BJMP Operational Manual 2015
BJMP Operational Manual 2015
BJMP Operational Manual 2015
Section 4. POWERS -The BJMP exercises supervision and control over all
district, city and municipal jails. As such, it shall ensure the establishment of
secure, clean, adequately equipped sanitary facilities; and ensure the provision of
quality services for the custody, safekeeping, rehabilitation and development of
Section 5. FUNCTIONS -In line with its mission, the Bureau endeavors to
perform the following functions:
c. Objectives
Section 9. CORE VALUES -The BJMP’s officers and staff are guided by
the following core values:
Section 10. OBJECTIVES -The broad objectives of the Bureau are the
City Jail - is a facility or a place of confinement for those inmates who are
sentenced with a penalty from (1) one day to three (3) year imprisonment.
Conjugal Visitation – refers to the visit by the wife for a short period,
usually an hour, more or less, to her incarcerated husband during which
they are allowed privacy and are generally understood to have sexual
Drug Users - are those inmates who take substances/ drugs that can alter
their body and mind works.
Escape-Prone Inmates - are inmates who are likely and have the
tendency to escape from the jail facility.
Inmates with Other Nationalities - are those inmates who are foreign
Jail Aide – is an inmate who requires less supervision than other inmates.
Although he/ she may be assigned special tasks, he/ she has no special
privileges, and is not allowed to work alone nor exercise any authority over
other inmates.
Jailbreak - the escape from jail by more than two (2) inmates by the use
of force, threat, violence or deceit or by breaching security barriers such as
by scaling the perimeter fence, by tunneling and/ or by other similar means
or by burning or destructing of the facility or a portion of the facility with or
without the aid of jail officer or any other person.
Illegal Contraband- are those that are unlawful in themselves and not
because of some extraneous circumstances (i.e. dangerous drugs,
weapons, potential weapons, explosives).
Mentally ill - are those inmates who suffer from mental illness and
afflicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness.
Mittimus Order - a warrant issued by a court bearing its seal and the
signature of the judge, directing the jail or prison authorities to receive
inmates for the service of sentence.
Officer - in general, the term officer shall refer to all uniformed personnel
of the BJMP; when referring to rank, however, the term officer shall refer to
those holding the rank of jail inspector and above.
Safekeeping - refers to the temporary custody of a person for his/ her own
protection from the community he or she comes from, and for the
community he or she comes from.
Senior Citizens Inmates - are those inmates who have reached sixty
years old, or those who have retired from work, and those who generally
belong to the "old age" bracket.
Sex Offenders - are those inmates who committed crimes involving sex,
including rape, molestation, pedophilia, sexual harassment and
pornography production or distributions.
a. Supreme Court;
b. Court of Appeals;
c. Sandiganbayan;
d. Regional Trial Court;
e. Metropolitan/ Municipal Trial Court;
f. Municipal Circuit Trial Court;
g. Congress of the Philippines; and
h. All other administrative bodies or persons authorized by law to arrest
and commit a person to jail.
c. City Prisoner - one who is sentenced to a prison term of one (1) day
to three (3) years; and
a. Undergoing investigation;
b. Awaiting or undergoing trial; and
c. Awaiting final judgment.
b. High Risk Inmate - those who are considered highly dangerous and
who require a greater degree of security, control and supervision
because of their deemed capability of escape, of being rescued, and
their ability to launch or spearhead acts of violence inside the jail. This
includes those charged with heinous crimes such as murder, kidnapping
for ransom, economic sabotage, syndicated or organized crimes, etc.
Also included are inmates with military or police trainings or those
whose life is in danger or under imminent threat.
a. Commitment Order;
b. Medical Certificate - recent medical certificate taken within 24 hours
prior to admission;
c. Complaint/ Information;
d. Police Booking Sheet; and
e. Certificate of Detention from PNP and/ or NBI.
1. Commitment Order;
2. Medical Certificate – recent medical certificate taken within 24 hours
prior to admission;
3. Complaint/ Information;
4. Police Booking Sheet; and
5. Certificate of Detention from PNP and/ or NBI.
C. Health Unit:
D. Records Unit -Receives the inmate and the documents from the
committing officer and conducts the following:
E. Property Custodian
2. Takes all cash and other personal properties from the inmate, list s
them down on a receipt form with duplicate, duly signed by
him/ her and countersigned by the inmate. The original receipt
should be given to the inmate and the duplicate be kept by the
Property Custodian.
3. Keeps all cash and other valuables of the inmate in a safety vault.
Said cash and valuables may be turned over to any person
authorized by the inmate.
F. Desk Officer - books the newly committed inmate in the jail blotter;
assigns the inmate to a reception area, if any, where he/ she shall be
scheduled for orientation on jail rules and regulation, and shall undergo
risk assessment and classification, evaluation and conduct of further
medical evaluation/ screening by the Medical Officer.
f. Social Case Study - The jail social worker at the ICCU shall
conduct in-depth interview with the newly admitted inmate, an interview that
considers the "who the inmate is" from birth up to the present including his/ her
familial, educational, social, vocational and other issues that has an impact on
his/ her personality. The findings will be recorded and shall bear the signature of the
social worker who conducted the assessment. I n jails without ICCU, the interview
will be done by the social worker-in-charge upon the order of the court or as
1. For Detainees:
b. Restitution or reparation;
e. Close confinement in a cell for a period not exceeding seven (7) days in
any calendar month, provided that this disciplinary action shall be
imposed only in the case of an incorrigible inmate, and when other
disciplinary measures had been proven ineffective; and
f. Transfer to another BJMP jail in the area, in coordination with the Court.
2. For Prisoners:
b. Restitution or reparation;
f. Close confinement in a cell for a period not exceeding seven (7) days in
any calendar month, provided that this disciplinary action shall be
imposed only in the case of an incorrigible inmate, and when other
disciplinary measures had been proven ineffective;
g. Transfer to another BJMP jail in the area in coordination with the Court;
d. When necessary, the jail physician shall visit the detainee/ prisoner
undergoing punishment and shall advise the warden of the need for the
termination of the punishment imposed upon the inmate on grounds of
the inmate's physical or mental health;
c. The warden shall evaluate the report and if he/ she believes that there
is no sufficient evidence to support the alleged violation, he/ she shall
dismiss the case. If he/ she believes that sufficient evidence exists,
he/ she shall decide the case and impose the necessary penalty in case
of minor violations. I f the offense is less grave or grave, he/ she shall
endorse it to the disciplinary board for hearing or decide it
himself/ herself as a in his or her capacity as summary disciplinary
officer in the absence of a disciplinary board;
d. The inmate shall be confronted of the reported violation and asked how
he/ she pleads to the charge. If he/ she admits the violation or pleads
guilty, the Board or the Warden, as the case may be, shall impose the
corresponding authorized disciplinary action;
f. After the hearing, the board shall decide with the merits of the case as
g. Whether the inmate is found guilty or not, he/ she should be advised to
obey the rules and regulations strictly and be reminded that good
behavior is indispensable for his/ her early release and/ or the granting
of privileges; and
4. Upon proper verification from the court of the authenticity of the order,
an inmate shall be released promptly and without unreasonable delay;
5. Under proper receipt, all money earned, other valuables held and
entrusted by the inmate upon admission, shall be returned to him/ her
upon release; and
1. Desk Officer
Upon receipt of release order, the desk officer shall coordinate with
the paralegal officer for verification of the authenticity of said order.
2. Paralegal Officer
3. Records/Admin Officer
b. Checks inmate records to ensure that the data in the release order
coincide with the data in the inmate’s carpeta (spelling of name,
offense, Criminal Case Number, etc.).
4. Property Custodian
1. Checks on the receipt of property and returns to the inmate his/ her
deposited items.
2. Makes sure that returned items of the inmate are duly received and
properly recorded.
5. Desk Officer
Records the release of inmate and the condition of the inmate upon
his/ her release.
6. Jail Warden
The United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners
provides that <so far as possible, separate institutions or separate sections of an
institution shall be used for the treatment of the different classes of prisoners=. The
BJMP has adhered to this principle since its creation. However, the rise in criminality
in recent years, coupled with the passage of more stringent laws (especially for
drug-related offenses) and the adoption of better crime solution methods resulted
in a marked increase in inmate population in BJMP detention centers. The lack of
funds to expand existing jails or to build new ones aggravates the situation. This
rule, therefore, provides guidance to wardens and jail officers treating unusual
inmates or those with special needs, given the limited resources.
1. Female
a. The female dorm should be completely separated from the male dorm;
c. Only work suitable to their age and physical condition should be assigned to
female inmates;
e. Male personnel must provide female inmate with utmost privacy and
respect for personal space;
f. No male jail personnel should be allowed to enter the female dorm except
in emergency cases or when necessary;
2. Drug Users/Dependents/Alcoholics
3. Mentally-ill
5. Sex Offenders
6. Suicidal Inmates
c. Maintain close supervision over suicidal inmates at all times and designate
personnel trained to handle such cases; and
d. Subject them to frequent strip/ frisk searches, and greyhound operation for
tools/ materials that can be used for suicide.
7. Sex Deviates
b. Likewise, other sex deviates should be separated from other inmates for
closer supervision and control.
8. Escape-Prone Inmates
e. Telephone calls must be restricted and only calls that can be monitored
through an extension line shall be allowed.
Pursuant to the RA 9344, CICL shall not be confined in jails. Hence, serious
efforts shall be exerted by Wardens to immediately transfer the custody of
any CICL to a Youth Detention Home or Youth Rehabilitation Center.
c. Continuously coordinate with the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) for the
provision of paralegal assistance to expedite CICL cases;
i. Upon release from confinement, the records of the CICL shall be sealed,
and at an appropriate time, expunged.
b. They should be given tasks that are deemed fit and proper, their physical
limitations, considered;
e. Female inmates with infants shall be provided with ample privacy during
breastfeeding activity.
a. The Warden shall report in writing to the Bureau of I mmigration and the
respective embassies of the detained foreigners the following:
1) Name of Jail;
2) Name of Foreigner;
3) Nationality and the number of his/ her Alien Certificate of Registration,
if any;
4) Age/ Sex;
5) Offense Charged;
6) Case Number;
7) Court/ Branch;
8) Status of Case; and
9) Additional data information.
5. Armory and storage lockers for inmates’ valuable items and other
7. There shall be one (1) full set of duplicate keys, secured in a place
accessible only to jail personnel for use in the event of an
emergency. These keys shall be marked for easy identification
during adverse conditions;
9. Maintain strict control of firearms such as, but not limited, to the
11. All tools, toxic, corrosive and flammable substances and other
potentially dangerous supplies and equipment shall be stored in a
locked area which is secure and located outside the inmate’s area.
