Trimod Besta - Complete Catalogue (LTKEN1610)

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Level Switch Catalogue

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Table of contents

Worldwide in use Trimod Besta Level Switches 4

Worldwide approved Approvals 5

Quality for your safety &HUWL¿FDWHVDQGWHVWUHSRUWV 


Mounting combinations Numerous examples 8

Various Trimod Besta applications Application examples 9

Typical switch combinations Standard Range electric 10

to handle most applications Standard Range pneumatic 14
Plastic Range 19

Specifying your own particular Switch modules electric 21

Trimod Besta level switch ... Switch modules explosion-proof 24
Switch modules pneumatic 26

Flange modules industrial 28
Flange modules plastic 31

Float modules 32
Rod extensions 36

... or how we can do it for you 6SHFL¿FDWLRQVKHHW 

Accessories which save time, &RXQWHUÀDQJHV 

labour and expense Test actuators 39
Float chambers 40

Trimod Besta in hazardous areas Explosion-proof level switches 43

Electrical data to assist type selection Micro- and proximity switches 44

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English


Trimod Besta Level Switches are used worldwide

in many industries
Oil & Gas

Bachofen Ltd. has extensive experience in the Offshore Industry.

Some important features of the Trimod Besta product range for oil- &
gas applications include stainless steel explosion-proof housings,


yards and owners. Much of Bachofen’s product development and de-
sign has evolved from experience within the Marine Industry such as
fully submersible housings and captive terminal components. Trimod
Besta level switches are registered worldwide and include LRS, DNV
GL, ABS, BV, RINA and RMRS shipping approvals.

Power Generation

Extreme reliability is vital in some of the applications in Power

Plants. Shock and vibration resistant Trimod Besta level switches
are used for critical turbine trip duties on HP/LP Heater Plants. The
Quality Management System ISO 9001 and production on CNC ma-
chines assure the highest product standard.

Chemical- & Petrochemical Industry

In the Chemical- and Petrochemical Industry Trimod Besta’s modular

design can solve many special application problems which may re-
quire high pressure, high temperature and corrosion resistant com-
ponents. For measurement and control of highly aggressive or high
purity media we offer a complete program of plastic switches.

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Worldwide approved

Trimod Besta level switches have been examined and approved by the most important
and internationally recognized organisations. Numerous approvals together with peri-
odic audits warrant continuous quality control throughout the production process. The
list of approvals for Trimod Besta level switches and accessories is growing continu-
ously. Contact us for up to date information.

American Bureau of Shipping ABS

Bureau Veritas, Hamburg BV

Det Norske Veritas, Oslo DNV·GL

Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg

Lloyds Register of Shipping LRS

Registro Italiano Navale, Roma R.I.N.A

Russian Maritime Register of Shipping RMRS

Safety Integrity Level

Bureau Veritas, Germany (BV CPS) EPS 12 ATEX 1430 X Ex ed IIC T5…T6 Ga/Gb (Z…8)
Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb (B…8)
Ex ia IIC T6…T2 Ga/Gb (I…8)
EPS 09 ATEX 1238 X Ex de IIC T6 Ga/Gb (XA…8)
Ex ia d IIC T6...T2 Ga/Gb (XI…8)
Ex ia d IIC T6 Ga/Gb (XB…8)

International Electrotechnical Commission (IECEx) IECEx EPS 15.0038 X Ex ed IIC T5…T6 Ga/Gb (Z…5)
Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb (B…5)
Ex ia IIC T6...T2 Ga/Gb (I…5)
,(&([(36; ([GH,,&7*D*E (XA…5)
Ex ia d IIC T6...T2 Ga/Gb (XI...5)
Ex ia d IIC T6 Ga/Gb (XB...5)

EAC Ex (formaly Gost R Ex) 7&58&&+ȽȻ% *D*E([HG,,&77; (Z...1)

Ga/Gb Ex de IIC T6 X (XA...1)
Ga/Gb Ex ia d IIC T6...T2 X (XI...1)
Ga/Gb Ex ia d IIC T6 X (XB...1)

Gost R 32&&&+$%+

Swiss TS Technical Services AG PED-Z-COS.EP.5515489 Cat. IV acc. to PED

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English


Quality for your safety

Quality control is a cornerstone of our management philosophy

and therefore, we have integrated the quality system according
not only a strong sales argument, but also an obligation.

Werkzeugnis EN 10204-2.2 T-100

Test Report
Relevé de contrôle

Unsere Auftragsnummer x Ihre Bestellnummer x

Our order number Your order number
Notre no. de commande Votre no. de commande

Kunde x

Wir bestätigen, dass die unten aufgeführten Teile aus folgenden Materialien hergestellt werden:
We confirm that the following parts are manufactured of materials as follows:
Nous confirmons, que les pièces suivantes sont fabriquées suit:

Bezeichnung zu Schaltertyp Material

Description for switch type Material
Désignation pour type de contrôleur Matière

Bescheinigung über Materialprüfungen T-101

Certificate of Material Tests
Certificate d'essai des matières
nach/acc. to/selon EN 10204-3.1

Unsere Auftragsnummer x Ihre Bestellnummer x

Our order number Your order number
Notre no. de commande Votre no. de commande

Rückverfolgbarkeit Bei Rückfragen ist die Angabe unserer Auftragsnummer zwingend.

Traceability With queries, the indication of our order number is mandatory.

Kunde x

In der Beilage finden Sie die Abnahmeprüfzeugnisse nach EN 10204-3.1 für

die Flanschmodule der Trimod Besta Füllstandschalter.
Rückverfolgbarkeit Bei Rückfragen ist die Angabe unserer Auftragsnummer zwingend. Please find attached the Inspection Certificates according to EN 10204-3.1 for
Traceability With queries, the indication of our order number is mandatory. the flange modules of the Trimod Besta Level Switches.
&LMRLQWYRXVWURXYH]OHV&HUWLILFDWes de réception selon EN 10204-3.1 pour
Ort, Datum Uster, Unterschrift les modules de brides des Contrôleur de niveau Trimod Besta.
Place, date Signature
Lieu, date Signature
T0014; 15.10
Schaltertyp x
Bachofen AG, Ackerstrasse 42, CH-8610 Uster, Switzerland Switch type
Phone +41 44 944 11 11, Fax +41 44 944 12 33 Type de contrôleur, Prüfprotokoll T-110
Test Certificate
Certificat d'essai
Unsere Auftragsnummer Ihre Bestellnummer Kunde
Our order number x Your order number x Customer x
Notre no. de commande Votre no. de commande Client
Schaltertyp PN / Class Prüfdruck kalt hydr. bar Funktionstest elktr. Schalter Isol.-Test Funktionstest pneumatischer Schalter
Switch type PN / Class Test press cold. hydr. bar Functional test electrical switch Insul. test Functional test pneumatical switch
Type de contrôleur PN / Classe Press. d'épr. froide bar Test de fonct. du contôl. électr. Test d'isol. Test de fonctionnement du contrôleur pneumatique
hydraulic P-Module M-Module
Dichteinheit Schwimmer Einfachschalter Dualschalter 2 kV 3-Weg-Funktion Q min. Leck max. Bereich
Sealing unit Float Single switch Dual switch 3-way function Leakage max. Range
Unités Flotteur Contr. simple Contr. double Fonction 3 voies Fuite max. Gamme
d'étanchéité 12 bar 1.5 m³/h 1cm³/min (12bar) 0,2-1,0 bar
* * 11/14 11/12 21/24 21/22 A/C B/C A/C B/C A/C B/C
Ort, Datum Uster, Unterschrift
Place, date Signature
Lieu, date Signature

Beilagen x Abnahmeprüfzeugnisse nach EN 10204-3.1

Enclosure Inspection Certificates acc. to EN 10204-3.1
Annexe Certificates de réception selon EN 10204-3.1

x Zeichnung / Drawing
FT 016; 15.10

Bachofen AG, Ackerstrasse 42, CH-8610 Uster, Switzerland

Phone +41 44 944 11 11, Fax +41 44 944 12 33,

* Ausgenommen Trimod Besta Standardschalter * Trimod Besta standard switches exempt Ort, Datum Uster, Unterschrift
Rückverfolgbarkeit: Bei Rückfragen ist die Angabe unserer Auftragsnummer zwingend. Place, date Signature
Traceability: With queries, the indication of our order number is mandatory. Lieu, date Signature )7

Bachofen AG, Ackerstrasse 42, CH-8610 Uster, Switzerland

Phone +41 44 944 11 11, Fax +41 44 944 12 33,


T-100 Test report, acc. to EN 10204-2.2 77HVWFHUWL¿FDWH

)RUÀDQJHDQGÀRDWPDWHULDOVRIWKHOHYHOVZLWFKHV For Trimod Besta level switches (electr. function test,
FRXQWHUÀDQJHVDQGWHVWDFWXDWRUV pneumatic function test etc.)


Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

The unique modular level switch system

What you need ...

Trimod Besta’s modular design is a unique deviation from conventional level

switch construction. This modular system allows individual and numerous
combinations of float, flange and switch modules to suit your specific
requirements. Switch modules are available with electric, electronic or
pneumatic output signals. Switch housings are standard to IP65 enclosure, but
hazardous areas, hermetically sealed microswitches, flameproof housings or
pneumatic switch modules can be used.


Trimod Besta flange modules are available in various standards. The Industrial
and Plastic Flange ranges are manufactured according to international standards
such as EN/DIN, ANSI, BS or JIS. The benefit of the hinged cover, the captive
screws and the selflifting terminal clamps is an easy installation. For conve-
nience of wiring, the connection diagram is shown on the inside of the hinged
lid. The interchangeability of the single modules allows high flexibility regarding
maintenance or changing application requirements.

