Outline of Degree
Outline of Degree
Outline of Degree
Unit 3. Psychological Foundations of Education
Learning and Maturation
Individual Differences
Self Concept
Academic Aptitude
Instructional Strategies and Psychology
Unit 4. Socio-Economic Foundations of Education
Concept of Society and Culture
Social Conditions and Education
Economic Conditions and Education
Politics and Education
Unit 5. Historical Foundations of Education in Pakistan
Pre-Pakistan Period (712 A.D. to onward)
Period from 1947-1958
Period From 1959-1971
Period from 1972-1979
Period from 1980 -1991
Period from 1992 – to date
Unit 6 Aims of Education
Aims, Goals and Objectives
Taxonomies of Objectives
Aims and Objectives of Education in Pakista
Unit 7 Problems and Issues in Education in Pakistan
Universalization of Primary Education
Medium of Instruction
Diversification of Education
Environmental Education
Gender and Education
Islamization of Education
Special Education
Health Education / Drug Education
HIV / Aids, STIs, Hepatitis
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Book
Canestrari, A. (2009). Foundations of Education. New York: Sage Publications
Eugene, F.P. (2005). Critical issues in education: Anthology of reading. New York: Sage
Goldblatt, P.F., & Smith, D. (2005). Cases for teacher development. New York: Sage Publications.
Holt, L.C. (2005). Instructional patterns: Strategies for maximizing students learning.
Murphy, D. (2005). Foundations/Introduction to Teaching. USA: Allyn & Bacon, Inc.New York:
Sage Publications.
Semel, S. F. (2010). Foundations of education: The essential texts. USA: Routledge.
Pachauri, A. (2006). Foundations of education. New Delhi: Pragun Publications.
Kneller, G. (1971). Foundations of education. New York: Wiley.
Gruber, F. (1957). Foundations of education. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Course: General Methods of Teaching
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction: The purpose of course is to prepare prospective teachers in learning and using
different method and techniques of teaching in order to make teaching learning process effective.
Various aspects of instructions are highlighted to help teacher practice different teaching
strategies successfully.
After completion of this course students will be able to:
Explain the basic concepts of teaching.
Demonstrate the essential attributes of the effective teacher.
Describe the importance and types of teacher planning
Practice different teaching methods in classroom.
Organize classroom discussion and demonstrate its appropriate use.
Apply various techniques to motivate students
Select appropriate audio visual aids in classroom teaching
Prepare lesson plans.
Course Content:
Unit 1 Introduction
1.1. Definitions of Teaching
1.2. The concept of Effective Teaching
1.3. Role of teacher for conducive learning environment
1.4. Personal Characteristics of an Effective Teacher
1.5. Professional Characteristics of an Effective Teacher
1.6. The concepts of Teaching Methods, Strategies and Techniques
Unit 2 Lesson Planning in Teaching
2.1. The Need for lesson Planning
2.2. Approaches to lesson Planning
2.3. Weekly Planning
2.4. Daily Planning
2.5. Unit Planning
2.6. Course Planning
Unit 3 Steps in Lesson Planning
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Presentation
3.3. Generalization
3.4. Application
3.5. Recapitulation
3.6. The Lesson Plan Format
Unit 4 Pedagogy by Level
4.1. Pedagogy of early childhood education
4.2. Pedagogy of elementary education
Unit 5 Inquiry Method
5.1. The Inductive Method
5.2. Deductive Method of inquiry
5.3. Scientific Method
5.4. The Problem Solving Approach
5.5. Advantages and Limitations of Inquiry Method
Unit 6 Activity Methods & Cooperative learning
6.1. Individual Project
6.2. Group Project
6.3. Research Projects
6.4. Cooperative learning
6.5. Techniques of cooperative learning
6.6. Advantages and Limitations of activity & cooperative Method
Unit 7 Demonstration Method
7.1. What is Classroom Discussion
7.2. Planning the Discussion
7.3. Organizing the Discussion
7.4. Practicing in asking questions
7.5. Practicing in answering the questions
7.6. Assessing the discussion
7.7. Advantages and Limitations of Discussion Method
Unit 8 Student Motivation
8.1. Concept of Motivation
8.2. Intrinsic Motivation
8.3. Extrinsic Motivation
8.4. Theories of Motivations
8.5. Strategies to Motivate Students
Unit 9 Teaching Skills
9.1. Set induction
9.2. Presentation
9.3. Identify learning difficulties of students
9.4. Prepare lesson according to individual needs
9.5. Students Evaluation
Unit 10 Teaching Tools
10.1. Selecting the Audio Visual Material
10.2. Planning To Use the Materials
10.3. Preparing For the Audio Visual Activity
10.4. Kinds of AV Materials
White Board / Marker
Charts, Posters, Maps, Graphs & Models
Text Books
Hand Outs
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books
Allen, Mendler, (2009).”Motivating Students Who Don't Care”: Successful Techniques
for Educators. Amazon.com
Arends, R.I. (2007) “Learning to Teach” (7th Edition, McGraw Hill International
Edition). Boston: McGraw Hill.
Bhatt, B. D. (1995). Modern methods of teaching: Concept and techniques. New
Delhi: Kanishka.
Borich, G. D. (2000). Effective teaching methods. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Merrill.
Cruickshank, D. R., Jenkins, D. B., & Metcalf, K. K. (1995). The act of teaching. New
York: McGraw-Hill.
Feldman, J. A., & McPhee, D. (2008). The science of learning & the art of teaching.
Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning.
Wellington, J. J., Ireson, G., & Wellington, J. J. (2008). Science learning, science
teaching. London: Routledge.
Recommended Book:
Oxford Practice Grammar by John Eastwood Oxford University Press. Published 2005.
Unit No. 76, 77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90. (ARTICLES)
Unit No. 98, 99, 100, 101, 102 103. (PRONOUNS)
Unit No. 104, 105, 106, 107, 110, 111, 112. (ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS)
Unit No. 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127. (PREPOSITIONS)
Unit No. 150, 151, 152, 153. (LINKING WORDS)
Appendix 3 Page No. 372
Recommended Book:
Focus on Comprehension Book 4 by Peter Ellison Learners Publishing Pte. Ltd. Singapore, 2009.
Section 1. Unit No. 1.
Section 2. Unit No. 2, 3, 4, 5. Practice Unit 1.
Section 3. Unit No. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Practice Unit 2.
The students are required to know basics of Paragraph Writing with an emphasis on Topic sentence
and Supporting sentences and a possible Concluding sentence. (Word Limit Up to 120 words)
Recommended Book:
Paragraph Development: A Guide for Students of English as a Second Language by Martin L.
Arnaudet, Mary Ellen Barrett. Pub. Prentice Hall College Div. 1981 (Page 1-32)
This unit will lead up to the teaching and evaluation of “Oral Presentation Skills” in the following
semesters also.
Recommended Book:
Oxford Practice Grammar by John Eastwood Oxford University Press. Published 2005.
Unit No. 34, 35, 36, 38, 39.
GAT HIGH FREQUENCY WORDS (GAT Word List) Page No. 143-152
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Book:
Guide for GAT General Test. SMART BRAIN. GRE (General, Local) by Muhammad Idrees. Pub:
Dogar Brothers. 2010-2011 edition.
Syllabus Outline:
Comparative study of the different plant groups with representative examples, including
Viruses, Bacteria, Algae, Fungi, Lichens, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and
Plant Diversity:
Comparative study of life form, structure, reproduction and economic signification of.
1. Viruses (RNA and DNA types) with special reference to Tobacco Mosaic Virus
2. Bacteria and Cyanobacteria (Nostoc, Oscillatoria)
3. Algae; (Chlamydomonas, Spirogyra, Chara, Pinnularia, Ectocarpus and
4. Fungi (Mucor, Penicillium, Phyllactinia, Ustilago, Puccinia and Agaricus),
their effects on crop production and industrial applications
5. Lichens (Physcia)
6. Bryophytes
a. Riccia
b. Ant hoceros
c. Funaria
7. Pteridophytes
a. Fossils and fossilization
b. Psilopsida (Psiatum)
c. Lycopsida (Selaginella)
d. Sphenopsida (Equisetum)
e. Pteropsida (Marsilea)
f. Seed Habit
8. Gymnosperms (Cycas, Pinus, Ephedra)
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended:
1. Lee, E. R. (2007).Phycology (4th Ed.) Cambridge University Press U.K.
2. Sambamurty, A.V.S.S. (2005).A Textbook of .Btyophytes, Pteridophytes,
Gymnosperms and Paleobotany. 1K. International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Bangalore,
Mumbai. 573 P,
3. Agrios, G.N. (2004).Plant Pathology (8th Ed.), Academic Press London.
4. Prescott, L.M., Harley, J.P. and Klein, A.D. (2004).Microbiology, (3rd Ed.) WM.
C. Brown Publishers.
5. Mauseth. J.D. (2003).Botany: and Introduction to Plant Biology (3rd Ed.) Jones
& Bartlett Pub.UK.
6. Biswas, C, and John, G.M. (1999). The Gymnosperms. Narosa Publishing
House. New Delhi and London.
7. Alexopoulos, C.J., Mims, C.W. and Blackwell, M. (1996).Introductory
Mycology (4th Ed.) John Wiley and Sons, UK.
Syllabus Outline:
Culturing, preservation and staining of microorganisms. Study of morphology and
reproductive structures of the plant types mentioned in theory. Identification of various
plant types mentioned from prepared slides and fresh specimens.
1. Culturing and staining of microbial types
2. Maintenance and preservation of cultures of microbes (Bacteria/ Cyan bacteria
/ Algae / Fungi)
3. Identification of various types mentioned in the syllabus from fresh and,
preserved specimens and prepared slides.
4. Study of morphology and reproductive structures of the type mentioned in
theory (Specimens/prepared slides)
Assessment Strategies (Practical) :
The student will be assessed according to the following criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended:
1. Lee, E. R. (2007).Phycology (4th Ed). Cambridge University Press U.K.
2. Sambamurty, A.V.S.S. (2005). A Textbook of Bryophytes, Pteridophytes,
Gymnosperms and Pale botany. l.K. International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Banglore,
3. Agrios, G.N. (2004). Plant Pathology (8th Ed.), Academic Press London.
4. Nlauseth. J.D. (2003). Botany and Introduction to Plant Biology (3rd Ed.) Jones
& Bartlett Pub UK.
5. Prescott, L.M., Harley, J.P. and Klein, A.D. (2004).Microbiology, (3rd Ed.) WM.
C. Brown Publishers.
6. Giswas, C, and John, G.M. (1999).The Gymnosperm&Narosa Publishing
House. New Delhi and London
7. Alexopoulos, C.J., Mims, C.W. and Blackwell, M. (1996).Introductory
Mycology. (4th Ed.) John Wiley and Sons, UK.
The objective of the course is for students
5. Develop skills in making decisions in the lab, in data acquisition, and critical
evaluation of data.
6. Appreciate the role physical chemistry plays in chemical (physical, biological, etc.
A. Gases:
Law of equipartition of energy, Collision diameter, collision number, collision
frequency and mean free path; Viscosities of gases, measurements, effect of
temperature and pressure on viscosities of gasses; Critical phenomenon of gases and
experimental determination of Pc, Vc and Tc; Concept of molecular velocities of
gasses according to Maxwell’s distribution law and comparison of various velocities.
B. Liquids:
The properties of liquids like surface tension, viscosity, refractive index and dipole
moment; Parachor, reheochor and molar refraction as additive and constitutive
properties; Measurement of refractive index and dipole moment; Magnetic
susceptibility and its measurement by Gouys balance.
C. Solids:
Symmetry operations and Bravis lattices; Concept of X-Ray diffraction, Bragg’s
equation and crystal structure analysis; Powder method of crystal structure analysis;
X-ray crystallography of sodium chloride crystal; Heat capacities of solids.
Heat capacity as Cp and Vc; Difference in Cp and Cv and ration of Cp and Cv
towards atomicity; Temperature dependence of heat capacities; Quantitative effect of
temperature over enthalpy change and internal energy change; Types of
thermodynamical processes; Isothermal reversible expansion of ideal gases; Adiabatic
process of ideal gasses; Second law of thermodynamics, Carnot cycle, efficiency of
heat engine and concept of entropy; Thermodynamics scale of temperature entropy for
phase transition, spontaneity and reversibility; Entropy change in reversible and
irreversible processes; Temperature dependence of entropy, Variation of entropy with
pressure and volume; Concept of free energy; Derivation of Gibbs and Helmholtz
equation; standard free energy of formation; Partial molar quantities, Chemical
potential, variation of chemical potential with pressure and temperature fugacity;
Thermodynamic of equilibrium, Reaction isohore; Calusius-Clapeyron equation;
Molecular basis of entropy and probability.
Derivation of kinetic expression of zero order, first order, second order (with same
and different concentration) and third order reactions (with same concentrations) with
suitable examples; Equation for half life periods and determination of rate constants;
Methods of measurements of order of reactions giving examples with different
techniques; Derivation of Arrhenius equation and measurements of Arrhenius
parameters, Measurement of slopes of Arrhenius plots for some important reactions
Bimolecular collision theory of reaction rates and its failures; Collision theory of uni-
molecular, gas phase reactions (Lindeman mechanism); Introduction transition state
theory of reaction rates.
Thermodynamics derivation of colligates properties as lowering of vapor pressure,
elevation of boiling point, depression of freezing point; Relationship between
lowering of vapor pressure with ∆Tb and ∆Tf; Osmotic pressure an their
determination; Concept of semi permeable membrane, Isotonic solution, theory of
osmotic pressure, relationship between vapor pressure and osmotic pressure,
Abnormal colligative properties describing association and disassociation of solutes;
Fractional distillation and idea of azotropes in detail; Concept of colloids;
Classification of Colloids; their properties with reference to dialysis, electro dialysis,
sedimentation, precipitation, ultra filtrations, Suspensions and gels; Tyndal cone
effect; Macromolecules and micelles.
Introduction to adsorption; Difference between physical and chemical adsorption;
Adsorption of gases by solids; Different types of adsorption isotherms with special
reference to Langmuir adsorption isotherm and its applications; Freundlich adsorption
isotherm giving some important applications; Brief introduction to catalysis; Theories
of Catalysis; Activation energy for catalyzed reactions; Kinetics of enzyme catalysis;
Theories of catalysis; Activation energy for catalyzed reactions; Kinetics of enzyme
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books:
1. Adamson A. W. “Understanding Physical Chemistry” 3rd Ed., Benjamin
Cummings Publishing Company Inc.
2. Akhtar M.N.& Ghulam Nabi, “Textbook of Physical Chemistry”, ilmi Kutab
Khana, Lahore.
3. Bhatti H.N. and K.Hussain, “Principles of Physical Chemistry”; Carwan Book
House, Lahore.
4. Maron S.H. & B. Jerome, “Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry”, Macruthan
Publishing Co., Inc. New York. (Also published by National Book Foundation).
5. Atikins P.W.& M.J.Clugston, “Principles of Physical Chemistry” Pitman
Publishing Company (1988).
6. Moore W.J. “Physical Chemistry”, 5th Ed. Longmans Publishers.
7. Jones M. “Elements of Physical Chemistry” Addison-Sesky Publishing Company.
8. G.M.Barrow, International six Edition “Physical Chemistry”.
9. IRA. N. Levine fourth edition “Physical Chemistry”
10. Alberty and Danials, “Physical Chemistry”
11. Castallon, “Physical Chemistry”
12. Laidler & Meiser “Physical Chemistry”
13. Friemental “Chemistry in Action”
1. Determination of percentage composition by surface tension, viscosity and
refractive index method.
2. Determination of heat of solution for solids and liquids.
3. Quantitative measurement of colored salt of KMnO4, K2Cr2O7 in colorimeter.
4. Study of first order reaction:
a) Study of hydrolysis of methylacetate
b) Measurement of rate constant
5. Measurement of molecular weight by; Depression of freezing point.
6. Determination of transition temperature of Na2SO4 10 H2O ; Na2CO3 10 H2O;
MgSO4 7 H2O
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books:
1. Crocleford H.D., H.W.Biard, F.W. Getzen & J.W. Nowell, “Laboratory Manual
of Physical Chemistry”, 2nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons London.
2. Das R.C. and B. Behera, “Experimental Physical Chemistry”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Limited.
3. Levitt B.P., “Findlay’s Practical Physical Chemistry”, 9th Ed., Longman Group
c. The common processes of life through its chemistry, biochemical and molecular
Classification of organisms; definition, concept, evolutionary relationships and tree
diagrams; patterns of organization.
Animal-Like Protists: The Protozoa:
development, other maintenance functions and diversity in gastropods, bivalves and
cephalopods; further phylogenetic considerations.
Annelida: The Metameric Body Form
Kent, G. C. & Miller, S. (2001). Comparative anatomy of vertebrates. New York:
McGraw Hill.
Miller, S. A. (2002). General zoology laboratory manual (5 ed) (International).
Singapore: McGraw Hill.
Miller, S. A., & Harley, J. B. (2000). Zoology (6 ed) (International). Singapore: McGraw
Pechenik, J. A. (2000). Biology of invertebrates, (5 ed) (International). Singapore:
McGraw Hill.
Course Content
1. Study of Euglena, Amoeba, Entamoeba, Plasmodium, Trypanosoma, Paramecium as
representative of animal like protists. (Prepared slides).
2. Study of sponges and their various body forms.
3. Study of principal representative classes of phylum Coelenterata.
4. Study of principal representative classes of phylum Platyhelminthes.
5. Study of representative of phylum Rotifera, phylum Nematoda.
6. Study of principal representative classes of phylum Mollusca.
7. Study of principal representative classes of phylum Annelida.
8. Study of principal representative classes of groups of phylum Arthropoda.
9. Brief notes on medical/economic importance of the following: Plasmodium,
Entamoeba histolitica, Leishmania, Liverfluke, Tapeworm, Earthworm,
Silkworm, Citrus butterfly.
Evaluation Criteria
Books Recommended
Campbell, N. A. (2002). Biology (6 ed). Menlo Park, California: Benjamin/Cummings
Publishing Company, Inc.
Hickman, C. P. & Kats, H. L. (2000). Laboratory studies in integrated principles of
zoology. Singapore: McGraw Hill.
Hickman, C.P., Roberts, L.S., & Larson, A. (2004). Integrated principles of zoology (12
ed) (International). Singapore: McGraw Hill.
Kent, G. C. & Miller, S. (2001). Comparative anatomy of vertebrates. New York:
McGraw Hill.
Miller, S. A. (2002). General zoology laboratory manual (5 ed) (International).
Singapore: McGraw Hill.
Miller, S. A., & Harley, J. B. (2000). Zoology (6 ed) (International). Singapore: McGraw
Pechenik, J. A. (2000). Biology of invertebrates, (5 ed) (International). Singapore:
McGraw Hill.
PRE-REQUISITE: FSc Level Physics
The main objective of this course is to understand the different motions of
objects on a macroscopic scale and to develop simple mathematical formalisms to
analyze such motions. This is a calculus-based introductory course with maximum
emphasis on applying the acquired knowledge to solving problems.
Basic Concepts: Units and Dimensions, SI Units, Changing Units, Scalars and
Vectors, Adding Vectors: Graphical as well as Component Method, Multiplying
Vectors: Dot and Cross Products.
Dynamics: Motion in One, Two and Three Dimensions: Position & Displacement,
Velocity and Acceleration, Motion under Constant Acceleration, Projectile Motion,
Uniform Circular Motion, Relative Velocity and Acceleration in One and Two
Dimensions, Inertial and Non-Inertial Reference Frames.
Newton’s Laws: Newton’s Laws of Motion and their Applications involving some
particular forces including Weight, Normal Force, Tension, Friction, and Centripetal
Force, Newton’s Law of Gravitation, Gravitational Potential Energy, Escape Velocity,
Kepler’s Laws, Satellite Orbits & Energy.
Work and Kinetic Energy: Work done by Constant and Variable Forces:
Gravitational and Spring Forces, Power, Conservative and Non-conservative Forces,
Work and Potential Energy, Isolated Systems and Conservation of Mechanical
Energy, Work Done by External Forces including Friction and Conservation of
Impulse, Momentum & Kinetic Energy in One and Two Dimensional Elastic and
Inelastic Collisions.
Evaluation Criteria
1. Physics Vol. I & II (extended) by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 4th Edition,
John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 1992.
2. Physics Vol. I & II by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 5th Edition, John Wiley
and Sons Inc, New York, 2002.
3. Fundamental of Physics by Halliday Resnick and Krane, 5th Edition, John
Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 1999.
4. University Physics 8th Edition by Sears, Zemansky and Young, Addison-
Wesley, Reading (MA), USA, 2000.
5. Physics by Alonso and Finn: Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA), USA, 1999.
Evaluation Criteria
1. Physics Vol. I & II (extended) by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 4th Edition,
John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 1992.
2. Physics Vol. I & II by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 5th Edition, John Wiley
and Sons Inc, New York, 2002.
3. Fundamental of Physics by Halliday Resnick and Krane, 5th Edition, John
Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 1999.
4. University Physics 8th Edition by Sears, Zemansky and Young, Addison-
Wesley, Reading (MA), USA, 2000.
5. Physics by Alonso and Finn: Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA), USA, 1999.
Course Title: Mathematics A-I [Calculus (I)]
Course Rating: 4 Cr. Hours
Real numbers and the real line
Functions and their graphs
Shifting and scaling graphs
Solution of equations involving absolute values
Complex numbers system. Polar form of complex numbers, De Moivr’s
Circular function, hyperbolic functions, logarithmic
Limit and Continuity
Limit of a function, left hand and right hand limits, Theorems of limits
Continuity, Continuous functions
Derivatives and its Applications
Differentiable functions
Differentiation of polynomial, rational and transcendental functions
Mean value theorems and applications
Higher derivatives, Leibniz’s theorem
L’Hospitals Rule
Intermediate value theorem, Rolle’s theorem
Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorem with their remainders
Integration and Definite Integrals
Techniques of evaluating indefinite integrals
Integration by substitutions, Integration by parts
Change of variable in indefinite integrals
Definite integrals, Fundamental theorem of calculus
Reduction formulas for algebraic and trigonometric integrands
Improper integrals, Gamma functions
Recommended Books
1. Thomas, B. G, Weir, D. M., Hass, J., & Giordano R. F. (2005). Thomas Calculus (11 th
Course Title: Mathematics B-I [Vectors & Mechanics (I)]
Course Rating: 4 Cr. Hours
Vector Algebra
Introduction to vector algebra
Scalar and vector product
Scalar triple product and vector triple product
Applications to geometry
Vector Calculus
Limit, continuity and differentiability of vector point functions
Partial derivatives of vector point functions
Scalar and vector fields
The gradient, divergence and curl
Expansion formulas.
Fundamental concepts and principles
Inertial-non-inertial frames, Newton’s laws
Resultant of several concurrent forces
The parallelogram law of forces
Resolution of a forces, triangle of forces
Lamy’s theorem, polygon of forces
Conditions of equilibrium for a particle
External and internal forces, principle of transmissibility
Resultant of like and unlike parallel forces
Moment of forces about a point, Varigon’s theorem
Moment of a couple, equivalent couples, composition of couples
Reduction of coplanar forces to a force or a couple
Dry friction and fluid friction
Laws of dry friction, coefficients of friction, angle of friction
Equilibrium of a particle on a rough inclined plane
Particle on a rough inclined plane acted on by an external force
Conditions for sliding or titling
Virtual Work
Principle of virtual work
Problems involving tensions and thrust
Recommended Books
1. Thomas, Calculus, 11th Edition. Addison Wesley publishing company, 2005
2. Jafferson, B. Beasdsworth, T. Further Mechanics, Oxford University Press,
3. Joseph F, Shelley. Vector Mechanics, Mc-Graw Hill Company, 1990
4. Murray R. Spiegel, Theoretical Mechanics, Schaum’s Outline Series, Mc
Graw Hill Book Company
5. Hwei P. HSU, Applied Vector Analysis, San Diego, New York, 1984.
7. Murray R. Spiegel, Vector Analysis, Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw Hill
Book Company, 1959
6. D.K. Anand and P.F. Cunnif, Statics and Dynamics, Allyn and Becon, Inc.
Semester II-Course Outlines
Recommended Book:
Oxford Practice Grammar by John Eastwood Oxford University Press. Published 2005.
Unit No. 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30 (Tenses)
Unit No. 128, 129, 130, 131 (Phrasal Verbs)
Recommended Book:
Focus on Comprehension Book 4 by Peter Ellison Learners Publishing Pte. Ltd. Singapore, 2009.
Section 4. Unit No. 12, 13, 14, 15. Practice Unit 3.
Section 5. Unit No. 16, 17, 18.
Section 6. Unit No. 19. Practice Unit 4.
The students are required to FURTHER know of Paragraph Writing with an emphasis on Topic
sentence and Supporting sentences and a possible Concluding sentence. (Word Limit Up to 120
Recommended Book:
Paragraph Development: A Guide for Students of English as a Second Language by Martin L.
Arnaudet, Mary Ellen Barrett. Pub. Prentice Hall College Div. 1981 (Page 179-185)
The students are expected to be proficient in Reading Skills like Skimming, Scanning, Speed
Reading and avoiding Faulty Reading Habits.
Recommended Book:
English Language Communication Skills for B.Ed by Nadeem Aziz. Pub: Majeed Book Depot.
(Page 139-159)
WORD ROOT METHOD Unit 1-6. Page No. 88-103.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Book:
Guide for GAT General Test. SMART BRAIN. GRE (General, Local) by Muhammad Idrees. Pub:
Dogar Brothers. 2010-2011 edition.
