Thesis Proposal Manuscript
Thesis Proposal Manuscript
Thesis Proposal Manuscript
A Thesis
JUNE 2023
A Thesis
June 2023
The researchers would like to extend their heartfelt gratitude to those who
helped and contributed a lot for the fulfillment of the conducted research. First
and foremost, to the Almighty God for the abundant gifts, extraordinary
knowledge, and strength He has bestowed upon them while they worked towards
the completion of this study; for giving the courage to face and pursue the study
inspite of the challenges they had encountered; and for giving the researchers
good health that they were able to exert their full efforts and strengths in
conducting the study. Heartfelt gratitude is also offered to the following significant
individuals for their crucial assistance, support and guidance, which served as a
Main Campus for his trust, support and approval for the researchers to conduct
the study;
approving the letters to conduct the study in her officiated college and for
Dr. Fritzie D. Dayot, the Chairperson of the examining panel, for imparting
To Dr. Antonieta O. Ocaña the BEED 2-1 adviser, Mr. Elmer Hamili the
BEED 2-2 adviser and Dr. Fritzie D. Dayot the adviser of BEED 2-3 students for
their approval in conducting the study and support in distributing the printed test
Dr. Antonieta O. Ocaña, the Research I and Research II instructor, for her
support, unending patience and expertise from the beginning until the
accomplishment of this study, and supervision from the very start of the study
patience, being approachable, and for the supervision from the very start of the
Mrs. Thesse D. Tahil, for her great help to the researchers for statistics
Miss Ma. Jeane Franz B. Mascardo, the critic, for her time, expertise and
To the BEED 2-1, BEED 2-2, and BEED 2-3 students of Bohol Island
State University Main Campus for their time and participation in the conduct of
To all people whose names are not mentioned here but have contributed
TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………… i
APPROVAL SHEET………………………………………………………..…. ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT……………………………………………………..…. iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………. vi
LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES…………………………………………... vii
Rationale of the Study…………………………………………… 1
Literature Background………………………………………....... 3
Statement of the Problem……………………………………….. 22
Statement of the Null Hypothesis………………………………. 23
Significance of the Study………………………………………… 23
Research Methodology
Research Design…………………………………………………. 24
Research Environment…………………………………………… 25
Research Participants……………………………………………. 25
Research Instruments……………………………………………. 26
Research Procedures………………………………………......... 27
Statistical Treatment……………………………………………… 28
DEFINITION OF TERMS………………………………………………………… 31
REFERENCE LIST………………………………………………………………. 33
Appendix A
Survey Questionnaire…………………………………………………..... 40
Appendix B
Curriculum Vitae…………………………………..………………………. 44
learning modes, while also applying blended learning programs. These include
online classes, printouts, and lessons through social media platforms as COVID
Mohsen K and Amin MO, 2021). It has a negative effect on student achievement
due to related school closures and restrictions (Woessmann 2020) and lack of
causing students’ low academic performance. In online learning, the key element
is the use of internet in which lectures are all enabled by virtual platforms (Pop,
new and young (Alvarez, 2020). This change of educational modality had the
greatest impact on the quality of the learning experience (Barrot, J.S., Llenares,
I.I. & del Rosario, L.S., 2021). However, this growing demand for blended
instructional materials includes the low effectiveness of materials and lack of skill
time but just like full online, it still limits their learning because full face-to-face is
not yet implemented. With this, teaching and learning continuity amid this time of
important for determining the quality of instructional materials used during full
online learning and blended learning environment (Naaj et al., 2012). Identifying
how the two delivery formats are different in their effectiveness for learners’
learning has become an important research topic to better address the teaching
and learning issues residing in both delivery formats. Therefore, the researchers
materials during full online learning and blended learning and their academic
Literature Background
2017; Santos et al., 2019). Technology has become part of our social, business,
and educational life’. The use of the Internet has a vital role in disseminating
knowledge via online classes (Silva and Cartwright, 2017). The higher education
deal with uncertain changes in society. For instance, Philippines has replaced
within the context of the crisis, the education and training industry has promoted
teaching via the Internet (Attard and Holmes, 2020; Ho et al., 2020; Hori and
Fujii, 2021; Mukuka et al., 2021; Pham et al., 2021; Stahl, 2021). The industries
achievement using online images. Online learning has become a part of the 21 st
century as it makes use of online platforms. The online approach indicates that
the course is delivered online. Online education is convenient for students where
Constructivism Theory Republic Act No. 11448
(Transnational Higher Education
Constructivism tends to focus on the Act)
student to construct new knowledge Section 2
based on experience…support tools.