... and lasts forever.

So far, hundreds of thousands of Trimod Besta level switches are on duty

world-wide. The float movement caused by the rise and fall of the liquid level is
transmitted by two repelling, permanent AINiCo magnets. The sturdy design and
the double snap effect as a result of the magnetic repulsion and the snap action
of the microswitch guarantee a virtually unlimited lifetime. The float modules, like
all wetted parts, are made of stainless steel, Hastelloy C or high quality plastics.
A wide range of floats is available to suit various viscosity-, temperature- and
pressure ranges for almost any process condition.

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English


With modular compatibility all options are open

Side mount combinations

01 with microswitch or proximity switch, also available in

explosion proof version 01 06 09
02 pneumatic switch module with ON/OFF or proportional
 with enclosure IP68 for underwater installation
04 for explosion proof applications in a pressure-capsulat-
ed housing with microswitch or proximity switch 02 07 10
 with heat exchanger for very high or very low operating
06 square standard flanges made of CrNiMo, 92 mm pitch
circle diameter
07 industrial flange acc. to EN/DIN, ANSI, BS and JIS   
made of PP and PTFE
08 industrial flange acc. to EN/DIN, ANSI, BS and JIS
made of CrNiMo and Hastelloy
09 with fixed operating differential
10 with rod extension for longer operating differentials 04 12
11 rod extension for switch point correction
12 with protective bellows for media with solids content
14 plastic versions for aggressive media
 for separation layer monitoring of two media with
different densities
16 for vertical mounting
17 for vertical mounting in plastics
18 for vertical mounting with rod extension 14

Top mount combinations   


06 07 08

16 17 18

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Application examples

Alarm, limit and control functions with Trimod Besta

max/min limits pneumatic control pump and valve control

high alarm max pump off

pump on

low alarm

pump and valve control separation layer control external level control

pump off

high /
low alarm

high /
low alarm
pump on

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English


Typical Standard Range switches

to handle the majority of applications
The characteristic of a Trimod Besta level switch of the Standard Typical applications: ship-
mm PCD and a nominal pressure rating of PN 25. engineering, food industry, pulp
The following pages show the level switches which are most com- and paper, drinking water sup-
monly used. However, countless more combinations of types are pos- ply, sewage treatment etc.
sible. Detailed information can be found on all the modules available
with the possible combinations on pages 21 to 36. For accessories,
38 to 42.

Type A 01 04 - For general purpose

Nominal pressure PN 25 max. 25 bar up to 300°C
Operating temperature 0 to 300°C
Ambient temperature WRƒ&
Density of liquid PLQNJGPñ
Operating differential ¿[HGPP
Rod extensions see page 36
Wetside material Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Flange material Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Housing material Sea water resistant die cast aluminium
Flange dimensions square 92 x 92 mm, PCD 92 mm
Counterflange see page 38
Switch element Microswitch SPDT with silver contacts
Switch rating 250 VAC, 5 A 30 VDC, 5 A
Enclosure IP65
Weight approx. 1.8 kg
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) SIL 1 (Type AA 01 04: SIL 2)

Type A 01 041 - Low cost solution

This type is the same as the A 01 04 but there is no possibility for mounting a
rod extension.

Type A 01 01 - For installation in limited space

The overall length of this type is 194 instead of 225 mm. Minimum liquid density:
0.8 kg/dm³. All other data as type A 01 04.

As type A 01 04 except that the complete switch housing (excluding the cable
gland), is manufactured in stainless steel (CrNiMo) and is therefore highly corro-
sion resistant.

This level switch can be used for liquids with densities as low as 0.5 kg/dm³.
All other technical data as type A 01 04. Weight approx. 2 kg.

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English


Bellow materials A 01 051 Perbunan/Buna

A 01 052 Silicon
A 01 053 FPM
A 01 054 PTFE
Operating temperatures A 01 051 0 to 120°C
A 01 052 0 to 200°C
A 01 053 10 to 200°C
A 01 054 0 to 250°C
Mounting length 253 mm
Weight approx. 2 kg
Density of liquid PLQNJGPñ
SIL 1 (Types AA 01 051 to AA 01 054: SIL 2)
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) All other technical data as type A 01 04

-30 to 80°C
Operating temperature -30 to 80°C
Ambient temperature Sea water resistant die cast aluminium
Housing material IP68
Enclosure switch housing is pressure tight
up to 100 meters WC (Water column)

Length of encapsulated cable U3A 01 04 3 m

U5A 01 04 5 m
U11A 01 04 11 m
U3A 01 04 approx. 2.5 kg
Weight U5A 01 04 approx. 2.8 kg
U11A 01 04 approx. 4 kg
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) (Types U3AA 01 04 to U11AA 01 04: SIL 2)
All other technical data as type A 01 04

Type A 01 08T1 - For interface application

Density of heavier liquids min. 0.8 kg/dm³

Difference in density min. 0.22 kg/dm³
Operating differential approx. 20 mm
Rod length 100 mm
Weight approx. 2.4 kg
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) SIL 1 (Type AA 01 08T1: SIL 2)
All other technical data as type A 01 04
The position of the weight on the rod extension is calculated in reference to the
densities of the media and is factory preset.

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English


These level switches are mainly used for two-point operation, for example
pump control.

Nominal pressure PN 25, max. 25 bar up to 300°C

Operating temperature 0 to 300°C
Ambient temperature WRƒ&
Density of liquid PLQNJGPñ
(A 01 095: min. 0.9 kg/dm³)
Operating differential S see table
Wetside material Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Flange material Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Housing material Sea water resistant die cast aluminium
Flange dimensions square 92 x 92 mm, PCD 92 mm
&RXQWHUÀDQJH see page 38
Switch element Microswitch SPDT with silver contacts
Switch rating 250 VAC, 5 A 30 VDC, 5 A
Enclosure IP65
Weight approx. 2 kg
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) SIL 1 (Types AA 01 090 to AA 01 095: SIL 2)

The switching differential can be set by inserting pegs in holes 1 to 9 of the
are in mm and are referenced to water at 20°C and density of 1.0 kg/dm³.

Type A 01 090 A 01 091 A 01 092 $ $

L 278 mm PP 461 mm PP 246 mm
Diff. Y1 Y2 Diff. Y1 Y2 Diff. Y1 Y2 Diff. Y1 Y2 Diff. Y1 Y2
Pos. X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X2
S (Z2) (Z1) S (Z2) (Z1) S (Z2) (Z1) S (Z2) (Z1) S (Z2) (Z1)
1-4 +108 +60 48  (10)  +85  238 (20) +230 +125 105 315 (50) +292 +160 132 395  +100 +55 45  (10)
1-5 +108 +15 93  35  +25 132 238  +230 +39 191 315 39 +292 +48 244 395 42 +100 +18 82  35
1-6 +108 -25 133  85   194 238 105 +230 -51 281 315 135 +292 -65  395 165 +100 -18 118  
 +108 -52 160  125  -90  238 165 +230 -124 354 315 215 +292 -160 452 395 265 +100 -46 146  115
1-8 +108 -80 188  153  -128 285 238 206 +230  401 315  +292 -215  395 345 +100    128
1-9 +108 -110 218    -160  238 238 +230 -212 442 315 315 +292 -265  395 395 +100 -90 190  

2-5 +98 +15 83 153 35 +122 +25  206  +181 +39 142  39 +230 +48 182 345 42  +18 61 128 35
2-6 +98 -25 123 153 85 +122  159 206 105 +181 -51 232  135 +230 -65 295 345 165  -18  128 
 +98 -52 150 153 125 +122 -90 212 206 165 +181 -124 305  215 +230 -160 390 345 265  -46 125 128 115
2-8 +98 -80  153 153 +122 -128 250 206 206 +181  352   +230 -215 445 345 345   149 128 128
2-9 +98 -110 208 153  +122 -160 282 206 238 +181 -212 393  315 +230 -265 495 345 395  -90 169 128 

3-5 +58 +15 43 125 35 +81 +25 56 165  +122 +39 83 215 39 +145 +48  265 42 +52 +18 34 115 35
3-6 +58 -25 83 125 85 +81  118 165 105 +122 -51  215 135 +145 -65 210 265 165 +52 -18  115 
 +58 -52 110 125 125 +81 -90  165 165 +122 -124 246 215 215 +145 -160 305 265 265 +52 -46 98 115 115
3-8 +58 -80 138 125 153 +81 -128 209 165 206 +122  293 215  +145 -215 360 265 345 +52  122 115 128
3-9 +58 -110 168 125  +81 -160 241 165 238 +122 -212 334 215 315 +145 -265 410 265 395 +52 -90 142 115 

4-6 +25 -25 50 85 85 +31  68 105 105 +48 -51 99 135 135 +63 -65 128 165 165 +23 -18 41  
 +25 -52  85 125 +31 -90 121 105 165 +48 -124  135 215 +63 -160 223 165 265 +23 -46 69  115
4-8 +25 -80 105 85 153 +31 -128 159 105 206 +48  219 135  +63 -215  165 345 +23  93  128
4-9 +25 -110 135 85  +31 -160 191 105 238 +48 -212 260 135 315 +63 -265 328 165 395 +23 -90 113  

 -15 -52  35 125 -33 -90   165 -40 -124 84 39 215 -50 -160 110 42 265 -12 -46 34 35 115
5-8 -15 -80 65 35 153 -33 -128 95  206 -40  131 39  -50 -215 165 42 345 -12  58 35 128
5-9 -15 -110 95 35  -33 -160   238 -40 -212  39 315 -50 -265 215 42 395 -12 -90  35 

