Audcap1 Cash Cases Santos
Audcap1 Cash Cases Santos
Audcap1 Cash Cases Santos
Account Cash
Standard(s) PAS 7 Cash Flows shows the historical changes in cash and cash
equivalents during the period. It is an integral part of a complete
set of financial statements and is used in conjunction with other
financial statements in assessing the ability of an entity to
generate cash and cash equivalents, the timing and certainty of
their generation, and the needs of the entity to utilize those cash
Audit Risks or Threats Audit risk is made up of two main components, namely the risk
of material misstatement and its respective detection risk.
Risk of Material Misstatement:
Risk of material misstatement can be further broken down by its
own two components, which include:
Inherent risk- risks that can’t be detected or managed by
the organization’s internal controls.
Control risk- risk that an organization’s internal controls
are unable to detect or rectify a significant error or
misstatement within its financial statements.
Detection Risks- possibility of an auditor failing to detect
material misstatements
Controls that should be in Place Key Internal Controls
Segregation of Duties: Authorizing a transaction, the
recording of a transaction and maintaining custody of
the related assets should all be handled by different
Accountability: Ensure all cash transactions have been
authorized, have been properly accounted for, and have
been documented properly.
Reconciliations: It is important to reconcile all bank
accounts monthly to ensure all transactions are being
recorded accurately and completely.