Higher education shall serve as a
(Vygotsky, cited by Mal & Adhya, principal instrument for generating
2020) productive knowledge …resource
Social Learning Theory
Republic Act No. 10650 (Open
Social learning theory considers how Distance Learning Act)
both environmental and cognitive
factors interact… or online media. ---- Mode of Delivery
(Section 9)
(Bandura, cited by Mcleod, 2023) The Open Distance Learning
programs may be delivered using
Connectivism Theory information and…study centers.
process, and teachers work as supervisors and guides for students (Al-Salman et
experiences that are expected to transform the entire education system from
the basic focus will be laid on developing the potentials and creativity of the
seen as the catalyst for change as well as the solution for establishing the
open education has widened the scope of learning opportunities through the
emerging theme of “Bring your own device” to learn. Besides, online platforms
students’ loss. Some of the most famous prominent interactive online tools:
(video calls tool), Teams (chat, interactive meetings, video, and audio calls),
Skype (video and audio calls), WeChat Work (video sharing and calls designed
for the Chinese), WhatsApp (video and audio calls, chat, and content share), and
Zoom (video and audio calls, and collaboration features) (UNESCO, 2020).
Google Meet, Zoom (Ho et al., 2020), Facebook (Barros et al., 2017), allow users
(Sun et al., 2020). These have provided myriad learning opportunities to the
learners by opening up their minds and helping them to gain need-based training
and skills which are the most essential prerequisites for a healthy living in a
results from digital technology and digital educational tools. Online tools such as
apps, books, and computers can be used as lesson plans, lectures, textbooks,
assignments, software, quizzes, tests, resources, audio and video, digital, and
2012). Meanwhile, Lazar et al. (2020) used the concept of “digital learning tool” to
digital tools which include digital video support, aerial video projectors, interactive
materials, digital assemblies containing interactive resources, and reference
The shift should associate with plans to reduce this shift’s impact on the normal
entails reshaping our view regarding higher education, including institutions and
contrast, the practical courses should be conducted face to face to ensure best
make larger classes flexible and suiting students’ needs (Siripongdee et al.,
long-term projects and have the students assess the quality of the work (Kashefi
et al., 2012; Umek et al., 2015). Barros et al. (2017) and Kerzˇič et al. (2019)
stated that these assessment results offer students the information they need to
acquire and feedback on how well they have learned. Also, teachers can see the
extent to which the lesson is understood and the students’ learning requirements
can be classified into print, visual, audio, audio-visual and electronic interactive
materials. In order to help students learn, teachers need to teach any of these
have still met difficulties and barriers in adapting to full utilization of technology in
countries (Leary & Berge, 2006; Islam et al., 2006). Despite the technological
such as print-based with CD, printed materials with online sessions, and printed
learning materials will likely be mostly digital or remain a mix of digital and print,
materials were mostly print or a mix of digital and print, according to teacher and
administrator survey results from Bay View Analytics, a statistical research firm.
