AMOS Training Manual REV 0 20122022
AMOS Training Manual REV 0 20122022
AMOS Training Manual REV 0 20122022
AMOS Training
for Maintenance Engineers
Revision 0
Date: 20/12/2022
AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
1. AMOS Basics.................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Login ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Predefined Group-Menu ......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Basic symbology ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Date field entries ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 AMOS Online Documentation ................................................................................................................................. 6
2. AMOS Applications – detailed overview ......................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 APN 1 – Workorder Information System................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 APN 58 – Check Package Administration............................................................................................................... 10
2.3 APN 1418 – Workorder ......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.2 Part Requests ................................................................................................................................................ 15
2.3.3 Label Booking ................................................................................................................................................ 18
2.4 APN 225 – Pickslip Request ................................................................................................................................... 22
2.5 APN 1131 – Time Tracking..................................................................................................................................... 25
3. AMOS Applications – basic overview (all engineers)..................................................................................................... 27
3.1 APN 63 – View/Edit Modifications ........................................................................................................................ 27
3.2 APN 147 – Rotables Administration ...................................................................................................................... 28
3.3 APN 150 – Rotables Label Booking........................................................................................................................ 29
3.4 APN 188 – Parts Tracking ...................................................................................................................................... 30
3.5 APN 221 – Stock Information ................................................................................................................................ 32
3.6 APN 375 – Pickslip Viewer ..................................................................................................................................... 33
3.7 APN 410 – Tool Registration.................................................................................................................................. 34
3.8 APN 786 – Structural Damage ............................................................................................................................... 34
3.9 APN 869 – Technical Assistance ............................................................................................................................ 35
4. AMOS Applications – basic overview ........................................................................................................................... 36
4.1 APN 1844 – Maintenance Forecast ....................................................................................................................... 37
4.2 APN 617 – Maintenance Coordination Module .................................................................................................... 38
AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
1. AMOS Basics
1.1 Login
To login you need User ID and password. Profile field stays unchanged. User ID are individual. Access to different
applications may be limited for your account.
AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
Using individual ID, you can configure menu to your needs. To do so go to File -> Configure... -> User Menu.
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
In AMOS system there are certain symbols. Knowing these symbols let you work with AMOS easier:
Mandatory field – this field must be populated before proceeding to next step.
Unique field – this field must contain unique number (P/N, Label number)
Suggested field– green text in this field was suggested by AMOS. User must react to the suggestion (confirm with Enter
or type something else).
Crosschecked field – value in this field is crosschecked by AMOS if it matches value from a table. If value is incorrect
system will notify you:
With crosschecked field it’s possible to choose option from a table by pressing F1 or double-clicking the field. After that
choose value from the table and click OK.
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Date field can be populated in few different ways. E.g. date 16.11.2022 can be entered:
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There is a build-in Documentation in AMOS system. It contains many useful explanations for a lot of symbols – often
specific to one or few applications and which are not covered in this handbook. To gain access to this documentation go
to upper menu Help -> Help Topics.
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
AMOS is built as a modular system. Modules are called Applications (APN) and are connected with each other in many
ways. Every application is designed to different actions. There are few ways to get to application you need.
As mentioned before – most used applications will be displayed in Group-Menu. To run an application just click on a
All applications are available from Upper Menu called Applications. They are divided into different categories. You can
run them by finding them in menu.
If you know the name of the application, you can search for it using Search/APN field at the top of AMOS window.
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Every AMOS application has its number which is displayed together with its name on the top bar, e.g. Workorder
Information System (APN:1)
If you know number of the application, you can type it in the Search/APN field and hit Enter.
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2 – Search timeframe
3 – Search button
After choosing A/C and performing a search double-click on workorder to open APN 1418 – Workorder.
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
Workorder application allows you to create, edit and close workorders. It contains a lot of information including part
requests, manhours requests and linked documents (references) in order to accomplish required job.
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1 – workorder number field, Load, <- (previous), -> (next) and New System W/O buttons.
Copy – copy a workorder to another aircraft or to several aircraft of a fleet, or to the whole fleet.
Delete – deletes a workorder
Preview – print preview
Print – opens printing dialog
Unprint – resets printed originals counter
Update revision – for workorder generated from template – updates to latest template revision
Edit Header – edits a header (no. 3)
Edit Type – changes WO type (Maintenance/Pirep/Scheduled)
MCC Reviewed – parameter to indicate MCC review status
Administr. Transfer – workorder parameters change (Due date/TAH/TAC/Priority)
Close – closes the workorder
Administr. Close – closing workorder without Action Taken (administrative purposes)
Inactivate – inactivates workorder (stays in the system, but visible as inactive)
Reactivate – reactivates inactive workorder
Workstep Sequence – allows to change sequence of worksteps
Create Finding – if workorder is type scheduled this button allows to create a finding workorder
Create Sched. W/O – creates scheduled workorder linked with current workorder
Issue Pickslip – allows you to pick parts from store
Label booking – rotables changes on the aircraft
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
4 –Production view – W/O details, action taken, duplicate inspection, component changes and closing sign
Workorder view after creation. On the left side description (for now without action taken), on the right side linked
documents (Workpackage, check package, taskcard, workorder).
