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Group 1 Capstone Research OCT 2022 3

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(Budget Application)

A Capstone

presented to the

College of Information Technology Education

PHINMA Saint Jude College

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


Alvarez, Rodcen P.
De Guzman, John Aldrin S.
Gravillo, Jyea Rica P.
Hipolito, Prince William John Christian C.
Marasigan, Baron O. .



Firstly, we would like to thank our Quantitative Research and Capstone

instructor, Ms. Jennifer Valerio who assisted us and she taught us step by step how
to conduct this capstone research. The way she instructs helps us to conduct our
research easier.
We would also like to thank the teachers who participated and cooperated with us.
Thank you teachers.

Secondly, , we would like to thank our parents, fellow

classmates, teacher, friends and colleagues who believes in us on the of we feel lost
or almost thinking that we should give us this research The study is not as easy
because there is a lot of process in conducting this research but they cheer us up
and motivated us that we can do things more awesome than what we can imagine.
We thank our lord God for guiding us and blessing us with wisdom that we needed to
do this research.

Lastly, we express our gratitude for this research to the God Almighty
because without him we cannot finish the research we need to conduct because he
gives us strength ,knowledge and always guides us. He is the foundation of our
research so we dedicated this research to him.

The present study expects results which show if either the Student Allowance Budgeting

System would give benefits in terms of calculating the presented allowance of its user or not.

This study will show the current result of the user’s response to several questions presented

from the research paper. The given results will be used as feedback-based information in

order to enhance or add improvements/solutions for the Application. The researchers

selected BSIT College students as the respondents of the study because they wanted to

study and know the effects of allowance management application to their everyday living. All

of the participants will answer the survey questionnaires given by the researchers. In this

study, we present a survey by using questionnaires which will be filled by given choices

below the given questions or if respondents online are available, the second method of

questioning respondents will be the use of Google forms, which later on gathered in order to

present result of the study and possibly showing results through a suitable graph to establish

formal results/outcome of the study. The expected results will be used to evaluate the

application’s worth for publication. The study will be using four commonly used statistical

tools to analyze and interpret the data. The study will apply the percentage, mean, average

weighted mean, and frequency distribution table. The researchers chose these statistical

tools because they are requisite for research, specifically quantitative, non-experimental,

and descriptive. It is used to collect the important data, make use of the correct analyses,

and successfully present the results.

Keywords: Student Allowance Budgeting System, Application, Google forms.



This capstone entitled “SCHOOL BUD Student Allowance Application” prepared

and submitted by Hipolito, Prince William John Christian C. De Guzman, John
Aldrin S. , Marasigan, Baron O. , Gravillo, Jyea Rica P. ,Alvarez, Rodcen P. in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information
Technology has been examined and recommended for ORAL EXAMINATION.

Ms. Jennifer Valerio



Approved by the Panel for Oral Defense on _____ with a rating of _______.

Mr. Dan Belarmino Ms. Joy Mationg

Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information


Rommel Diocaris



1 The Problem and Its Background 1

Introduction 1

Theoretical Framework 2

Conceptual Framework 2

Statement of the Problem 3

Hypothesis 3

Scope and Limitation of the Study 3

Significance of the Study 3

Definition of Terms 4

2 Review of Related Literature and Studies 5

Local Literature 5

Local Studies 5

Foreign Literature 6

Foreign Studies 6


3 Methodology 7

Research Design 7

Population and Sampling 7

Respondents of the Study 8

Research Instrument 8

Data Gathering Procedures 9

Statistical Treatment of Data 9

4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data 10

Sub-problem No. 1 10

Sub-problem No. 2 10

Sub-problem No. 1 11

Sub-problem No. 2 11

5 Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations 12

Summary 12

Conclusions 12

Recommendations 12


The Problem and Its Background


According to UNPAN or the United Nations Public Administration Network, this era has
successfully modernized the information and communication technology, through the
capitalization of computer microminiaturization advances, which later on created what we
called, “Smartphones”.

Smartphones nowadays have become part of human society, it’s like the memory card of a
human, where it can be manipulated by information and saving it. By that technology any
person can create and manipulate programs with the help of computer programming

Taking advantage of the technology nowadays, has become business opportunities, having
free access, use and downloads of several high level programming languages, many have
sought the opportunity to create or invent applications from games to widgets.

One of the hardest parts of saving is starting it. Convincing one person to save money can
be difficult these days due to inflation and the cause of pandemics, conflict among countries
and many factors that affect a country’s economy. High prices from the market and high
demands of necessary products with also high employment rates and employees with below
minimum wages.