Course: Computer (Introduction and Application)
Credit Hours: 2
This course is designed in view of the application of computer in wide range of areas.
Operating systems is very interesting subject the student will know about operating
system its types how it works ,all important functions which it performs about computer
systems and also how it manages computer memory.
Course Content
Process Management
Virtual Memory
Introduction Evolution of Storage organizations, virtual storage basic concepts,
multilevel storage organizations, Block mapping, Segmentations
Directories and names, types of file systems objects, file systems functions,
information types, file system architecture,
Course: Human Development and Learning
Credit Hours: 3
This course focuses on developing effective secondary school teachers and head
teachers. The aim of the course is to make prospective teachers well acquainted with
the process of running schools in effective and efficient manner besides being well
versed with the duties and responsibilities of the teachers. The course covers
knowledge about school management; organization; function of head teachers, record
keeping and school-community relations related issues and matters.
After studying this course, students will be able to understand:
Basic concepts in human development, growth and learning;
Process of human development and its classroom application;
Various aspects and stages of human development;
Different approaches to human learning;
Individual differences and their effect on teaching learning.
Course Content
Unit 1: Introduction
a. Definitions of Human Development and Growth
b. Difference between Growth and Development
c. General Principles of Human Development
d. Factors influencing Human Development
e. A Frame work for studying Human Development
Unit 2. Physical Development
a. Concept and definition of individuals
b. Physical Development from Infancy to Adolescence
c. Physical Characteristics of Learners of:
d. Preschool and Kindergarten
e. Primary Level
f. Elementary Level
g. Secondary Level
h. Higher Secondary Level
i. Role of Teacher in Physical Development
Unit 3. Intellectual Development
a. Intellectual Development from Infancy to Adolescence
b. Intellectual Characteristics of Learners of:
c. Preschool and Kindergarten
d. Primary Level
e. Elementary Level
f. Secondary Level
g. Higher Secondary Level
h. Role of Teacher in Intellectual Development
Unit 4. Social Development
a. Social Development from Infancy to Adolescence
b. Social Characteristics of Learners of:
c. Preschool and Kindergarten
d. Primary Level
e. Elementary Level
f. Secondary Level
g. Higher Secondary Level
h. Role of Teacher in Social Development
Unit5. Emotional Development
a. Emotional Development from Infancy to Adolescence
b. Emotional Characteristics of Learners of:
c. Preschool and Kindergarten
d. Primary Level
e. Elementary Level
f. Secondary Level
g. Higher Secondary Level
h. Role of Teacher in Emotional Development
Unit 6. Moral Development
a. Morality as Rooted in Human Nature
b. Morality as the Adoption of Social Norms
c. Moral Reasoning
d. Development of Morally Relevant Self-Control
e. Correlates of Moral Conduct
Unit 7. Language Development
a. What is Language?
b. Components of Language
c. The Sequence of Language Development
d. Biological and Environmental Influences on Language Development
Unit 8. Human Learning
a. Definition and Concept of Learning
b. Process of Learning
c. Factors Affecting Learning
d. Thorndike’s Laws of Learning
e. Transfer of Learning
Unit 9. Approaches to Learning
a. Behavioral Approach
b. Cognitive Approach
c. Social Learning Approach
d. Humanistic Approach
Unit10. Individual Differences
a. Sources and Types of Individual Differences
b. Dealing with Academic Ability Grouping
c. Differences in Learning and Thinking Styles
d. Effects of Individual Differences on Learning
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books:
Arif, H. A. (2003) Human Development and Learning. Lahore: Majeed Book Depot.
Berk, L. E. (2006) Child Development. (7th Edition). Pearson Prentice Hall: Pearson
Education, Inc.
Dembo, M.H. (1994) Applying Educational Psychology (5th Edition). New York:
Mehnaz Aziz (2007), Assessing children’s Development through observation,
Children‟s Global Network Pakistan.
Mehnaz Aziz (2007), Individualized teaching in ECE, Children’s Global Network
Ormrod, J.E. (1998) Educational Psychology Developing learners. New Jersey:
Prentice Hall.
Santrock, J.W. (2001) Educational Psychology. Boston: McGraw Hill.
Vander Zanden, J. W. (1997) Human Development. (6th Edition). New York: The Mc
Graw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Woolfolk, A (2004) Educational Psychology (9th Ed.). Singapore: Pearson Education.
Syllabus Outline:
Introduction to Plant Systematics, aims and objectives. History of classification,
Introduction to nomenclature, International code Morphological study of families,
Anatomical study of cell wall and the internal structure (tissues) of the plant body
Simple and complex tissues structure, function and relationship. Developmental
Plant Systematics:
Introduction to Plant Systematics: aims, objectives and importance.
Brief history of various systems of classification (Artificial, Natural and Phylogenetic)
with emphasis on Takhtajan’s System of Classification.
Introduction: Importance of Latin names and binomial nomenclature with an
introduction to International code of Botanical Nomenclature ICBN), St. Luis Code.
Brief account of various morphological characters of root, stem and leaf. inflorescence,
flower, placentaion and fruit types
Diagnostic Characters:
Economic importance and distribution patterns of the following families:
1. Ranuculaceae
2. Brassicaceae (Cruciferae)
3. Fabaceae (Leguminosae)
4. Rosaceae
5. Euphorbiaceae
6. Solanaceae
7. Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
8. Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
9. Asteraceae (Composite)
10. Liliaceae (Sen.Lato)
11. Poaceae (Graminae)
Cell wall structure and chemical composition
Simple Tissues:
Parenchyma, Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma
Epidermis and epidermal appendages including stomata.
Complex tissues:
Xylem, Phloem
Types of meristem, stem and root apices, secondary meristem, vascular cambiurm and
periderm. Structure and development of primary root and stem, structure of leaf.
Developmental embryology: Capsella bursa/ pastoris, structure of anther,
microsporogenesis, Microgametophyte, structure of ovule, megasporogenesis,
Megagametophyte, Endosperm formation
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended
1. Raven. P.H., Even, R.E. and Eichhom, S.E. (2010). Biology of Plants. W.H.
Freeman and Company Worth Publisher.
2. Stuessy, T.F. (2009). Plant Taxonomy. Columbia University Press. USA.
3. Lawrence, G.H.M. (2007). Taxonomy of Vascular Plants. (2nd Ed.). MacMillan
and Co. New York.
4. Raymond, F. and Eicbhorn, S.E. (2005). Esau’s Plant Anatomy. Meristerms
cells and tissue of the plant body, (3rd Ed.) John Wiley and Sons & Sons Inc.
5. Panday, B.P. (2004). A Text Book of Botany (Angiosperms). S. Chand and Co.
New Delhi.
6. Moore, R.C., W.D. Clark and Vodopich, D.S. (2003). Botany. McGraw Hill
Company, U.S.A.
7. Mauseth, J. D. (1998). An introduction to Plant Biology. Multimedia Enhanced.
Jones and Bartlett Publisher UK.
8. Fahn, A. (1990). Plant Anatomy. Pergamon Press Oxford.
9. Maheshawari, P. (1971). Embryology of Angiosperms. McGraw Hill. New
10. Esau, K. (1960). Anatomy of Seed Plants John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Syllabus Outline:
Identification of families, Technical description of the flowers, Field trips, Specimen
collection, Epidermis. Epidermal appendages, study of stomata, Study of xylem,
transverse section of leaf and stem.
Identification of families:
With the help of keys description of flower (in technical- terms) of the families
Ranunculaceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae Rosaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Cucurbitaceae,
Solanaceae, Lamiaceae, Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Liliaceae and Poaceae.
Field Trips:
Field trips shall be undertaken to study and collect local plants Students are required to
submit forty fully identified herbarium specimens.
Study of epidermis, stomata and trichomes
(Study of simple tissues from fresh material and prepared slides as well. Study of
complex tissues: xylem, maceration and study of xylem from macerated material).
Stem and Leaf:
Make a transverse section of stem and leaf of angiosperm.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended:
1. Raven, PH. Even, R.E. and Eichhom, S.E. (2010).Biology of Plants. W.H.
Freeman and Company Worth Publisher.
2. Lawrence, G.H.M. (2007).Taxonomy of Vascular Plants. (2nd Ed.). MacMillan
and Co. New York.
3. Raymond, F. and Eicbhorn, S.E. (2005).Esau’s Plaiyt Anatomy. Meristerms
cells and tissue of the plant body, (3rd Ed.) John Wiley and Sons Inc. New York.
4. Panday, B.P. (2004). A Text Book of Botany (Angiosperms). S. Chand and Co.
New Delhi.
5. Moore, R.C., W.D. Clark and Vodopich, D.S. (2003).Botany. McGraw Hill
Company, U.S.A.
6. Foster. F. (2002).Practical Plant Anatomy. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
7. Mauseth, J. D. (1998).An introduction to Plant Biology. Multimedia Enhanced.
Jones and Bartlett Publisher. UK.
8. Zahur, M.S. (1992).The Taxonomy of Angiosperms. Al-Hejaz Printers. Lahore.
9. Fahn, A. (1990).Plant Anatomy. Pergamum Press Oxford.
10. Maheshawari, P. (1971).Embryology of Angiosperms. McGraw I-fill New York.
11. Esau, K. (1960).Anatomy of Seed Plants. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
2. Periodicity
Modern periodic table; Similarities and differences in first row elements, their
diagonal and vertical relationship with other elements; Electro negativity of
elements (Pauling and Mullikan scales); Polarizability and polarizing power of ions;
Periodicity in the properties of transition and inner transition elements.
Nature and types of chemical bonding; Modern concept of valence bond theory
(VBT), molecular orbital theory (MOT) and their applications to homo and hetero
di-and polyatomic inorganic molecules, explaining the conventional and modified
MO diagrams; Valence shell electron pair repulsion theory (VSEPR), explaining the
shapes of inorganic molecules (i.e. AB2, AB3, AB2E, AB4, AB3E, AB2E2, AB5,
AB4E, AB3E2, AB2E3, AB6, AB5E, AB4E2) and directed valence theory
(Hybridization), Metallic bonds (detailed concept).
1. Acid-Base Concept
General concept of acids and bases. Detail of Lewis concept of acids and bases;
Soft and hard acid-base (SHAB) concept and its applications. Relative strength of
acids and bases based on Pk values. Reactions of acids and bases. Relationship
between redox reactions and acid base reactions. Indicators and theory of
6. Nuclear Chemistry
Phenomena of radioactivity; Natural radioactivity, Radioactive disintegration series,
rate of disintegration and half life period, Mass defect and binding energy, nuclear
stability; measurement of nuclear radiation, Wilson cloud chamber and Geiger-
Muller counter, Carbon dating; Artificial radioactivity and nuclear transformations,
Nuclear reactions (fission and fusion), Uses of radioactive isotopes; Biological
effect of nuclear radiation.
Chemical Industries
Evaluation Criteria
4. Shriver, D.F., P.W. Atkins and C.H. Langford, “Inorganic Chemistry”, Oxford,
2nd Edition (1996).
5. Sharp, A.G. “Inorganic Chemistry”, Longman, 3rd Edition (1992).
6. Rayner Canham, Geiof., “Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry” & Co. (1995).
7. Jefferey, G.H., j. bassett, J.Mendham and R.C. Denney, “Vogel’s text book of
Quantitave Chemical analysis”, 5th Education, Benjamin Cummings, (1989).
Separation & identification of cations/basic radicals of group I, II.A, II.B & III. Also
calculate their Rf values.
1) Determine the %age purity of NaCl (rock salt)
2) Determine the amount of NaCl in the commercial sample of soda ash.
1) Determination of %age purity of HCl.
2) Determination of silver in the given sample, using KSCN or NH4SCN.
REDOX TITRATIONS (By using both internal and external indicators)
1) Determination of amount/dm3 of FeSO4.7H2O with K2Cr2O7.
2) Determination of %age purity of K2Cr2O7 by using standard solution of Mohr’s salt.
3) Determination of number of water molecules (x) in FeSO4. xH2O using K2Cr2O7.
4) Determination of Ca2+ by KMnO4.
5) Determination of %age of iron in ferric alum (NH4)2SO4.Fe2(SO4)3.24H2O using
1) Standardization of EDTA solution by magnesium/zinc sulfate solution.
2) Find out the amount of Ca2+ in the given sample of marble (lime stone).
3) Determination of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the sample by using EDTA.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended:
1. Vogel, “A.I.A. Text Book of Macro and Semi micro-qualitative Inorganic
Analysis”, Longamn Green & Co., (1995).
2. Skoog, D.A., D.M. West and F.J. Holler, “Analytical Chemistry”, 6th Edition,
Saunders College Publications, (1994).
3. Javed Iqbal, Amin, “Theory and Practice of chromatography”, Higher
Education Commission, Islamabad, (2002).
Course Title: A Course of Mathematics II [ Plane Curves & Analytic Geometry ]
Course Rating: 4 Cr. Hours
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books
1. Thomas, Calculus, 11th Edition. Addison Wesley publishing company, 2005
2. H. Anton, I. Bevens, S. Davis, Calculus, 8th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2005
3. Hughes-Hallett, Gleason, McCallum, et al, Calculus Single and Multivariable,
3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2002.
4. Frank A. Jr, Elliott Mendelson, Calculus, Schaum’s outlines series, 4th edition,
5. C.H. Edward and E.D Penney, Calculus and Analytics Geometry Prentice Hall,
Inc. 1988
6. E. W. Swokowski, Calculus and Analytic Grometry PWS Publishers, Boston,
Massachosetts, 1983.
7. Dennis G. Zill & Patric D. Shanahan, Complex Analysis, Jones & Barlett Publishers,
Course Title: B Course of Mathematics-II [ Mechanics (II) ]
Course Rating: 4 Cr. Hours
Rectilinear motion of particles
Uniform rectilinear motion, uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion
Curvilinear motion of particle, rectangular components of velocity and
Tangential and normal components
Radial and transverse components
Projectile motion
Work, power, kinetic energy, conservative force fields
Conservation of energy, impulse, torque
Conservation of linear ad angular momentum
Non-conservative forces
Simple Harmonic Motion
The simple harmonic oscillator, amplitude, period, frequency,
Resonance and energy
The damped harmonic oscillator, over damped, critically damped and under
Motion, forces vibrations
Central Forces and Planetary Motion
Central force fields, equations of motion, potential energy, orbits
Kepler’s laws of planetary motion
Apsides and apsidal angles for nearly circular orbits
Motion in an inverse square field
Centre of Mass and Gravity
Discrete and continuous systems, density of rigid and elastic bodies
Centroid: Discrete and continuous systems, solid region, region bounded by
Semi-circular regions, sphere, hemisphere, cylinder and cone
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books
1. Fowles, G.R, Cassiday, G.L. Analytical Mechanics, 7th Edition, Thomson
Brook Cole, 2005
2. Jafferson, B. Beasdsworth, T. Further Mechanics, Oxford University Press
3. Murray R. Spiegel, Theoretical Mechanics, Schaum’s Outline Series, Mc
Graw Hill Book Company
4. D.K. Anand and P.F. Cunnif, Statics and Dynamics, Allyn and Becon, Inc.
5. Ferdinand P.B and E.R. Johnston, Statics and Dynamics, Mc-Graw Hill Book
Company, Inc. 1977
PRE-REQUISITE: FSc Level Physics
This course is one part of four that constitute the Introductory Physics program
for Physics Majors. It is a stepping stone to all the upper-level Physics courses
providing fundamental knowledge, mathematical techniques and laboratory practices.
Many of the concepts in Waves, Optics and Thermodynamics introduced in this
course will be encountered again & expanded upon in later courses.
Thus the main objective of this course is to provide students an introduction to
the fundamental concepts of Waves, Optics, and Thermodynamics along with a
thorough grounding in the associated mathematical and laboratory techniques.
Simple and Damped Simple Harmonic Oscillation: Mass-Spring System,
Simple Harmonic Oscillator Equation, Simple Pendulum. Forced Damped Harmonic
Oscillation, Resonance.
Mechanical waves: traveling waves, wave equation and power and intensity in
wave motion, principle of superposition, Doppler Effect of sound waves
Diffraction: diffraction from multiple slits, diffraction grating, X-ray diffraction and
structure of matter,
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
1. Physics Vol. I & II (extended) by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 4th Edition,
John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 1992.
2. Physics Vol. I & II by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 5th Edition, John Wiley
and Sons Inc, New York, 2002.
3. Fundamental of Physics by Halliday Resnick and Krane, 5th Edition, John
Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 1999.
4. University Physics 8th Edition by Sears, Zemansky and Young, Addison-
Wesley, Reading (MA), USA, 2000.
5. Physics by Alonso and Finn: Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA), USA, 1999.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
1. Physics Vol. I & II (extended) by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 4th Edition,
John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 1992.
2. Physics Vol. I & II by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 5th Edition, John Wiley
and Sons Inc, New York, 2002.
3. Fundamental of Physics by Halliday Resnick and Krane, 5th Edition, John
Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 1999.
4. University Physics 8th Edition by Sears, Zemansky and Young, Addison-
Wesley, Reading (MA), USA, 2000.
5. Physics by Alonso and Finn: Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA), USA, 1999.
Aims and Objectives:
The course aims to impart knowledge and understanding of:
exchange, and temperature regulation, nervous and sensory systems, excretion and
osmoregulation, reproduction and development; migration and navigation.
Mammals: Specialized Teeth, Endothermy, Hair, and Viviparity
Evolutionary perspective: diversity of mammals; evolutionary pressures: adaptations
in external structure and locomotion, nutrition and the digestive system, circulation,
gas exchange, and temperature regulation, nervous and sensory functions, excretion
and osmoregulation, behavior, reproduction and development.
Cells, Tissues, Organs, and Organ System of Animals
The students are expected to be proficient in formal letter writing like Letters to the editor,
public officials (WAPDA, WASA etc.)
The students are required to read the given prose critically and answer the questions.
Recommended Book:
The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing by Rise B. Axelrod, Charles R. Cooper. Pub. St. Martin’s
Press, 1988. (Page 18-19, 26-34, 49-55, 66-67, 77-80, 88-94, 104-105, 110-115, 129-137)
Strategies for oral presentation.
The students must learn how to give oral presentations and they should be able to give formal
Recommended Book:
Effective Business Communications. 7th Edition by Herta A. Murphy, Herbert W. Hildebrandt,
Jane P. Thomas. Pub. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2009. (Page
The students are required to practice paragraph writing with an emphasis on Topic sentence
and Supporting sentences. The students are supposed to write at least 3 connected paragraphs
on a single theme (word limit: 350 words).
The students are required to learn how to analyze and describe pictures in correct English.
Recommended Book:
Paragraph Development: A Guide for Students of English as a Second Language by Martin L.
Arnaudet, Mary Ellen Barrett. Pub. Prentice Hall College Div. 1981 (Page 179-185)
WORD ROOT METHOD Unit 7-11. Page No. 103-116.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Book:
Guide for GAT General Test. SMART BRAIN. GRE (General, Local) by Muhammad Idrees. Pub: Dogar
Brothers. 2010-2011 edition.
Recommended Books:
1. Muhammad Raza Kazrni, Pakistan Studies Core Texts far Colleges and universities, Oxford
University Press (2006)
2. Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi, The Struggle for Pakistan, Karachi, University of the Karachi, 1974 I
3. Khalid Bin Sayeed, Pakistan the Formative Phase (185 7-1948), Karachi, Oxford University
Press, 1968.
4. Choudhary M. Au, The Emergence of Pakistan, Lahore, Research Society of Pakistan, 2001
5. S. Qalb-i-Abid, Muslim Struggle for Independence (185 7-1947), Sang-c-Med Publications,
Lahore, 1997
6. M.R. Kazimi, A Concise History of Pakistan, Oxford University Press, 2009
7. Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Political Roots & Development. Lahore, 1994.
8. Afzal, M. Rafique, Pakistan: History and Politics 1947-1971, Karachi, Oxford University Press,
9. Rizvi, Hasan-Askari, The Military State and Society in Pakistan, Lahore, 2002
10. Burke, S.M., and Qureshi, S.A.D., The British Rj in India, Karachi, Oxford University Press,
11. S.M. Burke and Lawrence Ziring. Pakistan’s Foreign policy: An Historical Analysis. Karachi:
Oxford University Press, 1993.
12. Akbar, S. Zaidi, Issues in Pakistan’s Economy, Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2000
13. Jinnah of Pakistan, Karachi, Oxford University Press, 1989
14. Zuifi Bhutto of Pakistan, New York, Oxford University Press, 1989
15. Shahid, M. Amin, Pakistan‘s Foreign Policy: A Reappraisal, (Second Edition), Karachi, Oxford
University Press, 2010
16. Abdul Sattar, Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: A Concise History 1947-2009 (2nd Edition), Karachi,
Oxford University Press, 2010
17. Hardy, Peter, The Muslims of British India, New Delhi, Cambridge University Press, 1998
Course: Critical Thinking and Reflective Practices
Credit Hours: 3
After- studying this course, the students will be able to:
Differentiate between 'Good' and 'Bad' bent of mind
Ask and analyze thought provoking Questions
Understand the relationship of critical thinking with reading and writing
Foster rational motivation among the students.
Apply critical thinking in different Content areas
Develop the habit of contributive thinking
Understand the concept and role of reflection and reflective practice as a tool for
raising critical consciousness
Use reflection as a tool of inquiry into practice
Course Content
Unit 01 Introduction
1.1 Introduction to the Fundamentals of Critical Thinking
1.2 Why Critical Thinking Matters?
1.3 Critical Thinking and the Process of Analysis
A. Teaching Students to Think Theoretically
B. Teaching Students to Think Empirically
Unit 02 Strategies and Techniques to develop critical Thinking
2.1 Brain Storming
2.2 Concept Mapping
2.3 Generalization and Testing the Limits
2.4 Venn Diagram
2.5 Logical Reasoning
Unit 03 Critical Thinking and Art of Questioning
3.1 Critical Thinking and Socratic Questioning
3.3 Teaching Students to Ask Good Questions & Follow up the
Implications of Thought
3.5 View' and of others
3.6 Open and Close ended Questions
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books:
Ayoukarm, Govald (1989), Modern Methods and Techniques of Teachings
Philadephia. Open University press 1
Baron, J. and Sternberg, R, (Eds.) (1987) Teaching thinking skills: theory and
practice, New York: Freeman.
Barrow, R. (1990) Understanding Skills: Thinking, Feeling and Caring. London,
Ontario: Althouse.
Beyer. B. K. (1987) Practical strategies for the teaching of thinking. Boston:
Allyn and Bacon.
Chipman, S., Segat, J. and GIaser, R, (1985) Thinking and Learning Skills, Volume
2. Research and Open Questions. HiNsdale, New Jersey: Eribaum.
Crawford, A. (2005). Teaching and learning strategies for the thinking classroom.
New York, NY: International Debate Education Association.
Costa, A.L. and Lowery, L.F. (1990) Techniques for teaching thinking, Melbourne:
Hawker Brownlow.
Finn, B. (1991) Young People's Participation in Post-compulsory Education and
Training. Report of the Australian Education Council Review Committee.
Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.
Lau, J. Y. F. (2013). An introduction to critical thinking and creativity: Think
more, think better. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.
Zwozdiak-Myers, P. (2012). The teacher's reflective practice handbook: Becoming
an extended professional through capturing evidence-informed practice.
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Syllabus Outline:
An introduction to morphology and functioning of cell, cellular organelles and
mechanisms of cell division. Study of genes and their inheritance patterns. Concept of
a) Cell Biology:
1. Structures and brief description of Bio-molecules
i) Carbohydrates
ii) Lipids
iii) Proteins
iv) Nucleic Acids
2. Cell: Physico-chemical nature of plasma membrane and cytoplasm.
3. Ultra structure of plant cell with a brief description and functions of the
following organelles:
i) Endoplasmic reticulum
ii) Plastids
iii) Mitochondria
iv) Ribosomes
v) Dictyosomes
vi) Vacuole
vii) Microbodies (Glyoxysomes and Perioxisomes)
4. Nucleus: Nuclear membrane, nucleolus, ultrastructure and morphology of
chromosomes, karyotype analysis.
5. Reproduction in somatic and embryogenic cell, mitosis and meiosis, cell cycle.
6. Chromosomal aberrations; Changes in the number of chromosomes Aneuploidy
and Euploidy. Changes in the structure of chromosomes, deficiency, duplication,
inversion and translocation.
b) Genetics:
1. Introduction, Scope and brief history of Genetics. Mendelian Inheritance; Laws
of Segregation and Independent Assortment, Back Cross, Test Cross, Dominance and
Incomplete Dominance.
2. Sex linked inheritance, sex linkage in Drosophila and man (colour blindness),
XO, XY, WZ mechanisms, sex limited and sex linked characters, sex determination.
3. Linkage and Crossing Over, Definition, Linkage of Groups, Construction of
Linkage Maps, Detection of Linkage. Recombination
4. DNA Replication. Nature of gene, genetic code, transcription, translation,
regulation of gene expression
5. Transmission of genetic material and Bacteria: Conjugation and gene
recombination in co-transduction and transformation.
6. Principles of genetic engineering/biotechnology; Basic genetic engineering
7. A brief introduction of Gene Mutation.
8. Evolution
9. Assessment Strategies (Theory) :
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Syllabus Outline:
Development of concepts about cell structure, chromosomal morphology, mechanisms
of cell division, extraction of protein, DNA, RNA from plant sources, genetical
problems related to transmission and distribution of genetic material.
a) Cell Biology:
1. Study of cell structure using compound microscope and elucidation of ultra
structure from electron microphotographs.