6-9 -55 -110 55 (10)  -80 -160 80 (20) 238 -105 -212  (50) 315 -135 -265 130  395 -45 -90 45 (10) 

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Type A 01 140 to A 01 141 - For vertical mounting

Nominal pressure PN 16, max. 16 bar up to 300°C

Operating temperature 0 to 300°C
Ambient temperature WRƒ&
Density of liquid
pump control 0.45 kg/dm³
alarm 0.30 kg/dm³
Operating differential S A 01 140: 12 to 1340 mm
A 01 141: 12 to 2840 mm
Wetside material Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Flange material Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Housing material Sea water resistant die cast aluminium
Flange dimensions square 92 x 92 mm, PCD 92 mm
&RXQWHUÀDQJH see page 38
Switch element Microswitch SPDT with silver contacts
Switch rating 250 VAC, 5A 30 VDC, 5A
Enclosure IP65
Weight $NJ$NJ
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) SIL 1 (Types AA 01 140 to AA 01 141: SIL 2)

Setting the switching differential

1. For pump control (two switch points):
down the rod with the liquid level and actuates the switch at the set position of
the stop collars.
The switch remains latched between the two positions, which are for applica-
tions such as pump control where the contactor coil would need to remain ener-
gised throughout the pumping cycle. Stop collar

2. For alarm duty (one switch point):

rod length, the height of the alarm point can be chosen as required. The coun-
Over open tanks or sumps on a bracket. On closed tanks on the manhole cover
should be used. If turbulence occurs, the rod should be guided loosely at the
lower end. For counterweight setting, refer to data sheet LTDS02EN.

Operating temperature -30 to 80°C
Ambient temperature -30 to 80°C
Enclosure IP68 switch housing is pressure proof up
to 100 meters WC (Water column)
Length of cast-in cable 3m
Weight U3A 01 140: 3.2 kg, U3A 01 141: 3.4 kg
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) SIL 1 (Types U3AA 01 140 to
U3AA 01 141: SIL 2)
All other technical data as described above
Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Type P 01 04 - For pneumatic control applications

Equipped with a directly controlled 3/2 way valve (ON/OFF) for control air of
0 to 10 bar. Operation with other non-corrosive gases or fluids is possible.

Nominal pressure PN 25, max. 25 bar up to 250°C

Operating temperature 1 to 250°C
Ambient temperature 1 to 80°C
Density of liquid PLQNJGPñ
Operating differential fixed 12 mm
Rod extension see page 36
Control connections G 1/8Ǝ (BSPP) inside thread
Max. control pressure 10 bar
Internal orifice 1.5 mm
Kv Factor 1
Internal leakage rate at 10 bar max. 1 cm³/min
Air flow 90 Nl/min at 6 bar
Pressure drop 1 bar
Wetside material Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Flange material Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Housing material Sea water resistant die cast aluminium
Counterflange see page 38
Flange dimensions square 92 x 92 mm, PCD 92 mm
Air quality (max. particle size 15 μm, max. particle
density 8 mg/m³)

Fill: inlet air pressure
max. 1.0 MPa
The air supply to the 3/2 way valve may
(10 bar) be connected to either A or B, according
C A desired or whether the actuator is normally
C closed or open when pressurized. E.g.
B pressure can be applied through A to C
B and exhausted from C through B, alterna-
tively pressure can be applied through B to
inlet air pressure
max. 1.0 MPa C and exhausted from C through A.
(10 bar)

stainless steel. As P 01 04, but switch housing also in stainless steel (CrNiMo)
and therefore, highly corrosion resistant and suitable for temperatures up to
300°C. Weight approximately 2.2 kg.

Type PV 01 04 - For moist control air. As P 01 04, but with drain valve for
condensate removal.

Type FP 01 04 - For hazardous applications. As P 01 04, but functionally

tested. With declaration of conformity for use in explosion proof areas.

Type FPV 01 04 - For moist control air in hazardous applications. As FP 01

04, but with drain valve for condensate removal. With declaration of conformity
for use in explosion proof areas.

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Type M 01 04 - For pneumatic proportional control applications

Equipped with a pneumatic control valve which converts the supply pressure of
changes in the liquid level.

Nominal pressure PN 25, max. 25 bar up to 250°C

Operating temperature 1 to 250°C
Ambient temperature 1 to 80°C
Density of liquid PLQNJGPñ
Control range see table below
Control connections *Ǝ %633 LQVLGHWKUHDG
Control pressure 1.4 bar
Output signal 0.2 to 1 bar
Linearity ±5% (of full scale output)
$LUÀRZ 3.5 to 6.0 Nl/min.
(can be increased by using external
booster valve)
Air consumption max. 0.4 Nm³/h
Wetside material Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Flange material Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Housing material Sea water resistant die cast aluminium
Flange dimensions square 92 x 92 mm, PCD 92 mm
&RXQWHUÀDQJH see page 38
Air quality FODVV,62
(max. particle size 5 μm,
max. particle density 5 mg/m³)

For operation at higher control pressure up to max. 10 bar

Control pres- Output signal in bar Control range
sure in bar min. max. P max / P min
2 0.25 1.5 6
4 0.6 3.1 
6 1.1 4.8 4.36
8 1.8 6.5 3.61
10 2.5 8.3 3.32

float travel
Control range
control range The normal control range is 30 mm, i.e.
+15 mm/-15 mm from the centre line,
measured in water at 20°C. With the
float in the central position, the output
is 0.6 bar. The control range can be
increased by lengthening the float arm
(see graph left).

-300 rod length L (mm)

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English


All parts stainless steel.
As M 01 04, but housing also in stainless steel (CrNiMo) and therefore, highly
corrosion resistant and suitable for operating temperatures up to 300°C.
Weight approximately 2.2 kg.

Type MV 01 04 - For moist control air

As M 01 04, but with drain valve for condensate removal.

Type FM 01 04 - For hazardous applications

As M 01 04, but functionally tested. With declaration of conformity for use in
explosion proof areas.

Type FMV 01 04 - For moist control air in hazardous applications

As FM 01 04, but with drain valve for condensate removal.
With declaration of conformity for use in explosion proof areas.

Control function
the output signal is decreasing proportionally to the rising level.
The reverse function is obtained by turning the switch housing 180°C

figure A figure B

inlet aire pressure
max. 1.4 bar

C p

inlet air pres-
max. 1.4 bar

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

The Industrial Range offers numerous

boilers and plants, power stations, chemical
manufactured according to international standards such as EN/DIN, ANSI, BS and petrochemical engineering, heating and
or JIS. Available in various steel qualities, nominal sizes and pressure ratings refrigeration, i.e. airconditioning technology.
(e.g. up to PN 320 acc. to EN/DIN or class 2500 acc. to ANSI). Shown here are
only a few typical combinations, many more possibilities can be found in the
module descriptions. All types in the Standard Range shown on the previous 6,/&DSDEOH

Type A 22C 04 - For general purpose

Nominal pressure PN 40
Operating temperature 0 to 330°C
Ambient temperature WRƒ&
Density of liquid PLQNJGPñ
Operating differential fixed 12 mm
Rod extension see page 36
Wetside material Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Flange material
Seal part Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Slip-on Flange Carbon steel P265GH, zinc galvanised and
Housing material Sea water resistant die cast aluminium
Flange DN 65, PN 40 acc. to EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501)
Flange facing Raised face type B1 (type C - DIN 2526)
Switch element Microswitch SPDT with silver contacts
Switch rating 250 VAC, 5 A 30 VDC, 5 A
Enclosure IP65
Weight approx. 5.4 kg
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) SIL 1 (Type AA 22C 04: SIL 2)

For use in low-voltage controls or logic circuits. Especially when long down-
times or sulfur-containing environments are to be expected. For hazardous
area see also Ex-level switches page 43.

Nominal pressure ANSI cl. 300 lbs

Operating temperature 0 to 330°C
Ambient temperature WRƒ&
Density of liquid min. 0.5 kg/dm³
Operating differential fixed 12 mm
Wetside material Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Flange material
Seal part Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Slip-on Flange Carbon steel P265GH, zinc galvanised and
Housing material Sea water resistant die cast aluminium
Flange '1Ǝ31FO$16,%
Flange facing Raised face
Switch element Microswitch SPDT with gold plated
Enclosure IP65
Weight approx. 8.6 kg
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 6,/ 7\SH%%56,/
Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Type HA 24E 02 - For high temperature

Nominal pressure PN 100
Operating temperature 0 to 400°C
Ambient temperature 0 to 135°C
Density of liquid PLQNJGPñ
Operating differential ¿[HGPP
Rod extension see page 36
Wetside material Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Flange material
Seal part Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Slip-on Flange Carbon steel P265GH, zinc galvanised and
Housing material seawater resistant, die cast aluminium
Flange DN 65, PN 100 acc. to EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501)
Flange facing Raised face type B2 (type E - DIN 2526)
Switch element Microswitch SPDT with silver contacts
Switch rating 250 VAC, 5 A 30 VDC, 5 A
Enclosure IP65
Weight approx. 9.6 kg
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) SIL 1 (Type HAA 24E 02: SIL 2)

Ex-level switches page 43.

