More Witchlight Carnival Games
More Witchlight Carnival Games
More Witchlight Carnival Games
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MORE CARNIVAL On their turn, a player must succeed on a DC 5 Dexterity
check to see if they can stay upright on their barrel. If they
ATTRACTIONS succeed, they may then pilot their barrel into another
player’s barrel to hit them. A player who succeeds by more
than 5 on this check may choose their target. Otherwise,
This supplement includes more carnival games and you choose their target at random.
attractions for Chapter 1 of The Wild Beyond the Witchlight. To hit another player, the attacking player and their
These attractions are designed to be inserted into the target roll opposing Strength checks. If the attacking
Witchlight Carnival without derailing the story of the player rolls the higher check, then they successfully hit
campaign or interfering with the characters’ progress their target. A barrel can take 3 hits before its rider falls off.
through the campaign. You should be able to drop these If the target rolls the higher Strength check, then the
encounters into your campaign without any significant attacker must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or
modifications. else take 1 hit towards their maximum hit total of 3.
These attractions can be found throughout the Carnival If the attacker and the target get the same result on their
and the small stalls. You may decide which attractions your Strength checks, then neither one gains a hit. The game
party comes across by rolling on the More Carnival ends when all but one player has taken 3 hits. The winner
Attractions Table below. receives one prize from the Carnival Prizes table.
beyond what should be visible from these heights. After a
few minutes, they begin to see new and strange visions:
asteroids, comets, stars and planets swirling around in a
planetarium. While this goes on, the music intensifies and
builds to a crescendo.
Passengers who succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom check feel a
sense of enlightenment as if they have truly discovered
their place in the multiverse and gain advantage on the
next ability check or saving throw that they make within
one hour.
MADAME ALANNA’S Madame Alanna’s Tarokka card reading is free. The
party joins her inside her tent where there is a round table
with a scarlet tablecloth. The tent is lit with candlelight
A scarlet and gold tent sits in front of a large Vistani and the smell of incense fills the air.
wagon. The distant sound of haunting violin music seems Madame Alanna takes out a well-worn deck of Tarokka
to emanate from within the tent. A young Vistani woman cards and performs a reading for the party. She draws one
in a red shawl over a white blouse stands outside of the card for each participant, or three depending on how much
tent, welcoming people inside for a Tarokka card reading. time you would like to dedicate to this event. Feel free to
rely on the Tarokka Reading table below and embellish
however you would like. Once a card has been drawn, place
it to the side. Do not put it back in the deck.
Once Madame Alanna has performed a reading for each
of the participants, she bids the party good luck and sends
them on their way.
A participant must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom
QUIPPLE’S SHELL GAME (Perception) check to follow the pearl and select the
correct shell. Quipple is using a little sleight of hand as she
An aarakocra goose in a ballet unitard with a tutu and tiara
moves the pearl around, secretly moving it from one shell
challenges passersby to a shell game She has a look of
to another when no one can see. A participant with a
utmost satisfaction and arrogance on her face as she deftly
passive Insight of 13 notices Quipple’s sleight of hand, and
moves three clamshells around on a table while daring
gains advantage on their Wisdom (Perception) check.
carnival-goers to guess which shell has a pearl
If the participant correctly locates the pearl, they may
roll once on the Carnival Prizes Table to claim their prize.
A dwarf wearing a top hat and tuxedo with a cummerbund A half-orc wearing a cowboy hat, white tee shirt, denim
stands next to a lever attached to a rising pole with a bell at jeans, cowboy boots, and a large, shiny belt buckle stands
the top. He’s holding a Warhammer out for anyone to test in front of the entrance to an a 50’ diameter circle of hay
their strength by striking the lever, causing a bobbin to fly bales. He leans against the hay bales as he invites people
up to the top of the pole and strike the bell. There are to the tortoise rodeo.
Only one character at a time may participate in the
tortoise rodeo. In this challenge, players ride a giant, Large
sized tortoise named Zelda wearing a brown leather
saddle. Zelda tries to throw them character off of her back
by bucking and bolting in every direction.
To win the game, the player must stay on Zelda’s back
for three rounds. Zelda moves fast for a tortoise, careening
left and right and hopping spinning impossibly. Each
round, the tortoise grows more and more agitated and
markers all along the pole with labels such as, “Kind of bucks even harder.
Weak” to “Mildly Muscley” and “Super Strong!” all the The first round, the player must succeed at a DC 12
way to the top, which says “Hero of Muscles!” in big, Dexterity saving throw to stay seated in the saddle.
exaggerated writing. Characters who succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom (Animal
Participants each get one try to strike the lever with the Handling) check gain advantage on this roll. They must
warhammer. Participants must roll a Strength check to see repeat the Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to gain
their results. Characters proficient with warhammers may advantage for each subsequent round.
add their proficiency to this roll. Use the Strongman The DC for the Dexterity saving throw increases to 14
Hammer Test Results Table to determine the results of this during the second round, and 16 during the third round.
check. Anyone who rings the bell is rewarded with a bright After three rounds, the tortoise stops bucking and allows
yellow button with a hammer on it and the words “Hero of the player to climb down.
Muscles!” on it. The button changes color when no one is If a character fails their saving throw, then they are
looking cycling through all of the colors of the rainbow. thrown off the tortoise’s back and lose the game. The floor
is covered in dirt and hay which gets all over the character,
making them look dirty and worse for wear.
Strength Prizes: Characters who manage to stay on their tortoise
check Hammer Test Results all three rounds receive a tiny, painted tortoise figure
made of wood. The tortoise figure is enchanted so that it
1-2 I Didn’t Feel Anything
acts like a real tortoise from time to time, when no one is
3-4 Did you Forget to Use the Hammer? looking, or when it feels particularly friendly.
5-6 That Did Not Hurt
7-8 Not Impressive
9-10 Kind of Weak
11-12 Mildly Muscley
13-14 Muscles of Iron
15-16 Muscles of Steel
17-18 Super Strong
19-20 Hero of Muscles! (Win a button!)