Greenhouse Effect 1322780236
Greenhouse Effect 1322780236
Greenhouse Effect 1322780236
The Earth’s
surface only
absorbs 51%
of incoming
Global Heat Budget
Condensation &
Mercury Venus
What is Global Warming?
• An increase in average global
• It is caused by an increase in
Greenhouse Gases in the Atmosphere
What causes an Increase in
Greenhouse gases?
• 1. CARBON DIOXIDE is added to the
atmosphere when people burn coal, oil
(gasoline), and natural gas FOSSIL FUELS,
for transportation, factories, and electricity.
What else causes an increase in
Greenhouse gases?
• 2. Deforestation, or the clearing of forests,
also increases the amount of CARBON
DIOXIDE in the air because in
photosynthesis plants take in carbon dioxide
and remove it from the atmosphere, they
make oxygen.
What else causes an increase in
Greenhouse gases?
• 3. Volcanoes, fires, and respiration
(breathing) also add CO2 to the atmosphere.
What else causes an increase in Greenhouse gases?
• 4. Methane is produced when
garbage is buried in landfills,
from animal waste (poop), and
from other natural sources.
What else causes an increase in Greenhouse gases?
• 5. As temperatures increase, evaporation
increases which adds water vapor.
LOOK…Is there a
correlation between
temperature and
CO2 levels?
Is Global Warming Happening?
• 1. How much have global temperatures changed between
1980 and 2000?
• 2. How much are global temperatures expected to change
between 2000 and 2100?
Is Global Warming Melting Ice Caps?
3. What percent of the polar ice caps have melted since 1979?
Is Sea Level Rising?
4. How much has sea level gone up since 1990?
5. Is Global Warming Causing
Stronger Storms?
• Hurricanes get strength from warm
ocean water. A warmer climate causes
warmer ocean currents. We might see an
increase in strong storms as a result of
global warming.
6. Man-made Sources of Greenhouse Gasses
7. Heat
Image of
Where is
it the
Arctic Ice
faster than