (stab wound).
6 RIP APART! Two of the forest star’s heads try to bite hold of an adventurer
within ARM’S LENGTH. Roll for the attack with seven Base Dice and Weapon
Damage 1 (slash wound). If hit, the adventurer is grappled. On the next head’s
initiative (this replaces the head’s own attack) the beast tries to rip its victim
apart – make an opposed roll for the beast’s Strength against the victim’s
Strength. If the beast wins, the victim dies instantly.
SKILLS: Scouting 1
SPORES: One in six sporewalkers ( l on
a D6) explodes upon taking damage,
spreading crimson slime and body parts
around itself. Roll an attack with five Base
Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (non-typical)
against everyone within NEAR range. The
attack can be PARRIED with a shield, but
not dodged. Anyone hit by the attack risks
contracting Crimson Sickness (page 42).
chapter 9
chapter 9
SKILLS: Endurance 1, Crafting 2
GEAR: Knife or wooden club
SKILLS: Lore 2, Insight 2, Manipulation 2 The Penites are deeply religious halflings and
chapter 9
GEAR: Warhammer, shield, chainmail, blue Humans with orc blood in their veins. They
tar, lycopodium powder were once the indigenous population of Aslene,
before the horse clans arrived from the west and
drove the Vasnians to the northern regions of
the country.
SKILLS: Might 2, Endurance 2, Melee 3,
Crafting 1, Move 2
GEAR: Battle axe, shield, studded leather
Silence overcame them, for the horse that the jackals pursued
was fleshless. Only its skeleton was bolting forth.
“D’ya think them beasties ate the brute on the go?” asked
Trudiner, whom the others found a bit odd. Yet no one was laughing.
“This is sorcery and deception,” answered the thin Meneila.
“Ready your weapons! Point them at the animals, you meathead,
not me!”
his chapter contains 27 new random around their feet, the heat from the lava cool-
encounters to inflict upon the adven- ing beneath the basalt surface of the firelands,
turers during their excursions in the or the winds playing wildly in the tall grass on
Bloodmarch. Roll on the table on page 132 the endless plains.
instead of the one in the Gamemaster’s Guide.
The wind is your company as you journey across LAIN DANCERS
the vast landscape. Some hills can be glimpsed in
the distance, and beyond them loom the high peaks A large man in black is sitting by a campfire, seem
of the mountains. Is it clouds gathering over there, ingly in casual conversation with two glistening
or is it a smoldering volcano? skeletons crouched on their heels. Other skeletons of
both animals and humanoid creatures are moving
No encounter takes place, but you should take around them in some sort of tranquil dance. They
the opportunity to describe the landscape to raise one leg and remain standing for a few sec
the players – the dust of the ashlands swirling onds before they continue, making gestures and
chapter 10
All Draug’s skeletons have been SKILLS: Might 2, Melee 2, Insight 2, Marks-
polished by the Seventh, and manship 2
their stats are found on page 122 TALENTS: —
in the Gamemaster’s Guide. GEAR: Warhammer, crossbow, studded
leather armor
random encounters
chapter 10
volcano. The “bride” would very much like to can often be found deeper in such coldwoods and
be rescued by the adventurers, and preferably that the talk of dead souls is mere superstition
dropped off somewhere safe. spread by druids when they want to be left alone.
If the adventurers gain her trust, Kroma- The fact of the matter is that direglooms are
bella turns out to be well-informed about the not linked to the dead at all, but simply have
clans’ activities as she travels extensively and is the ability to lower the temperature inside their
welcome anywhere (except among the Galdanes) trunk and branches, which causes condensation
with her filthy songs. to trickle down to their roots and keep them
watered. Indeed, there is usually a freshwater
TERR AIN TYPES: Plains, Ashlands, Hills lake at the center of such woods.
Unfortunately, caution is warranted in this
KROMABELLA particular case, since the woods have become
STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 4, WITS 3, EMPATHY 4 home to two fur-covered forest stars (page 118).
SKILLS: Melee 2, Marksmanship 2, Move 2, They have come to the woods to enjoy the cooler
Manipulation 5, Animal Handling 2 environment and feed on deer, humans, and other
TALENTS: Horseback Fighter 2 creatures drawn to the water. It is them clamber-
GEAR: Leather armor ing between the trees that sounds like a bridal train.
random encounters
chapter 10
random encounters
chapter 10
SKILLS: Melee 1, Scouting 5
MOVEMENT: 2 PIn the distance you see a group of Vasnians (or horned
dwarves, depending on the location) who have made
ATTACK: Bite, Weapon Damage 1 (slash
wound) camp and are roasting pieces of dread raptor over a fire.
They seem to be in high spirits as they help themselves to
the fermented beverages in their waterskins. You are
welcome to share their camp and meal, since there is
10 FIRE HARVEST more meat than they can possibly eat or even carry home.
There are fires raging at the edge of a grove with The group is in an excellent mood and has no
tall, slightly strange-looking trees. Humans are desire to fight unless one provokes them in
climbing the trees and seem to be harvesting some some way. If the adventurers join them, they
thing into their satchels. Lying on a flat rock is start explaining how last week they encountered
a naked woman tied up with leather straps in a some other wanderers who had lived through
supine position. Some other people are torturing amazing adventures. As they recount the story,
the poor woman with torches and red-hot irons. the adventurers soon realize that the exploits
She writhes in agony, but does not make a sound. being described are their own, albeit embellished
random encounters
chapter 10
Noesis and Noema look real, but are in fact TERR AIN TYPES: Plains, Forest, Crimson
permanent illusions created during experiments Forest, Hills, Mountains
random encounters
chapter 10
HORSE see that the bodies have been cut open and robbed
of their elven rubies. On a stone among the bodies,
You see a white, riderless wingsteed glide across the someone has written in wax: “The Inglourious
sky and land a bit further away, where it starts Butchars”.