As students and educators emerge from the pandemic and return to in-person
learning, it’s clear that digital resources in print formats will remain as important
Analytics. However, the Bay View Analytics survey found 61% of teachers prefer
print materials, and 59% said students learn better with print materials (Arundel,
2022). This offers a sense of how instructional materials will continue to evolve in
schools and how tools like open educational resources can enhance teaching
and learning. And while digital materials may be easier to access and can be
automatically updated, printed materials hold value, some experts said. For one
thing, print materials can be preserved for a long time. Plus, some studies and
experience, it has been highly suggested to mix print-based materials with other
On the other hand, visual aids or materials speak to that guide material
which helps the student in obtaining the learning encounters through his visual
faculties. Visual aids include the following: anticipated aids for example movies,
filmstrips, opaque projector, overhead projector and slide projector; realistic aids
boards for example writing board, bulletin board, flannel board, magnetic board;
and 3-D Aids, for example graphs, models, mock-ups, objects, and puppets.
develop visual thinking, which is a learning style whereby the learner comes to
understand better and retain information better by associating ideas, words and
opportunities for learning methods were presented and offered for better learning
experience with audio materials. Audio materials were one of the teaching
materials used when technology was limited at a certain time. The oral
communication has long been the main medium for learning and disseminating
information and knowledge (Clark & Walsh, 2004). Meanwhile, digital audio
production and distribution have paved a way for new methods in facilitation and
preservation of this learning tool to be utilized once again in this new generation.
Example for this is podcasting which existed to deliver online audio content. It is
hassle. It has increased the number of learners that use the platform to create
topics for different purposes as the course see fit (Muppala, 2010).
On the other hand, audio materials speak to that guide material which
faculties. Like radio, recordings (tape disc) and television, video tapes, language
to Brown & Yule as cited in Godwin (2015), ‘listening comprehension means that
a person understands what he/she has heard’. If he/she learns the text through
hearing it, he/she will understand it. Audio materials allow interactive process in
grammatical structures, stress and intonation, and the other linguistic or non-
which are developed with the use of audio materials. These involve knowing
―students will have the understanding of sounds in utterances without the aid of
pure verbal responses and making use of the hearing organ and the brain. As
Hassan (2017, p. 138) pointed out, audio materials provides the right conditions
for language acquisition and development of other language skills’. This means
that, listening is essential not only as a receptive skill but also to the development
meanings of words and sentences of spoken language. It is clear from the above
definitions that listening comprehension is the skill that is mainly acquired with
in order for them to understand and make meaning out of listening text.
This gives time for both teachers and learners time to accomplish tasks in their
own pace and it lets them explore possibilities as it opens new opportunities and
learning experience.
Shafira, R., & Rosita, N., (2022) it speaks to every one of those types of gear and
help material in which the student gets chance to use the two his sound-related
and visual faculties for picking up the ideal learning encounters. Like Television,
speaking, reading, and writing activity. Most students thought that they more
understand the material if teacher use audio visual. In addition, audio visual
Also, learning by using audio visual make the learning activities more enjoyable
and fun. In short, the audio-visual material is attractive, effective, relevant, and
they illustrate objective reality, they contribute to the learning process through
learning style, according to which all learners are not alike, and teaching should
when taking into account that visual material, such as photographs in various
publications, posters/signs on the streets, and graphics, are used daily and are
The reason is that visual materials are more efficient and allow the
as those we follow in the real world. In the context of the educational process,
visual media are essential elements, since they have the ability to increase the
are mostly based on the way the message is presented, as well as on the
components for full online and blended learning in delivering instruction. These
in a general science course that results in higher grades among teacher training
Potter (2015), the former still observes modest positive impacts on students’
learning outcome resulting from the adoption of the blended format, while the
latter records grades significantly higher in the blended option than for the full
online format.
facts as learning is explained in many ways by different ideas. In line with this
exchange and collaboration are foci of the social constructivist theory grounded
Vygotsky postulated that cultural development happens twice, first on the social
level (between people), then later on the individual level (inside the mind). In
outcomes. It can be applied in the full online learning and blended learning
variety of learning strategies and ICT support tools (Mal & Adhaya, 2020).
