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Name : M.

Naufal Hilmy
Class : XI IPA 1


Papaya or Carica papaya L. is a member of plant family Caricaceae native plant from the
tropics of Americas. and was cultivated in mexico several centuries ago. it's sometimes called
tree melon or pawpaw. There is many type of papaya like Red lady papaya, papaya Hawai,
papaya California, etc.

Papaya is one of the most fruit that has many benefits for our body. With eating papaya
you can improves hearth health, anti-cancer, protect from skin damage, antioxidant effect.
Papaya contains a lot of Vitamin A which is good for eye health. Papaya also facilitates the
digestive process, the sap can also be processed into papain flour. Research results also prove
that papaya both fruit, leaves, and sap can prevent cancer, constipation, and eye disorders.
Young papaya fruit and papaya leaves can also be used for cooking or made into herbal

India is the world’s largest producer of papaya, generating 13.9 million tonnest per year.
With that large of numbers papaya become one of the most delicious fruit. The fruit is ripe
when it feels soft and its skin has attained an amber to orange hue. the fruits taste is vaguely
similar to peaneapple and peach, altrough much milder without the tartness.

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