Innovation System For Forage

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Original Research Article

Outlook on Agriculture
An innovation systems approach to © The Author(s) 2023

understanding forage adoption intensity in Article reuse guidelines:
the dairy systems of Kenya and Ethiopia DOI: 10.1177/00307270231171712

Rosie Morrison1,2 , Nils Teufel3, Alan Duncan2,3

and Andrew Barnes1

The adoption of cultivated forages in smallholder dairy systems offers a cost-effective way to increase the productivity of
livestock. The Kenyan and Ethiopian governments have both stated an ambition to increase the use of forages in their
dairy sectors; however, policies have failed to produce widespread results. Existing research tends to focus on local barriers
to forage adoption and not the wider innovation environment. To fill this literature gap, this study uses a Tobit model to
analyse village-level data from Kenya and Ethiopia in 2015. A potentially important relationship between milk buyers and
forage intensity in Ethiopia, which has not previously been addressed in the literature, is identified. As the Ethiopian gov-
ernment dominates the forage sector, the results of this study indicate that private milk buyers may offer an alternative
source of information. In the Kenyan context, this paper finds that informal institutions and farmer-to-farmer information
transmission are important in adoption decisions and should be considered when designing extension strategies.

Agricultural innovation systems, Kenya, forage, dairy, Ethiopia, smallholder

Introduction Agricultural innovation systems

Livestock innovations such as improved forages have the AIS focus on the collective nature of innovation, emphasis-
potential to increase dairy yields, resulting in higher income ing the importance of co-evolutionary processes that
and better nutrition for smallholders. With food security and involve a range of actors, organisations and institutions.
poverty being pressing issues across sub-Saharan Africa These components of AIS interact and adapt over time, cre-
(SSA), the promotion of cultivated forages has been included ating a complex and non-linear innovation process. Within
in the agricultural development strategies of Kenya and innovation systems, the enabling environment is where the
Ethiopia (Ericksen and Crane, 2018; Turner et al., 2019). rules and norms that govern behaviour and interactions are
Despite the positive effect of forages on milk yields (Osele set. These include formal and informal institutions. If badly
et al., 2018), uptake amongst smallholders has remained low designed formal institutions can have a negative impact on
with the underlying reasons not being fully understood. innovation. In Kenya, for example, the devolution of dairy
Previous studies have provided insights into technology adop- policies to county governments led to policies and regula-
tion constraints linked to household and technology character- tions being scattered, making it difficult for a single coher-
istics but have not given sufficient attention to the wider ent and enforceable approach to dairy development to be
context that enables innovation processes (Kebebe et al., identified (Rademaker et al., 2016). Informal institutions
2015). Studies that have looked at the wider context note can be important in governing the use of communal
the importance of building capacity across the whole innov-
ation system and value chain (Ayele et al., 2012).
This study seeks to add to the literature on how wider Scotland’s Rural College, SRUC Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
contextual and institutional factors affect forage adoption. Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems, University of
Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
To achieve this, an Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) 3
International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya
framework is employed which looks at innovation
through a wide lens, capturing the institutional environment Corresponding author:
and the actors within it. Village-level data collected from Rosie Morrison, Scotland’s Rural College, SRUC Edinburgh, King’s
Kenya and Ethiopia in 2015 is then used to answer the Buildings Campus, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JG, UK. Global
Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems, University of Edinburgh, Sir
research question ‘what can the characteristics of villages Alexander Robertson Building, Easter Bush Campus, Edinburgh EH25
in Ethiopia and Kenya tell us about the innovation system 9RG, UK.
and its impact on dairy technology uptake?’ Email:
2 Outlook on Agriculture 0(0)

