CFC Household Heads Manual
CFC Household Heads Manual
CFC Household Heads Manual
Definition 1
Purpose .......................................... 1
Composition ............................................ 1
Necessity of household membership .. 1
Frequency ..................................................... 8
Venue ........................................................... 9
Ingredients of a Household Meeting ......... 9
Duration ...................................................... 11
Social Night ................................................ 11
A household is a grouping of couples who meet regularly during the week for personal sharing and for
mutual support and encouragement in the Christian life. As such, the household is the basic unit in the
pastoral structure of Couples for Christ (CFC).
The purpose of the household group is to build an environment for the support of the Christian life of
couples, and to provide a means of encouraging and hastening growth in the Christian life. As such,
the household group:
a. Builds faith and provides for mutual encouragement through sharing of life experiences and God's
practical wisdom.
b. Provides friendship and brotherhood (sisterhood), without which our Christian life lacks joyful
c. Provides support for each other's needs.
d. Helps people overcome obstacles to growth in the Christian life.
3. Composition
A household is composed of five to seven couples including the household head and his wife. The
household is constituted from couples who finished the Christian Life Program (CLP) and who have
made their commitment to the covenant of the Couples for Christ. The household is set up
immediately after the end of the CLP.
In succeeding years, there would be occasions when households would be reorganized, with the
ensuing change in the membership in the different households.
4. Necessity of household membership
Every CFC couple is to belong to one household as a member of it. CFC leaders (Household Heads, Unit
Heads, Chapter Heads and their wives) are all to belong to households for their own personal support in
their Christian life. Thus every CFC leader participates in two households, one which he leads and the
other where he in turn is led.
growing spiritually
fairly good order in personal life (especially relationship with spouse)
a fairly good appreciation of the vision, mission and culture of CFC.
faithful to CFC commitments
c. Personal characteristics
* emotionally stable
* able to accept direction and correction
* has a good reputation
d. Skills
* ability to handle a group discussion
* good listening and communication skills
* ability to provide adequate directions to members regarding CFC commitments
e. A member of CFC for at least one year.
7. Practical Considerations
Some of the concrete things the household head can and should do are:
a. Handle the practical concerns for household meetings.
places of meetings
topics for discussion/sharing
drawing out a withdrawn member
regulating an over sharing member
how to stop gossip in the meeting
bringing the discussion to the agenda and keeping it on course
g. Always work on the faithfulness of members. Attendance at the household meetings is part of a
member's commitment and is a must.
h. Refer all frequent absentees to your Unit Head. Together you can discuss the particular situation
and decide on a course of action. Remember: the strength of the body will depend on its members'
faithfulness and commitment.
i. Always be on the look out for potential leaders (CLP discussion leaders, speakers, household heads)
and inform your Unit/Chapter Head about them. We want to identify them early, chart their
development and at the opportune time let them serve. Remember that CFC can only grow in number
to the extent that our leadership resources allow.
j. Look upon our newsletter, Ugnayan, as a pastoral tool. It can help members grow through teachings.
It can help members experience unity in the body, especially in view of our growing numbers. The
Ugnayan is normally given out through the Unit Heads and the household head should ensure that each
and every member couple gets it every time.
k. Study and read, especially the books we publish. Keep ahead of your members.
l. Don't use the household meeting to ventilate your own personal problems, nor seek help for such
problems from the household members under you. Rather, bring these to your Unit Head and to the
unit household of which you are a member.
m. If for any reason you feel you cannot do the job as household head adequately, discuss this with
your Unit Head so that appropriate action can be taken. Don't just let it go, with the result that your
household members suffer.
1. Attitudes of Household Members
In order to reap the full benefits to be offered by participation in a household group, its members
have to foster some basic attitudes, such as:
a. Openness One has to be open to what the Lord wants to give through the household group. One
should realize that this is part of God's work and in conformity with His plan for each person, and
should therefore be expectant and desirous of what is in store for him/her. Concretely, one should
share about his/her personal life and relationship with the Lord in a spirit of openness.
b. Confidentiality Household members are encouraged to share of their personal lives, including their
concerns and difficulties, in the meetings. And this can be done only in an atmosphere of
confidentiality. Whatever is shared in the meetings should not be shared outside with anyone else.
* Note: The household leaders may share concerns with their service head/Unit Head, who are
extensions of their service and care for household members. This is not a breach of confidentiality.
