Syllabus For Drawing 1 (Mechanical Drafting)

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2nd Floor Hong Building. Barangay San Diego Poblacion,

Gumaca, Quezon


Date & Time: To Follow



Introduce students to the principals of technical drawing employing both sketching and Computer-Aided-Drafting techniques. Describe and demonstrate the process of
visualization and constructing multiview, isometric, and section drawings. Demonstrate and explain the theory and practice of dimensioning. Explain the importance of
standards in the modern technical drawing environment.

Grading Policy:

 40% Two in-class midterm exams (each 20%)

 35% Final exam:
 15% Activities
o 2% Participation activities
o 3% Challenge activities
o 10% Lab activities
 There are several lab activities per chapter. You are strongly recommended to complete all activities.
 10% Intangibles (will include attendance, participation in-class activities, course evaluation, etc.).
o Class attendance. Missing 10% or more lectures will loss all 10% Intangibles
 No late assignment will be accepted without prior approval from the instructor. No makeup exams for missed midterms or final exam unless compelling reasons
can be provided and verified.

Content Standard Performance Learning Competencies Projects/Activities Assessment
understanding of/on:

 Types and uses of 1. Drafting materials, tools LO1. Identify drafting materials 1. Compiling sample pictures of the  Performance test
drafting and Drawing and tools/drawing instruments different tools and drawing materials  Written test
materials/tools and instruments are applicable to a specific job. and classifying them.
drawing instruments identified as per job 2. Demonstrating the proper
requirements. manipulation of drawing instruments.
 Proper manipulation
of drafting materials 2. Materials and drawing
tools and drawing tools are classified
instruments. according to their uses.

 Procedures in 1. Materials and tools are LO2. Request, receive, inspect 1. Preparing ;list of drafting materials  Performance test
receiving and storing receiving and inspected and store drafting materials and and tools per job requirement  Written test
tools and drawing based on the specified tools.
instruments. quantity as requisition. 2. Filling-up different forms such as
requisition slip, borrower’s slip, etc.
 Different requisition 2. Tools and materials are
forms and procedures. checked for damages 3. Labeling tools and materials and
and manufacturing storing/safekeeping them properly.
4. Testing the functionality of
delivered tools and materials.
understanding of/on:

 Different measuring 1. Measuring instruments LO1. Select and use measuring 1. Identifying the different measuring  Self-[aced learning
instruments and their are selected and used instruments. instruments activities
application according to the level of  Guided
accuracy required. 2. Observing proper use of measuring demonstration(Perform
instruments ance based)
2. Measurements are
cleaned in accordance
with established

3. Measuring techniques
used are correct and
appropriate to the
instrument used.
 Cleaning and storing 1. Measuring instruments LO2. Clean and store measuring 1. Storing/safe keeping measuring  Performance test
procedures for are cleaned in instruments. tools properly
measuring instruments accordance with
established standards.

2. Measuring instruments
are stored in
accordance with
established standards.
 Conversion of fraction 1. Conversion results of LO3. Converts fraction to decimal 1. Solving problems and exercises  Written test
to decimal or decimal fraction to decimal are and vice versa correctly in:
to fraction accurate up to 2 a. Converting fraction to decimal
decimal places. or decimal to fraction

2.Conversion results of
decimal to fraction are
accurate to the nearest
standard measurement
 Trade Mathematics 1. English and metric LO4. Convert English to metric 1. Solving problem and exercise  Written test
and Measurement measurements measurement system and vice correctly.
 Two system of identified. versa.
measurements 2. Converting units of linear
 Conversion of units of 2. Conversion of English to measurement.
linear measurement metric system or metric
to English system is 3. Converting decimal to fraction
performed according to
standard procedures.
Understanding of/on:
 Alphabet of lines 1. Orthographic and LO1. Identify assembly and 1. Practicing line sketching  Written test
 Line Sketching pictorial drawing are detailed drawing  Performance test
 Theories and principles interpreted according to 2. Sketching sample detail and
of orthographic drawing standards. assembly drawings
 Pictorial drawing 2. Assembly and detailed 3. Observing drawing standards
 More on Oblique drawing are interpreted
Drawing according to drawing 4. Sketching orthographic views and
 Scaling standard. pictorial views
 Rules in Dimensioning
 Preparation of 5. Preparing a work plan
Working plans
 Assembly and detailed 6. Identifying proper line application
understanding of/on:

 Occupational safety 1. Hazards are identified LO1. Identifying hazardous area 1. Observing safety work habits in the
standard and correctly in accordance work place.
enterprise safety with OHS procedures.
policies. 2. Multimedia presentation
 Practicing Proper 2. Safety signs and
procedures in using symbols are identified
drafting tools, and adhered to in
materials and accordance with
instrument workplace safety
 Keeping workplace procedures.
clean and organized
following 5S
 Accident Prevention
signs and symbols
 Hazards in the
 Type of Workplace
hazards and example
 Personal protective 1. Personal protective LO2. Use personal protective 1. Familiarizing oneself with the  Written test
equipment (PPE) for clothing/equipment clothing and devices different types and uses or personal  Actual demonstration
different drafting (PPE) identified per job protective equipment (PPE)
operations requirements.
2. Multimedia presentation
2. Proper wearing of PPE is
properly observed in
accordance with
workplace safety

Assignment Submissions:

Late work will not be accepted unless compelling reasons can be supplied and verified. Do not attempt to submit work after the deadline without instructor's approval. It
will not be read nor considered for grading. All labs and projects are due on their respective due dates at 11:59pm Central time, unless otherwise noted.

Attendance and Participation:

Attendance is required and will be taken during each class meeting. You are expected to stay throughout the entire class meeting. You cannot make up any missed in-class
activities. Your attendance record will be taken into consideration for your overall evaluation for this course.

It is the student’s responsibility to document their attendance in this course by participating in the class..

Class activities may include crating website exercises/assignments. These g activities will be counted towards students' participation grades (as a portion of the 10%

A student who misses half or more of the lectures for this subject during the first two weeks may be dropped from the course.

Interpersonal Interactions and Netiquette:

Treat your classmates with the professionalism and courtesy you would expect in the workplace, and with which you yourself would want to be treated. Make sure that
your communications are appropriate and adhere to netiquette policy. There is an informal code of conduct that most people follow on the Internet. Netiquette includes
not sending email or messages in ALL CAPS or with too many exclamation points or asking repetitive questions in forums that have FAQs posted. Sending spam is also a
violation of netiquette. You will have an easier time communicating with others over the Internet if you conform to these basic standards. Note that Blackboard Learn
software automatically stores course access records, quiz scores, email postings, discussion postings, and chat room conversations.

“Courtesy, politeness, manners, and civility are all, in essence, forms of awareness. Being civil means being constantly aware of others and weaving restraint, respect, and
consideration on into the very fabric of this awareness. Civility is a form of goodness; it is gracious goodness. But it is not just an attitude of benevolent and thoughtful
relation to other individuals; it also entails an active interest in the well-being of our communities and even a concern for the health of the planet on which we live.

Transitory/Minor Medical Issues:

In situations where a student experiences a transitory/minor medical condition (e.g. broken limb, acute illness, minor surgery) that impacts their ability to attend classes,
access classes or perform tasks within the classroom over a limited period of time, the student should refer to the class attendance policy in their syllabus.

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