resources, such as grazing lands for livestock, by creating improvements in seed packaging and production (Creemers
rules around their usage (Yami et al., 2011). They can and Aranguiz, 2019). However, due to a large proportion
also lead to the creation of groups such as Iddirs, a form of planting materials and seeds being exchanged informally
of informal risk-sharing institutions in Ethiopia. Iddirs between farmers, the positive effects of forage seed regula-
were originally set up to provide mutual aid for funerals tions are constrained as they tend to be mostly focused on
but have since expanded to provide loans for members large formal organisations (Maina et al., 2022).
when they experience economic shocks.
At the centre of AIS are the organisations, actors and net-
works that directly contribute to the innovation process. This Methods
study focuses on smallholders who are not a homogenous
group and have individual needs, motivations and risk atti- Data collection
tudes, which need to be accounted for when designing inno- This study uses data collected by the International
vations. Gender must also be considered when assessing the Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Kenya and
innovations and the innovation system as female farmers in Ethiopia in 2015. Village-level data is used as forage adop-
SSA make up a significant proportion of the labour force, tion often appears to be clustered and therefore adoption
yet are marginalised in terms of land ownership, information decisions are likely to be affected by contextual factors.
access and decision-making rights, amongst other things Using household-level data may limit our understanding
(Phiri et al., 2022). For AIS to be effective, they should be of the scale and reasons behind forage adoption.
collaborative and allow smallholders to co-design context- The villages included in the data collection were selected
appropriate innovations. This collaboration process can be based on their location as forage production in both coun-
facilitated and supported by bridging institutions, such as tries is concentrated in certain domains. In Kenya, counties
extension services and stakeholder platforms, that help to were used to identify forage production domains. Counties
actively embed smallholders in the wider system. are the first administrative unit in the country and typically
account for around 500,000 to 2 million people (Kenyan
Bureau of Statistics, 2019). In Ethiopia, forage production
Innovation in forage and dairy systems is far more limited meaning woredas, the third administra-
In Ethiopia, public sector actors are heavily involved in the tive unit, were used to identify forage production
promotion of forage use and its related services. The govern- domains. There were 769 woredas registered in Ethiopia
ment provides almost all the extension services which have in 2008 (Yilmaz and Venugopal, 2008), with an average
been criticised for failing to empower farmers due to a lack of 108,000 people per woreda (The World Bank, 2022).
of ‘actionable strategies’ making them unable to respond to The location selection in Kenya began with identifying
user needs (Gebremedhin et al., 2006; Tefera et al., 2010). general areas of the country where sufficient forage was
Narrow mandates have also meant the heavily government- grown. Five regions were chosen: Upper Rift, Western,
funded research sector has struggled to focus on non- Nyanza, Central and Coast. The counties within these
technical issues, limiting the impact forage research has regions were then ranked based on their dairy density,
had on dairy development (Järnberg et al., 2018; Kebebe which is a good indicator of forage demand. Various data-
et al., 2015; Tefera et al., 2010). These barriers to innovation sets were used to determine dairy density and a final list of
are further exacerbated by the high levels of bureaucracy that 12 counties was identified. These were, from West to East,
prevent private sector actors entering into the system Homa Bay, Bungoma, Kisii, Kakamega,Nyamira, Trans-Nzoia,
(Aranguiz and Creemers, 2019). Nandi, Uasin, Nyandarua, Kiambu, Murang’a and Kilifi.
The use of cultivated forages within Kenya is generally In Ethiopia, four regions were selected based on their
higher than Ethiopia, mostly due to a long tradition of forage production. These were: Oromiya, Southern
using local Napier grass to feed livestock (Duncan et al., Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNP),
2016). However, a lack of livestock feed is still a significant Amhara and Tigray. Expert knowledge was then used to
issue within the dairy sector (Njarui et al., 2021). In Kenya, select 20 woredas within these regions that were most rele-
the government has supported a liberalised approach to vant for forage production. The woredas were, from West to
dairy, leaving many elements of the sector to be dictated East in each region, Diga, Sibu Sire, Ejerie, Ada’a,
by market forces and non-government actors (Kaitibie Walmara, Gerar Jarso and Chrio Zuria in Oromiya; Sodo
et al., 2010). This has left gaps in the formal infrastructure, Zuria, Bolossa Sore, Dale and Awasa Zuria in SNNP;
particularly in access to finance, as many private lenders see Mecha, Bahir Dar Zuria, Yilmana Densa, Fogera, Farta
smallholders as too high risk. These gaps have led to an and Dejan in Amhara and Kilte Awluaelo, Enderta and
increase in informal institutions such as savings and credit Atsbi Wenberta in Tigray. The 20 woredas contained 545
groups (Wilkes et al., 2019). Some parts of the Kenyan agri- kebeles (peasant associations), the lowest administrative
cultural sector experience, and benefit from, a higher level unit. In Kenya, villages were randomly selected from
of state involvement. For example, formal forage seed each county as group discussions on a greater level would
systems are governed by well-developed legal and regula- not have yielded reliable results. In Ethiopia, kebeles were
tory frameworks (Creemers and Aranguiz, 2019). As a used as the final selection unit and are also referred to as vil-
result, the Kenyan forage seed sector has government lages in this study. According to local experts, kebele
research centres, seed certification schemes and has seen members would be able to provide responses regarding
Morrison et al. 3