2. Measurement of cell size.
3. Study of mitosis and meiosis by smear/squash method and from prepared slides.
4. Study of chromosome morphology and variation in chromosome number.
5. Extraction and estimation of carbohydrates, proteins, RNA and DNA from plant
b) Genetics:
1. General problems related to transmission and distribution of genetic material.
2. Identification of DNA in plant material. Carmine/Orcein staining.
Study of salivary gland chromosomes of Drosophila.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended:
1. Bretscher, A. (2007). Molecular Cell Biology. W. H. Freeman and Company
2. Griffiths, J.F., Miller, J.H., Suzuki, D.T., Lewontin, R.C. and Gelbart, W.M.
(2003). An Introduction to Genetic Analysis. W.H. Freeman and Company.
3. Sinha, U. and Sinha, S. (2003). Cyto genesis, Plant Breeding and Evolution. Vini
Educational Books, New Delhi.
4. Strickberger, M.V. (2003). Genetics. MacMillan Press Ltd., London.
5. Karp, G. (2002). Cell and Molecular Biology. Concepts and Experiments. 4th
Ed. John Wiley and Sons. New York.
6. Gilmartin, P.M. and Bowler. C. (2002). Molecular Plant Biology. vol 1 & 2.
Oxford University Press. UK.
7. Lodish. H. (2001). Molecular Cell Biology. W.H. Freeman and Co.
Dyonsager, V R. (2000). Cytology and Genetics. (3rd Ed.), Tata and McGraw Hill
Publication Co. Ltd. New Delhi.
The objective of the course is for students
relative stability and reactivity; Addition of halogens, additions of halogen acids and
the rules governing these reactions, hydration reactions, oxidation reactions
including epoxidation and hydroxylation, polymerization; Simon-Smith and Diels-
Alder reactions. Preparation of alkynes by carbide process, dehydrohalogenation of
dihalides and alkylation of terminal alkynes. Reactions of alkynes: addition
reactions with mechanisms, hydration reactions, oxidation, reduction,
hydroboration, formation of metal acetylides, polymerization (linear and closed
c) Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Structure of benzene, Resonance energy of benzene, Aromaticity, criteria for
aromaticity, Evidences of aomaticity; Natural sources of aromatic hydrocarbons;
Preparation of aromatic hydrocarbons by different methods.
Reaction of aromatic hydrocarbons: electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions i.e.
nitration, halogenation, Friedel-Crafts reaction and its limitations, sulfonation;
Orientation and reactivity of substituted benzenes;
Nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions; reaction such as addition, hydrogenation,
Birch reduction, and oxidation reactions of side chains.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons like naphthalene, anthracence and phenantharene,
their resonance structures and relative stabilities; Synthesis of naphthalene;
Electrophilic substitution reactions of naphthalene; Oxidation and reduction reactions;
Brief description of orientation and reactivity of naphthalene
4. Isomerism
Conformational isomerism: conformational analysis of ethane, n-butane,
cyclohexane, mono- and di-substituted cyclohexanes.
Optical isomerism: optical activity; chirality and optical activity; enantiomers,
diastreomers; racemates and their resolution; D, L and R, S conventions; Optical
Isomerism in cyclohexanes, biphenyls and allenes
Geometrical Isomerism: cis and trans isomers; E-Z convention; Determination
of configuration of the isomers; Inter-conversion of geometrical isomers;
Geometrical isomerism in cyclic compounds.
5. Alkyl halides
Preparation of alkyl halides from alcohols and carboxylic acids;
6. Chemistry of Hydroxyl Group containing Compounds and Ethers
Alcohols: Physical properties; Preparation of alcohols by the reduction of carbonyl
compound,; Reactions of alcohol with metals, organic and inorganic acids; Oxidation
of alcohols; Distinction between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols; Preparation
of diols, triols and their important reactions and uses.
Phenols: Physical properties; Synthesis of phenols; Reactions of phenols such as
acylation, Friedel-Crafts reaction, nitration, sulfonation, carbonation, formylation and
diazo coupling.
Ethers: Physical properties; Preparation of ethers from alcohols, alkyl halides and
alkenes; Reactions of ethers; Brief introduction of crown ethers and polyethers.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books:
1. C.K. Ingold, “Structure and mechanism in organic chemsitry”, C.B.S.
2. I.L.Finar, “Organic Chemistry”, Vol. I, Pearson Education, L.P.E.
3. I.L.Finar, “Organic Chemistry”, Vol. II, 5th Edition, L.P.E.
4. Jerry March, “Advanced Organic Chemistry, Reaction, Mechanism and
Structure”, 5th Edition, Wiley Inter Science.
5. Morison and Boyd, “Organic Chemistry”, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall.
6. Seyhan N. Ege, “Organic Chemistry Structure and Reactivity”, 3 rd Edition,
The University of Michigan, A.I.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors (Regd.).
7. Thomas H. Lowry, Kathleen Schueller Richardson “Mechanism and Theory in
Organic Chemistry”, 3rd Edition, Harper and Row Publishers, New York.
8. Alder, Baker, Brown, “Mechanism in Organic Chemistry”, Wiley Publishers.
9. Atkins Carey, “Organic Chemistry”, A Brief Course, 2nd Edition.
10. Peter Sykes, “A guide book to mechanism in organic chemistry”, 6th Edition,
Pearson Education, Singapore.
11. Carruthers, “Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis”, Cambridge low Priced
Edition, Cambridge.
12. Harris, Wamser, “Fundamentals of Organic Reaction Mechanism”, Wiley
13. G. Malcolm, Dyson, “A Manual of Organic Chemistry”, Vol. I.
14. Canant Blat, “The Chemistry of Organic Compound”, 5th Edition.
15. R. Panico, W.H.Powell, Jean-Claude Richer, “A guide to IUPAC
Nomenclature of Organic Compounds”, Blackwell Sci. Publication, 1993.
1) Compound Analysis
Identification of organic compounds containing only one functional group with
special emphasis on compounds containing following functional groups.
Recommended Books:
1. K.M.Ibne Raza, M.A. Rehman, Abdur Rehman, “Organic Chemistry”, The
Carvan Book House, Lahore.
2. B.S. Furniss, “Vogel’s T.B of Practical Organic Chemistry”, Addison Wesley
Longman, Inc. 1989.
3. Frederick George Mann and Saunder, “Practical Organic Chemistry”, The
English Language Book Society, 1960.
4. Daniel R. Palleras, “Experimental Organic Chemistry , John Willey & Sons”
Inc., 2000.
5. James A. Moore, “Experimental methods in Organic Chemistry”, Holt-
Saunders Int., 1983.
6. R.L. Shriner, R.C Fuson, D.V. Curtin and T.C Morrill “The systematic
identification of organic compounds, 6th ed. John Willey & sons, 1979.
c. Organ systems, their specialization and coordination with each other and
constantly changing internal and external environment, inside and outside
the animal’s body.
d. The basic structure of each system that determines its particular function.
Communication I: Nerves
Neurons: structure and function; neuron communication: introductory accounts of
resting membrane potential, action potential (nerve impulse) and transmission of the
action potential between cells; invertebrate and vertebrate nervous systems: the
spinal cord, spinal nerves, the brain, cranial nerves and the autonomic nervous system.
Communication II: Senses
Sensory reception: baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, georeceptors, hygroreceptors,
phonoreceptors, photoreceptors, proprioceptors, tactile receptors, and thermoreceptors
of invertebrates; lateral-line system and electrical sensing, lateral-line system
and mechanoreception, hearing and equilibrium in air, hearing and equilibrium in
water, skin sensors of damaging stimuli, skin sensors of heat and cold, skin sensors of
mechanical stimuli, sonar, smell, taste and vision in vertebrates.
Communication III: The Endocrine System and Chemical
Chemical messengers: hormones chemistry; and their feedback systems; mechanisms
of hormone action; some hormones of porifera, cnidarians, platyhelminthes,
nemerteans, nematodes, molluscs, annelids, arthropods, and echinoderms
invertebrates; an overview of the vertebrate endocrine system; endocrine systems of
vertebrates, endocrine systems of birds and mammals.
Circulation, Immunity, and Gas Exchange
Internal transport and circulatory systems in invertebrates: characteristics of
invertebrate coelomic fluid, hemolymph, and blood cells; transport systems in
vertebrates; characteristics of vertebrate blood, blood cells and vessels; the hearts
and circulatory systems of bony fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals; the
human heart: blood pressure and the lymphatic system; immunity: nonspecific defenses,
the immune response; gas exchange: respiratory surfaces; invertebrate and vertebrate
respiratory systems: cutaneous exchange, gills, lungs, and lung ventilation; human
respiratory system: gas transport.
Animal Behaviour
Four approaches to animal behaviour; proximate and ultimate causes;
anthropomorphism; development of behavior; learning; control of behavior;
communication; behavioral ecology; social behavior.
Evolution: A Historical Perspective
Pre-Darwinian theories of change; Lamarck: an early proponent of evolution; early
development of Darwin’s ideas of evolution and evidences; the theory of evolution
by natural selection; evolutionary thought after Darwin; biogeography.
Evolution and Gene Frequencies
The modern synthesis: a closer look; the Hardy-Weinberg theorem; evolutionary
mechanisms: population size, genetic drift, natural selection, gene flow, mutation, and
balanced polymorphism; species and speciation; rates of evolution; molecular
evolution; mosaic evolution.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books:
Campbell, N. A. (2002). Biology (6 ed). Menlo Park, California: Benjamin/Cummings
Publishing Company, Inc.
Zoology Lab-III
Credit Hour: 01
1. Study of insect chitin, fish scale, amphibian skin, reptilian scales, feathers and mammalian
2. Study and notes of skeleton of Labeo, Rana tigrina, Varanus, fowl and rabbit.
Note: Exercises of notes on the adaptations of skeletons to their function must be done.
3. Earthworm or leech; cockroach, freshwater mussel, Channa or Catla catla or Labeo or any
other local fish, frog, pigeon and rat or mouse and rabbits are representative animals
for study in dissections.
4. Study of models or preserved brains of representative animals and notes on adaptations.
5. Study of nervous system of earthworm and a fish.
6. Study of endocrine system in an insect and a rabbit.
7. Study of different types of blood cells in blood smear of rabbit.
8. Study of heart, principal arteries and veins in a representative vertebrate (dissection of
representative fish/mammals).
9. Study of respiratory system in cockroach or locust and a vertebrate representative (Model).
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books:
Campbell, N. A. (2002). Biology (6 ed). Menlo Park, California: Benjamin/Cummings
Publishing Company, Inc.
Physics 3(Electricity and Magnetism)
PRE-REQUISITE: FSc Level Physics
Understanding electromagnetic fields is essential to our understanding the
world around us. The most fundamental processes in nature, from the forces that
determine the structure of atoms and molecules to the phenomena of light to nerve
impulses in living systems, depend on electric and magnetic fields.
The objectives of this course are to teach the laws of electromagnetism from
our everyday experience by specific examples of how electromagnetic phenomena
manifest themselves. We want to be able to:
Electric field of continuous charge distributions, dipole in an electric field,
Applications of Gauss’ law, calculating the field from the potential, capacitor with
dielectric, electric current density and Ohm’s law, semiconductors and
superconductors, magnetic force on a charged particle, magnetic force on a current,
torque on a current loop, magnetic dipole, Biot-Savart Law, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s
Law, Lenz’s Law, motional E.M.F, induced electric fields, Gauss’ law for magnetism,
origin of atomic and nuclear magnetism, magnetization, magnetic materials, induced
magnetic fields and displacement current, Maxwell’s equations, generating an electro-
magnetic wave, traveling waves and Maxwell’s equations, energy transport and the
Poynting vector.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
1. Physics Vol. II (extended) by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 4th Edition, John
Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 1992.
2. Physics Vol.II (extended) by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 5th Edition, John
Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 2002.
3. Fundamental of Physics by Halliday Resnick and Krane, 5th Edition, John
Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 1999.
4. University Physics 8th Edition by Sears, Zemansky and Young, Addison-
Wesley, Reading (MA), USA, 2000.
5. Physics by Alonso and Finn: Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA), USA, 1999.
6. David J. Griffiths, “Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd Edition”,
PHYSICS LAB-III (Electricity and Magnetism)
Credit Hour: 01
Practical Work
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
1. Physics Vol. II (extended) by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 4th Edition, John
Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 1992.
2. Physics Vol.II (extended) by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 5th Edition, John
Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 2002.
3. Fundamental of Physics by Halliday Resnick and Krane, 5th Edition, John
Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 1999.
4. University Physics 8th Edition by Sears, Zemansky and Young, Addison-
Wesley, Reading (MA), USA, 2000.
5. Physics by Alonso and Finn: Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA), USA, 1999.
6. David J. Griffiths, “Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd Edition”,
Course Title: Mathematics A-III [ Linear Algebra]
Credits Hours: 4
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books
1. Howard Anton and Chris Rorres, Elementary Linear Algebra Applications
Version, John Wiley and Sons Inc. 9th Edition, 2005
2. W. Keith Nicholoson, Elementary Linear Algebra, PWS-Kent Publishing
Company, Boston, 2004
3. Bernard Kolman, David R. Hill, Introduction Linear Algebra with
Applications, Prentice Hall International, Inc. 7th Edition, 2001
4. Stephen H. Friedberg Et al, Linear Algebra, Prentice Hall, Inc. 3rd Edition,
5. Seymour Lipschutz, Theory and Problems of Beginning Linear Algebra,
Schaum’s Outline Series, Mc-Graw Hill Company, New York, 1997
Course Title: Mathematics B-III [ Calculus (II)]
Credit Hours: 4
Semester-IV Course Outlines
1- Definition of Ethics
2- Different concepts of Ethics (Ancient and contemporary)
3- Types of Ethics
a. Good Ethics
b. Bad Ethics
4- Importance of Ethics in Human Life
a. Individual Life
b. Family Life
c. Social Life
d. Importance of Ethics in Economic Life
e. Importance of Ethics in Politics
5- Ethical Teachings and Values in Different Religions
a. Hinduism
b. Buddhism
c. Zoroastrianism
d. Christianity
e. Judaism
f. Sikhism
g. Islam
6- Ethical Values of the above Religions
a. Truthfulness
b. Trustworthiness
c. Service to Humanity
d. Tolerance, Endurance
e. Respect for others
f. Cooperation, Mutual Help, selflessness
g. Justice (Social Justice, Economic Justice)
h. Equality
7- Concept of virtue and Evil in different religions.
8- Concept of “Flah” in Different Religions.
9- Attitude towards other Religions.
Recommended Books:
Course: Educational Leadership and Management
Credit hours: 3
After studying the course, the students will be able to:
1. Explain the concept of school organization, management and discipline and
factors affecting school discipline
2. Organized school activities (curricular and co-curricular) affectively and
manage available resources (material, human and time) efficiently.
3. Different sheet between the concept of leadership and management utilizing
the major indicator of effective leadership management.
4. Maintain school record and activities according to the school mandate.
5. Explain the functions of basic rules of leave pay and allowances E & D, codes
of ethics
Course Content
Unit 01 Introduction to Management
1.1 Definitions of Management and Leadership.
1.2 Difference between leadership and management
1.3 Difference between general and educational management and
Unit 02 Process of Management
2.1 Planning
2.2 Organizing
2.3 Staffing
2.4 Communicating
2.5 Controlling
2.6 Budgeting
Unit 03 Resource Management
3.1 Human resources
3.2 Physical resources
3.3 Financial resources
3.4 Information and learning resources (Library, AV Aids and
instructional material)
Unit 04 Rules and Regulations
4.1 Rules regarding appointment, leaves, pay and allowances.
4.2 Efficiency & Discipline rules
4.3 Terms of reference of various personals in the school
4.4 Code of ethics
Unit 05 Records in Educational Institutions
5.1 Attendance register
5.2 Leave register
5.3 Stock register
5.4 Cash register (fee, different kind of funds)
5.5 Personal files of teachers and other staff
5.6 Other academic record (students result, staff meetings etc.)
Unit 06 Theories of Leadership
6.3 Trait Theories
6.4 Contingencies Theories
Unit 07: Leadership Style
7.1 Democratic
7.2 Autocratic
7.3 Laissaiz-faire
7.4 Leadership style and Headship
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books
Afridi, A. (1998). School organization: Ijaz Publishers.
Bovee, C.L. et al. (1995). Management. International Edition. New York: McGraw
Hill, Inc.
Burden, R.P. (1995). Classroom management and discipline: Methods to facilitate
cooperationinstruction. New York: Longman.
Bush, T.B. et al. (1999). Educational management: Re-defining theory, policy and
practice. London: Longman.
Bush, T., & Bush, T. (2003). Theories of educational leadership and management.
London: Sage Publications.
Bush, T., Bell, L., & Middlewood, D. (2010). The principles of educational leadership
and management. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Farooq, R.A. (1994). Education system in Pakistan. Islamabad: Asia Society for the
Promotion of Innovation and Reforms in Education.
Lumicbry, R.P. (1995). Classroom demonstration administration, concepts and
practice. Third Edition. London:Wadsworth
(2004). School and Family Partnership. Islamabad: Children’s Resources
Gamage, D., & Pang, N. (2003). Leadership and management in education. Hong
Kong: Chinese University Press.
Razik, T., Swanson, A., & Razik, T. (2001). Fundamental concepts of educational
leadership. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Merrill/Prentice Hall.
Course: Educational Assessment and Evaluation
Credit Hours: 3
In this course, the students will study the theory and apply the same for test development
purposes. Thus they will understand the procedures, applications and limitations of
tests, techniques of administering individual/group tests and of interpreting assessment
instruments and profiles.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. understand the concept and nature of testing & evaluation
2. develop and analyze test items for assessing different abilities of students;
3. recognize and describe the different types of measurement instruments;
4. differentiate between standardized and classroom tests;
5. define and apply introductory analytical terms and concepts, including basic
statistical knowledge;
6. analyze and explain student profiles based on various outcomes of testing;
interpret scores and results of different measurement techniques
Unit 01 Introduction
1.1 Nature and meaning of test, assessment, measurement and
1.1 Distinction between test, assessment, measurement and
1.2 Role of assessment in education
1.3 Role of evaluation in education
Unit 02 Different types of test
2.1 Concept of standardized and non-standardized test
2.2 Norm-referenced test
2.3 Criterion-referenced test
2.4 Performance assessment
2.5 Individual and group tests
Unit 03 Characteristics of Test
3.1 Reliability
Definition of reliability
Types of reliability
Use of reliability
3.2 Validity
Definition of validity
types of validity
Evidence of validity
Reliability and validity
Unit 04 Designing Objectives
4.1 Selection of instructional objectives
4.2 Bloom Taxonomy
4.3 Solo Taxonomy
4.5 Methods of stating instructional objectives
4.6. Preparing a table of specification
4.7 - Use the table of specification as a basis for preparing test
Unit 05 Statistical concepts related with testing
5.1 Scales of measurement
5.2 Measures of central tendency
5.3 Indices of variability
5.4 Types of distributions
5.5 Correlation
Unit 06 Types of Tests
6.1 Supply type items
-Essay type
-Short answer
-Advantages and limitations
6.2 Rules for constructing supply type questions
6.3 Methods of improvement and effective use (Rules for scoring essay tests
6.4 Selection types test
-Multiple choice items
-True false items
-Matching items
-Completion items
6.5 Rules for constructing various types of objective test items
Unit 07 Item Analysis
7.1 Test construction
7.2 Test administration
7.3 Item analysis
Unit 08 Assembling, Administering and Evaluating the Test
8.1 Reviewing and editing the items
8.2 Arranging the items in the test
8.3 Preparing directions
8.4 The problem of guessing
8.5 Reproducing the test
8.6 Administering the test
8.7 Scoring the test
8.8 Building test file
8.9 Item bank
Unit 10 Grading and Reporting
10.1 Concept of grading
10.2 Types of grading
10.3 Reporting results to different stakeholders
Unit 11 New Trends and Issues
Portfolio Assessment
Dynamic Assessment
Computer assisted assessment and evaluation
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Suggested Books
Anastasi, Ann. (1996). Psychological Testing. New York: Macmillan
Carey, L.M. (1988) Measuring and Evaluating School Learning. Boston: Allyn and
Bacon. Columbus: Merrill Publishing Co.
Cronbach, L.J. (1984. Essentials of Psychological Testing. New York. Harper & Row
Eble, Robert. L. & Frisbic, David A. (1986) Essentials of Educational Measurement.
Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Gay, L.R. (1985). Essential Evaluation and Measurement: competencies for Analysis
Grunlund N.E. & Linn R.L. (1998) Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching.
London: McMillan.
Keeves, John P. (1988). Educational Research, Methodology and Measurement:
Linn, Robert L. and M. David Miller, (2005), Measurement and Assessment in
Teaching, 9th Ed., Upper Saddle River, N.J.: (Merrill) Prentice-Hall.
Lissitz, Robert and William Schafer. (2002), Assessment in Educational Reform: Both
Means and Ends, Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Lorber, Michael A., Adel AL-Bataineh, and Barbara Meyer, (2005), Objectives,
Methods, and Evaluation in Secondary Education, New York, Pearson Custom
Publishing Co.
McMillan, J. H. (2007), Classroom Assessment: Principles and Practice for Effective
Standards-Based Instruction (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Mehran, W.A. and Lehman, I.J. Measurement and Evaluation in Education and
Oosterhof, Albert C. (1990) . Classroom Applications of Educational Measurement.
Popham, W. James, (2000), Modern Educational Measurement: Practical Guidelines
for Educational Leaders, 3rd Ed. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Syllabus Outline:
a) Plant Physiology:
Water relations, Mineral nutrition, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Growth.
b) Ecology:
Introduction, Soil, Light and Temperature, Water, Wind, Population Ecology,
Community Ecology.
c) Plant Physiology:
1) Water relations (water potential, osmotic potential, pressure potential, matric
potential), Absorption and translocation of water.
2) Mineral Nutrition: Soil as a source of minerals, Passive and active transport of
nutrients. Essential mineral elements, role and deficiency symptoms of macronutrients.
3) Photosynthesis: Introduction, Oxygenic and non-oxygenic photosynthesis
Mechanism: light reactions (electron transport and photophosphorylation) and dark
reactions (Calvin cycle), Differences between C2 and C3 plants, factors affecting
4) Respiration: Definition and respiratory substrates. Mechanism of Glycolysis,
Krebs cycle. Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation. Anaerobic respiration,
Energy balance in aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
5) Growth: Definition; role of Auxins, Cytokinins, Abscisic acid and Ethylene in
controlling growth, Gibberellins
6) Photoperiodism: Definition, historical background, Classification of plants
based on photoperiodic response, Role of phytochromes, and hormones and metabolites
in photoperiodism.
7) Dormancy: Definition and causes of seed and bud dormancy; methods of
breaking seed dormancy. Physiological processes during seed germintion.
5) Wind: wind as an ecological factor and its importance
6) Population Ecology: Introduction to population ecology.
7) Community Ecology,
i) Ecological characteristics of plant community
ii) Methods of sampling vegetation (Quadrat and line intercept)
iii) Succession
iv) Major vegetation types of the local area.
8) Ecosystem Ecology,
i) Definition and components of ecosystem,
ii) Food chain and food web.
iii) Biogeochemical cycles, definition, types with emphasis on Nitrogen and
Hydrological cycles.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended:
1. Taiz, L. and Zeiger, E. (2010). Plant Physiology. 5th Edition. Sinauers
Publishing, Company. Inc. California.
2. Illahi, I. (2009). Plant Physiology. Biochemical Processes in Plants. UGC Press.
3. Witham F.W, and Devlin. Blaydes, D.F. and Devline, R.M (1986) Exercises in
Plant Physiology. Prindle, Weber and Schmidt, Boston.
4. Schultz, E. (2005). Plant Ecology. (2nd Ed.) Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
5. Smith, R. L. (2002). Ecology and Field Biology. Harper and Row Publishers,
New York.
6. Salisbury F.B. and Ross C.B. (2002). Plant Physiology. (7th Ed.), Wordsworth
Publishing Co. Belmont CA.
7. Ricklefs. R.E. (2001). The Economy of Nature. W.H. Freeman and Company
8. Hopkins, W.B. (2000). Introduction to Plant Physiology. 2nd Ed. John Wiley and
Sons. New York.
9. Rick, R.E. (2000). Ecology. (1st Ed.) W.H. Freeman and Company, U.K.
10. Smith R. L. (2000). Elements of Ecology. Harper and Row Publishers, New
11. Subrahmanyam, N.S. and Sambamurthy. A.V.S.S. (2000). Ecology. Narosa
Publishing House, New Delhi.
12. Townsend, C.R., Harper, J.L. and Begon, M.E. (2000). Essentials of Ecology.
Blackwell Scientific Publications, U.K.
13. Barbour, M.O., Burke, H.J. and Pitts, D.W. (1999). Terrestrial Plant Ecology.
The Benjamin, Cumming Publishing Co. California, USA.
14. Hussain, F. (1999). Field and Laboratory Manual of Plant Ecology. National
Academy of Higher Education, Islamabad.
15. Krebs, C. J. (1997). Ecology and Field Biology. Addison Wesley Longman Inc,
New York.
16. Chapman, J.L. and Reiss, M.J. (1995). Ecology. Principles and Applications.
Cambridge University Press. U.K.
17. Odum, E.P. (1970). Basic Ecology. V/B. Saunders. Philadelphia.
Syllabus Outline:
Water uptake by swelling seeds, loss of permeability by beet root cells, Rate of
transpiration by means of potometer, Cobalt chloride paper method, Extraction of
chlorophyll and separation of component pigments, Studies of absorption spectra,
Winkler’s method to determine oxygen utilization by a respiring plant, amylase from
germinating seeds and its effect on starch breakdown, carbon dioxide evolution during
respiration by titration method, seed germination
a) Plant Physiology:
1. Determination of uptake of water by swelling seeds when placed in sodium
chloride solution of different concentrations.
