Hyperborean Paradox

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Nimrod of Rosario - Hyperborean Paradox

The "Hyperborean Wisdom", that is, the Wisdom of the Siddhas, is present in all ages of

humanity. What a colossal mistake it would be to claim that it constitutes a RATIONAL

system of knowledge! And yet this is the most common attitude. Rationalism always tries

to find simple relations; for this purpose it compares and looks for coincidences, analogies,

similarities. If it finds them: it establishes laws; which must be, as far as possible, infallible.

If it does not find them: then something like an abyss separates the instances. This attitude,

suicidal from the intellectual point of view, can be summed up in two words: either reason

or nihilism. Even the subtlest spirits yield to the Goddess Reason.

Let us briefly review some of the ideas, as brilliant as they are fatuous, put forward by the

rationalists in their stubborn attempt to UNIFY the principles that sustain the different

sciences: Those who study religions, and COMPARE them, usually discover that

something like a Primordial Tradition has left a common trace in the different myths. [This,

moreover, has always been affirmed by the most enlightened spirits of humanity, who have

identified this Primordial Tradition with the Hyperborean Wisdom]. No sooner have they

considered this than they ARBITRARILY conclude that this Primordial Tradition refers to


Nothing is more rationalistic and absurd than this hypothesis which, naturally, they never

manage to prove, in spite of the interesting symbolic analogies they usually use in their


This mental attitude is naive and childish but, by dint of generalization, it is now "natural"

or "scientific". Let us look at other examples. If we speak of ethnology or anthropology, we

are looking for a SINGLE RACE that, starting from a "center of diffusion", be it the East or

the West, Palestine or the Gobi, etc., justifies with its displacements ALL the

known migrations. If we speak of religion, a SINGLE MYTH, located in a "center of

diffusion"; be it Atlantis or Lemuria or Mu or Hyperborea or America or Asia or "the

North" or "the pole", etc., must justify ALL religious cosmogonies and even "esotericism",
which would be a quintessential part of the mystical synthesis.

The same happens if we talk about the origin of the Universe where a UNIQUE,

CENTRAL explosion is responsible for ALL that exists or if we refer to Physics where a

law of the UNIFIED FIELD, which allows us to deduce ALL the laws of electromagnetism

and gravitation, is still waiting for someone to invent it.

These REASONINGS, these UNIFORM ideas, are naive and childish, as we have already

said. But attention, here "infantile" should be read "proper of the pasu" because the

rationalism we are describing, is the WAY OF THINKING of the pasu. And the tendency

to unify is also typical of the children of Jehovah-Satan, let us not forget that the

culmination of this tendency is the conception, also absurd and childish, of

MONOTHEISM, a concept that covers the pretension of UNIFYING in the figure of the

Demiurge "The One" ALL religious devotions. Because the tendency to unify and

monotheism are also WAR TACTICS of the Synarchic Strategy.

[...] We have already denounced that a widespread attempt to justify the CHARISMATIC

NEXUS linking the viryas consists in imagining the existence of a presumed "common

esotericism" or "Secret Doctrine". We have seen how rationalism elaborates theories on the

basis of the UNITY of the principles that underlie the sciences. And now we must consider

that, because of this tendency to unify, when it is discovered that the viryas are "esoteric"

and that such esotericism is related to a "Hyperborean Wisdom" of which they all speak,

rationalists cannot resist the temptation to suppose, gratuitously, that such "Hyperborean

Wisdom" constitutes the "common esotericism" or "Secret Doctrine" sought. If this is so, it

is reasoned, such Hyperborean Wisdom must be a "system of knowledge" or at least a

"common myth" which, rationalized, gives rise to an "Esoteric Doctrine". This is a

LOGICAL conclusion and therefore CANNOT BE TRUE.

We, on the contrary, affirm that the Hyperborean Wisdom is UNIQUE FOR EACH

VIRYA in particular and, therefore, its teaching is different in all cases, there being nothing

COMMON among the viryas. However, in spite of the absolute individuality of the
knowledge acquired by each virya, certain TEMPORAL COINCIDENCIES tend to occur,

which lead to a synchronous contact between the viryas, when they have adopted a path

that passes through collective mutation. The service in favor of the race causes the

synchronic coincidence between the viryas, who star in stories, and in which it would be

useless to try to discover a physical or cultural LINK outside of the

COMMON ORIGIN, which, as we have already said, is absolutely indeterminate. In

synthesis, the Hyperborean Wisdom, different for all, CANNOT BE TEACHED, but CAN

BE UNDERSTOOD. This conclusion IS NOT LOGICAL BUT ABSURD, and therefore


To possess Hyperborean lineage, as we have already said, means, among other things, to be

something unique, not repeated nor to be repeated, which constitutes a true SPIRITUAL