random encounters
The group calls itself “the Inglourious Butchars” – TERR AIN TYPES: Plains, Forest, Crimson
a signature they leave wherever they carry out their Forest, Hills, Mountains
bloody work. The Inglourious Butchars are hunting
red elves to kill them and cut out their rubies. If INGLOURIOUS BUTCHAR
the elves are seen as potential recruits, their rubies STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 4, WITS 3, EMPATHY 2
are brought to the masters in the Stillmist for recy- SKILLS: Melee 2, Stealth 2, Marksmanship
cling. The others are sold for money to humiliate 3, Move 2
their former owners. With a few exceptions, the GEAR: Short bow, shortsword, leather
group’s members are themselves former red elves armor
who have been restored – but too quickly, which
caused certain defects in their bodies and minds.
Minia, an ordinary elf who has decided to accom-
pany the group, says that the Butchars’ rubies were
so furious that they hastened the regrowth of the THE JESTERS
flesh so that they could immediately return to the
Bloodmarch and take revenge. You hear music and hooting coming from a horse-
The Butchars drug themselves with salt to drawn wagon where a troupe of jesters has made
cope with their shame and pain. They hate the camp. The jesters are performing, but their audi
crimson forest, the red elves, and above all, Vaer- ence of a dozen soldiers in field clothes do not seem
efor van Reiben. The leader of the Butchars, who very amused. An officer gets up and starts ranting
calls himself Mahogany, has a special knife saved that the blasphemers must be punished. The soldiers
for Vaerefor. The dagger is called Glasstooth and respond by chanting “Funnier! Funnier!” The jest
could be one of Horn’s Astra – unless you have ers are crying, but try their best to entertain them.
given that dagger to the key player Poansa. In Some soldiers start throwing stones at the performers.
that case Mahogany’s dagger is a replica.
There are ten former red elves among the Closer up you notice that the soldiers are wear-
Butchars, all with wood-related names: Mahog- ing Alderlander clothes and, judging by the
any, Birch, Burl, Merbau, Wenge, Jatoba, Katalox, religious symbols they wear, seem to worship
chapter 10
TERR AIN TYPES: Plains, Forest It is the moon elf and key player Vinhelm Kaal
(page 89) who is moving in the area to deter-
MENGENDORM mine whether the adventurers are of interest,
STRENGTH 4, AGILITY 3, WITS 4, EMPATHY 4 what they might know about the temple Agnos-
SKILLS: Melee 2, Marksmanship 1, Insight 2, tica, and whether they have found any moon-
Manipulation 2, Animal Handling 1 stones. The powerful mentalism radiating from
TALENTS: Sword Fighter 2, Sixth Sense 2 the moon elf is affecting the group’s thoughts.
GEAR: Broadsword, shield, chainmail, riding Depending on what they know, do, and own,
horse Vinhelm will either leave them alone, follow
random encounters
chapter 10
random encounters
Two people lay claim to leadership of the Gal- The seemingly exhausted red elf calls herself
danes. One is Kormella Mira of Moldena from Rubilla. She claims to be a former redrunner
Ravenland, descendant of Kanender the Mad from Ravenland who was captured and turned
who, during the Demon Flood three hundred into a red elf by Vaerefor van Reiben. For some
years ago, cut through the invading hordes and reason she herself does not understand, she was
led his followers east through Shadowgate Pass. able to retain her memories and has been col-
The other is Trandesso Havaman who was born lecting the rubies of former friends who would
in the Bloodmarch. Now the two of them wish also be turned. She carries them in a belt with
to challenge each other for the title of chief- compartments.
tain. They compete in horseback riding, single She has been looking for a group of elves
combat, and now musical performance, cheered from Ravenland who call themselves the Inglou-
on by their respective supporters. rious Butchars, but the pursuing red elves
caught up with her. She begs the adventurers
IMPARTIAL JUDGES: If the group spots the to help her escape or, should that be impossible,
adventurers, the strangers are asked to judge the make sure that the elven rubies are somehow
contest in an impartial manner. Regardless of brought to the Butchars or directly to the Still-
your decision, the losing side will question the mist so that her friends can be restored.
judges’ competence, suitability, appearance, and
intelligence, and remember this affront to justice. RUBILLA SAVED: If the adventurers manage
The winners, on the other hand, will praise to escape the pursuers with Rubilla, she is very
the adventurers’ excellent taste in music and grateful and can tell them more about Vaerefor,
want to make friends with them. In the eve- the crimson forest, and the red elves. After a
ning everyone feasts on roasted game meat and week or two she leaves them under some pretext
fermented horse milk. The losers still hold a or other, but would preferably have them take
grudge and might challenge the adventurers or over responsibility for the fate of the rubies.
serve their revenge cold at a later time.
