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Precast Design

Thesis · November 2012

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31903.10405

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2 authors:

Immanuel Johnsamuel Sivakumar Ravichandran

Garney Construction RWTH Aachen University


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The main structural difference between cast-in-sit buildings and precast buildings lies in their
structural continuity. The structural continuity of conventional cast-in-situ buildings is inherent and
will automatically follow as the construction proceeds. For precast structures, there must be a
conscious effort to ensure that structural continuity is created when precast components, such as
slabs and walls, are connected. The connections act as bridging links between the components.

As the structural elements in precast building will only form a stable structural system after
the joints are connected, structural considerations for stability and safety are necessary at all stages.

A load-bearing structure with stabilising elements which can sustain both vertical and
horizontal loads and transmit these to the foundation and the soil is required. The structure must be
robust and adequately designed against structural failure, cracking and deleterious deformations.


The main objective of the study is (1) to design the structural elements in precast residential
building such as slab, beam, column, and staircase. (2) to design the connection of the precast
elements like column-to-column, beam-to-beam, column-to-beam, beam-to-slab, slab-to-slab. (3) to
analyse the structure of the residential building by using software.


In this project the precast residential building having a total land area of 970 ft2. It is a G+1
residential building and it is situated at sriperamputhur. It is a three bed room residential building.
The building plan contains a kitchen, hall, bed room, living room, and attached toilet facilities in
every bed rooms. The building is also provided with car parking. All the components for a building
are precasted and brought to site. The connections are made in situ which makes the precast sections
easy to handle.

The precast is aimed to provide better serviceability and durability condition. Also the
precast members are casted with machine fabricated form work which makes the surface finish
smooth and reduces the plastering work. Also since all the members are prefabricated the
construction time is reduced.

2.1.1 General
Manoj K. Joshi (etol) designed cyclic behaviour of precast RC connections. Earthquake
damages of precast structures can be attributed to poor connections between precast elements and
also between precast elements and lateral load-resisting system. In this context, four experiments
were performed on precast and corresponding monolithic exterior beam-column joint sub
assemblage specimens. The schemes for the anchorage of beam bars were different in the two sets of
specimens. Further, in precast specimens, the connectivity of reinforcement bars between beam and
column was achieved by welding the exposed bars of the components in the joint region. Under
displacement-controlled pseudo-static loading, the precast specimen with beam bars anchored into
the column performed better than the precast specimen with continuous U-bars as beam
reinforcement; this performance of the former was comparable to that of the corresponding
monolithic specimen.
2.1.2 Paper description
The lateral load resistance in precast frame buildings is critically dependent on the cast-in-
situ jointing of the precast units designed for gravity loads. Although many precast buildings were
undamaged during the 1994 Northridge earthquake and 1987 Whittier earthquake, most precast
structures failed in 1995 Kobe and 1988 Armenia earthquakes due to poor connections between the
precast elements themselves and between the precast elements and lateral load-resisting system
Past studies on hysteretic behavior of connections classify under two main categories,
namely (i) wet connections, in which fresh concreting or grouting is done at the site to cover the
exposed reinforcements in the connection region (ii) dry connections, in which only mechanical
connections are used. Dry connections detailed for carrying moments and shear forces, showed same
displacement ductility but more energy dissipation characteristics compared to the monolithic
The NZS code recommends two-fold general specification on fixings, namely
(i) Resistance to all applied forces and accommodation of imposed deformations
(ii) Accommodation of structural damage within a permitted level of strength degradation.


2.2.1 General
G. metelli and p. riva(Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Architecture,
Land and Environment, University of Brescia,Italy) studied the behavior of a beam to column
“dry” joint for precast concrete elements. In Italy, precast concrete structures are traditionally
designed as moment resisting frames with plastic hinges occurring at the column base and beams
hinged to the columns. A ductile moment resisting connection between the column and the beam can
provide the advantage of designing a seismic resisting frame which can develop plastic hinges at the
beam-column joints, besides those at the column base. This paper aims at presenting the results of
experimental tests concerning the cyclic behaviour of a particular beam-column “dry” connection for
precast concrete elements. The joint is characterized by the use of high strength steel bars and of a
fibre reinforced grout pad in the “Z” shaped beam-column interface, increasing the shear resistance
of the connection. The experimental results show a good performance of the joint, in term of
resistance, ductility and energy dissipation, with little damage observed in the connected members.
2.2.2 Paper description
The tested specimen represents a typical outer joint of a frame in a precast multi-
storey reinforced concrete building. The column has a 50x50cm section and a 3.7m height, while the
beam has a 4.0m length and a section equal to 40x80cm, including 15 cm concrete topping, where
the upper joint reinforcements are embedded. The main mechanical properties of steel, concrete and
grout are reported. The beam to column joint has been tested by fitting a reaction frame available at

the P. Pisa Laboratory of the University of Brescia. The bench is self-balanced and consists of two
reinforced precast concrete ring-shaped reaction frames designed to discharge whole bench weight to
the ground, to lift the bench for assembling the joint to be tested and to allow an adequate resistance
to overturning. The bench has properly been modified in order to test a beam-column joint with a
hinge constraint at the base of the column as well as a roller constraint at the top of the column and
at the free beam end. Therefore, the test piece represents a multi-storey frame part subjected to
horizontal actions. The beam end is fixed to the bench by a pair of truss works fixed to the reinforced
concrete reaction frames. The trusses are joined by two profiles supporting a roller allowing the
longitudinal movement of the system. The profile dimensions are designed to limit the deflection of
the free beam end to 1/1000 L, i.e. less than 4 mm. The roller constraint system is developed through
a steel plate being fixed to the beam head and having two holed stiffeners to allow a pin to be
inserted in. The pin is linked to a f 30mm high strength steel bar instrumented with strain gauges to
measure the applied load F. The connecting rod end is threaded, and joined to two plates equipped
with cylindrical bearings which allow the system to slide inside a slot. There are two symmetric
rollers in order to obtain a bilateral constraint. The test has been carried out by imposing a horizontal
drift at the top of the column, with an average speed rate of about 7 mm/min. Twenty three cycles of
increasing amplitude have been imposed, until a maximum drift equal to 91.3 mm has been reached.
Next to a drift equal to 0.5 %, 1 %, 1.25 % and 2.5 %, three drift cycles have been carried out.
Longitudinal dx movements of the top of the column and the free beam end have been monitored by
two wire potentiometers, while eight Penny & Gills potentiometers (four per joint surface) having a
measurement base b equal to 580 mm have allowed to measure the beam-column joint deformation.

The residential building is designed using the precast construction technique. All the
members are designed as simply supported member with the column fixed. This planks are designed
as two way composite sections.




ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE (To find beam & column loads)











3.3.1 Design procedures in general

A logical design procedure for the structural engineer must include these four phases

Figure1 procedure for structural design

3.3.2 Vertical and horizontal loads

The building’s design loads can usually be extracted from the load sections in codes of
practice or buildings bye-laws. If a load type, such as the wind load, cannot be established because it
is a specially shaped building, tests must be conducted.
The vertical loads comprise the dead weight of the structure, superimposed dead loads and
live loads. Load from lightweight partition walls is normally treated as a line load. It can be equated
as a uniform load if the floor slabs distribute the load evenly.
For precast buildings with simply supported man structural members, it easy to organise and
accumulate the loads acting from top to bottom of the building in load tables. An examples of how it
deals with accumulating vertical loads in general is shown in Figure 2

Figure 2 accumulations of vertical loads


The horizontal loads are derived from either the wind forces or from the so-called national
force which is determined as a certain percentage of the total vertical load on the building. In CP65,
the notional horizontal load is taken to be 1.5% of the characteristic dead weight of the structure and
is treated as an ultimate load for which the stability of the building has to be checked against, it
occurs due to eccentricities of the structure, tremors or subsoil settlements. In countries where
earthquakes are frequent, a considerably higher value is used, or dynamic calculations have to be
The wind forces act on the facades and gables of the buildings. The notional force, on the
other hand, is located at the points of application of the verticals forces, and normally accumulated at
the centres of gravity of the structural walls and of the floor slabs.
The wind forces and the notional force are assumed to act in arbitrary direction. The designer
only needs to consider the greater of the two forces.
3.3.3 Load path description
A building constructed from precast components becomes a so-called “house of cards”. It
requires rather simply structural calculations as most of the load-bearing structural members are
considered simply supported.
Using precast floor slabs, walls, beams and columns, it is seldom possible to achieve restraint
in the joints, mainly due to small dimensions of the components. This calls for special attention
when evaluating the stability of the entire structure.
After having made the load assessment and the choice of calculation model, the next and
very important step is the load path description. It should explain in detail a possible load path for a
specific load from the point of application to where the load is transmitted to the foundation and the
By using a detailed load path description for vertical as well as horizontal loads, the designer
is able to calculate all internal forces acting on components and joints necessary for a proper design.
The description could also act very conventionally as a guide for the accumulation of loads
and as a list of contents for the structural calculations.
3.3.4 Load distribution
The last preparatory step before the structural analyses can begin is the distribution of all
loadings from their application points to the load-bearing and bracing systems. This process is very
much linked to the load path description. Based on the determination of structural models and the
evaluation of structural stiffness or rigidity, the distribution of loads can be easily accomplished.

With simply supported precast components, it is easy to allocate the vertical load to the load
bearing elements, normally directly proportional to the span. Horizontal loads, on the other hand, are
more difficult to handle. It is essential that precise and detailed structural description and evaluation
are made.
The illustrations in figure 3 give examples of statical models for vertical as well as horizontal
loads for a panel system with different supporting structures on the first floor.

Figure 3 statical models for vertical and horizontal load distribution of large panel



3.4.1 Building systems
Some examples of the more commonly used precast concrete building systems are illustrated
in figure 4. Skeletal frame systems are suitable for commercial buildings, schools, hospitals, parking
structures and sporting facilities, where a high degree of flexibility in planning and disposition of
floor areas can be achieved by using large spanning column-beam layout. Such buildings are easily
adaptable to change in use, thus giving architects a broader choice in façade claddings.
Systems with load-bearing cross walls, spine walls or facades are more suitable for domestic
housing, apartments and hotels. Advantages are high construction speed, ready-to-paint surfaces,
facades as architectural precast, good acoustic insulation and fire resistance.
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Figure 4 precast concrete building systems

Load-bearing facades are often used in combination with skeletal frames as internal structure.
Such systems are economical, have a high construction speed and can incorporate architectural
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Cell systems are mainly used for parts of a building, for instance, bathrooms or kitchens,
important elements in the design are manufacturing, assembly, and transportation and erection
considerations. Heavy carnage with special lifting devices may be needed.
Some assembly examples of frame and cell systems are shown in figure 5
The illustration (d) with the transverse crane shows a slab-column system in which stability
is achieved by means of rigid cast-in-situ staircase towers.
Sketch (e) shows a cell system in which the individual rooms are prefabricated boxes
assembled in a skeleton of precast frames.

Figure 5 assemblies of precast building systems

Precast buildings with skeletal frames systems may come in different forms and some
examples are shown in figure 6
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One- and two-storey column-beam systems together with four-storey high columns are
shown. All of these are normally divided into components with joints at crossing points between the
structural members.
Structures with other component divisions are also shown, for instance, with structural joints
placed at the beam-span near to the zero bending moment point as in structural systems 5 and 9.
The structural joints can be broadly grouped into either hinged or rigid or fixed joints and
they can either be prefabricated or formed at site. By manipulating the joints and their positions,
various structural frames can be achieved from the assembly of the precast components are
illustrated in figure 7.

Figure 6 variations in skeletal frame systems

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Figure 7 skeletal frames and structural idealisation

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Figure 8 unbraced frames

3.4.2 Structural systems for horizontal loads

1. Unbraced frame system
a. Cantilever columns (figure 8a)
 Beam-column connections are pinned. Moment resisting connections can be found at
column-foundation intersection.
b. continuous frame system (figure 8b)
 Beam-column connections are rigid with flexural and shear continuity. The system
allows either moment resisting connections or pinned connections at column-
foundation intersection.
2. Braced skeletal system (figure 9)
 Stability is provided by shear walls, shear cores or other bracing systems.
 The base may be pinned or moment resisting connections.
 Beam-column connections may be rigid or pinned
3. Bearing wall and façade (figure 10)
 Bearing walls which include core walls, spine walls, cavity walls and load-bearing
facades can be designed to transfer vertical and horizontal forces to the foundations.
 Non-load bearing panels are designed to withstand the appropriate stresses, but are
not intended to carry any load in the building.
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Figure 9 braced frame Figure 10 in-plane action of precast concrete walls

Figure 11 describes the structural model and behaviour of a skeletal frame system subjected
to horizontal and vertical forces. It also covers a load path description. The vertical forces are
transmitted from the double-T floor slabs to the beam and to frames. The double Ts are acting as
simply supported slabs.
The horizontal transverse force is transmitted from the façade components to the floor slab
structure and by diaphragm action to the frame structure. The floor slab structure can act as a
continuous beam spanning from frame to frame.
The horizontal longitudinal force from wind or notional force is transmitted from the gable or
from gravity centres to the floor slab structure and further on to the bracing walls. These walls are
considered as vertical beams restrained at the foundation or at the basement structure. They are able
to sustain the longitudinal force as bending moment and shear at the wall-foundation intersection.
Figure 12 describes a panel system, possible load paths, and a structural model for vertical
and horizontal forces. The system is a cross-wall structure with longitudinal bracing by three spine
walls, two near the gables and one in connection with the stairwell structure. On the left, the
isometric drawing shows how the floor slabs and the walls respond to the loadings.
To the right, alternative floor spanning directions are shown. The isometric drawing shows a
structural system as a combination of load-bearing cross walls and of load bearing facades and spine
walls. As both cross walls and longitudinal walls are load bearing, this system is more suitable to
absorb horizontal forces than a system with parallel load-bearing walls only.
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Figure 11 statical model of skeletal frame for horizontal and vertical forces