Bandura (1977). Social Learning Theory considers how both environmental and
Bandura further demonstrated that students learn and imitate behaviors which
individual demonstrating or acting out a behavior just like a teacher who teaches
students and delivers his or her instructions during blended learning live in a
and explanations of behavior which may refer to the teacher who explains his or
her instruction during full online and blended learning instructional tools used by
the teachers as they deliver the lesson (Nabavi, R. T & Bijandi, M. S., 2012).
supports the study. The connectivist theory posits that learning takes place when
networks like with other individuals, databases, social media, Internet, and
learning management systems. The connection of the right individuals to the right
resources can enhance the learning for all within the network. Learning and
In line with the theories above, it was mentioned that online teaching
that education at all levels could continue in times of crisis, the educational
institutions switched to online mode of teaching–learning. The practical usage of
(LMS) like Moodle, Blackboard, etc. support students’ learning in all possible
ways which connect students to the right sources which can enhance their
learning (Hasan 2020). On the other hand, review of relevant research in this
area indicates that students were generally positive about the blended learning
environment (Drysdale et al, 2013). Also, results showed that high achievers
were the most satisfied with their blended course and they found the course
more convenient and more engaging because it allows students learn at there
own pace at the same time, collaborating with other students through the use of
blended format over fully face-to-face or online mode (Owston, York, & Murtha
2013). Smyth, Houghton, Cooney & Casey (2012) discovered several benefits of
blended learning. Results showed that students appreciated the accessibility and
learning the content, and a better effect on learning the method. Higher
education institutions and faculty are always looking for ways to reach and retain
these learners. Blended courses can enable access to the course material online
at any time of the day and be reviewed as needed, gaining increased flexibility
allowing students to construct their own ideas, activities and outputs in school.
Blended learning also provides flexibility to students and enhances feedback time
(Sharpe, et al., 2006; Ignacio et al., 2008; Alebaikan and Troudi, 2010; Korr et
al., 2012). These perspective deepens students’ experiences in the world and
aids their construction of new knowledge through the exchange of ideas with
are utilized. Learners engage with the content and then decompress with one
another to develop or construct meaning from various activities. The teacher acts
explore concepts. As the learners explore the concepts, the teacher then assists
the learners in translating what they have found into the learner’s current state of
enhance student performance and course satisfaction (Hsu and Hsieh 2011;
engaging in their courses in their own space and time (Holsapple and Lee-Post
discussion and collaboration not only with their lecturers but also with their peer
reported by the students (Kumar 2009; Richardson and Ice 2010; Chan et al.
2016) thus becoming more active in their learning (Kumar 2010) and creating a
more interesting and engaging learning process. This may be accomplished by
offering courses that many students in this digital age already feel comfortable
using and thus be more willing to participate and collaborate with others in such
each other to bring about more effective learning has remained somewhat
blurred. Crawford and Snider (2000) argue that curriculum materials are a vital
part of the educational enterprise, suggesting that the vast majority of classroom
the efficacy of one set of curriculum materials relative to another is often difficult.
Two key qualities faculty consider when selecting learning materials for their
students are proven efficacy and trusted quality (Allen and Seaman 2014). Some
have a perception that lower quality materials cause lower learning outcomes
realistic strategy for meeting the student’s educational needs (Kim 2012). A study
Learning reduced their interaction with their teachers and their peers (Kim 2012).
Some students may even feel isolated by Blended Learning if teachers do not
promote social networking and community building (Donnelly 2010) which could
Moreover, institutions like the higher education has a big role to deliver the
educational community should also provide effective strategies with the use of
times of crisis. This is to ensure that the education is still accessible that would
continue fostering literacy in the community. All of these are required to carry out
From the Section 2 Declaration of Policy of the Republic Act No. 11448
otherwise known as, “The Transnational Higher Education Act” states that:
The Section 2 which is the Declaration of Policy of the Republic Act No.