2. Determination of the temperature at which beet root cells lose their permeability.
3. Determination of the effects of environmental factors on the rate of transpiration
of a leafy shoot by means of a potometer by cobalt chloride paper method.
4. Extraction of chlorophyll from the leaves and separation of component pigments
on a paper chromatogram. Study of Absorption Spectra using Spectrophotometer.
5. Estimation of oxygen utilized by a respiring plant by Winkler’s method.
6. Extraction of amylase from germinating wheat seeds and study of its effect on
starch break down.
7. Measurement of carbon dioxide evolution during respiration of germinating
seeds by the titration method.
8. Effect of light and temperature on seed germination.
b) Ecology:
1. Determination of physical and chemical characteristics of soil.
2. Measurement of light and temperature.
3. Measurement of vegetation by Quadrat and Line Intercept Methods.
4. Measurements of wind velocity.
5. Field trips to ecologically diverse habitats.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended:
1. Taiz, L. and Zeiger, E. (2010). Plant Physiology. 5th Edition. Sinauers
Publishing, Co. Inc. California.
2. lIlahi, I. (2009). Plant Physiology. Biochemical Processes in Plants. UGC Press.
3. Witham and Devlin. (2008) Exercises in Plant Physiology AWS Publishers,
4. Schultz, E. (2005). Plant Ecology (2nd Ed.) Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
5. Smith, R. L. (2002). Ecology and Field Biology Harper and Row Publishers,
New York.
6. Salisbury F.B. and Ross C.B. (2002). Plant Physiology (7th Ed.), Wordsworth
Publishing Co. Belmont CA.
7. Ricklefs. R.E. (2001). The Economy of Nature W.H. Freeman and Company.
8. Hopkins, W.B. (2000). Introduction to Plant Physiology (2nd Ed.) John Wiley
and Sons. New York.
9. Rick R.E. (2000).Ecology. (1st Ed.) W.H. Freeman and Company, UK.
10. Smith R. L. (2000).Elements of Ecology Harper and Row Publishers, New York.
11. Subrahmanyam, N.S. and Sambamurthy. A.V.S.S. (2000).Ecology. Narosa
Publishing House, New Delhi.
12. Townsend, C.R., Harper, J.L. and Begon, M.E. (2000).Essentials of Ecology
Blackwell Scientific Publications, UK.
13. Barbour, M.O., Burke, H.J. and Pitts, D.W. (1999).Terrestrial Plant Ecology.
The Benjamin, Cumming Publishing Company California, USA.
14. Hussain F. (1999). Field and Laboratory Manual of Plant Ecology National
Academy of Higher Education, Islamabad.
15. Krebs, C. J. (1997). Ecology and Field Biology. Addison Wesley Longman Inc,
New York.
16. Chapman, J.L. and Reiss, M.J. (1995).Ecology Principles and Applications.
Cambridge University Press. U.K.
17. Odum, E.P. (1970).Basic Ecology V/B. Saunders. Philadelphia.
The objective of the course is for students
1. Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Structure:
Elementary treatment of Compton effect and photoelectric effect; Brief discussion of
result of Bohr’s Model and its defects; Somerfield’s modification and evolution of
azimuthal quantum number; Dual nature of matter; Verification of dual nature by
Davisson and Germer’s experiment; Detail of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle;
Postulates of quantum mechanics; Brief introduction of operators; Derivation of time
independent Schrodinger wave equation in terms of polar coordinates and derivation
of principle quantum number; Energy equation for free motion of particle in one-
dimensional box; Eigen values and Eigen functions; normalization of wave function;
Probability functions; radial distribution, probability density functions.
2. Electrochemistry:
Electrolytic conduction and its measurement; Specific, equivalent and molar
conductance, Determination of resistance; Cell content, conductance ratio, conduction
of strong and weak electrolytes; Ionic motilities and their determination; Kohlrausch’s
law and its applications; Faraday’s law (first and second) and their significance;
Transport number; Hittort’s rule; Determination of transference number by Hittort’s
method. Applications of conductance measurement; EMF of the chemical cells;
Electrode potential and its measurement with reference to Weston standard, glass
electrode, calomel electrode and quinhydrone electrode; Nerst equation;
Thermodynamics of cells; Concentration of cells with liquid junction and without
liquid junction.
3. Evaluation of Analytical Data and Essentials of Chemical Analysis:
Some fundamental concepts like mole, activity and activity co-efficient; Concepts of
mean, median, accuracy, precision, significant figures; Various types of errors, their
detection and elimination; Standard deviation; Relative standard deviation;
Confidence limits; Rounding off the analytical data. Law of mass action and its
applications; precipitation and solubility product; common ion effect; Co-
precipitation, fractional precipitation, concept of pH, buffers, working of indicators.
4. Spectroscopy:
Electromagnetic radiation and its interaction with matter; Nature of different
transitions possible in atoms and molecules; Electronic, vibrational, rotational and
other possible transitions by absorption of radiation by molecules and atoms.
Development of spectroscopic analytical techniques employing various transitions.
Classification of spectroscopic techniques on the basis of type of radiation,
phenomenon occurring and the nature of the matter. Basic introduction to atomic
and molecular spectroscopic techniques including flame emission,
spectrophotometry, UV, IR spectroscopy.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books:
1. Adamson A. W. “Understanding Physical Chemistry” 3 rd Ed. Benjamin
Cummings publishing company Inc.
2. Akhtar M.N. & Ghulam Nabi, “Textbook of Physical Chemistry” ilmi kutab
khana, Lahore.
3. Bhatti H.N. and K. Hussain, “Principles of Physical Chemistry”; Carwan Book
House, Lahore.
4. Shriver, D.F., P.W. Atkins and C.H. Langford, “Inorganic Chemistry”; Oxford,
2nd Ed. (1996).
5. Snarp, A.G. “Inorganic Chemistry”, Longman, 3rd Edition (1992).
6. Rayner Canham, Gelof, “Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry” & Co. (1995).
7. Daniel R. Pallers, “Experimental Organic Chemistry, John Willey & Sons” Inc.,
8. James A. Moore, “Experimental methods in Organic Chemistry” Holt-Saunders
Int. 1983.
9. R.L. Shriner, R.C. Fuson, D.lV. Curtin and T.C. Morrill “The systematic
Identification of organic compounds, 6th ed. John Willey & sons, 1979.
1) Verification of first law of Faraday by electroplating of CuSo 4, NiSO4, Cr2 (SO4)3,
Ag+ CN and Au+ CN.
2) Conductometeric and potentiometric titration using conductivity bridge and pH
3) Measurement of reduction potential using of Zn, Cu, Ag, Al etc. by using calomel
4) Verification of Langmuir Isotherm.
5) Thin layer chromatography.
1) Ferric Alum
2) Potassium tri-oxalato aluminate
3) Sodium Thiosulfate
4) Amm. Coppr (II) Sulphate
1) Determination of iodide and Kl in the given sample solution.
2) Standardization of Na2S2O3. 5H2O solution.
3) Determination of amount/dm3 of Cu2+ in CuSo4. 5H2O using Na2S2O3 and Kl.
4) Determination of number water molecules (x) in CuSo4 xH2O.
Preparation of Organic Compounds:
Preparation and techniques of purification of tribrmophenol, nitrobenzene, aspirin,
ethyl benzoate and benzoic acid from toluene, butyl chloride, acetanilide.
Estimations (volumetric):
1) Determination of molecular weight of a carboxylic acid.
2) Estimation of amide group and glucose.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books:
1. Crocleford H.D. H.W. Biard F.W. Getzen & J.W. Nowell, “Laboratory Maual
of Physical Chemistry” 2nd Eddition John Wiley & Sons London.
2. Skoog, D.A., D.M. West and F.J. Holler, “Analytical Chemistry” 6th Ed.
Saunders College Publications (1994).
3. Javed Iqbal Amin, “Theory and Practice of Chromatography”, Higher
Education Commission, Islamabad. (2002).
4. James A. Moore, “Experimental methods in Organic Chemistry”, Holt-
Saunders Int.,1983.
5. R.L. Shriner, R.C., Fuson D.V. Curtin and T.C. Morrill “The systematic
identification of organic compounds, 6th Ed. John Willey & Sons 1979.
Course: Curriculum Development
Credit Hours: 3
In the system of education, Curriculum is designed to provide desirable learning experiences.
Curriculum is a total plan for an educational setting. Curriculum development is a process in which
choices of learning experiences are made and activated through co-ordinated activities. The
process starts from selection of Aims, Goals and Objectives, which guide the structure and provide
direction. The next stages are selection of Content and its organization, selection of instructional
strategies and evaluation.
On the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. understand the concept of curriculum;
2. explain the foundations of the curriculum;
3. elaborate the needs and principles of curriculum;
4. discuss the factors affecting curriculum development;
5. understand the process of curriculum development;
6. write curriculum objectives in behavioral term;
7. examine the elements/components of curriculum development;
8. differentiate between different types of curricula;
9. Identify the problems and issues of curriculum development in Pakistan.
10. explain the concept of teaching, teaching learning strategies, and relationship among
different elements;
11. examine the role of teacher in detail;
12. use various teaching learning strategies for effective classroom learning;
13. develop appropriate lesson plans according to the nature of the subject matter;
use various teaching aids for effective teaching learning activities
1.1 Concept of curriculum
1.2 Difference between curriculum, syllabus and text book
1.3 Need for curriculum development,
1.4 Principals of curriculum development
1.5 Elements of curriculum: Objectives, Content, Teaching methods and
1.6 Factors influencing curriculum development.
Unit 02 Foundations of Curriculum
2.1 Philosophical/Ideological foundations
2.2 Historical Foundations
2.3 Psychological Foundations
2.4 Socio-economic & Cultural Foundations
2.5 Political Foundations
Unit 03 Curriculum Development Process
3.1 Situation analysis
1. Need Assessment
2. Phases of need assessment
3. Conducting situation analysis
3.2 Selection of aims, goals and objectives
1. Taxonomy of educational objectives
2. Objectives of education in the current education policy
3.3 Selection of Content
1. Organization of Content
2. Selection and organization of learning experiences
3. Selection of Instructional Strategies
3.4 Evaluation
1. Types of evaluation
2. Tools of evaluation
3. Reporting
4. Evaluating curriculum and multiple textbooks
Unit 04 Curriculum Design
4.1 Concept of curriculum design
4.2 Criteria of selecting curriculum design
4.3 Types/ pattern of curriculum
1. Subject Centered Designs
2. Learner centered Designs
3. Problem or topic centered Designs
4. Integrated curriculum
Unit 05 Models of Curriculum Development
5.1 Tyler Model
5.2 Hilda Model
5.3 Lewis Model
5.4 Oliva Model
5.5 Wheeler Model
5.6 Dynamic Model
5.7 Skel Beck Model
Unit 06 Process and Problems of Curriculum Development in Pakistan
6.1 Curriculum development at elementary and secondary level
6.2 Curriculum revision and role of Curriculum Wing
6.3 Curriculum development at higher education level
6.4 Curriculum revision and role of HEC
6.5 Curriculum development of Adult Literacy
6.6 Role of teacher in curriculum development
6.7 Problems and issues of curriculum development in Pakistan
Unit 07 Patterns of curriculum.
7.1 Conservative liberal art
7.2 Educational technology
7.3 Humanistic
7.4 Vocational
7.5 Social re-construction
7.6 De-schooling
Unit 08 Instructional Process
8.1 Concept of teaching, techniques and strategies with reference to their
8.2 Process of teaching
8.3 Main features/characteristics of teaching
8.4 Instructional design
Unit 09 Approaches to Teaching / Methods and Techniques
9.1 Teacher –led Approaches
1. Lecture Method
2. Demonstration Method
3. Lecture-cum- demonstration
9.2 Child centered approaches
1. Group work / Discussion
2. Problem solving strategy/Inquiry
3. Use of ICT / Computer Assisted Instructions
9.3 Questioning and feedback skill
Unit 10 Planning and Managing Teaching
9.1 Approaches to lesson planning
9.2 Types of effective lesson planning
9.3 Daily, Weekly and Yearly Plans
9.4 Time management
Unit 11 Teaching Aids and Instructional Technology
10.1 Concept of instructional technology and its importance
10.2 Selection and use of appropriate teaching aids
10.3 Projected & non Projected Aids
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
1. Children Resource International (2004), Child-centered Curriculum (unit 3rd), Islamabad.
2. David Minton (1997) Teaching Skills in Further and Adult Education, (revised ed.) London,
City and Guilds.
3. Farooq, R.A, (1993), Education System in Pakistan, Islamabad; Asia Society for Promotion
of Innovation and Reforms in Education, Islamabad.
4. Kelly,A.V., (1999), The Curriculum and Theory and Practice, London, Paul Chapman.
5. MS Neil J.D (1990), Curriculum: A Comprehensive Introduction,4th ed. Los Angeles: Harper
6. Murry Print(1993), Curriculum Development and Design 2nd ed., St. Leonards, Allen and
7. Saxena Swarup,N.R and Oberoi, S.C (1994) Technology of Teaching, Merrut, Royal Book
8. Sharma R.C. (2002), Modern Methods of Curriculum Organization. New Delhi
9. Wiles J.& Bomdi J. (1993). Curriculum Development. New York McMillan Publication
Course: Environmental Education
Credit Hours: 3
The purpose of this course is to provide in-depth knowledge about environment and skills to
preserve the environment.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
After completing the course the students will be able to:
1. Understand the significance of Geography, Health, and Environment in education
2. Have awareness of the diseases and remedies
Critique the environmental problems affecting health
Unit 01 Understanding Geography, Health and Environment
1.1 Explaining Geography, health, and environment
1.2 Significance of geography as a subject
1.3 Importance of students’ health
1.4 Ecology and different Eco systems
1.5 Inter-defense and inter-relationship of living organisms and environment
Unit 02 Raising Awareness
2.1 The effects of wars and natural disaster on geography
2.2 Importance of raising health awareness
2.3 Method of raising health awareness
2.4 Method of protection of environment
2.5 Importance of clean environment
2.6 Methods for the protection of geography boundary
Unit 03 Environment Problems
3.1 Problems due to increase and unwise use of fertilizers and insecticides
3.2 Soil losses and its degradation
3.3 Soil conservation
3.4 Water logging and salinity
3.5 Vegetation
3.6 Unplanned Industrialization
3.7 Treatment plants for chemical effluents
3.8 Air pollution by smoke and chemical exhaust
Unit 04 Preservation of World life
4.1 Life span and their use
4.2 Need for preservation
Unit 05 Diseases and Preventive Measures
5.1 Types of disease and their causes
5.2 The spread of disease and preventive measures
5.3 Role of psycho-religious therapy in treating diseases:
Unit 06 Role of Education in Environmental Preservation
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Readings
Aldrich-Moodie, B., & Kwong, J. (1997). Environmental education. London: IEA Education and
Training Unit.
Azeiteiro, U. (2008). Science and environmental education: Towards the integration of science
education, experimental science activities and environmental education. Frankfurt am
Main: Peter Lang
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2005). The state of food insecurity in
the world, 2005: Eradicating world hunger - key to achieving the Millennium
Development Goals. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Johnson, E. A., & Mappin, M. (2005). Environmental education and advocacy: Changing
perspectives of ecology and education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Palmer, J., & Neal, P. (1994). The handbook of environmental education. London: Routledge.
Palmer, J. (1998). Environmental education in the 21st century: Theory, practice, progress and
promise. London: Routledge.
Sampson, R. N., Hair, D., & American Forestry Association. (1990).Natural resources for the
21st century. Washington, D.C: Island Press [in cooperation with] American Forestry
Samuel, K., & Sundar, I. (2007). Environmental education: Curriculam [i.e. curriculum] and
teaching methods. New Delhi: Sarup & Sons.
Saylan, C., & Blumstein, D. T. (2011). The failure of environmental education (and how we can
fix it). Berkeley: University of California Press.
Wilke, R. J. (1993). Environmental education teacher resource handbook: A practical guide for
K-12 environmental education. Millwood, N.Y: Kraus International Publications.
Whitmore, F. C., Williams, M. E., & International Centennial Symposium of the United States
Geological Survey. (1982).Resources for the twenty-first century: Proceedings.
Course: School, Community & Teacher
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction The purpose of this course is to provide Student Teachers with a strong foundation
for understanding the relationship between and among teachers, the school, and the families and
community that support the school. Basic conceptualizations of educational institutions and the
role of the teacher in relating to these institutions will be considered. Student Teachers will also
explore how cultural, social, and historical forces have shaped their understanding of the
relationship teachers have with schools, communities, and families in Pakistan. The course will
explore the social context of schooling and examine how the work of teachers is nested within
school and community. It will provide orientation to the process of socialization in schools and
how social factors affect education.
Objectives: Student Teacher are expected to have opportunity to put this knowledge into
practice in the accompanying one-credit laboratory by studying a school and its community, so
that as teachers, they can mobilize support for educational programmes and contribute positively
to their communities. Practical application of the course will be emphasized as Student Teachers
explore teaching and learning within both the school and the community. They will identify
strategies, practices, and relationships that have proven fruitful within familiar contexts, and learn
how to identify and respond to challenges in school, community, and teacher relationships. Student
Teachers will identify how culture, gender, special needs, equity and equality, and collaborative
working conditions affect the school and community.
Course Content
Introduction and overview of the course, Introduction to society, community, and education
1. Structures and functions of community and schools in Pakistan
(Article reading and discussion)
Causes of Deteriorating Standard of Education in Balochistan: A
Review of “Jabeen and Malik” (2003)
(Article) Quality of Primary Education in Pakistan
From this article find out the answers of following questions:
What is quality?
What is the meaning of quality in the Context of EFA?
Quality of Education in Pakistan?
Which Quality Improvement Initiatives and Projects are introduced
in this article?
2. Impact of education on society
(Article) Problems in Universalization of Primary Education in
Pakistan: A Review of Khan (2010)
Social contacts, Communication, Social attitudes and values
Article reading and discussion on “Models of the
Communication Process”.
Make posters of communication models and display these on a
6. Types of social interaction: Cooperation, Competition,
Accommodation, Assimilation
Read ‘Assimilation Models, Old and New: Explaining a Long-
Term Process’ by Susan K. Brown and Frank D. Bean from the
University of California, Irvine
7. Social groups and individual and group behaviour
Textbook introduction to sociology such as chapter 5 of
Essentials of Sociology (8th edn) by Brinkerhoff, Ortega, White,
and Weitz (2011)
Chapter 7 of Introduction to Sociology by Cohen and Orbuch
8. Meaning of social interaction and socialization
Peace Education: Working Paper
11. Culture and cultural elements of Pakistani communities
Write a brief essay on how culture affects different people in
16. Effects of schools on communities and communities on
17. School as a hub for community services
Pre class reading
18. A critical analysis of the effective roles of school and
teachers in Pakistani communities
V. Social Institutions
19. Definition and types of social institutions
20. Educational and religious institutions
21. Critical analysis of the role of social institutions in
Pakistani schools
VI. The Teacher’s Role in School and the Community
22. Teacher as an integral part of community
Guest Lecture
23. Teacher as a change agent in Communities and Schools
Handout on ‘Overcoming Exclusion through Inclusive
Approaches in Education: A Challenge and a Vision’
24. Teachers as role models through their participation in
community activities
25. Effects of teachers and schools on individual and group
VII. The Working Context of Pakistani Teachers
26. Teacher as a social activist
y/pdhpe/assets/ pdf/tlsupp_004.pdf
27. Teacher’s leadership roles within and outside schools
28. Teacher’s role in establishing linkage among stakeholders
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
R. Qureshi, ‘Is Child-Friendly School on the Agenda for School Reforms? Conversations with
Pakistani School Heads’, Paper presented and published in the Conference Proceedings of the
International Conference on the Teacher Education: Transformative Society & Teacher
Education Reform, 19–20 Sept 2008, Changchun, China, 1–10.
R. Qureshi and J. Rarieya (eds.), Gender and Education in Pakistan (Karachi: Oxford University
Press, 2007)
R. Qureshi and F. Shamim (eds.), Schools and Schooling Practices in Pakistan: Lessons for
Policy and Practice (Karachi, Oxford University Press, 2008).
M. Shaaban and R. Qureshi, ‘Teacher Leaders: Experiences of Pakistani Teachers in Leading
School Improvement Activities’, Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on
‘Quality in Education: Teaching and Leadership in Challenging Times‘, 21–23 Feb 2006,
Pakistan: Aga Khan University-Institute for Educational Development, 558–64.
Course: Teaching of Biology
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction: This course is designed specifically to equip the prospective science teachers with
the latest pedagogical knowledge required to teach the contents of Biology at secondary level. In
addition, the course will also provide the prospective science teachers an acquaintance with the
modern assessment techniques and use of laboratory and computers in the field of teaching of
Students will be able to
Differentiate between method, technique and strategy in context of teaching.
Describe various methods for teaching of Biology.
Identify most suitable method to teach diverse topics.
Extend their knowledge of teaching to implement various methodologies.
Recognize the importance of teaching of Biology.
Demonstrate the use of low cost no cost materials for teaching of Biology.
Apply the computer technology for teaching of Biology.
Use the laboratory apparatus effectively for disseminating biological knowledge.
Course Contents
1. Teaching of Biology
Processes of science
Scientific attitudes
Definition of Biology
Why teach Biology
Writing objectives
Lecture method
Demonstration method
Heuristic method
Assignment method
Project method
Inductive method
Deductive method
Scientific method
Problem method
Choice of method
The process of learning according to Robert Gagne, Davis Ausubel and Bruner
5. Lesson Planning
Advantages of the Lesson Planning
Improvised Apparatus
Text books
9. Evaluation in Biology
Designing of Test
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Barke, H.-D., Hazari, A., & Yitbarek, S. (2009). Misconceptions in Physics: Addressing
perceptions in chemical education. Berlin: Springer.
Eilks, I., & Hofstein, A. (2013). Teaching Physics-- a studybook: A practical guide and textbook
for student teachers, teacher trainees and teachers. Rotterdam: SensePublishers.
Eilks, I., Byers, B., Royal Society of Physics (Great Britain), & European Physics Thematic
Network. (2009). Innovative methods of teaching and learning Physics in higher
education. Cambridge, UK: RSC Publishing.
Gallagher-Bolos, J. A., & Smithenry, D. W. (2004). Teaching inquiry-based Physics: Creating
student-led scientific communities. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann
In García-Martínez, J., & In Serrano-Torregrosa, E. (2015). Physics education: Best practices,
opportunities and trends.
Niaz, M. (2008). Teaching general Physics. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Pauling, L. (2014). General Physics. Newburyport: Dover Publications.
Peterson, A. D. C. (1965). Techniques of Teaching: Volume 1. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Course: Teaching of Chemistry
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction: This course is designed specifically to equip the prospective science teachers with
the latest pedagogical knowledge required to teach the contents of Chemistry at secondary level.
In addition, the course will also provide the prospective science teachers an acquaintance with
the modern assessment techniques and use of laboratory and computers in the field of teaching of
Students will be able to
Differentiate between method, technique and strategy in context of teaching.
Describe various methods for teaching of Chemistry.
Identify most suitable method to teach diverse topics.
Extend their knowledge of teaching to implement various methodologies.
Recognize the importance of teaching of Chemistry.
Demonstrate the use of low cost no cost materials for teaching of Chemistry.
Apply the computer technology for teaching of Chemistry.
Use the laboratory apparatus effectively for disseminating chemical knowledge.
Course contents
1. Teaching of chemistry
Processes of science
Scientific attitudes
Definition of chemistry
Why teach chemistry
Writing objectives
Lecture method
Demonstration method
Heuristic method
Assignment method
Project method
Inductive method
Deductive method
Scientific method
Problem method
Choice of method
The process of learning according to Robert Gagne, Davis Ausubel and Bruner
5. Lesson Planning
Advantages of the Lesson Planning
Improvised Apparatus
Text books
9. Evaluation in Chemistry
Designing of Test
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Computer applications in teaching of Chemistry Barke, H.-D., Hazari, A., & Yitbarek, S.
(2009). Misconceptions in chemistry: Addressing perceptions in chemical education.
Berlin: Springer.
Eilks, I., & Hofstein, A. (2013). Teaching chemistry-- a studybook: A practical guide and
textbook for student teachers, teacher trainees and teachers. Rotterdam: SensePublishers.
Eilks, I., Byers, B., Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain), & European Chemistry Thematic
Network. (2009). Innovative methods of teaching and learning chemistry in higher
education. Cambridge, UK: RSC Publishing.
Gallagher-Bolos, J. A., & Smithenry, D. W. (2004). Teaching inquiry-based chemistry: Creating
student-led scientific communities. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann
In García-Martínez, J., & In Serrano-Torregrosa, E. (2015). Chemistry education: Best practices,
opportunities and trends.
Niaz, M. (2008). Teaching general chemistry. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Pauling, L. (2014). General Chemistry. Newburyport: Dover Publications.
Peterson, A. D. C. (1965). Techniques of Teaching: Volume 1. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Course: Teaching of Mathematics
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction: This course is designed specifically to equip the prospective science teachers with
the latest pedagogical knowledge required to teach the contents of Mathematics at secondary
level. In addition, the course will also provide the prospective science teachers an acquaintance
with the modern assessment techniques and use of modern equipment and computers in the field
of teaching of Mathematics.
Students will be able to
Differentiate between method, technique and strategy in context of teaching.
