July 3rd
July 3rd
July 3rd
NITI Aayog Launches GearShift Challenge to ✓ During the event, Atul Tiwari highlighted
Accelerate Zero-Emission Truck Adoption in that over 1.40 crore youth under
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)
have been trained and over 33 lakh candidates
The NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming
have engaged as apprentices.
India) launched NITI GearShift Challenge as part of
the e-FAST India initiative. This aims to foster
innovative business models for the adoption of Zero- CBIC Notified GSTR-1A Form To Amend
Emission Trucks (ZETs) in India. Sales Return
✓ challenge was launched in collaboration with On July 10 2024, The Central Board of Indirect Taxes
Operations Management Club (OMC) of the and Customs (CBIC), Ministry of Finance (MoF)
Indian Institute of Management (IIM) notified the Goods and Services Tax Return (GSTR)-1A
Bangalore (Bengaluru, Karnataka), Smart form, allowing taxpayers to amend their outward
Freight Centre India, CALSTART/Drive to Zero, supply or sales return form.
and WRI India. ✓ In June 2024, The 53rd GST Council
recommended a new optional facility in the
MDoNER Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia form of GSTR-1A, which would allow
taxpayers to make amendments to the details
Launches NERACE Portal, Mobile App for
in form GSTR-1 for a given tax period and/or
Farmers in NER submit additional details.
The Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, Ministry of
Development of North Eastern Region (MDoNER),
launched the North East Region Agri Commodity E-
ICAR Launches ‘One Scientist One Product’,
Connect (NERACE) App and Web Portal to Enhance Target-Oriented Research in
(https://nerace.in/) to integrate farmers and sellers, Agriculture & Animal Husbandry
enhancing agricultural connectivity in the North The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
Eastern Region (NER). launched a target-oriented research plan named ‘One
✓ The initiative aims to connect 50,000 farmers Scientist-One Product’, aimed at enhancing research
and 5,000 buyers over the next five years. in agriculture and animal husbandry. All the 5,521 ICAR
scientists have been registered under this plan.
MSDE Commemorates 10th Anniversary of ✓ The plan was inaugurated by Shivraj Singh
Chouhan, Union Minister of Agriculture and
Skill India Mission
Farmers’ Welfare & Rural Development on the
Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
occasion of 96th foundation day and
(MSDE), Government of India (GoI) commemorated
technology day of ICAR.
the 10th anniversary of the Skill India Mission on 15th
✓ This plan will run for the next 5 years and each
July, 2024.
scientist will focus on a unique product to
✓ World Youth Skills Day is observed
maximise productivity and avoid duplication.
annually across the world on 15th July. Theme
✓ ICAR is also working to develop 100 new seed
for WYSD 2024: “Youth Skills for Peace and
varieties and 100 farm technologies in 100
MoD Notifies 5th Positive Indigenisation List NITI Aayog Reconstituted with 4 Full-Time
of 346 Items for DPSUs members & 15 Union Ministers Including
The Department of Defence Production (DDP), Ministry from NDA Allies
of Defence (MoD), has notified the 5th Positive Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi approved the
Indigenisation List (PIL) comprising 346 items, to boost revised composition of the National Institution for
Aatmanirbharta (self-reliance) in defence Transforming India (NITI Aayog) with 4 full-time
manufacturing and reducing imports by the Defence members and 15 Union ministers, including from the
Public Sector Undertakings (DPSUs). Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic
✓ These items, including Line Replacement Units Alliance (NDA) allies, as either ex-officio members or
(LRUs), Systems, Sub-systems, Assemblies, special invitees.
Spares, Components and raw material related ✓ The PM remains the Chairperson and
to the defence platforms, have an import Economist Suman K Bery will continue to be
substitution value of Rs 1,048 crore. the Vice-chairperson of NITI Aayog.
1 Madhya Pradesh
Large States 2 Andhra Pradesh
3 Punjab
Union Minister Jitendra Singh Inaugurates Small States & Union 1 Ladakh
Asia’s 1st Health Research-Related "Pre- Territories (UTs)
2 Puducherry
clinical Network facility" under CEPI
Dr. Jitendra Singh, Minister of State (MoS) Hilly and North East 1 Assam
Independent Charge (IC), Ministry of Science and (NE) States
2 Sikkim
Technology (MoS&T), inaugurated Asia’s 1st health
research-related "Pre-clinical Network Facility" Special award for
1 Maharashtra
under the Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness outstanding
Innovations (CEPI) at the Regional Centre of performance
2 Uttar Pradesh
Biotechnology (RCB) under the aegis of the
Translational Health Science & Technology Institute
Union Home Minister Amit Shah Chairs 7th
(THSTI) in Faridabad, Haryana.