THE PURSUERS: If the pursuers catch up to
TERR AIN TYPES: Plains, Forest, Hills, Ash- the adventurers, they demand that Rubilla be
lands handed over to them. They do not seem to know
chapter 10
random encounters
You follow the brook upstream through a ravine whose a hilltop at the far end of the valley you see some
sides rise steeper and steeper from the surrounding buildings of stone next to a large fire. People of dif
moor. The brook flows restlessly, its water so steam ferent origins are going about their daily lives in the
ing hot that veils of mist fill the ravine. Tall, blue village, shamelessly sizing you up as they walk past.
pine trees line the road, and many of their trunks
are smeared with tar. Soon you come upon the living
dead – some of them sitting slumped on rocks and tree
stumps, others leaning against a black building that
seems to be their home while they wait for the grave. BACKGROUND
You proceed in silence, and soon the ravine opens The village of Taregyll is designed to be the play-
into a long valley between the wooded ridges. Rows ers’ introduction to Aslene, with good opportu-
of houses emerge from the mist, some of them new nities to highlight some of the main conflicts
and sloppily constructed, others built from ancient in the country.
timber. The sounds of singing, hammering, and Taregyll is situated on the slopes west of
the slaughter of animals reach your ears. Even Shadowgate Pass which once connected Raven-
here among the living, the stench of tar and sulfur land and Aslene. The original village, Gully,
is omnipresent. The mist clears as you arrive and was for a long time a remote temple site where
allows you to gaze beyond the wooden shacks. On restless dead were laid to rest in the lava vents. A
chapter 11
chapter 11
SKILLS: Melee 1, Lore 2, Insight 2, Manipu- Captain Brock is from Ravenland and careful to
lation 2 dress as a smart-looking officer. He trims his
TALENTS: Magma Song 1 hair and beard every day and dyes it with black
GEAR: Warhammer, SIMPLE find pomade that makes it gleam like his leather armor
with silver buckles. It is unclear which side Brock
fought on in Ravenland, and some say he deserted,
3. THE EXECUTIONERS’ GUILD but nobody dares to speak openly about it.
Outside a dilapidated old merchant house some CAPTAIN BROCK
spectacular soldiers are posing in a kind of grotesque STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 3, WITS 3, EMPATHY 4
parade armor made of shiny black leather, metal SKILLS: Melee 2, Marksmanship 1, Insight 2,
plates, and oversized shoulder pieces. With pomp Manipulation 2
ous faces, they are eying everyone who walks past. GEAR: Broadsword, shield, chainmail
chapter 11
✥ CREATURES: The butcher Oxnesa and
the old farmer Traberos and his farmhands.
Antmar Stickyfingers is a rat-like, middle-aged man
with a pointy nose, sand-colored mustache, and
greasy combed-back hair. He dresses well but not
ostentatiously, talks fast, thinks quickly, and con-
stantly shifts his eyes to take in everything of inter-
est. Stickyfingers gives the immediate impression of
being a bootlicking salesman, but it soon becomes
chapter 11
13 12
9 11
7 6
chapter 11
chapter 11
Here are a number of events that might occur THE WRATH OF RUBOR
in Taregyll. A group of red elves (page 129) attacks Taregyll
to burn down this temple of evil dedicated to the
impure manifestations of Kolor, the multicolored
BACK FROM THE DEAD god. Unless they are stopped, the elves will rout
One of the adventurers is startled by a hand that the guards before setting fire to anything that will
suddenly reaches out from a dark corner and burn – including the blue pines around the village.
chapter 11
Your eyes rejoice at the sight of a distant mountain with its tent camps and pastures. When the
that breaks the monotony of the Aslene plains. It adventurers first arrive, the village is full of
rises like a massive anvil, crowned by its flat top visiting Aslenes – mainly Sabirians and Quards
and with its horn pointing east. Only when you – who have come to attend the wedding of their
get closer do you realize how high and virtually chieftains’ children.
impregnable the mountain really is, and yet there Faltenvil is the holy mountain of the horse
is a climbing route winding its way to the top from clans, a place of unity and the center of their
the village at its base. Lots of people and horses seem worship of Horn and Have, as well as a center
to be moving about the village. of Aslene learning. Here burns the original holy
fire of Have and blue tar is purified to the high-
est quality. Violence is forbidden both on the
mountain and in the village, which also applies
to people heading there on religious errands with
BACKGROUND their weapons tucked away in their knapsacks.
Ashenstead is situated on Faltenvil, a mountain Each month a market is held in the vil-
whose silhouette abruptly breaks up the sur- lage at the foot of the mountain, where horses
rounding plains. Below is the village of Dunfalt and other valuable goods are bought and sold.
chapter 12
Councils and negotiations, as well as duels and dead, as getting them up on the mountain is
weddings, are traditionally held on the faces – difficult, and often dangerous, work.
the mountain’s three plateaus. Strangers are
welcome as Faltenvil is a mountain of peace,
but they better keep a low profile.
All ordained priests at the temple are mar-
ried couples where one spouse worships Horn GETTING HERE
and the other Have, but these roles are not The adventurers can either come upon Mount
gender specific. Novices are paired up by the Faltenvil by accident on their travels through
high priests as they take their vows. the Aslene plains or go there deliberately, for
In hopeless situations it is considered hon- example to seek knowledge and advice at the
orable to choose death by throwing oneself off temple, fetch holy fire, or attend a council. They
the mountain, and to place one’s dead on the might also encounter and accompany one of
mountain’s plateaus to be eaten by the birds. the horse clans’ wedding processions on their
Other solutions are often sought for the restless way to Faltenvil.
4 5
chapter 12
TALENTS: Path of the Companion 3, Horse- High Priestess Melgir Skylark is a singer as well
back Fighter 3 as a skilled rider, even though she has yet to
GEAR: Longsword, leather armor, riding reach the age of thirty. As a priestess she is a
horse highly valued advisor and quickly gains people’s
trust through her intelligence and perceptiveness.
GERBER A Melgir is married to the Horn priest Tordenost.
Mommodar’s daughter Gerbera is considered
a dark beauty, which she herself does not want
to hear about. On the contrary, she lives for 6. THE STRIKE FACE
her horses and dresses like a man to escape the On the largest plateau of the mountain you are met
expectations of being a decorative flower. by a vile stench of dead bodies, and flocks of carrion
birds are cawing angrily from the bare, northern
GERBERA part of the plateau where a few sheds can be seen.
STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 4, WITS 3, EMPATHY 2 To the west, beyond a small pool of water, rises the
SKILLS: Melee 2, Marksmanship 1, Move 2, highest face of the mountain with the temple com
Animal Handling 2 plex and a blue fire.
TALENTS: Horseback Fighter 2
GEAR: Short spear, short bow, leather In the northern part of the Strike Face, corpses
armor, riding horse are being eaten by the carrion birds constantly
squawking and squabbling in the area. The
bodies are stored and prepared in the sheds. A
5. KARDENAS’ WATCH short, rotund priest is running around chasing
On the edge of the Horn Face’s eastern tip a tower all the birds with red feathers, as they are not
balances over the abyss. A lovely female voice is deemed worthy of the feast. In contrast, the rest
heard from the top of the tower, singing so loudly of the face is very beautiful with creeping trees
that it reaches the ground on the leeward side of and bushes and flourishing flowers, berries, and
the mountain. fruits. The gnawed-up skeletons are pulverized
and used as fertilizer for the plants.
chapter 12
18 16
19 15
21 14
chapter 12
chapter 12
Traveling through the Bloodmarch, you notice a of a giant rainbow through rune singing. Vaer-
strange sight in the distance. After a heavy rain the efor is on his way there with his moving castle
end of a vibrant rainbow shoots up from an area of Kasabatoda to paint the rainbow completely red
mixed crimson forest, but instead of arching across with the creature’s slime, thinking that doing so
the sky as one would expect, it writhes like a tortured will permanently damage the other colors so that
serpent with its free end flailing among the clouds. all rainbows in the sky will be red from then on.
There is a village nearby and some mine adits can The captured rainbow has come to the atten-
be seen in the mountainside. Between the village tion of the Order of Egression who believe that
and the rainbow runs a stream that flows into a lake. it is a bridge by which dead souls can cross over
to the underworld and that it must therefore be
preserved. A group of drakewyrms are equally
upset, since they view the rainbow as their
god Tincturus who must be saved. Moreover,
BACKGROUND rumors of a treasure at the end of the rain-
Vaerefor van Reiben presents himself as the bow are attracting all manner of scum to the
prophet and leader of the Aslene red elves, but area. The red elves and their sarcoptes guard
is really a demon seeking to paint the whole world the place against intruders while awaiting their
red. Now his loyal red elves have trapped one end master’s arrival.
chapter 13
chapter 13
chapter 13
chapter 13
chapter 13
The effect increases with the number of as the horse clans had purged it of Vasnians.
people who simultaneously share the same dream, The Dreamstress’ peace reigns in Oxengelder –
so the Dreamstress accepts anyone as her appren- people of all kin come here to trade and learn
tice to gather as large a following as possible. what is going on in the world.
Together they will dream up a perfect world.
The Dreamstress helps visitors change
things they do not like. For example, she
might restore a lost hand, resurrect the dead,
and uncover secrets in her dreams. What she GETTING HERE
cannot see are things created by other divinities, The adventurers can be drawn to Oxengelder
such as Horn’s Astra. Her secret plan is to get in various ways:
as many people as possible to simultaneously ✥ They hear rumors, perhaps from a wan-
dream of her homeworld Eoni so that she can dering oneiromancer, of a master teach-
go back there and never return. ing dream magic – a magic discipline
Oxengelder was once a Vasnian place of sac- they have never come across before.
rifice named after the white bulls whose blood ✥ They are told that the Dreamstress can
were ritually spilt in the limestone basins to alter reality – restoring lost limbs, raising
please the allmother Volitia. The place was the dead, resurrecting the dead, finding
deserted when the Dreamstress settled there, lost things or people, etcetera.
chapter 14
Lots of people ask for the
Dreamstress’ help, and so can ASPIRING DREAMERS
the adventurers. The consulta- Interested adventurers can
tion usually involves the Dream- apply to study Oneiromancy at
stress and the required number Oxengelder. The usual require-
of oneiromancers sitting down ments for learning skills and
and dreaming in the Sky Tower spells apply. The school does not
for a reasonable price. The accept anyone with Wits higher
Dreamstress can among other than 3 or Empathy lower than 3,
things restore a severed limb but criteria are kept secret and
or bring a dead person back to applicants are only told that
life – but only does the latter they have failed the entrance
in exchange for an Astra. The test and been deemed unsuit-
Dreamstress can also locate any able to study oneiromancy. How-
place, item, or person, except ever, adventurers with access to
for Horn’s Astra (although she one of Horn’s Astra are automat-
says that she can). She can ically accepted.
also advise people on how to
advance their plans.
chapter 14
chapter 14
TALENTS: Oneiromancy 3 (can cast spells at here every morning to ask questions and seek
Power Level 4) advice, while more distinguished guests are
GEAR: Dagger welcome to attend council meetings in the
afternoons. During council sessions, all unau-
thorized people are expected to stay away from
5. THE MASTERS’ PAVILION the Garden of Masters and keep out of ear-
Two marble pavilions with closed doors at the far shot. At night the Dreamstress often sleeps
end of the park. in the circle.