Tools, supplies and equipment which are particularly hazardous
shall be used by inmates only under direct supervision;
12. Conduct daily inspections of all security facilities (i.e. closed circuit
televisions, ceilings, window grills, iron bars, etc.) and document all
findings. Any tampering or defects detected must be reported in
writing to proper authority for immediate action;
13. Regular conduct of "guard mounting" for all "incoming duty" of the
Custodial Unit and for the members of Escort Unit before their
assumption of duty to remind and update them of the
policies/ guidelines pertaining to security and control;
14. Conduct regular count of inmates at least five to six (5-6) times
within a 24-hour period and strictly implement the established
procedures in counting inmates (See Section 35). Personnel
conducting the count shall record the result;
16. Inmates shall be supervised at all times whenever they are outside
their cells;
18. Carefully select the inmates to be utilized as jail aide and maintain
rigid control over their activities. Never allow inmate to be utilized
for any janitorial services at jail offices, restricted areas, and/ or for
errands outside the jail premises. In no case shall an inmate be
allowed to perform clerical duties or to have access to personnel
files and other official documents;
19. Never allow a jail officer to render successive shifts of duty except
in cases of emergencies;
20. Never allow jail personnel to open inmates quarters alone. At least
one (1) other jail officer should be present and guarding the gate;
21. Inmates should be taken out of jail only upon written order of the
22. Ensure that all vehicles and persons entering the jail premises are
properly searched in accordance with the existing
policies/ procedures;
23. Regularly inspect and check the availability of emergency lights and
other emergency equipment and ensure that each personnel
rendering night shift duties has one (1) flashlight, nightstick/ baton
and whistle; and
b. During the count, ensure that all movements of inmates are stopped
until the count is completed;
e. If the total jail count does not tally with the total jail population at any
given time, conduct another count. Render an immediate report to the
warden and/ or assistant warden (officer of the day) relative to any
unaccounted inmate.
Section 38. DINING ROOM SECURITY - For jail facilities that have
separate dining or mess halls, the following shall be observed:
b. When dining rooms are provided, the inmates should march in columns
of two’s along designated routes under the supervision of jail
personnel. Other officials to direct the orderly movement of inmates to
and from the mess hall must be stationed along the routes;
d. After every meal, all utensils used by the inmates should be collected.
Jail personnel should strictly supervise this to ensure that no utensils
are brought out the dining room; and
e. Check and account for all forks, spoons and other kitchen utensils after
every meal.
d. Mails shall not be distributed to the inmates until the censors have
examined them. Mail shall only be opened and searched by qualified,
trained and authorized jail personnel in the presence of inmate
f. Carefully examine all greeting cards and collect fillers of any kind found
therein for laboratory examination;
g. Photographs that are clearly within the scope of jail regulations should
be marked on the opposite side and placed in the envelope;
k. All letters passing through the scrutiny standards of the censors should
bear the censor’s stamp at the top of each page and on the envelope.
The letter should be placed back in the same envelope, resealed and
given to the inmate;
l. A listing of mail for inmates should be properly kept and form part of
the records of the jail;
m. Do not discuss the contents of inmates’ mail with other jail personnel,
except for official purposes;
n. The inmate sending out any mail matter shall open his mail/ package
and have it read and inspected by the designated censor officer, if the
mail is clear for dispatch, the inmate shall close and seal the mail and
place the same in the outgoing mail box;
p. The designated jail staff shall collect the inmates’ mail matters on a
daily basis, Monday through Friday;
F. Inmates who wish to view the remains of a deceased relative within the
second degree of consanguinity or affinity and whose motion for that
purpose was approved by the court as proven by a valid court order
issued to the warden shall be required to submit a written request to
the warden at least three (3) days before the date of viewing and
which request should be accompanied by the following documents:
G. Immediately upon receipt of the court order, and with the inmate's
written request yet to be submitted, the warden shall order the Jail
intelligence unit to conduct reconnaissance operation in the area where
the remains of the deceased still lie in state, to assess any threat
against the inmate and/ or his/ her security escorts, to locate the place
of burial, and to conduct route survey to establish a safer and better
route for the escorts;
I. The warden shall timely oppose the request and timely notify the court
of his or her inability to comply with the order allowing the inmate to
be escorted out of the jail to view the remains of a deceased relative in
any of the following cases:
J. If approved, the inmate shall not be allowed to stay more than three
(3) hours in the place where the remains of the deceased relative lie in
state. Further, in no case shall the inmate be allowed to join the funeral
A. General Precautions
1. Jail personnel shall not discuss with the inmate the transportation plans,
schedules or equipment to be used / adopted;
2. Inmates shall be notified of a trip only prior to the departure and shall not
be allowed to make any phone call;
6. If possible, personnel from Jail Intelligence Unit shall serve covert security
by serving as advance party of the convoy and shall conduct road scanning
of the agreed route to detect any threat to the inmate and his/ her escorts
while en route. Being familiar with the area, the local intelligence unit of
the nearest jail facility in the place of destination shall also assist in long
7. The most direct and shortest route to the destination shall be taken and no
deviation shall be allowed except when security consideration requires
10. Inmates under escort shall always be under the watchful eye of the escort
personnel. While in transit, the personnel shall stay close enough to the
inmate to be able to respond effectively in case of emergency. If on board
a prisoners van, escort personnel shall not seat inside the van but shall
instead strategically position himself or herself in the escort seat;
11. While en route, escort personnel shall ensure that the sliding bolt lock of
the back door of the van carrying the inmates is properly locked, observe
people and vehicles getting near their vehicle, and remain prepared for
any eventuality;
12. Escort personnel shall observe and follow the established guidelines in
escorting high-risk/ high-profile and VEO’s inmates;
13. Escort personnel shall be the first ones to disembark from the vehicle and
shall position in a safe distance to ensure clear vision of disembarking
inmates. However, when boarding the vehicle, it should be the inmate who
shall first board the vehicle;
14. Escort personnel are justified in using deadly force to protect themselves
and/ or the inmate/ s from ambush or any deadly attack while in transport;
15. In case of an accident while en route, escort personnel shall secure and
observe the inmates inside the vehicle, let them stay inside the vehicle as
much as possible. Apply first aid to injured inmates when necessary, while
waiting for law enforcement and emergency assistance. The chief escort
shall also be informed about the incident and be updated of the
development in the situation;
16. In the event that radio or mobile phone communication is not possible,
escort personnel may flag down any motorist, identify themselves and
ask the motorist to notify the nearest law enforcement agency for
19. The driver shall not leave the vehicle while in court or other authorized
destination and be watchful of any suspicious individual;
20. To avoid unnecessary stops while in transit, inmates should have relieved
themselves from personal necessity; and
21. The following basic security precautions shall be observed during transport
of inmates:
c. Adjust the cuffs properly for tightness to avoid the need of adjustment
while en route and observe proper placement of handcuff which is
either right to right or left to left. High risk/ high profile inmates and
VEO’s must be handcuffed at the back;
d. The escort shall always be on guard for any possible attack or ambush;
e. Escort personnel shall be extra careful not to sit, stand or walk next to
an inmate while carrying a gun to avoid being grabbed by the inmate;
p. Turn in vehicle inspection slip to the supply officer noting any vehicle
deficiency or problem upon conclusion of each transport; and
B. Chief Escort
1. Coordinates with the records section chief and determines the number and
names of inmates scheduled for court hearing as well as their respective
destinations as approved by the warden;
3. Coordinates with the custodial unit the list of inmates scheduled for court
hearing and assumes responsibility over them after they are properly
accounted for and turned over by the custodial unit;
4. Records in the Jail Blotter the purpose, date, time, branch of court and
other destination of each movement/ transfer of inmates. Maintain a
logbook or database for Escort Unit indicating there in the same data to
include the date and time of arrival as well as the occurrence of untoward
incident, if any, as well as the observation of any unusual movement of
inmates and other people en route;
6. Accomplish the Daily Escort Slip indicating the names of assigned escort
personnel for each inmate;
8. Supervise the conduct of strip searches on inmates prior to and after the
inmates’ movement/ transport;
10. Ensures that all inmates are properly dressed in accordance with
prescriptions before they are transported, and ensure that inmates carry
only item/ s duly inspected and for which they have been granted permit to
11. Ensures that the driver had checked the vehicle and ascertain BLOW
BAGETS is observed;
12. Monitors through handheld radio or mobile phone the situation and current
location of the inmates and their escorts while outside the jail facility;
13. In case of long distance transport of inmates, coordinates with the nearest
local law enforcement agencies/ jail units having territorial jurisdiction over
the destination; and
C. Escort Personnel
1. Check the identity and receive the inmate named in the Daily Escort Slip
duly signed by the Chief Escort;
2. Keep/ maintain a copy of current profiles and photos of all inmates being
transported for immediate submission to local law enforcement units in the
event of an escape or other emergency situations. For this purpose, the
Records Section shall maintain a duplicate copy of the current profiles and
photographs of all inmates in their respective carpetas which shall be
prepared on the day prior to the date of scheduled hearing and be given to
the Chief Escort prior to the inmates transport;
5. Ensure that all inmates are properly restrained before going out of the jail;
9. Maintain radio or mobile phone contact with the Chief escort/ Officer of the
Day in the jail. Escort team leader shall bring his mobile phone or check out
one from the Supply Officer for use, if any; and
10. Be updated of their location along the roadways to expedite the response
from law enforcement units in case of any eventuality.
D. Use of Restraints
1. Techniques in Handcuffing:
E. Special Concerns
1. Illness En Route
a. In the event that an inmate becomes gravely ill while en route and
there is no medical assistance available, the escort personnel shall
make an arrangement for a medical examination at the nearest
government hospital or medical facility
b. The escort personnel shall contact the Chief Escort or Officer of the
Day for further instruction; and
2. Escape
b. If more than one (1) inmate is being transported, at least one (1)
personnel shall remain with the inmates still in custody;
c. The escort personnel shall notify the nearest law enforcement unit
and the Chief Escort as soon as possible;
3. Meals
a. Escort personnel shall provide all meals and drinks en route with
packed meals and drinks;
4. Restroom Breaks
1. Escort personnel shall maintain low profile and shall avoid public
contact while in a the company of an inmate;
2. Inmates shall not be allowed to make any phone call or contact with
anyone while in transport;
3. Unauthorized person shall not be allowed to get near the inmate. Only
a lawyer or lawyers and court personnel shall be permitted to converse
with the inmate; and
I. Jail Warden
1. The jail warden generally exercises supervision and control over all
personnel in the jail unit and the inmates in all matters related to the
4. Assists the jail warden in the over-all management of the jail unit; and
1. Generally, all personnel should be equipped and clothed with BJMP CORE
7. No personnel shall leave his/ her post unless properly relieved. All out-going
personnel shall wait for his/ her reliever and the completion of the turn-over
before going out;
12. Personnel manning designated post shall stay in his/ her post for the most
of their 8-hour tour-of-duty. Only when he/ she has to relieve himself that
he/ she is allowed to leave his post but shall return immediately;
13. Personnel shall be vigilant at all times. No personnel take a nap or sleep
while on his/ her post especially during 3rd shift duties or during unholy
14. Shift supervisor shall conduct hourly inspection to ensure all duty personnel
are intact, present and alert in their designated post. He shall likewise
ensure that no personnel are using cell phone, tablet, i-pads or any gadgets
that can disrupt their attention while on tour-of-duty;
15. Personnel assigned at the main gate of the facility shall be professionally
strict and firm, keen observer of the surrounding and shall open the gate
only when safety is sure. They should see to it visitors allowed to enter or
to go out the jail are properly frisked or inspected and accounted. They or
he/ she shall not by themselves or himself/ herself deal with the media by
but they or he/ she shall inform the warden or any authorized officer in the
absence of the warden, for proper action/ disposition. They or he/ she must
ensure that no inmate shall escape at the gate and no enemy and/ or
unauthorized person shall enter;
16. Cell control personnel must not allow any inmate to go out except during
IWD activities authorized by the warden. He shall personally open the cell
gates or cells accompanied by other personnel;
17. Roving guard-personnel shall from time to time inspect the facility building,
walls, grills, and surroundings. They shall assist the I WD personnel during
activities of inmates outside cell;
21. During visitation of inmates, the shift-in-charge shall assist the cell control
officer who personally supervises and control the exit of inmates from the
cell building ensuring that only those who called are allowed to go out;
22. Establishes Intel inmate operatives/ assets for better monitoring of events
or happenings inside cells. Counter Intel operations to verify and evaluate
gathered information shall be launched accordingly.