INDIVIDUALITY (NOUS), TRANSCENDENT, opposed therefore to the illusory


memory of blood, to access the MINNE, to consciously enter into the mystery of one's own

Hyperborean Origin, always implies to live a new adventure, never thought or imagined by

anyone. The Hyperborean Wisdom is MUTANT and CHANGES unfailingly anyone who

receives its Gnosis. But this CHANGE; this MUTATION, is UNIQUE. So original is it that

this is why the destiny of the awakened virya is called UNCREATED, as opposed to the

"destiny" of the pasu, which is absolute MECHANICAL DETERMINATION.

In the light of these considerations we can again answer a fundamental question. It is the

question that arises in all rational minds when they try to find an "esoteric" link between

different representatives of the Hyperborean Tradition: Is it possible, by the rational way of

association or comparison, to establish a LINK that binds the "GREAT SPIRITS" of

History, to find a LINK between their ideologies and doctrines, to find a RELATIONSHIP

that reaches and ORGANICALLY LINKS the sacred symbols that express their different


In the perplexity and bewilderment that follow the discovery that IT IS NOT POSSIBLE
TO FIND AN ESOTHERIC SYSTEM, which would justify the existence of so many men

who LIVED ACCORDING TO SUCH A SYSTEM, the answer comes, to these BEAUX

SPIRITS, by logical deduction: if it is not possible to RATIONALLY APPRECIATE the

so-called Hyperborean Wisdom, which flourishes here and there, this must be attributed to

two causes: either such Hyperborean Wisdom DOES NOT EXIST, or psychic

manifestations of IRRATIONAL character are so called. In the first case, if it does not

exist, then its representatives are fakers, vulgar simulators. In the second case, if it is an

irrational knowledge, our civilization calls those who possess it CRAZY, since only

REASON differentiates man from animals and guarantees his NORMALITY. For a world

made to the measure of the pasu the answer given will be clear and categorical then: either

fakers or insane. There is no possible alternative and the theosophical-volutionary system

of the Synarchy and its infinite sects, shows the limit, miserable by the way, up to which

they allow themselves to reach in their "spiritual" or "esoteric" inquiries. Outside

"theosophism" one is either a faker, pretender, swindler, crook, etc., or insane,

schizophrenic, hysterical, psychotic, etc., but, in any case, firmly repressed by the satanic


The difficulties presented to the rational mind by the above questions, and which arise

whenever a SERIOUS study of the Hyperborean Wisdom is attempted, stem mostly from

the refusal to accept that we are dealing with a PARADOXICAL FACT.

Rationalist pride finds it difficult to accept that reality poses paradoxes and is even less

prepared to face them. And yet, therein lies the key to rational defeat. It is not that "if there

is no link, nexus, relation, link, etc." between different "facts starred by viryas who claim to

be inspired by the Hyperborean Wisdom", the conclusion is: either it does not exist or it is

irrational and then, fakes or insane. The fallacy lies in opposing the "rational" to the

"irrational" to the exclusion of the paradoxes raised because, precisely, the hyperborean

condition of the virya turns him into a "maker of paradoxes".

Let us keep in mind that, by virtue of a DOUBLE OPPOSITION with the world of the
Demiurge, every "hyperborean": siddha or awakened virya, GENERATES PARADOXES

in any action he undertakes or thinks with respect to that world.

The Swiss psychiatrist C. G. JUNG has made an interesting reflection... "Has it not been

observed that all religious statements contain logical contradictions and statements that are

impossible on principle, that even this constitutes the essence of the religious statement?

We have in this respect the profession of faith of Tertullian: ET MORTUUS EST DEI



who is dead, who is dead, who is dead, who is dead, who is dead, who is dead, who is dead.

son of God, which is frankly Incredible because it is absurd. And buried, he has risen again;

this is true because it is Impossible). If Christianity demands the belief in such

contradictions, it seems to me that it cannot reproach anyone for giving validity to a few

more paradoxes. It is a strange thing, but paradox is one of the greatest spiritual goods;

clarity, on the other hand, is a sign of weakness.