Figure 12 statical model of panel system for vertical and horizontal forces
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3.5.1 General
Solid precast concrete floor planks have the advantages of smooth soffit finish, no formwork
and rapid assembly at site, the planks are laid between supporting members and used as permanent
formworks for in-situ concrete which may vary between 50mm and 200mm thickness. In terms of
performance, the precast floors are considered equal to that of cast in situ construction.
The precast planks are usually 75mm or 100mm thick although planks of 80mm and 110mm
thick are common in the market. The choice of thickness is primarily based on:
1. Construction economy, and
2. Preferred method of construction
The planks can be designed either ordinarily reinforced or prestressed steel bars, meshes or
prestressing tendons are placed in the precast units as flexural bottom reinforcement. Steel meshes
are generally incorporated in the topping concrete to serve both as structural floor ties as well as
negative reinforcement over the support if the slabs are designed as continuous structure. Minimum
design concrete grade is generally C30 for ordinarily reinforced and C40 for prestressed planks.
Despite the introduction of steel meshes in the topping or in the precast units, the planks are usually
designed as two-way spanning.
During the temporary installation stage, the planks are designed as simply supported with an
unpropped span of up to a maximum of about 4m to 6m for 75mm and 100mm thick prestressed
units respectively. For longer spans, intermediate props are needed. The effect of props must be
taken into design considerations. The plank units are most critical when the self weight of the wet
concrete topping is added to the self-weight of the plank. An allowance of 1.5KN/m2 of construction
loads should generally be considered in checks during the temporary stage.
In the permanent stage, the hardened in-situ concrete topping provides the compression
resistance and the flexural resistance in the span provided by the bottom reinforcing bars or
prestressing tendons. The hogging moment resistance at the supports is provided by in-situ meshes
or steel bars.
3.5.2 Reinforcement of concrete planks
The design of flexural and shear follows the usual methods of reinforced concrete.
If the maximum bending moment at the temporary installation stage due to self weight and
topping concrete is M1 at a given section, the area of reinforcement is calculated as:
As1 = M1/Z1×0.87fy
Where Z1 is the lever arm in the composite section.
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Vertical shear is rarely critical as there is a larger effective support width for the floor slabs.
It may however, be critical if there are openings which reduce the effective widths at the supports.
Additional shear reinforcement in the form of stirrups projecting above the precast units may be
provided, if necessary.
The effect of point & line load is considered the same manner as in cast in-situ construction.
3.6.1 Design considerations of precast reinforced concrete beams
The design of precast reinforced concrete beams is affected by the following factors:
1. Section properties of the precast beam,
2. Construction methods,
3. Sequence of the loads applied onto the beams, and
4. Beam behaviour at the serviceability and ultimate limit state.
3.6.2 Beam sections
Precast beams may be designed in either full, semi-precast or shell sections depending on the
fabrications, joining details, handling, delivery and lifting capacities of the cranes. The widths and
depths in figure 13 may be used in the design of the beam sections:

Figure 13 Effective Widths and Depths in Precast Beams Design

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3.6.3 Construction methods and loading considerations

Figure 14 Precast concrete construction methods and beam behaviour

Figure 14 illustrates the various methods in construction using precast beams which can be
broadly grouped into propped or unpropped construction with full or semi-precast sections. The final
beam behaviour can be either simply supported or with semi-rigid moment connection at the
supports for continuous composite beam behaviour.
At the installation stage, the load consists of essentially the self-weight of the beam, floor
elements and wet concrete topping. In unpropped construction, the loads are carried wholly by the
precast beams whereas in propped construction, part or all of the loads will be transferred o the
On removing the props, additional moments and shears will be created by the prop reactions
which will be carried by the composite action of the beams. Precise instructions must, therefore, be
given on the method of construction of the precast beams and the positions of the props if they are
At the service stage, the stresses in the beams are primarily due to imposed dead and live
loads. Depending on the construction methods, the loading considerations on the beam design can be
categorised into the following cases:
1. Unpropped construction with simply-supported beam behaviour or continuously propped
precast beam:
The loads are applied as in the conventional cast-in-situ beam design.
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2. Unpropped construction with full or semi-precast section with continuous beam behaviour:
Apart from the dead and live loads, the beams are subjected to an additional live load
of 0.4/1.6× (beam self-weight + floor element + wet concrete)
The load is treated and is applied in order to satisfy the critical loading arrangement
required in part 1, clause, of the code.
3. Propped construction with semi precast section and continuous beam behaviour:
In addition to the imposed dead and live loads and the equivalent live load in (2)
above, the beams will also be subjected to the action of prop forces. These are applied
as point loads acting vertically downwards at the respective position of the props.
The loading consideration of the semi-precast continuous beams in (2) and (3) above
is illustrated in figure 15
3.6.4 Design of composite action
The design for composite action may follow the procedures under part 1, clause 5.4.7, of the
code. The determination of horizontal shear forces in composite design is shown in figure 2.4 below

Figure 16 horizontal shear forces in composite concrete section

Asv/Sv = bovn/0.87fyv
Where be = effective contact width
Asv = area of shear links
Sv = spacing of shear links
vn = average horizontal shear stress
= (Vn/(beIe)
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If the average horizontal shear stress is less than the permissible values in table 5.5 of the
code, only nominal links equivalent to 0.15% of the contact area need to be provided. It is to be
noted that the provisions of shear links is based on the larger of the requirements for vertical and
horizontal shear and not addition of the two values.

Figure 15 loading consideration in semi-precast continuous beam design

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The effective contact lengths may be determined as shown in figure 17

Figure 17 effective contact lengths in composite design

3.6.5 Deflection
Deflection under serviceability requirements can be based on the effective span/depth
approach in part 1, clause 3.4.6 of the code. When deflection needs to be determined, it may be
calculated using the method outlined in part2, clause 3.7, BS8110, which is given by
δ = Kl2/rb
And l/rb = Ms/EcIθ
Where K = coefficient determined from part 2. From table 3.1 of the code
I = span of the beam
l/rb = the mid-span curvature or, for cantilevers,, at the support section
Ms = bending moment at span or, for cantilevers, at the support section
Iθ = the effective moment of inertia of the beam
Ec = gross uncracked section modulus at tension face
The effective moment of inertia of the beam Iθ is calculated from
Iθ = (Mcr/ Ms) 3 Ig + [1- (Mcr/ Ms) 3] Icr
Where Mcr = cracking moment (=0.67√fcuZb)
Ms = service load moment
Ig = gross uncracked moment of inertia of the beam
Icr = cracked moment of inertia of the beam
fcu = design concrete cube strength
Zb = gross uncracked section modulus at tension face
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In simply supported beams, Iθ is calculated based on the mid-span value. For continuous
beam, a weighted average of the support and span is more appropriate due to the varying degree of
cracking at these two regions. The weighted average Iθ is calculated from
Continuous span Iθ = 0.70 Iem + 0.15(Ie1+Ie2)
Continuous span with simply Iθ = 0.85 Iem + 0.15 Ie1
Supported at one end
Where Iem = effective moment of inertia for the mid-span
Ie1+Ie2 = effective moment of inertia for the negative moment sections at the beam
For long-term deflection calculations, effective modulus of elasticity Ecθ = Ec/ (1+Ø) is used
where Ø is the creep coefficient. In general Ecθ may be taken to about 0.5 Ec unless a more precise Ø
has to be determined.
The design of precast concrete columns is similar in approach to those for in-situ columns.
The design methods complying to the code requirements are well documented in most standard texts
and will not, therefore, be elaborated further in this section.
In the design of precast concrete columns, the designer should be conversant with the various
connection methods used in jointing column-to-column and column-to-beam in order to achieve the
desired joint behaviour which could be either moment-rigid or pin-connected.
Particular attention should be given to ensure that the connection will not jeopardise the
structural stability of the building. In addition, the columns must have sufficient capacity to
withstand failure from buckling due to slenderness effect. A summary of β values for braced and
unbraced columns in accordance with part 1 clause., of the code is shown in figure 18
In practice, it is very common to make use of charts in the design of columns; a collection of
which is found in BS8110: Part 3. In this handbook, design charts for rectangular and circular
columns are shown with 2% and 3% steel content for concrete grades fcu = 35, 45 and 50 N/mm2
respectively. The reinforcement content represents a typical range in precast column design.
To reduce the total number of design charts for rectangular (or square) columns, the charts
are presented for a 50mm wide module for 200mm to 1000mm deep column. The charts are
applicable for pin-connected and moment rigid jointing of either a braced or unbraced column.
The load eccentricities shown in the charts arise from:
1. Actual design eccentricity such as beam supported by corbel,
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2. h/20 or minimum 20mm,

3. Additional eccentricity due to column slenderness effect as determined in Part 1
4. Eccentricity due to framing moment in a moment rigid column-beam connection where the
eccentricity is calculated as e = M/N where N is the total column load at the level being