* The prohibition on sharing with outsiders excludes the positive factors in one's life. These in effect
can be shared by the members outside the household meeting whenever there is an appropriate
opportunity so that others can also be built up and encouraged.
c. Faithfulness One has to make the weekly household meeting a priority in his/her life, and be
regular in attendance. Only with continuity and one's personal commitment can the purpose of
household groups be achieved.
d. Participation Each member has to come to the meetings prepared both spiritually and practically,
and have the attitude of wanting to make a contribution to the life of the meeting. Think not only of
what you can get out of the meeting, but of what you can impart to the brothers and sisters. This is
done by active participation in worship, in sharing and discussion, and in fellowship. It is important
that each member supports the good order of the weekly meeting and relates to everyone in the
group with honor and respect, especially to the household head.
e. Love The idea, after all, is to foster active concern and commitment to one another. One has to
look on the other members of the group as not just so many new friends, but as brothers and sisters in
the Lord, among whom mutual love is the common denominator.
2. Attendance
a. Each member is expected to attend the weekly meetings faithfully, and indeed this is part of one's
commitment to the covenant of CFC. Of course, certain obstacles will come up, such as sickness. What
is important is that one should accord top priority to these meetings and really desire not to be absent
from them.
b. If either spouse is unable to attend a meeting, the other should still attend. They don't have to come
as a couple if one cannot come for a valid reason.
c. Since attendance is part of one's commitment and since the very purpose of household groups would
be defeated by frequent absences (indicating a lack of interest), such absences form sufficient ground
for one's separation from CFC. Household heads should follow up on absent members and try to renew
their interest and commitment. If unsuccessful, the matter should be referred to the Unit Head for
appropriate action.
d. The household head has no authority to grant leaves of absence to his household members. Any such
requests should be referred to the Unit Head.
1. Frequency
a. Households meet once a week, on the same day of the week as mutually agreed on by the members.
Less than once a week would not provide enough contact to have adequate support and encouragement
in the Christian life. More than once a week may take time that is more properly allocated to work,
family, personal needs or Christian service.
b. The household head cannot skip or cancel any meeting, except as provided for below, or as approved
by the Unit Head due to a serious reason.
c. If the household head cannot be present at a scheduled household meeting (of course for a valid
reason), he should not cancel the meeting. Rather, he must refer the matter to the Unit Head.
Together, they will agree on a replacement, either one of the men from the household or another
brother from the unit.
d. Exceptions to the weekly household meetings are the following:
* During the week when the monthly prayer meeting is held.
* When a whole household serves in a CLP. In this case, the household will need to meet only two weeks
out of four in a month, in addition to its weekly service in the CLP.
if the CLP is on the same day as the monthly prayer meeting, the household meets twice in a regular
household meeting.
if the CLP is not on the same day as the monthly prayer meeting, the household meets once in a
regular household meeting and attends the prayer meeting.
Continuing to meet is essential so that the members continue receiving personal life support, and not
just meet for service, which is the CLP.
* During special times such as Holy Week and Christmas break.
2. Venue
The household meeting is to be held in the home of one of the members of the group. The meeting
place is rotated among the homes of each member couple.
Having the household meeting in the homes of the household members have the following values:
a. Worshiping the Lord in our homes makes the truth that the home is a small church a concrete reality.
And God's blessings will surely descend upon the home where God's people can be found, worshiping
Him together and growing in their faith together.
b. The people in our home our children, maybe our parents, our household help, the people who are
closest to us and whom we love will be aware of what we are involved in and what we do every
week. To them we will become people who are living their Christian faith openly and powerfully.
c. What we do in our homes can be an effective tool for evangelism, especially to our residential
household, to our neighbors and to other relatives and friends.
3. Ingredients of a Household Meeting
A typical household meeting would involve three indispensable ingredients: (1) worship and prayer, (2)
a time of sharing or teaching or discussion, and (3) some time for fellowship. All three are very
important and none should be skipped or simply glossed over.
a. Worship.
* The worship portion should include all the necessary ingredients: singing, praising, thanksgiving,
prayers of petition and intercession. Every member should become familiar and comfortable with our
way of worship and praise, and the household head shows the way.
* A typical format for the time of worship could be as follows:
come before the Lord (may be a short period of silence and/or a short exhortation from the leader)
sing a lively song of praise
simultaneous vocal praising
sing another song, then more praising
sing a worship song
singing in tongues, followed by a short period of silence
bring forward words from the Lord (prophecy, inspired Scripture verses, exhortations) individual
prayers of thanksgiving
individual prayers of petition and intercession
closing prayer by the leader
* Members should be exhorted by the head to participate actively in the singing, praising and prayers of
thanksgiving and petition. They should also be encouraged to exercise the spiritual gifts of prophecy,
inspired Scripture reading and exhortation.