Describe various methods for teaching of Mathematics.
Identify most suitable method to teach diverse topics.
Extend their knowledge of teaching to implement various methodologies.
Recognize the importance of teaching of Mathematics.
Demonstrate the use of low cost no cost materials for teaching of Mathematics.
Apply the computer technology for teaching of Mathematics.
Course Contents
1. Teaching of Mathematics
Definition of Mathematics
Writing objectives
Lecture method
Project method
Inductive method
Deductive method
Scientific method
4. Lesson Planning
Advantages of the Lesson Planning
Improvised Apparatus
Text books
6. The Mathematics Teacher
Duties and Responsibilities of a Mathematics teacher
7. Evaluation in Mathematics
Designing of Test
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Basserear, T. (2012). Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers: Belmont, CA: Brooks.
Donovan, S. & Bransford, J.(2005). How Students Learn: History, Mathematics, and Science in
Haylock, D. (2010) Mathematics Explained for Primary Teachers, CA: SAGE Publications.
Protheroe, N.‘What Does Good Mathematics Instruction Look Like?’ available at
Van de Walle J. A., Karp, K. & Williams, J. Bay (2013)Elementary and Middle School
Course: Teaching of Physics
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction: This course is designed specifically to equip the prospective science teachers with
the latest pedagogical knowledge required to teach the contents of Physics at secondary level. In
addition, the course will also provide the prospective science teachers an acquaintance with the
modern assessment techniques and use of laboratory and computers in the field of teaching of
Students will be able to
Differentiate between method, technique and strategy in context of teaching.
Describe various methods for teaching of Physics.
Identify most suitable method to teach diverse topics.
Extend their knowledge of teaching to implement various methodologies.
Recognize the importance of teaching of Physics.
Demonstrate the use of low cost no cost materials for teaching of Physics.
Apply the computer technology for teaching of Physics.
Use the laboratory apparatus effectively for disseminating physical knowledge.
Course contents
1. Teaching of Physics
Processes of science
Scientific attitudes
Definition of Physics
Why teach Physics
Writing objectives
Lecture method
Demonstration method
Heuristic method
Assignment method
Project method
Inductive method
Deductive method
Scientific method
Problem method
Choice of method
The process of learning according to Robert Gagne, Davis Ausubel and Bruner
5. Lesson Planning
Advantages of the Lesson Planning
Improvised Apparatus
Text books
9. Evaluation in Physics
Designing of Test
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Syllabus Outline: Study of Environmental Factors and Pollutants with relation to Bio life.
Course Outline:
Introduction: Aim and Scope, Interdisciplinary Approach.
Natural Resources: Nature and Conservation of the following: Energy, Water, -Mineral and Land
Resources. Agriculture, Forestry, Range Land, Wild Life and Aquaculture.
Environmental Pollution: Nature and Classification.
Air Pollution: Sources and Effects of Pollutants on Plant Growth viz; Fluoride, Sulphur dioxide
(S02), Ozone, Pan + Smog, Ammonia, Chlorine, Ethylene, Dusts etc.. Nature, Causes, Prevention
and Control of Air Pollution (Vehicular Pollution and Industrial Chimney Wastes).
Water Pollution: Sources of Water Pollution, Nature of Pollutants. Ground Water and Marine
Pollution, Impacts of Water Pollution, Prevention of Water Pollution.
Radiation Pollution: Nuclear Concepts and Terminology, Comparative Radiosensitivity of
Organisms, Radiation Effects at Ecosystem level. Fate of radio-nuclides in the environment. The
Fall Out Problem, Nuclear Waste Disposal. Sources, Nature and Impacts of Solid Waste Pollution,
Noise and Thermal Pollution.
Pesticides and Agro-Chemicals: Herbicides, Insecticides and Fungicides as Plant Poisons and
their Impact on Ecosystem.
Environmental Crisis: Major Courses and Solutions, Ozone Hole, Green House Effect, Acid
Rains, Chemical and Biological Warfare.
Biodiversity and Conservation: Evaluation, Criteria and Values; Inventory and Measuring of
Biodiversity; In-situ and Ex-situ Conservation of Plants.
Module Aims: Completion of this program will produce a working knowledge of ecological
sampling, analysis and interpretation of biological data and prepare graduates to study and resolve
the ecological consequences of environmental problems.
Learning Strategies:
1. Lectures
2. Group Discussion
3. Laboratory work
4. Seminar/ Workshop
Learning Outcome:
The students will acquire knowledge about the hazardous effects of different Environmental
Pollutants and Relative Measures for their Control/Prevention.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended:
1. Koziol, M.J. and Whatley, F.R. (2009). Gaseous Air Pollution and Plant Metabolism.
Butterworths. U.K.
2. Goodstein, E.S. (2008). Economics and the Environment. Prentice Hall Publishers. New
3. Mitsa, W.J. and Gosselink, A. (2007). Wetlands. Johan Wiley and Sons, me. New York.
4. Simmons, I.G. (1981). The Ecology of Natural Resources. Edward Arnold.
5. Emery, M. (2005). Promoting nature in cities and towns.
6. Varshney, C.K. (2005). Water Pollution and Management, Wiley Eastern Limited.
7. Johnson, C.E. (2004) Eco-Crisis. John Wiley and Sons. me.. New York.
8. Agrawal, K.C. (2001). Environmental Biology, Agro Botanical Publishers, India.
9. Chhatwal, D.R., Mehra, M.C., Satake, M., Katyal, T., Katyal, M. and Nagahiro. T. (2001).
Encyclopedia of Environmental Pollution and its Control. (6 Vols.), Anmol Publication, New
Delhi, India.
10. Moriarty, F. (2001) Ecotoncology. Acadmeic Press Inc.
11. Nobel, B.J. and Kormond, Y. (2001). Environmental Science. Prentice Hall Inc. New
Jersey. USA.
12. Treshow, M. (2001) Environment and Plant Response. McGraw Hill New York.
13. Usher, M. (2001). Widllife Conservation Evaluation. Chapman and Hall.
14. Rao, D.N., Ahmad, K.J., Younas, and Singh, S.N. (2000). Perspectives in Environmental
Botany (Vol. I,) Print House, Lucknow, India.
15. Smith, L. and Graham, A. (2000). Impact Assessment and Sustainable Resource
Management. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
16. Jeffrey, A.M. (1999). Economics and Biological diversity. International union for
conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in Gland, Switzerland.
17. Owen, O.S. (1999) Natural Resources Conservation - An Ecological Approach. MacMilian
Co., New York.
18. Southwick, C.H. (1997). Global Ecology, Sinauer Associates Inc. Sunderland,
Massachusetts. USA.
19. Mansfield, T.A. (1990). Effect of Air Pollutants on plants. Cambridge University Press,
London, New York, Melbourne.
20. Duffey, E. (1980). The Conservation of Nature, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York.
21. Odum, E.P. (1971) Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, PA.
Module Aims: Completion of this program will produce a working knowledge of Ecological
Sampling, Analysis and Interpretation of Biological Data and prepare graduates to study and
resolve the Ecological Consequences of Environmental Problems.
Learning Outcome: The students will acquire knowledge about the Hazardous Effects of different
Environmental Pollutants and the Measures for their Control/Prevention by using different
Laboratory Techniques.
Syllabus Outline: The course include different laboratory techniques used for soil and water
analysis from industrial waste and visit to different industries. Course Outline:
1. Examination of Industrial Waste Water and Municipal Sewage for
i) Total Dissolved Solids (IDS)
ii) pH and EC
iii) BOD and COD
iv) Chlorides, Carbonates, Bicarbonates and Nitrates.
2. Examination of Water Samples from different sites for the Presence and Diversity of
3. Examination of the Effects of Automobile Exhaust on the Adjacent Vegetation.
i) Lead Count
ii) Chlorophyll Content
iii) Symptoms
iv) Soot and Particulate Matter.
4. A visit to EPA to study the Instruments used for Monitoring Pollution.
5. A visit to the Industrial Organizations to examine their Effluent Treatment System.
6. A visit to the municipal Organization to study their Sewage Treatment System.
7. A Study Tour to a National Park and a wetland site to evaluate attributes criteria and
values of the area concerned.
8. Irradiation of Seeds and study of the Effects of Seed Irradiation on Seed Germination,
Growth and Yield of plants.
9. Field observation on the Sources and Impacts of various Air Pollutants.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended:
1. Koziol, MJ. and Whatley, F.R. (2009). Gaseous Air Pollution and Plant Metabolism.
Butterworths. Londan.
2. Goodstein, E.S. (2008). Economics and the Environment. Prentice Hall Publishers, New Jersey.
3. Varshney, C.K. (2005). Water Pollution and Management, Wiley Eastern Limited.
4. Chhatwal, D.R., Mehra, M.C., Satake, M., Katyal, T., Katyal, M. and Nagahiro. T. (2001).
Encyclopedia of Environmental Pollution and its control. (6 vols.), Anmol Publication, New Delhi,
5. Mansfield, T.A. (1990). Effects of Air Pollutants on Plants. Cambridge University Press,
London, New York, Melbourne.
6. Odum, E.P. (1971) Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
From this course, the students should be able to:
Understand the fundamental principles of environmental chemistry.
Apply these principles in pollution related subjects.
Demonstrate the understanding of environmental chemistry principles via experimental
exercises in the laboratory.
Various sources and types of environmental pollution
Health hazards caused by environmental pollution
Global warming and climate changes
1. Atmospheric Chemiser
Meterology ,composition of air around us, atmospheric temperature and pressure profile,
Temperature inversion and photochemical smog, particulate matter in the atmosphere, Industrial
pollutants, radioactivity, atmospheric aerosols, Acid rain –major sources, mechanism, control
measures and effects on buildings and vegetation, Global warming – major green house gases,
mechanism, control measures and global impact, The stratospheric ozone – the ozone hole,
CFCs, ozone protection, biological consequences of ozone depletion.
2. Water Pollution and Water Treatment –
sources of water pollution-industrial sources and agricultural sources, heavy metals
contamination of water, Eutrophification, detergents and phosphates in water, water quality
criteria, Water purification – primary, secondary and advanced treatment, Removal of nitrogen
and phosphorous compounds from polluted water, organic matter in water and its decomposition.
3. Soil Pollution
soil and mineral resources, general principles of metal extraction, Heavy metals contamination of
soil, toxicity of heavy metals, bio-accumulation of heavy metals, Organic matter in soil, Macro
and micro-nutrients in soil, ion-exchange in soil, soil pH and nutrients availability.
4. Green Revolution –pest control, pesticides, toxicity of pesticides, integrated pests
5. Energy Production and Environment –
liquid and gaseous fuel, hydrogen economy.
6. Renewable Energy – nuclear energy, solar energy, geothermal and tidal energy.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended World Web: Web Sites related to:
1. Global Warming/Green House Effect.
2. Ozone depletion.
3. Acid Rain
4. Environmental Pollution
5. Energy Conservation
The course will provide detailed knowledge about the principal features of development,
cellular basis of morphogenesis, mechanisms of cellular differentiation and concepts of
induction in development.
It will provide understanding of the mechanisms of organogenesis, factors controlling
growth and oncogenesis.
The concept related to the theory in Developmental Biology will be practically
demonstrated in this course.
In the continuity of the animals during reproduction following the union of the traits from
the parents in their gametes, the zygote proceeds through enormous phenomena of
development up to their emergence resembling to the parents.
The concepts of all these developmental mechanisms will be communicated to the students
in this course.
Course Contents
Principal features of development, Origin of sexual reproduction, Developmental
patterns, Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis
Recognition of sperm and egg, Fusion of gametes, Activation of egg metabolism,
Rearrangement of egg cytoplasm
Patterns of embryonic cleavage, Mechanism of cleavage
Fate maps, Gastrulation in Sea urchin, Amphibians, Birds, Mammals
Cellular Basis of Morphogenesis:
Differential cell affinity, Cell adhesion molecules
Regeneration in vertebrates.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books:
Klaus, K. (2001). Biological Development (2nded.). New York: McGraw Hill.
1. Study of structure of gametes in some representative cases, i.e., frog, fish, fowl and
2. Study of cleavage and subsequent development from prepared slides and/or whole mounts
in various animals i.e., frog, chick etc.
3. Study of fertilization, early development of frog through induced spawning under
laboratory conditions.
4. Preparation and study of serial sections of frog or chick embryos.
5. Application of microsurgical techniques on chick embryos in vitro.
6. Preparation and staining of histological slides.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books:
Course Title: Advance Mathematics- I (Real Analysis)
Course Rating: 4 Cr. Hours
Uniform convergence and continuity
Uniform convergence and integration
Uniform convergence and differentiation
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books
1. W. Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis, (McGraw Hill, 1976)
2. R. G. Bartle, Introduction to Real Analysis, (John Wiley and Sons, 2000)
3. T. M. Apostol, Mathematical Analysis, (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1974)
4. A. J. Kosmala, Introductory Mathematical Analysis, (WCB Company , 1995)
5. W. R. Parzynski and P. W. Zipse, Introduction to Mathematical Analysis, (McGraw Hill
Company, 1982)
6. H. S. Gaskill and P. P. Narayanaswami, Elements of Real Analysis, (Printice Hall, 1988)
PRE-REQUISITE: Undergraduate level Mechanics and Mathematics
A Course in Mathematical Methods for Physicists helps students understand the mathematical
techniques needed for their future studies in physics. It provides an accessible account of most of
the current, important mathematical tools required in physics these days. It is assumed that the
reader has an adequate preparation in general physics and calculus. The course contents bridge
the gap between an introductory physics course and more advanced courses in classical
mechanics, electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, and thermal and statistical physics. It
contains a large number of worked examples to illustrate the mathematical techniques developed
and to show their relevance to physics.
To give the understanding of Differential equations and their uses in Physics, Introduction to
special functions, tensors, Legendre Polynomials and solution of Boundary value problems and
their uses.
Vector Analysis:
Divergence theorem, Stokes’ theorem, cylinderical, spherical and curvilinear coordinates.
orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, gradient in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, divergence
and curl in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, Laplacian, spherical polar coordinates.
Tensor Analysis:
Cartesian tensors, coordinate transformation, covariant and contravariant tensor, tensor algebra,
metric tensor. Christoffel symbols
Special Functions:
Legendere polynomials, Bessel functions, associated Legendre functions and spherical
harmonics spherical spherical Bessel functions, Neumann functions.
Boundary Value Problem:
Boundary value problem in physics, the Sturm-Liouville problem.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
1. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering, F. Riley, M. P. Hobson and S. J. Bence,
Cambridge University Press, (1997).
2. Mathematical Physics by E. Butkov, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, (1968).
3. Mathematical Methods for Physicists by G. Arfken and H. J. Weber, Academic Press,
4. Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists by L.A. Pipes and L.R. Harvill, McGraw-
Hill Book Company, (1970).
5. Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics Volume II, By F.W. Byron Jr. and R.W
Fuller Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, (1970).
6. Complex Variable by M. R. Spiegel, Schaum Publishing Company, (1970)
Course: Supervised School Visits
Credit Hours: 2
Introduction: This course provides the prospective science teachers an opportunity to embark on
your teaching practice by meeting reality of life in the classroom. Observation of other teachers is an
excellent way of helping oneself to become more aware of options and possibilities. The most
significant theories and basic principles underlying teaching alone never produce competent teachers.
This course provides an alignment between theory and practice so that students may closely observe
and record the limitations and potentials of real world science classroom to get an experience which
will serve their teaching practices in the days to come.
Student teachers will be able to:
1. Observe classroom dynamics
2. Identify the limitations of various teaching methods
3. Learn to prepare teaching plans
4. Understand the students’ behaviors
5. Learn classroom management strategies
m. Evaluating written work
n. Blackboard work
o. Oral correction techniques
p. The plan and the lesson
Faculty of Federal College of Education will be responsible for submission of grades (This
will be a internal activity)
Course Content
Unit 1 The Nature of Educational Research
1.1. Definitions of Educational Research
1.2. Scope and importance
1.3. Scientific method
1.4. Research problem and topic
1.5. Characteristics of research problem
3.2. Experimental Research
3.3. Historical Research
3.4. Action Research
Unit 4 Techniques of Reviewing Literature
4.1. Primary sources
4.2. Secondary sources
Unit 5 Methodology
5.1. Population
5.2. Sampling
5.3. Instrument
5.4. Data collection procedure
Unit 6 Data Analysis
6.1. Descriptive
6.2. Inferential
Unit 7 Report Writing
7.1. Writing formats & Presentation
7.2. Referencing
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books:
Best, J. W., & Kahn, J. V. (2003) Research in Education. New Delhi: Prentice Hall.
Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods
approaches. London: Sage Publications.
Creswell, J. W. (2012). Research design: Planning, conducting, and evaluating
Quantitative, qualitative research. London: Pearson.
Gay, L.R., Mills, G. E., Airsian, P.W.(2009) Educational research: Competencies for
analysis and applications. USA: Prentice Hall.
Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, E. N., & Hyun, H. H. (2012). How to design and evaluate
research in education. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Course: Educational statistics
Credit hours: 2
At the end the course students will be able to:
1. understand descriptive statistics
2. differentiate different test of statistics
3. use statistical test in educational research
4. interpret result of data analysis
5. explore new techniques in statistics research purpose
Course Content
1. Introduction to statistics
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Basic concepts
1.3 Historical development of statistics
1.4 Types of Measurement Scale
2. Frequency Distributions and Graphs
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Frequency distributions
2.3 Introduction to graphs
2.4 Graphs for qualitative variables
2.5 Graphs for quantitative variables
2.6 Shapes of distributions
3. Measures of central tendency
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Mean
3.3 Median
4. Measures of dispersion, skewness, and kurtosis
4.1 Introduction to measures of dispersion
4.2 Measures of dispersion (Range, Quartile Deviation, Standard Deviation, variance)
4.3 Dispersion and the normal distribution
4.4 Skewness and kurtosis
5. Correlation
5.1 Introduction to correlation
5.2 Pearson Product-Moment correlation coefficient
5.3 Spearman Rank correlation
5.4 Other kinds of correlation coefficients
6. Statistical inference: one sample
6.1 Introduction to hypothesis testing
6.2 One-sample t-test for a mean
7. Statistical inference: two samples
7.1 Introduction to hypothesis testing for two samples
7.2 Two- sample t test and confidence interval for means using independent &
dependent samples
8. Introduction to the analysis of variance and covariance
8.1 Introduction to analysis of variance
8.2 Basic concepts in ANOVA
8.3 Multiple comparison procedures
9. Statistical inference for frequency data
9.1 Chi-Square test
9.2 Testing Goodness of Fit
9.3 Testing independence
10. Statistical Inference for Ranked Data
10.1 Introduction to Assumption-Free tests
10.2 Mann- Whitney U Test for two independent samples
10.3 Wilcoxon test for dependent samples
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Reference Books
Bartz, A.E (1999). Basic statistical concepts (4th ed.). New Jersy: Printice-Hall
Bluman, A. G. (2009). Elementary statistics: A step by step approach. Boston:
Garrett. & Henry E (1995). Statistics in psychology and education. London: Longman
Heiman, G. W. (2011). Basic statistics for the behavioral sciences. USA: Wadsworth
Howel, D. C. (2013). Statistics for psychology. USA: Wadsworth
Howel, D. C. (2011). Fundamentals of statistics for behavioral sciences. USA:
Kutz, Albert K. (1980). Statistical method in education and psychology. New Delhi,
Narosa publishing House.
Larson, R., & Farber, B. (2012). Elementary statistics: Picturing the world. Delhi:
Prentice Hall.
Mangal, S.K (2002). Statistics in psychology and education. New Delhi: Printice-Hall
of India Pvt. Ltd.
Course: Students Teaching and Observation (PRACTICAL)
Credit Hours: 3 (Short Term: 4-6 Weeks)
This course provides the experience secondary school, science teachers with carefully
sequenced and supervised field experiences in all subject areas related to science
disciplines. Opportunities to work with secondary level students are provided. As a
student teacher it is required that they will work with students of various backgrounds
and of different capabilities. The developmental
Student teachers will be able to:
1. Reflect on and learn from connecting theory to their teaching practice.
2. Collaborate with peers, cooperating teachers, other school staff and university
supervisor, establishing professional relationships.
3. Invite, accept and utilize formative feedback from the cooperating teaching,
peers, and the university supervisor in a non-defensive manner
4. Produce plans for teaching and learning that reflects the use of appropriate
instructional methods and strategies to meet the needs of all students.
5. Utilize appropriate instruments or techniques informally and formal accessing
students’ learning needs
6. Recognize cognitive and affective need of students and establish learning
environment and use activities appropriate to meet those needs,
7. Maintain their lesson plan and use it effectively.
Course Activities.
Week No Activities
1 Introduction to the school and Classroom context
Complete school based assignments
Complete classroom observations
The classroom environment, placement of materials,
arrangement of workspaces and traffic patterns
Classroom interactions
Assist the cooperating teacher as requested
Small administrative tasks
Helping individuals or small groups of children
Preparation of lesson planner
Reflection on learning of this week
Complete classroom observations
Assist the cooperating teacher as requested
Reflection on learning of this week
4 Assuming responsibility for co planning and co teaching as amany
classes as a student can
Complete school based assignments
Complete classroom observations
Assist the cooperating teacher as requested
Reflection on learning of this week
To introduce Basic Concept of Primary Plant Body a learning Idea of Root-Shoot
Transition, Secondary Growth and Anomalies, Types of Stem, Root and Leaf
Learning Outcome: Student will understand basic anatomical concepts of Primary
Structure of Root, Stem, Leaf and Flower. They will be able to discuss the idea of
secondary growth.
Course Outline:
Secondary Xylem: Axial and Ray System, Growth Layers, Reaction Wood,
Gymnosperm Wood, Angiosperm Wood, Differentiation in Secondary Xylem, Strength
of Wood in Relation to Structure.
Stem: Tissue Systems, Leaf Traces, Leaf Gaps, Branch Traces and Branch Gaps,
Vascular Bundles, Concept of Stele Delimitation of Vascular Region, Endodermis,
Pericycle, Origin of Vascular Cambium, Common Forms of Secondary Growth.
Anomolous Secondary Growth: Secondary Growth in Monocots, Grafting and
Wound Healing.
Types of Stems: Conifer. Woody Dicotyledons, Dicotyledonous Vine, Herbaceous
Dicotyledons, Herbaceous Moncotyledons.
Leaf: Histolgoy of Angiosperm, Leaf, Mesophyll, Vascular System, Bundle Sheaths,
Supporting Structure, Secretary Structures, Petiole, Histology of Gymnosperm Leaf,
Development of Leaf, Growth of Leaf Lamina, Monocotyledonous Leaf, Development
of Vascular Tissues, Abscission of Leaves.
Root: Concept, Origin, Morphology, Primary Structure, Root Cap, Vascular Cylinder,
Development of Histogens, Primary and Secondary Growth, Development of Lateral
Roots, Development of Adventitious Roots, Development of Buds on Roots, Structure
in Relation to Function. Root-Shoot Transition: Secretary Structures, Glands,
Nectaries, Hydathodes, Internal Secretary Structures, Laticifers.
Flower: Concept, Structure, Vascular System, Different Parts, Sepals, Petals, Stamen,
Carpel, Ovule, Organogenesis, Histogenesis, Abscission.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Dickinson, W.C. (2000). Integrative Plant Anatomy. Academic Press. London.
Eames, E. (1990). An Introduction to Plant Anatomy. New York: McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc.
Esau, K. (2000). Anatomy of Seed Plants. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Evert, R.F. and Easu, K. (2006). Esau’s Plant Anatomy. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Fahn, A. (2001). Plant Anatomy (5th Ed.). Oxford.:Ergamon Press.
Robson, N.K.B., Cutler, D.F. and Gregory. M. (2000). New Research in Plant Anatomy. London.:
Academic Press.
This course is designed to provide understandings about Primary and' Secondary Plant
Body, Secondary Growth and Primary and Secondary Anomalous Structures in plants,
Leaf, Stem, Root and Flower Anatomy, Basic Structure of Root, Stem and leaf, and
Wood Structure.
Learning Outcomes:
Student will be able to understand the Tissues Arrangement in Root, Stem, Leaf and
Secondary Plant Body.
Course Outline:
Concept of Leaf Vascular Bundle, Mesophyll Tissue Distribution, Primary Structure of
Root, Stem and Leaf, Structure of Wood.Study of Tissues from the Living and
Preserved Material of Stems, Roots and leaves.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
This course is designed to understand the Importance, Scope and Applications of
Palynology in other Fields, Techniques used to Isolate Palynomorphs, their Technical
Description and Evaluation ofPalynological Data.
Learning Outcome: After getting through this course students would be able to know
about Palynology, its Branches and their Importance, they would be able to Isolate
Palynomorphs from Sedimentary Rock samples through different Maceration
Techniques. Field Study Tour would enhance their knowledge of theory and better
understanding of the subject.
Course Outline:
Production and Dispersal of Spores and Pollen
Ultra-structure and Stratification of Exine.
Spore and Pollen Diversity, Morphology and Omamentational Pattern, Technical
Environmental Palynology, Occurrence and Significance of Airborne Pollen with
respect to Allergies and Asthma, Control Measures.
Mellitopalynology, Aeropalynology and Archaeopalynology. Palynology in Medicine
and Criminology. Palaeopalynology:
Ultra-structure and Chemical composition of Fossil Exine.
Palynomorphs as Sedimentary Particles, Preservation in Sediment, Post Depositional
Palynomorphs in Oil and Gas Exploration, Geochronology, Stratigraphic
Correlation, Reconstruction of Past Plant communities. Index Palynomorphs,
Organic Thermal Maturity.