Figure 18 Effective Height of Column, le = β lo

For columns under biaxial bending, the enhanced bending moment in either the minor or
major axis should be determined in accordance with Part 1, clause of the code.
In using the design charts, the following steps may be taken:
Step 1: Determine the total ultimate column load N, at the level being considered.
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Step 2: Divide N by n which is multiple of 50mm module for an assumed or given column
Step 3: Determine the load eccentricities as described earlier.
It should be noted that it may not always be possible to obtain the framing moment in a
column unless actual stiffness is used in the analysis. This, however, cannot be done before a
reasonable column size is fixed. To overcome this problem, the column is usually sized by assuming
a value of bending stresses M/bh2 in the column which is generally taken to be:
Internal columns = 1.5 to 2.5N/mm2
Edge and corner columns = 3.0 to 4.0N/mm2
The design charts for circular columns follow similar approach as that rectangular
column except the axial load capacities are given for the actual column size. Hence, step 2 in the
design process is omitted.
Compressive forces can be transmitted between adjacent precast components by direct
bearing or through intermediate medium such as in-situ mortar, fine concrete, bearing pads or other
elements bearing elements.
Direct contact between elements should only be used when great accuracy in manufacturing
and erection is achieved and when the bearing stress are small, usually less than 0.25 c. particular
attention should be given in the reinforcement detailing of the precast components when a large
concrete cover is required to achieve a high fire rating or when high strength steel bars with large
bending radii are used.
It is more common and advisable to use intermediate bedding material for direct transmission
of compression forces between precast elements as there will always be surface irregularities of
joining surfaces. Cementatious materials such as in-situ mortar, fine concrete or grouting are often
used in the joints between load bearing elements in columns and walls as for beams and floor
elements. The nominal thickness is about 10 to 30mm for mortar and grout, and 30 to 50mm for fine
concrete. The bedding is usually without reinforcing bars. The mode of failure is precipitated by
crushing of the mortar or splitting of the precast components in contact with it.
Although the mortar, grout or fine concrete I in a highly confined state under predominantly
plane stress conditions and should achieve compressive strength higher than fcu, low design strength
is normally used because the edges of the bedding tend to spall off. This will lead to non-uniform
stress distribution. The situation can be exacerbated by poor workmanship, unintentional
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eccentricity, spurious bending moments and shear force. Another factor which leads to a reduction of
the joint strength is when there is great difference in the elastic response between the bedded
material and the precast concrete which may become important when the joint thickness is greater
than 50mm.
Hard bearing elements which usually consist of cast-in-steel sections or plates with confining
reinforcement are used when large concentrated forces are to be transmitted.
There are no explicit design equations in the code to determine the joint strength taking into
consideration the mentioned factors. The code, however, suggests in part1, clause 5.3.6 that in
calculating the compressive strength of the mortar joint, the area of the concrete in the joint should
be greater of:
a. The area of the in-situ concrete ignoring the area of any intruding components, but
not greater than 90% of the contact area, or
b. 75% of the actual contact area
Vambersky (reference 8) proposed that the bearing capacity of unreinforced mortar joint can be
calculated from:
nw = ƞ0βfcu
Where fcu = weaker concrete compressive strength of either the joint mortar or the
precast components adjacent to the joint.
ƞ0 = reduction factor reflecting the trapped air content

Figure 19 vertical transfer of compressive forces

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For a precast component placed onto a mortar bed ƞ0=0.3. For the case of joint infill after the
components are placed:
ƞ0 = 0.7 for dry packed mortar and
= 0.9 for colloidal pouring mortar
The effects of joint geometry and the different quality conditions between site mixed mortar
and under laboratory tests are reflected in the expression:
Β = K [5(1-K) +δ2]/ [5(1-K) +Kδ2]

Where K = ƞmfcw/fcu
fcw/fcu = concrete compressive strength of mortar and precast component respectively
ƞm = 0.75 if the site cubes are tested
= 1.00 if cores are cut and tested
δ = ratio of joint width to joint thickness
= t/v or x/v where x is the effective compression length of the joint under
eccentric loading
It may be noted from the above expressions that a design stresses of 0.4fcu (or 0.4fcw,
whichever is lower) as in part 1, clause of the code may be adopted as the bearing capacity of
the joint provided that:
a. t/v ratios are between 8 and 10
b. the difference in strength between the mortar and the precast component does not
differ by more than 25%
In practice, both the above criteria are generally satisfied.
Soft bedding materials such as neoprene pads are also used to even out surface irregularities.
The thickness of the bearing pads may vary from 2mm to 20 mm or even more. The larger thickness
is used to allow displacements and rotations in order to reduce force built-up at the connection as
shown in figure 20

Figure 20 loading condition at bearing pads

29 | P a g e


Tensile forces are transferred between concrete elements by means of various types of steel
connectors which are anchored into each side of the elements at the joint with continuity achieved by
overlapping of steel bars, dowel action, bolting or welding as shown in figure 21

Figure 21 tensile force transfer

30 | P a g e

The tensile capacity of the connection can be determined by either the strength of the steel
elements or by the anchorage capacity. The latter is normally achieved by bonding along reinforcing
bars or by means of end anchorage devices.
For the transfer of tensile forces such as vertical tie forces or tension in the force couple of a
section under moments, one of the popular methods is the grouted pipe sleeves with in-situ lapped
reinforcement. The method involves an annulus metal duct with a diameter of at least 20 to 30 mm
larger than the bar diameter projected from a component to be joined. The bar is inserted into the
duct and grout is then injected through a hole at the base. Alternatively, the grout may be placed by
gravity pouring. In either case, the duct must be vented to prevent formation of air pockets. The
lapped reinforcement can be placed either singly or symmetrically by the sides of the duct. As in
normal lapping, the transfer of forces between bars can be visualised to consist of a series of
compressive strut-tension ties. To ensure effective force transfer, stirrups are placed along the
lapping length.
Bolting is used extensively to transfer tensile and shear forces. Anchorages such as bolts,
threaded sockets and captive nuts are attached to the rear of the plates which are anchored into the
precast units. Tolerances are provided using oversized holes in the connecting members.
Welding is used to connect between projections from adjacent precast components. The
connection is either made direct or via an intermediate piece.
Shear forces between adjacent precast concrete components can be transferred through bond,
interface joint friction, interlocking by shear keys, dowel action of transverse steel bars or rods,
welding or by other mechanical means.
Shear transfer by bond between precast and in-situ elements are possible when the shear
stress is low. It is not necessary to deliberately roughen the surface texture of precast units beyond
the as-cast finish which may be of slip-forming, extrusion or lamped finish.
Shear transfer by shear friction requires the presence of a permanent normal compressive
force. The force may arise from permanent gravity loads, by prestressing or artificially induced by
reinforcement bars placed across the joint.
Shear key for the transfer of shear forces between elements are obtained by cast-in-situ
concrete or grout in joints between the elements with surface castellation. Under the action of shear
load, the shear key acts as mechanical locks that prevent significant slip at the interface.
When steel bars or rods are placed across the joint, shear forces can be transferred between
elements by dowel action as shown in figure 22. The dowel is loaded by shear at the joint interface
31 | P a g e

and supported by contact stresses in the concrete which result in significant bending deformation in
the dowel. In the ultimate state, the concrete crushes locally at the contact area and plastic hinge
forms at the dowel. Shear capacity depends on the bar diameter and the strength of the concrete. The
capacity by dowel action decreases considerably when the dowel is loaded by eccentric shear away
from the interface. It is necessary to provide splitting reinforcement around the dowels particularly if
they are placed near to the edge or corner of a component. Combined action by shear friction and
dowel action can be obtained if the dowels are anchored by bond or by end anchorages.

