Student's Worksheet-3 Analytical Exp MIPA 6

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Class : XI MIPA
Subject : English
Meeting : 3rd
Tujuan pembelajaran : Melalui Model Project Based Learing peserta didik dapat
membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks recount, serta
mampu menulis teks khusus berbentuk recount secara benar dan sesuai konteks dengan jujur,
percaya diri dan bertanggung jawab.

Continue the last worksheet

Activity 1
You will read two texts with different topic. Read the text carefully and find out the
differences. Fill in the table to show the result of your analysis.

Bullying is the use of force or coercion to abuse or intimidate others. The behaviour
can be habitual and involve an imbalance of social or physical power. It can include
verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion and may be directed
repeatedly towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender,
sexuality, or ability. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a "target".

Bullying can occur in any context in which human being interact with each other.
This includes school, church, family, the workplace, home, and neighbourhoods.

Bullying is absolutely wrong for several reasons. First, nobody wants to get bullied.
Imagine if you or your family member is one who is being bullied. What do you
think will happen to him/her? Nobody wants to live his /her life like a frightened
rabbit, right?

Second, the victims can make a revenge by telling their parents, teachers or even
your principal about what you have done to them, and surely, you will be in a very,
very big trouble.

Finally, bullying can result in very serious consequences. Maybe it is done for fun,
but the victims can consider it as a deep traumatic experience that can lead to
depression, or even suicide. When that happens, surely you will forever be

From the facts above, it is clear that bullying is wrong, and it only brings negative


Why Global Warming Needs to Stop.

Global warming affects global problems. It also causes various

diseases to spread faster. Global warming needs to stop for some

First, the greenhouse effect causes the rising global temperature.

Earth's atmosphere behaves like a gigantic green house, though it
traps heat a different way. Gases high in the atmosphere, such as
carbon dioxide and methane, behave like a giant piece of curved glass
wrapped right round the planet. The Sun's rays (mostly visible light and
short-wavelength, high-energy ultraviolet radiation) pass straight
through this greenhouse gas and warm up Earth.

Second, global warming makes our fresh water shortages and a major
problem. The rising temperature affects that each year the glaciers are
getting smaller and smaller. Over 30% of the earth's fresh water comes
from glaciers. Each year in retrospect, there is less and less water from
these glaciers because they are melting from global warming. So from
this we can see how if global warming keeps on getting worse and
worse, we will have no water left at all.

Third, the rising temperature doesn't just make the land hotter and the
shortage of the fresh water but it affects the sea, which is an important
commodity. It infects animals and sea life that we eat with parasites
that come from the warmer sea temperatures. These rising
temperatures have caused oysters to be infected with a certain
parasite that makes humans sick.

In summation, Global Warming needs to stop because we will reap

what we sow, and we will have some very dire consequences on our
hands. We might get sick and we might deplete our water resources.
This is why we need to stop global warming now.
Activity 2
Summary on the analysis of the text above

Text 1 Text 2


Number of arguments
that the writer

Main points of the

arguments given by
the writer

The writer’s conclusion

Possible impact of the

text to the readers

The communicative
purpose of the text

Tense mostly used in

the text

Cunjunctions used in
the text

Similarities of both texts

Differences of both texts

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