Nominal pressure PN 40
Operating temperature ƒ&WRƒ&
Ambient temperature -10°C to 80°C
Density of liquid PLQNJGPñ
Operating differential ¿[HGPP
Wetside material Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Flange material Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Housing material Stainless steel (CrNiMo)
Flange DN 65, PN 40 acc. to EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501)
Flange facing Raised face type B1 (type C - DIN 2526)
Switch element Inductive proximity switch
Nominal voltage 8.2 VDC ±5%
Operating voltage 5 to 25 VDC
Function as high alarm: at closed circuit
as low alarm: at operating circuit
For inverse function Type 5TDIN 22CF 041
Enclosure ,3,3
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) SIL 1

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

The Plastic Range for corrosive or

high purity media
The main feature of the Plastic Range is that all wetside materials are in corro- 9DFXXP$SSOLFDWLRQV
For vacuum duty a modified sealing must
sion resistant plastics such as PP or PTFE. Following are four typical examples, be used, suffix to flange code is E20, e.g. A
but these are by no means the limit of possible combinations which can be 301E20 99. This must be specified in the pur-
chase order. The vacuum sealing unit is ca-
VSHFL¿HGE\UHIHUHQFHWRWKHPRGXOHGHVFULSWLRQVRQSDJHVWR pable of operating to 0 bar absolute pressure.
neering, electroplating, food industry, etc.


Nominal pressure PN 10 max. 10 bar up to 25°C

max. 5 bar at 45°C
max. 2.5 bar at 60°C
Operating temperature 0 to 60°C
Ambient temperature 0 to 60°C
Density of liquid min. 0.65 kg/dm³
Operating differential ¿[HGPP
Rod extension see page 36
Wetside material PP
Flange material Seal part: PP
Slip-on Flange: PVC
Housing material Sea water resistant die cast aluminium
Flange DN 80, PN 10 acc. to EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501)
Flange facing Raised face type B1 (type C - DIN 2526)
Switch element Microswitch SPDT with silver contacts
Switch rating 250 VAC, 5 A 30 VDC, 5 A
Enclosure IP65
Weight approx. 1.9 kg


Nominal pressure PN 6 max. 6 bar up to 65°C

max. 4.5 bar at 100°C
max. 3 bar at 200°C
Operating temperature 0 to 200°C
Ambient temperature WRƒ&
Density of liquid PLQNJGPñ
Operating differential ¿[HGPP
Rod extension see page 36
Wetside material PTFE
Flange material Seal part: PTFE 25% GRP
Slip-on Flange: Carbon steel P265GH, zinc
galvanised and passivated
Housing material Sea water resistant die cast aluminium
Flange DN 80, PN 10 acc. to EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501)
Flange facing Raised face type B1 (type C - DIN 2526)
Switch element Microswitch SPDT with silver contacts
Switch rating 250 VAC, 5 A 30 VDC, 5 A
Enclosure IP65
Weight approx. 5 kg

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English



Nominal pressure PN 10 max. 10 bar up to 25°C

max. 5 bar at 45°C
max. 2.5 bar at 60°C
Operating temperature 0 to 60°C
Ambient temperature 0 to 60°C
Density of liquid min. 0.5 kg/dm³
Operating differential S WRPP
Wetside material PP
Flange material Seal part: PP
Slip-on Flange: PVC
Housing material Sea water resistant die cast aluminium
Flange DN 125, PN 10 acc. to EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501)
Flange facing Raised face type B1 (type C - DIN 2526)
Switch element Microswitch SPDT with silver contacts
Switch rating 250 VAC, 5 A 30 VDC, 5 A
Enclosure IP65
Weight approx. 3.1 kg

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Switch modules

The switch module is selected according to the type of control required, switch-
ing capability, environmental conditions and the working temperature in the
vessel. The key on page 22 shows how the designation code is structured. The
details of the switch modules are listed in the following tables 1 to 13.
In accordance with the relevant EU-directives and where applicable, Trimod
Besta level switches are marked .

Table 1
With 1 or 2 switches, galvanically isolated and with earthed encapsulation. En-
closure type IP65. Housing in sea water resistant die cast aluminium, with cable
gland M20x1.5.

Table 1

Type Function SIL Rating Temperature in °C Connection

Operating Ambient diagram

250 VAC, 5 A
A SPDT Microswitch with silver contacts SIL 1 0 to +330 WR 14
30 VDC, 5 A 12

11 24
Dual SPDT Microswitches with silver contacts, 250 VAC, 5 A
AA SIL 2 0 to +330 WR 14 22
galvanically isolated 30 VDC, 5 A 12 21

B SPDT Microswitch with gold plated contacts SIL 1 0.3 A / 30 VDC 0 to +330 WR 14

Dual SPDT Microswitches with gold plated contacts, 11 24

BB SIL 2 0.3 A / 30 VDC 0 to +330 WR 14 22
galvanically isolated 12 21

As high alarm in the quiescent current mode or as a -11
UN8.2 VDC ±5% 14
I low alarm in the working current mode. SIL 1 0 to +150 WR +12
(UB5 to 25 VDC)

As low alarm in the quiescent current mode or as a -11
UN8.2 VDC ±5%
IN high alarm in the working current mode. SIL 1 0 to +150 WR 14
(UB5 to 25 VDC) +12

Dual proximity switches acc. to NAMUR/EN

UN8.2 VDC ±5% -11 +24
(UB5 to 25 VDC) +12 -21
Combination of I and IN.

Self-checking proximity switch acc. to NAMUR/EN

UN8.2 VDC ±5% -11
IE9 quiescent current mode. SIL 1 0 to +150 WR 14
(UB5 to 25 VDC) +12
For self-checking operate in quiescent current mode.

Self-checking proximity switch acc. to NAMUR/EN

UN8.2 VDC ±5%
INE9 quiescent current mode. SIL 1 0 to +150 WR 14
(UB5 to 25 VDC) +12
For self-checking operate in quiescent current mode

Dual self-checking proximity switches acc. to

-11 +24
1$085(17h9DSSURYHG+LJKORZ UN8.2 VDC ±5% 14 22
IIE9 SIL 1 0 to +150 WR
level, galvanically isolated. Combination of IE9 and (UB5 to 25 VDC) +12 -21


Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English


Key to type numbers

Switch module Flange module Float module


Switch module (electric / electronic / pneumatic)

High or low temperature version

Switch module housing material option (chromated/complete in stainless steel CrNiMo)

Cable gland other than M20x1.5

Thread for cable gland Prefix Cable gland

The types in Tables 1, 2, 4 and 5 are available 10 Marine execution (DIN 89280), Type W
on request with a cable gland thread other than
30 Marine execution (DIN 89280), Type Z




Stainless steel housing All switch modules in Tables 1 to 11 are also available in stainless steel.

Epoxy coated housing Most switches are available with Epoxy coating.
E146 Epoxy coating white

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Table 2
Type Temperature in °C
Increased protection enclosure IP66/IP67 Operating Ambient
All basic modules in Table 1 are also available DA / DAA* -30 to +120 -30 to +120
LQ,3,37KHGHVLJQDWLRQSUH¿[LV'$OO DB / DBB* -30 to +120 -30 to +120
data in Table 1, except for the temperature rat-
DI / DIN / DII -30 to +120 -20 to +90
ing remain unchanged. For high temperatures
DIE9 / DINE9 / DIIE9 -30 to +120 -30 to +90
(operating -40°C to +200°C, ambient -40°C to
+120°C), add E28, e.g. DAE28 Safety Integrity Level (SIL): all types SIL 1
Types DAA / DBB: *SIL 2

Submersible version IP68 Type Temperature in °C
All basic modules in Table 1 are also available Operating Ambient
for submerged applications (IP68) to 100 m U3A / U3AA* -30 to +80 -30 to +80
depth with chromatized housing. The designa- U3B / U3BB* -30 to +80 -30 to +80
WLRQSUH¿[LV88RU87KHGHVLJQDWLRQ U3I / U3IN / U3II -25 to +80 -25 to +80
U3IE9 / U3INE9 / U3IIE9 -30 to +80 -30 to +80
capsulated cable in meters (longer cables are
available). All data in Table 1, except for tem- Safety Integrity Level (SIL): all types SIL 1
perature rating, remain unchanged. Housing: Types U3AA / U3BB: *SIL 2

Table 4
Type Temperature in °C
High operating temperature Operating Ambient
All basic modules in Table 1 are also available HA / HAA* 0 to +400 0 to +135
in a high temperature version with chromatized
HB / HBB* 0 to +400 0 to +135
HI / HIN / HII 0 to +300 WR
data in Table 1, except for temperature rating
HIE9 / HINE9 / HIIE9 0 to +300 WR
and connection diagram, remain unchanged.
Safety Integrity Level (SIL): all types SIL 1
Types HAA / HBB: *SIL 2

Low operating temperature Type Temperature in °C
Operating Ambient
All basic modules in Table 1 are also available
in a low temperature version with chromatized TDA / TDAA* WR -10 to +80
TD. All data in Table 1, except for temperature TDI / TDIN / TDII WR -10 to +80
rating and connection diagram, remain un- TDIE9 / TDINE9 / TDIIE9 WR -10 to +80
Safety Integrity Level (SIL): all types SIL 1
Types TDAA / TDBB: *SIL 2

Approved Desig- Type acc. to Approval Classification Certificate

Table 6 types nation authority
Ex-Switches for intrinsically safe
circuits (Ex-i) I... / IE9... 8 2014/34/EU BV CPS Ex ia IIC T6…T2 EPS 12 ATEX 1430 X
The level switches with switch Ga/Gb
modules of types I, IE9 and B are I... / IE9... 5 IECEx BV CPS Ex ia IIC T6...T2 IECEx EPS 15.0038 X
designed also for use in hazardous scheme Ga/Gb

areas. Technical details, see page 43. B... 8 2014/34/EU BV CPS Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb EPS 12 ATEX 1430 X
B... 5 IECEx scheme BV CPS Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb IECEx EPS 15.0038 X
Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Table 7
The type «e» (increased safety) housing is equipped with 1 or 2 Ex-d (flame-
proof) microswitches, galvanically isolated with earthed encapsulation.
Housing in sea water resistant die cast aluminium or optional stainless steel;
prefix «5».
Cable gland thread: M20x1.5 (without cable gland)

Temperature in °C Connection
Type Function SIL
Operating Ambient diagram
ZK. SPDT Microswitch with silver contacts SIL 1 -30 to +145 -45 to +80 14
11 24
Dual SPDT Microswitches, galvanically isolated, with
ZKK. SIL 2 -30 to +145 -45 to +80 14 22
silver contacts 12 21


50 VDC , 3 A
125 VDC, 0.5A
250 VDC, 0.25 A

Table 7.1
Submersible version IP68
Operating Ambient
applications (IP68) to 100 m depth. The designation preifix
is U3, U5, U11 etc. The designation 3, 5, 11 etc. specifies ZU..K. SIL 1 -30 to +80 -30 to +80
standard lengths of encapsulated cable in meters ZU..KK. SIL 2 -30 to +80 -30 to +80
(longer cables are available).
remain unchanged. Housing: chromated.
Only permitted for certification designation 5 and 8!