Technical Description of Palynomorphs.
Maceration Techniques and Field Work.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended:
Agashe, S.N., & Caulton, E. (2009). Pollen and Spores: Applications with Special Emphasis on
Aerobiology and Allergy. Enfield, NH: Science Publishers.
Brooks, J. (2010). Organic Maturation Studies and Fossil Fuel Exploration. London: .Academic
Erdtman, G. ( 2008). An introduction to pollen analysis. New York: Morison Press.
Scott, A.C. (2009). Coal and Coal-bearing strata; recent advances. Blackwell Scientific Publishers,
4. 260pp. ISBN-13: 978-1443723077.
5. Traverse, A. (2007). Paleopalynology: Topics in Geobiology. (2nd Ed.), Springer
Link Publishers. 813pp. ISBN-13: 978-1402066849.
6. Harley, M., Morton, C.M. and BIackmore, S. (2000). Pollen and Spores:
Morphology and Biology, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 530pp.
7. Kapp, P.O., Davis, O.K. and King, J.E. [Illustrated by Hall, R.C.] (2000). Ronald
0. Kapp's Pollen and Spores. (2nd ed.), AASP Found. 279 pp. ISBN 931871-05-0.
8. Kurmann, M.H. and Doyle, E. (1994). Ultrastructure of Fossil Spores and
Pollen. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 227pp. ISBN-13: 978-0947643607.
9. Collinvaux, P.A., De Oliveira, P.E. and Moreno, E. (1999). Amazon: Pollen
Manual and Atlas. Harwood Academic Publishers. 344pp. ISBN-13: 978-9057025877.
10. Traverse, A. (1996). Nomenclature and Taxonomy: Systematics. In: Jansonius,
J. and McGregor, D.C. Eds., Palynology: Principles and Applications, American
Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Foundations, 11-28, Publishers Press.
11. Jones, G.D., (1995). Pollen of the Southeastern United States: with Emphasis on
Melissopalynology and Entomopalynology. AASP Foundation Contribution Series No.
30: 76 pp., 104 photographic plates. ISSN 0160-8843.
12. Punt, W., BIackmore, S., Nilsson, S. and Thomas, A.L. (1994). Glossary of
Pollen and Spore Terminology. LPP Contributions Series No. 1: 71pp. LPP Foundation,
Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The
Netherlands. ISBN 90-393-0230-8.
Syllabus Outline: Extraction of Pollen and Spores, Preparation of Strew Mount Slides,
Single Grain Manipulation and their Technical Description, Field Study Tour for the
Collection of Rock Samples from Salt Range, Pakistan and a Comprehensive Field
Report of Study Tour.
Course Outline:
1. Extraction of pollen and spores from Anther/Strobili/Sori, their Identification
and Technical Description.
2. Palynologieal Analysis of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Rock samples
through Standard Procedures.
3. Preparation of Strew Mount Slides and Single Grain Manipulations).
4. Field Tour to the Salt Range, Pakistan to study Paleozoic, Mesozoic and
Cenozoic Outcrops including Sample Collecting Techniques. Each student shall be
required to submit a comprehensive Field Tour Report at the time of Practical
Examination. Specific marks shall also be allocated for such a report.
Module aims:
This course is designed to understand the Importance, Scope and Applications of
Palynology in other Fields, techniques used to Isolate palynomorphs, their Technical
Description and Evaluation of Palynologieal Data.
Learning Strategies:
1. Lectures
2. Group Discussion
3. Laboratory work
4. Seminar/ Workshop
Learning Outcome: After getting through this subject, students would be able to study
Extant and Extinct Palynomorphs extracted through different Standard Techniques, to
describe the Data Technically and Preparation of Permanent Mounts of this material.
Field Study Tour would enhance their knowledge pertaining to the Preparation of
Comprehensive Field Report and presentation of the data scientifically.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended:
1. Hesse, M., Halbritter, H., Weber, M., Buchner, R., Frosch-Radivo, A. and
Ulrich, S. (2010). Pollen Terminology: An Illustrated Handbook. (1st Ed.), Springer
Link Publishers. 264pp.'ISBN-13: 978-3211999356.
2. Icon Group International, (2010). Microtechnique: Webster's Timeline History,
1893 - . 2005. 24pp. ICON Group International, me. ASIN: B003L5DP80.
3. Phipps, D. and Playford, G. (2010). Techniques for Extracting Palynomorphs
from Sediments. Department of Mineralogy and Geology, sp. pub. Univ. Queensland,
Brisbane, Australia.
4. Shah, S.M.I. (1977). Stratigraphy of Pakistan. Memoirs of the Geological
Survey of Pakistan, v. 22, pp. 381.
5. Traverse, A. (2007). Palaeopalynology: Topics in Geobiology. (2nd Ed.),
Springer Link Publishers. 813 pp. ISBN-13:978-1402066849.
6. Punt, W., Blackmore, S., Hoen, P.P., Nilsson, S. and Thomas, A. Le (2007).
Glossary of Pollen and Spore Terminology. Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology,
143(1): 1-81.
7. Armstrong, H. and Brasier, M. (2005). Microfossils. (2nd Ed.). J. Wiley-
Blackwell Scientific Publishers. 304pp. ISBN-13: 978-0632052790.
8. Harley, M., Morton, C.M. and Blackmore, S. (2000). Pollen and Spores:
Morphology and Biology, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 530pp.
9. Gee, E R. (2000). Geological Maps of Salt Range. Geological Survey of
10. Kurmann, M.H. and Doyle, E. (1994). Ultrastructure of Fossil Spores and
Pollen. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 227pp. ISBN-13: 978-0947643607.
11. Soil Survey of Pakistan (2000). Topographic Sheets of Salt Range, Pakistan.
12. Collinvaux, P.A., De Oliveira, P.E. and Moreno, E. (1999). Amazon: Pollen
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Course Objectives: Students will gain understanding about the importance of water
and its quality requirements for the industrial uses in addition to learning about water
treatment techniques. They will also learn about the composite materials.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Credit Hours: 3
Course Contents
Introduction to prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells:
Plasma membrane, Chemical composition, structure and functions of plasma membranes cell
permeability, active transport, endocytosis, phagocytosis.
Cytoplasmic Organelles:
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended
Alberts, B., Bray, D., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., & Watson, J. D. Molecular
Biology of the Cell. New York: Garland Publishing Inc.
Karp, J. (2005). Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments. United
States of America: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Credit Hour-I
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended
Alberts, B., Bray, D., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., & Watson, J. D. Molecular
Biology of the Cell. New York: Garland Publishing Inc.
Karp, J. (2005). Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments. United
States of America: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Credit Hours: 3
Aims and Objectives:
Course Contents
1. Central themes in Physiology: Structure-function relationship, Adaptations,
Homeostasis, Conformity and Regulation.
5. Movements and Muscles: Structural basis of muscle contraction: molecular
structures of contractile components and their interaction, sarcoplasmic
reticulum, calcium and membrane mechanisms in regulation of contraction.
Books Recommended
Guyton, A. C. & Hall, J. E. (2000).Textbook of Medical Physiology. (10thed.).
Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company.
Randall, D., Burggren, W., French, K., & Fernald, R. Eckert Animal Physiology:
Mechanisms and Adaptations (5thed.). New York: W.H. Freeman and Company.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended
PRE-REQUISITE: Undergraduate level Mechanics and Mathematics
It covers fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics: wave properties,
uncertainty principles, Schrödinger equation, and operator and matrix methods. Basic
applications of the following are discussed: one-dimensional potentials (harmonic
oscillator), three-dimensional centro symmetric potentials (hydrogen atom), and
angular momentum and spin. The course also examines approximation methods:
variational principle and perturbation theory.
Breakdown of Classical Concepts and Old Quantum Theory:
Particle aspects of radiation and Planck’s hypothesis, wave aspects of matter and de
Broglie’s hypothesis, discrete levels and Bohr’s hypothesis.
Farmulation of Quantum Mechanics:
Mathematical preliminaries, quantum mechanical wavefunction, Hilbert space,
observables and operators, operator equations, the eigenvalue equation, commutation
relations, expectation value, postulates of quantum mechanics, correspondence
principle, complimentarity principle, Schrodinger equation and discrete energy levels,
state functions and overlap integral, uncertainty principle.
One Dimensional Systems:
The potential step, reflection and transmission coefficients, potential well and bound
states, potential barrier, tunneling, tunneling through thin films, alpha decay, one-
dimensional models of molecules and delta function potential, Kronig-Penny model,
harmonic oscillator, raising and lowering operators.
Angular Momentum:
Angular momentum operator, z-component, total angular momentum; eigenvalves,
eigenfunctions and vector diagram, parity.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
PRE-REQUISITE: Undergraduate level Physics and Mathematics
Upon successful completion of the course material, students will be able to:
Qualitatively and quantitatively describe the operation of operational amplifiers in a
variety of signal processing applications. Demonstrate the ability to use and to analyze
circuits containing digital to analog (DAC) and analog to digital converters (ADC).
Learn the proper use of modern test equipment and be able to write simple computer
programs which will interface the computer (transfer data to and from) to ADC's,
DAC's and registers. Build and analyze the basic digital circuits which become
the building blocks for more complex circuits which are used in computers and digital
instruments. Demonstrate basic knowledge of the physics of semiconductors, diodes
and transistors.
The Semiconductor Diode:
The junction diode, the diode voltage-current equation, Zener diode, light-emitting
diodes, capacitance effects in the pn diode.
The Diode as Rectifier and Switch:
The ideal diode model, the half-wave rectifier circuit, the full-wave rectifier circuit,
the bridge rectifier circuit, measurement of the ripple in the rectifier circuit, the
capacitor filter, the filter; -r filter, regulated power supply.
Models for Circuit:
The black box concept; active one-port models: the voltage-source circuit; active
one-port models, the current-source circuit: the two-port network, the h-parameter
equivalent circuit, power in decibels.
Junction Transistor as Amplifier:
The junction transistor, the volt-ampere curves of a transistor, the current
amplification factors, relations between the amplification factors, the load line and Q
point, the basic transistor amplifiers, simplification of the equivalent C-E circuit, the
transconductance, g, the common-emitter amplifier, conversion of the h
parameters, the common-collector amplifier, performance of the C-C amplifier,
comparison of amplifier performance.
DC Bias for the Transistor:
Choice of the quiescent point, variation of the Q point: fixed transistor bias, the four-
resistor bias circuit, design of a fixed-bias circuit, design of the bias-stabilized C-E
amplifier, voltage feedback bias, design of voltage-feedback bias circuit, bias for the
emitter follower, design of the emitter follower circuit.
The Field Effect Transistor:
The junction field-effect transistor; the MOS field-effect transistor, the load line for
the FET, obtaining bias for the FET, the FET as an amplifier.
Frequency Response of RC Amplifiers:
Cascaded amplifier, the amplifier passband, the frequency plot, low-frequency
response, the low-frequency limit, the unbypassed emitter resistor, high-frequency
equivalent circuits and the Miller effect, high-frequency response, the frequency limit
of the transistor, the common-base connection at high frequencies, bandwidth of
cascaded amplifiers.
Negative Feedback in Amplifiers:
The black box with feedback, stabilization of gain by negative feedback, bandwidth
improvement with negative feedback, reduction of nonlinear distortion, control of
amplifier output and input resistances, a current series-feedback circuit, voltage shut-
feedback circuit, voltage feedback with the FET.
Integrated Amplifiers:
The integrated amplifier, the differential amplifier, the Darlington compound
transistor, introduction to operation amplifier.
Power Amplifiers:
Classification of power amplifier, power relations in the class a amplifier, voltage
limitations, determination of output distortion, the push-pull circuit and glass B
operation, performance of a class B push-pull amplifier, output circuits without
transformers, phase inverters for push-pull input.
Oscillator feedback principles, the Hartley and Colpitts oscillators, practical transistor
oscillators, crystal control of frequency, resistance-capacitance feedback oscillator.
Waves Shaping and Switching Circuits:
Diode clipper, diode clamper, differentiator, integrator. Multivibrators, the bistable
multivibrator, the one-shot or monostable multivibrator and astable multivibrator.
Digital Circuits:
Binary numbers, Binary codes, Logic switches and gates, Logic Circuits.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Advance Physics Lab II (Electronics):
Note: The candidate must perform at least EIGHT experiments from the list given
50% weightage must be given to viva-voce about apparatus, theory of experiments
and estimation of errors.
1. To construct a power supply and study the rectified wave form (measurement of
peak value), ripple factor and regulation (without regulator).
2. To construct a voltage-regulated power supply with Zener diode.
3. To construct a single stage CE transistor voltage amplifier and study gain, input
impedance, output impedance, half power points by sine/square wave testing and
effect of bias on the output and measurement of distortion.
4. To construct a source follower FET voltage amplifier and study gain, input
impedance, output impedance, half power points by sine/square wave testing.
5. To construct an R-C oscillator and compare it with a standard frequency.
6. To construct a Hartley or Colpitts oscillator and measure its frequency.
7. To construct and study the wave forms at the base and collector of the transistors
of a free running a multivibrator.
8. To construct and study of the height, duration and time period of the output pulses
in a monostable and bistable multivibrators with reference to the input Trigger.
9. To construct from discrete components OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR exclusive
OR Circuits and verify their truth tables.
10. Study of wave shaping circuits of diode, integrators and differentiators.
11. To construct the operational amplifier (741) by using discrete components and
study its frequency response.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
6. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Boylestad and Nashhelsky, 7th Edition
A. Published by Prentice-Hall, (1997).
7. Electronic Devices and Circuits, by Theodre F. Bogart, Jr. 4th Edition, Prentice-
Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ (USA) 1997.
Course Title: Advance Mathematics- II [Algebra (Group Theory and Linear
Course Rating: 4 Cr. Hours
Definition and examples of groups
Subgroups lattice, Lagrange’s theorem
Cyclic groups
Groups and symmetries, Cayley’s theorem
Complexes in Groups
Complexes and coset decomposition of groups
Centre of a group
Normalizer in a group
Centralizer in a group
Conjugacy classes and congruence relation in a group
Normal Subgroups
Normal subgroups
Proper and improper normal subgroups
Factor groups
Isomorphism theorems
Automorphism group of a group
Commutator subgroups of a group
Permutation Groups
Symmetric or permutation group
Generators of the symmetric and alternating group
Cyclic permutations and orbits, The alternating group
Generators of the symmetric and alternating groups
Sylow Theorems
Double cosets
Cauchy’s theorem for Abelian and non-Abelian group
Sylow theorems (with proofs)
Applications of Sylow theory
Classification of groups with at most 7 elements
Ring Theory
Definition and examples of rings
Special classes of rings
Ideals and quotient rings
Ring Homomorphisms
Prime and maximal ideals
Field of quotients
Linear Algebra
Vector spaces, Subspaces
Linear combinations, Linearly independent vectors
Spanning set
Bases and dimension of a vector space
Homomorphism of vector spaces
Quotient spaces
Linear Mappings
Mappings, Linear mappings
Rank and nullity
Linear mappings and system of linear equations
Algebra of linear operators
Space L( X, Y) of all linear transformations
Matrices and Linear Operators
Matrix representation of a linear operator
Change of basis
Similar matrices
Matrix and linear transformations
Orthogonal matrices and orthogonal transformations
Orthonormal basis and Gram Schmidt process
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Polynomials of matrices and linear operators
Characteristic polynomial
Diagonalization of matrices
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books
1. J. Rose, A Course on Group Theory, (Cambridge University Press, 1978)
2. I. N. Herstein, Topics in Algebra, (Xerox Publishing Company, 1964)
3. G. Birkhoff and S. Maclane, A Survey of Modern Algebra, (Macmillan, 1964)
4. Seymour Lipschutz, Linear Algebra, (McGraw Hill Book Company, 2001)
5. Humphreys, John F. A Course on Group Theory, (Oxford University Press,
6. P. M. Cohn, Algebra, (John Wiley and Sons, 1974)
7. J. B. Fraleigh, A First Course in Abstract Algebra, (Pearson Education, 2002)
Course Title: Advance Mathematics- III (Complex Analysis and Differential
Course Rating: 4 Cr. Hours
Natural equation of a curve
Involutes and evolutes, Helices
Fundamental existence theorem of space curves
Theory of Surfaces
Coordinate transformation
Tangent plane and surface normal
The first fundamental form and the metric tensor
The second fundamental form
Principal, Gaussian, Mean, Geodesic and normal curvatures
Gauss and Weingarten equations
Gauss and Codazzi equations
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books
1. H. S. Kasana, Complex Variables: Theory and Applications, (Prentice Hall,
2. M. R. Spiegel, Complex Variables, (McGraw Hill Book Company, 1974)
3. J. W. Brown, R. V. Churchill, Complex Variables and Applications, (McGraw
Hill, 2009)
4. Louis L. Pennisi, Elements of Complex Variables, (Holt, Linehart and
Winston, 1976)
5. W. Kaplan, Introduction to Analytic Functions, (Addison-Wesley, 1966)
6. R. S. Millman and G.D. Parker, Elements of Differential Geometry, (Prentice-
Hall, 1977)
7. E. Kreyzig, Differential Geometry, (Dover Publications, 1991)
8. M. M. Lipschutz, Schaum's Outline of Differential Geometry, (McGraw Hill,
9. D. Somasundaram, Differential Geometry, (Narosa Publishing House, 2005)
Course : Contemporary Issues and Trends in Science Education
Credit Hours: 3
Competent teachers are usually knowledgeable in their respective Content areas. Being part of the
education system, teachers need to be aware of the contemporary issues and trends in education.
Issues such as population explosion, HIV/AIDS, Gender Development, sustainable development
require a broad based knowledge approach for teacher preparation. Therefore, a course on
contemporary issues and trends in education is considered significant to develop an insight among
At the end of this course, the students will be able to:
argue on the positive and negative impact of the information explosion
explore the gap between madrassah and mainstream education and identify appropriate
government responses
identify barriers to the achievement of universal literacy and how these may be removed at the
local level
discuss the gradually reducing gender disparity in education in Pakistan and its likely
analyze the relationship between national curriculum structure and career opportunities
consider how best environmental awareness can be enhanced through schools
consider the consequence of the growing privatization of education
Course Content
Unit 01 Education as a Complex Enterprise
1.1 Diversity of aims and approaches in education.
1.2 Variety of philosophical approaches to education.
1.3 Education in different periods and societies
Unit 02 Madrassah Education
2.1 Madrassah: origin, aims and objectives
2.2 Role of madrassah in 21st century
2.3 System of education in madrassah
2.4 Madrassah reforms in Pakistan
Unit 03 Universal Literacy
3.1 Literacy and individual rights
3.2 Factors affecting program for universal literacy: medium of instruction
3.3 Formal and Non formal education: Advantages and disadvantages
Unit 04 Gender Disparity
4.1 Concept of gender equality
4.2 Factors affecting the status and role of women
4.3 Steps towards reducing gender disparity.
Unit 05 Population Education:
5.1 Concept of Population Education.
5.2 Factors affecting Population Education.
5.3 Impact of Population Growth on National Development.
5.4 Roles and responsibilities of family, school, mosque and community in population
5.5 Steps towards population planning and welfare.
Unit 06 Environmental Awareness
6.1 Types of pollution
6.2 Causes of pollution
6.3 Environmental education
Unit 07 Privatization of Education
7.1 Government resources and multiple demands
7.2 Need of private sector education
7.3 Challenges of quality education
Unit 08 Information in Education
8.1 New concept of information explosion
8.2 Expanding learning resources
8.3 Information and communication technology (ICT) literacy
8.4 Technology in education
Evaluation Criteria
Recommended Books
AIOU, (2006) Population Education Course MA EPM 584, Islamabad: AIOU.
Badran, M. (2005). The Gender of Islam, Al-Ahram: Cairo.
Haltak, J. (1990). Investing in the Future, Setting Educational Priorities in the Developing
World, Paris, UNESCO. McGraw-Hill Kogakusha.
Ministry of Education, Curriculum Wing (2010), 13 Modules on Various Core Themes of
Population Education, Islamabad.
Modhukar Indira (2003). Changing Demands of Technical and Vocational Education, Annual
Publication New Delhi.
Mohantry, Jagannath. Primary and Elementary Education, Deep & Deep Publication Private
Pakistan, Govt: (2003). Education for All, Ministry of Education Curriculum Wing Islamabad.
Rao, V. K. (2004). Population Education efficient Printer, New Delhi.
Sylvester, C. (1994). Feminist Theory and International Relation, in Post Modern Era,
Cambridge University Press.
UNESCO, Pakistan (2004). Quality of education in Pakistan, UNESCO Office, Islamabad.
Course Title: Research project
Credit Hours: 03
Course details
7- A proposed time schedule for the project, with key dates and the timing of each
phase of the project.
NOTE: What if student’s proposal is rejected? He should regard a rejection as
saving him from big problems later on. Teachers have a very good idea of what
will ‘work’ and what will not, what is achievable and what is not. If they suggest
student think again it is because they believe he cannot produce a thesis or
dissertation of the required standard from what he is proposing. So, take the
advice they give, and submit another proposal.
circumstances in which he is using it to provide usable data. Piloting usually suggests
changes and modifications to the methods he is using, sometimes large, sometimes
small, and so is an essential process.
There are two simple techniques student can use to plan his time and his project – a time
line and a Gantt chart.
Points to remember
This looks a straightforward path to understand and follow, but there are a number of
important points to remember with this model. First, real project will not follow this
path in a neat sequence:
• Some stages will overlap – for example, student will certainly start to develop
interpretations and conclusions as soon as he starts collecting data, and he may of course
want to test some of his conclusions by collecting further data.
• Student may need to return to earlier stages – for example, piloting may indicate his
need to make changes to the methodology.
• Some stages will continue throughout the project – for example, student will need to
keep reviewing the literature throughout the project to be sure that he has not missed
anything important or that there have not been new publications on the topic. Even while
student is preparing the final thesis he will need to do a last-minute literature check so
that he dose not miss the latest publications.
Secondly, student will need to be writing the thesis/dissertation from as early in the
project as possible. Stage 10 is preparing the final version, not starting to write. It is
very important to recognise that student must start writing as soon as he can, otherwise
it may become a major psychological barrier for him
Evaluation Criteria
Berry, R. (2004), The research project: how to write it. London: Routledge.
Nicholas S. R. Walliman (2005), Your research project: a step-by-step guide for
the first-time researcher, SAGE publication, London.
Dr. A. K. Khan (2008), Research Methodology, APH publishing Corporation,New
Thomas, G. (2013), How to do your research project: a guide for students in
education , SAGE publication, London.
Yogesh Kumar Singh (2006), Fundamental Of Research Methodology And
Statistics, New Age International Publishers Ltd.-new Delhi.
Syllabus Outline: Study of Soil Microbes in relation to Soil Formation and Plant-
Microbes nitration.
Course Outline:
Elements of Soil Formation and Conservation, Soil Microbial Population and Methods
of Study with their Advantages and Disadvantages, Role of Microorganisms in Mineral
Transformations with special and detailed emphasis on Carbon and Nitrogen
Transformations, Brief Introduction to Sulphur and Phosphorus Transformation,
Introduction to Soil Ecology, Plant Microbe Interactions and Microbe-Microbe
Interactions and their Impact on Soil Fertility, Biotechnological Potentials of Soil
Microorganisms, Importance of the Subject in the Agricultural Development of
Pakistan, Problems of Salinity and Water Logging and the Methods of their
Reclamations, Microbial Activities in Saline Soil. Biochemical, Physiological, Genetic,
Ultra-Structural and Molecular Aspects of interaction between Plants and their
Beneficial and Harmful Symbionts, Microbe's Role in Regulatory Mechanism of Plant
Gene Expression.
Module aims:
Course is designed to provide essential knowledge about soil structure and composition
and learning about soil biodiversity.
Learning Strategies:
1. Lectures
2. Group Discussion
3. Laboratory work
4. Seminar/ Workshop
Learning Outcomes:
Students are expected to have knowledge about Soil Microflora and then-effects on Soil
Composition and Information about Agriculture Soils of Pakistan.
Assessment Strategies (Theory) :
The student will be assessed according to the following criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Books Recommended:
1. Berthelin, J., Bollag, J.M., Page, A.L., Huang, P.M., McGill, W.B. and Huang,
P.M. (1999). Environmental Impacts of Soil Component Interactions: Natural and
Anthropogenic Organics. Vol.1, Lewis Publishers.
2. Wang, K., EstreUa, A.H. and Montagu, M.V. (2004): Transformation of Plants
and Soil Microorganisms (Plant and Microbial Biotechnology Research). No.3,
Cambridge University Press.
3. Charles, J., Delecluse, A., Lerou, N. and Roux, C.N. (2000). Entomopathogenic
Bacteria: From Laboratory to Field Application (1st Ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers.
4. Rao, N.S.S. and Dommergues, Y.R. (2001). Microbial Interactions in
Agriculture and Forestry. (2nd Ed.), Science Publishers
5. Glick, B.R., Patten, C.L., Holguin, G. and Penrose, D.M. (1999). Biochemical
and Genetic Mechanisms Used by Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria. Imperial College
6. Rao, N.S.S. and Dommergues, Y.R, (2000). Microbial Interactions in
Agriculture and Forestry. (1st Ed.), Science Publishers.
Learning Outcome: Students are expected to have knowledge about Soil Microbial
Population, their Role for Enrichment Soil Composition and its Productivity.
