Assignment Cover Sheet
Assignment Cover Sheet
Assignment Cover Sheet
ID number 32773986
Academic integrity The requirements for academic integrity at Monash are set out in:
● Assessment and Integrity Policy and Student Academic Integrity Procedure
● Monash University (Council) Regulations, Part 7
Plagiarism means using another person’s ideas or manner of expressing them and passing them off as
one’s own, e.g. by failing to give appropriate acknowledgement.
Collusion means unauthorised collaboration with another person on assessable work.
Cheating includes paying another person to produce all or part of the work.
Where there are reasonable grounds for believing that academic misconduct has occurred, staff will report
the conduct to the Associate Dean (Education) who may disallow assessment of the work or refer the matter
to the Faculty Discipline Panel for a hearing.
Privacy statement For information about how the University handles your personal information, go
Student’s academic I have read the Assessment and Integrity Policy and the Student Academic Integrity Procedure.
integrity declaration
I understand the consequences of academic misconduct as described in Part 7 of the Monash University
(Council) Regulations.
This is entirely my own work, except as described above in the ‘authorised collaboration’ section.
I have taken proper care to safeguard this work and made all reasonable efforts to ensure it could not be
No part of this work has previously been submitted for assessment in this or another unit or course at any
higher education institution without the permission of the chief examiner or nominee for this unit.
In preparing this work I have not plagiarised, colluded, cheated, falsified information or in any other way
engaged in academic misconduct.
I acknowledge and agree that this work may be submitted to a similarity-detection system which may retain
a copy of the work on its database for the purpose of future similarity detection.
I acknowledge and agree that the assessor may, for the purpose of assessment, reproduce the
work and provide it to another assessor.