Fey & Fortune: Fey & Fortune Fey & Fortune Fey & Fortune Fey & Fortune
Fey & Fortune: Fey & Fortune Fey & Fortune Fey & Fortune Fey & Fortune
Fey & Fortune: Fey & Fortune Fey & Fortune Fey & Fortune Fey & Fortune
his adventure is one piece of a movement within the D&D community to invite, encourage, and include those who have not been,
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Content Trigger Warnings
This adventure includes death and violence and may possibly include snakes or wasps.
Better to burn out than allay the fey!
he forest is thick with fey creatures. Why? And
can they stop the influx of fey magic? Dramatis Personae
This side adventure is designed for four to
six characters with an average party level of 4,
totaling roughly 20 levels.
Background & Tiny fey, chaotic evil
Zentha Beijor Dislocation: Hips (Severity Degree 1, Chronic). Whenever
you attempt a Strength roll or melee attack, you need to
Medium humanoid (High Elf Artificer), Chaotic Good
succeed on a DC 8 + (Severity Degree) Strength saving
throw. On failure, the joint subluxates (partially
Armor Class 16 (Studded Leather Enhanced Defense dislocates). If you fail by more than 5, the joint
Infusion) dislocates. After a subluxation, you suffer a −1 penalty
Hit Points 27 to all rolls with that joint until you take a long rest. After
Speed 30 ft. a dislocation, you must succeed on a subsequent DC 8
Strength check to put the joint back together, using 1
action. (I can receive help resetting it.) On a successful
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA attempt to reset it, you can use the limb, but you suffer
8 (-1) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) a −1 per Severity Degree penalty to all rolls with that
joint until you take a long rest.
1d10 Effect
Sally Fairy Ann 1 Their skin and hair turns a random color.
As the party continues on, they encounter Zentha Beijor, an One of their melee weapons becomes a Constrictor
elven artificer. As the party approaches, she has her back to 2
Snake and attacks them.
them, holding a bow with glowing string and arrow. Without
looking, while still holding the bow with her left hand, she 3 They grow wings and have a flight speed of 30'.
raises her right hand to the party in a gesture to stop, then All spells cause 1d6 radiant damage to the target or
switches to raising her index finger. She tilts her head for a 4
area of effect, regardless of the purpose.
moment and then releases the bow string. The bow doesn’t
move as the glowing string snaps straight, and a glowing 5 They are resistant to a random damage type.
arrow strikes a tree with a loud thud and vanishes. She 6 Their feet are rooted to the ground.
shakes her head in disappointment and turns around to the
party. 7 They can neither cast nor be affected by magic.
“Seen any fey?” she says. 8
They must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving
As she introduces herself and talks to the party, she asks throw or become frightened of the tree.
about any fey creatures or signs of such that they’ve seen. They grow scales and gills. They can only breathe
She tells them that travelers have been reporting strange 9
water but have +1 AC.
occurrences in the woods: trees turning colors, flying
raccoons, berries biting people, and their vehicles and 10
They become invisible (or visible if already
possessions being tampered with or ruined. If the party tells invisible).
her about the quicklings, she listens intently and nods that
this matches reports she’s heard, and she’s trying to figure out
what’s happening. She mentions strange colors, sounds, and
movements in the bushes that seem…off…but she can’t figure
out the source.
What Is Displace?
While talking, two displacer beasts attack the party,
attempting to ambush them and gain surprise. If either is
reduced to less than 30 hp, they will attempt to flee toward
the portal tree to find another hiding spot and prepare
another ambush.
Away With The Fairies
The party notices strange flashing colors on the horizon. If
they follow it, they will eventually come to a large oak tree
Dreams Are Strange
with a large hole in the trunk, bright colors swirling out of it, When the portal is finally closed, the party wakes up
and quick blue streaks moving along the ground, which they wherever they last took a long rest, no time has passed, and
realize are four more quicklings. If the displacer beasts anything destroyed or consumed in the adventure is restored,
retreated, they will also be hiding in the shadows and attempt but when mealtime arrives, each finds an acorn (or pine
another ambush. cone) in their rations.
If the party defeats the creatures, they must find a way to
close the portal. Cutting down the tree will close it. If they fail
to close it, two more quicklings will come out every 2d6
Every round, a random member of the party is affected by
the fey magic until the portal closes as follows.
Credits & Legal
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the
Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the
dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards
of the Coast product names, and their respective
logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in
the USA and other countries.
Lead writer, editor & developer: Dale Critchley This work contains material that is copyright
Artwork public domain illustrations by Dina Dee, Jim Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such
Cooper, pendleburyannette, S K, jplenio material is used with permission under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon
Author Bio Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is
Dale Critchley is the owner, lead writer, and chief copyright 2021 by Wyrmworks Publishing and
published under the Community Content
tea drinker at Wyrmworks Publishing. He’s been Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
playing tabletop role-playing games since 1982
and launched Wyrmworks Publishing as a hobby
in 2001 to share his homebrew resources with
the world. In 2021, after seeing the power that a
TTRPG group can have to change the lives of the
participants for the better, he rededicated
Wyrmworks Publishing to focus on using
TTRPGs to intentionally improve the lives of
others and turned a hobby into a full time