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This paper describes the potential impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on the readymade garment (RMG) workers of
Bangladesh. It articulates the RMG workers’ existing vulnerability during the COVID-19 pandemic based on currently available evidence and
personal conversations/communications with RMG workers. COVID-19 has already impacted RMG workers’ health (both physical and mental
health status) and wellbeing, and resulted in loss of employment. We argue that the COVID-19 pandemic will have long-lasting effects on the
garment workers, especially related to their health issues, financial hardship and inability to pay for essentials such as food, and future
employment opportunities. The stakeholders (such as the international retailers/brands, Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters
Association, Government of Bangladesh) responsible for the global supply chain RMG factories should reconsider the health and overall
wellbeing needs of the RMG workers during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Keywords Bangladesh, COVID-19, crisis, health vulnerabilities, readymade garment workers, starvation
at great risk from this public health emergency due to its Myfanwy Maple, Professor
Kim Usher, Professor
insufficient preparedness to manage this potentially fatal
© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Faculty of Public Health. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com 47
case of becoming infected with COVID-19. It has already Millers, Autograph, W.Lane and Beme) is holding or canceling
been reported that social distance is not strictly maintained orders and delaying payment worth a total $15 million.36
inside the factories, and effective protective measures are This outcome has the potential to create joblessness and
not taken to protect workers.8,27 RMG workers inability lesser bargaining power for the RMG workers about wages
to practice physical/social distancing or access healthcare and other rights-related issues. It is already evident that >1
facilities increases the risk of COVID-19 infections for the million RMG workers have been dismissed from their jobs
entire population28 putting millions of lives at risk. New during the COVID-19 pandemic37,38 and RMG workers
infections and deaths of RMG workers have already been have marched on the street for reinstatement of their jobs.39
countries (such as Bangladesh) with a comparatively fragile understand the ‘on the ground’ situation in relation to what
healthcare system are in a state of public health crisis.43 is being reported in the paper located via search and media,
and all were not directly quoted/mentioned in the paper
Limitations of this study due to ethical restrictions. The authors wish to thank all the
To ensure social distance and self-isolation during the ongoing participants who generously shared their views and stories
COVID-19 pandemic, we avoided any kind of face-to-face during COVID-19 pandemic, which shaped this paper.
interactions with the RMG workers, relying instead on pub-
lished literature, and publicly available information. As these
9 Dainik Amader Shomoy. The Garment Worker was Picked Up and 23 BGMEA (Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Asso-
Raped During the Lockdown. 6 May 2020. http://www.dainikamade ciation). About Garment Industry of Bangladesh. 2020. https://
rshomoy.com/post/255460 (11 May 2020, date last accessed). www.bgmea.com.bd/home/about/AboutGarmentsIndustry (10 May
10 Bangla News 24.com. The Hanging Body of a Woman Garment 2020, date last accessed).
Worker was Recovered in Mirpur. 3 May 2020. https://www.bangla 24 Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and
news24.com/national/news/bd/786462.details (7 May 2020, date last Family Welfare, Bangladesh. Health Bulletin. 6 July 2020. https://
accessed). corona.gov.bd/storage/press-releases/July2020/KDEsHotTIYV0
11 Bangla News 24.com. The Death of a Garment Worker with QG3rxOpY.pdf (7 July 2020, date last accessed).
n-rmg-sector-and-trade-union-efforts-to-mitigate-fall-out/ (10 May 42 The Daily Star. Incentives for Those on the Front Line. 20 April
2020, date last accessed). 2020. https://www.thedailystar.net/frontpage/news/incentives-tho
38 Fouad NA. Editor in chief ’s introduction to essays on the impact of se-the-front-line-1894801 (1 May 2020, date last accessed).
COVID-19 on work and workers. J Vocational Behav 2020. https:// 43 Gilbert M, Pullano G, Pinotti F et al. Preparedness and vulnerability
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7205668/. of African countries against importations of COVID-19: a modelling
39 The Daily Star. RMG workers demonstrate in Narayanganj, Gazipur study. Lancet 2020;395(10227):871–7.
and Savar. 26 April 2020. https://www.thedailystar.net/banglade 44 The Business Standard. How Long Does Coronavirus Live on
sh-rmg-workers-demonstrate-in-narayanganj-gazipur-and-sava Clothes? 5 May 2020. https://tbsnews.net/feature/habitat/how-