Assessment Strategies (Practical) :
The student will be assessed according to the following criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Syllabus Outline: Occurrence of Mushroom, Diversity Status in Pakistan,
Cultivation, Knowledge of Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms, Plewotos and its Status,
their Diseases. Course Outline:
1. History of Mushrooms.
2. History of Mushroom Cultivation.
3. Present status and Future Prospects of Mushroom Cultivation in Pakistan.
4. Mushroom Farms and Commercial Mushroom Fanning.
5. Food Value of Mushrooms.
6. Morphology of Mushrooms.
7. Poisonous and Edible Mushrooms.
8. Major species Cultivated for Food.
9. Cultivation of white Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus).
10. Factors suitable for Cultivation, Compost and Methods of Composting, Spawn
and Methods of Spawning, Casing, Cropping and Harvesting, Preservation.
11. Cultivation ofPleurotus Species.
12. Methods of Cultivation, Preparation of Spawn.
13. Diseases of Mushrooms.
14. Uses of Mushrooms.
Module Aims: This includes learning all and Medical Techniques of Cultivation
of Edible Mushrooms of Pakistan using Agriculture Waste etc. Aim of this course is to
train the students practically as Mushroom Growers.
Learning Strategies:
1. Lectures
2. Group Discussion
3. Laboratory work
4. Seminar/ Workshop
Learning Outcome: By reading this course students would be able to recognize
Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms and utilize these information for earning their
Assessment Strategies (Theory) :
The student will be assessed according to the following criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Books Recommended:
1. Svreck, M. (2010). The Hamlyn Book of Mushrooms and Fungi. Hamlyn, N.Y.
2. Chang, S.T. and Miles, P.G. (2004). Mushrooms, Cultivation, Nutritional Value,
Medicinal Effect and Environmental Impact. (2nd Ed.), CRC Press, New York,
Washington, D.C.
3. Dickinson, C. and Lucas, J. (2003). Encyclopedia of Mushrooms. Qrbis Pub.
4. Singer, R. (1999). The Agaricales in Modem Taxonomy. 3. Grammer, Lebre,
5. Rebman, T. and Shakir, A. (1997). Mushroom Ki Kasht. PARC Publications,
6. Bahl, N. (1988). Handbook on Mushrooms. Oxford and IBH Pub. New Delhi.
7. Mahmood, S.K., Khatoon, A.Y. and Sarfraz, K.R. (1988). Pakistan Men
Khhumbi Ugane Ki Technology. PARC Publications, Pakistan.
Module Aims:
This includes learning all and Medical Techniques of Cultivation of Edible
Mushroom of Pakistan using Agriculture Waste etc. Aim of this course is to train the
students practically as Mushroom Growers.
Learning Strategies:
1. Lectures
2. Group Discussion
3. Laboratory work
4. Seminar/ Workshop
Learning Outcome: By reading this course students would be able to recognize
Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms and utilize this information for earning their
Assessment Strategies (Practical) :
The student will be assessed according to the following criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Books Recommended:
1. Svreck, M. (2010). The Hamlyn Book of Mushrooms and Fungi. Hamlyn, N.Y-
2. Chang, S.T. and Miles, P.G. (2004). Mushrooms, Cultivation, Nutritional Value,
Medicinal Effect and Environmental Impact. (2nd Ed.), CRC Press, New York,
Washington, D.C.
3. Dickinson, C. and Lucas, J. (2003). Encyclopedia of Mushrooms. Orbis Pub.
4. Singer, R. (1999). The Agaricales in Modem Taxonomy. J. Grammer, Lebre,
5. Rehman, T. and Shakir, A. (1997). Mushroom Ki Kasht. PARC Publications,
6. Bahl, N. (1988). Handbook on Mushrooms. Oxford and IBH Pub. New Delhi.
7. Mahmood, S.K., Khatoon, A.Y. and Sarfraz, K.R. (1988). Pakistan Men
Khhumbi Ugane Ki Technology. PARC Publications, Pakistan.
Evaluation Criteria
Books Recommended:
1. Taiz, L.D. and Zeiger, E. (2010). Plant Physiology. (5th Ed.), Sierauer
2. Barker, A.V. and Pilbeam, D.J. (2007). Hand Book of Plant Nutrition. CRC
Press Washington D.C.
3. Epstein, E. and Bloom, J.A. (2005) Mineral Nutrition of Plants: Principles and
Perspectives. (2nd Ed.), Sierauer Associates.
4. Tisdale, S. and Nelson, W. (2005). Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. (3rd Ed.),
5. Wallace, T. (2005). The Diagnosis of Mineral Deficiencies in Plants. Her
Majesty's Stationery Office, London.
1. Lectures
2. Group Discussion
3. Laboratory Work
4. Seminar/ Workshop
Learning Outcome: Experiments based on Theory Syllabus will be explored.
Students will be able to grow plants in different media. Students will be able to observe
different symptoms due to deficiency of various nutrients in the media
Assessment Strategies (Practical) :
The student will be assessed according to the following criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Books Recommended:
1. Taiz, L.D. and Zeiger, E. (2010). Plant Physiology. (5th Ed.), Sierauer
2. Barker, A.V. and Pilbeam, D.J. (2007). Hand Book of Plant Nutrition. CRC
Press Washington D.C.
3. Epstein, E. and Bloom, J.A. (2005) Mineral Nutrition of Plants: Principles and
Perspectives. (2 Ed.), Sierauer Associates.
4. Tisdale, S. and Nelson, W. (2005). Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. (3rd Ed.),
5. Wallace, T. (2005). The Diagnosis of Mineral Deficiencies in Plants. Her
Majesty's Stationery Office, London.
Course Objectives: Students will acquire knowledge about the physical and chemical
properties of d- & f- block elements on the basis of their electronic configurations and
will be able to work out structures of coordination compounds through development of
understanding of coordinate compounds and chemical bonding.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Course Objectives: The main objectives of this course are to introduce the students to
the basics principles, instrumental aspects and applications of separation and
spectrophotometric analytical methods
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Course Objectives: Students will gain knowledge about the stereochemical behavior
of organic molecules and acquire an ability to propose mechanism of simple reactions.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Course Title: Advance Mathematics- IV (Mechanics)
Course Rating: 4 Cr. Hours
Vector Integration
Line integrals
Surface area and surface integrals
Volume integrals
Integral Theorems
Green’s theorem
Gauss divergence theorem
Stoke’s theorem
Curvilinear Coordinates
Orthogonal coordinates
Unit vectors in curvilinear systems
Arc length and volume elements
The gradient, Divergence and curl
Special orthogonal coordinate systems
Tensor Analysis
Coordinate transformations
Einstein summation convention
Tensors of different ranks
Contravariant, Covariant and mixed tensors
Symmetric and skew symmetric tensors
Addition, Subtraction, Inner and outer products of tensors
Contraction theorem, Quotient law
The line element and metric tensor
Christoffel symbols
Non Inertial Reference Systems
Accelerated coordinate systems and inertial forces
Rotating coordinate systems
Velocity and acceleration in moving system: Coriolis, Centripetal and
transverse acceleration
Dynamics of a particle in a rotating coordinate system
Planar Motion of Rigid Bodies
Introduction to rigid and elastic bodies, Degrees of freedom, Translations,
Rotations, instantaneous axis and center of rotation, Motion of the center of
Euler’s theorem and Chasle’s theorem
Rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis: Moments and products of inertia of
various bodies including hoop or cylindrical shell, circular cylinder, spherical
Parallel and perpendicular axis theorem
Radius of gyration of various bodies
Motion of Rigid Bodies in Three Dimensions
General motion of rigid bodies in space: Moments and products of inertia,
Inertia matrix
The momental ellipsoid and equimomental systems
Angular momentum vector and rotational kinetic energy
Principal axes and principal moments of inertia
Determination of principal axes by diagonalizing the inertia matrix
Euler Equations of Motion of a Rigid Body
Force free motion
Free rotation of a rigid body with an axis of symmetry
Free rotation of a rigid body with three different principal moments
Euler’s Equations
The Eulerian angles, Angular velocity and kinetic energy in terms of Euler
angles, Space cone
Motion of a spinning top and gyroscopes- steady precession, Sleeping top
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books
1. G. E. Hay, Vector and Tensor Analysis, (Dover Publications, Inc., 1979)
2. G. R. Fowles and G. L. Cassiday, Analytical Mechanics, (Thomson
Brooks/Cole, 2005)
3. H. Goldstein, C. P. Poole and J. L. Safko, Classical Mechanics, (Addison-
Wesley Publisihng Co., 2001)
4. M. R. Spiegel, Theoretical Mechanics, (McGraw Hill Book Company, 1980)
5. M. R. Spiegel, Vector Analysis, (McGraw Hill Book Company, 1981)
6. D. C. Kay, Tensor Calculus, (McGraw Hill Book Company, 1988)
7. E. C. Young, Vector and Tensor Analysis, (Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1993)
8. L. N. Hand and J. D. Finch, Analytical Mechanics, (Cambridge University
Press, 1998)
Course Title: Advance Mathematics- V (Topology & Functional Analysis)
Course Rating: 4 Cr. Hours
Definition and examples
Open and closed sets
Limit points, Closure of a set
Interior, Exterior and boundary of a set
Bases and Sub-bases
Base and sub bases
Neighborhood bases
First and second axioms of countablility
Separable spaces, Lindelöf spaces
Continuous functions and homeomorphism
Weak topologies, Finite product spaces
Separation Axioms
Separation axioms
Regular spaces
Completely regular spaces
Normal spaces
Compact Spaces
Compact topological spaces
Countably compact spaces
Sequentially compact spaces
Connected spaces, Disconnected spaces
Totally disconnected spaces
Components of topological spaces
Metric Space
Review of metric spaces
Convergence in metric spaces
Complete metric spaces
Completeness proofs
Dense sets and separable spaces
No-where dense sets
Baire category theorem
Normed Spaces
Normed linear spaces
Banach spaces
Convex sets
Quotient spaces
Equivalent norms
Linear operators
Linear functionals
Finite dimensional normed spaces
Continuous or bounded linear operators
Dual spaces
Inner Product Spaces
Definition and examples
Orthonormal sets and bases
Annihilators, Projections
Hilbert space
Linear functionals on Hilbert spaces
Reflexivity of Hilbert spaces
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books
1. J. Dugundji, Topology, (Allyn and Bacon Inc., 1966)
2. G. F. Simmon, Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis, (McGraw Hill
Book Company, 1963)
3. Stephen Willard, General Topology, (Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1970)
4. Seymour Lipschutz, General Topology, (Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw
Hill Book Company, 2004)
5. E. Kreyszig, Introduction to Functional Analysis with Applications, (John
Wiley and Sons, 2006)
6. A. L. Brown and A. Page, Elements of Functional Analysis, (Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1970)
7. G. Bachman and L. Narici, Functional Analysis, (Academic Press, 1966)
8. F. Riesz and B. Sz. Nagay, Functional Analysis, (Dover Publications, Inc.,
Course Title: Advance Mathematics- VI (Advanced Analysis)
Course Rating: 4 Cr. Hours
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Recommended Books
1. D. Smith, M. Eggen and R. ST. Andre, A transition to Advanced Mathematics,
(Brooks Cole, 2004)
2. Seymour Lipschutz, Set Theory and Related Topics, (McGraw Hill, 1964)
3. Frankel, A. Abstract Set theory, (North Holland Publishing Co., 1961)
4. Royden, H. L. Real Analysis, (Prentice Hall, 1988)
5. Suppes, P. Axiomatic Set Theory, (Dover Publications Inc.,May 1973)
6. Halmos, P. R. Naive Set Theory, (Springer, 1974)
7. Halmos, P. R. Measure Theory, (Springer, 1974)
8. Rudin, W. Real and Complex Analysis, (McGraw-Hill Higher Education,
PRE-REQUISITE: Mathematical Method of Physics I
To give the understanding of Differential equations and their uses in Physics,
Introduction to special functions, Fourier series, Fourier Transforms, Solution of
Boundary value problems and their uses.
Green’s Function:
Functions of Complex Variable:
Fourier Series and Transforms:
Green’s Function:
Definition, Green’s functions for the Strum-Liouville operator Green’s functions in
Functions of Complex Variable:
Complex functions, analyticity, Cauchy-Riemann equations, multivalued functions,
Cauchy’s integral formula, Taylor and Laurent series, the residue theorem and its
Fourier Series and Transforms:
Fourier series and its complex form, applications of Fourier series, representations of a
function, properties of Fourier transforms, Fourier integral theorem, Fourier sine and
cosine transforms, applications of Fourier transforms, Laplace transform.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
PRE-REQUISITE: Quantum Mechanics I
It covers fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics: wave properties,
uncertainty principles, Schrödinger equation, and operator and matrix methods. Basic
applications of the following are discussed: one-dimensional potentials (harmonic
oscillator), three-dimensional centro symmetric potentials (hydrogen atom), and
angular momentum and spin. The course also examines approximation methods:
variational principle and perturbation theory.
1. Central Potential:
2. Spin and Statistics:
3. Approximation Methods in Quantum Mechanics:
4. Formal Theory of Quantum Systems:
Central Potential:
Motion in a central potential, the hydrogen atom, energy spectrum, quantum numbers
and degeneracies.
Spin and Statistics:
The Zeeman effect, matrix operators, spin statistics and exclusion principle, Pauli’s
two components formalism, identical particles, fermions and bosons, symmetry and
antisymmetry of wavefunctions.
Approximation Methods in Quantum Mechanics:
Time independent perturbation theory, simple applications, damped linear harmonic
oscillator, hydrogen like atoms in magnetic field, time dependent perturbation theory,
transition probability, emission and absorption of radiation, WKB approximation and
its applications, variational method and its applications.
Formal Theory of Quantum Systems:
Hilbert space, operators and state vectors, bras and kets, orthonormality, Dirac delta-
function, completeness, expectation value, degeneracy, compatible and incompatible
observables, discrete and continuous spectra generalized uncertainty relation,
harmaonic oscillator, ladder operators, Schrodinger’s equation of motion,
Heisenberg’s equations of motion, constants of motion, parity, conservation laws and
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
PRE-REQUISITE: Undergraduate level Electricity and Magnetism
The objective of the course is to present a theory of classical electrodynamics.
Thus, Maxwell equations and their consequences are considered in great detail and
presented pedagogically following Griffiths textbook.
Electric Current:
Magnetic Properties of Matter:
Maxwell’s Equations and their Applications:
Electric dipole, potential energy of a dipole in an electric field, mutual energy of two
dipoles, force and couple on the dipole placed in an external electric field, multipole
expansion of electric fields external field of a dielectric displacement vector, electric
susceptibility and dielectric constant, boundary conditions on the field vectors,
potential energy of a group of point charges, electrostatic energy of a charge
distribution, energy of an electrostatic field, energy of a system of charged
conductors, stress in the electrostatic field and dielectric media, coefficients of
potential, capacitance and inductance.
Equation of Poisson and Laplace, applications of Laplace’s equation to problems
(conductors and dielectrics) having spherical cylindrical and cartesian symmentry,
electrical images (conductors and dielectrics).
Electric Current:
Nature of the current, current density and equation of continuity, Ohm’s law, steady
current in media without sources of e.m.f., approach to electrostatic equilibrium.
Magnetic induction, force on current carrying conductors, Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s
circuital law, the magnetic vector and scalar potentials, the magnetic field of a distant
Magnetic Properties of Matter:
Magnetisation, vectors M and H produced by magnetized materials field equation,
boundary conditions on the field vectors.
Maxwell’s Equations and their Applications:
Maxwell’s equations and the generalization of the Ampere’s law, electromagnetic
energy, vector and scalar potentials, gauge transformations (Lorentz gauge, coulombs
guage). pressure of radiations, Green’s function for time dependent wave equation,
retarded scaler and vector potentials, radiation from an oscillating dipole, plane
electromagnetic wave, plane waves in a conducting and non-conducting media, linear
and cirucular polarization, and superposition of waves in one dimension, boundary
conditions, reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves at a plane interface
between dielectrics, waves polarization by reflection and total internal reflection,
reflection from a conducting medium, covariant formulation of electrodynamics,
transformation laws of electro magnetic fields, the field of a uniformly moving and
accelerated electron.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Note: Evolution and Principles of Systematic Zoology 60% and 40% weightage, respectively.
Three questions from Evolution and two questions from Systematic will be attempted
by the students.
Course Contents
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Systematic Zoology
Whili, M. J. D. (1978). Modes of Speciation. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Co.
1. Study of preserved invertebrate species and their classification upto class level.
2. Collection, preservation and identification of common species with the help of
keys. Methods of statistical analysis of samples frompopulations T-test,
Analysis of variance etc.
3. Preparation of keys for the identification of specimens.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Systematic Zoology
Whili, M. J. D. (1978). Modes of Speciation. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Co.
The course will provide in depth knowledge about the polymerized organic compounds
of life. The dynamism of the life proceeds with inter- conversion of the chemicals from
feeding to the liberation of energy for work. It will deal with the inter-conversion is
performed by various tools called as enzymes. Thus, in this course the concepts of the
chemical basis of life and all the mechanisms involved in harvesting of energy for
growth, duplication etc., are given.
Course Contents
Amino acids, peptides and proteins: standard amino acids, their structure and
classification; acid/base properties of amino acids and their titration curves; natural
modifications of amino acids in proteins; non- standard amino acids, their structure and
role; peptides, their ionic behavior and amino acid composition, cytochrome c;
Macromolecular separation techniques in biochemistry; ion exchange chromatography;
isoelectric focusing; density gradient centrifugation.
Enzymes: introduction; important characteristics of enzymes; immobilized enzymes;
how enzymes work; example of enzymatic reaction; enzyme kinetics, enzyme rate of
reaction and substrate concentration, how ph and temperature effect enzyme activity;
kinetics of bisubstrate and multisubstrate reactions.
Lipids: fatty acids, their types and major characteristics; storage lipids, acylglycerols;
waxes; structural lipids in membranes; major functions of lipids; lipoproteins, their
types and major functions.
Vitamins and cofactors: occurrence, structure and biochemical function of vitamins of b-
complex group.
Bioenergetics: concept of free energy; standard free energy change: energy rich
regulation and bioenergetics of glycolysis. Anabolic role of glycolysis; fate of
pyruvate under aerobic and anaerobic conditions,lactate, acetyl CoA and ethanol
formation; alcoholic fermentation; gluconeogenesis, its regulation and significance in
the tissues; feeder pathways in glycolysis; utilization of other carbohydrates in
glycolysis; phosphorolysis of glycogen and starch; regulation of glycogen metabolism;
utilization of dietary polysaccharides (starch) and disaccharides (sucrose and galactose).
Biosynthesis of glycogen, starch and sucrose.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended
New York: McMillan Worth Publishers.
Voet. D., Voet, J.G., & Pratt, C.W. (1999). Fundamentals of Biochemistry, New
York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended
The aim of this course is to make the students aware that all the living organisms
including human beings are part of the environment, which consists of biotic and abiotic
factors. The abiotic factors consist of all the physical factors while biotic factors include
all the living things. However with the increase in population densities increase in
productivity is also needed. High technologymeasures used for this purpose have caused
various problems like pollution.
Course Contents
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended
Cox, C. B. &Morre, D. (2000).Biogeography: an Ecological and Evolutionary
Approach, (6thed.), Life Sciences King’s College, London, UK.
Dondson, S.I., Allen, T.F.N., Carpenter, S.R., Ives, A., Jeanne, R.L., Kitchell, J.F.,
Langston, N.E. & Turner, M.G., (1998). Ecology.UK: Oxford Univ. Press.
Newman, I. (1993). Applied Ecology. UK: Black Well Scientific Publications Oxford.
Slingsby, D. & Cook, C., (1986). Practical Ecology. UK: McMillan Education Ltd.
Smith, R.L. (1980). Ecology And Field Biology, Harper and Row.
1. Measurement of environmental factors on land, water and air.
2. Study ofdifferent ecosystems: pond, agricultural or grassland, forest.
3. Community analysis through different sampling techniques (quadrat, Transect).
Population dynamics of grasshoppers.
4. Adaptive features of animals in relation to food and environment.
5. Food chain studies through analysis of gut contents.
6. Analysis of polluted and fresh water for biotic and abiotic variations.
7. Field visits for study of selected terrestrial habitat and writing notes.
8. Development of an ecological management plan of some selected area.
Evaluation Criteria
Examination Type Marks
Internal Examination Sessional Work 15%
Mid-Semester 25%
External Examination Final Semester 60%
Books Recommended
Dondson, S.I., Allen, T.F.N., Carpenter, S.R., Ives, A., Jeanne, R.L., Kitchell, J.F.,
Langston, N.E. & Turner, M.G., (1998). Ecology.UK: Oxford Univ. Press.
Newman, I. (1993). Applied Ecology. UK: Black Well Scientific Publications Oxford.
Slingsby, D. & Cook, C., (1986). Practical Ecology. UK: McMillan Education Ltd.
Smith, R.L. (1980). Ecology And Field Biology, Harper and Row.
Course: Comparative Science Education
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction: Educators improve their practice by adopting and adapting educational systems and
practices that were developed elsewhere. Comparisons of educational systems also provide a basis
for assessing the suitability of current practices. This course focuses on training student teachers to
compare and contrast educational systems and exposes students to the comparative approaches in
education. Furthermore, the course aims at providing prospective teachers a basis for educational
comparisons aimed at creating an understanding of issues influencing the focus, structure,
organization and practice of education at international level, regional level and local level. With a
major focus on Science Education, the course will equip the prospective science teachers with
necessary acquaintance regarding issues and trends in the field of Science Education around the
world so that they can learn the lessons for improvement and quality enhancement of Science
Education in Pakistan.
Course Content
Unit 1: Introduction to Comparative Education
Topic: The Meaning of Comparative Education
Topic: The Purpose and Uses of Comparative Education
Topic: Concept of Globalization
Topic: Comparative Education: Historical Development and Evolution
Topic: Introduction to The WCCES: A Global Body in Comparative Education
Topic: South East Asia
Unit 4: Comparative Study of Regional Systems of Education
Topic: Anglophone
Topic: Francophone
Topic: Lusophone
Unit 5: Comparative Studies in Science Education
Topic: Globalization of Science Education
Topic: Factors affecting globalization of Science Education
Topic: Nuffield Science Foundation report
Topic: Analysis of TIMSS reports
Topic: Analysis of PISA reports
Evaluation Criteria
Beech J. (2006). The Theme of Educational Transfer in Comparative Education:A View over time I
(pp. 2-13) in Research in Comparative and International Education Vol. 1. No. 1
Bereday, G. F. Z. (1964). Comparative Method in Education. New York: Holt, Rhinehart & Winston
Bereday G. F. Z. (1975) The Contribution of Comparative Education to Comparative Studies of
Adult Education in Bennett, C., Kidd, J. R., and J. Kulich Comparative Studies in Adult
Education: An Anthology Syracuse, USA: Syracuse University Publications in Continuing
Education.pp. 114-118
Ndoye M. (2008) Education in Africa: Knowledge Makes the Difference in Fredriksen B. and J. P.
Tan (editors) An African Exploration of the East Asian Education Experience. Washington:
World Bank pp. 61-79
Noah H. J. (1984) The Use and Abuse of Comparative Education in Comparative Education Review.
28 pp. 550-562
Phillips D. (2006) Comparative Education: Method in Research in Comparative and International
Education, Vol. 1 No. 4 pp. 304-319.
World Bank, (2008) Governance, Management and Accountability in secondary Education in Sub-
Saharan Africa World. World Bank Working Paper No. 127 African Human Development
Series. Washington: World Bank
Course: Arabic Language
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction: the main objective of this course is to give students an introduction to the basic syntax
and morphology of the Arabic language so that they can study the language at an advanced level of
their own. Although the main focus of the course will remain on sentence structure, the limited use
of situational language teaching (SLT) is also expected.
At the end of course students will be able to:
Understand simple Arabic sentence
Decipher the meanings of complex sentences with the help of dictionary
Explain the meaning of sentence structure
Communicate in the Arabic language
Course Content
Grammar, Morphology & Syntax
Arabic Letters and Their Pronunciation
Arabic alphabets
The consonants
The vowels
The definite and the indefinite article
The Moon letters and the Sun letters
The Kinds of Arabic word
Particles plus Functional Words
Separate Pronouns
Attached pronouns
The Demonstrative And The Relative Nouns
The Demonstrative Nouns
The Relative Nouns
The Dual & The Sound Plural
The Broken Plural
The Masculine and the Feminine Gender
The Possessive Compound
References from Noble Quran
Adjective Compounds
Some references from the Qur’an for Adjectives
The Kinds of Verbs
The past tense
The present and the future tense
The imperative and the prohibitive word
Morphological Groups/ GatesVerb with Consonants and Vowels and Double Sound of A Letter
Verb with Consonants and Vowels
Verb with Double Sound of A Letter
The Active Principle, The Passive Principle And The Five Nouns
The Active Principle, The Passive Principle
The Five Nouns
The Numbers
Numbers from 1 to 10 in Arabic
Examples from Numbers from 1 to 10 from Holy Quran
The Functional Words
The interrogative practices
References from the Holy Qur’an
The kinds of Arabic Sentences
Nominal Sentences
Verbal sentences
Selected Text from the Religious Literature
Parts of human body
The colors
Days of the week
Seasons of the year
Food and drink
Greetings and introduction
Evaluation Criteria
Course: Students Teaching and Observation (PRACTICAL)
Credit Hours: 6 (Long Term: 8-10 Weeks)
This course provides the experience secondary school, science teachers with carefully sequenced and
supervised field experiences in all subject areas related to science disciplines. Opportunities to work
with secondary level students are provided. As a student teacher it is required that they will work
with students of various backgrounds and of different capabilities. The developmental
Student teachers will be able to:
1. Reflect on and learn from connecting theory to their teaching practice.
2. Collaborate with peers, cooperating teachers, other school staff and university supervisor,
establishing professional relationships.