11448 emphasizes that the higher education shall provide quality education
which is relevant to the changing needs of the people and society. The State
recognizes that rapid developments brought about by globalization, including
and learning. In this light, the State shall endeavor to modernize the Philippine
higher education sector, and bring international quality standards and expertise
into the country, with a view to making higher education globally competitive,
attracting a flow of talented students, faculty, and staff and improving the
Section 2 Mode of Delivery of the Republic Act No. 10650 declares that the
quality tertiary education through the promotion and application of open learning
“The State shall likewise ensure and protect academic freedom and shall
promote its exercise and observance for the continuing intellectual growth,
the advancement of learning and research, the development of responsible
and effective leadership, the education of high-level and middle-level
professionals.” The
Section 2 Declaration of Policy of the Republic Act No. 7722 emphasizes that the
State shall protect, foster and promote the right of all citizens to affordable quality
education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to ensure that education
gear their programs to national, regional or local development plans. Finally, all
institutions of higher learning shall exemplify through their physical and natural
surroundings the dignity and beauty of, as well as their pride in, the intellectual
Therefore, the teacher and the institution must cater the students’ needs in
terms of providing them with quality and equal access of education with the use
of effective instructional materials. Hence, the teaching and learning process will
become efficient if these will be met. Significantly, the students’ performance will
improve and their perceptions on the use of instructional materials during full
Thus, the researchers based this study – Student’ Perception on the Use
perception on the use of instructional materials during full online learning and
Education third year students of Bohol Island State University Main Campus for
1.1 Print;
1.2 Audio;
1.3 Visual;
1.4 Audio-visual;
4. What is the significant relationship between the following:
performance of students;
performance of students?
5. What action plan can be proposed based on the results of the study?
performance of students
performance of students
The researchers believe that this study will benefit the following:
School Administrators. This will help them to suggest and innovate effective
choose and use the instructional materials that will fit to the learners. This will
further helps teachers to implement innovative and effective teaching strategies
Students. This will benefit students to wisely utilize and maximize the use of
instructional materials that support their learning. This will also help to enhance
their learning ability and to acquire meaningful experiences and ideas. Learning
The Future Researchers. This study will serve as a guide to researchers for
future research. Moreover, to further verify this study, other researchers could
will help the teachers to deliver the instructions effectively and for the students to
To achieve the purpose of this study, the researchers will use the
current state of affairs (IvyPanda, 2022). In finding out the perceptions of the
students on the instructional materials used in the full online learning and
The study will be conducted in Bohol Island State University (BISU) Main
campuses spread throughout the province, with the main campus located at
C.P.G North Avenue, Tagbilaran City, Bohol. The researchers chose BISU Main
Campus as their research environment since it offers full online learning during
the first semester and blended learning during the second semester for the
academic year 2022-2023. BISU conducted full online and blended learning
The researchers of this study will utilize stratified random sampling which
involves the division of the entire population into smaller subgroups. The
students will be selected randomly from the BEED Third Year of Bohol Island
State University- Main Campus enrolled in the Academic Year 2023-2024. The
researchers will select the BEED Third Year students since they are the ones
who experienced the full online learning and blended learning. Researchers
believed that the BEED Third Year students can get better result in relation to
enrolled students, BEED 2-2 having 32 enrolled students and BEED 2-3 having
33 enrolled students in BEED Third Year level. There are 105 students in all and
researchers will get the sample size using Cochran sample size test. In using
Cochran sample size test, the 40 students from BEED 2-1 will be divided into 105
multiplied by 51 with a total of 19 students. The 32 students from BEED 2-2 will
from BEED 2-3 will be divided into 105 multiplied by 51 with a total of 16
students. If the sample size of each section that is: 19 students from BEED 2-1;
16 students from BEED 2-2; and 16 students from BEED 2-3, there will be 51
participants in all.
The main tool will be the use of survey research method, specifically
students. This tool will be made to determine the students’ perception on the use
of instructional materials during full online learning and blended learning and their
perception on the use of instructional materials during full online and blended
learning classes.