Figure 22 shear transfer by dowel action


Forces acting in a flexural or torsional joint can always be resolved into tension and
compression force couples. The principle in the connection design is based on splicing of
reinforcement between nits by means of overlapping, bolting or welding as discussed earlier. In the
case of torsion, the resulting torque in a precast component is resisted by force couples at the
support. The resulting torque is transformed into bending moment in the supporting members.
32 | P a g e

OF VERTICAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
VALUES KN/m m KN/m KN/m m KN/m KN/m KN/m
DL IL 0.5(b1+b2) DL DL IL 0.5(l1+l2) DL DL IL DL IL
FIRST FLOOR 4 2 3 2.3 14.3 6 4 1.4 58.6 24 58.6 24
GROUND FLOOR 4 3 3 2.3 14.3 9 4 1.4 58.6 36 117.2 60
PLINTH LEVEL 1 3 3 1.5 4.5 9 4 0 18 36 135.2 96


4.2.1 Precast slab (both floors)
Depth (d) = 70mm
Total load =4KN/m2
Factored total load (wu) = 1.5 × 2
= 6KN/m2
Maximum short span bending moment per metre width
Mux = αx wu lx2
= 0.08 × 6 × 32
= 4.32KNm
Muy = αy wu lx2
= 0.06 × 6 × 32
= 3.24KNm
Equating “Mulim to Mux”
0.138 × fck × b × d2 = Mulim
0.138 × 20 × 1000 × d2 = 4.32 × 106
d = 39.56mm
Effective depth provided (d) = 70mm
Step 1: steel for shorter span
Mux / bd2 = 4.32 ×106 / (1000 × 702)
= 0.88
Percentage of steel required
33 | P a g e

Pt = 50[1- (√1-(4.6/20) × 0.88 ) / (415 / 20)]

= 0.25%
Ast = (0.25 / 100) × 1000 ×50
= 175mm2
Spacing of 10mm dia @ 300mm c/c
Actual area of steel provided = (78.53 × 1000) /300
= 216.76mm2
Actual percentage of steel provided = (216.76 × 100) / (1000 × 70)
= 0.3%
Percentage of steel originally assumed = 0.3%
Hence the design is safe from serviceability condition.
Step 2: steel for long span
Muy / bd2 = 3.24 × 106 / (1000 × 702)
= 0.66
Percentage of steel required
Pt = 50[1- (√1-(4.6/20) × 0.66) / (415 / 20)]
= 0.18%
Ast = (0.18 / 100) × 1000 ×70
= 126mm2
Spacing of 10mm dia @ 300mm c/c
In each principal direction,alternate bars are bent up at one-tenth of the
respective span between center of bearings.
Shear force at end = vu = wl/2
= 6000 × 3/2
= 9000 N
Nominal shear stress = τv = vu/bd
= 9000/1000 × 70
τv = 0.12 N/mm2
Actual area of bottom steel available near support = 216.76 / 2
= 108.38mm2
Percentage of bottom steel near support = 108.38 / 100 × 50
= 0.02 %
Corresponding design shear strength = τc = 0.28 N/mm2
34 | P a g e

For slab less than 150mm

K = 1.3
K × τc = 1.3 × 0.28
= 0.364 N/mm2
τv < τc
0.135 < 0.364 N/mm2
Hence safe in shear
Step 3: check for development length for bars of short span
Actual area of tension reinforcement available near the support = Ast = 108.38mm2
Moment of resistane = M1 = 0.87 × fy × Ast × d [(1-(Ast × fy) /( fck × b × d)]
= 2.65 × 106 Nmm
vu = 9000 N
lo = anchorage length beond the centre of support
lo = 230 / 2 -15
lo = 100mm
= 1.3 × M1 / vu + lo
= 1.3 × 2.65 × 106 / 9000 + 100
= 482 mm
Step 4: development length
Ld = 0.87 × fy × 10 / 4 × τbd
= 455 mm
Ld < 1.3 × M1 / vu + lo
455 < 482mm OK
4.2.2 Ground floor (cast in situ topping)
Depth (d) = 50mm
Total load =3KN/m2
Factored total load (wu) = 1.5 × 3
= 4.5KN/m2
Maximum short span bending moment per metre width
Mux = αx wu lx2
= 0.08 × 4.5 × 32
= 3.24KNm
35 | P a g e

Muy = αy wu lx2
= 0.06 × 4.5 × 32
= 2.43KNm
Equating “Mulim to Mux”
0.138 × fck × b × d2 = Mulim
0.138 × 20 × 1000 × d2 = 3.24 × 106
d = 34.26mm
Effective depth provided (d) = 50mm
Step 1: steel for shorter span
Mux / bd2 = 3.24 ×106 / (1000 × 502)
= 1.296
Percentage of steel required
Pt = 50[1- (√1-(4.6/20) × 1.290 ) / (415 / 20)]
= 0.38%
Ast = (0.38 / 100) × 1000 ×50
= 190mm2
Spacing of 10mm dia @ 300mm c/c
Actual area of steel provided = (78.53 × 1000) /300 = 216.76mm2
Actual percentage of steel provided = (216.76 × 100) / (1000 × 50)
= 0.52%
Percentage of steel originally assumed = 0.5%
Hence the design is safe from serviceability condition.
Step 2: steel for long span
Muy / bd2 = 2.43 × 106 / (1000 × 502)
= 0.972
Percentage of steel required
Pt = 50[1- (√1-(4.6/20) × 0.972) / (415 / 20)]
= 0.28%
Ast = (0.28 / 100) × 1000 ×50
= 143mm2
Spacing of 10mm dia @ 300mm c/c
In each principal direction, alternate bars are bent up at one-tenth of the
respective span between centers of bearings.
36 | P a g e

Shear force at end = vu = wl/2

= 4500 × 3/2
= 6750 N
Nominal shear stress = τv = vu/bd
= 6750/1000 × 50
τv = 0.135 N/mm2
Actual area of bottom steel available near support = 216.76 / 2
= 108.38mm2
Percentage of bottom steel near support = 108.38 / 100 × 50
= 0.02 %
Corresponding design shear strength = τc = 0.28 N/mm2
For slab less than 150mm
K = 1.3
K × τc = 1.3 × 0.28
= 0.364 N/mm2
τv < τc
0.135 < 0.364 N/mm2 OK
Step 3: check for development length for bars of short span
Actual area of tension reinforcement available near the support = Ast = 108.38mm2
Moment of resistane = M1 = 0.87 × fy × Ast × d [(1-(Ast × fy) /( fck × b × d)]
= 1.86 × 106 Nmm
vu = 6750 N
lo = anchorage length beond the centre of support
lo = 230 / 2 -15
lo = 100mm
= 1.3 × M1 / vu + lo
= 1.3 × 1.86 × 106 / 6750 + 100
= 458 mm
Step 4: development length
Ld = 0.87 × fy × 10 / 4 × τbd
= 455 mm
Ld < 1.3 × M1 / vu + lo
455 < 458mm OK
37 | P a g e

4.3.2 First floor (cast-in-situ topping)

Depth (d) = 50mm
Total load =2KN/m2
Factored total load (wu) = 1.5 × 2
= 3KN/m2
Maximum short span bending moment per metre width
Mux = αx wu lx2
= 0.08 × 3 × 32
= 2.16KNm

Muy = αy wu lx2
= 0.06 × 3 × 32
= 1.62KNm
Equating “Mulim to Mux”
0.138 × fck × b × d2 = Mulim
0.138 × 20 × 1000 × d2 = 2.16 × 106
d = 27.97mm
Effective depth provided (d) = 50mm
Step 1: steel for shorter span
Mux / bd2 = 2.16 ×106 / (1000 × 502)
= 0.864
Percentage of steel required
Pt = 50[1- (√1-(4.6/20) × 0.864 ) / (415 / 20)]
= 0.24%
Ast = (0.24 / 100) × 1000 ×50
= 120mm2
Spacing of 10mm dia @ 300mm c/c
Actual area of steel provided = (78.53 × 1000) /300
= 216.76mm2
Actual percentage of steel provided = (216.76 × 100) / (1000 × 50)
= 0.52%
Percentage of steel originally assumed = 0.5%
Hence the design is safe from serviceability condition.
38 | P a g e