* The household head leads in the worship. As a general rule, he should not delegate his responsibility
to the other men. However, every once in a while (not too often), he may ask another brother to lead,
for the purpose of training. But most if not all the time, he leads.
* Ideally, someone in the group should play the guitar. A piano or other musical instrument would be
alternatives, if available and practicable. If no one can play, then it would be advisable to make use
of our song tapes, where songs have been arranged in groups of three precisely for use in household
* The worship is done standing up for the whole duration. Exceptions would be pregnant women and
sick or weak members.
b. For the time of sharing, teaching or discussion, both men and women may meet together, or the
men can meet separately (at a different part of the home) from the women, depending on what is to
be taken up, at the discretion of the household head.
However, most of the time, it should be a separate meeting. Some advantages of this are as follows:
* Members are more free to share, especially of their difficulties, when their spouses are not around.
* Practically speaking, there would not be enough time (at least quality time) for everyone to share in a
joint meeting.
* It's an opportunity for the husbands to be supported by the brothers as men, and the wives by the
sisters as women.
* The household can tackle two different topics in one meeting, addressing itself to the different needs
of the men and the women in the group.
c. The last part, fellowship, is the time for socializing.
* A very simple snack is usually prepared by the host couple. Here it must be kept in mind that the
food is incidental to the fellowship, rather than the fel-lowship being centered on the food.
Furthermore, no member should be burdened by the snack's cost or needed time for preparation, nor
should any host ever be pressured in "keeping up" with a fellow member's extravagance.
* Grace before the meal is said by the host.
d. The evening ends with a short closing prayer by the head.
4. Duration
a. Ordinarily, the household meeting is held after dinner on a weekday. However, other mutually
acceptable times are possible. The whole meeting would typically run for about 2 1/2 hours, as
30 minutes
Sharing/teaching/discussion 60 90 minutes
30 60 minutes
* Of course, there is some flexibility and there could be variations on the above time frames.
b. As much as possible, household meetings should start at the agreed time, even if not everyone has
arrived. The household head should not wait for everyone. He should not make the meeting and
everyone else a captive of someone else's lack of commitment to punctuality. Besides, this may be the
only way to get chronic latecomers to mend their ways. So if necessary, the household head should
start the worship even if only he, his wife and the host couple are around.
c. The meeting should not end too late, say, not later than 11 p.m. If the meeting can start earlier, so
much the better. If the meeting goes beyond 11 p.m., this should be the exception rather than the
5. Social night
a. The household may decide to have a social night on occasion. A social night is a time devoted to
fellowship, with no formal worship, discussion or sharing.
b. It is recommended that a social night be held once a quarter, on the month where there is a 5th
week. If the members want to have a social night more often, then it should be done outside the time
allocated for regular household meetings. Some possibilities: meet during the prayer meeting week;
or have a Lord's Day celebration together.
c. Various activities are possible. Members may have dinner together, at a home or outside, or go out
somewhere together (at a party, go bowling, etc.), or even decide to have a whole day outing. This
could be a time when their children would be brought along, so that they might get to know everyone
else's children. There is a lot of flexibility, and the idea is just to enjoy each other's company socially
and become intimate friends as well as brothers and sisters in the Lord.
2. In the second year and beyond, the topics for the household meetings would normally follow the
following cycle:
1st week (general prayer meeting)
2nd week personal sharing
3rd week Bible sharing
4th week discussion of a Christian topic
The above cycle provides enough variety so as to make household meetings always interesting and life
giving. This cycle could go on and on, year in and year out. Of course, the household head is free to
deviate from this cycle as he sees fit.
3. Personal sharing
Personal sharing is telling our brothers and sisters about what has been happening in our lives for the
past month, with a particular focus on what the Lord has been doing in our lives. Personal sharing is an
essential element in building up our relationship with our brothers and sisters, as more and more we
open up our lives to them and they become an intimate part of our lives.
a. If the household head opts for personal sharing, it can either be done by just encouraging the
members to share as they are led, or by using a set of questions which can guide the members in their
sharing. As a framework to provide shape and direction, questions can be an effective means to lively
personal interaction. One can develop and use one's own questions, just so long as they suit the needs
of the members and can effectively draw out people.
b. Sample questions are as follows:
* How have you grown in your relationship with the Lord? Have you come before the Lord faithfully in
personal prayer?
