Ff-October 2023

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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

65October 2023
August 2016 First Friday FIRST FRIDAY
Year C


P ctober is the month of the Missions and of the Rosary.

A time to remember that we are all expected to partici-
pate in the missionary task of the Church with the universal
love of Mary Most Holy. We can do that especially by praying the ro-
sary for the intentions and needs of all our missionaries.
But while praying for the missionaries, we should not forget the
message coming to us through this First Friday’s Word of God: the
pressing invitation to forsake our evil ways, no matter how “small”
and “harmless” they may seem to us, and to start living in full the de-
mands of the Gospel. Let us include this resolution in the reparation
we will offer to the Sacred Heart in the Eucharistic celebration we are
about to begin.

P – Lord Jesus, you came to Christ, your Son, who lives and
call people for conversion. reigns with you in the unity of
Lord, have mercy! the Holy Spirit, God, for ever
All –Lord, have mercy! and ever.
Entrance Antiphon P – Lord Jesus, you came All –Amen!
(To be recited only when no to reveal to all men the
Entrance Hymn is sung.) love of the Almighty
The designs of his Heart are Father. Christ, have mercy!
from age to age, to rescue their All – Christ, have mercy!
souls from death, and to keep P –Lord Jesus, you plead for
them alive in famine. 1st Reading Bar 1:15-22
us at the right hand of the Experiencing the harsh pun-
Father. Lord, have mercy! ishment of the Exile, the prophet
Greeting All –Lord, have mercy! Baruch expresses in the name of
P – In the name of the Father, P – May almighty God have the entire community the honest
and of the Son, and of the Holy mercy on us, forgive us our sins acknowledgement that all those
Spirit! and bring us to everlasting life. sufferings have been deserved
All – Amen! All –Amen! by their transgressions and fail-
P –The grace of our Lord Jesus ure to reform.
Christ, the love of God, and the
communion of the Holy Spirit be
Collect (Opening Prayer) R – A proclamation from the
with you all. P –Grant, we pray, almighty Book of the Prophet Baruch
All –And with your spirit! God, that we, who glory in the During the Babylonian
Heart of your beloved Son and captivity, the exiles prayed:
Penitential Act recall the wonders of his love “Justice is with the Lord, our
P –Brothers and sisters, as for us, may be made worthy to God; and we today are flushed
we gather together on this First receive an overflowing measure with shame, we men of Judah
Friday of October, let us call to of grace from that fount of heav- and citizens of Jerusalem, that
mind our sins and ask the Lord enly gifts. we, with our kings and rul-
for pardon and strength. (Pause) Through our Lord Jesus ers and priests and prophets,