Figure 1. The locations of the data collection sites for this study.

the whole kebele during discussions. To allow for compar- village that is dedicated to cultivated forages. Most static
isons between the different counties and woredas, an equal adoption models use binary independent variables that are
number of villages from each location were chosen from categorised into ‘adopters’ or ‘non-adopters’. However,
each. In total 360 villages were surveyed, 180 in each these models may lead to biased results as the adoption
country. The locations of the villages are shown in Figure 1. process does not necessarily have a defined endpoint. The
In the selected villages, structured questionnaires were forage intensity variable falls between 0% and 100% allow-
carried out with groups of villagers. When the villages ing for different levels of adoption to be captured. As the AIS
were contacted to prepare for the group discussions, they paradigm emphasises that adoption is a process, it was
were asked to assemble a group of 5–10 participants who important to select a variable that was able to capture this.
had good knowledge of the village’s farming matters but Figure 2 shows the distribution of forage intensity for
also were diverse in terms of gender, age, farm size and Kenya and Ethiopia. In both countries, forage intensity is
social status. Groups often included village elders and skewed to the left, with many values gathered around 0%.
respected farmers. Expert facilitation was needed to Eleven independent variables were selected to be
ensure that several voices were heard during the workshop. included in the statistical analysis; these are detailed in
Due to forage adoption being clustered, gathering village- Table 1.
level data in this way can provide a more accurate To provide insight into how market-orientated small-
measure of forage intensity than individual household-level holders are, the variables market integration, access to a
data. Additional questions on farming practices in the sur- milk collection centre and distance to town centre were
veyed villages were also asked to provide insights into selected. A greater amount of market orientation increases
major differences in farming systems and therefore ensure the likelihood that farmers within the village will have
that our measurement of forage intensity was relatively access to other actors in the AIS. This can result in increased
accurate given the wider farming context. information sharing and knowledge of new innovations.
As the data specifically focuses on forage production The variables dairy intensity, percentage of land tilled by
areas within both countries, the results of the analysis tractors, average land per household, percentage of house-
may not be transferrable to the entire country, but it does holds with a female head and access to informal finance
allow cross-country comparisons. and village savings were chosen to provide insight into vil-
lages and the informal institutions within them. A key
element of AIS are the bridging institutions that aim to
Dependent and independent variables create links between smallholders and other actors within
To better understand the determinants of forage adoption, the innovation system. Due to the challenges of reaching
this study uses a Tobit regression model which is described rural populations, access to bridging organisations can
in more detail below. The variable ‘forage intensity’ was differ based on location (Ergano et al., 2010). Access to
created from the survey data to represent adoption and extension officers and the number of forage projects in
form the dependent variable in the subsequent statistical ana- the village were both used as indications of how effective
lysis. Forage intensity is the percentage of arable land per bridging organisations in the AIS were.
4 Outlook on Agriculture 0(0)

Figure 2. The frequency of forage intensity rates in the Kenyan and Ethiopian villages included in this study.

Table 1. Descriptions of the independent variables used in the statistical analysis.


