02 FSJ
02 FSJ
02 FSJ
Department of Forensic Science, Central Police University, 56 Shu Jen Road, Taoyuan 333, Taiwan
Forensic Science Lab, Chung-Hua Police Headquarter, Taiwan
Received December 12, 2003/Received in revised form January 03, 2004/Accepted April 28, 2004
The formulation of the mechanism of traditional tool marks of ten modern 9 mm auto-loading pistols is discussed. The
specific tool marks that are engraved after the firing operation of special type of firearms are tested respectively and
deliberately. The following characteristic tool marks are illustrated to verify their specific gun as well as the firing
mechanism breech face impression, firing pin drag mark, firing pin hole impression and firing pin hole shear mark.
Through this experiment the morphology and orientation of different type of tool marks and the variation of how the pistol
was manipulated in firing had been examined. They are illustrated with photographs and diagrams. Furthermore, the tool
marks are compared with their consistent reproducibility so as to confirm the stability of respective forming mechanism.
By doing this study, we have found that with the spent 9mm cartridge cases we could predict the possible shooting
firearms and gun manipulating conditions to a very good extent due to not uniform strength and speed of mechanical
actions (feed, extract, eject). Significantly, various gun manipulating conditions will cause apparently distinctive tool
marks. E.g., Beretta series will normally cause the distinctive J-shaped extractor marks under different gun manipulating
conditions; the breech block mark-A could beused to distinguish the uppermost round from the spent cartridge cases
without being fed by magazine there is no breech block mark-A. Various class characteristics of tool marks can be applied
to narrow down the possible firearms involved in order to predict the suspect gun. Outstanding example such as Glock
series weapon could be reached due to the cogent proof of rectangular firing pin impression, the pointed ejector marks
near to primer at 8-9 o'clock, and the vertical breech face impression, etc.
* Corresponding anthor,e-mail:una087@mail.cpu.edu.tw
14 Forensic Science Journal 2004; Vol. 3, No. 1
economically effective. Howerer, if the regular tool marks (2) Three Italy Beretta, model 92F Compact, serial num-
tested from the suspected guns could not match the ber E14773Z 87005 D6589Z
subclass-characteristics of the fired cartridge cases (3) Three Austria Glock, model 17, serial number
secured in the crime scene, it still indicates even more BMR634 BHP442 YM757
valuable information for the law enforcement officer to (4) Three Austria Glock, model 19, serial number
go further. AZC553 KP185 AUE438
The first approach of this article is to categorize the (5) Three Czech Republic CZ, model 75B, serial number
characteristics of the possible pistols from the attribut- 2558N 4368R 4788R
able tool marks of the corresponding cartridge cases. (6) Three South Korea Daewoo, model DP51, serial num-
Both class and subclass characteristics which could be ber BA006428 BA703784 BA701469
present on the fired cartridge cases from various pistols BA708817
are tested and documented. Different 9 mm auto-loading (7) Three Switzerland Sig-Sauer, model P228, serial num-
pistols which were manufactured from several countries ber B195476 B241084 B196922
were adopted for this experimentation to test fire with (8) Three Germany Heckler & Koch, model USP
Fiocchi 9 19mm FMJ ammunition imported from Italy. Compact, serial number 27-045194 27-045195
By setting different conditions in the firing process the 27-045193
characteristic tool marks which are inherently produced (9) Two USA Smith & Wesson, model SW9C, serial
from a specific pistol, we attempt to formulate the tool number PAL3438 PAL6406
marks with the forming mechanism of its relevant pistols. (10) Three USA Smith & Wesson, model 5904, serial num-
The reproducibility consistency of the characteristic tool ber TVU0816 TVU0837 TVT8587
mark is also discussed from the outcome of experiment
with different mechanical function in steps of feeding, 2. Experimental ammunitions: The Italy Fiocchi 9
extracting, and ejecting action. 19mm Full Metal Case (FMC,115 grain)
By far there is one study report to sort out the ammunitions.
distinctive tool marks from different shooting conditions
which was accomplished in 1999 by the author, though 3. Comparison Microscope, Leica DM-C Model of
it only utilized S & W 5904 auto- loading pistol for West Germany.
experiment. This paper is presuming to carry on the
research in an attempt to categorize various potential 4. Stereomicroscope, Olympus SZ-11 of Japan.
tool-marks of more auto-loading pistols from the impres-
sion forming mechanism on spent cartridge cases so as 5. Digital Camera, Nikon cool-pix 995 of Japan.
to formulate a likely rule to follow. The scanty source of
weapons by far might appear a hindrance in this research Experiment
for attaining a perfect conclusion to reach, yet a sys- Discharging conditions
tematic empirical data will be attributable to provide the Five steps of different manipulating conditions
possible reference to trace the questioned guns and the were set forth to load and unload cartridges to examine
practicable shooting conditions. various tool marks
Step 1 Single round ammo was loaded into the maga-
Experimental zine of every pistol without inserting it into the
grip and retreated it right after.
Auto-loading pistols and ammunitions utilized Step 2 Single round ammo was loaded into the
magazine, the latter was inserted into the grip
1. Experimental firearms
and slide was forced into position without
The following thirty-one 9 mm auto-loading pistols discharging.
from seven countries of different makes are tested as Step 2A slowly pulling the slide backward----
target weapon releasing the slide slowly ----slowly pulling back to eject
(1) Four Italy Beretta, model 92FS, serial number cartridge without discharging.