✓ The CEPI has selected THSTI as a pre-clinical
NCORD Meeting; Launches National
network laboratory for handling Biosafety Narcotics Helpline ‘MANAS’ & NCB's
level 3 (BSL-3) pathogens. Annual Report 2023
Union Minister Amit Shah, Ministry of Home Affairs
MoHUA Organises “Utkrishtata ki Ore (MHA) chaired the 7th Apex Level Narco-Coordination
Centre (NCORD) Meeting, in Vigyan Bhawan, New
Badhte Kadam” Event; Honours PRAISE &
Delhi (Delhi) and launched the National Narcotics
SPARK Award Winners Under PM Helpline
SVANidhi & DAY-NULM ‘MANAS(Madak Padarth Nishedh Asuchna Kendra)’.
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) ✓ The National Narcotics Helpline MANAS or
organised “Utkrishtata ki Ore Badhte Kadam: Narcotics Prohibition Intelligence Centre will
Celebrating Achievements, Inspiring Excellence” have a toll-free number 1933.
event to honour best performers under the Prime ✓ He virtually inaugurated the Narcotics Control
Minister (PM) Street Vendor's AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM Bureau (NCB) Zonal Office at Srinagar,
SVANidhi) Yojana, and Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), and also released
National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM). the NCB's Annual Report 2023
and Compendium on ‘Nasha Mukt Bharat’.
UN World Population Prospects 2024: India Signs MoU with Marshall Islands for 4
India's Population to Peak at 1.7 Billion in Community Development Projects in
2062 Marshall Islands
According to the World Population Prospects India signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
2024 published by the Population Division of the with the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) on the
United Nations Department of Economic and Social annual Grant-In-Aid (GIA) for the Implementation of 4
Affairs (UN DESA), India's population is expected to Community Development Projects (CDPs) in the RMI,
peak at about 1.701 billion in 2062 and then at the Embassy of India in Tokyo, Japan.
decline by 12% between January and July 2062. ✓ The MoU covers projects including a
✓ Currently, India is the most populous country community sports center in Ailuk Atoll, an
in the world with 1.45 billion people and is airport terminal on Mejit Island, and
likely to remain so until 2100. community centers at Arno and Wotje Atolls.
✓ India is followed by China at the 2nd place
with a population of 1.419 billion and the Climate change Disrupting Education
United States of America (USA) at the 3rd
Outcomes, Increasing Learning Loss: GEM
place with a population of 345 million.
✓ By 2054, India and China would retain their Report
positions, but Pakistan is projected to overtake The Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM) 2024
the USA as 3rd most populous by 2054 with a titled 'Education and Climate Change-Learning to
population of 389 million. Act For People And Planet' highlights how climate
Rankings of the world’s 5 most populous countries change is disrupting education outcomes and
and total population: increasing learning loss.
Population in 2024 ✓ The report was compiled by the United Nations
Rank Country Educational, Scientific and Cultural
(in millions)
1 India 1,451 Organization (UNESCO), Monitoring and
Evaluating Climate Communication and
2 China 1,419
Education (MECCE) project and University of
3 USA 345
Saskatchewan in Canada.
4 Indonesia 283
5 Pakistan 251
Overview of EAM, Dr. S. Jaishankar Visit to
16 lakh Indian Children Missed Vital the Republic of Mauritius from 16th to 17th
Vaccines in 2023: WHO-UNICEF report July 2024
World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Union Minister Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar,
Children's Fund (UNICEF) released the 'WHO and Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Government of India
UNICEF estimates of national immunization coverage (GoI) was on a 2-day official visit to the Republic of
(WUENIC)', stating that India's national immunization Mauritius from 16th to 17th July 2024. This marked his
program missed 1.6 million (16 Lakh) children for DPT 1st bilateral visit to the Republic of Mauritius after
(Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus) and measles shots being sworn-in as External Affairs Minister (EAM) of
in 2023. India for 2nd consecutive term.
✓ With this data, India had the second highest ✓ EAM Dr. S Jaishankar and Pravind Kumar
number of children who received no vaccines Jugnauth, PM of Mauritus virtually inaugurated
at all i.e. zero-dose children, following Nigeria 12 High Impact Community Development
with 2.1 million. Projects with financial assistance of India.
SEBI Introduced New Rules for Passive Enterprises (Agri-SURE) to support start-ups and
Mutual Fund Schemes to Reduce Sponsor agripreneurs through investments in sector-specific,
sector-agnostic, and debt AIFs.