Kenya Ethiopia
n = 180 n = 180

Category Variable name Explanation Mean SD Mean SD

Bridging Number of The number of projects that are active, or have been active, 0.43 0.74 1.24 0.69
institutions projects within the village
Extension access Does the village have access to dairy, crop and fodder 0.66 1.15 2.43 1.16
extension? (access to each extension type measured with a
dummy variable and then summed together to give a value
of up to 3)
Market Milk collection Does the village have a milk collection centre in it? 26 9
orientation centre (Percentage of villages)
Market integration What proportion of milk produced is sold? 63.7 23.4 32.03 33.84
Distance to town Distance to the nearest town (km) 7.56 12.6 17.04 13.41
Village Percentage tilled What proportion of land is tilled by tractors? 18.73 31.8 0.19 2.26
characteristics tractor
Percentage with a What proportion of farming households have a female head? 15.4 10.68 20.02 14.11
female head
Average land per What is the average amount of cultivated land per household 2.96 5.32 6.47 4.74
household (acres)
Dairy intensity What proportion of total livestock are dairy? 15.28 19.15 2.5 6.65
Village savings Does the village have savings groups? (Percentage of villages) 5 10
Informal finance Are there informal finance options within the village? 70 66
(Percentage of villages)

As well as the independent variables described in Table 1, forage intensity. As forage intensity is measured as a percent-
regional dummies were included in the Tobit regression age between 0% and 100%, it cannot fall below 0% which
model to account for any differences in agroclimatic condi- means that all non-adopters will be censored and will accu-
tions. For Ethiopia, the country regions (i.e. SNNP) were mulate at this point. With data that is censored, it is appropri-
used as dummies as most study sites were clustered close ate to use a Tobit model as they are designed to estimate
together within the regions and therefore had similar agrocli- linear relationships between variables when there is either
matic environments. In Kenya, study sites were divided into left or right censoring in the dependent variable. The struc-
western, central or south-eastern regions as these areas have tural equation of the Tobit model is shown below:
similar climatic conditions.
y∗i =x′i β + εi
where y∗i is the non-observed latent variable, represented by
Empirical specification the dependent variable, fodder intensity. x is the vector of
The statistical analysis uses a Tobit regression model to test independent variables hypothesised to influence adoption.
which village characteristics affect the dependent variable, β represents the parameters associated with the independent
Morrison et al. 5

variables. ε is the random disturbance term. yi is the observed Villagers were asked where they obtained the seeds or
component of the dependent variable. planting materials for their cultivated forages. Some forages,
The observed values for y are defined by: such as Napier, are often shared vegetatively, that is, as
splits, due to challenges of seed production and growing
yi = y∗ if y∗ > τ
from seed. Table 3 shows the percentage of seeds and planting
yi = τy if y∗ ≤ τ materials acquired from different sources. In Kenya, neigh-
bours and private stockists/vets were the main sources. In con-
where the data is censored at τ, in this case at 0. trast, in Ethiopia the Ministry of Agriculture dominated the
Separate Tobit regression models were estimated for provision of seeds and planting materials, supplying over 86%.
Kenya and Ethiopia. As explained above, the differing char- The types of forage project organisations that are active, or
acteristics and contexts of each country’s innovation system have previously been active, in the villages surveyed are
require us to accommodate these in different models. shown in the charts in Figure 3. International non-government
Tobit models are dependent on the assumptions of homo- organisations are the main implementers of forage projects in
scedasticity and normality. Therefore, before running the Kenya, whilst in Ethiopia the government runs 80% of projects.
models the independent variables were checked for the exist-
ence of multicollinearity using the variance inflation factor
(VIF). A VIF value of over 5 can indicate the presence of mul- Model results
ticollinearity. The highest VIF value for Ethiopia was 3.38 and The results of the Tobit regressions are shown in Tables 4
for Kenya was 2.06, therefore multicollinearity is not a and 5. To ensure the models met the normality requirements
concern amongst the independent variables. Checks for homo- of a Tobit regression, the residuals of both regressions were
scedasticity and normality where also carried out after the plotted out in density plots. Both plots were skewed left, but
model was estimated and are discussed with the model results. roughly followed a normal distribution and were therefore
determined to meet the normality requirement. To test for
heteroscedasticity, Breusch-Pagan tests were used. The
results show that heteroscedasticity was not a problem
Results and therefore the data adequately met the criteria for a
Tobit regression. The McFadden Pseudo R2 for the Kenya
Descriptive statistics Tobit was 0.26 and Ethiopia was 0.27. McFadden stated
The villages surveyed contained an average of 175 house- that a Pseudo R2 of above 0.2 indicates the model has a
holds for Kenya and 1156 for Ethiopia. Within these vil- very good fit (McFadden, 1977).
lages, over 90% of households in both countries In Kenya, market integration and village savings were
participated in some form of farming activity. A minority positively associated with forage intensity whilst distance
of households in both countries had access to electricity, to the nearest town, the average land per household and
only 18% in Kenya and 10% in Ethiopia. In Kenya, 8.7% being located in the south-east of Kenya were negatively
of cropland was used to grow forages which made up associated with forage intensity. In Ethiopia, market inte-
34% of the livestock feed. In contrast, only 1.6% of crop- gration was positivity associated with forage intensity and
land in Ethiopia was used to grow forages which made up the presence of a milk collection in a village was negatively
only 7% of livestock feed. Correspondingly, the share of associated with forage intensity.
farming households planting forages was higher in Kenya The marginal effects show that in Kenya an increase of
with 53% of households growing at least one species of 1% of milk sold to buyers, which represents market integra-
forage, compared to 19% in Ethiopia (Table 2). tion, was associated with an increase of forage intensity of