Table 8
Designation code and approval for hermetically sealed Ex-Switches, Type Z
module type.([DPSOH=.

Designation Type acc. to Approval authority &ODVVL¿FDWLRQ &HUWL¿FDWH

8 2014/34/EU BV CPS Ex ed IIC T5…T6 Ga/Gb EPS 12 ATEX 1430 X

5 IECEx scheme BV CPS Ex ed IIC T5...T6 Ga/Gb IECEx EPS 15.0038 X
1 EAC Ex NANIO CCVE Ga/Gb Ex ed IIC T6...T5 X 7&58&&+ȽȻ%

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Table 9
High operating temperature Type Temperature in °C
Operating Ambient
available in a high temperature version ZHK. / ZHKK. 0 to +380 0 to +80
ZLWKFKURPDWL]HGKRXVLQJWR,3,3 Safety Integrity Level (SIL),

Table 10
Low operating temperature Type Temperature in °C
Operating Ambient
available in a low temperature version ZTDK. / ZTDKK. WR -45 to +80
ZLWKFKURPDWL]HGKRXVLQJWR,3,3 Safety Integrity Level (SIL),

Table 11
Type Designation Temperature in °C
Flameproof switch modules (see table 12) Operating Ambient
The following switch types are also XA / XAA 8*, 5*, 1* -40 to +330 -40 to +80
DYDLODEOHZLWKDÀDPHSURRIHQFORVXUH XU3A / XU3AA 8*, 5*, 1* -30 to +80 -30 to +80
7KHGHVLJQDWLRQSUH¿[LV; XB / XBB 8**, 5** 1** -40 to +330 -40 to +80
(QFORVXUH7\SH,3,3 XU3B / XU3BB 8**, 5** 1** -30 to +80 -30 to +80
Submersible version (XU) IP68. XI / XIN / XII 8**, 5** 1** -30 to +220 -30 to +80
Housing material: sea water resistant XIE9 / XINE9 / XIIE9 8**, 5** 1** -50 to +220 -40 to +80
die cast aluminium. Notes: Flameproof Trimod Besta level switches are approved for
Cable gland thread: M20x1.5 XVHLQ=RQHÀRDW=RQH
Switch rating: see page 44. Safety Integrity Level (SIL): all types SIL 1

Table 11a Type Type

Connection diagram 1a
XA. etc. XI., XIN.
2a +2a
XB. etc. 3a etc. 3a neutral
-1a -3n
XAA. etc. 1a 1n XII., XIIE9. +2a
2a 2n +2n
3a neutral -1n neutral
XBB. etc. 3a 3n etc.

Table 12

Designation Type acc. to Approval authority Classification Certificate

8* 2014/34/EU BV CPS Ex de IIC T6 Ga/Gb EPS 09 ATEX 1238 X
8** 2014/34/EU BV CPS Ex ia d IIC T6 Ga/Gb EPS 09 ATEX 1238 X
5* IECEx scheme BV CPS Ex de IIC T6 Ga/Gb ,(&([(36;
5** IECEx scheme BV CPS Ex ia d IIC T6 Ga/Gb ,(&([(36;
1* EAC Ex NANIO CCVE Ga/Gb Ex de IIC T6 X 7&58&&+ȽȻ%
1** EAC Ex NANIO CCVE Ga/Gb Ex ia d IIC T6 X 7&58&&+ȽȻ%
Notes: Flameproof Trimod Besta level switches are approved for use in Zone 1, float: Zone 0.
Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Pneumatic modules
The pneumatic modules are described in detail on pages 14 to 16.
The housings are in sea water resistant aluminium. Pressure connections:

Type Function Connection Temperature in °C

Operating Ambient

P Pneumatic switch with ON/OFF

3/2 way valve. +1 to +250 +1 to +80
Input air pressure 0 to 10 bar

PV Pneumatic switch with ON/OFF

3/2 way valve and drain valve for +1 to +250 +1 to +80
condensate removal.
Input air pressure 0 to 10 bar

FP Pneumatic switch with ON/OFF

3/2 way valve, 0 to 10 bar function +1 to +250 +1 to +80
checked, may be used in hazardous

FPV Pneumatic switch with ON/OFF

3/2 way valve, 0 to 10 bar function +1 to +250 +1 to +80
checked, may be used in hazardous
areas with drain valve for conden-
sate removal.

M Pneumatic proportional control

valve, input air pressure 1.4 bar +1 to +250 +1 to +80
(max. 10 bar). Output signal 0.2 to
1 bar (3-15 psi).

MV Pneumatic proportional control

valve and drain valve for conden- +1 to +250 +1 to +80
sate removal. Input air pressure
1.4 bar (max. 10 bar). Output
signal 0.2 to 1 bar (3-15 psi).

FM Pneumatic proportional control

valve, input air pressure 1.4 bar +1 to +250 +1 to +80
(max. 10 bar). Output signal 0.2 to
1 bar (3-15 psi) function checked
may be used in hazardous areas.

FMV Pneumatic proportional control

valve and drain valve for conden-
sate removal. Input air pressure +1 to +250 +1 to +80
1.4 bar (max.10 bar). Output signal
0.2 to 1 bar (3-15 psi) function checked,
may be used in hazardous areas.

Chromated housing Stainless steel housing

The types in Table 13 are also available with chroma- All switch modules in Table 13 are also available in stainless steel. The ope-
tized housing. Designation prefix is 2. rating temperature range is increased to 400°C. Designation prefix is 5.

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Flange modules


ÀDQJHVWDQGDUGQRPLQDOSUHVVXUHUDWLQJ 31 QRPLQDOVL]H the letter «P» after flange name, e.g. A 01P 041
ules for the Standard Range, the Industrial Range and the
horizontally or vertically.

Table 14
Flange modules for the Standard Range


Material 1.4408
Nominal pressure PN 25, max. 25 bar up to 300°C
Flange facing Raised face
Temperature range -196 to 300°C
Counterflange see page 38

Nominal pressure PN 25, max. 25 bar up to 300°C
max. 23 bar at 400°C
Flange facing Raised face
Temperature range -196 to 400°C
Counterflange see page 38


Nominal pressure PN 25, max. 25 bar up to 300°C
max. 23 bar at 400°C
Flange facing Raised face
Temperature range -196 to 400°C

Nominal pressure PN 25, max. 25 bar up to 300°C
max. 23 bar at 400°C
Flange facing Raised face
Temperature range -196 to 400°C

Nominal pressure PN 25, max. 25 bar up to 300°C
max. 23 bar at 400°C
Flange facing Raised face
Temperature range -196 to 400°C

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English


Key to type numbers

Switch module Flange module Float module
Page 21 Table 14 - 16 Page 32


Other bracket length than 68 mm, and/or fixed flange execution and/or other ,PSRUWDQWQRWH
Ensure that nozzle length L and diameter provide
materials, and/or PED conformity
sufficient clearance for float movement.
Flange facing (See table 26, page 35.)
Nominal pressure (PN)
Nominal bore (DN)

Standard (For EN/DIN without code)

Flange modules for the Industrial Range acc. to EN/DIN, ANSI, BS, JIS

requirements in respect of temperature range and corrosion resistance and the

Temperature range -196 to +400°C
Options 1.4435 (316L), Hastelloy C
to select the correct type number.
Type designation see table 15.

