Expression To Highlight Usps: English For Startup Incubator

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Expression to Highlight USPs

English for Startup Incubator
Learning Objectives
After this lesson, students will be able to:

• Explain the difference between value proposition and unique selling points
• Identify your unique selling points.
• Choose appropriate vocabulary to highlight unique selling points.

2 English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs

Warm Up
Guess the word from the pictures below.

English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs
Warm Up
Guess the word from the pictures below.


Why do you think this word is
related to our topic?

English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs
Study the following explanation about value proposition and unique selling point.

What is the value proposition? What is a unique selling proposition?

The value proposition is relative to The point of a USP is to focus on the niche or
competing brands, how the company the need in the marketplace and deliver a
chooses to separate themselves from the promise you can make. Your unique selling
competition. proposition (USP) is what sets you and your
product or service apart from your
So, What is the difference between a unique selling proposition and a
value proposition? competition and clearly tells your customer
the benefits.
Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is what sets you, your business and
your product or service apart from your competition. Your USP can be an Every business must have at least one USP.
actual fact, or a perceived difference or specialty. On the other hand, your Some businesses have many.
Value Proposition (VP) is a fundamental business model decision that
serves as the core strategy a company chooses to separate themselves
from the competition.

English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs
Identify your USP
This definitive guide includes a step-by-step approach to figuring out the USP of your business. By the time you
finish reading it, you will have a clear strategy for identifying and defining your USP.

Step 1: Brainstorm ideas. Step 2: Identify your customer. Step 3: Analyze your Step 4: List your strengths.
Creating the USP of a business You need to identify your Before you find out what
competitors. This step is all about finding
is not the task for a single potential customers based on makes your product unique, your strengths. What makes
individual; it's a team effort. their age, location, gender, you have to discover what's your products better? The idea
Start by asking your team what earning levels and other such available to your target here is that once you identify
they think separates your characteristics. The more audience. You are trying to get your strengths, you can market
business from your you're able to define the a clear picture of all your them to attract your target
competitors. characteristics of your target competing products, their audience.
audience, the better. strengths, and weaknesses.

Step 5: Know your weaknesses. Step 6: Figure out what makes Step 7: Translate your USP into
you unique. the right words.
This is a crucial step and
shouldn't be skipped. It's only Using all of the data collected This is the final step. Try creating
when you are aware of your in the previous steps, think short phrases using the feature
weaknesses that you can come about the features that make you arrived at in the previous
up with a strategy to overcome your brand distinct. This could step. Be clear and concise.
them. Identify your weaknesses include data from the input of Stay away from big words that
so that you know not to mention your employees, your make it difficult for the customer
them and discover what needs strengths and weaknesses, to connect with your brand.
improving. etc.

English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs
Put the following words and expressions related to Unique Selling Points (USPs)
in the correct categories below. More than one category per item is possible.
24-hour technical support able to meet customers’ needs a multinational brand central
guarantee handmade maintenance and servicing option to pay in instalments
quality control procedures reliable value for money well-established
convenient cost-effective durable


Customer Service





English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs

Vocabulary – Answer Key
Check your answers below.

24-hour technical support able to meet customers’ needs a multinational brand central
guarantee handmade maintenance and servicing option to pay in instalments
quality control procedures reliable value for money well-established
convenient cost-effective durable

Price: cost-effective; value for money; option to pay in instalments

Customer Service maintenance and servicing; 24-hour technical support

Quality: reliable; able to meet customers’ needs; durable; guarantee; quality control procedures; handmade

Flexibility: able to meet customer’s needs; 24-hour technical support; option to pay in instalments

Location: convenient

Credibility: well-established; guarantee; a multinational brand

English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs

Complete the following sales pitch with words from the previous slide.

Our service is extremely _____________ .You will We are a _____________ company with a long
save a lot of time and money. tradition of success.

If you have any particular requirements, don’t We offer a 2-year _____________ for your
worry - we are _____________. peace of mind.

Our product is very _____________ - you can use it You don’t have to pay for everything at
for as long as 5 years without replacement. once - we offer you the _____________.

Help is always at hand - we offer _____________. Our location is very _____________. You
won’t need to travel too far.

Which of the words would you use to describe your

product or service to a potential customer/clients?

English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs
Vocabulary – Answer Key
Check your answers below.

Our service is extremely cost-effective.You will save We are a well-established company with a long
a lot of time and money. tradition of success.

If you have any particular requirements, don’t worry We offer a 2-year guarantee for your peace of
- we are able to meet the customer’s needs. mind.

Our product is very durable - you can use it for as You don’t have to pay for everything at once -
long as 5 years without replacement. we offer you the option to pay in instalments.

Help is always at hand - we offer 24-hour technical Our location is very convenient. You won’t need
support to travel too far.

Which of the words would you use to describe your

product or service to a potential customer/clients?

English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs
Grammar Point
Study the following explanation about Subject-Verb Agreement

• Verb agreement with either and neither

The verb in either/or, or neither/nor sentence agrees with the noun or pronoun closest to it.


• Neither the plates nor the serving bowl goes on that shelf.
(singular) (singular)

• Neither the serving bowl nor the plates go on that shelf.