Table 2. Descriptive statistics of study locations based on village-level aggregates.

Kenya n = 180 Ethiopia n = 180

Mean SE Mean SE

No. of households 175 17.16 1156 69.1

% of households that farm 93 1.07 96 0.73
% households with electricity 18 2.11 10 1.39
% of village land used for cultivated fodder 8.7 0.74 1.6 0.37
% of hh planting forages 53 2.36 19 1.63
% of livestock feed that comes from planted fodders 34 1.62 7 0.63
Average yield of milk per local cow per day (L) 0.7 0.06 1.4 0.04
Average yield of milk per cross-bred cow per day (L) 5.36 0.22 3.76 0.2
Average number of months villages experience grazing land shortage 3.19 0.17 7.45 0.14
% of villages
% of villages with access to crop extension officer 23 89
% of villages with access to fodder extension officer 26 89
% of villages with access to dairy extension officer 21 84
6 Outlook on Agriculture 0(0)

Table 3. Proportion of seeds and planting materials that farmer/s 0.06%. An increase in the distance to town by 1 km results
receive from different sources. in 0.06% lower forage intensity and an increase of 1 acre in
Kenya Ethiopia the average amount of cultivated land per household results
in a 0.58% decrease in forage intensity.
% of seeds/ % of seeds/ The marginal effects in Table 5 show that in Ethiopia, a
planting planting 1% increase in market integration is associated with a
Source materials Source materials
0.03% increase in forage intensity.
Neighbours 46.9 MoA 86.6
Agro/vet/stockist 14.4 International NGO 7.7
MoA 8.8 ILRI 1.3 Discussion
Other farmers 8.5 National NGO 0.7
Others 21.4 Others 3.7 Data from the survey shows that both countries are experi-
encing low milk yields and feed shortages. Previous studies

Figure 3. Proportion of forage projects that are run by different organisation types in Kenya and Ethiopia.

Table 4. Tobit model results and their marginal effects for the dependent variable forage intensity in Kenya.

Category Variable Standard error Marginal effects

Bridging institutions Number of projects 0.87 0.14

Extension access 0.59 0.30
Market orientation Milk collection centre 1.76 0.17
Market integration 0.03 0.06*
Distance to town 0.05 −0.06 **
Village characteristics Percentage tilled tractor 0.03 −0.04
Percentage with a female head 0.05 0.02
Average land per household 0.28 −0.58*
Dairy intensity 0.03 0.06
Village savings 2.93 4.92*
Informal finance 1.46 −1.24
Regional dummies Western 1.77 −0.33
South-Eastern 3.24 −7.27**
Central 2.21 8.12
Pseudo R2: 0.26
Left-censored observations: 14
Right-censored observations: 0
Uncensored observations: 166

Note: Significance codes: . p < 0.1, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
Morrison et al. 7

Table 5. Tobit model results and their marginal effects for the dependent variable forage intensity in Ethiopia.

