TLE7-8- w3
TLE7-8- w3
TLE7-8- w3
The learners demonstrate an understanding of concepts and principles in maintaining hand tools, drawing instruments, equipment, and
A. Content Standards:
B. Performance Standards: The learners shall be able to maintain tools, drawing instruments, equipment, and paraphernalia
Prepare an inspection
report of
Inspect hand tools, drawing Inspect hand tools, drawing Inspect hand tools, drawing the hand tools, drawing
instruments, equipment, and instruments, equipment, and instruments, equipment, and instruments, equipment,
paraphernalia received in technical paraphernalia received in technical paraphernalia received in and paraphernalia
C. Learning Competencies
drafting drafting technical drafting received
TLE_ICTTD7/8MT-0c-d-2 TLE_ICTTD7/8MT-0c-d-2 TLE_ICTTD7/8MT-0c-d-2 in technical
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
C. Presenting
Examples/Instances of
the Lesson
H.Making Ask the learner to answer the Enumerate the steps in After fulfilling the entries Enrich understanding
Generalizations and question. “What are the accomplishing the job on every space written of the lesson through
Abstractions about Procedures in accomplishing order slip, Requisition slip descriptions and data, further explanation
the Lesson forms: Job order slips, and Barrower’s slip. What could be the next and concrete
Requisition slips, Borrower’s procedure should you do, examples. Let the
slip?”. Enrich understanding state the procedure in learner answer the
of the lesson through further series ? following question:
explanation and concrete 1. How do you
approach an
retrieving a tools
or equipment,
state the
With learning this Skills, procedures on the
choose three (3) sample of
examples process?
forms and state the
importance of each 2. Why is it
important to
observe protocols
on retrieving tools
and equipment?
I. Evaluating Learning Direction: Answer the given Direction: Answer the given Direction: Read carefully Directions: Read the
questions by encircling each questions by encircling each question and answer statement carefully.
correct corresponding letters each correct corresponding each by encircling the Write the letter of the
letters corresponding letter of correct answer on
1. It is document generated your choice on the 4
every space
by a user department or 1. This form shows proof or lettered options
storeroom personnel to receipt of goods or 1. In creating a job order, provided.
notify the purchasing services. what is the most ___1. This form shows
department items needs A. delivery receipt form C. important part, and the proof or receipt of
to order, their quantity, purchase order form first thing seen in the goods or services.
and the timeframe. B. inventory form D. form? a. Delivery receipt for
a. Delivery receipt form requisition slip form a. Job description b. purchase order form
b. Purchase requisition form 2. This form contains b. job tittle
c. inventory form
c. Job order form specified quantities of c. Application
d. Borrower’s form described goods at agreed qualification d. requisition slip/form
2. A form use to request for terms and at a d. compensation and
tools and equipment’s designated time and place. benefits ___2. This form
needed for a particular A. delivery receipt form C. 2. It is a part of job order contains specified
job. purchase order form form where all about of quantities of described
a. Delivery receipt form B. inventory form D. the job candidates goods at agreed terms
b. Purchase requisition form requisition slip form picture themselves in and at a designated
c. Job order form 3. This form is a printed the position.
time and place.
d. Borrower’s form document on which a a. Job description
3. A form that contains request is made. b. job tittle A. Delivery receipt
information about items A. delivery receipt form C. c. Application form
that displays on a balance purchase order form qualification B. purchase order
sheet. B. inventory form D. d. compensation and form
a. Job order form requisition slip form benefits C. inventory form
b. borrower’s form 4. This form contains 3. When making a D. requisition slip/form
c. Inventory form information about name, requisition slip/form,
d. delivery receipt form number, purchase what area where the
4. A written instruction to information and cost of name of company and ___3. This form is a
perform a work according goods and displays on a its logo will be indicated printed document on
to specified requirements, balance sheet. along with the tittle of which a request is
within specified timeframe A. delivery receipt form C. the form. made.
and cost estimated. purchase order form a. Table of details a. Delivery receipt
a. Job order form B. inventory form D. b. header form
b. borrower’s form requisition slip form c. Signature block
b. purchase order form
c. Inventory form 5. This department is in- d. requester
d. delivery receipt form charge of unloading, 4. When a lost equipment c. inventory form
5. A form shows proof or unpacking of incoming is identified, what action d. requisition slip/form
receipt of goods or materials, check, should you do?
services, the receiver identify goods received a. Report to the teacher ___4. This form
acknowledges receiving a with descriptions on the b. report to the property contains information
consignment of goods purchase order. custodian about name, number,
from supplier A. accounting department c. Report to the purchase information
a. Job order form C. receiving department principal office
and cost of goods and
b. borrower’s form B. budget department D. d. report to the
c. Inventory form sales department accounting office displays on a balance
delivery receipt form 5. When damage sheet.
equipment is identified A. Delivery receipt form
after the activity, what B. purchase order form
could be the second C. inventory form
action would you take? D. requisition slip/form
a. Report to the teacher
b. report to the property
___5. This department
c. Report to the is in-charge of
principal office unloading, unpacking of
d. report to the incoming materials,
accounting office check, identify goods
received with
descriptions on the
purchase order.
A. Accounting
B. receiving
C. Budget department
D. sales department
J. Additional Activities
for Application or
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?