M5 IELTS Reading Lesson
M5 IELTS Reading Lesson
M5 IELTS Reading Lesson
In simple terms, “the medium is the message” means that the medium is more important
than the content itself. The medium changes how we interact with it. For example,
McLuhan used the example of the lightbulb. A lightbulb doesn’t have content like
newspapers with articles or the Internet with websites, but instead it creates a social
effect which allows people to see in the darkness. The area of the brain that controls
thumbs is larger in people who use touchscreens daily. Young people have objectively
less memory capacity than their parents and grandparents because they have rewired
themselves to include the internet as a function of their own memory. Those are
examples of the medium affecting change.
Work in groups of three or four. Each choose one question and ask it to four students
from other groups. Then tell your group what you found out. Alternatively discuss the
questions in pairs or groups and feed back to your teacher.
Which type of media do you prefer for staying updated with the news?
1. newspapers
2. TV
3. the internet
4. TV
5. the internet
6. radio
1. social media
2. phone calls
3. emails
1. books
2. videos
3. audio recordings
Look at Paragraph B in the reading passage. Underline five words and phrases
that refer to Marshall McLuhan.
2. Sometimes you can find references to someone or something in more than one
paragraph of a text. How many paragraphs in the reading passage refer to
3. To find the sentences that you need when answering questions, you may need to
scan the text and look for more than one thing. Underline the sentences in the
reading passage that refer to both of the following.
1. McLuhan and revolution
2. Television and bad behaviour
3. Pictures and buildings
Answer the questions below on the reading passage.
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer? Write
Scanning-The task in a later activity requires you to find people’s opinions. Three
words that introduce opinions are given here as examples. Scan paragraphs C–G
and find six more words that introduce opinions.
1. declared (Paragraph B)
2. argued (Paragraph B)
3. believed (Paragraph B)
4. _________________
5. _________________
6. _________________
7. _________________
8. _________________
9. _________________
Matching-Complete the task below on the reading passage.
Look at the following statements (Questions 1–8) and the list of people below. Match
each statement with the correct name, A–I.
A. McLuhan F. Fleming
B. Gerbner G. National Training Laboratories
C. E. Gauntlett H. Kozma
D. Ferguson I. Schroeder
E. Clark