23. Practice of and adhere to Jail Officers <COMMON SENSE= and <OPLAN
GREYHOUND= are musts all the among jail officers;
25. To secure IWD programs and activities and closely monitor them, close
coordination between the IWD unit officer and the chief security and
custodial unit officer is highly necessary. The notion that IWD programs
and activities weaken the security is immaterial.
2. Shift/Duty Supervisor:
e. Assists his team members in any situation/ s that calls/ call for his
official intervention as senior NCJO;
3. Desk Officer:
j. Assists the gate guard when the latter opens or closes the gate and
assists also in the identification of out-going visitors after visiting
y. Books the newly committed inmate in the jail blotter and assigns
the inmate to a reception area, if any;
bb. Personally accounts for all keys before and after assumption of
duty to determine whether all keys are still intact;
4. Gate Supervisor:
e. Supervises the inspection of all vehicles that pass through the gate,
and makes sure that all trips of official bureau van are for "official
business" only;
a. The main gate shall function as primary check point where anybody
or material shall be subjected to rigid inspection before he/ she or it
be allowed entry into the facility;
b. Must be alert, vigilant and keen observer at all times must not carry
long firearm;
c. Must open the main gate only when necessary must keep the same
securely locked at all times;
f. Must ask who is at the gate, request for identification, ask the
purpose of the visit and name of inmate he/ she intends to visit,
and verify through the gate's peephole whether or not it’s already
safe to open the gate;
p. Thoroughly inspects all vehicles that enters and leaves the jail
r. Counterchecks the list of inmates going outside the jail facility for
legal purposes; and
d. Must inspect the van thoroughly and account inmates due for Court
hearing before opening the secondary gate;
e. Must inspect the van and inmates on their return from the Court
before allowing their entry; and
a. The main cell gate JNCO shall function as main check point before
any inmate shall be allowed to go outside;
e. Must open the main cell gate only when necessary in the presence
of a buddy;
8. Roving Guard:
a. Must not stay long in a place and nor remain thereat for the
duration of TOD;
b. Must not bring firearm while in areas of the jail facility where
carrying said firearm is not allowed;
9. Tower Guard:
a. Acts as the eyes of the whole facility for the duration of TOD;
hence, must be very alert and observant;
e. Using his utmost and sound discretion, fires warning shots during
disturbances, attacks from enemy forces, and when inmates are
trying to escape by scaling the wall or when inmates are in the act
of actually destroying parts of the facility;
It is a fact though, that contrabands were often slipped into the jail by
erring personnel. It is most imperative therefore that pre-emptive measures to
ensure that proliferation of these items will be curtailed once and for all.
1. Searcher must aim for zero (0) contraband-slipping through him/ her or
smuggling into the jail facility during his/ her duty as searcher;
3. Searcher shall be strict and firm in his/ her decision but must his/ her
decision must be within the purview of existing BJMP memoranda, rules,
regulations and SOP’s;
4. Searcher must be impartial and must treat all visitors and personnel equally
to avoid any misunderstanding;
6. Any visitor whom he/ she has observed to be under the influence of
intoxicating beverages shall be disallowed inside the jail facility;
10. Whenever possible, the searcher must see to it that the person to be
searched shall be accompanied by another visitor who shall act as witness
the procedures conducted;
12. Searcher must not divulge any personal observation made on the subject’s
body for whatever legal purposes;
13. Let’s the visitors sign a waiver for the search he/ she will undergo.
a. Refusal to sign any waiver means he/ she shall not be allowed to enter
the facility on that day he/ she shall be subjected to same procedure
when he/ she decides to return for a visit on other date.
b. Refusal for a visitor to have his belongings searched shall be a ground
to disallow him/ her entry to the facility.
c. Upon approval of the warden or his authorized representative,
personnel who shall refuse to be searched likewise must not be allowed
inside the facility;
d. Personnel shall likewise be subjected to strip search. However, the
procedure must be done by the warden, assistant warden or ranking
officer whom he is under.
e. Refusal of personnel to undergo strip search will mean he/ she will be
disallowed to enter the facility and if he/ she is a duty custodial, he/ she
will be marked absent on that date. He/ she shall undergo the
procedure the next day when reporting for work.
f. Personnel who refuse for two consecutive times to undergo strip search
shall be charged accordingly; that is, appropriate charged will be filed
against them.
g. All vehicles must undergo intensive search before entry to and exit
from the facility.
h. Relatives of personnel including those of the warden shall not be
excluded from anybody search before entering the facility.
14. Searcher must have at least one (1) buddy and shift supervisor during
15. In cases where/ when a contraband or contrabands is/ are confiscated from
any person or organic personnel, the searcher shall immediately notify
his/ her buddy, and turn-over the contraband/ s and courier to the shift
supervisor or any duty personnel. The latter shall immediately inform the
warden. The duty personnel must take photos of and document every
detail of the search made;
16. He or she shall inform the desk officer who shall record the incident in the
logbook, stating every minute-detail of the confiscation. This is done for
documentary for documentary and evidentiary purposes relative to the
17. The searcher and his or her witnesses must be committed to pursue the
case filed against the suspect;
18. Strictly implements SOP in the conduct of body searches on jail visitors and
on the inspection of their belongings;
20. Conducts body search on inmate’s visitors, personnel and other visitors who
enter the jail facility with their belongings likewise inspected;
22. Performs strip search on all inmates prior to and after transport and before
allowing the inmates to enter his/ her cell;
23. Strip searches shall be conducted by the personnel of the same gender as
that of the inmate being searched;
24. Prepares and submits report on any incident/ s taking place within his/ her
area of responsibility; and
V. Escort procedures
Escorting is authorized by law but there have been many cases where it is
abused by erring personnel. Eventually, this leads to escape by prisoners and
Strategic and careful planning prior to any movement by the warden and
chief escort is indeed necessary. Thus, members of escort team shall first be
briefed and notified about any scheduled movement. Proper coordination with
friendly forces in the locality while en route to any destination is a must.
Intelligence gathering shall be made inside jail units and around AOR before any
movement is done.
b. The inmate/ s must be searched or frisked at the cell gate for any
weapon, key and other prohibited items before he/ she or they steps or
step out his/ her or their cell;
c. Before letting the inmate or inmates board the prisoners' van, proper
identification of the inmate or inmates must be conducted by both
custodial and escort personnel to ensure that such inmate or inmates
is/ are the same as the one or those whose name or names appears or
appear in the list of inmate or inmates to be escorted for the court
f. Aside from the issued standard two-way radios, <NO= escort personnel
including the official driver shall use personal cellular phone while
escorting en route to and from the court. Only the chief escort shall
have the privilege to use cellular phone while escorting but he or she
limited to official communication/ s only.
b. While the inmate or inmates is/ are inside the court, civilians or his/ her
or their relatives be restricted from giving him/ her or them anything
such as letters, toiletries, money, foods, clothes, etc;
c. Escort personnel shall not in any manner allow any civilian except his or
her counsel to sit with inmates during court hearing;
b. After inmate/ s is/ are cleared of any contraband and duly accounted for,
escort personnel shall then un-cuff and endorse him/ her or them to the
cell gate guard for his/ her or their return to his/ her or their respective
4. Medical Referrals:
a. Authentic court order for the inmate to undergo Medical check-up must
be obtained;
c. In emergency cases, the duty doctor, medical staff or jail nurse shall
immediately assess the inmate or inmates to determine whether or not
the inmate or inmates is/ are in great danger or whether or not the life
a. Authentic Court Order for the inmate to view the remains of his/ her
immediate members of the family must be obtained;
c. The chief escort shall seek the approval of the warden on the planned
route and best possible time proposed to proceed for monitoring
purposes and avoidance of deviation;
d. In cases where court order has been issued but the place is risky and
there is a great possibility that inmate might be rescued, or escorts’ life
might be greatly imperiled, the warden shall make immediate
representation before the court and manifest the impossibility of
bringing the inmate or inmates to the destination so indicated in the
e. At the wake, two (2) escorts shall accompany the inmate while other
escorts shall secure the place to prevent any untoward incident;
6. Transport:
a. First hour in the morning, as daily routine, official drivers shall observe
<BLOW BAGETS= procedures;
b. While en route, the driver should not stop in any place along the way
unless, there is a reason to do so. However, he has slow down when
approaching check points or detachments put up by authorities;
7. Movement Schemes:
a. Prior to any movement of HR/ HP inmates and VEO’, unit intel shall
coordinate with the intel community in his AOR and in the place where
the inmates/ s will be taken. The result of his work shall be relayed
immediately to the warden and escort team leader evaluation and
concomitant planning for counter intelligence operations, as the need
b. The warden is duty bound to personally coordinate with the local chiefs
of police and other friendly forces for assistance and/ or back up en
route to the destination. In his absence, the assistant warden shall do
the task;
a. When fired upon, driver shall out run the attackers if possible;
b. If it is impossible to out run the attackers, pull over along the road or
in an area where there can be a barrier for cover is recommended;
c. Personnel should observe and find out where the fire power is coming
Escort Personnel
d. Accomplishes and signs the Daily Escort Slip indicating there in the
names of corresponding security escorts and inmates, the cases of
inmates and the courts concerned for the information of the jail
a. Checks and receives the inmates indicated in the escort slip duly
signed by the chief escort:
2. Receives the inmate and documents related thereto from the committing
officer, and conducts the following:
c. Strip-search the inmate to check for any birth marks, tattoos, etc;
7. Informs the court of the names, cases and dates of detention of inmates
who have not been arraigned yet.
10. Monitors and prepares a status report of pending and resolved cases of
2. Informs the chief of administration about the results daily transactions and
liaison activities.
3. Receives and records all equipment and supplies issued by the regional
office and local government units and those donated by NGOs;
5. Accounts properties received from the regional office, LGUs and NGOs;
6. Issues receipt for deposited FAs and issues the necessary certification as an
employee applies for leave or retirement;
10. Check the inmate’s belongings for presence of contraband upon his
11. Takes all cash and other personal properties from the inmate, list them
down on a receipt form with duplicate, duly signed by him/ her and
countersigned by the inmate. The original receipt should be given to the
inmate and the duplicate kept by him or her;
12. Keeps all cash and other valuables of the inmate in a safety vault. Said cash
and valuables may be turned over to any person authorized by the inmate;
13. Provides all keys with tags, distinctly marked to avoid confusion during
2. Coordinates with the custodial duty whenever there are paralegal activities;
3. Monitors the case status of inmates and acts appropriately on cases that
qualify for early release of the inmate/ s;
7. Coordinates with the local justice and welfare sector agencies (e.g., PAO,
Prosecutors, Courts, BPP, PPA, and LSWDO) to protect the rights of and to
promote the development inmates, especially CICL;
9. Organizes, coordinates and supervises paralegal volunteers, service
providers, and other organizations that provide paralegal services;
10. Oversees the organization of a pool of paralegal aides among the inmates
for the purpose of attaining the objectives of his/ her office;
12. Enforces uniform guidelines for paralegal volunteers and NGOs providing
paralegal services in harmony with the BJMP National Headquarters
13. Implements, develops, and plans short term and long term programs and
activities to enhance paralegal services;
15. Submits paralegal reports to the Provincial Paralegal Officer not later than
every 10th day of each month;
16. Submits an annual accomplishment report not later than the 10th day of
January of each year; and
5. Supervises the use of tools and other potentially dangerous articles, such as
bottles, acids, kitchen knives, etc. and keeps them out of inmates’ reach
when not in use;
9. Provides inmates with education and skills training programs, and work
programs to enhance their chances for employment upon release;
13. Assists in coordinating for the early release of inmates in line withan
existing of decongestion programs;
20. Accounts for inmates who have been fully rehabilitated and recommend
their possible employment upon release; and
1. All offenders committed to district, city and municipal jails, and BJMP
personnel are entitled to available health services;
2. Check on the authenticity of the entries in the medical certificate. Conduct
thorough physical examination to assess the condition of the inmate, and
ask searching questions to determine injury sustained after the conduct of
medical examination or those injuries not diagnosed prior to commitment in
7. Shall conduct daily progress records of all confined patients in BJMP health
stations. Patients hospitalized in other health care institutions shall likewise
be monitored and properly recorded;
1. All offenders committed to district, city and municipal jails, and BJMP
personnel are entitled to available health services;
1. All offenders committed to district, city and municipal jails, and BJMP
personnel are entitled to available health services;
11. Coordinates with the city/ municipal health officer and other agencies, NGOs
for assistance, medical check-up and treatment of inmates.