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and with our ancestors, have Gospel Acclamation Ps 95:8 that scandalize the simple and
sinned in the Lord’s sight and alienate from her many people.
disobeyed him. We have nei- All –Alleluia! Alleluia! Let us pray! R.
ther heeded the voice of the If today you hear his voice,
Lord, our God, nor followed harden not your hearts. C –For the Holy Father, the
the precepts which the Lord Alleluia! Alleluia! Bishops and all other leaders
set before us. From the time of Christian communities: May
the Lord led our ancestors out Gospel Lk 10:13-16 they persevere in calling sinners
of the land of Egypt until the Chorazin, Bethsaida and to conversion and see the fruits
present day, we have been dis- Capernaum were towns near of their pastoral efforts. Let us
obedient to the Lord, our God, the shore of the Lake of Gen- pray! R.
and only too ready to disregard nesareth and their inhabitants C –For those who are oppress-
his voice. And the evils and the had often witnessed many mir- ing the weak and the defenseless:
curse that the Lord enjoined acles performed by Jesus. In May they desist from their un-
upon Moses, his servant, at the spite of this, however, they had worthy behavior and start using
time he led our ancestors forth failed to heed his calls to con- their energies to build up lives.
from the land of Egypt to give version. Hence the harsh words Let us pray! R.
us the land flowing with milk he addresses to them in today’s
and honey, cling to us even to- Gospel passage. C – For all the victims of human
day. For we did not heed the P –The Lord be with you! aggressiveness, greed, and lust:
voice of the Lord, our God, in All –And with your spirit! May they find the strength to
all the words of the prophets forgive their offenders, and offer
P – A proclamation from the
whom he sent us, but each one the sufferings they have endured
holy Gospel according to
of us went off after the devices Luke for their conversion, in imitation
of his own wicked heart, served All –Glory to you, O Lord! of Jesus, the divine Victim. Let
other gods, and did evil in the us pray! R.
sight of the Lord, our God.” Jesus said to them, “Woe
to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, C –For all of us and all the peo-
The Word of the Lord! Bethsaida! For if the mighty ple dear to us: May we learn to
All – Thanks be to God! deeds done in your midst had readily listen to God’s appeal to
been done in Tyre and Sidon, conversion and live to the full
Responsorial Psalm Ps 79 they would long ago have re- the demands of the Gospel ev-
pented, sitting in sackcloth and ery moment of our lives. Let us
R –For the glory of your name, pray! R.
O Lord, deliver us! ashes. But it will be more toler-
able for Tyre and Sidon at the C – Let us pray in silence for our
* O God, the nations have judgment than for you. And as personal intentions. (Pause)
come into your inheritance; for you, Capernaum, ‘Will you Let us pray! R.
they have defiled your holy be exalted to heaven? You will
temple, they have laid Jerusa- go down to the netherworld.’ P –Lord God, You are just and
lem in ruins. They have given Whoever listens to you lis- merciful. Do not look at our
the corpses of your servants as tens to me. Whoever rejects transgressions but at the merits
food to the birds of heaven, the you rejects me. And whoever of Jesus, Your Son and our Sav-
flesh of your faithful ones to the rejects me rejects the one who ior, and grant us forgiveness of
beasts of the earth. R. sent me.” our sins and the determination to
* They have poured out their please You in all we do. Through
The Gospel of the Lord!
blood like water round about All –Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jerusalem, and there is no one Christ! All –Amen!
to bury them. We have become
the reproach of our neighbors, Homily
the scorn and derision of those
around us. O Lord, how long? Prayer of the Faithful
Will you be angry forever? Will
your jealousy burn like fire? R. P –Mindful of the tragic conse- Preparation of the Gifts
quences of sin and the difficulty P –Pray, brethren . . .
* Remember not against us to undergo a thorough conver-
the iniquities of the past; may All – May the Lord accept the
sion, let us ask from God the sacrifice at your hands, for the
your compassion quickly come mercy and help that all human
to us, for we are brought very praise and glory of his name,
beings need. Let us all say: for our good and the good of all
low. R.
All – Lord, graciously hear us! his holy Church.
* Help us, O God our savior,
because of the glory of your C –For the Universal Church, Prayer over the Offerings
name; deliver us and pardon called to be salt of the earth
our sins for your name’s sake. and light of the world: May she P –Look, O Lord, we pray, on
R. bravely shed off all the defects the surpassing charity in the

6 October 2023
Heart of your beloved Son, that away the sins of the world: have Prayer after Communion
what we offer may be a gift ac- mercy on us. (2x)
P –May this sacrament of
ceptable to you and an expiation Lamb of God, you take
away the sins of the world: charity, O Lord, make us fer-
of our offenses. vent with the fire of holy love, so
Through Christ our Lord. grant us peace.
that, drawn always to your Son,
All – Amen! we may learn to see him in our
Preface of the Sacred Heart P –Behold the Lamb of God, Through Christ our Lord.
P –The Lord be with you! behold him who takes away the All – Amen!
All –And with your spirit! sins of the world. Blessed are
P –Lift up your hearts! those called to the supper of the
All –We lift them up to the Lord! Lamb.
P –Let us give thanks to the All –Lord, I am not worthy
Lord our God! that you should enter under
my roof, but only say the word P –The Lord be with you.
All –It is right and just!
and my soul shall be healed. All –And with your spirit!
P – It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation, al- Communion Antiphon P – May almighty God bless
ways and everywhere to give (To be recited only when no you: the Father, and the
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, al- Communion Hymn is sung.) Son, and the Holy Spirit.
mighty and eternal God, through All –Amen!
Christ our Lord. Thus says the Lord: Let
For raised up high on the whoever is thirsty come to me P –Go in the peace of Christ
Cross, he gave himself up for and drink. Streams of living to renew the world with his
us with a wonderful love and water will flow from within the love!
poured out blood and water from one who believes in me. All –Thanks be to God!
his pierced side, the wellspring
of the Church’s Sacraments, so
that, won over to the open heart NOVENA PRAYER TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS
of the Savior, all might draw wa-
ter joyfully from the springs of Divine Jesus, you have said, Ć „Ask, and you shall receive;
salvation. Ć seek, and you shall find; Ć knock, and it shall be opened unto
And so, with all the Angels you.‰ Ć Behold me kneeling at your feet, Ć filled with a lively faith
and Saints, we praise you, as and confidence Ć in the promises dictated by your Sacred Heart Ć
without end we acclaim: and pronounced by your adorable lips. Ć I come to ask this favor:
All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God (Silently mention your petitions.)
of hosts. Heaven and earth are To whom can I turn if not to you Ć whose heart is the source
full of your glory. Hosanna in of all graces and merits? Ć Where should I seek if not in the trea-
the highest! sure Ć which contains all the riches of your kindness and mercy?
Blessed is he who comes in Ć Where should I knock Ć if not at the door through which God
the name of the Lord. Hosanna gives himself to us Ć and through which we go to God? Ć I have
in the highest! recourse to you, Heart of Jesus. Ć In you I find consolation when
afflicted, Ć protection when persecuted, Ć strength when burdened
Memorial Acclamation with trials, Ć and light in doubt and darkness.
Dear Jesus, I firmly believe Ć that you can grant me the grace I
P –The mystery of faith! implore, Ć even though it should require a miracle. Ć You have only
All –We proclaim your Death, to will it, Ć and my prayer will be granted. Ć I admit that I am most
O Lord, and profess your unworthy of your favors, Ć but this is not a reason for me to be
Resurrection until you discouraged. Ć You are the God of mercy Ć and you will not refuse
come again! a contrite heart. Ć Cast upon me a look of mercy, I beg of you, Ć
and your kind heart will find in my miseries and weaknesses Ć a
reason for granting my prayer.
O Sacred Heart, Ć whatever may be your decision with regard
to my request, Ć I will never stop adoring, loving, praising, and
serving you. Ć My Jesus, be pleased to accept this my act of
All – Our Father . . . perfect resignation Ć to the decrees of your adorable heart Ć which
P –Deliver us, Lord . . . I sincerely desire may be fulfilled Ć in and by me and by all your
All –For the kingdom, the creatures for ever.
power, and the glory are Sacred Heart of Jesus, Ć I know that there is but one thing im-
yours, now and for ever. possible to you: Ć to be without pity for those who are suffering or
in distress. Ć Look upon me, I beg of you, dear Jesus, Ć and grant me
Sign of Peace the grace for which I humbly implore you Ć through the Immaculate
Breaking of the Bread Heart of your most sorrowful Mother. Ć You have entrusted me to her
All – Lamb of God, you take as her child, Ć and her prayers are all-powerful with you. Ć Amen!