Category Variable Standard error Marginal effects

Bridging institutions Number of projects 0.59 0.12

Extension access 0.35 0.09
Market orientation Milk collection centre 1.53 −0.86*
Market Integration 0.01 0.03**
Distance to town 0.03 −0.01
Village characteristics Percentage tilled tractor 0.17 −0.07
Percentage with a female head 0.05 0.03
Average land per household 0.23 0.05
Dairy Intensity 0.06 0.04
Milk collection centre 1.53 −0.86
Village savings 1.64 −0.26
Informal finance 1.14 −0.53
Regional dummies Tigray 1.92 −0.84
Amhara 1.13 0.21
Oromiya 1.45 0.42
SNNP 1.12 −0.2
Pseudo R2: 0.27
Left-censored observations: 11
Right-censored observations: 0
Uncensored observations: 169
Note: Significance codes: p < 0.1, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

have found that incorporating forage into livestock diets is seeds and planting materials for the forages in Kenya come
one of the most important variables influencing the milk from farmers or neighbours, suggesting a farmer-to-farmer
yield of dairy livestock (Osele et al., 2018) and that milk extension approach may be effective as farmers already
yields from cross-bred cows in Kenya and Ethiopia can share information and materials. The reliance of farmers
go above 10 L/day given the right conditions (King et al., on their peers for information regarding forages was
2006; Tamiru and Amza, 2017). In the villages surveyed, acknowledged by Wambugu et al. (2011) who stated that
average daily milk yields for cross-bred cows were far farmer-to-farmer information transmission is the main
below this at around 5 L in Kenya and 4 L in Ethiopia. driving force behind forage diffusion in Kenya.
Shortages of fodder were experienced, on average, over 3 The fact that over 80% of the Ethiopian villages sur-
months a year in Kenya and more than 7 months a year in veyed had access to fodder, dairy and crop extension offi-
Ethiopia. An increase in planted forages can help overcome cers supports previous claims that Ethiopia has one of the
this. There is therefore evidence to support the need for most extensive agricultural extension systems in the world
effective forage adoption policies. This discussion section (Berhane et al., 2018) with extension workers present in
looks at the different elements of the forage innovation ‘every rural community’ (Berhanu and Poulton, 2014:
system and the effects they have on forage adoption. It con- 207). However, the regression analysis showed that
cludes with how policies can be designed to effectively access to extension officers did not have a significant
promote the uptake of forages in both countries in the impact on forage intensity. This result needs to be inter-
future. preted with some caution due to the high prevalence of
extension officers and therefore little variation. The exten-
sion system in Ethiopia is dominated by the government,
Bridging institutions with the data showing that the Ministry of Agriculture pro-
Extension services offer an important line of communica- vided over 80% of forage seeds/planting materials and ran
tion between smallholders and other AIS actors. In recent over 80% of the forage projects. This strong government
years there has been a shift towards farmer-to-farmer exten- presence within the Ethiopian agricultural sector has been
sion where a few farmers are trained and then expected to argued to have crowded out other actors (Spielman et al.,
educate and train their peers themselves (Kiptot and 2010) increasing the reliance of farmers in rural locations
Franzel, 2015). This approach to extension is in-line with on the public extension system. Albore (2018) argued that
the idea that for AIS to be successful, farmers and their these extension services have failed, in part, due to institu-
needs must be at the centre. This study does not capture tional problems. Poor public extension services with limited
the effects of these newer extension approaches, instead, alternative information sources may have contributed to the
it focuses on access to traditional extension officers. overall low levels of forage adoption in Ethiopia.
Access to extension officers was not a determinant of Development projects focused on forage promotion
forage intensity in Kenya. Lower numbers of extension offi- appeared to have had little effect on forage intensity,
cers and preferences for alternative extension methods may despite results indicating that they had provided a consider-
explain this. For example, Table 3 shows that over half the able share of seeds and planting material in Ethiopia and
8 Outlook on Agriculture 0(0)

