Iin Vitroi and Iin Vivo

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Omoregie et al.

Malaria Journal 2010, 9(Suppl 2):P30



In vitro and in vivo antiplasmodial activity and

cytotoxicity of extracts from Vernonia amygdalina
Del. Leaves
Ehimwenma S Omoregie1*, Anirban Pal2, Mahendra P Darokar3, Debabrata Chanda2, Brijesh Sisodia3
From Parasite to Prevention: Advances in the understanding of malaria
Edinburgh, UK. 20-22 October 2010

Background ethanolic extract was also significantly active in vivo

This study evaluated the in vitro and in vivo antiplasmo- against P. berghei in a dose-dependent manner with
dial activity of extracts from V. amygdalina leaves. The maximum activity observed at 1000 mg/kg (% inhibition
plant was selected based on local claims on its efficacy of 82.3 %). There was also a dose-dependent significant
as part of the treatment regimen in malarial infection in decrease (p<0.05) in some oxidative stress indices espe-
the south - western region of Nigeria. cially nitric oxide and malonaldehyde levels. The pro-
inflammatory cytokines (TNF-a and IFN-g) levels were
Materials and methods also considerably low relative to control values.
Extracts of the plant (ethanolic, aqueous, and hydroetha-
nolic (50:50) extracts) were prepared using standard Conclusions
procedures. Chemical profile of the extracts was per- The results suggest that V. amygdalina possess moderate
formed through high performance thin layer chromato- antiplasmodial activity both in vitro and in vivo. The
graphy (HPTLC) for quality control. The extracts were immunomodulatory and antioxidant activities of this
evaluated in vitro for antiplasmodial activity using a 3D7 extract may be responsible for its antiplasmodial prop-
chloroquine sensitive clone of NF-54 isolate of Plasmo- erty. The study therefore confirms local claims on the
dium falciparum. The parasite growth inhibition was use of the plant leaves as part of the treatment regimen
estimated based on the 48 hours microassay technique in malarial infection.
[1]. Cytotoxicity of these extracts was evaluated in vitro
against non-cancerous vero cell lines (C-1008 kidney
fibroblasts from African green monkey) by the neural We wish to acknowledge The Academy of Sciences for the developing
red uptake method [2]. The in vivo antiplasmodial activ- World (TWAS) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) -
ity of the most active extract(s) was assessed based on (TWAS-CSIR) for funding this research.
the standard four days suppressive test on P. berghei Author details
(ANKA) infected male mice (six weeks old) of the Swiss 1
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin,
strain [3]. PMB 1154, Benin City, Nigeria. 2In vivo Animal Testing Facility, Central
Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Lucknow, India. 3In vitro
Cell Culture Laboratory, Genetic Resources and Biotechnology Department,
Results Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Lucknow, India.
Results from the in vitro study showed that the ethano-
Published: 20 October 2010
lic extract of the plant leaves had the highest (p<0.05)
antiplasmodial activity (IC50 = 9.83 ug/ml) and cytotoxi- References
city (IC50 = 60.33) with moderate selectivity index of 6. 1. Trager W, Jensen JB: Human malaria parasites in continuous culture.
14 when compared with the other extracts. The Science 1976, 193:673-675.

Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin,
PMB 1154, Benin City, Nigeria
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2010 Omoregie et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Omoregie et al. Malaria Journal 2010, 9(Suppl 2):P30 Page 2 of 2

2. Fotakis G, Timbrell JA: In vitro cytotoxicity assays-comparison of LDH,

neural red, MTT and protein assay in hepatoma cell lines following
exposure to cadmium chloride. Toxicol Lett 2006, 160:171-177.
3. Peters W, Robinson BL: The chemotherapy of rodent malaria XLVII:
studies on pyronaridine and other Man-nich base antimalarials. Ann Trop
Med Parasitol 1992, 86:455-465.

Cite this article as: Omoregie et al.: In vitro and in vivo antiplasmodial
activity and cytotoxicity of extracts from Vernonia amygdalina Del.
Leaves. Malaria Journal 2010 9(Suppl 2):P30.

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