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Title of The Project

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PCCOE-MBA Programme TITLE PAGE PROFORMA A Project Report On "Title of the project" "at/for "Name of the organization / company" By "Name of the Student" (Only name, do not mention qualifications) Under the guidance of "Name of the faculty" Submitted to "University of Pune" In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA)

MBA programme Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering Sector 26,Pradhikaran, Nigdi Pune 411 044

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UNIVERSITY GUIDELINES FOR PROJECT WORK Practical Training and Project Work: Each student shall have to undergo a practical training for a period of not less than 50 days during the vacation at the end of First Year. Based on actual training during the vacation, the student shall write a project report on the topic selected under the guidance of an internal teacher & submit the same to the Director of the institute before the end of Semester III. The Internal Teacher for 30 marks for internal assessment shall assess the Project Report. It is only on the basis of a certificate of the concerned teacher that the project report has been satisfactorily completed, that the student would be allowed to appear for the examination of the Semester III. There will an external viva-voce based on the project work at the end of Semester III carrying 70 marks. A panel of two external referees shall conduct such viva-voce. The project report is to be prepared by the student and three typed copies are to be submitted to the Director of the institute before 29th September. The internal teacher of the subject will duly assess the report and the marks will be communicated by the Director to the University, along with the marks for internal evaluation for all other papers.

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ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES FOR PROJECT WORK FOR MBA SEM III 1. Based on actual training during the vacation, the student shall write a project report on

the topic selected under the guidance of an allotted internal guide and submit a draft copy of the project report by 31/8/2008. The final report in 3 copies is to be submitted to the Director of the institute by 30/9/2008, provided it incorporates all the corrections, additions, deletions, etc. suggested by the internal Project guide & is approved thereafter by the Internal Project Guide. 2. The Final Project report must also be submitted in SOFT COPY MS-WORD FORMAT on a CD. 3. Listings should also be submitted.. Every student should also submit 4 typed copies of their project synopsis. The project should of minimum of 8000 words and maximum 10,000 words. (40-80 pages) The annexure graphs, tables etc. shall not be considered for calculation of words/pages. 4. The project Synopsis should contain an Introduction to the project, the project scope, reason for selecting the subject/topic in detail, objectives, methodology and conclusions in brief. 5. The project work should be of such a nature that it could prove useful or be relevant from the commercial/Management angle. Observation suggestions and conclusions shall form part of the project 6. The project work will carry 30 marks (internal) and on the basis of the project submitted by the student there will be an external viva-voce at the end of Sem-III carrying 70 marks. 7. The report will be duly assessed by the internal teacher of the subject and the marks will be communicated by the Director to the University, along with the marks for internal evaluation for all other papers. No student will be permitted to appear for Semester III Examination unless he/she submits the project as required. 8. The project report should be prepared in the prescribed format only.

IMPORTANT: 1. DO NOT simply copies matter from the textbook/web site/annual reports. 2. Students should focus on methodology & analysis. 3. All conclusions and suggestions, recommendations must be supported by the data collected by you and the analysis thereof. 4. Please meet your project guide for resolving any doubts. 5. DO NOT finalize the report without getting clearance from the project guide.

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SOME GUIDELINES REGARDING THE PROJECT REPORT PREPARATION a) Number of Copies: The final report in 3 copies is to be submitted to the