For the sake of one’s future, the opportunity of going to school - to seek education, can be
somehow costly as educational attainment tends to go for the next level of learning and as
time passes by the cost of living also increases.

Management of allowance can play a big role in saving money. We have decided to create
an application that will help someone save money and by doing so, this app will reveal the
value on how much remaining allowance money can be saved. And by that knowing on how
much could someone possibly save tends to have expectation of having extra or

This app SchoolBud will help the users determine the amount of their savings from their
allowance based on the allocated input that are featured in this app, like if the allowance
allocation is monthly, weekly, or daily.

All the savings from the user’s allowance money can be later on used to purchase any
desires they wanted within the reach of the total savings produced by the user with the help
of this application.

Theoretical Framework

Budgeting Budget Checker

Budgeting Software Monthly Income Job(after taxes including

seasonal jobs
or work study)

Students loans/


This part acknowledges the theories and principles of planning a budget and managing
allowances that can be found in books and other sources that the researchers will utilize to
support their findings. The relationship between college students' budget management
tactics and existing economic theories of consumption, which is what this study tries to do
has however, received very little research. A budgeting strategy will be necessary for many
students who need to learn how to balance their income and expenses. The budgeting tool
we developed can be used in this situation. The system will examine the person's monthly
income, including any from employment, scholarships, loans, or other financial aid.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Research Paradigm of SchoolBud (Budget Application)

This figure 1 shows the Input-Process-Output based concept of the developed

system. The first block is input which stated Information in Allowance, Number of
Days, Monthly, and Weekly. The second block process which is validation and storing
of inputted information to the database. The last block is output which is generated
data from the system(Student Allowance Budgeting System) - displayed on screen.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to develop applications that can help students to budget their allowances
given by their parents/guardians in PHINMA St. Jude College.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:
1. How does this app help respondents save money from your allowance?
2.How this application can help respondents get the thing you want that you have
been saving for a long time?
3. Do you spend a lot of your allowances on other things?


Null: Overspending is a problem everyone faces at one time or another.

Alternative:This study focuses on how students will enhance their allowances by using a
budget planner system Set clear expectation, automatically keep the extra allowance in sync
across all your devices

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study aims at students who got allowances to their parents or guardians. We will
conduct this research and take some college students at PHINMA St. Jude College. The
limitation of this study is for only students who have an allowance and who wants to save it
for some reasons like buying stuff that they want.

Significance of the Study

A free application called School Bud gives parents a centralized location to assign,
monitor, and manage duties that were previously delegated. If allowances are distributed
according to a set timetable, students will learn superior financial management skills. This
type of system is preferable to managing their own finances because it is possible that they
will run out of money. In this system, they can control spending by using a budget planner.
Because you have a budget planner that separates what you spend from what you save
from your allowance, you may use your spare cash when you want to make a purchase.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally to provide a common frame of


Miniaturization - refers to electronic devices involving fitting more transistor nodes on a

smaller integrated circuit (IC). The IC is then interfaced within its intended system or device.
Smartphone - refers to a cellular telephone with an integrated computer and other features
not originally associated with telephones such as an operating system, web browsing, and
the ability to run software applications.

Programming language - refers to any set of rules that converts strings, or graphical
program elements in the case of visual programming languages, to various kinds of machine
code output.

Mobile App - refers to a software application developed specifically for use on small,
wireless computing devices, such as smartphones and tablets, rather than desktop or laptop

Software - refers to a computer program that performs a specific function, be it educational,

personal, or business. It is also known as an end-user program or a productivity program.
You can think of your PC as a cake and the application software as the frosting on top of it.

Android - refers to a mobile operating system based on a modified version of the Linux
kernel and other open-source software, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices
such as smartphones and tablets.

iOS - refers to a mobile operating system for Apple-manufactured devices. iOS runs on the
iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Apple TV.

e-finance- refers to the provisioning of financing instruments to businesses using

electronic technology..

Budget - refers to an estimation of expenses over a specified future period of time.

Budgets can be made for a person or anything else that makes and spends money.

Database - refers to an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically

stored electronically in a computer system.