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
Workorder view with parts requested (picksliped) and with action taken window.
Workorder after closing. On the left side Workorder closed field with all closing data.
You can add action taken, part request or any other entry with Add Entry button in lower part of the window.
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
Planning view:
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
To make a part request go to planning view Add Entry -> Part Request. The following screen will appear.
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineer
Type your P/N and quantity, click OK or if you want to add another part click Add & New
After adding last part just click OK. Your parts will appear in New Part Request window.
Click Save.
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
Label booking is a process of recording component changes to the aircraft. To perform label booking on a workorder
you need to have action taken field filled.
Then click Add Entry -> Label booking. The following screen will appear.
Together with new part you will receive a serviceable label. When you type in the number to Label No. field it will
automatically populate Part No. and Serial No. for the ON part (part which you are installing).
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
Then you have to fill in Part No. and Serial No. for OFF part (removed part). Also fill in Position (depending on the
component – for MLG wheels #1, #2 etc.). You can double-click on Position field to open a table of available positions.
After filling all required fields click Save. Next window will appear.
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
Find a corresponding flight on the list. Component will be switch on the TAH/TAC of the flight you’ll choose at this point.
After choosing the flight click OK.
Fill all the fields on the next screen. Hours and Landing/Cycles will be in green. Click Enter on those fields to confirm
TAH/TAC. Confirm Date because it will probably be wrong. Change it to today’s date. After that click Book Label.
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
If in the Component Changes window you see green BOOKED mark – everything is fine, components have been
It is possible to do only one part of label booking (only removal or only installation). To do that leave unnecessary fields
for ON (Label no, P/N or S/N) or OFF (P/N, S/N) part on the first screen blank.
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
Pickslip Request is an application letting you collect parts from stores. To request a new pickslicp click New button next
to Pickslip: field.
Confirm your Mech. Sign or change it to your ID. Fill in WO-Number to which you are requesting parts.
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Rest of the fields like Receiver, Project will be populated automatically. If you enter WO-Number on which parts are
already requested a pop-up will appear asking if you want to add them to pickslip. To select multiple items, click on
them while holding CTRL key. Parts will be added to the list in lower part the screen. If you don’t want to add any of
those parts just click Cancel.
Fill in the remarks field with Bay number and zone you are on, e.g. BAY 1, TAIL. Start filling the list with your parts and
quantities. Note that you don’t have to fill Requested S/N field. Do it only if you need specific S/N.
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
Application Time Tracking is used to register time used to perform any requested job (taskcard, workorder etc.). The
philosophy of this application is to track your man-hours in real-time. Therefore, you should book yourself to the job
before starting it and book off after job is finished.
To book on the job type in your ID into User Sign field and press Enter.
If you have a barcode scanner scan a barcode on your taskcard/workorder. If you don’t have scanner click Manual Input
button in lower left corner of the window.
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
Input text written on taskcard/workorder with prefix, e.g. WO4840943, single 4840943 is not enough and will not be
recognized. Click OK.
You will receive Successfully booked! message. Click OK. You are now booked to the job.
After you are finished fill User Sign field with your ID and click Book Off button in the bottom center of window.
Screen will become blank again – that means you have booked off your job.
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
View/Edit Modifications is an application to check the status of modification - you can check the subject, important
information about modification and if it is effective for certain aircraft.
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
In Rotables Administration you can check status of rotable components: P/N, S/N, condition, location, A/C, position on
A/C, label numbers and actual TSN/CSN.
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
Rotables Label Booking is an application that allows you to perform component changes on the aircraft without using
APN 1418. It also allows you to create component to install (if does not exist in AMOS) and release rotable from
unserviceable to serviceable condition (including FORM 1 creation).
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
Parts Tracking application allows you to search for component history using few different parameters, for example:
SN/BN, aircraft, location, label number. It also tracks changes in component locations (stores, workshops, aircrafts).
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Stock Information gives you information about stock levels, available Batch/Serial Numbers and current request placed
for those part in workorders.
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Application used to find pickslips using different variables such as pickslip number, workorder, part number, location,
aircraft, user sign etc.
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Application used to track all of stores tooling equipment, it’s availability, tools handed out to mechanics, tool reports for
A/C etc.
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Application that allows to see all registered structural damages on the aircraft and manage them.
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
Additional function useful for Reports function. Almost every table within AMOS may generate
as a report. To do so just click on a printer icon located in top-right corner of the table and choose Report-Generator.
After setting additional options to your needs click OK and report will be generated for you.
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AMOS Training for Maintenance Engineers
In this application you can see check scope, control maintenance progress and check all outstanding items in
maintenance program.