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Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology

Volume 29
Article 9
Issue 5 January-February

Winter 1939

Identification of Extractor Marks on Fired Shells

Charles M. Wilson

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Recommended Citation
Charles M. Wilson, Identification of Extractor Marks on Fired Shells, 29 Am. Inst. Crim. L. & Criminology 724 (1938-1939)

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In the literature of firearms identification there are many

references to the value of extractor marks on fired shells as "class"
characteristics, but very little has been published regarding the
"individual" characteristics of such marks." As a matter of fact,
firearms identification technicians in general have considered ex-
tractor marks of no value in identifying a shell as having been
fired from a particular firearm; and practically all of the few pub-
lished references to the "individual" characteristics of extractor
marks are rather vague and indefinite.
Apparently the earliest reference pertaining to the identifica-
tion of fired shells is contained in the 1907 Annual Report of the
Chief of Ordnance of the United States Army in which an account
is given of shell comparisons and identifications having been made
in an actual case.' Unfortunately, however, no details are offered
in this report as to the method or technique used in effecting the
identification. Moreover, the report does not state whether the
identification was made on the basis of breech face markings or of
the markings left by firing pin, extractor, ejector, or by the gun
chamber itself; it merely refers to "various external surfaces of the
* References to extractor marks on fired shells in this article are confined to
firearms equipped with the hook or claw type of extractor as distinguished from
the crescent shaped extractors or ejectors. See, as regards distinction between
these two classes of extractors, Hatcher, J. S., Textbook of Firearms Investiga-
tion, Identification and Evidence (1935) 22; 24; 29; 40; 261-263. See also Figures 3
and 4 infra.
t Assistant Director, Chicago Police Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory.
1See Gunther, C., "Markings on Bullets and Shells from Small Arms," Me-
chanical Engineer 52(2): 113 (1930); Goddard, C., "The Valentine Day Massacre:
A Study in Ammunition-Tracing," Am. J. Police Science 1(1):60-79 (1930);
Kraft, B., "Critical Review of Forensic Ballistics," Ibid. 2(1):52-67 (1931), 3(2);
125-143 (1931); Mezger, 0., Heess, W., Hasslacher, F., "Determination of the Type
of Pistol Employed .from an Examination of Fired Bullets and Shells," Ibid. 2(6):
473-500 (1931) 3 (2): 124-146 (1932); Fontaine, R., "Identification of Shells," T. Criminal
L. and Crim. 23(3): 542-545 (1932); Burrard, G., The Identification of Firearms and
Forensic Ballistics (1934) 57, 112, 123-126; Gunther, C., and J., The Identification
of Firearms (1935) 58, 81-83; Hatcher, J., Textbook of Firearms Investigation,
Identification, and Evidence (1935) 22-23, 26-30, 36-37, 40, 261, 263.
2 Brownsville Investigation (War Dept. Document No. 303), Annual Report,
Chief of Ordnances (1907) 6:35-36.

cartridge case, produced by similar complementary markings in the

chamber and on the breech mechanism of the rifle." In the event
the extractor marks were used as the basis for the identification,
this, to the writer's knowledge, would represent the first time in
which an identification was effected by this means. However, the
indefiniteness of the report will not permit of a conclusion either
that extractor marks were or were not used for this purpose.
De Rechter and Mage state-that extractor marks, along with
ejector marks, are generally "uninteresting and quite weak" and
from this statement it is reasonable to infer that these two experts
have not encountered much or any success in effecting identifica-
tions based upon extractor marks.3
Kraft states that extractor marks "may sometimes be used to
identify fired shells," but no information is given as to the technique
to be used, nor does Kraft explain or offer illustrations as to the
use of extractor marks in effecting shell identifications in any actual
Goddard, in an article describing the results of his examination
of the evidence in the St. Valentine day massacre, refers to the
existence and source of extractor (and ejector) marks and to their
value as "ipdividual" characteristics.; Unfortunately, however, the
article does not contain an illustration of the similarity of extractor
marks, and no information is given as to the technique employed
in effecting satisfactory comparisons.
Of the references with which the writer is familiar, the only
one containing really specific data upon the subject is the report
of a case published by Mezger and Heess.5 a These two workers
describe and illustrate an identification of a shot gun shell based
upon the individual characteristics of the marks left by an extractor,
as such marks appeared in oblique illumination.
Gunther,6 and Burrard7 make no reference in their books to
the use of extractor marks as a source of individual or identifying
characteristics. Hatcher states that extractor marks "would hardly
prove that the suspected cartridge case came from any one indi-
vidual gun."s
SSee Kraft, B., op. cit. supra note 1 at p. 60.
4 Op. cit. supra note 1. S6dermann considers ejector impressions as being
more significant than those made by the extractor. Ibid., p. 132.
GOp. cit. supra note 1.
5a Mezger, 0., and Heess, W., "Die Identifizierung verfeurter Schrotpatron-
enhulsen," Archiv fur Kriminologie 93:117 (1933).
6 Op. cit. supra note 1.
7 Op. cit. supra note 1.
8 Op. cit. supra note 1 at p. 27.