Therefore, a religion is impoverished inwardly when it loses or reduces its paradoxes, while

it is enriched when they increase, for only paradox is capable of embracing, in an

approximate way, the immensity of Life. On the other hand, clarity and lack of

contradiction have but one meaning, and, therefore, are inadequate to express the


"Not everyone," JUNG continues, "possesses the intellectual capacity of a Tertullian, who,

evidently, was not only capable of enduring paradox, but even meant for him the ultimate

religious certainty. The sheer number of the mindless makes the paradox dangerous. As

long as it is considered a customary aspect of life and a natural thing that has never been

questioned, it will continue to be safe.

But if an insufficiently developed intellect (which, as is well known, always has the best

opinion of itself) had the idea of making the paradox of a declaration of

Fé the object of his reflections, as serious as they were impotent, it would not be long
before he burst into an iconoclastic laugh of derision and pointed the finger at all those

uncovered INEPTIA of the mystery.

It has gone rapidly downhill since the French Enlightenment, for when this understanding,

incapable of bearing any paradox, is awakened, there is no sermon to restrain it. A new

mission then arises: namely, to bring this still undeveloped intelligence gradually to a

higher step, and to increase the number of those who can at least have a suspicion of the

enormous breadth of a paradoxical Truth."

So far the position of the "esoteric rationalists", with respect to the question posed and our

criticism. We will now give a simple answer, elaborated on the basis of the synthesis of the

above concepts: "Each quest on the path of the Hyperborean Wisdom is completely

"different". There is no "common esotericism" but infinite individual esotericisms, proper

to each virya. Therefore, there is no "link", "nexus", "relationship", etc., between the

Hyperborean viryas that can be quantified".

This paradoxical answer should conclude this chapter, but we will briefly extend it to

highlight another widespread error that is caused by not distinguishing that COMMUNITY



COMMUNITY OF CONCEPTS. This is a "cultural", semantic error, because rational

analyses are carried out on the basis of CONCEPTS enclosed in linguistic constructions:

WORDS that try to represent IDEAS to enable communication among men; "COMMON"

IDEAS that, naively, we believe have the same meaning for all. Let's take a word; for

example: "God". Everyone "knows" what it means, "knows" the CONCEPT; so much for

reason. But is the IDEA "God", an IDEA that goes beyond reason, the same for all the

possessors of such a word, or, in other words, does the word "God" evoke in all the same

IDEA? Certainly not. And substituting the word "God" for any other, we immediately

understand that all words, apart from their conceptual content, that is, their conventional

definition, exceed the rational, possess an IDEAL content proper to each person, non transferable and
inexpressible, which, probably, has some relation with what is called
CHARACTER, STYLE, ETC., of the individual and which differentiates him intellectually

from others.

When this elementary distinction between the thing "in itself", the IDEA of the thing and

the LINGUISTIC CONCEPT that the "name" of the thing represents is not taken into

account, it is possible to commit tremendous analytical errors.

But if to the usual rationalist obstinacy of applying dialectical analysis to everything that

exists, this error is added, then the result can border on the frontiers of foolishness.

Frontiers that are indeed reached in the case of "esoteric rationalism",

Since the viryas possess a completely personal Hyperborean Wisdom, and since one

mistake has already been made in pretending to find a "common esotericism", a second

mistake is made in not understanding that the "esoteric" or "symbolic concepts" used by the

viryas refer to ABSOLUTELY different ideas. As in the case of the "mysterious

coincidences" among the viryas, which can lead one to believe in a "destiny" or some other

form of determination, there is here a phenomenon of SYNCHRONY. For in all that is

subject to the TEMPORAL ORDER, that is to say, to the Will of the Demiurge, the "law of

evolution" and the Plan of the One is at work, but to the extent that the virya purifies his

blood, a SPIRITUAL DISINCRONY with this ORDER takes place. This

DISINCRONIZATION with the Satanic Plan generates, within the framework of a

Hyperborean Mystique, the SYNCHRONY between the viryas and the Siddhas. And this

SYNCHRONY is, for those who attain the Mystery of the Pure Blood, present in ALL


Hence, the famous "esoteric concepts" and "universal sacred symbols" wielded by the

"esoteric rationalists" as PROOF OR EVIDENCE of a SECRET DOCTRINE or "common

esotericism" do not have and will never have the same meaning for the different viryas.

And if any of them, when contacted, use them in their linguistic communications, this

coincidence of words and concepts must be understood simply as a phenomenon of

That is why the awakened viryas, even though speaking the same language and using the

same words, never coincide in the ideal content of the concepts because they possess an

ABSOLUTELY DIFFERENTIATED consciousness that can only coincide in one thing:

the Common Center; or in the figure of the Führer, who from the common center

establishes the "charismatic bond" among the viryas.