A. Scope of Jurisdiction
1. The BJMP-NHQ STAR Team shall be under the direct command and
supervision of the Director, Directorate for Operations.
2. The BJMP Regional STAR Team shall be under the direct command and
supervision of the Regional Director.
C. Other Functions
1. Team Leader
3. Communication JNCO
4. Supply JNCO
5. Other Members
A. Scope of Jurisdiction
Shall be under the command and control of the jail warden, or in his
absence, the assistant warden or the most senior JCO/ JNCO.
C. Team Composition
a. Team Leader
c. Members
NIMS is currently installed in all BJMP jails nationwide. Which includes, but
not limited to:
1. 460+ Jails
2. Jail Provincial Administrator’s (JPA) Offices
3. BJMP Regional Offices
1. Jail Level
2. Provincial/Regional Level
Consolidates and submits consolidated data from jail level for regional level
3. National Level
2. Team Leaders - Sub-groups or teams that make up every task group will
each have its designated team leader. The team leader shall take direct
hand in overseeing the movements of the elements of his team while
simultaneously maintaining close coordination with the ground
commander. He shall take responsibility in maintaining fluidity in the
execution of his team’s designated functions. He shall regularly inform the
ground commander about the status or progress of the operation.
a. Team Supervisor - Other than the team leader and the assistant
team leader, a team supervisor will be designated to directly oversee
the inspection of each cell. He shall be responsible in making sure that
all items confiscated are properly documented, tagged and turned-over
to the contraband custodian.
3. Friskers
a. Mail service shall be provided to all inmates provided that all outgoing and
incoming mail matters shall pass through the designated censor officer in
order to prevent the entry of contraband or illegal articles and entry or exit
of information affecting the security of the jail.
b. The inmate sending out any mail matter shall open his mail/ package and
have it read and inspected by the designated censor officer. I f the mail is
cleared for dispatch, the inmate shall close and seal the mail and place the
same in the outgoing mail box. He shall likewise receive incoming mail or
mails that has or have been previously cleared by the Censor Officer. If the
outgoing or incoming mail has contraband or harmful information, such
matter shall be registered as violations of jail rules and regulations and
shall be to the Disciplinary Board for immediate adjudication.
c. The designated jail staff shall collect the inmates’ mail matters on a daily
basis, Monday through Friday.
f. Inmates who receive or send money through the jail mail service shall be
under the supervision of the Warden.
Use of Force and Weapons
b. The use of force shall not be resorted to except when strictly necessary for
the maintenance of security and order, or when personnel’s safety is
e. Whenever the lawful use of force and firearms is unavoidable, jail officers
2. Minimize damage and injury, and respect human rights and preserve
human life;
3. Ensure that assistance and medical aid are rendered to the injured as
soon as possible; and
f. Where injury or death is caused by the use of force and firearms, the jail
officer shall immediately render a detailed narrative report on the incident
to his superiors;
g. The personnel shall be trained on the use of force and firearms; and
1. General Principles
Any Jail Officer in the performance of his duty shall:
2. Specific Principles
a. Riot
a.1Open Field
a.2Close Field
b. Noise Barrage
b.3 Never resort to any use of force as long as inmates are only
doing noise barrage and the incident does not escalate into a more
serious one.
c. Hostage taking
c.2 Evacuate inmates who are not involved with the incident into a
more secured place to avoid taking advantage of the situation and
to ensure their safety. Contain the scene of incident by putting up a
security perimeter that will prevent other from entering the scene
except the responder.
d. Lockdown
e. Rescue
e.2 Secure the rest of the inmates who are not involved in the
f. Assault
1. General Principles
d. Resort to non-deadly force when the use of words does not control and
the use of deadly weapon is inappropriate.
e. Authorize the use of non-deadly force in cases where inmates are non-
compliant despite verbal containment or the gravity of the situation
dictates that verbal containment is not appropriate.
f. Authorized use:
f.1Physical contact
f.3Impact weapons
Fatal parts of the body must be avoided since these weapons are
also capable of inflicting serious and even deadly harm.
2. Specific Principles
a. Riot
a.1Open Field
a.2Close Field
b. Noise barrage
c. Hostage
d. Lock down
d.1 Determine how long do the inmates have controlled the facility.
Reasonable time is dependent on each situation and within the
discretion of the authorities.
e. Rescue
e.5 Physical force and impact weapons shall be used only when
rescuers are armed.
f. Assault
1. General Principles
g. Exercise the use of deadly force with reasonable care and diligence to
justify its use.
2. Specific Principles
a. Riot
a.1Open Field
a.2Close Field
a.2.1 Deadly force may be used only if despite the use of non-
deadly force, inmates remain non-compliant.
b. Noise Barrage
c. Hostage taking
d. Lockdown
d.1 When the erring inmates have assaulted fellow inmates who
refused to participate in the lockdown.
e. Rescue
f. Assault
a. Warning shots may pose risks to innocent civilians, inmates and jail
b. Warning shots may cause an armed fleeing inmate to fire back
believing that the shot was intended to kill him.
c. Jail personnel could inadvertently shoot the inmate on fatal part of
the body resulting to his death.
d. When exercised negligently, warning shots may cause injury to
persons or damage to property.
3. Authorized situations
a. The shot should not be aimed at the fatal parts of the body nor at a
particular person.
b. Since they constitute deadly force, warning shots must be exercised
with due diligence and only if the jail personnel reasonably believes
that the inmate/ inmates pose grave and imminent threat to the lives
of innocent civilians, inmates and jail personnel in the area.
c. Warning shots are authorized in open field but not in close field. I n
giving a warning shot, extra prudence must be exercised to ensure
that it will not cause any injury to any person or damage to property.
1. Advantages
The provision of food, water, and electricity can be used by the jail
personnel to negotiate with erring inmates and possibly to gain some
concessions like release of a hostage in exchange of food.
2. Disadvantages
a. Food and water are objects of one's basic right, which he or she
should not be deprived of in all cases and under any circumstances.
3. Authorized use
A. Debriefing
1. Debriefing of Personnel
2. Debriefing of Inmates
1. Preserve the crime scene and make sure that all pieces of evidence
are sealed and protected/ not tampered.
In May 1984, the United Nations Economic and Social Council approved the
procedures for the effective implementation of the Standard Minimum Rules for the
Treatment of Prisoners. The UN Rules, containing 95 provisions that range from
separation of inmate categories, medical services, education and to recreation,
sought to set out <what is generally accepted as being good principle and practice
in the treatment of prisoners and the management of institutions=. The Council
acknowledges, however, that the application of the UN Rules may vary depending
on the legal, social, economic and geographical conditions of each country. This
Rule is derived from the letter and intent of the UN Rules.
3. The right to adequate food, space and ventilation, rest and recreation;
4. The right to avail himself/ herself of medical, dental and other health
6. The right to practice his/ her religious beliefs and moral precepts;
8. The right to separate detention facilities or cells part icularly for women
inmates; and
1. Scope of Work
2. Limitations
Section 65. LEAVE FROM JAIL - Leave from jail shall be allowed in very
meritorious cases, like the following:
2. Inmates who are seriously ill or injured may, under proper escort, be
allowed hospitalization leave or medical attendance. However, such leave
shall require prior approval of the Courts having jurisdiction over them;
a. SOP # 2010-05
Policy on the Conduct of Body Searches on Jail Visitors
<Annex A= Strip Search/Visual Body Cavity Search Authorization
<Annex B= Waiver of Right on Strip/ Visual Body Cavity Search
b. Procedures on Decongestion Programs
c. SOP # 2010-08
Use of Force and Weapons
d. Use of Rubber Bullets and Rubber-Coated Bullets
e. Reiteration Memorandum re: Proper Utilization of Jail Aides
f. Prohibition on Utilization of Jail Aides Beyond 1700H
g. Violation on the Policy re: Designation as Jail Aides
h. Reiteration on Deployment of STAR Team
i. Actual Number of STAR Team Personnel and Specific Assignment
j. SOP # 2012 - 01
Guidelines in Escorting High-Risk/ High-Profile I nmates
k. Concerns on Security Augmentation
l. Coordination in the Transfer of Inmates
m. Guidelines Governing Transfer of Venue
n. Additional Guidelines re: Transfer of Insular Prisoners
o. Revised Policy on Visitation in BJMP- manned Jails
p. Supplemental Guidelines to the Revised Policy on Visitation in BJMP-manned
Jails dated 02 March 2010
q. MC # 2006-02
BJMP Incident Management System (IMS)
r. Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners
1. References:
a) BJMP Citizen’s Charter
b) Memorandum re: Revised Policy on Visitation in BJMP-manned
Jails dated 02 March 2010.
3. Quoted hereunder are portions of the above memo for your ready
1. All request for such transfer shall be submitted for appropriate action to
the executive judge who has administrative supervision over the court
in the place where the local jail in which the prisoner is currently
detained; and
2. The Executive Judge shall act forthwith on the request with notice to
the Presiding Judge of the court before which the case of the detained
prisoner is pending.
In The wake of the recent shooting incident that occurred in the palace of
justice, Cebu City, Memorandum Order No. 42-2007 providing for an interim
security protocol for the first and second level court is hereby REITERATED. The
pertinent provisions of Memorandum Order No. 42-2007 are as follows:
5) Where applicable, the HOJ shall have one (1) entry and exit
point for visitors.
6) The EJ’s shall secure a holding area in the HOJs or in the court
house where detention prisoners shall be temporarily detained
while awaiting trial. When no holding area is available, the
detention prisoners shall be detained in the bus, van, or vehicle
that they used as transport, or any secure place outside the
HOJs or court houses. The detention prisoners shall be brought
to the courtroom only when their cases are heard
10) For courts not in the HOJs, the sheriff, process server, or other
staff member shall be assigned by the PJ to provide security
inside the courtroom.
11) All persons who wish to enter the courtroom shall be subjected
to body frisking by the court’s sheriff, process server, or other
court personnel, before entry. A female guest shall be frisked
only by a female court employee. I n addition, all bags and
other things brought inside the room shall be thoroughly
13) Any illegal weapon or article, under the revised penal code or
existing laws, shall be confiscated and surrendered to the
police officers assigned to patrol the hallways. In their absence,
these things shall be surrendered to the nearest police station.
15) The PJ shall place the witness stand at least one and a half
meter (1 1/ 2m) away from his seat. When the prisoners is on
the witness stand, the custodian shall stand between the judge
and the prisoner.