In view of the prevailing attitude with regard to the value of

extractor marks as "individual" characteristics, the writer submits
herewith an illustrated report of a recent case of his in which he
was successful in effecting an identification based upon a comparison
of extractor marks. In presenting this report the writer makes no
claim to any "discovery" nor does he pretend to be the first to be
successful to the extent described herein. However, the successful
application of a rather novel technique in the examination of the
evidence involved in this case seems to warrant its being called to
the attention of other workers in the field.
At the scene of a shotgun murder which occurred in a small
town in Illinois, five fired shells were recovered, and they, together
with the suspected shotgun, 9 were submitted to the writer for ex-
amination. The shells contained no breech block markings, ap-
parently because the cartridges had been loaded with progressive
burning powder and the primer cups had been set too deep beneath
the plane of the head of the shell to produce a sufficient "setback"
(with this type of propellant) to take on the breech block impres-
sions. Microscopic examinations of the firing pin cavities in the fired
shells, and of the firing pin in the suspected shotgun itself, revealed
that there were no individual characteristics present, the firing pin
having an unusually smooth hemispherical surface. The only mark-
ings of any possible significance, from the standpoint of identifica-
tion, were those left by the extractor hook, and even they appeared
too obscure to be of any practical value when viewed microscopi-
cally in the oblique type of illumination commonly employed in
examining the surface of fired shells or fired bullets. (See Figure 1.)
Ficur 1
.__Photograph of Extrac-
tor Mark, Using Con-
~ ~V"I ~ ventional Oblique
Type of Illu-
7- Area Ex encloses ex-
tractor mark on shell.
D refers to die marks
in brass head of shell,
which marks have no
relation to the par-
- - - -- - - -- - ticular firearm in
which the shells are
fired. (Bausch & Lomb
16 mm. Short Mount
Metallurgical T y pe
Achromatic objective
used in microscope.)

9 A Remington, model 11, 20 gauge auto-loading shotgun.


Because of the apparent inadequacy of ordinary oblique illu-

mination, the writer resorted to the use of the Leitz Ultropak illu-
minator, a microscope accessory making it possible to obtain "dark
field" illumination of opaque objects. 10 With this type of illumina-
tion the uppermost tips of the ridges of the extractor marks ap-
peared self luminous and at magnifications of approximately 10OX
the extractor marks appeared to possess some highly individual
characteristics. Employing this technique, comparison microscope
examinations of fatal and test shells revealed a minimum number
of sixty-two points of similarity, and considerably more if the de-
pressions or valleys on either side of the ridges were also con-
sidered. (See Figure 2.)
Upon the basis of the similarity of the extractor marks in fatal
and test shells, as disclosed in Figure 2, the writer testified at the
murder trial of the owner of the suspected shotgun that in his
opinion the evidence gun had fired the fatal shells. After the
admission of this testimony the defendant changed his plea from not
guilty to guilty, made a complete confession, and admitted that his
gun had fired the fatal shells.
It is not surprising that greater use has not been made of the
extractor marks on shells fired in repeating, auto-loading, and full-
automatic types of firearms when we consider the fact that the
Ultropak illuminator was not produced and announced until 1932.
Now, however, the availability of this valuable piece of equipment
should render extractor marks of far greater significance than in
the past. Moreover, this illuminator can be used to good advantage
in the examination and photomicrography of ejector marks, firing
pin imprints, and of other types of objects necessitating higher
magnifications than those ordinarily required.""
In an attempt to determine the immediate cause or source of
the striations constituting the extractor marks, as shown in Figure
2, a microscopic examination was made of the extractor hook, and
this revealed a serrated edge such as that shown in (b) of Figure
4-B, C. The appearance of the depressions of the irregular terminus
of the tip was characteristic of a fracture of hardened steel. The
hardened high-carbon steel from which extractor hooks are made
10 See Heine, H., 'Der Ultropak," Zeitschrift fuer wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie
Technik 48 (4) (1932). (Reprinted by Leitz, 1932.) See also bibliography in Leitz
catalogue No. 18, pp. 4-6.
"IAs regards the use of this illuminator in the identification of die marks on
wire, see Wilson, C., "The Comparison and Identification of Wire in a Coal Mine
Bombing Case," T. Criminal L. and Crim. 28(6):873-904 (1938).

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is quite brittle and it is reasonable to assume that this serrated tip

results from severe strains to which the extractor hook is sub-
jected in the cycle of operation of the firearm. (See Figure 3.) If
this assumption is correct, it is to be expected that progressive
changes will occur in the extractor hook and therefore in comple-
mentary marks left on the brass heads of shells fired in a particular
firearm. 12
12 of course, some individual characteristics on the surface result from the
machining, grinding, or finishing operation at the time of manufacture.

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