Review of Related Literature and Studies

According to Gilberto M. Llanto Maureen Ane D. Rosellon Ma. Kristina P. Ortiz. (2018). the
research, digital technology applied to banking and financial transactions or e-finance in
general has made financial services more widely available and affordable to consumers. And
with appropriate and affordable technologies and applications, the financially excluded and
the unserved can participate in mainstream banking and finance that will open many
opportunities for consumption smoothing and investment and earning possibilities. This paper
attempts to study the contribution of technology towards financial inclusion in the Philippines
and analyze whether e-finance has enabled the last mile consumers to avail of financial
products and services affordably and conveniently. It uses data from financial inclusion
databases, and results from a national financial inclusion survey, key informant interviews
and focus group discussions with users of a mobile banking application. Electronic money
transfers are found to be increasing in the country, but digital adoption rate, particularly for
mobile payments, is relatively low especially if compared with countries in the region. The
study probes into the experience and concerns of digital finance users, and presents
recommendations to improve provision and use of digital financial products and services

According to Kimberly Failaman (2018). the research, entering senior high school is much
more difficult than junior highschool. More on paper works, research, and individual or group
activities.We, as students are preparing for more expenses daily. On the other hand, we don’t
know how to manage our allowance and organize a budget. To budget our allowance is one
way of showing our parents that we can be trusted and we’re responsible enough. I am
interested in this issue because every one of us can relate to this topic. Money is involved in
many things and every situation around the world. Every particular individual can experience,
even to see and to hold a particular money. It could be a form of a metal coin or piece of
paper, but people value this to sustain everyday needs. We, as students that use money
everyday, should be responsible for how much money we spend in our daily lives. We should
remember how to budget our allowance or better yet we should be thrifty enough so that in a
way we’ll be able to help our parents.
According to French, D., McKillop, D., & Stewart, E. (2020). This study is the first to assess
whether smartphone apps can be utilized to improve financially capable behaviors. In this
study four smartphone apps, packaged together under the title ‘Money Matters’, were
provided to working-age members (16–65 years) of the largest credit union in Northern
Ireland (Derry Credit Union). The smartphone apps consisted of a loan interest comparison
app, an expenditure comparison app, a cash calendar app, and a debt management app.
The assessment methodology used was a Randomized Control Trial (RCT) with the U.K.
Financial Capability Outcome Frameworks used to set the context for the assessment. For
those receiving the apps (the treatment group) statistically significant improvements were
found in a number of measures designed to gauge ‘financial knowledge, understanding and
basic skills’ and ‘attitudes and motivations’. These improvements translated into better
financially capable behaviors; those receiving the apps were more likely to keep track of their
income and expenditure and proved to be more resilient when faced with a financial shock.

According to Malikberdi Hezretov, (2018).The dissertation focuses on the significance of

managing incomes and expenses in our vastly growing day by day life. Long gone are the
days when you needed to take a seat with a notepad and a sky-high stack of bills and
receipts to figure out your salary, costs, and general budgetary plan. Nowadays there are a
wide range of spreadsheets and projects that are intended to make your financial planning
that are meant to make a lot easier and more proficient. This study aims to address the
complexity of tracking income and expenses by introducing a budget tracking application
developed as native mobile application using the powerful cross platform library React Native
for high performance. Based on a literature review on money management applications and
questionnaire was conducted to potential foreign and local individuals across Colombo.
Analysis of responses demonstrated the difficulty of budget tracking. The result indicated the
need for a mobile solution to ease the task. Budget tracking native mobile applications with
interactive user interface and with handy features would be one of the ideal solutions for the
current problem. User centered applications require user feedback by delivering prototype
versions to the real users. Therefore, Agile Scrum software development methodology is
practiced by considering it would be a good fit for the application requirements. Native mobile
applications are known for its performance, reliability and user friendliness. The author has
chosen React Native library in order to develop the proposed system. React Native is a
cross-platform library that enables developers to implement native mobile applications with
advanced user interfaces while promising native performance and reliability.

Synthesis of Related literature

The above collection of both local and foreign studies review provides information that the
allowance management system with other budget management systems has similarities by
developing an application that can ease the task of managing the allowances. Analysis of
responses demonstrated the difficulty of budget tracking. The result indicated the need for a
mobile solution. The researcher believes the answer will positively impact people’s
day-to-day life by using the budget allowance management system promising features.
Further research may be needed to identify other factors that could strengthen the
effectiveness of this study.


Research Methodology

Research Design / Methods used

In this study, the researchers will be applying the quantitative research method. As defined
by Babbie, and Muijs (2010), it is the kind of research method that emphasizes the objective
measurements and statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through
survey questionnaires or polls. Quantitative research solely focuses on gathering numerical
data and generalizing it to the entire group of people to explain a particular phenomenon.
This method is appropriate for utilizing this study, knowing that the researchers aim to
determine how the allowance manager app will help the students in their savings.
According to Glass and Hopkins (1984), descriptive research includes the collecting of data
that details events, organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data collection. It
frequently uses visual aids like charts and graphs in order to assist the reader in
understanding the data distribution. In addition, a descriptive research design is used for
collecting quantifiable data responded by a particular population or group that answers the
questions of what, when, where, and how rather than why. Moreover, the manipulation,
control, and alteration over its variables are disapproved of by this method. The researchers
who are applying this method focus on identifying the characteristics, frequencies, trends,
correlations, and categories in the conducting of their research. Hence, the research method
is suitable for this study as the researchers aim to discover the correlation between BSIT
College students and their financial making decisions using the app in order to ascertain its
Population Frame and Sampling scheme