A very widespread error has become evident: the non-distinction between "linguistic

concept" and "mental representation" or "idea" of the thing. However, this error can acquire

very subtle variants, not so easy to appreciate, in certain "esoteric rationalists" who, while

accepting the above distinction, perhaps because they adhere to some "idealistic

philosophy", pretend to subject the IDEAS to the "FORCEPS" of the ARCHETYPES.

But this "mold", this "ultimate limit" that supports the qualities of the thing, the archetype,

more than FORMAL is an ONTOLOGICAL attribute and the objection raised is thus

inscribed within the field of METAPHYSICS; although it is horrifying to consider that

there are those who profess a sort of "metaphysical rationalism". Let us study, finally, this

variant of the error: The "esoteric-metaphysical rationalists" object that there exists an

ultimate stage, a superior, archetypal plane, to which all ideas refer: The Archetypes, pure

symbols emanated by the Demiurge, enclose the ontological essence of all that exists and

are those who determine as a whole the FORM of things. The IDEAS "thought" by man

are, then, mere copies of his UNIVERSAL ARCHETYPES. And since

the idea of the same thing, thought by many people, nevertheless shares a common

archetype, there would be no gnoseological possibility of surpassing this archetype. In other

words, "God" - the Demiurge creator of archetypes - must be at ease: man (pasu) cannot

give any "surprises", he has not eaten from the tree of gnosis.

We will explain it in another way. If one thinks of an idea represented by two words,

"equilateral triangle", he will evoke in his imagination a typical "figure"; if ten people think

of "equilateral triangle" each of them will represent in such and such a way a typical figure;

the same if a hundred, a thousand, a million or ALL MEN do so, as long as they think in
"equilateral triangle" they will evoke a figure or thing that, although in each one of them, in

each individual consciousness, is different, CAN NEVER EXCEED THE COMMON

ARCHITECTURE of all the equilateral triangles that have been and will be, thought or to

be thought, from the beginning of the world until its - no doubt near - end.

It is now understood that man (pasu) will not give surprises: whatever he thinks, however

he thinks, in a UNIVERSAL IDEA, he will never think it originally. This perspective,

which subjugates the rationalists, presented here clearly as a metaphysical objection, is

COMPLETELY FALSE for the hyperborean viryas and in no way invalidates the answer

given by us to the fundamental question about the nexus between the viryas, BUT IT IS

TRUE FOR THE PASU. They cannot originally think any idea because their consciousness

(soul) is ABSOLUTELY DETERMINED by the archetypes. The awakened virya, on the

other hand, possesses a HYPERBOREOUS SPIRIT, totally alien to the world of the

Demiurge and its determination; a spirit that is PURE POSSIBILITY and is also called

VRIL. The Hyperborean Wisdom is "thought" with this uncreated organ and for this reason

a virya will never COINCIDE with another, neither in the PATH, nor in the WAY OF

RETURN, nor in anything that can be "universal" or "common". There is, as seen in the SS

Psychosocial Strategy, ONLY ONE IDEA COMMON to all viryas and it is not archetypal.

This idea is a BLOOD REMEMBRANCE which is summed up in the word ORIGIN. That

one element common to all viryas, the primordial Origin, is what constitutes the FACT OF

THE RACE and that is why the Hyperborean Wisdom calls the Origin: RACE OF THE

SPIRIT. It is by virtue of the origin that ALL ACTION of the virya is ALWAYS directed

towards the race, towards the good of the race, seeking its MUTATION.

The Hyperborean Wisdom says: "every action in favor of the race brings us closer to the

origin and to our own mutation, but every search for the origin, which is carried out

independently of the race, must ABST REFRAIN FROM ACTION in order to be effective,

it must be limited to MINNE."

Perhaps, to conclude, for the rationalist criterion it is pure madness that several respectable
people fight, risk their goods and their lives, for things "without practical value". And the

most incomprehensible thing, without any of them attributing to those things the same

value or the same properties, acting on the basis of the intimate certainty of their

usefulness; without between them

and even without knowing, at times, against whom they were fighting. Madness, pure

madness, the rationalist would say, without seeing that they are all behind that primordial

fact that is the ORIGIN and that is why they coincide synchronistically in the ETERNAL

RETURN, because the ORIGIN makes them participate in the hyperborean race and "links


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