Kalemes of the Caberian horse clan is a penni- THE CONTRACT
less novice tasked with cleaning the limestone The key player Grudenstaal (page 79) is here
basins. He and his friend Trommel have both as the Dreamstress’ guest and seeks out the
cut ties with their clan and made significant adventurers to request that they murder the
progress as oneiromancers. But they are child- Sabirian Chieftain Mommodar and the Cabe-
ish and unruly and have taken to defiling the rian Chieftain Merdekai, since they in turn are
Horn of Abundance. planning to murder Selligar Horne, chieftain
of the Houns, who is needed to unite the horse
chapter 14
chapter 14
One night Oxengelder is attacked by a foe as SKILLS: Melee 1, Lore 2, Survival 2, Insight 3,
expected as it is strange. All creatures at the Manipulation 2
school, including the adventurers, but not TALENTS: Oneiromancy 3, Fearless 1
the Dreamstress or the senior oneiromancers, GEAR: Short sword, leather armor
are suddenly and simultaneously faced with
a twisted copy of themselves that tries to
The copies have the same stats and gear as Troops from the Sabirian and Caberian horse
the originals, but dissolve into thin air once clans attack Oxengelder, a blasphemous place that
any of their attributes reaches 0. About half is not of volcanic origin. This event only occurs
of all NPCs at the school are killed, except the if the horse clans find out that Selligar has hired
Dreamstress and the senior oneiromancers. the Dreamstress or that Poansa or Grudenstaal
When the dust settles, the Dreamstress and has put out a contract on their chieftains’ heads,
Pirimena explain that the Daydreamers were or if they are otherwise provoked.
chapter 14
bann guelder
chapter 15
bann guelder
TALENTS: Incorruptible 2, Sharp Tongue 1, gotten wind of the gold in Bann Guelder and
Sixth Sense 1 wants to bring it home to Firestead – something
GEAR: Dagger (Weapon Damage 2), leather that would raise his status enough to claim
armor, several beautiful rings, 2D6 silver, lordship over the region. Merdenvil poses as a
PRECIOUS find botanist in order to move freely and look for
the gold. He claims to look forward to ”bota-
BODYGUARD nizing” the area around Bann Guelder to cata-
STRENGTH 4, AGILITY 3, WITS 3, EMPATHY 2 log the local species of guelder rose. Merdenvil
SKILLS: Might 2, Melee 2, Marksmanship 2, has no intention of stealing the treasure, but
Move 1, Survival 2, Healing 2 mainly wants to see the gold and appraise its
TALENTS: Shield Fighter 2, Steady Feet 1, value before making an offer for it.
Axe Fighter 1 Merdenvil lives in a dwarf-made carriage
GEAR: Battle axe, large shield, short bow, pulled by a large troll set up with parasols for
studded leather armor, studded leather cap the sun. The carriage is guarded by six heavily
1 2
TALENTS: Lucky 2, Wanderer 1, Herbalist 1 with glorious scenes from their clan and family
history. The volcano Horn and its five sons
GEAR: Dagger, leather armor, SIMPLE find
in a circle are included in the motifs. One of
the houses serves as a meeting hall as well as a
DWARF WARRIOR school where the men tell children what they
STRENGTH 5, AGILITY 3, WITS 3, EMPATHY 2 need to know about life. The other house is
SKILLS: Endurance 2, Melee 2, Marksman- where the Elderguard eat and sleep.
ship 2, Move 1 The smithy focuses on weapons and horse
TALENTS: Executioner 1, Defender 1 equipment, but also produces everyday items like
GEAR: Warhammer or flail, large shield, simple locks and fittings, as well as horseshoes.
chainmail, open helmet
✥ CREATURES: About ten older Aslene
warriors – some in good health, others
2. THE HALLS on the verge of death. Ten children in
OF THE ELDERMEN one of the houses.
Closest to the mound are some log houses whose
facades display lots of carvings, trophies, and col ELDERMAN KORLO
ored metal plates clinking in the wind. Some older Korlo is the commander of the Elderguard, a
scarred and weathered fighter with skin like
tanned leather. Despite his age, Korlo is a tall
and imposing man who is not easily ignored.
He is often chewing on betel roots which grow
on the mountain. He is serious and dutiful and
has piercing, scrutinizing eyes.
SKILLS: Melee 1, Crafting 1, Marksmanship
1, Survival 1, Healing 2
GEAR: Knife
bann guelder
chapter 15
5. THE GHOSTLY CLEARING Sprickan har försetts med trappsteg och stegar.
A shimmering blue creature is dancing on the Via den kommer man ner i grottan ungefär
mountain at night, in a clearing surrounded by femtio meter från guldskatten.
natural monoliths. Its wails echo through the night.
bann guelder
The adventurers notice the villagers eating unusu- BRUSHFIRE
ally good food that is not available in the region One night the alarm is sounded and people start
and drinking wines from Alderland and Raven- yelling fire. When they wake up, the adventurers
land. A few expensive items can be seen, but the see that the plain is on fire a kilometer or so
owners quickly hide them if they attract attention. away. The wind is blowing in the direction of
the village. The Aslenes grab their so-called bea-
vertails of horse leather and run off to put out
THE MASTER OF DEATH the flames. The adventurers are clearly expected
Wailing and hooting can be heard from the to help avert this calamity and the villagers
mound at night. Luminous figures appear and will not take kindly to those who refuse. The
disappear at the top of the mountain. Elder firefighting lasts one Quarter Day.
Korlo and his men tell bloodcurdling stories Once most people have left the village to
about curious people who went up there and put out the fire, eight riders of the Quard clan
were found the next day with their hearts torn led by the merchant Kresos (page 199) attack
out and unspeakable terror on their faces. Some the burial mound from the opposite direction.
say that the blood mage Betsom has returned as They kill two of the elderly guards and enter the
a master of death. He died last year and still con- tombs in search of the golden treasure, which
sumes raw meat left for him in the burial cave. Kresos believes to be hidden in the catacombs.