(plural) (plural)
• Either Tracy or her sisters were supposed to prepare dinner, but nothing is ready.
(plural) (plural)

English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs
Grammar Exercise
In the questions below, decide whether either and neither are singular subjects or conjunctions joining
subjects. And when you’ve figured that out and you know what the subject is, pick the verb that agrees.

1. Neither of them how to get to Red Deer.

a. know b. knows
2. It will be hard for them to get there, as neither Kate nor her friends how to drive.
a. know b. knows
3. Usually, either my niece or my nephew me up at the airport.
a. picks b. pick
4. Either he or you to clean up this room.
a. has b. have
5. It’s a shame that neither the pink one nor the white one in size 16.
a. come b. comes

English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs
Grammar Exercise
Check your answers below.
1. Neither of them how to get to Red Deer.
a. know b. knows
neither is a singular pronoun acting as the subject of the sentence. The singular subject (Neither)
must take a singular verb (knows).
2. It will be hard for them to get there, as neither Kate nor her friends how to drive.
a. know b. knows

neither … nor is a two-part conjunction joining two subjects. The verb must therefore be plural to
agree with the nearer subject (her friends).
3. Usually, either my niece or my nephew me up at the airport.
a. picks b. pick
either … or is a two-part conjunction joining two singular subjects. The verb must therefore be
singular to agree with the nearer subject (my nephew).

English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs
Grammar Exercise
Check your answers below.

4. Either he or you to clean up this room.

a. has b. have

Either … or is a two-part conjunction joining two subjects. The verb must therefore be plural to agree
with the nearer subject (you).

5. It’s a shame that neither the pink one nor the white one in size 16.
a. come b. comes

neither … nor is a two-part conjunction joining two subjects. The verb must therefore be singular to
agree with the nearer subject (the white one).

English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs
Features of an effective USP
There’s no one way to highlight a USP. It can address a wide range of concerns, problems, conscious or
unconscious desires and emotions of a target group. Here are some useful expressions you can use:

Offer quality Outstanding qualities, expertise or attributes are all unique features that can be highlighted.
• “Our training concept/product/brand/service was developed specifically for…………………………”
• “This is the only software/product compatible with…………………...”
• “Our product/service is suitable for………………………”
• “We worked in this field for many years and offer ……………………………...”

Offer something Exclusivity and individuality can be excellent distinguishing features, which are also often difficult
exclusive to copy.
• “We customize our software/training to your exact needs.”
Examples • “We customize our ……………… to …………………………………………….”
• “Our credit card offer is available to a selected group of customers only.”

Offer the best Price is often the deciding factor. Especially when there are many offers of equal value; prospective
price customers like to choose the affordable one.
• This software provides the capabilities of five different programs combined.”
• When you choose our services, you’ll receive free maintenance for two years.”
• “Our online support will help your employees install the software themselves. You’ll save the costs
of an on-site service partner.

English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs
Features of an effective USP
There’s no one way to highlight a USP. It can address a wide range of concerns, problems, conscious or
unconscious desires and emotions of a target group. Here are some useful expressions you can use:
Offer efficiency In many sectors, speed and efficiency are more in demand than ever before. Those who can claim
to provide a service faster than others can score points.
• “We can develop the right software in record time.”
Examples • “We can develop/provide ………………………… in record time / within three months/weeks/days.”
• “Thanks to our innovation, we can perform/develop ………………….. faster than any other competitor.”

Offer several
It’s the right combination of different characteristics that target groups really find attractive.
• “Our product concept offers long-term benefits at low price.”
• “Our product/service offers ………………………… at low price.”
• “Our method ensures an efficient workflow and increased employee satisfaction.”
• “Our product/training/service/company ensures ………………………………… and ………………………………....”

Security is important to many customers; guarantees and promises are appealing.
• “Our program will increase your efficiency by at least 10% in just three months – guaranteed!
• “Our……………………….. will……………………………………………………………………………… - guaranteed!”
• “We guarantee to make you the best offer!”
• “We guarantee ………………………………………………!”

English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs
Apply some useful expressions you’ve just learnt and create your USPs!

• ______________________________________________________________________________________
Offer efficiency
• ______________________________________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________________________________
Offer something exclusive
• ______________________________________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________________________________
Offer the best price
• ______________________________________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________________________________
Offer efficiency
• ______________________________________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________________________________
Offer several benefits
• ______________________________________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________________________________
Offer guarantees
• ______________________________________________________________________________________

English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs
Pronunciation Drill
Let’s practice the pronunciation of the following words.
• du·ra·ble
• durable /ˈd(y)o͝orəb(ə)l/
• guar·an·tee
• guarantee /ˌɡerənˈtē/
• con·ven·ient
• convenient /kənˈvēnyənt/
• re·li·a·ble
• reliable
• cen·tral
• central

English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs
Learning Reflection
Answer the following questions.

• What do you think of this topic?

• Is there a new thing you learn
today? What is it?
• What is the most interesting part
of this lesson?

English for Startup Incubator - Expression to Highlight USPs
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the kloe theme.


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