Step 2: steel for long span

Muy / bd2 = 1.62 × 106 / (1000 × 502)
= 0.648
Percentage of steel required
Pt = 50[1- (√1-(4.6/20) × 0.648) / (415 / 20)]
= 0.18%
Ast = (0.18 / 100) × 1000 ×50
= 90mm2
Spacing of 10mm dia @ 300mm c/c
In each principal direction,alternate bars are bent up at one-tenth of the
respective span between center of bearings.
Shear force at end = vu = wl/2
= 3000 × 3/2
= 4500 N
Nominal shear stress = τv = vu/bd
= 4500/1000 × 50
τv = 0.09 N/mm2
Actual area of bottom steel available near support = 216.76 / 2
= 108.38mm2
Percentage of bottom steel near support = 108.38 / 100 × 50
= 0.02 %
Corresponding design shear strength = τc = 0.28 N/mm2
For slab less than 150mm
K = 1.3
K × τc = 1.3 × 0.28
= 0.364 N/mm2
τv < τc
0.135 < 0.364 N/mm2 OK
Step 3: check for development length for bars of short span
Actual area of tension reinforcement available near the support = Ast = 108.38mm2
Moment of resistane = M1 = 0.87 × fy × Ast × d [(1-(Ast × fy) /( fck × b × d)]
= 1.86 × 106 Nmm
vu = 4500 N
39 | P a g e

lo = anchorage length beond the centre of support

lo = 230 / 2 -15
lo = 100mm
= 1.3 × M1 / vu + lo
= 1.3 × 1.86 × 106 / 4500 + 100
= 667 mm
Step 4: development length
Ld = 0.87 × fy × 10 / 4 × τbd
= 455 mm
Ld < 1.3 × M1 / vu + lo
455 < 677mm OK
4.3.1 Simply supported first floor beam
Step 1: calculate ultimate floor loading
Total dead load= 4 KN/m2
Live load = 2 KN/m2
Step 2: determine beam width
Depth = 400 - 50
= 350 mm
Using figure 23 (concrete grade M30), an ultimate UDL for a 50mm wide
beam module is determined to be 5KN/m2.
The no of beam modulus for the total floor dead load of 8.8KN/m2 is derived
n = 8.8/5
= 1.76
Width (b) = 1.76 × 50
= 87.5
But adopt b = 130mm
H = 350mm
40 | P a g e

Step 3: calculate main steel reinforcement

Self weight
of beam = (0.35 × 0.13 + 0.05 × 2 × 0.28) × 24
= precast
Figure 23 reinforced concrete 1.764KN/m
beams design chart
At mid span M= (1.4 × 1.764 + 8.8 × 3)42/8
= 57.74KNm
M / bd2fcu = 57.74 × 106 / (130 × 3502 × 30)
= 0.12
41 | P a g e

Figure 24 bending steel design chart

Refer figure for

M / bd2fcu = 0.12

ρs / fcu = 3.8 × 10-4

ρs = 0.0114

As / bd = Ps

As = 518.7mm2

ρs = fcu = 0
Provide 2 Nos of 10mm dia bars
Step 4: design of shear links
V = 1.4 × 1.764 × 4 + 8.8 × 3 × 4
= 115.5KN

τv = 115.5 × 103 / (350 × 130)

= 2.54N/mm2

ρsfcu = 0.342
42 | P a g e

Figure 25 permissible concrete shear stress

From figure 25 τc = 0.7N/mm2
Asv / Sv = (2.54 – 0.7) × 350 / 0.875 × 415
= 1.78
Use 2 Nos of 8mm dia @ 100mm spacing for1m both ends (Asv / Sv = 2.01)
Remaining shear links to be 2 Nos of 8mm dia bars @ 300mm c/c.
Step 5: vertical shear
Total shear = 115.5KN
γ = 115.5 × 103 / 350 × 30
Minimum steel to be provided at the beam and to prevent bond slip failure is
As = V / 0.87fy
= 115.5 × 103 / 0.87 × 415
= 320mm2
= 0.7%
From figure 27, Vc = 0.9N/mm2
Asv / Sv = (2.55 – 0.91) × 130 / 0.87 × 415
= 0.58
43 | P a g e

Provide 8mm dia bars @ 120mm c/c for 1m both ends.

(Asv /Sv = 0.83 > 0.56 OK)
At 1m from beam end (V) = 115.5 – 35.5 X 1
= 80.3KN
γ = 1.77N/mm2
Asv / Sv = (1.77 – 0.91) × 130 / 0.87 × 415
= 0.31
Provide 8mm dia bars @ 300mm c/c for remaining spacing
(Asv / Sv = 0.5 > 0.31)
Step 6: support reinforcement
Although the beams are designed as simply supported structures it is advisable
to place additional reinforcement over the support to prevent excessive cracking.
When the beams rotate at the support under service load. The additional steel may be
calculated at
Ultimate load = 35.2KN/m
Moment = wl2 / 12
= 46.93KNm
As = M /0.87fyZ
Z = 0.8 b
As = 46.93 × 106 / 0.87 × 415 × 0.8 × 350
= 464.2mm2
Provide 4 Nos of 12mm dia bars (As = 464.2mm2) over the support
Step 7: deflection
From figure 25 the modification factor = 0.6
For compression reinforcement = 0.98
Minimum (d) = 4000 / 20 × 0.6 × 0.98
= 340.3mm < 350mm
Step 8: end bearing
(i) Effective bearing width

Permissible ultimate bearing stress from part 1, clause

= 0.4fcu
= 0.4 × 30
= 12N/mm2
44 | P a g e

To even out surface irregularities at beam a corber surfaces. Provide

Thick neoprene pad at beam support.
Contact pressure = 115.5 × 103 / 100 × 230
= 5.02N/mm2 < 12N/mm2
(ii) Shear friction steel

As = V /0.87fy
= 155 / 0.87 × 415
= 320mm2
Provide 3Nos of 12mm dia bars @ 50mm c/c (As = 339.3 mm2)
4.3.2 Simply supported ground floor beam
Step 1: calculate ultimate floor loading
Total dead load= 4 KN/m2
Live load = 3 KN/m2
Ultimate UDL = 1.4DL + 1.6LL
= 10.4KN/m2
Step 2: determine beam width
Depth = 400 - 50
= 350 mm
Using figure 23 (concrete grade M30), an ultimate UDL for a 50mm wide beam
module is determined to be 5KN/m2.
The no of beam modulus for the total floor dead load of 10.4KN/m2 is derived from
n = 10.4/5
= 2.08
Width (b) = 2.08 × 50
= 101
But adopt b = 130mm
H = 350mm
Step 3: calculate main steel reinforcement
Self weight of Beam= (0.35 × 0.13 + 0.05 × 2 × 0.28) × 24
= 1.764KN/m2
At mid span M= (1.4 × 1.764 + 10.4 × 3)42/8
45 | P a g e

= 67.34KNm
M / bd2fcu = 67.34 × 106 / (130 × 3502 × 30)
= 0.14
Refer figure 24 for
M / bd2fcu = 0.14

ρs / fcu = 4.8 × 10-4

ρs = 0.0114

As / bd = Ps

As = 655.2mm2

Provide 4 Nos of 12mm dia bars

4 Nos of 10mm dia bars

ρs = fcu = 0
Provide 2 Nos of 10mm dia bars
Step 4: design of shear links
V = 1.4 × 1.764 × 4 + 10.4 × 3 × 4= 134.68KN

τv =V / bd

τv = 134.68 × 103 / (350 × 130)