Purposive sampling was used to create the sample for the study under discussion. This
method, which falls under the category of non-probability sampling techniques, selects
sample members based on their knowledge, relationships, and expertise about a research
topic (Freedman et al., 2007). In the current study, the sample members who were chosen
had a special relationship with the phenomenon being studied, as well as sufficient and
relevant application development and allowance managing experience. The researchers
used purposive sampling since it would be easier if their targeted participants during the
surveys would know something or had an experience with it already, highlighting students at
PHINMA St. Jude College as participants according to the definition of student in the
researcher’s topic title. Any male or female undergraduate student who is currently enrolled
full-time and receives allowance will be eligible to participate.


Research Methodology

Description of Respondents

The study will take place at PHINMA St. Jude College. Students from the BSIT Department
will be gathered and given a pre-survey and survey questionnaire.

The study will have BSIT College respondents, composed of 1st Year to 4th Year College
students from PHINMA St. Jude College. The researchers selected BSIT College students as
the respondents of the study because they wanted to study and know the effects of allowance
management application to their everyday living. For the study, the researchers will also
require their basic information. All of the participants will answer the survey questionnaires
given by the researchers.

Research Instruments used

The method we used in this study is a survey type that was validated by Mr. Belarmino is our
professor in Web Systems. This survey questionnaire was given to the college students in
PHINMA Saint Jude College. The researchers focused on developing a web application that
helps to organize and manage an event in school. The content of questionnaire is (Content of
Questionnaire) We used this method of data gathering instrument because, according to
(Brink and Wood 1998), survey is less cost and time than conducting personal interviews also,
the respondents feel comfortable and focus because they remain anonymous and they can
express their own opinion without fear knowing their identity.


Research Methodology

Data Gathering Procedures

We, the researcher, will provide a questionnaire we constructed using (google

forms). The researchers constructed questions in (google form) for the questionnaire. The
researchers make a google form for the questionnaire.The researchers used convenience
sampling because the samples that are taken conveniently located around in our school.The
researchers sending questionnaire to the participants via messenger using the link of google
forms.We will do also a documentation serve as a proof that we conduct a survey for this
study and on the same time we will also collect the data so that we can proceed to the next


We used the formula of (value/total value)x100%. In doing so, we can determine the
total amount of what we want to find a percentage. Then divide the number to determine the
percentage. Finally multiply the value by 100%, then round off if necessary.

The Development of User Manual for Schoolbud (Budget Application)

Figure 1. This graphic displays the user's login process. You can signup and start a
new account without cost by clicking the sign-up button.
Figure 2. This figure shows the user's input. By pressing the plus button, the user can fill out
the form for expenses and income. By pressing the x button, you can clear and delete it.
The database for your account will be automatically updated after any modifications. In order
to provide a budget for costs, utilize the plan button.
Figure 3. The graph displays the user's total summary of spending. By selecting the chart
option, the user can monitor their expenditures. To establish your proposed budget
percentage and range, you can also click the charts.


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Table No. 1 - Course of the Respondents

Course Frequency Percentage Rank

BSIT 20 95.23% 1

BSBA FM 1 4.77% 2

TOTAL 21 100%

According to Table No. 1, there are twenty (20) respondents, with a 95.23% response
rate, who are mostly from BSIT. The BSBA FM had the fewest respondents, with only one
(1) student and a response rate of 4.77%.

Table No. 2 - Year of the Respondents

Year Frequency Percentage Rank

1st Yr 1 4.77% 4

2nd Yr 4 19.05% 3

3rd Yr 6 28.58% 2

4th Yr 10 47.62% 1

TOTAL 21 100%

According to Table No. 2, the students who responded the most were in the 4th year,
with a total of ten (10) responses and a 47.62%. With a total of six (6) responses, the 3rd
year level had the second-highest number of responses that we received, coming in at
28.58%. With a total of four (4) responses and a 19.05% response rate, the 2nd year level
received the third-highest number of responses. The 1st year students provided the fewest
responses, totaling just one (1), with a response rate of 4.77%.
Table No. 3 - Age of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage Rank

20 3 14.29% 3

21 9 42.86% 1

22 7 33.33% 2

26 1 4.77% 5

31 1 4.77% 4

TOTAL 20 100%

According to Table No. 3, we received nine (9) responses from respondents who
were twenty-one (21) years old, accounting for 42.86% of all responses from respondents of
a similar age. Twenty-two (22) year olds, with a total of seven (7) responses, had the
second-highest number of responses with the same age and had a 33.33% response rate.
With a total of three (3) responses, people in their 20s made up the third-highest proportion
of respondents of a similar age and had a 14.29% response rate. Thirty-one (31) with a total
of one (1) response and twenty-six (26) years old with a total of one (1) response and with a
4.77% were the age groups with the fewest responses.