BER365121Z BER378940Z BER392313Z Single round was loaded into the magazine, which
BER413211Z. was inserted into the grip, slowly pulling the slide
A correlative demonstration of various tool-marks 15
rearwards, it was then released slowly forward to fit the ammo into chamber by force, then slowly pulled the slide
ammunition into the chamber, without firing then the backward to eject the first unfired ammunition follow-
slide was slowly pulled backward to eject the unfired ing the same procedures to eject the second and the
ammunition. third one without discharging.
Step 2B slowly pulling slide backward----releas- Step 4B rapid pulling the slide----releasing slide
ing the slide without control---- slowly pulling back to with mechanical force to fit the first round into chamber-
eject cartridge without discharging. ---rapid ejecting without discharging
Single round was loaded into the magazine, it was Three rounds were loaded into a magazine, inserted
inserted into the grip, the slide was slowly pulled rear- it into the grip, swiftly pulled the slide backward, and
wards to the end, then the slide was completely let go
the slide was completely let go abruptly to thrust the
abruptly to thrust the ammo into chamber by force, then
uppermost ammo into chamber by force, then rapidly
the slide was slowly pulled backward till the unfired
pulled the slide backward to eject the first unfired am-
ammunition was ejected.
munition and swiftly let the slide go forward to fit the
Step 2C slowly pulling slide backward----releas-
second round into position, following the same proce-
ing the slide without control---- ejecting the unfired car-
dures to eject the second round and same dealing of the
tridge by swift pulling slide backward.
Single round was loaded into the magazine, it was third one without discharging.
inserted into the grip, the slide was completely let go Step 5 Three rounds were loaded in a magazine and were
abruptly to thrust the ammo into chamber by force, then manipulated as step 2, then they were discharged
rapidly pulled the slide backward to eject the unfired one by one.
ammunition. Step 5A the uppermost round was fit by pulling
Step 3 Single round was loaded into the magazine and slide slowly to the end then gently releasing it into po-
was manipulated as step 2, then trigger the pis- sition and then discharge the ammo one by one
tol to discharge Three rounds were loaded into magazine, inserted
Step 3A slowly pulling the slide backward---- it into the grip, the slide was pulled slowly to the end
gently releasing the slide to forward----then discharge thereafter it was released gently to fit the uppermost
the ammo. round into position, then it was discharged. The sec-
Single round was loaded into the magazine, in- ond and third rounds were followed as the same proce-
serted into the grip, the slide was pulled rearward slowly, dures to finish discharging.
it was then released gently forward to fit the ammuni- Step 5B the uppermost round was fit by pulling
tion into the chamber, and discharge the ammo. slide slowly to the end and swiftly let the slide thrust
Step 3B slowly pulling the slide backward---- forward to fit it, then it was discharged the second
releasing the slide without control ----and discharge the and the third round were then discharged.
Three rounds were loaded into a magazine, inserted
Single round was loaded into the magazine, the
it into the grip, the slide was pulled slowly to the end
magazine was inserted into the grip, the slide was pulled
and let it go completely to force the uppermost round
slowly to the rear, and the slide was completely let go
into position, then it was discharged. The second and
abruptly to thrust the ammo into chamber by force, then
third rounds were followed as the same procedures to
discharge the ammo.
finish discharging.
Step 4 Three rounds were loaded in the magazine and
were manipulated as step 2 without discharging.
Step 4A rapid pulling the slide----releasing slide Results and Discussions
with mechanical force to fit the first round into cham-
ber---- slowly pulling back to eject the cartridges one by Together there could have ten kinds of tool-marks
one without discharging. on the spent cartridge cases after discharging of ten
Three rounds were loaded into a magazine, inserted auto-loading pistols. A descriptive diagram is shown in
it into the grip, swiftly pulled the slide backward, and Fig.1.
the slide was completely let go abruptly to thrust the
16 Forensic Science Journal 2004; Vol. 3, No. 1
1. Magazine Mark
The cartridge case ejected from H K USP
Compact, no matter discharged or not, the magazine
scratch mark is vertical to the axial direction of the car-
tridge case.(Fig 2) Marks from this weapon is manifestly
different with those from the other types of guns. The
rest appears parallel axially.
Fig. 8 Irregular extractor mark in the groove of the Fig.10 The pointed ejector mark near the primer of
unfired cartridge case. ( Sig-Sauer P226 ) cartridge at 8-9 o'clock position. (Glock 17 )
5. Ejector Mark
There could be classified into six different types by
their patterns as fan-shape, pointed, straight, circular,
triangular, and linear. Their locations can be separated
into three groups close to the rim of case, in between
the rim and the primer, and close to the primer. (Fig 10.11.
12)They are specific characteristics to discriminate from
one another. However, only swift ejecting the cartridge
Fig.12 The triangular shaped ejector mark are near the
case under unfired condition could result ejector mark, rim of cartridge at 8 o'clock position. (Sig-Sauer
not found by gentle ejection. P228)
A correlative demonstration of various tool-marks 19
6. Firing Pin Impression 10 a tightly locking together position. After a short distance,
Firing pin impression is the indentation contour the barrel is halted, and the locking device is withdrawn
which was made during the firing pin impinges the primer from the slide. In certain types of weapons the firing pin
of cartridge case. They can be classified into two types was not pushed to its thorough stretching position and
by their shape circular and rectangular. (Fig 13.14) the barrel will simultaneously be lowered to bring the
They could be sub- class characteristics. On different firing pin to make drag-mark on the spent cartridge cases.
firing conditions, firing pin impressions makes little (Fig.15) Firing pin drag mark normally appears at 12
difference. o'clock position of firing pin impression. The probabil-
ity of various guns can be highly different.