Temperature range -10 to +400°C (EN/DIN)
-29 to +400°C (ANSI)
Materials Sealing unit  7L
Slip-on Flange Carbon steel P265GH zinc galvanized and
Options Sealing unit 1.4435 (316L), Hastelloy C
Type designation see table 15. 6HDOLQJXQLW
Slip-on Flange 13 CrMo 4-5 (high temp. steel)
A 350-LF2 (low temp. steel) Slip-on Flange: Carbon steel P265GH
zinc galvanised and passivated

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English


PN 16 PN 40 31 PN 100 PN 160 31 31
Raised face type B1 (type C - DIN 2526) C PN 16 to 40
'1 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. -  Raised face type B2 (type E - DIN 2526) E PN 63 to 320
DN 80 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.  Male type E (type V13 - DIN 2513) V PN 16 to 100
DN 100 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.  Groove type D (type N - DIN 2512) N PN 16 to 160
'1 51. 52. 53. 54. - - - Groove for DIN 2696 L PN 63 to 320
'1 61. 62. 63. 64. - - -

FO FO cl. 400 cl. 600 cl. 900 FO FO
Raised face RF R
'1Ǝ 131. 132. - 134. 135. 136.  Small male SMF M
'1Ǝ 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. - Small tongue STF T
'1Ǝ 151. 152. 153. 154. - - - Small groove SGF G
'1Ǝ 161. 162. 163. 164. - - - 5LQJMRLQW 57- -


Tbl. E Tbl. F Tbl. H Tbl. K Tbl. R Tbl. S Tbl. T
Raised face R
'1Ǝ 230R 231R 232R 233R 234R 235R 236R ([DPSOH%6)ODQJHPRGXOHƎ7DEOH.5
'1Ǝ 240R 241R 242R 243R 244R 245R 246R
'1Ǝ 250R 251R 252R 253R 254R - -
'1Ǝ 260R 261R 262R 263R 264R - -

. 10K 16K 20K . 40K . Large raised face: R
'1 329. 320. 328. 321. 322. 323. 324. Male: M
DN 80 339. 330. 338. 331. 332. 333. 334. Tongue: T
DN 100 - 340. - 341. 352. 343. 344. Groove: G
'1 - 350. - 351. 352. 353. 354. ([DPSOH JIS-Flange module DN 80A, PN 30K, groove: *

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English


EN 1092-1 (P265GH, etc.)
bar cl.600
ANSI B 16.5 (Mat. Gr. 1.1)
PN 100



70 cl.400

PN 63



PN 40


PN 25

cl.150 Only carbon steel is shown up to PN

100 / class 600.
PN 16
For higher nominal pressure ratings
up to PN 320 / cl.2500 and for other
materials, such as heat resistant or
stainless steels, please consult the
corresponding standards.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400°C

Pressure/Temperature Diagram Plastics



-200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200°C

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Flange modules for the Plastic Range acc. to EN/DIN, ANSI, BS, JIS

Wetted parts PP (Polypropylene) or PTFE

Sealing unit in PTFE with 25% GRP
Option: sealing unit and pivot pin in Virgin-PTFE.
Suffix: E104

Slip-on Flange PVC (for EN/DIN only) or P265GH (carbon steel), zinc
galvanised and passivated
Option: stainless steel for low temp. application

Flange facing Raised face

Temperature range PP Version with:

PVC Slip-on Flange 0 to 60°C
P265GH Slip-on Flange 0 to 100°C
PTFE Version with: Sealing unit
PVC Slip-on Flange 0 to 60°C PP or PTFE
Option: pure PTFE
P265GH Slip-on Flange -10 to 200°C (EN/DIN)
Slip-on Flange
P265GH Slip-on Flange -29 to 200°C (ANSI) PVC or Carbon steel P265GH
stainless steel -196 to 200°C 2SWLRQVWDLQOHVVVWHHO
Slip-on Flange

Pressure range max. 10 bar

Vacuum duty The vacuum sealing unit is capable of operating to 0 bar

absolute pressure, but this requirement must be specified in
the purchase order.
Suffix PTFE version: E19 (e.g. 302E19)
Suffix PP version: E20 (e.g. 301E20)

Table 16

Material DN 80 DN 100 '1 '1 Material '1Ǝ '1Ǝ '1Ǝ '1Ǝ

PVC / PP 301 401 501 601 3*+33 1313 1413 1513 1613
PVC / PTFE 302 - 502 - 3*+37)( 1314 1414 1514 1614
3*+33 303 403 503 603
3*+37)( 304 404 504 604

according to BS 10 PN Table E according to JIS B 2220 PN 10K
Material '1Ǝ '1Ǝ '1Ǝ '1Ǝ Material DN 80 DN 100 '1 '1
3*+33 2303 2403 2503 2603 3*+33 3303 3403 3503 3603
3*+37)( 2304 2404 2504 2604 3*+37)( 3304 3404 3504 3604

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English


Float modules


1. Function (alarm or control)

2. Minimum liquid density
3. Operating pressure
4. Operating temperature
5. Wetside material
6. Solids content

switch differential
bracket length
counter weight
8. For Ex- or non Ex-applications

float travel
9. Liquids

Key to type numbers

overall length
Switch module Flange module Float module
Rod extension see page 36
Page 21 3DJH 7DEOHV


Rod extension

quire, please ask us.

Table 17

Type Float Bracket Overall Float Coun- Up to nominal pressure PN Min. Approved Rod
dimensions length length travel ter- density for hazar- extension
(mm) ø a x b (mm) (mm) (mm) weight (kg/dm³) dous areas SDJH
bar cl. Table bar
01 64 x 110 68 194 104 - 40 300 H 30 0.8 x G1, G2, G3
04 64 x 142 68 226  - 40 300 H 30  x G1, G2, G3
041 64 x 142 68 226  - 40 300 H 30  x -
 64 x 142 68 226  x 40 300 H 30 0.5 x G1, G2
 64 x 200 102 316 114 x 63 400 K 40 0.4 x G1, G2
02 64 x 142 68 224  x 100 600 R 63  x G1, G2
26 64 x 200 102 316 114 x 100 600 K 63 0.35 x G1, G2
 64 x 142 102 321 115 x 100 600 R 63 0.5 x G1, G2
03 64 x 142 102 258 98 x 250 1500 T 63  x G1, G2
031 64 x 142 142 431 115 x 250 1500 T 63  x G1, G2
032 64 x 142 142 421 112 x 250 1500 T 63 0.5 x G1, G2

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Table 18

Type Float Bracket Overall Float Counter- Up to nominal pressure PN Min. Approved Rod Bellows
dimensions length length travel weight density for hazar- extension material
(mm) ø a x b (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/dm³) dous areas SDJH
bar cl. Table Rating
011 64 x 110 68 221 115 - 40 300 H 30K 0.8 x G1, G2, G3 Perbunan
012 64 x 110 68 221 115 - 40 300 H 30K 0.8 - G1, G2, G3 Silicon
013 64 x 110 68 221 115 - 40 300 H 30K 0.8 - G1, G2, G3 FPM
051 64 x 142 68 253 129 - 40 300 H 30K  x G1, G2, G3 Perbunan
052 64 x 142 68 253 129 - 40 300 H 30K  - G1, G2, G3 Silicon
053 64 x 142 68 253 129 - 40 300 H 30K  - G1, G2, G3 FPM
054 64 x 142 68 253 129 - 40 300 H 30K  - G1, G2 PTFE
 64 x 142 68 253 129 x 40 300 H 30K 0.5 x G1, G2 Perbunan
 64 x 142 68 253 129 x 40 300 H 30K 0.5 - G1, G2 Silicon
 64 x 142 68 253 129 x 40 300 H 30K 0.5 - G1, G2 FPM
 64 x 142 68 253 129 x 40 300 H 30K 0.5 - G1, G2 PTFE
 64 x 200 102 345 121 x 63 400 K 40K 0.45 x G1, G2 Perbunan
 64 x 200 102 345 121 x 63 400 K 40K 0.45 - G1, G2 Silicon
 64 x 200 102 345 121 x 63 400 K 40K 0.45 - G1, G2 FPM
 64 x 200 102 345 121 x 63 400 K 40K 0.45 - G1, G2 PTFE
Perbunan = Buna (NBR)

Table 19

Type Float dimen- Bracket Overall Float Operating Counter- Up to nominal pressure PN Min. Approved Remarks
sions (mm) length length travel differential weight density for hazar-
øaxb (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/dm³) dous areas
bar cl. Table Rating
090 64 x 142 68  160 to 350 WR - 40 300 H 30K 0.8 x
091 64 x 142 68 361 WR WR - 40 300 H 30K  x switching
092 64 x 142 68 461 254 to 630 83 to 442 - 40 300 H 30K  x
see page
093 64 x 142 68 561 WR WR - 40 300 H 30K  x 12
095 64 x 110 68 246 148 to 294 34 to 190 - 40 400 K 40K 0.9 x

Table 20
Float modules for interface applications, horizontal mounting,
Type Float Bracket Overall Float Counter- Up to nominal pressure PN Min. Approved Min. Rod
dimensions length length travel weight density for hazard- density extension
(mm) ø a x b (mm) (mm) (mm) EN/DIN ANSI BS JIS (kg/dm³) ous areas difference (mm)
bar cl. Table Rating
08T1 64 x 142 68 509 236 - 40 300 H 30K  x 0.1 300
409 194 - 40 300 H 30K  x 0.14 200
309 152 - 40 300 H 30K 0.8 x 0.22 100
28T1 64 x 142 102 541  x 100 600 R 63K 0.8 x 0.16 300
441  x 100 600 R 63K  x 0.22 200
341 120 x 100 600 R 63K 0.6 x  100

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English


Table 21
Float modules with bellows for interface application, horizontal moun-

Type Float Bracket Overall Float Counter- Up to nominal pressure PN Min. Approved Min. Rod Bellows
dimensions length length travel weight density for hazar- density length material
(mm) ø a x b (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/dm³) dous areas difference (mm)
bar cl. Table Rating
081T1 64 x 142 68 536 248 - 40 300 H 30K 0.8 x 0.1 300 Perbunan
436 206 - 40 300 H 30K 0.8 x 0.13 200 Perbunan
336 163 - 40 300 H 30K 0.9 x 0.19 100 Perbunan
082T1 64 x 142 68 536 248 - 40 300 H 30K 0.8 - 0.1 300 Silicon
436 206 - 40 300 H 30K 0.8 - 0.13 200 Silicon
336 163 - 40 300 H 30K 0.9 - 0.19 100 Silicon
083T1 64 x 142 68 536 248 - 40 300 H 30K 0.8 - 0.1 300 FPM
436 206 - 40 300 H 30K 0.8 - 0.13 200 FPM
336 163 - 40 300 H 30K 0.9 - 0.19 100 FPM
084T1 64 x 142 68 536 248 - 40 300 H 30K 0.8 - 0.1 300 PTFE
436 206 - 40 300 H 30K 0.8 - 0.13 200 PTFE
336 163 - 40 300 H 30K 0.9 - 0.19 100 PTFE
Perbunan = Buna (NBR)

Table 22

Type Float Bracket Overall Float Counter- Up to nominal pressure PN Min. Material Rod extension
dimensions length length travel weight density SDJH
(mm) ø a x b (mm) (mm) (mm) EN/DIN ANSI BS JIS (kg/dm³)
bar cl. Table Rating
98 64 x 150 68 240 132 - 8 150a) Ea) 10Ka)  PTFE P1, V1, V2, V3
99 63 x 120 68 205 118 - 10 150b) Eb) 10Kb) 0.65 PP K1, K2, K3
Max. operating pressure 8 bar (test pressure 13 bar)
Max. operating pressure 10 bar (test pressure 15 bar)

Float modules for vertical mounting For alarm or pump control, see page 13.
)ORDWPDWHULDO 667LHTXLY Mounting information page 13.