Director of the institute. Only on acceptance of draft project report, the student should make the final copies. One certified copy will be returned to the student. b) Acceptance Rejection of Project Report: The Institute holds the right to accept the project or suggest modifications for resubmission. c) Format of the project report: The students must adhere strictly to the format for the submission of the project report. d) Paper: The Report shall be typed on white executive bond paper, A-4 size for the final submission. The Report to be submitted to the University of rune must be original (along with all original certificates) and subsequent copies may be photocopies on any paper. e) Typing: The typing shall be of Times New Roman, font size 12, 1 V2 spaced and on one side of the paper only, using black colour only. f) Margins: The top, right & bottom margins must be 1" with the left margin being 1.5" g) Binding: Resin bound in black with golden embossing. h) Front cover: The front cover should contain the following details: Top: Center: Bottom: mm to l0 mm letters on separate lines with proper spacing and centering. i) Blank sheets: At the beginning and end of the report, two white, black bound papers should be provided, one for the purpose of binding and other to be left blank. After the first blank paper, a title sheet similar to the outside cover should be included. j) Abstract/Synopsis- Every report should have an abstract following the Institute's Certificate. The abstract should not exceed 800 words. The title in block capital of 6 mm to 15 mm letters. Full name of the student in block capitals of 6 mm to 10 mm letters. Name of the University, Institute, year of submission all in block capitals of 6

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CHAPTER SCHEME OF THE PROJECT REPORT The contents shall follow the preliminary pages and must clearly indicate the serial number, title of the chapters, section, sub-section and page numbers. The report should contain the following Preliminary pages I. Institute Certificate II. Certificate from Company III. Acknowledgements: IV. Executive Summary / Abstract_ V. List of figures (Note that all figures must carry a figure number & title) VI. List of Tables (Note that all tables must carry a table number & title) VII. Nomenclatures and abbreviations Chapter scheme of the project Report 1. Introduction to the topic, Reason for selecting the topic. 2. Company / Organization Profile. 3. Industry Profile 4. Scope of work, Objectives of the Project Work. 5. Research Methodology. 6. Data Collection 7. Data Analysis 8. Conclusions. 9. Suggestions, Recommendations 10. Limitations 11. Bibliography in the standard international format i.e. Author (s), "Title (in uotes)", Publisher, edition, page numbers. 12.References in the standard international format i.e. Author (s), "Title of the Article (in quotes)", Title of the journal/magazine, issue date & month, year (e.g. 15th Sept. 2008) page numbers. THE REFERENCES MUST BE COMPLETE IN ALL RESPECTS. 13. Students should provide the complete link of the website referred and along with the date and time when assessed. Do not just mention the address of the search engine. e.g. http://money.howstuffworks.com/customer-service.htrn assessed on Monday 7th August 2008, 6:30p.m

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14. Annexure (Company Literature, 1 blank copy & 1 filled in copy of each questionnaire used, Maps, Sampling frames, etc.)

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Chapter Numbering: Preliminary pages should be numbered as i, ii, iii, iv, etc. The Chapters shall be numbered in Arabic numerals (1,2,3,...) etc. Section and subsections of any chapters shall be in decimal notation. (1, 1.1, 1.1.1., etc) All chapters shall be on a new page. The title for the chapters shall be properly centered at the top of the page. Page numbers (1,2,3) should be given from the first chapter of the Project till the last page of the report i.e. last page of last annexure, (including separators used if any). Annexure must carry Roman numbers (I, II, III, etc.) DETAILS OF CHAPTER CONTENTS Company Profile: 3-5 pages- about the history of the organization, its founders, promoters, vision, mission, quality policy, products; competitors, Important financial/statistical data (sales, turnover, market Share etc), organization chart, departments, new' projects, awards won etc. Scope of work, Objectives of the Project Work: 1-2 pages about objectives of the project work - classified into primary and secondary objectives, a maximum of 45 objectives. Research Methodology: The research framework, details about the sources of data, primary and secondary data used for the study, the scope of the study, sample size, sampling technique used, tools of data collection, surveys, questionnaire, interviews, etc. Statistical Tools used for' analysis of data, Limitations of the study. Data Analysis: Presentation of the data collected in tabular and graphical form, its analysis using various statistical techniques/tools and the interpretation of the data. Suggestions & Conclusions: Suggestions and conclusions drawn should be practical and related to the topic of the project. General suggestions and opinions should not be made. Suggestions should be based on the analysis of the data.

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