international NGOs being the most active type of institution forage intensity, identified as a novel factor in this study,
providing seeds and planting material in Kenya. The clus- should be an area for future research.
tered nature of forage adoption had been previously
explained by the geographical concentration of individual
development projects. Village characteristics
In Kenya, the average amount of cultivated land per house-
hold was negatively associated with forage intensity. This
Market orientation may be due to villages with greater amounts of cultivated
Distance from town centres is often used as a proxy for land focusing more on the large-scale production of cash
market access, meaning in Kenya lower levels of market crops and therefore smallholders consider the opportunity
access were associated with lower levels of forage intensity. cost of forage planting to be too high. The positive effect
This combined with the positive relationship between of village savings on forage intensity indicates that strong
market integration and forage intensity indicates that in informal institutions exist within the village which may
Kenyan villages where farmers are more market orientated, facilitate the sharing of trusted information and lead to high
there tends to be more forage adoption. levels of adoption. Smallholders can also use the village
The milk market in Kenya is governed by both formal savings to directly invest in forages and planting material.
and informal institutions and can bring together AIS The proportion of farming households with a female
actors to exchange both knowledge and milk. The informal head was not a significant determinate of forage adoption
milk market in Kenya accounts for around 80% of marketed in Kenya or Ethiopia. A female head indicates that the
milk (Blackmore et al., 2022). These markets operate on a female is the main decision-maker when it comes to new
trust-based system in relation to quality and safety technology. Previous evidence on whether female house-
(Blackmore et al., 2022). Information shared at these hold heads are more likely to adopt innovations is mixed
markets is likely to be more accepted because strong infor- (Peterman et al., 2010; Lukuyu et al., 2021; Oyetunde-
mal institutions already exist which reinforce the trust- Usman, 2022; Njuguna-Mungai et al., 2022) with other con-
worthiness of other market participants. Knowledge of textual factors often being important. For example, a study
forage technologies may therefore be exchanged at in Malawi found that women were less likely to adopt seeds
markets resulting in higher levels of adoption. There is than men due them having less access to inputs, whereas in
also a formal milk market in Kenya where buyers such as Zambia women had similar adoption levels to men as they
cooperatives and private companies purchase milk from benefitted from the commercialisation of farming (Djurfeldt
smallholders if it passes formal safety checks. These types et al., 2019). Whilst this study has tried to capture some of
of buyers often offer smallholders training and access to the contextual and institutional factors that affect forage adop-
inputs which may result in higher forage use. Being more tion, it is far from comprehensive and does not specifically
market orientated also indicates a stronger focus on dairy consider the interactions between these factors and gender.
production as a business, which may result in farmers The use of village-level data in this study also limits our under-
being more willing to invest in forage technologies to standing of household-level dynamics which are important in
improve their production. understanding the role of gender. Further research is therefore
In Ethiopia, market integration also had a positive effect needed to explore the relationship between gender and forage
on forage intensity, whilst the presence of a milk collection intensity in more depth and to understand how context affects
centre in a village had a negative effect. As previously dis- the agency and ability of women to make adoption decisions.
cussed, the Ethiopian government dominates many of the Dummy variables to account for different agroclimatic
bridging institutions via which smallholders receive zones were included in the regression analysis. These
farming information. Milk markets may offer smallholders were not significant in Ethiopia, which indicates that
the ability to interact with AIS actors that are not govern- forage adoption is low across the entire country and no spe-
ment affiliated and therefore act as an important and alter- cific regions have higher, or lower, levels. In Kenya
nate information source. For example, formal buyers in however, the south-eastern region, which is made up of
Ethiopia such as private companies have been found to coastal lowlands, was negatively associated with forage
offer advice, training and credit to directly increase the cap- intensity. Lower levels of forage adoption in this region
abilities of farmers (Vandercasteelen et al., 2021). It is also have also been identified in previous studies (Njarui et al.,
likely that, similar to Kenya, farmers who are selling more 2016, 2017) and have been attributed to the larger areas
of their milk are more likely to invest in their milk produc- of natural pastures in the region which farmers graze their
tion as a business, which may include dedicating more livestock on.
resources to forage production. The negative relationship Whilst this study is limited in the number of variables it
between milk collection centres and forage intensity is could include and therefore does not consider every village
counter-intuitive. It may be a result of the cooperatives, characteristic, the absence of any relationship between the
who usually run the collections centres, being a channel village characteristics and forage intensity in Ethiopia indi-
for government information transmission (Chagwiza cates that broader institutional factors may be more import-
et al., 2016), thereby reducing farmers’ exposure to ant. In line with previous discussions on the dominant role
private buyers and alternative knowledge sources. of the Ethiopian government, it may be that a lack of plur-
Therefore, the relationship between milk buyers and alism and the overbearing presence of a few public
Morrison et al. 9