16) The PJ shall assign the sheriff, process server, or other court
employee to be present during court hearings for orderly and
safe proceedings in the courtroom.
24 January 2013
16 September 2010
NUMBER 2010 - 05
4. Chapter 200, Section 2.29 of Pinal County Sheriff’s Office Adult Detention
Center Facility Procedures re: Admission Searches;
5. Strip Searches and Pat Searches, Number 09-01-22, Boulder County Jail
Policy Procedure Manual;
10. Republic Act no. 9165 – <The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of
12. Dangerous Drugs Board Regulation No. 1, s. 2002 re: Guidelines on the
Custody and Disposition of Seized Dangerous Drugs, Controlled
Precursors and Essential Chemicals, and Laboratory Equipment.
The use of various types of searches shall be necessary to protect the safety
of visitors, inmates and personnel. It shall be used to detect and secure
contraband with the aim of safeguarding the security of the facility.
However, time and again, adverse claims and reports that visitors are
sexually abused/ harassed during the conduct of body searches have put the
Bureau in the bad light.
RUB SEARCH - is a search wherein the officer rubs and/or pats the subject’s
body over the clothing, but in a more intense and thorough manner. I n a rub
search, the genital, buttocks, and breast (of females) areas are carefully
rubbed-areas, which are not searched in a frisk/ pat search. Rub searches
shall not be conducted on cross-gender individuals.
1. All inmates’ visitors who want to enter the jail facility must be subjected
to body search and inspection of their belongings.
2. To perform a pat/ frisk/ rub search, the jail officer shall accomplish the
4. Run hands down the shirtfront, checking the pocket and stopping
at the beltline. Then check the back using the same process.
5. Once satisfied that all areas above the waist –the neck, arms,
chest, and back are clear, check the waistline to feel for any
small articles hidden.
7. Then move both hands to one leg. Repeat process on the other
8. Finally, run hands over the subject’s lower abdomen and crotch
carefully, feeling for concealed articles that may be taped to
these areas
3. If during the pat/ frisk/ rub search the jail officer develops probable cause
that contraband is being hidden by the subject, who is not likely to be
discovered, the Jail Officer shall request for a conduct of strip
search/ visual body cavity search.
The conduct of strip search shall be done provided all the following conditions
are met:
1. All strip search shall be conducted with the knowledge of and directed by
the Jail Warden or in his absence by the Assistant warden / Jail Officer of
the Day. The searcher shall accomplish a Strip Search/ Visual Body Cavity
Search Authorization (SSVBCSA) (Annex A) for this purpose. The
SSVBCSA Form shall include information that there is probable cause that
contraband is being hidden by the subject or subject to be strip-searched
is suspected of bringing contraband inside the jail. It shall particularly
state the source of information, if known, and the contraband to be
brought in.
4. To perform a strip search the jail officer shall accomplish the following:
a. Direct the subject to remove his/ her clothing and hand the clothing to
the searcher for inspection.
d. The searcher shall have the subject perform the following measures:
1. Hold his/ her hands out in front of his/ her body with fingers
2. Turn his/ her hands over showing the officer each side;
3. Raise his/ her arms over head allowing the officer to view the
subject’s underarms;
5. Open his/ her mouth with head tilted back. Lifting his/ her
6. Have the subject lift his/ her feet so that the soles and spaces
between the toes can be examined carefully.
f. After completion of the search, the officer shall return the clothing to
the subject and allow the subject to redress.
5. If during the course of the strip search, the officer develops probable
cause that contraband is concealed in an area not readily visible using the
strip search; the officer shall proceed on conducting Visual Body Cavity
1. To perform a visual body cavity search, the jail officer shall have the subject
visitor perform the following measures:
b. Females: have them raise their breast allowing the jail officer to view
under the breasts.
If the subject is female, have her squat down and cough. This should
dislodge anything hidden in the vaginal cavity.
c. Have the subject turn around with their back to the officer, bend over
and/ or squat, and use their hands to spread their buttocks allowing
the officer to view the area of the anus or vagina. While the subject
is in such position, the jail officer may further instruct him/ her to
cough to dislodge anything hidden in the anus/ vaginal cavity.
2. If the same visitor committed the same or similar act, he/ she shall be
considered as delinquent visitor and shall be duly recorded by the
searcher in a separate logbook exclusively for such visitors. It should
be accessible to other searchers.
(b) Any public officer or employee, or anyone acting under his order
or his place, who arrests, detains or investigates any person for the
commission of an offense shall inform the latter, in a language
known to and understood by him, of his rights to remain silent and
to have competent and independent counsel, preferably of his own
choice, who shall at all times be allowed to confer privately with the
person arrested, detained or under custodial investigation. If such
person cannot afford the services of his own counsel, the
investigating officer must provide him with a competent and
independent counsel.
C. Dangerous Drugs
(1) The apprehending team having initial custody and control of the
drugs shall, immediately after seizure and confiscation, physically
inventory and photograph the same in the presence of the accused
or the person/ s from whom such items were confiscated and/ or
seized, or his/ her representative or counsel, a representative from
the media and the Department of Justice (DOJ), and any elected
public official who shall be required to sign the copies of the
inventory and be given a copy thereof;
(5) The Board shall then issue a sworn certification as to the fact of
destruction or burning of the subject item/ s, which, together with the
representative sample/ s in the custody of the PDEA, shall be
submitted to the court having jurisdiction over the case. In all
instances, the representative sample/ s shall be kept to a minimum
quantity as determined by the Board;
(7) After the promulgation and judgment in the criminal case wherein
the representative sample/ s was presented as evidence in court, the
trial prosecutor shall inform the Board of the final termination of the
case and, in turn, shall request the court for leave to turn over the
said representative sample/ s to the PDEA for proper disposition and
destruction within twenty-four (24) hours from receipt of the
In the event that any provision or part of the policy be declared unauthorized
or rendered invalid by a competent authority, those provisions not affected by
such declaration shall remain valid and effective.
All other existing issuances, which are inconsistent with this policy, are
hereby rescinded or modified accordingly.
Annex A
Name of Jail
[ ] HEAD: Check nose, ears and mouth. Have subject shake out his/ her
hair. Check under the tongue and around teeth.
[ ] ARMS& SHOULDERS: Instruct the subject to raise arms and check
arm pits. Examine the subject with fingers spread and extended.
[ ] FEET: Check bottom of the feet and in between toes.
[ ] BANDAGES& CASTS: Examination of any prosthesis or false teeth will
be accomplished with the assistance of facility medical personnel or qualified
medical professional.
_____________________ _____________________
Signature of Searcher Signature of Warden
Annex B
Signature of Visitor
Name and Signature of Witness
Pangalan at LagdangSaksi
Date and Time of Search
Petsa at Oras ng Paghalughog
Decongestion AUTHORIZE TO
RA 6036 Inmate must be To provide Court grants Keep the Court issues Warden
RECOGNI- convicted for a existing recognizance grantees always order
ZANCE term of one (1) organization of applied by the informed of the directing the - Receives court
year or less. NGOs involved in inmate while scheduled city/munici- order.
corrections, his/her case hearing and the pal district jail - Verifies
Inmate applies information, and are still development of warden to authenticity of
for Release on education pending. the cases. release the court order.
Recognizance program on the inmate -Inmatewillbe
while his case is coverage of ROR Issue order to CUSTODIAN through ROR. subjected to
still pending in (Release on release the usual releasing
court. Recognizance) inmate under procedure.
the custodian To be notified of -Releases
Inmate chooses granted/recog the hearing. inmate if there
responsible nized by the is no other
persons who are court. pending case.
in good standing -Submits report
in the Direct the -Return all
community for probation deposited
their officer to personal
recognizance. conduct close belongings of
surveillance inmate.
Inmate applies upon the
for release on inmate and
ROR and stating submit his
that he findings for
recognizes the further
authority of the evaluation.
person where he
is placed with
RA 6127 Inmate should -Receives court Court decides Prepares Court order (See column
FULL TIME sign the order. on full time detainee’s under Warden)
CREDIT detainee’s credit specified manifestation to
manifestation -Verifies in the court abide by the
and abide by the authenticity of order. Issues rules and
rules and court order. order either to regulations of
regulations of credit or not the jail. Apprises
the jail. (Full Warden, thru his preventive the inmates of
Time Credit) if record Section imprisonment. his right and
not, only 4/5 of computes privileges under
his preventive corresponding detention. Assist
imprisonment computation of offender in
will be given, to inmates’ signing his
be signed in the preventive detainee’s
presence of detention based on manifestation.
counsel or court order. (DM)
Inmate Welfare
Officer -Inmates subjected Submits DM to
to usual releasing the Jail Warden
Await decision procedure. through record
of the court. Section.
-Submits report to
superior upon
compliance of
release with CPI.
PD 603 Will request -Coordinates with religious Court will order Court Warden Releases
CHILD AND Social Action parishes. confinement of Order youth offenders to
YOUTH Center of youth offenders to rehabilitation
WELFARE religious sects -Provides case evaluation to the NTSB, MARILAC centers Releases
CODE for custody. court. HILLS, and RRYC. youth offenders to
the custodian as
Seeks -Summon concerned parents for stipulated in the
assistance conference of the child’s case Court Order
from DSWD and recommend for possible Submits report
for custody. solution.
ON BAIL Applies for Warden- receives copy of court Encourages Court ( See column under
bail order. application for bail Order Warden)
–Verifies authenticity of court bond to offender.
order Facilitates
–Releases inmate subject to communication
usual releasing procedure. services to
–Submits report to immediate offender, counsel,
superior. and relatives.
13 October 2010
1. Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms as Adopted by the Eighth
United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of
Offenders, Havana, Cuba;
The willingness of jail officers to put their lives at risk is an invaluable trait
and it should not be taken for granted but should rather be protected against legal
suits that could arise from misuse of force. In most instances, jail officers are ready
to confront the hazards connected to their job but face the dilemma of what force is
necessary to subdue the threat and the legal repercussions that may follow. Thus,
the lack of existing convention and procedure in the use of force could either inhibit
the legal conscious jail officers to effectively control the situation, or induce its
More often than not, full-blown crisis developed from improper application
of force. Improper use of force may be attributed to three lapses: a) vague rules of
engagement, b) inadequate standards and alternatives in the use of force, or c)
misjudgment in the application of rules and standards.
2. To provide guidelines for legal and ethical principles in the use of force.
Rescue of inmate inside the jail facility - this means that the inmate to
be rescued is within the jail premises or
B. The use of force shall not be resorted to except when strictly necessary
for the maintenance of security and order, or when personnel’s safety is
E. Whenever the lawful use of force and firearms is unavoidable, jail officers
2. Minimize damage and injury, and respect human rights and preserve
human life;
3. Ensure that assistance and medical aid are rendered to the injured as
soon as possible;
F. Where injury or death is caused by the use of force and firearms, the jail
officer shall immediately render a detailed narrative report on the incident
to his superiors.
1. General Principles:
2. Specific Principles
a. Riot
a. 1 Open Field
a. 2 Close Field
b. Noise Barrage
b.3 Never resort to any use of force as long as inmates are only doing
noise barrage and the incident does not escalate into a more
serious one.
c. Hostage taking
c.2 Evacuate inmates who are not involved with the incident into a
more secured place to avoid taking advantage of the situation and to
ensure their safety. Contain the scene of incident by putting up a
security perimeter that will prevent other from entering the scene
except the responder.
e. Rescue
e.2 Secure the rest of the inmates who are not involved in the
f. Assault
1. General Principles:
- the possibility that the incident could escalate into a more serious
- the skill and experience of the jail personnel who will administer
the non-deadly force; and
d. Resort to non-deadly force when the use of words does not control
and the use of deadly weapon is inappropriate.
e. Authorize the use of non-deadly force in cases where inmates are non-
compliant despite verbal containment or the gravity of the situation
dictates that verbal containment is not appropriate.
f. Authorized use:
Resort to use of this kind of weapon only when there are personnel
trained for the purpose. Prior to use of CEI agents, a paramedic
must be available to provide first aid.