✓ Rs 750 crore Category-II Alternative
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has
Investment Fund (AIF) will be established
introduced new rules impacting investments by
under this initiative to promote innovation and
passively managed Mutual Fund(MF) schemes in the
sustainability in the agricultural sector of India.
group companies of their sponsors. A working group
✓ NABARD also launched a hackathon
which was constituted by SEBI proposed amendments
“AgriSURE Greenathon 2024” during the
to SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996
(hereinafter also referred to as “MF Regulations”).
IMF Raised India’s GDP Growth Forecast for ✓ The median GDP growth is estimated at 6.8%
FY25 to 7%; Maintains 2024 Global Growth in first quarter (Q1) (April-June) FY25 and 7.2%
in second quarter (Q2) (July-September) of
Forecast at 3.2% warns of Inflation Risk
International Monetary Fund (IMF) released ‘World
✓ The median forecast for Consumer Price Index
Economic Outlook (WEO) Update, July 2024: The
(CPI) based inflation has been put at 4.5 per
Global Economy in a Sticky Spot’. The report has
cent for 2023-24, with a minimum and
increased India’s GDP(Gross Domestic Product)
maximum range of 4.4 per cent and 5.0 per
growth by 20 basis points(bps), from 6.8% (in April
cent respectively.
2024 ) to 7% for FY25(2024-25).
✓ As per the report, the global growth is
projected to be in line with April 2024 WEO
forecast at 3.2% in 2024 but it has marginally
increased the global growth rate by 10 bps to
3.3% in 2025.
✓ However, the IMF retained its India’s GDP
projection for FY26 (2025-26) at 6.5%. India’s
GDP expanded at 8.2 percent in 2023-24.
Indian Sand Artist Sudarsan Pattnaik Wins Indian Scientists Prahlad Chandra Agrawal
Golden Sand Master Award At International & Anil Bhardwaj received COSPAR 2024
Championship In Russia Awards:45th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
Sudarsan Pattnaik (Odisha), Indian Sand Artist has Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) announced
won the Golden Sand Master Award with a gold the winners of 2024 COSPAR Awards during the 45th
medal at the International Sand Sculpture COSPAR Scientific Assembly which is being held in
Championship/Festival 2024 held in St. Petersburg, Busan, South Korea from 13th to 21st July 2024.
Russia. The International Sand Sculpture Two Indian Scientists Prahlad Chandra Agrawal and
Championship, held between July 4th to 12th 2024, Anil Bhardwaj were among the winners of the 2024
had a theme of ‘History, Mythology, and Fairy Tales’. COSPAR Awards.
✓ Prahlad Chandra Agrawal was honoured with
the COSPAR Harrie Massey Award and Anil
Bhardwaj was honoured with the Vikram
Sarabhai Medal, a joint award of COSPAR and
the Indian Space Research
Organization(ISRO). Click here for the
complete list of 2024 winners
Sumant Sinha Appointed as Co-chair of ESAF SFB Received Approval from the RBI
Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders for Re-appointment of K Paul Thomas as MD
Sumant Sinha, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and CEO
(CEO) of Renewable energy solutions provider ReNew ESAF Small Finance Bank(ESAF
Energy Global PLC (ReNew) has SFB) announced that it has received
been appointed as co-chair of the approval from the Reserve Bank
Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders. of India (RBI) for the re-appointment
Sinha has also been Co-Chair of the of Kadambelil Paul Thomas as
India part of the Alliance since Managing Director (MD) and Chief
2022. Executive Officer (CEO) of the bank for next 3 years.
✓ It is a flagship initiative of World Economic
Forum (WEF) which was launched in 2014. It
Eurosport India Appoints Shikhar Dhawan
is the largest CEO-led climate alliance in the
world. as India Brand Ambassador For MotoGP
Eurosport India, an Indian sports
channel of Discovery Asia-Pacific
Roberta Metsola Re-elected as President of
has appointed Indian cricketer
European Parliament; 1st Woman to win Shikhar Dhawan as Brand
2nd Term Ambassador for MotoGP in India.
Roberta Metsola (aged 45) of As an ambassador, Shikhar Dhawan
European People’s Party (EPP), will promote the MotoGP, Grand Prix motorcycle
was re-elected as President of the racing, to the audiences across India.
European Parliament for another
two and a half years, until 2027. HSBC Appoints Georges Elhedery as its
With this, she became the first
Next CEO
woman to win a second term as the President of the
HSBC Holdings Plc, Europe’s largest bank has
European Parliament, the directly elected legislative
appointed Georges Elhedery as its group Chief
body of the European Union(EU).