The raiders have horses and Kresos’ wagon
to transport the gold. They intend to strike
I AM LEGION swiftly, take what they can, and hurry off to
The captive demon suddenly explodes in red get a head start. After finding and marveling
slime when a group of villagers have gathered at the treasure they manage to hew negligible
chapter 15
quantities of gold from the glistening moun- compensation, of course. Their real reason for
tain, before realizing that they have to leave. being here is to make sure that no one else gets
The raiders are mad at Kresos for putting their hands on the treasure.
them in danger without reward, but also stunned
by the enormous treasure inside the mound.
Now the secret of the golden treasure is out, THE CABERIANS ARRIVE
which might trigger additional events (see below). A troop of Caberians arrive for the same reason.
Colonel Grudenstaal (page 79) wishes to form
an alliance with those involved. He can get
THE SABIRIANS ARRIVE them capable troops from Alderland in exchange
A band of Sabirians show up to “help” their for some of the gold, so that their alliance can
weaker neighbors guard the gold – for reasonable seize power from Selligar Horne.
bann guelder
chapter 15
The crimson jungle lies before you like living entrails, gods to seek a union with the local population –
its trunks and vines resembling slithering bowels and the Vasnians – so that their peoples could trade
tendons. Two weathered statues of women stare with one another. Instead, the riders started a
blankly over your heads, as if struggling to believe war of expulsion and extermination because their
that they have finally found a way out of the jungle. proud chieftain Sella felt slighted at the meeting.
Wail was so enraged by Sella’s arrogance
that she whipped up hurricanes on the plains
between the two countries so that no one has
since been able to return to the Drawn Lands
BACKGROUND from Aslene. The proud Sella responded by
The Watch of the Sisters is the name of a very renouncing his old goddesses and, encouraged
old temple in the Bloodmarch, dedicated to by the Aslene dwarves, urging his brethren to
the divine sisters Wail and Flow – the respec- worship Horn, the largest volcano in the land.
tive goddesses of winds and flowing freshwater. Sella believed that Horn granted his riders
The forgotten story of the temple is that victory over the Vasnians through the Astra
horse folk from the Drawn Lands in the west which the dwarves had given him as gifts from
once rode into Aslene on a mission from the sister the god. He divided his people into five clans,
chapter 16
chapter 16
chapter 16
chapter 16
chapter 16
When the right combination of slabs is pressed tome. Along the walls lie six mummified corpses
simultaneously, the hatch in the middle of the of past priestesses in their alcoves. Animals have
pavilion is unlocked. It can then be swung open fed on the bodies and died from the embalming
on its axis so that someone can climb down into fluid, so there are carcasses of rats, raccoons, and
the crypt where the Book of Winds is found. snakes as well.
chapter 16
mounted on the rock face, vaguely shaped like a ing the crank with the propeller by which the ship
stylized eagle. Water from one of the waterfalls is driven forward and steered. The gas-producing
flows between its legs, where a waterwheel of the fungi that lifted the ship have taken root on the
overshot type clearly used to be. The wheel is miss slopes and can be collected. The net that kept
ing, as is its axis. them in place has rotted away, but a new one can
be made from the slithernets (page 122) grow-
The Metrochrone was built long ago by horned ing by the boathouse below the temple.
dwarves and most recently managed by the dwarf The ship can only be maneuvered in light or
mechanic known as the Kogler. When the no wind, but can drift in stronger winds. The
chapter 16
chapter 17
4. THE SMELTING CHANNELS A giant mechanical horse. A ladder on the inside
Three wide channels of stone and metal lead away of one of its front legs leads to a space inside the
from the lava river where it calms down below the horse’s chest. From there it is possible to climb
falls from the crater. The channels are equipped back through the torso between various levers
with floodgates and lined with tracks, with shovels and pistons all the way to the flywheel. One can
and a couple of minecarts on both sides. There are also climb forward to the horse’s head where
heavy metal chains lying along the sides of the channels. the machine is controlled through sturdy reins
and more levers and dials. The flywheel driving
The floodgates can be raised with two tread- the horse is stolen from the Metrochrone at the
wheel cranes, but the cordage is rotten and Watch of the Sisters (page 219). Understanding
breaks if anyone tries to use them. If the cord- how to operate the horse requires a successful
age is replaced, the cranes can be operated by CRAFTING or LORE roll.
two people walking inside each wheel, provided
that some solidified lava is first cleared from MEKEFALOS
the floodgates. If the floodgates are raised, the STRENGTH 32
channel is filled with hot lava. ARMOR RATING: 7 (steel)
MECHANICAL: Operating Mekefalos requires
a successful CRAFTING or LORE roll each
5. THE HORSE MEKEFALOS round. This counts as a slow action for
Next to the lava river, in front of the mechanism the driver. Only one adventurer can make
the roll, but others can help. If it succeeds,
that drives the three spheres, stands a huge mechan
the horse can either move one zone or
ical horse. Someone has recently been working here,
perform an attack with 15 Base Dice and
judging by the fresh metal shavings, tools, and rolls Weapon Damage 2 (blunt force) against
of rope under the horse. There is a ladder on the a target within NEAR range. Whenever
inside of the horse’s front leg. Mekefalos takes damage (one point or
more), there is a risk that the horse will
stop working. Roll D6 – if the result is 1,
The horse called Mekefalos, “the Machine
the horse must be repaired with a suc-
Head,” was one of the last constructions to cessful CRAFTING roll.
be finished before the smithy was invaded and
The only way to free the mechan-
ical horse is to use Jormensul,
the axle driving the three stone
spheres (#8). This requires a thick
chain, which can luckily be found
along the nearby smelting chan-
nels. The chain must then be
attached to the horse. There are
plenty of strong iron beams lying
around, and one of them can be
passed through the horse’s jaw and
a link at one end of the chain. The
other end can easily be hooked
to one of Jormensul’s pegs, in
which case the chain will be wound
around the axle and stretched tight.