The use of CEI weapon should be exercised with due diligence
since sparks from these weapons are capable of igniting flammable
materials likely to cause more serious harm and injury like fire and
The health and physical condition of inmates must be taken into
consideration in choosing this non-deadly force for this may be
fatal for other inmates such as asthmatic and other sick inmates.
The ventilation of the area should also be taken into consideration.
2. Specific Principles
a. Riot
a.1Open Field
a.2Close Field
b. Noise barrage
c. Hostage
d. Lock down
d.1 Determine how long do the inmates have controlled the facility.
Reasonable time is dependent on each situation and within the
discretion of the authorities.
e.2 In case of rescue inside the jail facility and the rescuers are
heavily armed, use CEI weapon to incapacitate the rescuers and
rescue inmates. The ventilation and the space must be taken into
consideration when using chemical weapons.
e.3 Never use CEI weapon in case of rescue while on transit if there
are innocent civilians who might be affected.
e.5 Physical force and impact weapons shall be used only when
rescuers are armed.
f. Assault
1. General Principles:
2. Specific Principles:
a. Riot
a.1Open Field
a.1.2 When negotiation fails and lives are in grave and imminent
a.2Close Field
a.2.1 Deadly force may be used only if despite the use of non-
deadly force, inmates remain non-compliant.
b. Noise Barrage
c. Hostage taking
d. Lockdown
d.1 When the erring inmates have assaulted fellow inmates who
refused to participate in the lockdown.
e. Rescue
f. Assault
a. Warning shots may pose risks to innocent civilians, inmates and jail
b. Warning shots may cause an armed fleeing inmate to fire back
believing that the shot was intended to kill him.
c. Jail personnel could inadvertently shoot the inmate on fatal part of
the body resulting to his death.
d. When exercised negligently, warning shots may cause injury to
persons or damage to property.
3. Authorized situations
a. The shot should not be aimed at fatal parts of the body nor in a
particular person.
b. Since they constitute deadly force, warning shots must be exercised
with due diligence and only if the jail personnel reasonably believes
that the inmate/ inmates pose grave and imminent threat into the
lives of innocent civilians, inmates and jail personnel in the area.
c. Warning shots are authorized in open field but not in close field. In
giving a warning shot, extra prudence must be exercised to ensure
that it will not cause any injury to any person or damage to
1. Advantages
The provision of food, water, and electricity can be used by the jail
personnel to negotiate with erring inmates and possibly to gain some
concessions like release of a hostage in exchange of food.
2. Disadvantages
a. Food and water are basic rights, which cannot be deprived in all
cases and under any circumstances. To deprive inmates of these rights
is a violation of their human rights.
3. Authorized use
1. Debriefing of Personnel
b. After the critical jail incident, all personnel must be briefed on the
event, present the evaluation and recognized lessons learned. In this
way, personnel may not only learn from the experience but also
participate in the investigation.
2. Debriefing of I nmates
a. Within 24 hours after the critical jail incident is resolved and the
situation is back to normal, the Warden shall gather all inmates for a
dialogue, thresh out important issues and settle possible sources of
1. Preserve the crime scene and make sure that all pieces of evidence
are sealed and protected/ not tampered.
All circulars or issuances inconsistent with this directive are hereby rescinded
or modified accordingly.
TO : Directors of Directorates
Heads of Offices
Regional Directors
JNTI Director
3. The official safe range for firing the rubber and rubber-coated bullets is
at least 40 meters. This minimum range must be diligently observed when these
bullets should be necessarily used.
1. References:
a) Memorandum from RD, BJMPRO-V re: Escape Incident at
Palanas District Jail, Masbate dated 06 July 2011; and
b) Memorandum, re: Revised Policy on the Designation of Jail
Aides dated 16 June 2008.
5. Further, require them to submit to your office every fifth (5 th) day of
the month the list of jail aides in their respective jails to include the crime/ offense
they had been charged with to monitor their compliance.
2. ITCON, direct the Wardens to have the jail aides constantly monitored and
their activities supervised to ensure proper compliance with this directive.
1. References:
2. It has been observed that inspire of very clear provisions of the policy
regarding designation of inmates as jail aides, some wardens wittingly continue to
disregard the policy by utilizing inmates to open the jail gates; search visitors; go
out without court order; have possession of jail keys; perform custodial duties;
perform sensitive records keeping duties such as making entries in the carpeta,
handling of carpeta, handling of carpeta and the like; and receive and transmit
commo and/ or information by answering telephone calls, radio and other means of
4. Violation of this policy will be dealt with accordingly including the RELIEF
of the jail Warden concerned and being charged administratively with
insubordination. You will be held answerable if any Jail Warden in your AOR does
not know this policy.
Jail Chief Superintendent
Directorate for Operations
1. It has come to the attention of this Office that some STAR Team
personnel were assigned as custodial personnel in jail, defeating the purpose of
their creation as reaction and augment unit in any jail disturbances in your
respective AOR. Their trainings are specialized and designed not as custodial
Director for Operations
02 April 2012
NUMBERS 2012 – 01
This SOP aims to guide the members of the escort t eams in securing
high-risk/ high-profile inmates when attending Court hearing, especially in case
of incidents such as attack or ambush on the way to or from the Courts. High-
risk/ high-profile inmates need maximum security as they are known
personalities and may be targets for rescue by t heir associates or even
assassination attempts as some of them may have made ardent enemies prior
to their incarceration who would stop at nothing to get back at them.
Proper coordination with the police and the military must be made
prior to transporting high-risk/ high-profile inmates and augmentation personnel
and equipment may be requested from them if necessary.
1. Conduct debriefing.
2. The Team Leader should report to the Records Officer the
outcome of the hearing.
3. Render report to higher office.
During an assault or ambush, the jail escorts team shall secure the
inmates while the augmentation team shall engage the attackers
and perform other necessary actions.
6. For information.
1. These guidelines will not cover transfer of inmates initiated by the courts at
their own instance, but only transfers initiated by the jails, provincial and
regional offices of the BJMP.
2. The usual reasons cited for inmate transfer is either the inmate is
troublesome or incorrigible, a serious security risk or the jail is over
congested. It is noted with concern though that transfers are initiated with
the courts without proper and prior coordination with the receiving jail,
provincial or regional offices. This results to an undue transfer of burden
from one unit to another regard to the capacity of the receiving unit to
absorb without sacrificing its operational integrity or due consideration of
its capability to accommodate an inmate especially if classified a high
profile/ risk.
3.1 Transferring of inmate from one jail to another jail within the same
a. The jail initiating transfer should have prior lateral coordination and
consultation with the prospect recipient jail to determine its
peculiar circumstances such as availability of manpower and other
resources, congestion rate, vulnerability to attack or escape and
other surrounding circumstances vis-à-vis the classification of
inmate sought to be transferred before requesting the regional
office and the court for the transfer.
b. The initiating jail must request and secure petition for transfer of
Place of Detention only, from the proper court in case that the
prospect recipient jail is adjacent or located within a safe distance
c. The releasing jail should also take into consideration the jail
population of the recipient jail in order to avoid jail congestion.
d. In case the initiating jail had a prior approval of the Regional Office
regarding such transfer without coordinating and consulting with
the prospect recipient jail, the Regional Office concerned shall
ensure that the jail where the inmate is sought to be transferred is
not over congested, and that it would be able to adequately meet
the security requirements. The Regional office should immediately
inform the receiving jail of the impending transfer.
b. The initiating jail must request and secure approval of petition for
Transfer of Place of Detention and petition for Transfer of Venue
from the proper court.
c. The initiating jail thru its regional office should also take into
consideration the jail population of the prospect recipient jail in
order to avoid jail congestion.
5. The initiating unit must, as much as possible, work out its best efforts so
that the transfer of place of detention will coincide with the transfer of
venue of the case
a. The requesting party/ region may directly channel its request for change
of venue to the Supreme Court if there are weighty reasons to believe that
serious security threat exists provided that prior coordination with the
Prosecutor shall be done and his/ her written comment must be secured
duly cognizant of the latter’s authority and control in the prosecution of the
b. The requesting party/ region may endorse its request to the BJMP-NHQ
for the latter to make the necessary representation provided that prior
coordination with the prosecutor has already been made and the necessary
written comment shall be obtained by the requesting party, provided
further that a claim of serious security threat must be factually
substantiated. Upon receipt of the request, the same shall be evaluated and
if warranted, additional documents or information may be required from the
requesting party/ region;
1. Reference:
4. Visiting hours will be from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Tuesday to
Friday. No visits shall be allowed in the morning to give way to IWD activities.
During Saturday and Sunday, visiting hours is from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and
from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. but no visitor shall be allowed to visit in the afternoon
if he/ she has already visited in the morning.
7. Visitors for each inmate should be limited to five (5) persons while
those for high-risk inmates should be limited to two (2) persons only, at any given
time. The visiting time for high-risk inmates is from thirty (30) minutes to one (1)
hour only, subject to the discretion of the Jail Warden.
8. Upon admission, the inmate should provide a list of his/ her authorized
visitors including the pertinent data for their identification.
9. A visitors Logbook where the visitors’ name, age, sex, address, name of
the inmate to be visited, their relationship, and time-in/ time-out are indicated must
be maintained. There should be a separate logbook for visitors of inmates charged
with drugs cases. Likewise, a separate Visitors Logbook for high-risk inmates must
also be maintained. From these logbooks, a visitors’ database including the visitors’
I.D. pictures must be complied for future reference.
10. Visitors must present a valid I.D. card for their proper identification
otherwise, they should be denied entry.
11. In big jails where there are many visitors who fall in line, waiting for
their turn to be searched at the jail’s main gate, senior citizens or elderly visitors,
including those who accompany them, must be given priority in entering the jail
c) Republic Act No. 7438 <An Act Defining Certain Rights of Person
Arrested, Detained or Under Custodial And I nvestigating Officers,
and Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof= dated April 27,
b) Cases which may be considered urgent are when the inmate must
be immediately attended to such as during medical emergencies,
where the services of a lawyer is urgently needed, when an
inmate needs to be visited or cared for while sick, and under any
other analogous circumstances;
f) Inmates’ visitors shall at all times stay at the Visiting Area only. In
no case shall they be allowed to enter the jail’s cells.
CIRCULAR NO. 2006-02
1. BJMP Manual;
2. Presidential Decree No. 1566: Strengthening of the Philippine Disaster
Control Capabilities and the establishment of the national program on
community disaster preparedness;
3. Eight United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and
Treatment of Offenders, Havana, Cuba, 27 August to 7 September
II. Concept:
When the BJMP has exhausted all its effort and resources,
request for augmentation from the other Law Enforcement
Agencies must be made. Responding Law Enforcement Agencies
shall respond according to its duties and responsibilities provided in
the inter-agency agreement during crisis situation.
