Guidelines-Summer Projects 2015 MBA
Guidelines-Summer Projects 2015 MBA
Guidelines-Summer Projects 2015 MBA
Dear Students,
As a part of your learning process at the B School, it is most important for you to understand the
importance of practical implications of the theoretical fundamentals. The fundamentals that you
had been learning so far in the first year of the curriculum need to be tested in the harsh waters of
the market. Industry interface is the most vital component for any management programme. It
gives a holistic approach and pragmatic perspective towards the fundamentals and its
All this is to inform you about the summer project that you are required to do during the course
of the second year. Let us understand first why we need to do the project as a part of the
academic programme.
a) A project is a means to apply your conceptual knowledge of the subject. A project is the
practical application of the concepts and theories, which you study as a part of academics.
b) It helps you to widen your horizons. It helps to build a bridge between your textbook
knowledge and the practicality of the business.
c) The final project topic should be selected keeping in mind the discipline in which you are
doing your specialization.
Whatever the subject may be, the project report normally follows a standard framework.
Guidelines for the standard format are given along with.
I sincerely believe that you will benefit by following these guidelines meticulously and the
quality of your project work will help you grow in your career and will also be the first step
towards securing your cherished placement.
Best of Luck
Students should generally undertake the project work in their intended area of
specialization only.
The project topic should be finalized in consultation with the internal project guide
allocated to you
No two students should do their project on the same topic in the same organization, in the
same city/branch.
The students should inform the confirmation of their project work and submit a copy of
the confirmation letter to the placement cell.
The students should submit the progress report of their project work every fortnight to the
internal guide so as to enrich the quality of their work.
The last date of submitting the draft copy of the project report is 30th September.
As per the syllabus the external viva (university) will be held at the end of semester III.
The students are advised to contact their internal guides for further assistance/
information. The list of project guides is displayed on the notice board.
The students should submit three copies of their project report black rexin hard bound
golden embossed to the institute on or before 30th of September.
The matter should be typed on A-4 size paper with Times New Roman font of size 12
points, with a double spacing between the lines.
A margin of 1.5 at the left and 1.0 to the right should be kept. A margin of 1.0 at the top
and bottom should be kept.
The matter should be printed in black ink only. Colour ink for graphs and charts can be
used, provided it does not hamper the readability.
The report should be printed on plain white paper. No company stationery should be
used. Logo, brands of the company etc should not be displayed in the report.
The pages should be numbered at the right hand side bottom of the page.
The index should contain the number of the chapter, name of the chapter and the page
Projects not adhering to the guidelines will not be accepted.
The title of the project report must agree with the company and institute certificate and
must also reflect the work carried out by you.
A Project Report
Page Number
c) Internet sites
Students should provide the complete link (in < > )of the website referred and along with the
date and time when assessed. Do not just mention the address of the search engine.
e.g. <> assessed on Monday 7th August
2006, 6:30p.m
Appendices: (Should contain various formats and forms related to the study. It should also
contain a copy of the blank and filled in questionnaire and other relevant documents such
as any internal documents of the company (used with permission)
any product fliers etc., technical details of any special methods applied, etc.)
NOTE: There has to be a co-relation between the objectives, research methodology,
analysis and suggestions in the report.