When the chain is fully
stretched, it yanks the horse so
forcefully that it almost noses
over, but the horse comes unstuck
and its legs start moving as the
chain pulls it forward. Mekefalos
can break the gate blocking the
smithy’s main entrance by kicking
with its hind legs. The horse can
also step over the lava river.
chapter 17
15 11
3 13
5 8
chapter 17
chapter 17
You see a square, heavily weathered, forty-meter- stole the Eighth Mother from the Seventh. But
high pyramid that looks like it has been there the temple’s name goes back further than that.
for thousands of years. Rocky ramps on all sides, Once it materializes, the temple seems
which probably used to be stairs, lead up to the suspended in mid-air 70 meters above ground,
top where a rectangular, black monolith awaits. perpendicular to the ground with gardens and
Several armies and key players have already everything, hence “the Hanging Gardens of
arrived and set up camp around the place. People Agnostica,” which was considered one of great
seem to be looking for something at the top of the wonders of the age. There is no explanation as
ruin, digging among the stones and discussing to how the temple can stay in the air like this
with each other. – the whole thing is considered a perfect illu-
sion conjured by long dead mentalist masters.
In ancient times, Agnostica was actually a
constant source of discussion about what distin-
guishes reality from perception, illusion, and inter-
BACKGROUND pretation. It was precisely for that purpose that
Agnostica is the moon elves’ old temple in the temple was built, which explains the name.
Aslene. The name means “that which must Having fled to Ravenland and later to Aslene
not be known,” which is fitting since the moon with Octomadria 1200 years ago, the moon
elves have tried to stay hidden ever since they elves settled down with their kin in Agnostica,
chapter 18
a e
Dmitry Dudykin (Order #36954538)
3. THE DIMENSION KNOT THE BIRD CAGES: There are two stylized bird
You reach a platform from which a spiral staircase cages at each of Portals A, C, and E; one on
leads into the stone knot’s interior. either side of the gateway. Inside each bird cage
is a carved wooden bird as well as an egg – the
There is only one winding staircase from the side facing the cage floor is of black obsidian,
platform through the knot and it leads out the other is of silvery metal that has spread to
at Portal A, where the first bird cage is found the ceiling, since it is light metal which floats
(see below). The adventurers can then move on upwards. All eggs are engraved with the rune
the upper side to one of the other portals and of Flow and can be picked up.
descend the stairs from there. Adventurers who Since Portals A, C, and E as well as their
move too far out must make a MOVE roll not to eggs each have their own “down,” the adven-
fall off the dimension knot, likely to their death. turers can pick up eggs that fall in six different
directions. One egg of each direction is required
ALTERED GR AVITY: Each time the adven- to activate the orb in the chapel (#10).
turers follow the stairs through the knot, from
Portal B to C and from Portal D to E, the
gravity changes, so that the portal they come AGNOSTICA
out of feels like it is positioned horizontally. In
other words, the adventurers will feel as though
the staircase runs from the underside up to
the ground.
If the adventurers have done it right as
they reach Portal E, the Bridge of Joy (loca-
tion #6) and the temple with its gardens will
be positioned horizontally. The ground below
the temple will then seem like a horizontal wall.
If the visitors take any other route to the
temple, gravity will be normal and the floor
of the temple will be vertical. This means
6 7 8
that moving inside the temple requires
climbing (MOVE rolls where failure
results in falling).
5 9
chapter 18
ARMOR RATING: 6 each door is a name. High up the far stone wall is
an inscription that reads: “She is in our names.”
ATTACKS: Slash, seven Base Dice and
Weapon Damage 2 (slash wound). Stab,
seven Base Dice and Weapon Damage 2 Starting from the entrance, the twelve names are:
(stab wound). Parry, five Base Dice.
STONE WEAPONS: The stone warriors cannot LEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE
be disarmed, but their weapons can be dam- Iacolne Farber
aged. If the statues’ Strength is lower than Druer Mazurenda
the number of Base Dice for attack or parry,
Sisela Salunia
their current Strength rating is used instead.
Zentuner Snetom
Ocroende Totelema
Vinhelm Rumsander
Beyond the dais you reach a small passageway with Behind the unlocked door to each alcove is the
windows on both sides and a door in the far wall. moon elf whose name is carved above the door.
They are all decomposed corpses, including Vin-
The windows of the Visionarium show moving helm and Salunia (Fiena).
scenes from other worlds, but they are only projec-
tions. Behind the glass is nothing but a stone wall. THE SOLUTION TO THE RIDDLE: By open-
ing the following five doors in the correct order,
the name Octomadria forms from the first
8. THE CHAPEL two letters of each name: Ocroende – Totelema
An empty, windowless chapel. There are rows of – Mazurenda – Druer – Iacolne. When this
benches on either side of the aisle. In front it hovers happens, another door emerges in the stone
what seems to be a meter-wide marble orb. At the wall at the end of the corridor which leads to
back of the room is a closed door of stone. Octomadria’s chamber.