Law Enforcement Agencies shall be furnished with an
update copy of the jail Contingency Plans subject to the approval of
the Regional Office.
a. the liaison Officer serves as the point of contact for other agencies;
b. the Jail manager is responsible for directing the operations of the non-
affected areas of the jail;
C. Chain of Command
a. Jail Warden
b. Deputy Jail Warden
c. Duty OD
4. A transfer of command shall not occur until a thorough briefing has been
done and all operation areas of the facility are notified of the transfer.
D. Notifications
a. PNP;
b. BFP;
c. Neighboring communities via the Communication Alert Network
The National Headquarters Office shall monitor all critical incidents and
may, if appropriate and necessary, provide direction, assistance and resource
management to the jail experiencing a critical incident.
V. Specialized Teams
a. Each BJMP Regional Office shall organize and maintain in at least one
(1) 20-man STAR team, consisting of a weapons unit and a
negotiations unit.
b. STAR-Weapons Unit shall be composed of 15 staff and a weapons unit
c. STAR-Negotiations unit shall be composed of primary negotiator,
secondary negotiator, intelligence negotiator and the negotiation unit
d. The STAR team shall be equipped with the necessary gears and
trainings for any critical incidents.
e. Within the scope of the Incident Management System, STAR team
members shall be designated as part of the D Level response.
3. Each jail must follow a single tactical approach, which is applicable to all or
most critical incident situations. The 5-steps tactical plan must be
integrated as part of the jail contingency plans. The 5-step tactical plan
phases are reporting, containment, mobilization, response, and recovery.
3.1 Reporting
3.2 Containment
3.3 Mobilization
(1) Every inmate and non-involved staff be moved behind the lines
of the outer perimeter.
(2) Every individual in danger shall be evacuated:
(a) First priority shall be given to any individual inside the inner
(b) Second, every individual in exposed areas to threats of any
sort shall be evacuated; then
(c) Individual(s) in more exposed areas but within the outer
perimeter shall be evacuated.
3.4 Response
3.5 Recovery
(1) Account for all staff, visitors and inmates, keys, tools,
(2) Restrain inmates;
(3) Search inmates, all areas, inmate property, preserve areas
of crime scene for and the collection and preservation of
(4) Escort inmates to a secure area;
(5) Separate inmates-involved versus non-involved;
(6) Place inmates in a secure areas with the security measures
in place;
(7) Transport involved inmates to other facilities; and
(8) Request PNP-SOCO assistance in the conduct of a crime
scene investigation.
All circulars which are inconsistent with this directive are hereby
rescinded or modified accordingly.
Approved and signed this 28th day of June 2006 in Quezon City,
1. Verify the facts
A. Location of the incident
B. Nature of incident
C. Indentify staff involvement
D. Identify inmate involvement
E. Identify any injuries
2. Assess the situation to determine if the I MS should be activated.
3. Assess the situation to determine if the CAN (Community Alert
Network) should be activated
4. Sound alarm
5. Announcement of Command
6. Restriction of Communication
7. Establish a log of the events
8. Lock down the facility
9. Conduct emergency count
10. Command notifications (Regional Office)
11. Medical department
12. Notify on duty staff of situation
13. Recall QRT
14. Secure entrance and exits
15. Ensure inner perimeter is in place _____, assign a leader ____,
adequately staffed and equipped ____, and communications
established ____.
16. Ensure Outer Perimeter is in place ____, assign a leader ____.
Adequately staffed and equipped ___, and Communications
Established ___.
17. Activate Command Center
18. Account for Staff, visitors and inmates
19. Assign appropriate Command staffs and General Staffs
20. Gather information and evaluate situations
21. Notify local agencies as deemed necessary by the I ncident
Commander. External Notifications (Emergency Support)
22. Develop plan to regain control
23. Recall necessary staff
24. assemble equipment, vehicles and weapons
25. Conduct facility operations assessments
26. Deploy staff to affected area
27. Ensure following for area evacuation
A. Inner Perimeter
1. Route(s) of evacuation
2. Safety
3. Secure holding area(s)
4. Number of evacuees at a time
B. Outer Perimeter
1. Routes(s) of evacuation
2. Safety
3. Secure holding area(s)
4. Number of evacuees at a time
5. Staff for escort/ containment/ book up
28. I ssue order for inmate to evacuate area specified routes and
29. Debrief evacuees
30. Re-evaluate situation
A. Is Assault necessary
B. Determine degree of force necessary to resolve
C. Ensure sufficient man power and equipment are present
31. I nitiate resolutions actions
A. Order involved inmates to disperse (Interrogate and debrief)
B. If order is ignored, assaults on Commander’s orders
C. Ensure documentation of when use of force commenced and
D. Refer to mass casualties checklist
32. Contact Emergency Family Notifications (Staff)
33. Announce to all Command Notifications of resolutions actions
34. Conduct medical review
35. Account for all staff, visitors and inmates
36. Secure scene/ area for investigation
37. Preserve all evidence
38. Conduct damage assessment
39. Repair/ replace property
40. Debrief staff and others involved
41. Conduct Operation Greyhound
42. return to update operations plan
43. Complete all documentation and reports
44. Deactivate Command Posts
1. Verify the facts
A. Location of the incident
B. Nature of incident
C. Indentify staff involvement
D. Identify inmate involvement
E. Identify weapons involved
F. Establish/ identify initial negotiator
2. Assess the situation to determine if the I MS should be activated.
3. Assess the situation to determine if the CAN (Community Alert
Network) should be activated
4. Sound alarm
5. Announcement of Command
6. Restriction of Communication
7. Establish a log of the events
8. Lock down the facility
9. Conduct emergency count
10. Command notifications (Regional Office)
11. Medical department
12. Notify on duty staff of situation
13. Recall QRT
14. Secure entrance and exits and utilities
15. Ensure inner perimeter is in place _____, assign a leader ____,
adequately staffed and equipped ____, and communications
established ____.
16. Ensure Outer Perimeter is in place ____, assign a leader ____.
Adequately staffed and equipped ___, and Communications
Established ___.
17. Activate Command Center assign command and general staff as
18. Account for Staff, visitors and inmates
19. Gather information and evaluate situations
20. Notify local agencies as deemed necessary by the I ncident
Commander. External Notifications (Emergency Support)
21. Identify primary negotiator (QRT-Negotiators unit)
22. Identify negotiation site
23. Relocate all non-involved staff, visitors and inmates
24. Evacuate location/ facility
- Food
- Beverages
- Weapons
- Exchange of hostages for other hostages
- Exchange of jail officers for hostages
- Drugs
- Transportation
- Freedom
- Currency
- Choice of negotiators
1. Verify the facts
a. Location of the incident
b. Nature of incident
c. Indentify staff involvement
d. Identify inmate involvement
e. Identify weapons involved
f. Identify any injuries
2. Assess the situation to determine if the ICS should be activated.
3. Assess the situation to determine if the CAN (Community Alert
Network) should be activated
4. Sound alarm
5. Announcement of Command
6. Restriction of Communication
7. Establish a log of the events
8. Lock down the facility
9. Conduct emergency count
10. Command notifications (Regional Office)
11. Medical department
12. Notify on duty staff of situation
13. Provide description of inmate(s) to agencies requiring information
(Escape packets) to include:
A. Full name
B. Race
D. Height/ Weight
E. Color Eyes/ Hair
F. Tattoos/ Scars
G. Type of dress
H. Crime/ Sentence
14. Recall QRT
15. Notify Office of Victims Service
16. Secure entrance and exits
17. Post armed staff at any sites where damage exists to a security
feature (fence, wall, tunnel, sally port, etc…)
18. Initiate pursuit
1. Verify the facts
A. Location of the incident/ area(s) affected
B. Nature of incident
C. Identify any injuries
D. Damage to facility
E. Identify staff involved
F. Identify inmates involved
2. Assess the situation to determine if the I MS should be activated.
3. Assess the situation to determine if the CAN (Community Alert
Network) should be activated
4. Call 117 or local emergency numbers
5. Announcement of Command
6. Restriction of Communication
7. Establish a log of the events
8. Lock down unaffected areas of the facility
9. Conduct emergency count
10. Command notifications (Regional Office)
11. Medical department
12. Notify on duty staff of situation
13. Secure entrance and exits
14. Ensure inner perimeter is in place _____, assign a leader ____,
adequately staffed and equipped ____, and communications
established ____.
15. Ensure Outer Perimeter is in place ____, assign a leader ____.
Adequately staffed and equipped ___, and Communications
Established ___.
16. Initiate fire team to attempt to extinguish the fire
17. Post armed staff at any site where damage exists to a security
feature (fence, wall, tunnel, sally, port, etc…)
18. Activate Command Center assign command and general staff as
19. Account for staff, visitors and inmates
20. Notify local agencies as deemed necessary by the I ncident
Commander. External Notifications (Emergency Support)
21. Assemble equipment, vehicles and weapons
22. Post additional staff at Sally Port for Support Agency escort purposes
23. Identify needed resources
A. Equipment
B. Supplies
C. Medical Services
D. Local Support Agencies
E. Recall staff as needed
24. Conduct facility operation assessment
25. I nitiate a response plan
26. Initiate a facility operations plan
27. Provide medical assistance
28. Initiate repair of damaged security features
29. Evaluate off site evacuation needs and evacuated, if necessary.
30. Develop intelligence resources
31. Apprehend escapee(s), if any.
32. Announce to all command notifications of resolution plan
33. Conduct medical review of all staff and inmates involved
34. Account for all staff, visitors and inmates involved
35. Assess the need to relocate evacuees if needed
36. Secure scene/ area for investigation
37. Preserve all evidence
38. Investigate and debrief staff and others involved
39. Conduct Operation Greyhound
40. Conduct damage assessment
41. Repair/ replace property
42. Develop and implement updated operations plan
43. Complete all documentation and reports
44. Deactivate Command Posts
1. Verify the facts
A. Type and status of natural disaster
B. Indentify potential impact on facility
C. Identify potential impact on staff and inmate population
D. Assign staff to monitor weather radio updates
2. Assess the situation to determine if the I MS should be activated.
3. Assess the situation to determine if the CAN (Community Alert
Network) should be activated
4. Commander will take appropriate action based on the evaluation of
the situation reports from the National Weather Service.
