Workbook Page 74
Workbook Page 74
Workbook Page 74
4 Grammar
Going to and Present Continuous for the future
3 eCompletethe sentences with the going to or
GRAMMAR Going to and Present Present Continuous form of the verbs in bold.
Continuous for the future
1 Mv plan is to ASK Dad to lend me some monev for
Fixed arrangements a new laptop.
He's coming home next week.
She isn't getting the bus until three. Im aoingto ask Dad to lend me some money for
Is she coming or not? anew laptop.
Intentions and future plans 2 The arrangement is for Leo and me to CATCH
She's goingto look for a new book. the same train tomorrow.
I'm not going to buy it. Leo and Iare the same train
Are you going to buy a present? tomorrow.