Type Float Bracket Overall Float Coun- Up to nominal pressure PN Min.f) Approved
dimensions length length travel ter- density for hazard-
(mm) ø a x b (mm) (mm) (mm) weight (kg/dm³) ous areas
bar cl. Table Rating
140 120 68 1582 12 to 1340 x 16 150 d) Ed) 10Kd) 0.45 -
141 120 68 3082 12 to 2840 x 16 150 d)
E d)
10Kd) 0.45 -
145 120 x 164 68 1582 12 to 1300 x 25 150 d)
F e)
10K e)
0.45 x
146 120 x 164 68 3082 12 to 2800 x 25 150 d) Fe) 10Ke) 0.45 x
Max. operating pressure 16 bar (test pressure 24 bar)
Max. operating pressure 25 bar (test pressure 38 bar)
Minimum density for pump control 0.45 kg/dm³, for alarm 0.3 kg/dm³

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Table 24
For alarm or pump control, if float module can not be mounted from inside use

Type Float dimen- Bracket Overall Operating Counter- Up to nominal pressure PN Min. Material
sions (mm) length length differential weight density
øaxb (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/dm³)
bar cl. Table Rating
 110 x 100 68 2000 WR - 8 150* E* 10K* 0.5 PP
* Max. operating pressure 10 bar (test pressure 15 bar)

Maximum operating temperature for float modules
Float material Temperature Bellow material Temperature
range in °C range in °C
6WDLQOHVVVWHHO -196 to +400 Perbunan / Buna (NBR) 0 to +120
Polypropylene PP 0 to +100 Silicon -40 to +200
3RO\WHWUDÀXRUHWK\OHQH37)( -200 to +200 FPM +10 to +200

Table 26
To allow sufficient float clearance a maximum length
«L» for the connection flange is shown in the follow-
ing table according to the type of float module and the
nominal flange size (dimensions in mm).

Float module type

01 011 04   090 091 092   07 076 02
to and to
DN 65 acc. to EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501) 80 105 80 105       80 110 80
DN 80 acc. to EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501) 90 110 90 110 110 90 90 90 90 90 90 140 90
DN 100 acc. to EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501) ’ 140 140 140 140 90 100 100 100 90 140 220 140
DN 125 acc. to EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501) ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 90 110 110 110 90 ’ ’ ’
DN 150 acc. to EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501) ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 90 120 120 120 90 ’ ’ ’
ƎDFFRUGWR$16,% 90 110 90 110 110 90 90 90 90 90 90 140 90
ƎDFFRUGWR$16,% 140 140 140 140 140 90 100 100 100 90 140 220 140
ƎDFFRUGWR$16,% ’ ’ ’ 190 190 90 110 110 110 90 ’ ’ ’
ƎDFFRUGWR$16,% ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 90 120 120 120 90 ’ ’ ’

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English


Rod extensions

Table 27
Type of rod extensions (Dimensions in mm)

Rod extension To match


Stainless steel Stainless steel Type: G1 A max: 1000 Type: G2 A+B max: 1000 *Type: G3 A+B max: 1000
(CrNiMo) (CrNiMo)  $% ”  $% ”
A min: 100 A min: 50
B min: 100 B min: 60
PP PP Type: K1 A min: 100 Type: K2 A+B max: 1000 Type: K3 A+B max: 1000
A max: 1000 A min: 100  $% ”
B min: 200 A min: 100
B min: 100
PVDF PTFE Type: V1 A min: 100 Type: V2 A+B max: 1000 Type: V3 A+B max: 1000
A max: 1000 A min: 100  $% ”
B min: 200 A min: 100
B min: 100
PTFE PTFE Type: P1 A min: 100 - -
A max: 300 - -

modules and rod extensions with other dimensions or materials, please consult the factory.

Table 28
Rod length A (mm) 100 200 300 400 500 600  800 900 1000
Min. density (kg/dm ) 0.66 0.66  0.69     0.81 0.84

Table 29 7DEOH
module 04G2 (kg/dm³) PRGXOH* NJGPñ
A (mm) 100 200  400  600 700 800 A (mm)  600 700 800
B (mm) B (mm)
100 0.69 0.68      -   - - -
200   0.68 0.69     100 0.69 - - -
 0.68 0.69 0.69     200 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68
400        0.69 0.69 0.69
700    600 
800  0.80 700 
900 0.82 800 0.80
900 0.82
Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Specification sheet

sheet together with any relevant drawing etc. and we will respond with a quotation.

Liquid _________________________________ Operating/ambient temperature ___________°C / _________ °C

Density___________________________ kg/dm³ Tank material ______________________________________

Operating pressure _____________________ bar Tank measurement __________________________________

Application Type of mounting

High alarm Interface application Side mounted

Low alarm Regulating (pneumatic) Top mounted

2-point control In float chamber (by-pass)

Switch module type Electric Electronic Pneumatic

Contact type SPDT 2 x SPDT I IE9 On/Off

Silver Gold plated IN INE9 proportional

Safety Integrity Level (SIL) SIL 1 SIL 2

Approval classification Ex ed IIC T6…T5 Ex ia IIC T6…T2 Ex de IIC T6

(Hermetically sealed) (Intrinsically safe circuits) (Flameproof)

Cable gland M20 x 1.5 Ǝ137

Enclosure material Die cast aluminium Die cast aluminium, chromated Stainless steel

Enclosure rating IP65 ,3,3 IP68, cable length _________________________________

Remarks __________________________________________________________________________________

Flange module type

Flange type Square flange 92 x 92 Fixed Flange Slip-on Flange

DN/PN ANSI EN/DIN DN _______ PN _______ Seal type


Wetted parts material CrNiMo Hastelloy C PP PTFE Other


Slip-on Flange material Carbon steel P265GH zinc galvanized and passivated Other

Remarks __________________________________________________________________________________

Float module type

Float material CrNiMo Hastelloy C PP PTFE

Differential Fixed 12 mm Variable between ____________________________________________________

Bellows Perbunan (NBR) Silicon FPM PTFE

Remarks __________________________________________________________________________________


Float rod extension G1 G2 G3 Dim. A mm Dim. B mm

Counterflanges Carbon steel CrNiMo

Test actuators CrNiMo / FPM CrNiMo / EPDM

Test certificates T-100 (2.2) T-101 (3.1) T-110 (test certi-


Tag No. ______________________________ ________________________________________________

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English



The simplest method of installing any Trimod Besta level switch of the Standard
Range and the Compact Switch with a VTXDUHÀDQJHLVWRXVHRXUVWDQGDUG
ZHOGRQFRXQWHUÀDQJHV7KHUHDUHcarbon steel (P250GH) and stainless steel
(1.4404) versions in two different lengths available. The test actuator allows a
periodic manual function check of the level switch in operating status. The func-
tion of the switching element (microswitch, proximity switch, pneumatic valve)

not for use with the test actuator

Type 2829.1 & 2831.3 Type 2829.1V80 & 2831.3V80

Type Flange Flange Stud Stud
length material material length
2829.1 V = 38 mm P250GH 5.8 30 mm
2831.3 V = 38 mm 1.4404 A2 30 mm
2829.1V80* V = 80 mm P250GH 5.8 30 mm
2831.3V80* V = 80 mm 1.4404 A2 30 mm

for use with the test actuator

Type 2829.2 & 2831.4 Type 2829.2V80 & 2831.4V80

Type Flange Flange Stud Stud
length material material length
2829.2 V = 38 mm P250GH 5.8 PP
2831.4 V = 38 mm 1.4404 A2 PP
2829.2V80* V = 80 mm P250GH 5.8 PP
2831.4V80* V = 80 mm 1.4404 A2 PP

,PSRUWDQW Not for use in applications on top of the tank.

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

If the level switch is used for high alarm the thread has to look upwards. For a low level alarm, the thread has to
look downwards.

Type Flange Stud Test actuator O-Ring

L1 = 65
material material material

2865 P250GH 5.8 1.4305/1.4404 FPM
2866 P250GH 5.8 1.4305/1.4404 EPDM

ø 76.2
ø 65
2868 1.4404 A2 1.4305/1.4404 FPM

2869 1.4404 A2 1.4305/1.4404 EPDM
30 V=50

Test actuator
The test actuators 2382 and 2383 can be used, if the tank is already equipped
Important: Not for use with the Compact Switch.