= 2.96N/mm2

ρsfcu = 0.432

From figure 25 τc = 0.89N/mm2

Asv/Sv = (2.96 – 0.89) × 350 / 0.875 × 415

= 2.00
Use 2 Nos of 8mm dia @ 100mm spacing for1m both ends (Asv / Sv = 2.00)
Remaining shear links to be 2 Nos of 8mm dia bars @ 300mm c/c.
Step 5: vertical shear
Total shear (V) = 134.68KN
γ = 134.68 × 103 / 350 × 130
Minimum steel to be provided at the beam and to prevent bond slip failure is
As = V / 0.87fy
46 | P a g e

= 134.68 × 103 / 0.87 × 415

= 373.02mm2
= 0.82%
From figure 23 Vc = 0.95N/mm2
Asv / Sv = (2.96 – 0.95) × 130 / 0.87 × 415
= 0.72
Provide 8mm dia bars @ 120mm c/c for 1m both ends.
(Asv /Sv = 0.83 > 0.72 OK)
At 1m from beam end (V) = 134.68 – 41.6 X 1
= 93.1KN
γ = 2.05N/mm2
Asv / Sv = (2.05 – 0.95) × 130 / 0.87 × 415
= 0.45
Provide 8mm dia bars @ 200mm c/c for remaining spacing.
Step 6: support reinforcement
Although the beams are designed as simply supported structures it is advisable
to place additional reinforcement over the support to prevent excessive cracking.
When the beams rotate at the support under service load. The additional steel ID
Ultimate load = 41.6KN/m
Moment = wl2 / 12
= 55.5KNm
As = M /0.87fyZ
Z = 0.8 b
As = 55.5 × 106 / 0.87 × 415 × 0.8 × 350
= 549mm2
Provide 3 Nos of 16mm dia bars (As = 603.2mm2) over the support
Step 7: deflection
From figure 25 the modification factor = 0.6
For compression reinforcement = 0.98
Minimum (d) = 4000 / 20 × 0.6 × 0.98
= 340.3mm < 350mm
47 | P a g e

Step 8: end bearing

(i) Effective bearing width

Permissible ultimate bearing stress from part 1, clause

= 0.4fcu
= 0.4 × 30
= 12N/mm2
To even out surface irregularities at beam a corbel surfaces. Provide
100×230×8mm thick neoprene pad at beam support.
Contact pressure = 134.68 × 103 / 100 × 230
= 5.86N/mm2 < 12N/mm2
(ii) shear friction steel
As = V /0.87fy
= 134.68×103 / 0.87 × 415= 373mm2

Provide 2Nos of 16mm dia bars @ 50mm c/c (As = 402 mm2)
4.4.1First floor column
Size of the column = 230mm × 230mm
The load (factored) on the column is 125KN
Braced column with floor to floor height of 3m and fcu = 35N/mm2
Step 1: determine the column load for a 50mm wide module
η= 230 / 50
= 4.6
The column load per 50mm wide module = 125 / 4.6
= 27.2KN
Step 2: determine slenderness effect
From figure 18, B value for a braced column with condition 1at both top and
bottom end is 0.75
Le = 0.75 × 3000
= 2250mm
Minor axis le / h = 2250 / 230
48 | P a g e

= 9.78 < 15
Short column
Additional eccentricity due to slenderness effect is not critical.
Step 3: check adequacy of column strip
From fig 26 (fcu = 35N/mm2, ρs = 2%) the required.
Column length for column load of 27.2KN and minimum eccentricity 20 is
h = 200 (230mm is OK)
Step 4: required area of reinforcement
As = 2.0 × 230 × 230 / 100s
= 1058mm2
Provide 4 Nos of 16mm dia bar and 4 Nos of 10mm dia bars
Step 5: design of shear links
V = 125KN

τv = 125 × 103 / (230 × 230)

= 2.36N/mm2
ρsfcu = 0.02 × 35= 0.7

From figure 25 τc = 1N/mm2

Asv / Sv = (2.36 – 1) × 230 / 0.87 × 415

= 0.87
Use 1 Nos 8mm dia bars @ 100mm spacing for 1m from both ends and
remaining 1Nos 8mm dia bars @ 300mm spacing.
Step 6: design of corbel
(a) check shear stress

γ = V / bd
= 115.5 × 103 / 230 × 230
= 2.18 N/mm2 < 0.8√fcu = 4.38N/mm2
Adopt max Vc = 4N/mm2
49 | P a g e

Figure 26 reinforced concrete precast columns

50 | P a g e

(b) Reinforcement

(i)Main steel
γ / fcu = 0.9(z/d)(av/d)(1-z/d) / (av/d)2 + (z/d)2
γ / fcu = 2.18 / 30
= 0.073
av / d = 125 / 230
= 0.543
z / d = 0.833

Steel stress (fs) = 200 (z/d-0.55) / (1-z/d)

= 339N/mm2
ft = V × av / z
= 115.5 × 125 / 0.833 × 230
= 75.35KN > v/2
As = ft / fs
= 75.35 × 103 / 339
= 222.2mm2
Provide 3 Nos of 10mm dia bars U-loop (6 legs, As = 235mm2) at 25 OK
(ii)Check bearing stress within bend
Tension per leg of 10mm bars (ft) = 75.35 × 222.2 / 6 × 235
= 11.9KN
ϕ = 10mm
db = 25mm
r = ft [(1+2ϕ / ab) / 2 ϕ fck]
r = 11.9 × 103[1+2(10/25) / (10 × 2 × 30)]
= 40.65mm
Use r = 5 ϕ
= 40mm
(iii)Shear links

Ps = 100 As / bd
= 100 × 235 / 230 × 230
= 0.44%
51 | P a g e

γc = 0.66 × 1.1
= 0.13N/mm2
Enforced γc’ = 2d γc / dv
= 2 × 230 × 0.73 / 125
=2.68 > 2.18 N/mm2
No shear links needed

4.4.2 Ground floor column

Size of the column = 230mm × 230mm
The load (factored) on the column is 266KN
Braced column with floor to floor height of 3m and fcu = 35N/mm2
Step 1: determine the column load for a 50mm wide module
η= 230 / 50
= 4.6
The column load per 50mm wide module = 266 / 4.6
= 57.8KN
Step 2: determine slenderness effect
From figure 18, B value for a braced column with condition 1at both top and
bottom end is 0.75
Le = 0.75 × 3000
= 2250mm
Minor axis le / h = 2250 / 230
= 9.78 < 15
Short column
Additional eccentricity due to slenderness effect is not critical.
Step 3: check adequacy of column strip
From fig 26 (fcu = 35N/mm2, ρs = 2%) the required.
Column length for column load of 27.2KN and minimum eccentricity 20 is
h = 200 (230mm is OK)
Step 4: required area of reinforcement
As = 2.0 × 230 × 230 / 100
= 1058mm2
Provide 4 Nos of 16mm dia bar and 4 Nos of 10mm dia bars
52 | P a g e

Step 5: design of shear links

V = 266 KN

τv = 266 × 103 / (230 × 230)

= 5.03 N/mm2
ρsfcu = 0.02 × 35= 0.7

From figure 25 τc = 1N/mm2

Asv / Sv = (5.03 – 1) × 230 / 0.87 × 415

= 2.56
Use 2 Nos 10mm dia bars @ 100mm spacing for 1m from both ends and
remaining 2Nos 10mm dia bars @ 300mm spacing.
Step 6: design of corbel
(a) check shear stress

γ = V / bd
= 134.68 × 103 / 230 × 230
= 2.55 N/mm2 < 0.8√fcu = 4.38N/mm2
Adopt max Vc = 4N/mm2
(b) Reinforcement

(i)Main steel
γ / fcu = 0.9(z/d)(av/d)(1-z/d) / (av/d)2 + (z/d)2
γ / fcu = 2.55 / 30
= 0.085
av / d = 125 / 230
= 0.543
z / d = 0.833