5. Announcement of Command
6. Restriction of Communication
7. Establish a log of the events
8. Lock down the facility
9. Recall all outside and escorted leaves and conduct emergency count
10. Command notifications (Regional Office)
11. Medical department
12. Notify on duty staff of situation
13. Recall QRT
14. Secure entrance and exits
15. Initiate initial Response Team A
16. Activate Command Center
17. Account for staff, visitors and inmates
18. Assign appropriate IMS function
19. Gather information and evaluate situations
20. Notify local agencies as deemed necessary by the I ncident
Commander. External Notifications (Emergency Support)
21. Develop plan to defend in place
22. Recall necessary staff
23. Assemble equipment, vehicles and supplies
24. Conduct facility operations assessments
25. Deploy staff where necessary
26. Prepare for possible area evacuation
27. Move all staff and inmates away from windows and take cover
28. Secure all lose objects (wherever possible)
29. Cover all windows (time permitting)
30. Ensure maintenance staff is on site to:
A. Stand by emergency generators
B. Move vehicles under shelter
C. Secure power and water as needed
33. Announce to all Command Notifications of resolutions actions
34. Conduct medical assessment
35. Account for all staff, visitors and inmates
36. Conduct damage assessment
37. Conduct Operation Greyhound
38. Repair/ replace property
39. Return to update operations plan
40. Complete all documentation and reports
41. Deactivate Command Posts
1. Verify the facts
A. Location of the incident
B. Nature of incident
C. Indentify staff involvement
D. Identify inmate(s) involvement
E. Identify weapons involved
F. Identify any injuries
2. Verify that an epidemic has been declared by the Department of
3. Assess the situation to determine if the I MS should be activated.
4. Assess the situation to determine if the CAN (Community Alert
Network) should be activated
5. Announcement of Command/ Location
6. Restriction of non-emergency Communication
7. Establish a log and tape recording of the events is initiated and
8. Lock down the facility
9. Conduct emergency count
10. Notify on duty staff of situation
11. Conduct emergency mobilization including
Command Notification (Central office/ Duty Officer)
Command Notification facility (to level of lieutenant)
Staff Call-backs
External agencies
Specialized Functions
Medical Department
12. Conduct an assessment of the situation with BJMP Health Service
Nature of epidemics:
Health Hazards:
1. Verify the facts
A. Location of the incident
B. Nature of incident
C. Identify staff involvement
D. Identify inmate involvement
E. Identify any injuries
F. Identify what utilities are lost/ Deliberate or Accident
2. Assess the situation to determine if the I MS should be activated.
3. Assess the situation to determine if the CAN (Community Alert
Network) should be activated
4. Notify effected Utility company to respond
5. Sound alarm
6. Announcement of Command
7. Restriction of Communication
8. Establish a log of the events
9. Lock down the facility
10. Conduct emergency count
11. Command notifications (Regional Office)
12. Health service notifications
13. Notify on duty staff of situation
14. Recall QRT
15. Secure entrance and exits
16. Initiate initial responders Team A
17. Ensure inner perimeter is in place _____, assign a leader ____,
adequately staffed and equipped ____, and communications
established ____.
18. Ensure Outer Perimeter is in place ____, assign a leader ____.
Adequately staffed and equipped ___, and Communications
Established ___.
19. Activate Command Center
20. Account for Staff, visitors and inmates
21. Assign appropriate IMS functions
22. Gather information and evaluate situations
23. Notify local agencies as deemed necessary by the I ncident
Commander. External Notifications (Emergency Support)
1. Verify the facts
A. Location of the incident
B. Nature of incident
C. Identify staff involvement
D. Identify inmate involvement
E. Identify any injuries
2. Assess the situation to determine if the I MS should be activated.
3. Assess the situation to determine if the CAN (Community Alert
Network) should be activated
4. Sound alarm
5. Announcement of Command
6. Restriction of Communication
7. Establish a log of the events
8. Lock down the facility
9. Conduct emergency count
10. Command notifications (Regional Office)
11. Medical Department
12. Notify on duty staff of situation
13. Recall QRT
14. Secure entrance and exits
15. Initiate initial responders Team <A=
16. Ensure inner perimeter is in place _____, assign a leader ____,
adequately staffed and equipped ____, and communications
established ____.
17. Ensure Outer Perimeter is in place ____, assign a leader ____.
Adequately staffed and equipped ___, and Communications
Established ___.
18. Activate Command Center
19. Account for Staff, visitors and inmates
20. Assign appropriate ICS functions
21. Gather information and evaluate situations
22. Notify local agencies as deemed necessary by the I ncident
Commander. External Notifications (Emergency Support)
23. Develop plan to regain control
Approved by the Economic and Social Council, 31 July 1957 (resolution 663 C I
(XXIV)), on the recommendation of the First Congress
Basic principle
The following rules are to be applied without discrimination on the grounds of race,
color, sex, language, religion, political opinions, national or social origin, property,
birth or other status.
A bound registration book shall be maintained with the identity, reasons for
commitment and day and hour of admission and release of prisoners.
Separation of Categories
Men and women in detention are to be held in separate facilities; likewise, untried
and convicted prisoners, those imprisoned for civil offences and criminal offenders,
and youths and adults shall be housed separately.
Cells for individuals should not be used to accommodate two or more persons
overnight; dormitory facilities are to be supervised at night.
Cells and prison dormitories should provide adequate space, ventilation, lighting
and sanitary facilities and are to be kept clean at all times.
Personal hygiene
Prisoners shall be provided with adequate water and toilet articles and required to
keep themselves clean.
Prisoners not allowed to wear their own clothing are to be provided with an
adequate and suitable outfit, with provisions for laundry and changes of clothes.
Every prisoner shall be provided with a separate bed and clean, separate and
sufficient bedding.
If not employed in outdoor work, every prisoner shall have at least one hour of
exercise in the open air, weather permitting.
Young prisoners and other of suitable age and physique are to receive physical and
recreational training.
Medical services
Every prisoner shall be examined by the medical officer shortly after admission;
prisoners suspected of contagious diseases are to be segregated.
The medical officer shall see all sick prisoners daily, along with those who complain
of illness or are referred to his attention.
Discipline shall be no more restrictive than what is necessary to ensure custody and
The types of conduct to be considered offences and punishment for them shall be
set by law or regulation and prisoners are to be allowed to defend themselves
against charges.
Instruments of restraint
Upon admission, prisoners shall be informed of the regulations they are to live by
and of authorized channels for seeking information and making complaints.
Prisoners are to have the right to make complaints to the director of the institution,
as well as to the central prison administration and the judicial authority, in the
proper form but without censorship as to substance and they are to have the
opportunity to speak directly to an inspector of prisons outside the presence of
institutional staff members.
Prisoners are to be allowed regular contact with family and friends, by both
correspondence and personal visits.
Prisoners who are foreign nationals shall be allowed communication with diplomatic
and consular representatives of their State, or a State or international authority that
has taken charge of their interests.
Prisoners are to be kept informed of current events and important items of news.
Every institution shall maintain for the use of prisoners a library with recreational
and instructional books.
Money, valuables and personal effects which prisoners are not allowed to keep in
their possession are to be kept in safe custody until the prisoner’s release.
Money or effects received by a prisoner from outside shall be treated the same
The medical officer is to decide what uses shall be made of drugs or medicine a
prisoner brings with him.
The spouse or nearest relative shall be informed of the death, serious illness, injury
or transfer of a prisoner to an institution for treatment afflictions.
Every prisoner shall have the right to inform his family at once of his imprisonment
or transfer.
Removal of prisoners
Institution personnel
The administration shall carefully select every grade of personnel and maintain in
their minds and the public’s the important social service they provide.
To these ends, pay, conditions and benefits shall be suitable to professional and
exacting service.
As far as possible, personnel should include psychiatric, social work and education
The director shall be a qualified administrator, retained on a full time basis and
residing on the premises or in the immediate vicinity.
Staff personnel are to be able to speak the language of the greatest number of
prisoners and to retain the services of an interpreter when necessary.
In larger institutions, at least one medical officer should reside on the premises or
in the immediate vicinity.
In others, a medical officer shall visit daily and reside near enough be available for
In an institution for both men and women, the part set aside for women shall be
under the authority of a woman officer, who shall have custody of the keys that
Male officers shall enter the section for women only in the presence of a woman
officer and women prisoners shall be attended and treated only by women officers,
without precluding male doctors and teachers from carrying out their duties.
Officers shall not use force except in self-defense, cases of attempted escape or
resistance to an order based on law or regulation. Officers who have recourse to
force must use no more than is strictly necessary and must report the incident
Prison officers are to receive physical training in the use of force. As a general rule,
they should not carry weapons in the presence of prisoners.
Guiding principles
The prison system must not aggravate unnecessarily the suffering inherent in a
prisoner/ s loss of self-determination and liberty.
Prisons should utilize all remedial, educational, medical and spiritual forms of
assistance to treat the prisoner’s needs and facilitate his return to society as a law-
abiding member.
Government or private agencies should be available for the after care of released
Treatment of prisoners under sentence shall be directed to achieve the capacity for
law-abiding and self-supporting lives, utilizing professional services whenever
The director shall receive full reports on the mental, social and physical status of
prisoners under sentence of a suitable length directly after admission, keeping and
updating this information in individual files.
To separate from others those prisoners who are likely to exercise a negative
influence and to facilitate specialized treatment, prisoners are to be classified and
kept so far as possible in separate instructions or sections.
The interests and vocational training of prisoners are of greater importance than
making a financial profit from their labor.
Precautions laid down to protect the safety and health of free workmen shall
likewise be respected for prison laborers.
Representatives of such agencies shall have access to prisoners during their term of
incarceration and be taken into consultation as to the future of each prisoner from
the beginning of his sentence.
Prisoners suffering from other mental abnormalities shall be observed and treated
in specialized institutions under medical management and steps shall be taken to
ensure the continuation of care after release.
They shall be held separately from convicted prisoners and the young kept separate
from adults.
Prisoners awaiting trial are to sleep singly in separate rooms.
An untried prisoner may procure at his own expense or that of a third party books,
publications and writing materials.
He shall be allowed to apply for free legal aid where such aid is available and to
consult with his legal adviser regarding his defense. Such interviews may be within
sight but not within the hearing of a police or institution official.
Civil prisoners
Where law permits imprisonment for debt or by order of a non-criminal court, those
so imprisoned shall be subjected to no greater restriction or severity than necessary
for safe custody and good order. Their treatment shall be no less favorable than
that accorded untried prisoners, with the reservation that they may be required to
(Signature of Receiving Officer)
Rank / Designation
_________________________ _____________________________
(Signature of Inmate) (Signature of Witness)
(Name of Witness)
CS-Form 02
I also authorize the costs of shipping my property to be withdrawn from my trust account, if
1. Designee
______________________________ __________________________
Name Date
______________________________ __________________________
Phone Inmate Signature
2. Designee
______________________________ __________________________
Name Date
______________________________ __________________________
Phone Inmate Signature
______________by __________________________
Date Signature Over Printed Name of Inmate
Notary / Administering Officer
CS-Form 03
Description of Items
NAME Nature of Offense Criminal Case No.
CS-Form 03
1 shirt/ blouse (yellow shirt included)/ sando 10
2 long pants/ skirts 3
3 short pants 4
4 Panty 7
5 Brassiere 7
6 Socks 2 pairs
7 rubber/ leather shoes 1 pair
8 slippers/ sandals 1 pair
9 light bath towel 24 x 36 inches 1
10 plastic comb w/ o handle 1
11 Pillow 1
12 pillow case 1
13 light blanket 48 x 52 inches 1
14 mosquito net 1
15 plastic drinking cup 1
16 plastic spoon 1
17 plastic fork 1
18 plastic plate 1
19 toothbrush with 1" handle (traveler’s) 1
20 soap case 1
21 Soap 1 bar
22 Shampoo 1 bottle/ 12 sachets
23 Toothpaste 1 tube
24 cologne/ perfume 1 bottle
25 photo album 1
26 napkin/ panty liners 1 pack/ mo.
27 reading materials/ pocketbooks 2 pcs.
1 Shirt (yellow shirt included) / sando 10
2 long pants 3
3 short pants 4
4 Brief 7
5 Socks 2 pairs
6 rubber/ leather shoes 1 pair
7 Slippers 1 pair
8 light bath towel 24 x 36 inches 1
9 plastic comb w/ o handle 1
10 Pillow 1
11 pillow case 1
12 light blanket 48 x 52 inches 1
13 mosquito net 1
14 plastic drinking cup 1
15 plastic spoon 1
16 plastic fork 1
17 plastic plate 1
18 toothbrush with 1" handle (traveler’s) 1
19 soap case 1
20 Soap 1 bar
21 Shampoo 1 bottle/ 12 sachets
22 Toothpaste 1 tube
23 cologne/ perfume 1 bottle
24 photo album 1
4. (Other Facts)
4. Sequence of Events
5. Summary of Action
6. Recommendation/ Conclusion
7. Disposition/ findings