3. Invite, accept and utilize formative feedback from the cooperating teaching, peers, and the
university supervisor in a non-defensive manner
4. Produce plans for teaching and learning that reflects the use of appropriate instructional
methods and strategies to meet the needs of all students.
5. Utilize appropriate instruments or techniques informally and formal accessing students’
learning needs
6. Recognize cognitive and affective need of students and establish learning environment and
use activities appropriate to meet those needs,
7. Maintain their lesson plan and use it effectively.
Course Activities.
Week No Activities
1 Introduction to the school and Classroom context
Complete school based assignments
Complete classroom observations
The classroom environment, placement of materials, arrangement of
workspaces and traffic patterns
Classroom interactions
Assist the cooperating teacher as requested
Small administrative tasks
Helping individuals or small groups of children
Preparation of lesson planner
Reflection on learning of this week
Assist the cooperating teacher as requested
Reflection on learning of this week
4 Assuming responsibility for co planning and co teaching as amany classes as
a student can
Complete school based assignments
Complete classroom observations
Assist the cooperating teacher as requested
Reflection on learning of this week
Syllabus Outline: An introduction to Plant Breeding and Horticulture. Different strategies used in
breeding for plant selection with desired characteristics. Application of ' horticulture techniques used
in Green house and in landscaping.
Course Outline:
Plant Breeding: Basic Principles and Aims of Plant Breeding, General Outlines of Breeding Methods,
Selection in Inbreeders (Single Plant Selection, Mass Selection, Pedigree Selection, Bulk Population
Selection, Baekcross Breeding), Selection in Outbreeders (Single Plant Selection, Mass Selection,
Recurrent Selection, Baekcross Breeding).
Horticulture: An Introduction, Plant Science, Plant Propagation, Greenhouse Management and
Crops, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Container-Grown Plants, Using Plants in the Landscape,
Lawn and Turf Grass Establishment and Maintenance, The Vegetable Garden, The Small Fruit Garden.
Module Aims: This course enables the students to learn basic knowledge about Plant Breeding
Strategies and Implementation to Horticultural Studies. The aim of this module is to give general
Information to enter into Applied Breeding and Horticultural Practices.
Learning Strategies:
1. Lectures
2. Group Discussion
3. Laboratory Work
4. Seminar/ Workshop
Learning Outcome: The successful completion of this course shall enable the students to apply basic
knowledge into Applied Plant Breeding Practices.
Evaluation Criteria
Books Recommended:
1. Peter, K.V. (2009). Basics of Horticulture. New India Publishers.
2. Brown, J. and Caligare, P. (2008). An Introduction to Plant Breeding. Blackwell Synergy
3. Acquaach, G. (2006). Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding. Blackwell and Synergy
4. Kumar, N. (2006). Breeding of Horticulture Crops: Principles and Practices. New Indian
5. Carpenter, P.L. and Walker, I. (2004). Plants in Landscape. (2nd Ed.), New York Freeman.
6. Acquaach, G. (2002). Horticulture Principles and Practices. (2nd Ed.), Prentice Hall of India
Private Limited, New Delhi.
7. Crockett, J.V. (1999). Landscape Gardening. New York Time — Life.
Syllabus Outline: Different techniques used in Plant Breeding and Horticulture
Course Outline:
1. Techniques of Plant Breeding
2. Pollination and fertilization in self and out Breeding Plants, their Implications and Consequences
Module Aims: The aim of this subject is to give practical knowledge and in-hand experience
to the students in various Plant Breeding and Horticulture Methods.
Learning Strategies:
1. Lectures
2. Group Discussion
3. Laboratory Work
4. Seminar/Workshop
Learning Outcome: The outcome of this course in same as Theory paper. The successful completion
of this course will enable the students to apply their Practical Experience under full conditions.
Evaluation Criteria
Books Recommended:
1. Peter, K.V. (2009). Basics of Horticulture. New India Publishers.
2. Brown, J. and Caligare, P. (2008). An Introduction to Plant Breeding. Blackwell Synergy
3. Acquaach, G. (2006). Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding. Blackwell and Synergy
4. Kumar, N. (2006). Breeding of Horticulture Crops: Principles and Practices. New Indian
5. Carpenter, P.L. and Walker, I. (2004). Plants in Landscape. (2nd Ed.), New York Freeman.
6. Acquaach, G. (2002). Horticulture Principles and Practices. (2nd Ed.), Prentice Hall of India
Private Limited, New Delhi.
7. Clevelard, D.A. (2002). Farmers, Scientists and Plant Breeding Integrating Knowledge and
8. Kang, M.S. (2002). Quantitative Genetics. Genomics and Plant Breeding.
9. Croekett, J.V. (1999). Landscape Gardening. New York Time - Life.
10. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Plant Breeding Theory and Techniques. Narosa Publishers.
Syllabus Outline: Importance and Assessment of Salinity and Water Logging, their Impacts on
Environment and Ecosystem and Adaptations exhibited by plants.
Course Outline:
SALINITY: Origin of Saline and Sodic Soils; Measurement of Salinity and Sodicity; Classification
of Saline and Sodic Soils; Inter-Relations of Water Logging and Salinity, Effects of Soil Salinity and
Alkalinity on Plant Growth (a) Osmotic Effect, (b) Specific Ion Effect, (c) Nutritional Imbalance.
Quality of Irrigation Water;
Classification of Irrigation Water from view point of its Quality, Management and Reclamation of
Saline and Sodic Soils, Mechanism of Salt Tolerance, Methods of Increasing Salt Tolerance in Plants,
Biotic Approach and Genetic Engineering for Improvement of Salt Tolerance in Crops, Extent of
Salinity in Pakistan.
WATER LOGGING: Origin of Water Logging, Physical and Chemical changes in Soil as a result of
Water Logging, Measurement of Soil Redox Potential, Iron and Manganese Relations in Water Logged
Soils, Higher Plants and the Water Logged Soils, Adaptations of Plants to Water Logging, Mechanism
of Water Logging Tolerance in Plants, Extent of Water Logging in Pakistan.
Module Aims: To make the students well aware of this National Menace and the Ways to
Control it.
Learning Strategies:
1. Lectures
2. Group Discussion
3. Laboratory Work
4. Seminar/ Workshop
Learning Outcome: The student shared be able to determine when the Soil becomes Water Logged
and ultimately Saline and to ways to Manage these National Problems.
Evaluation Criteria
3. Warsi, I. (2005).. Master Plan of Pakistan, Main Report Volume II. IWRPO.
4. Wortd Bank, (2005). Pakistan Water Resources Assessmentnt Strategy, Report No. 34081PK.
Agicultural & Rural Development Unit South Asia Region Washington D.C.
5. Shah, A.H., Anwar-ul-Haq and Bhutta, M.N. (2003). Success ofBiosaline Approach for Land
Rehabilitation. Pakistan Community Project for Rehabilitation of Saline and Water Logged land,
WARSI Report No. 2003/22.
6. Qurashi, R.U. and Lennard, E.G.B. (1999). A Hand Book of Saline Agriculture of Irrigated
lands in Pakistan. Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research.
7. Warsi, I. (UNDP) (1992). Manual of Salinity Research Methods. Warsi Publication No. 147,
8. Alien, S.E. (1976). Chemical Analysis of Ecological Material. Blackwell Scientific
9. Mayber, P. and Gale, G. (1975). Plants in Saline Environment. Springer Verlag, Berlin,
Syllabus Outline: Various .Physical and Chemical Parameters to Assess Salinity, observations of
hazardous Impacts of Water Logging and Salinity of Plants. Course Outline:
1. Measurement of Electrical Conductivity of Soil Saturation Extract.
2. Measurement of Cation Exchange Capacity of Soil.
3. Determination of the Amounts of Soluble Calcium.
4. Calculation of Exchangeable Sodium Percentage of Soil from its Sodium Adsorption Ratio.
5. Determination of me Amounts of Chlorides and Sulphates in a Soil Saturation Extract.
6. Analysis of Irrigation Water for the following: Electrical Conductivity, Sodium Adsorption
Ratio, Chlorides, Sulphates, Carbonates, Bicarbonates, Total Dissolved Salts, Nitrates, Fluorides, Iron
and Silica.
7. Classification of Irrigation Water from the view point of its Salinity and Sodium Hazard.
8. Effects of Salinized Media on Germination of Seeds of Different Crop Plants.
9. Experimental Investigation to test the Salt Tolerance of Different Crop Plants.
10. Quantitative studies ofHalophytes in the Field.
11. Measurement ofpH and EC of a Water Logged Soil.
12. Measurement of the amount of Iron and Manganese in Water Logged Soils.
13. Field observations on Water Logging of Soil and its Effects on Plant Distribution through
Quantitative Studies of Vegetation.
14. Visit to WASID Laboratories of WAPDA and Laboratories of Land Reclamation Directorate,
15. Field Tours to Saline and Water Logged Areas of Punjab.
Module Aims: The student is expected to make a complete Analysis of Saline Sodic and Water
Logging and suggest Ways of Reclamation and Remediation.
Learning Strategies:
1. Lectures
2. Group Discussion
3. Laboratory work
4. Seminar/ Workshop
Learning Outcome: The students should be able to assess Salinity and Water Logging in the Field
and their Hazardous Impacts on Plants. i
Evaluation Criteria
Books Recommended:
1. F.A.O. (1994). The Literature of Soil Science. Bulletin No. 59, Irrigation and Drainage Series.
2. Horneek, D.A., EUsworth, J.W., Hopkins, B.G., Sullivan, D.M. and Stevens, R.G. (2007).
Managing Salt Affected Soils for Crop Production. Oregan Star University.
3. Hoorn, W.V. and Alpen J.G. (2006). Salinity Control. In; Retzema (ed.) Drainage Principle
and Applications. Pub. No. 16. International Institute for Land Reclamation and improvement (LRRI).
Wageningen, Netherland.
4. IWARSI, I (2005). Master Plan of Pakistan. Main Report, Volume II. IWRPO.
5. Armstrong, W. (2005). Water Logged Soils. In; Environment and Plant Ecology (Etherington,
J.R.) John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York.
6. World Bank, (2005). Pakistan Water Resources Assessment Strategy, Report No. 34081PK.
Agricultural and Rural Development Unit South Asia Region Washington D.C.
7. Shah, A.H., Anwar-ul-Haq and Bhutta, M.N. (2003). Success ofBiosaIine approach for land
Rehabilitation. Pakistan Community Project for Rehabilitation of Saline and Water Logged Land,
Warsi, Report No. 2003/22.
8. Chapman, V.J. (2001). Salt Marshes and Salt Deserts of the world. (Net Prescribed).
9. Qurashi, R.U. and Lennard, E.G.B. (1999). A Hand Book of Saline Agriculture of Irrigated
Lands in Pakistan. Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research.
10. Warsi I. (UNDP) (1992). Manual of Salinity Research Methods. Warsi Publication No. 147,
11. Alien, S.E. (1976). Chemical Analysis of Ecological Material. Blackwell Scientific
12. Mayber, P. and Gale, G. (1975). Plants in Saline Environment. Springer VerSiag, Berlin,
13. UNESCO (1973). Irrigation, Drainage and Salinity.
14. Waisel Y. (1972). Biology of Halophytes. Tel Aviv University Press.
Course Objectives: Students will gain knowledge about fundamental concepts of biochemistry as
well as be able to learn about the structures, properties and functions of amino acids, proteins,
carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids.
Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Bio-Organic Chemistry : General concepts, Chemistry of natural products (alkaloids, flavonoids and
terpenes), organic matter , Stereochemistry, Chemistry and application.
Bio-Physical chemistry :Introduction and scope, modern concepts of acids and bases, pH
measurement, buffers and their role in biological system. Biophysical phenomena.
Food chemistry: Introduction: Color, flavor and taste of foods, sensory evaluation of
foods. Composition of Foods, Methods of improving protein quality of food, Enzymes
and vitamins, Mineral elements, Food additives and value addition, Toxicity of food,
Water activity.Principles Of Food Security, Introduction: Food security, international
commitment to end hunger and malnutrition. Food security and human rights, Factors
affecting food security, Food safety and food quality.
Protein Chemistry :Introduction: Structural and functional proteins, importance of proteins. Amino
Acids: Structure, classification and properties, essential and non essential, occurrence in animals and
Plant Biochemistry : Cell: Structure, functions, origin and nature of bio-molecules, chemical
composition of cell membrane, cell wall and transport processes. Plant Enzyme and co-enzymes,
Nucleic acids ,Secondary Metabolites, Growth Hormones ,Photosynthesis.
Clinical Biochemistry: Role of clinical Biochemistry in health and diseases, factors causing diseases.
Biochemistry of blood, Chemistry of gastrointestinal tract, Immunology.
Agrochemical pollution: Impact of fertilizer and pesticide industry, residual effect of pesticide,
plant response to metals in soil and water, biosorption of metals, bioremediation. Anthropogenic
Evaluation Criteria
Books Recommended:
1. David, H. 2000. Modern Analytical Chemistry. International ed. McGraw Hill Co. Inc. New
2. Jain, J.L., S. Jain and N. Jain. 2006. Fundamentals of Biochemistry. S.Chand company Ltd. Ram
Nagar, New Delhi.
3. Khalil, I. A. and H. Shah. 2003. Basic Biochemistry. National Book Foundation Islamabad,
4. Lehninger, A.L. 2000. Principles of Biochemistry. 3rd ed. Worth Publisher, New York. USA.
5. Rupm, H. and H. Krist, 1992. Laboratory Manual for the Examination of Water, Wastewater and
Soil. 2nd ed. Weinheim, Fed. Rep. Germany.
6. Stryer, L. 1994. Biochemistry. 5th ed.W. H. Freeman and Co. London UK.
7. Vogel, A. I. 1995. A Text Book of Macro and Micro Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. Ist ed.
Longman Green and Co. Inc, New York
8. Bansel, R.K. 1998. Synthetic Approaches in Organic Chemistry. 2nd ed. Jones and Bartlett
Publishers Inc., New York, USA.
9. Bansel, R.K. 2001. Heterocyclic Chemistry. Weig Eastern Ltd. New Delhi, India.
10. Clayden, J., N. Greeves, S. Warren, P. Wothers, 2001. Organic Chemistry. Oxford, Uk.
11. Finar, I.L. 2000. Organic chemistry. 6th ed. John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, USA.
12. Morrison, R.T., and Boyd, R.N., 2001. Organic Chemistry. 6th Ed. Prentice Hall. NY.
13. Blei, I. and G. Odian, 2006, Organic Biochemistry 2nd Ed. Freeman, USA
14. Adamson, A.W. and P.G. Alice. 1997. Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 6th ed. John Wiley and
Sons Inc., New York, USA.
15. Alberty, R.A. and R.J. Silbey. 1992, Physical Chemistry. 5th ed. John Wiley and sons Inc., New
York, USA.
16. Atkins, P. and J. de Paula, 2005, Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences. Freeman, USA.
17. Dykstra, C.E. 1997. Physical Chemistry, A modern Introduction. International ed. Prentice Hall
International Inc., USA.
18. Hammes, G.G. 2007, Physical Chemistry for the Biological Sciences, John Wiley, USA.
19. Sheehan, D., 2009, Physical Biochemistry: Principles and Applications.2nd Ed. John Wiley, USA.
20. Van Holde, K. E., Johnson, C. and P.S. Ho, 2005. Principles of Biochemistry. 2nd Ed. Printice
21. Campbell, M.K.1991. Biochemistry. Saunders College Pub. Philadelphia USA.
Course Title: Advance Mathematics- VII (Methods of Mathematical Physics)
Course Rating: 4 Cr. Hours
Evaluation Criteria
Recommended Books
1. D.G. Zill and M.R. Cullen, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, (Jones and Bartlett
Publishers, 2006)
2. W.E. Boyce and R. C. Diprima, Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value
Problems, (John Wiley & Sons, 2005)
3. E.T. Whittaker, and G. N. Watson, A Course of Modern Analysis, (Cambridge University
Press, 1962)
4. I.N. Sneddon, Elements of Partial Differential Equations, (Dover Publishing, Inc., 2006)
5. R. Dennemyer, Introduction to Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems,
(McGraw Hill Book Company, 1968)
6. D.L. Powers, Boundary Value Problems and Partial Differential Equations, (Academic
Press, 2005)
7. W.E. Boyce, Elementary Differential Equations, (John Wiley & Sons, 2008)
8. M.L. Krasnov, G.I. Makarenko and A.I. Kiselev, Problems and Exercises in the Calculus of
Variations, (Imported Publications, Inc., 1985)
9. J. Brown and R. Churchill, Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems, (McGraw Hill,
Course Title: Advance Mathematics- VIII (Numerical Analysis)
Course Rating: 4 Cr. Hours
Error Analysis
Errors, Absolute errors, Rounding errors, Truncation errors
Inherent Errors, Major and Minor approximations in numbers
The Solution of Linear Systems
Gaussian elimination method with pivoting, LU Decomposition methods,
Algorithm and convergence of Jacobi iterative Method, Algorithm and convergence of Gauss
Seidel Method
Eigenvalue and eigenvector, Power method
The Solution of Non-Linear Equation
Bisection Method, Fixed point iterative method, Newton Raphson method, Secant method,
Method of false position, Algorithms and convergence of these methods
Difference Operators
Shift operators
Forward difference operators
Backward difference operators
Average and central difference operators
Ordinary Differential Equations
Euler’s, Improved Euler’s, Modified Euler’s methods with error analysis
Runge-Kutta methods with error analysis
Predictor-corrector methods for solving initial value problems
Finite Difference, Collocation and variational methods for boundary value problems
Lagrange’s interpolation
Newton’s divided difference interpolation
Newton’s forward and backward difference interpolation, Central differenceinterpolation
Hermit interpolation
Spline interpolation
Errors and algorithms of these interpolations
Numerical Differentiation
Newton’s Forward, Backward and central formulae for numerical differentiation
Numerical Integration
Rectangular rule
Trapezoidal rule
Simpson rule
Boole’s rule
Weddle’s rule
Gaussian quadrature formulae
Errors in quadrature formulae
Newton-Cotes formulae
Difference Equations
Linear homogeneous and non-homogeneous difference equations with constant coefficients
Evaluation Criteria
Recommended Books
1. Curtis F. Gerald and Patrick O. Wheatley, Applied Numerical Analysis, (Addison- Wesley
Publishing Co. Pearson Education, 2003)
2. Richard L. Burden and J. Douglas Faires, Numerical Analysis, (Brooks/Cole Publishing
3. John H. Mathews, Numerical Methods for Mathematics, Science and Engineering, (Prentice
Hall International, 2003)
4. Steven C. Chapra and Raymond P. Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, (McGraw Hill
International Edition, 1998)
PRE-REQUISITE: Modern Physics
This class covers basic concepts of nuclear physics with emphasis on nuclear structure and
interactions of radiation with matter. Topics include elementary quantum theory; nuclear forces;
shell structure of the nucleus; alpha, beta and gamma radioactive decays; interactions of nuclear
radiations (charged particles, gammas, and neutrons) with matter; nuclear reactions; fission and
The objectives of this course are to introduce students to the fundamental principles and
concepts governing nuclear and particle physics and have a working knowledge of their application
to real-life problems; and provide students with opportunities to develop basic knowledge and
understanding of scientific phenomena, facts, laws, definitions, concepts, theories, scientific
vocabulary, terminology, conventions, scientific quantities and their determination, order-of
magnitude estimates, scientific and technological applications as well as their social, economic and
environmental implications.
magnetic lense spectrometer, Fermi theory of -decay, neutrino hypothesis, theory of gamma decay,
multipolarity of gamma-rays, nuclear isomerism.
Nuclear Forces:
Yukawa theory, proton-proton and neutron-proton scattering, charge independence of nuclear force,
isotopic spin.
Nuclear Models:
Liquid drop model, shell model, collective model.
Nuclear Reactions:
Conservation laws of nuclear reactions, Q-value of nuclear reaction, threshold energy, transmutation
by photons, protons, deutrons and alpha particles, excited states of nucleus, energy levels, level
width, Cross section from nuclear reactions, compound nucleus theory of nuclear reactions,
limitations of compound nucleus theory, resonances, Breit-Wigner formula, direct reactions.
Neutron Physics:
Neutron sources, radioactive sources, photo neutron sources, charged particle sources, reactor as a
neutron source, slow neutron detectors, fast neutron detectors, slowing down of neutron, nuclear
fission, description of fission reaction, mass distribution of fission energy, average number of
neutrons released, theory of fission and spontaneous fission.
Thermonuclear Reactions:
Fusion and thermonuclear process, energy released in nuclear fusion, carbon nitrogen & oxygen
cycle, controlled nuclear fusion, D-D & D-T reactions.
1. To determine the characteristic of G. M. tube and measure the range and maximum energy
of particles.
2. Measurement of half-life of a radioactive source.
3. Characteristics of G.M. counter and study of fluctuations in random process.
Evaluation Criteria
PRE-REQUISITE: Undergraduate level Physics
Bonding in solids, thermal and electrical properties of solids, energy bands, imperfections in
solids, properties of semiconductors and insulators.
This course deals with crystalline solids and is intended to provide students with the basic
physical concept and mathematical tools used to described solids. The course deals with groups of
materials, as in the periodic table, in terms of their structure, electronic, optical, and thermal
Crystal Structure:
Reciprocal Lattice:
Crystal Binding and Elastic Constants:
Crystal Vibrations: Phonons I:
Thermal Properties: Phonons II:
Noncrystalline Solids:
Point Defects:
Crystal Structure:
Periodic arrays of atoms, fundamental types of lattices, index system for crystal planes, simple
crystal structures, direct imaging of atomic structure, non-ideal crystal structures.
Reciprocal Lattice:
Diffraction of waves by crystals, scattered wave amplitude, Brillouin zones, Fourier analysis of the
basis, quasi crystals.
Crystal Binding and Elastic Constants:
Crystals of inert gases, ionic crystals, covalent crystals, metals, hydrogen bonds, analysis of elastic
strains, elastic compliance and stiffness constants, elastic waves in cubic crystals.
Crystal Vibrations: Phonons I:
Vibrations of crystals with monatomic basis, two atoms per primitive basis, quantization of elastic
waves, phonon momentum, inelastic scattering by phonons.
Thermal Properties: Phonons II:
Phonon, heat capacity, anharmonic crystal interactions, thermal conductivity, electronic heat
Noncrystalline Solids:
Diffraction pattern, glasses, amorphous ferromagnets and semiconductors, low energy excitations in
amorphous solids, fiber optics.
Point Defects:
Lattice vacancies, diffusion, color centers.
Shear strength of single crystals, dislocations, strength of alloys, dislocations and crystal growth,
hardness of materials.
Practical Work:
Evaluation Criteria
1. Introduction to Solid State Physics by C. Kittle, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1996)
2. Solid State Physics by Neil W. Ashcroft, N. David Mermin, CBS Publishing Asia Ltd. (1987).
3. Solid State Physics by J. S. Blakemore, Cambridge University Press, (1991).
The continuity of the life from one generation to other generation is based on the mechanisms involving
nucleus, chromosomes and genes etc. The process of continuity not only transfers the traits of the
parents but also imparts variations that render the generations sustainable in changing environment.
These concepts will be imparted to the students in this course.
Classical genetics –genetics of blood groups, chromosomal basis of inheritance, interaction of genes,
linkage, recombination and chromosome mapping in eukaryotes, quantitative inheritance. gene
concept (classical and modern), genetics of viruses, bacteria, transposons.
Molecular genetics – analysis and techniques of molecular genetics (elements of genetic engineering),
genetic basis of cancer, genetic control of animal development, the genetic control of the vertebrate
immune system, complex inheritance patterns.
Evaluation Criteria
Books Recommended
Ali S. & Ripley S.D. (1973).A Handbook of Birds of India & Pakistan, London: Oxford University
Ali, S.S. (1999). Paleontology, Zoogeography & Wild-Life Management. Hyderabad, India: Nasim
Book Depot.
Robinson, W.L. &Bolen, E.G. (1984). Wildlife ecology and management. McMillan, Cambridge.
1. Mitosis (Onion root tips.)
2. Meiosis (Grass hopper testes)
3. Blood groups.
4. Salivary gland Chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster
5. General morphology of Drosophila melanogaster
6. Human Pedigree analysis problems
7. Human Genetics problems
8. Probability problems. Tossing of coins. X2 test
9. Study of transformed bacteria on the basis of antibiotic resistance.
Evaluation Criteria
Books Recommended
Gardener, E.J., Simmons, M.J. & Snustad, D.P. (1991).Principles of genetics. New York, USA: John
Wiley and Sons Ins.
Snustad, D.P. & Simmons, M.J. (2003). Principles of Genetics.(3rded.), New York, USA: Johan
Wiley and Sons Ins.
The course imparts knowledge and concepts of evolution mainly based on the past fossil records. The
fossil records also provide the information regarding the distribution of animals in the past eras. This
course provides information on the distribution of animals and their associations in the past; thus, to
rationalize their relationship in the present time.
Course Contents
Evaluation Criteria
Books Recommended
De Beaufort, L. F. (1951). Zoogeography of the Land and Inland Waters.Sidgwick and Jackson.
Ali, S.S. (1999). Palaeontology, Zoogeography and Wild Management.Hyderabad, India: Nasim
Book Depot.
Dunbar, C.O. (1969). Historical Geology, New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
Gilbert, L. I. & Colbert, E.H. (1980).Evolution of Vertebrates, New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
Evaluation Criteria