Table No. 4 - Gender of the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage Rank

Male 14 66.67% 1

Female 7 33.33% 2

TOTAL 20 100%

According to Table No. 4, the gender category that we received the most responses
from was made up entirely of male students, who provided a total of fourteen (14) responses
and a response rate of 66.67%. However, we received the fewest responses from female
students, who provided a total of seven (7) responses and scored 33.33%.

Entry Relationship Diagram


Data Flow Diagram



Summary of findings , Conclusions, and Recommendations

Summary of findings

The study was conducted at PHINMA Saint Jude College Manila, with a total of
twenty-one (21) responses from college students. A descriptive method was used in this
study. The researchers used a descriptive survey research design where questionnaires
were used in gathering the data and information for this study. The researchers gathered all
the data to determine the extent of student-related factors in terms of the age group, their
course-year level, and their gender. After that, the researchers computed and summarized
all the data of the respondents' course-year level, age, and gender.


As a result of the study showed that male participants dominated the respondents. It
showed that those respondents in their early twenties participated more. Also they are in
their senior years showing their activeness in their research studies.

Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are

We hope that we can lessen the no. Of students who are having a hard time in budgeting
their allowances.

Management of allowance can play a big role in saving money. We have decided to create
an application that will help someone save money and by doing so, this app will reveal the
value on how much remaining allowance money can be saved. And by that knowing on how
much could someone possibly save tends to have expectation of having extra or

After learning so many things in our topic. Based on our conclusion we are recommending to
the following that they should:

Students- Maximizing a daily allowance takes effort and discipline, and may require small
changes in your daily routine. To avoid spending much on unimportant things , for instance.
For Future Researchers - As a student who gives research to this topic we are
recommending to all of you that gives the idea that we didn’t see because we researchers
believe that this topic gives ideas to the readers.


Gilberto M. Llanto Maureen Ane D. Rosellon Ma. Kristina P. Ortiz. (2018). E-Finance in the
Philippines: Status and Prospects for Digital Financial Inclusion

Kimberly Failaman (2018). DAILY ALLOWANCE: How does it affect the academic
performance of grade-11 students in madurriao national high schools

French, D., McKillop, D., & Stewart, E. (2020). The effectiveness of smartphone apps in
improving financial capability. European Journal of Finance, 26(4-5), 302-318

Malikberdi Hezretov, (2018). Budget Tracker Highly Customizable Budgeting

MobileApplication https://dl.ucsc.cmb.ac.lk/jspui/bitstream/123456789/4424/1/16550949.pdf

Curriculum Vitae
De Guzman, John Aldrin S.
125 Mel Alcalde St Tondo Manila

OBJECTIVE: To secure a challenging position in a

reputable organization to expand my learnings, knowledge, and

Personal Data:
Age: 22
Birthday: September 19,2000
Place Of Birth: Manila
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background:

Primary: Emilio Jacinto Elementary School

1971 Velasquez Street Tondo, Manila
June 2006 – April 2012

Secondary: Dr. Juan G Nolasco High School

252 Tioco, Tondo, Maynila
June 2012 – April 2016
College: Saint Jude College – Phinma
Dimasalang cor, Don Quijote St, Sampaloc, Manila
June 2020 - Present

SchoolBud (Budget Application)

Interview Guide

1.) Do you find it hard to plan your budget

- Very Difficult
- Difficult
- Slightly Difficult
- Not at all

2.) Have you ever thought of

downloading an app that specifically
calculates your expenses and reveals
the amount that you need for a month?
- Yes
- No, I don't manage my expenses at all or
someone is managing it for me.
- I want to try downloading one.
- I calculate my expenses manually.

3.) As a student, will you be encouraged

to save money if you will be able to know
how much money you can possibly
- Yes
- No
- Depends on the amount

4.) Based on the situation of this

country, is it really necessary for an
individual to use an app that manages
- Yes
- No

5.) If you manage to save a lot of money,

what will you buy for yourself or
someone else?
(ex. gadgets, food, etc.)
- short answer

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