Type Test actuator O-Ring Temperature Operating

material material range in °C pressure in bar
2382 1.4305/1.4404 FPM 0 to 150 -1 to 25
2383 1.4305/1.4404 EPDM -30 to 150 -1 to 25
Test actuators are supplied with flat gaskets.

Application Use as high (HA) Mounting
or low (LA) alarm position
Checking switch function and float HA Flange gasket
movement under operating conditions Blue Guard
(PS = -1 to 25 bar) LA BG3000

Ø 76.1

Blue-Gard BG3000

Temperature range: Table 31 to 34: 40 2

Material 1.4404: -196 to 400°C
„ Test actuator with FPM O-Ring: 0 to 150°C
with EPDM O-Ring: -30 to 150°C
Operating pressure: -1 to 25 bar

switch) please contact us for correct application.

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English


Float chambers

Wherever it is not possible or desirable to install float switches directly onto a

vessel, horizontal Trimod Besta level switches can be mounted externally in a
float chamber. This type of installation allows functional checks and servicing to
be carried out without interrupting operation, provided that isolation and drain
valves are included in the process connections.

Float chambers may be divided into 2 groups.

In various steel qualities and configurations with process connection
acc. to EN/DIN or ANSI.

For use with the Trimod Besta level switches from the standard range
Square flange type: 01 or
Round flange type: 011

In various steel qualities and configurations with switch- and process
connections acc. to EN/DIN or ANSI.

For use with the Trimod Besta level switches from the industrial range

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English


Process connections DN 25, 50 in accordance with EN/DIN
Material Carbon steel
High temperature steel
CrNi steel
CrNiMo steel
Flange facing of in accordance with EN 1092-1 (DIN 2526) and ANSI B16.5
process connections
Options Special dimensions
Vent and drain connection
Long studs for mounting a test actuator
Float chambers for low temperature applications
Float chambers with max. hardness of HRC 22 in
accordance with NACE G H


Process connections DN 25, 50 in accordance with EN/DIN
Material Carbon steel C D
High temperature steel
CrNi steel
CrNiMo steel
Flange facing of in accordance with EN 1092-1 (DIN 2526) and ANSI B16.5
process connections
Options Special dimensions
Vent and drain connection
Chambers up to PN 320 in accordance with EN/DIN, PN cl.
2500 with ANSI
Float chambers for low temperature applications
Float chambers with max. hardness of HRC 22 in G H
accordance with NACE

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English



Test report in accordance with EN 10204-2.2


Non destructive testing such as ultrasonic, X-ray, dye penetrant or

magnetic particle examination

Material testing including charpy, tensile and hardness

Design-examination for PED in accordance with 2014/68/EU


Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Trimod Besta Level Switches

in hazardous areas
For level monitoring in hazardous areas, the following Trimod Besta level
switches are available:

Flameproof Trimod Besta Level Switches

Flameproof Trimod Besta level switches are designed in accordance with ATEX,
IECEx and EAC Ex standards and are tested and approved.

Flameproof version
Protection classifications:
Ex de IIC T6 Ga/Gb for switch modules XA..8 etc. EPS 09 ATEX 1238 X
Ex ia d IIC T6 Ga/Gb for switch modules XB..8, XI..8, XIE9..8 etc. EPS 09 ATEX 1238 X
([GH,,&7*D*E  IRUVZLWFKPRGXOHV;$HWF  ,(&([(36;
([LDG,,&7*D*E IRUVZLWFKPRGXOHV;%;,;,(HWF,(&([(36; 
Ga/Gb Ex de IIC T6 X for switch modules XA..1 etc. 7&58&&+ȽȻ%
Ga/Gb Ex ia d IIC T6 X for switch modules XB..1, XI..1, XIE9..1 etc. 7&58&&+ȽȻ%
For type designations or details see page 25.

Hermetically sealed Trimod Besta Level Switches

These switches are available in three versions. Hermetically sealed version

Protection classifications:
Ex ed IIC T5...T6 Ga/Gb for switch modules Z..8 etc. EPS 12 ATEX 1430 X
Ex ed IIC T5...T6 Ga/Gb for switch modules Z..5 etc. IECEx EPS 15.0038 X
Ga/Gb Ex ed IIC T6...T5 X for switch modules Z..1 etc. 7&58&&+ȽȻ%
For type designations or details see page 24.

Trimod Besta Level Switches for use in intrinsically safe installations

Level switches with proximity switches acc. to NAMUR (type range I.. and IE9.. etc.)
or micro switches with gold plated contacts (type range B) are for connection to
intrinsically safe circuits and approved, depending on national regulations, for Zone 1,
floats in Zone 0. For intrinsically safe installation

Protection classifications:
Ex ia IIC T6…T2 Ga/Gb for switch modules I..8, IE9..8 etc. EPS 12 ATEX 1430 X
Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb for switch modules B...8 etc. EPS 12 ATEX 1430 X
Ex ia IIC T6...T2 Ga/Gb for switch modules I...5, IE9...5 etc. IECEx EPS 15.0038 X
Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb for switch modules B...5 etc. IECEx EPS 15.0038 X
For type designations or details see pages 21 and 23.

Pneumatic Trimod Besta Level Switches and Level Controllers

Pneumatic level switches of the type ranges FP and FM are approved for installation
in Zone 1, floats in Zone 0.
For type designations and details see page 26.
Pneumatic version

Mode of installation
All Trimod Besta level switches of the Ex-proof range may be side or top mounted.

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English


Micro- and proximity switches

Additional information to the switch module descriptions on pages 21 to 26.

Microswitches of the switch module range type A

The manufacturers data (Johnson Electric) is shown in Table 39. However, these switches have been tested by ESTl (Swiss
Federal Inspectorate for High Current), as follows: ( ) inductive loads:
Type A: 250 VDC, 0.5 (0.15) A 250 VAC, 5 A
Type AE26: 440 VDC, 0.3 A 380 VAC, 5 (1) A

Electrical data acc. to Type-examination acc. to ATEX, IECEx and EAC Ex.
250 VDC, max. 0.25 A 250 VAC, max. 5 A

Microswitches of the switch module range type B

The silver contacts of these microswitches are gold plated and intended for use in intrinsically safe circuits. Though the max.
rating can be as per Table 39, please be aware, that the gold plating will be permanently damaged when used for values
greater than applicable for intrinsically safe circuits.

Electrical data acc. to Type-examination acc. to ATEX and IECEx.
Gold plated contacts
max. 30 VDC, max. 300 mA, max. 0.12 VA

Electrical data acc. to Type-examination acc. to ATEX, IECEx and EAC Ex.
Gold plated contacts
max. 30 VDC, max. 300 mA, max. 0.12 VA

Electrical data acc. to Type-examination acc. to ATEX, IECEx and EAC Ex.
250 VDC, 0.25 A 250 VAC, 5 A
125 VDC, 0.5 A
50 VDC, 3 A
30 VDC, 5 A


Tungsten Lamp Load

Voltage Resistive Load NC NO Inductive Load
AC to 250 5 0.5 0.5 5
DC to 30 5 1.5 1.0 5
DC to 50 3 0.8 0.8 2.5
'&WR 1 0.6 0.6 0.5
DC to 125 0.5 0.5 0.5 
DC to 250 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.03

Only approximate values can be given for the allowable charge of gold con-
tacts. These must be reduced under unfavourable impedance conditions.
The product of current and voltage should not exceed 0.12 VA. The current
values must be interpreted as maximum values.

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

The switch modules of the type ranges I and IE9 are especially suitable for ap-
plications in hazardous areas*. The switching element, an inductive proximity
sensor (Pepperl+Fuchs) contains only the oscillator. The signal is processed
by a remote mounted relay amplifier unit as shown in the connection diagram.

Connection diagram


Output Input voltage Electrical data of inductive proximity

Nominal voltage UN 8.2 VDC ±5%
Operating voltage UB 5 to 25 VDC
Current consumption

Relay Amplifier Control circuit Actuator

unit intrinsically safe

Special self checking failsafe features

If the switch is connected for maximum current/voltage in the non alarm state the
circuit can be monitored constantly for line and/or instrument failure to initiate
operation of a safety shutdown.
The sensor circuit of the switch modules IE9, INE9, and IIE9, are also self
tomatic switching to the alarm state in the event of component failure is guaran-
teed. When specifying a safety circuit, approved amplifiers and transistor relays
must be incorporated.

For use in hazardous areas the following data should be observed for Trimod
Besta level switches with inductive proximity sensors:

Type I, IN, II: Umax. 9'& /L”—+ &L”Q)

Type IE9, INE9, IIE9: Umax9'& /L”—+ &L”Q)

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English

Bachofen AG
Ackerstrasse 42
CH-8610 Uster
Phone +41 44 944 11 11
Fax +41 44 944 12 33

Limit switches with electric, electronic

and pneumatic switch elements.
Numerous shipbuilding and explosion
Find your local sales and service partner under
proof approvals and registrations.

Quality Management
The Bachofen quality management system acc. to
ISO 9001 was established in 1994.

Side mounted switches for high or low Registered Trade Marks

alarm duties. With Lloyds Register Trimod and Besta are registered trade marks of
Approval. Bachofen AG, Switzerland.

Australian importer and master distributor:

Resellers each state & NZ

Opto-electronic level sensors for hori-
zontal and vertical installation. Sensi-

Catalogue LTKEN 2016.10, English Technical specifications are for information only and may change without notice.

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