Basic Mechanisms For Hybrid Masonry Structures
Basic Mechanisms For Hybrid Masonry Structures
Basic Mechanisms For Hybrid Masonry Structures
3 958
3 authors:
Maryam Eidini
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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NEESR: Reserve Capacity in New and Existing Low-Ductility Steel Braced Frames View project
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tensile stresses resulting from this flexural action, whereas a compression region will
develop on the opposite side of the panel base. The steel beam will then transfer the
vertical resultant forces arising from flexural action through the beam-column
connections into the columns. Thus, the masonry panels will carry the story shear and
the column members will accumulate axial force due to overturning from the upper to
the lower stories. At level i, the story shear in the masonry panel is:
Vi = ∑F
j =i
j Equation 1
Fj is the lateral force at level j and n is the total number of stories. Also, at level i, the
column axial force due to overturning is:
Pi = ∑ V Lh
k =i +1
k k
Equation 2
Vk is the story shear in story k, hk is the story height for story k (where story k is
between levels k-1 and k), and L is the bay width.
M base, s = ∑V h
i =2
i i Equation 3
Since there is no vertical force transfer between the top of a panel and the bottom of a
beam above it, these conclusions are made based on statics. The RAM analysis also
2010 Structures Congress © 2010 ASCE 991
showed that the masonry panels resisted nearly all of the story shears. This suggests a
simple design rule that the steel columns be proportioned to resist axial forces
resulting from the total overturning moment and that the masonry panels be
proportioned to resist the total story shears.
Behavioral traits of hybrid masonry show that the controlling mechanisms for
these structural systems are much different than those for the traditional masonry
infill-frame system. Unlike the interacting forces between an infill and the
surrounding frame, which are quite complicated and very difficult to model, the force
interaction for Type I hybrid masonry is simple and clear. This simplicity lends itself
well to structural design since masonry panels can easily be proportioned to resist
story shears using current building code specifications. The transfer of bending
moment across the height of a panel must be detailed with adequate frame
connections, but this again can be done with current design methods. In spite of this
simplicity, other concerns must be addressed before this structural system is widely
adopted as discussed in the following section.
buildings already constructed using hybrid masonry as well as new prototypes that are
developed through this exploratory study. Outcomes from the prototype design
studies will impact the design of large-scale experiments as well as development of
simulation models. Conversely, results from physical and simulation research will be
used to update models used for these studies.
Tests of physical structures at Illinois and Hawaii will constitute Tasks 2 and
3. Large-scale tests of two-story hybrid structures using the NEES@Illinois MUST-
SIM site will provide data on seismic behavior and performance under all levels of
earthquake excitation. Tests of steel connectors attached to masonry panels at Hawaii
will provide information on strength, stiffness and ductility of these elements needed
for design of the large-scale tests at Illinois, and will explore how best to detail such
connectors to behave as energy dissipating fuses.
The physical tests will provide data for development, calibration and
confirmation of simulation models in Task 4. Detailed finite element models will
simulate behavior of the large-scale test structures and then be used to extrapolate
laboratory experiences to a much wider range of structural configurations in Task 5.
Such simulations will be an integral part of the project since they will impact not only
how the research is transformed to construction practice in Tasks 6 and 7, but also re-
evaluation of prototype designs with more accurate system models in Task 1.
Based on the experiments, simulations and system analyses, design
methodologies will be developed and given to a sample set of practitioners who will
be called upon to run trial designs of buildings with and without hybrid masonry. In
Task 6, a closed competition of different design firms will be run to compare the
variability of building designs done by different engineers in different seismic
regions. This task will evaluate ease of application, interpretation of design
requirements, and cost/benefit results of using hybrid masonry. Further outreach
activities under Task 7 will include a series of seminars, design manuals, and updates
to commercial software and building codes.
2010 Structures Congress © 2010 ASCE 993
be used. The LBCBs will be anchored to the strong wall to apply an in-plane lateral
displacement at the top of a test specimen while at the same time, apply a constant
vertical compressive force, and for some specimens an overturning moment that is
proportional to the imposed lateral deflection.
Testing will be done with two different configurations of the LBCBs. In the
first phase, relatively slender frames will be tested to investigate behavior dominated
by flexural mechanisms. Whereas hybrid masonry is typically used around the
perimeter of a building, these tests will investigate its use for interior walls around
elevators or stairwells. One LBCB will be used to impose demands on the specimens.
In the second phase, relatively stocky frames will be tested to investigate behavior
dominated by shear mechanisms. These test structures will be representative of hybrid
frames used around the building perimeter where the panel length exceeds the panel
height. Because of force and overturning demands, two LBCBs will be used.
The two-story test specimens will represent the base stories of a hypothetical
multistory building. All other structural elements will be simulated using UI-SimCor
software. This is a multi-site, multi-platform, distributed hybrid simulation open-
source software package. Thus, the experimental results will demonstrate the
influence of damaging a hybrid masonry panel on global performance of a
representative building system in the same manner as would a shaking table test.
The experiments will be planned in terms of hybrid masonry type, specimen
dimensions, details of construction, and load application. A preliminary test matrix is
given in Table 3. Four tests will be conducted in Phase 1, with variables being the
hybrid masonry type and the connector plates. Similarly, Phase 2 tests will include
four tests, which will study the variations in behavior and performance with change in
hybrid masonry type and connectors plates.
2010 Structures Congress © 2010 ASCE 995
panels can be assessed. These findings will be useful for identifying benefit-to-cost
ratios (in terms of enhanced performance) attributable to use of different hybrid
masonry types, steel frame designs, panel geometries, amounts of reinforcement or
vertical compressive stress. Whereas the scope of this study will be much less than
that prescribed by the ATC-63 guidelines (FEMA 2009), insight into force reduction
factors, over-strength factors and nonlinear displacement factors will be obtained.
The hybrid masonry structural system offers new opportunities for economy
and robustness using familiar steel sections and reinforced concrete masonry. The
concepts underlying hybrid masonry have been used by engineers for many years,
2010 Structures Congress © 2010 ASCE 997
although the load sharing has not been explicitly designed. The hybrid masonry
system offers advantages for structures where the architectural design favors steel
framing in conjunction with reinforced masonry walls. Initial studies indicate
significant promise for this system, but detailed design studies coupled with nonlinear
analysis and large-scale experiments are imperative to fully develop the system. This
need is currently being addressed through a research program that is studying design
of hybrid masonry for the full range of seismic hazards. This research is funded
through the National Science Foundation George E. Brown, Jr. Network for
Earthquake Engineering Simulation (Award Number: CMMI 0936464).
Biggs, D.T. (2007). “Hybrid Masonry Structures.” Proceedings of the Tenth North
American Masonry Conference. The Masonry Society.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (2009). “Quantification of building seismic
performance factors.” FEMA P695.