* In what ways were you aware of the Lord's presence or action in your life during the past
* What has the Lord been teaching you in your prayer time or Scripture study this week/month? How
have you responded?
* Have you conducted yourself righteously in thought, word or action?
* In what ways has the Lord used you to serve others this past week/month?
* What change has the Lord been asking you in order that you might grow in loving your brothers and
4. Bible sharing
Bible sharing is a way for us to be more familiar with the Word of God, as we share about it every
month. Bible sharing is not Bible study as such, but a way of drawing insights from the Bible and
allowing God to speak to us personally through His written Word.
Various methods of Bible sharing could be utilized. We however recommend the "7 step" method of
Bible sharing.
5. Topical discussion
This is a time for formal discussion of a Christian topic. These topics could be anything that have to do
with the Christian life, which would be profitable for our members to gain a greater understanding of.
Especially recommended are those topics which have to do with the life, mission, covenant and
culture of CFC.
a. For example, such topics are:
* personal daily prayer time
* daily reading of the Bible
* living fully the Christian life
avoidance of wrongdoing
good order in private life
participation in Church life
* regular weekly dialogue with spouse
* living as a good Christian parent; family life and children
* headship and submission in the family
* disciplining and raising children
* Christian service
* Christian fellowship
* priority setting/weekly schedule
* TV and media
* spiritual gifts
b. Furthermore, certain publications, sharings or teachings may provide the impetus for a household
meeting topic, to wit:
* Teachings contained in our newsletter, the Ugnayan.
* Topics contained in the various books that we publish.
* Articles of interest in "God's Word Today" or other similar prayer or Scripture guides.
* Teachings or exhortations given at the monthly prayer meeting.
* Taped talks or teachings by renowned personages.
6. It should be noticed that this cycle of topics for the second year and beyond is such that there is no
burden on the household head to be always thinking up of what to take up during the household
a. For personal sharing, the household head (and his wife for the sisters) would simply moderate the
sharings and keep the interaction active and life giving.
b. For the Bible sharing, the household head merely chooses the particular verses to be taken up.
c. For the topical discussion, the household head chooses the topic, taking from the vast array of
materials available to him. If for example he takes up the "Growing in the Lord" article in the Ugnayan,
even the discussion starters are already provided. Thus he simply moderates the discussion.
Thus the household leaders are not burdened by "technical" preparation for the meetings, but can focus
more on "spiritual" preparation.
7. This cycle is something the household head is free to follow or not. The household head has a good
amount of flexibility as to how to handle the household meeting and what to take up. The important
thing is that the conduct of the meeting contributes to the achievement of the stated purpose of our
having households, and that is to build an environment of support for the Christian life of our
1. The Unit Head is the pastor of the unit to which households belong. As such, he has overall
responsibility for the service of household heads in his unit.
2. The Unit Head has the authority coming from the CFC Council to back him up. As such, the
household head needs to look to him with respect and in obedience with regard to his service.
3. The household head needs to look upon his Unit Head as someone there for him, to help him perform
his duties more effectively. The household head should not look upon his household as his own turf
which is not to be invaded by his Unit Head. The household head is to be fully open to his Unit Head
and be eager to have his input on any matter involving his service.
4. The household head focuses on facilitating discussion and developing brotherhood and sisterhood in
the household group. He is not expected to exercise pastoral leadership over the group, but he would
normally encounter certain pastoral challenges which he should refer to his Unit Head.
5. The household head, either singly or together with other household heads of the unit, meets with
the Unit Head once a month for a service meeting. The meeting shall dwell on any or all of the
a. Reporting in general on how the members of the household are doing.
b. Receiving pastoral guidance and direction in handling of couples.
c. Discussion and resolution of problems or issues brought up.
d. Report on faithfulness in attendance (at household meetings, prayer meetings and other activities)
and in financial giving.
e. Identification of and discussion of training exposure for potential leaders.
f. Administrative matters.
6. The household head needs to keep the Unit Head informed and updated regarding his members,
since the Unit Head does not have regular direct contact with them but is, as pastor, still responsible
for everyone. Thus occasional feedback and the regular monthly service meeting are essential.
Following are some areas of pastoral concern for the Unit Head:
a. Household.
* Are the men relating to one another well? The women?
* Are they free to share with one another?
* Do they worship freely together?
* Do they ever do anything together outside of the household meeting?
* How is their general attitude towards CFC?
b. Individual members.