The door cannot be opened with physical force, ✥ CREATURES: The moment the door to
but only by activating the orb. It has six small, Octomadria’s chamber appears, the dead
round depressions, one on each side. Adventurers moon elves are restored to the prime of
who examine the orb more closely will find the their lives and confront the intruders.
symbol of Flow at the bottom of each depression. This does not apply to Vinhelm and Sal-
If the six bird eggs from the Dimension Knot unia (Fiena), who are instead replaced by
(#3) are placed in these depressions so that their their present-day versions.
direction of fall is toward the orb’s center, the orb
is activated and the door to the Dormitory opens.
chapter 18
chapter 18
his section describes what might happen in the wake
of Legacy of Horn. It is meant to offer guidance and
tips that you can use based on the choices and alli-
ances the players have made over the course of the game.
chapter 19
Oh yes, I’ve met Colonel Grudenstaal, the man they call the fist of the Ironbrows.
A ruthless man to be sure, like when Holy Frensia was promised by the king –
the old man feared the reprisal of the gods, you see – that she would never be
exiled to Ravenland, and Grudenstaal kept the monarch’s word by personally
kicking the seer over the edge of the precipice. But the man is more than just a
hard heart. He listens to everybody and does not hesitate to change his mind if
he likes your advice. He is certainly proud, so much so that he always goes his
own way, and nobody knows what he might do. I suppose that’s why the powers
that be in Alderland had him sent off to the Bloodmarch.
They say that one of the Penites’ powerful moon priestesses from Belifar has
been sent to the Bloodmarch to finally eradicate the sin that the cult attributes
to halflings and the goddess Eor. The priestess will seek forgiveness for some
wrong committed by her kin at the time of the Shift, and will do so at the secret
temple of the moon elves, although no one has ever seen it. Come to think of it,
no one has even seen a moon elf, have they? So how she will accomplish this is
anyone’s guess. Personally, I’ve barely even seen a halfling. Perhaps it’s all
made up? Might as well forget the whole thing!
Your dog ran away, eh? Well then, you should see the Dreamstress in Oxengelder
who knows where everything is and where everyone’s gone. There, in the lime
stone region just below the mountains, she runs a school for dreamers. They say
the Dreamstress is a giant, bigger than a house but milder than cream, teaching
the so-inclined how to galder dream, so that the dreams inform them about the
world and can even alter things that displease them. But me, I prefer a good
night’s sleep and to leave the world as it is.
Did you hear the rumor that Wyrm will be reborn in Aslene? The Prophet
Fangler in Alderland, that fellow with the all-seeing third eye, supposedly had
a clear-cut vision from the gods. Mark my words, this will only bring calam
ity upon us. They say the Congregation of the Serpent has already sent troops
to Aslene to receive their god and that Bretien the Procreator is mobilizing
a defense in Kantamar. Calamity, I say, and calamity there will be! It’s best
when things return to normal and all that’s turned upside down is the soil
under the farmer’s plow.
When Horn wished to forge the holy Astra as weapons for Sella the Liberator
to use against the Vasnian hordes, the volcano god raised Mount Faltenvil like
an anvil from the plains and summoned his blacksmith Ungule from deep
beneath the earth. On the face of Faltenvil the Astra were forged, but so great
was the heat of the smoldering blacksmith that none other than Horn himself
could assist him, and so bright was the forge’s light that no one could even look
at the mountain. But once Ungule returned underground and the mountain
cooled, the horse clans built the temple of Ashenstead on its summit so the priests
could watch over the country and safeguard its unity. So arduous was Ungule’s
work that his hands were blistered and bloodied, and his blue blood remained
on the plains. Horn’s wife, Have, gathered the blood in a bucket and used it to
water her garden so that it would not go to waste, and from it grew the blue
pines of the Bloodmarch, whose sap becomes holy blue tar.
Have you heard of Oxengelder – the paradise of dreams? It’s said that all the
country’s peace and beauty took refuge in Oxengelder as the Demon Flood raged
into Aslene. There the gentle giantess welcomes anyone of pure heart and open
mind to study oneiromancy, the art of dreaming up a wonderful life! Would
you rather dance than fight? Rather love than hate? Would you give life a
second chance? Then let the dream come true! If you go to Oxengelder, be sure
to wear flowers in your hair, for it pleases the Dreamstress.
They say that the moon elves in the time before time built a temple with won
drous gardens that floated over Aslene. The temple could only be seen when
the moon was full and never appeared in the same place twice, but was said
to gleam like mother-of-pearl, so that all who saw it would sit spellbound in
the night until it vanished. The memory alone is enough to bring tears to the
driest of eyes, and yet nobody can describe what they have seen.
The expanse of wetland south of Alderland is called Davura. When the
Alderlanders received their land from the Raven God, the indigenous pop
ulation known as the Boringers were expelled to Davura, where they built
settlements in the swamps and made contact with the natives, reptilian kin
of which little is known. Whether the Boringers are completely human is also
unclear. Merchants who have traveled the area say that the Boringers dream
of reconquering Alderland, led by the crocodile god A-Xanna. This god is said
to be one of a handful of named colossi in the region – primeval creatures who
inhabited the wetlands long before humans and Saurians showed up. Sodetar
the Hermit claims that the primeval creatures regularly gather at large stone
pillars in ruins rising from the swamps, waiting for the “Exudator” to be reborn.
No one really knows what lies beyond the great seas east of Ravenland, but leg
ends tell of the continent Anoma from whence the humans sailed west twelve
hundred years ago, guided by the Raven god. None of the country’s written
or pictorial documents remain, barely even any legends, but myth has it that
the very bedrock of the land was devoured by a stone worm which forced the
humans to flee.
A couple of Rust Church inquisitors claim to have captured and interro
gated a mysterious elf-like creature a few years ago. It babbled about an abyssal
menace beyond the seas and secrets that must never come to light. The prisoner
begged to be killed with his memories, and the interrogators granted his wish,
albeit accidentally by overestimating the creature’s vitality. Those responsible
were punished with dismemberment.