The questionnaire will be prepared and the data will be recorded. The
questionnaire consists of one (1) table and is divided into two (2) parts. The first
part of the questionnaire will be all about the perception of students on the use of
instructional materials during full online learning. The second part will be the
learning. A 4-likert scale will be used to measure and determine the level of
students’ perception as how effective the instructional materials are during full
online learning and blended learning: four (4 is for Strongly Agree (SA); three (3)
is for Agree (A); two (2) is for Disagree (D); and one (1) is for Strongly Disagree
(SD). Regarding with the students’ academic performance, the researchers will
gather the data from the students’ report card from their 1 st semester’s general
weighted average grade for the full online learning while the 2 nd semester’s
general weighted average grade will be also gathered for the blended learning
Education and to the section one (1), two (2) and three (3) advisers of Bachelor
The letter will contain the purpose of the study, the flow of the study and the
gathering of data that will be conducted with a request for approval to conduct
the study to the participants. Furthermore, a letter will be given to the office of
registrar to ask permission to get the 1 st semester and 2nd semester grades of
semester's general weighted average grades of students for the academic year
The researchers will gather the data from the questionnaires. The
Statistical Treatment
instructional materials during full online learning and blended learning, weighted
The computed weighted mean was interpreted using the scale below:
instructional materials used in the full online learning and blended learning, the
Paired t- test was used and was computed using the following equation:
√ n ( ∑ d ) −(∑ d)²
n= number of samples
full online learning and blended learning and the academic performance of the
BEED third year students, the Spearman Rho Correlation was used and was
6 ∑ di 2
ρ=1− 2
n(n −1)
n= number of observations
To interpret the BEED third year students’ grades for both online learning
and blended learning, the grading system in BISU will be used with the following
Rating Description
1.2-1.0 Excellent
2.5-1.6 Good
3.0-2.6 Fair
5.0 Failure
Source: Bohol Island State University- Main Campus Student Manual. pp 7 & 8.
The following terms are defined operationally and conceptually to clarify
Academic Performance. Refers to the grades of students for the first semester
educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with physical place-
based classroom methods. This also refers to the 2 hours of face-to-face learning
and 1-hour online learning for education major subjects while 1 hour is of online
online during the first semester of the Academic Year 2022-2023. Learning was
observed as all discussions, assessments and minor exams took place online
Print Materials. These are paper-based materials that reach intended audiences
Visual Materials. This refer to any devices that can be seen and visualized such
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Vision: A premier Science and Technology university for the formation of a world class and virtuous human
resource for sustainable development in Bohol and the country.
Mission: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the
professional and technological fields; undertake research and development, and extension services for
sustainable development of Bohol and the country.
Please complete this survey truthfully. All information and answers will
be completely anonymous and cannot be linked to you in any way that
can identify you. Any concerns in regard to the survey can be
communicated to the researchers. Thank you for your time and
Name: (Optional)______
Elementary : Cabawan Elementary School
Brgy. Cabawan, Maribojoc, Bohol
Secondary : Busao National High School
Busao, Maribojoc, Bohol
Tertiary : Bohol Island State University - MC
CPG North Ave., Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Course : Bachelor in Elementary Education
Elementary : Cambuac Sur Elementary School
Brgy. Cambuac Sur, Sikatuna, Bohol
Secondary : Sikatun National High School
Poblacion 1, Sikatuna, Bohol
Tertiary : Bohol Island State University - MC
CPG North Ave., Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Course : Bachelor in Elementary Education
Elementary : Cabawan Elementary School
Brgy. Cabawan, Maribojoc, Bohol
Secondary : Busao National High School
Busao, Maribojoc, Bohol
Tertiary : Bohol Island State University - MC
CPG North Ave., Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Course : Bachelor in Elementary Education
MOTTO: “This too shall pass.”
Elementary : Sikatuna Central Elementary School
Pob. 1, Sikatuna, Bohol
Secondary : Sikatuna National High School
Pob. 1, Sikatuna, Bohol
Tertiary : Bohol Island State University - MC
CPG North Ave., Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Course : Bachelor in Elementary Education
MOTTO: “Do your best and let God do the rest.”