Steel stress (fs) = 200 (z/d-0.55) / (1-z/d)

= 339N/mm2
ft = V × av / z
= 134.68 × 125 / 0.833 × 230
= 87.87KN > v/2
As = ft / fs
53 | P a g e

= 87.87 × 103 / 339

= 259.2mm2
Provide 3 Nos of 12mm dia bars U-loop (6 legs, As = 339mm2) at 25 OK
(ii)Check bearing stress within bend
Tension per leg of 10mm bars (ft) = 87.87 × 259.2 / 6 × 339
= 11.2KN
ϕ = 12mm
db = 25mm
r = ft [(1+2ϕ / ab) / 2 ϕ fck]
r = 11.2 × 103[1+2(12/25) / (10 × 2 × 30)]
= 30.5mm
Use r = 5 ϕ
= 60mm is very large
Hence provide 40mm
(iii)Shear links

Ps = 100 As / bd
= 100 × 339 / 230 × 230
= 0.64%
γc = 1 × 1.1
= 1.1N/mm2
Enforced γc’ = 2d γc / dv
= 2 × 230 × 1.1 / 125
=4.048 > 2.18 N/mm2
No shear links needed


ηw = ηo β fcu
ηw = bearing capacity of unreinforced motar joint.
ηo = reduction factor reflecting the trapped air content.
= 0.7
β = k [5(1-k)+ δ2]/[(5(1-k)+kd2]
k = ηm fcw/ fcu
ηm = 0.75
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fcw/ fcu = compression strength of mortar / PC

δ = 230/25
k = 0.75×40/30

ηw = 0.7×1×30
= 21 N/mm2
The joint area is 230×230
Hence it can transfer a load of 1100 KN axially without any eccentricity.
Load on column = 400 KN
Approximate weight of the footing at 10% of column load = 40 KN
Total load = 440 KN
Safe bearing capacity = 160 KN/m
Area of foundation = 440/160
= 2.75m2
Size of footing = 1.48m
Provide 1.5m × 1.5m
Net upward pressure intensity = p = 400 × 103/ (1.7×1.7)
= 138.4× 103 N/m2
Step 1: Depth for B.M construction
Critical section BM = 1700-230/2
= 735mm
Step 2: Maximum bending moment
M = 138408 × 1.7 × 0.75 × 0.75/2
= 66176.325 Nm
Factored moment = 1.5 × 66176.325
= 99264.4875 Nm
Equating Moment to Mu
0.138 fck bd2 = 0.138 × 20 × 230 × d2
d = 395mm
Provide 12 mm dia bars 60mm clear cover
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Effective cover to upper layer = 60 + 12 + 6

= 78mm
Overall depth required = 395 + 78
= 473mm
The depth may be increased by 30%
Increased depth = 750mm
Actual effective depth (d) = 750 – 78
= 672mm
Step 3: Depth from punching shear
Punching load = Column load – Reaction on column area
= 400000 – 138408 × (0.23)2
= 392678.22N
Factored punching load = 1.5 × 392678.22
= 589017.33N
Design punching shear stress for M30 concrete = 1.8N/mm2
Equating punching shear resistance to the punching load
4 × 230 × D ×1.8 = 589017.33
D = 355mm
Hence provide overall depth 750mm as determine earlier
Mu /bd2 = 99264.48 ×1000 / 230 × (672)2
= 0.956
Pt = 50[1- (√1-(4.6/20) × 0.956 ) / (415 / 20)]
= 0.28%
Ast = 434mm2
Provide 50% extra for precast handing stresses
Ast = 651mm2
Provide 10 Nos of 10mm dia bars. Similarly provide 10 bars of 10mm dia in
the other principal direction also.
Step 4: Check for shear
The critical section for one way shear is considered at a distance equal to the
effective depth from the face of the column.
Let the depth of the footing at the edges be reduced to 300mm
Overall depth at the critical section
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D’ = (750 -300 / 735) × 672

= 411.4mm
Effective depth at the critical section = d’ = 411.4 – 78
= 333.4mm
Shear force at the critical section = 138408 × 1.7 × 0.063
= 14823.5N
Factored shear (Vu) = 1.5 × 14823.5
= 22235.25N
Width of the footing at the top at this critical section = b’ = b + 2d
= 230 + 2 × 672
= 1574mm
Nominal shear stress at this section
τv = Vu / bd
= 22235.25 / (1574 × 333.4)
= 0.042N/mm2
Area of steel provided = [10 × ( /4) × 102]
= 785mm2
Percentage of steel provided = [785 / (1574 × 672)] ×100
= 0.074%
Corresponding τc = 0.28N/mm2
τv < τc OK
Concrete: fcu=30
Design live load=3KN/m2
Consider per metre width of stairs:
Slope length of stairs =√ (1.52+32)
Weight of waist plus steps = (0.153×3.35+0.25×.150×10/2)×24
=16.8 KN/m
Live load = 3.0×3.0
Ultimate load F = 1.4×16.8+1.6×9.0
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Step 1: Beading reinforcement

Assuming no effective restraint at support:
Ultimate bending moment at mid-span
M = Fl/8
= 42.12×3/8
= 15.80KNm
Effective d = 153-25-5
Say d = 120mm
Z/d = 0.5+√0.25-(M/0.9bd2fck)
= 0.5+√0.25-(15.8×106/0.9×1000×1202×30)
Z = 115mm
As = M/0.87fyZ
= 15.8×106/0.87×415×115
= 380 mm2
Use 10mmØ-@200mm c/c, provide As =392mm2
Step 2: Deflection
M/bd2 = 15.8×106/1000×1202
= 1.1
fs = 5/8×fy×As req/As prov
=251.43 N/mm2
Tension modification factor
Ø = 0.55+ (477-Fy)/120(0.9+M/bd2)
= 0.55 + (477-251.43)/120(0.9+1.1)
CI.,part1.CP65,basic span/depth ratio of stair case flight =20×1.15
Minimum effective d = l/Ø×(span/depth ratio)
= 3000/1.49×23
= 87.50mm<120mm OK
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Step 3: Design of supporting nibs

Reaction at supporting nibs V = 42.12/2
= 21.06KN/m
av = 50+30
= 80mm
Bending moment at section X = M = V×av
= 21.06×.08
= 1.685KNm/m
Effective d = 70-20-5
= 45mm
Bending steel
Z/d = 0.5+√0.25-(M/0.9bd2fcu)
= 0.5+√0.25-(1.685×106/0.9×1000×452×30)
Z = 43.6mm
Use mild steel: As =M/0.87fyZ
= 1.685×106/0.87×215×43.6
=207 mm2
Use 6mmØ @ 120 mm c/c (As= 235.62 mm2)
Step 4: Checks
Check anchorage
Fbt = 0.87fyAs
= 0.87×250×28×10-3
= 6.09 KN
Minimum bending radius
R ≥ Fbt/Ø × 1+2(Ø/ab)/2fcu
Ø = 6mm
ab = 150 mm
fcu = 30N/mm2
R ≥ (18.05×103/8) × (1+2(8/150))/2×30
≥ 12.2mm
≥ 2.03Ø
Provide r = 2.25Ø > 2.12Ø OK
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Check shear
V = 21.06KN/m
V = 21.06×103/1000×45
= 0.468 N/mm2
rs = 235.62×100/1000×45
= 0.52%
Vc = 0.84/γm (rs)1/3(400/d)1/4(fcu/30)1/3
γm =1.25
Vc = 0.84/1.25(0.52)1/3(400/45)1/4(30/30)1/3
= 0.93 N/mm2 > 0.468 N/mm2 OK
Check hang-up reinforcement
Ash = V/0.87fy
= 21.06×103/0.87×250
For practical reason, provide at every bending 6mmØ reinforcement a looped 6. As
hanger steel.
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