institutions are having a greater effect on forage adoption Whilst these current results directly apply to Kenya and
than village characteristics. Ethiopia, these policy conclusions are important in facilitat-
ing effective information transfer and innovation design in
AIS and therefore can be applied to forage production
areas across East Africa and SSA.
This study finds that in Kenya, market integration has a Limitations
positive effect on forage intensity, whilst distance to town
has a negative effect. Both these relationships indicate The data for this research was gathered in 2015, before the
that farmers who are more market orientated are likely to COVID-19 pandemic. In the years since the data collection,
have higher levels of forage intensity. Farmers are likely it is possible that forage systems have progressed in both
to exchange knowledge and resources at markets, which countries and this should be considered when interpreting
may have led to increases in forage adoption. This argument the results of this study. The methods used to collect
is supported by the evidence that a high proportion of forage village-level data may not be entirely accurate as they rely
materials are exchanged between peers. The positive rela- on farmers recall and knowledge. Whilst we believe the
tionship between village savings and forage intensity accuracy of data gathered in this way is acceptable to
further confirms the importance of informal institutions draw conclusions from, it should be noted that there is
and social interactions in adoption decisions. scope for error. In future, multiple focus groups for each
This study also finds that villages located on the south- village could be carried out to reduce inaccuracies further.
eastern coast of Kenya were less likely to adopt forages, This study is also limited in terms of its scope. The
as were villages with more average land cultivated per nature of AIS means that many actors, institutions and con-
household. These relationships are likely due to there textual factors are involved in innovation. This study does
being more space for grazing livestock in south-east not consider all the actors and variables, but instead high-
Kenya and a greater focus on cash crop production in vil- lights some interesting relationships which are areas for
lages with more cultivated land per household. future research. Finally, the use of the continuous variable
In Ethiopia, the positive effect of market integration on forage intensity allowed a Tobit model to be estimated for
forage intensity suggests a previously unexplored relation- the data. One of the main drawbacks of this approach is
ship exists between milk buyers and forage adoption which that the model jointly estimates the probability and intensity
should be a focus for future research. Private buyers may of adoption which means the same set of variables explain
be offering an important alternative information channel for farmers’ decisions to adopt, which is a binary, and the inten-
farmers. In a similar vein, the negative relationship sity of adoption. This may be misleading as these decisions
between the presence of a milk collection centre and forage may not be joint (Danso-Abbeam et al., 2019). Further
intensity may be a result of farmers who do not have research may want to explicitly separate these decisions
access to a milk collection centre having to sell to markets and look at the determinants of each.
and to private buyers. These findings raise questions about
the effectiveness of the government’s approach to forage pro- Acknowledgements
motion. Evidence in this study shows strong state involve- We would like to thank the farmers and villager who took part in
ment in forage projects, extension services and the this research. For the purpose of open access, the author has
provision of seeds and planting materials, yet the Ethiopian applied a CC BY public copyright licence to any Author
villages have lower levels of forage adoption and milk Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission.
yields when compared to their Kenyan counterparts.
Whilst further research needs to be carried out to better Declaration of conflicting interests
understand some of the relationships identified in this The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
study, and to further investigate the impact of the role of to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
gender on forage adoption, some high-level policy conclu-
sions can be drawn. Funding
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to the CGIAR Trust Fund.
holders to other actors and which also facilitate dis-
cussions and co-learning as opposed to linear,
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this can be done through the creation of more References
farmer-to-farmer extension projects or through Albore A (2018) Review on role and challenges of agricultural
farmer groups. extension service on farm productivity in Ethiopia.
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