First Friday
O n the street corner of a busy intersection a cluster
of people listens attentively to a preacher who is
barking into the microphone threats of impending
really repent, take up their cross, and follow the
Master, not many responded.
Jesus’ complaint and warning against Chorazin,
disasters and worldwide calamities. His refrain is: Bethsaida and Capernaum contained in today’s Gos-
“Repent and believe in the Lord!” pel passage well epitomizes this lack of response to
Such scene is reminiscent of the preaching of the exhortation to change for the better. He will ex-
many prophets of the Old Testament. Time and press the same feelings, with tears of deep concern,
again such calls and “conditional threats” had been with regard to Jerusalem. We know that, on the whole,
uttered by prophets like Jeremiah. And time and again the authorities and the people of the “un-holy City”
the people and the authorities had turned a deaf ear to failed to repent, and the Romans, forty years after the
those pressing exhortations till they became a heart- death of Christ, became the instruments of God’s pun-
wrenching reality. The Holy City was conquered and ishment.
set on fire; the revered Temple destroyed and the most
valuable elements of the nation dragged into exile in
chains and shame.
W hat about our situation? We live in a world that
takes pride in perversions such as every type of
sexual aberration and abortion, of which we should be
Today’s First Reading contains the humble admis- ashamed. We live in an unrepentant society where
sion of the survivors of such national disaster: “We exorbitant social inequalities condemn millions to
have been disobedient to the Lord, our God, and only live in subhuman and degrading conditions. The
too ready to disregard His voice.” That is why “the evils call to conversion is etched in indelible letters in the
and the curse which the Lord enjoined upon Moses . . . Book of God; it is proclaimed in liturgical assemblies
cling to us even today.” and echoed by the leaders of the Church and many
The reluctance of the Chosen People to listen other prophets of today, but very little seems to be
to the message of repentance conveyed by the changing in this world of ours. One may even get the
prophets characterized the entire course of its his- impression that things are getting worse.
tory. Things were not different in the time of Jesus. In his apparitions, the Sacred Heart of Jesus
John the Baptist had come, preaching a baptism reiterated his call to conversion, a call that con-
of repentance but only a handful of hearts listened cerns us, too. The fact that he uttered no threats
to his exhortation. Soon his voice was silenced by the should not make us ignore his call. His tender love
sword of the executioner. may complain about our ingratitude, but it will nev-
Jesus came, taking up the message of John er threaten. He appeals to the best in us, rather
and corroborating it with miracles that had never than to our fears. Who would dare let down such a
been seen before. Crowds of thousands gathered tender Lover?
around him, spellbound at his teaching and full of
admiration for his miracles, but when challenged to Jess P. Balon

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• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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