Executive Officer (CEO) with effect from September
2 2024. Currently he is serving as the Chief Financial
Paul Kagame Re-elected For Fourth Term as Officer (CFO) at HSBC.
President of Rwanda He is the third CEO for HSBC Holdings Plc in less than
Paul Kagame has been re-elected 8 years. Elhedery replaces Noel Quinn, who
as the President of the Republic of announced his exit in April 2024.
Rwanda for the fourth five-year
term from 2024 to 2029. He has ACC Grants Approval For Extension of RP
been serving as the President of
Goyal's Additional Charge as CMD of NHPC
Rwanda since April 2000.
The Appointments Committee of the
Cabinet (ACC)has granted approval for the extension
of the tenure of Rajendra Prasad Goyal’s additional
charge as the Chairman and Managing Director (CMD)
of the NHPC Limited by another three months, with
effect from June 1 2024.
Europe's Ariane 6 Rocket Blasts off For the Dhruva Space Gets IN-SPACe Nod To
First Time Provide GSaaS
Ariane 6, European Space Agency(ESA)’s new heavy- Dhruva Space Private Limited, Hyderabad
lift rocket, has been launched into space for the first (Telangana) based Space-Engineering solutions
time from Europe's Spaceport in Kourou, French provider has received authorisation from the Indian
Guiana, an overseas department of France in South National Space Promotion and Authorisation
America. Centre (IN-SPACe) to provide Ground Stations as a
✓ The 63 metres tall rocket was developed at an Service (GSaaS).
estimated cost of 4 billion euros by
ArianeGroup, a joint venture of Airbus and ISRO Scientists Generated 1st Complete
Undersea Map of Ram Setu
✓ Ariane-6 is a project of the 13 member states
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
of ESA, led by France 56% and Germany
Scientists have successfully generated the 1st
21%. The 13 partners have offered annual
undersea map of the submerged Ram Setu or Adam's
subsidy payments of up to 340 million euros to
Bridge with the help of National Aeronautics and
help the early stages of Ariane-6 exploitation.
Space Administration (NASA)’s ICESat-2 (short for
Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite).
Zen Tech Launches Four New Anti-Drone ✓ The map was revealed by the Scientists from
Products ISRO's Jodhpur(Rajasthan) and Hyderabad
Zen Technologies Limited (ZEN), an anti-drone (Telangana) National Remote Sensing
technology and Defence training solutions Centre(NRSC).
provider,along with its Pune (Maharashtra) - ✓ The bridge is located between Mannar Island,
based subsidiary AI Turing Technologies has launched off the northwest coast of Sri Lanka, and
four new anti-drone products, aimed at enhancing Rameswaram Island, in India. The bridge
defence forces' operational effectiveness and tactical connects Dhanushkodi, Tamil Nadu (TN) in
supremacy. India to Talaimannar islands in Sri Lanka.
✓ The four products are Hawkeye, Barbarik -
Ultralight Remote Control Weapon Station NASA Scientists discovered 6 New
(URCWS), Sthir Stab 640 and Artificial
Intelligence (AI)-powered robot Prahasta.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) Scientists have discovered 6 new
Subhash Dandekar, Chairman Emeritus of ✓ The French Government honoured him with a
Camlin, Passed Away Chevalier in the order of
Palmes Académiques in 1999.
Subhash Dandekar, Chairman Emeritus of Kokuyo
Camlin Limited(formerly known as Camlin Limited), a
renowned Indian stationery and art supplies company, Nguyen Phu Trong, Former President of
passed away at the age of 86 in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Vietnam & Chief of Communist Party,
✓ Subhash Dandekar has received many awards Passed Away
which includes Sahyadri Navratna Puraskar
Nguyen Phu Trong, The General Secretary of
(2005), Game Changers of Maharashtra award.
Ruling Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and the
✓ He has been honoured the Lifetime
former President of Viet Nam (2018-2021), passed
Achievement Award (2018) by the Colours
away at the age 80 at a military hospital in Hanoi, Viet
Society for his contribution in the industrial Nam.. He was born on 14th April 1944 in Hanoi.
base of India.
✓ To Lam, President of Vietnam, was appointed
the caretaker chief of CPV on 18th July 2024.
Padma Awardee & Renowned Cardiac
Surgeon Dr MS Valiathan Passed Away Padma Shri Awardee & Renowned Organic
Professor Marthanda Varma Sankaran Valiathan (M.S Farmer Kamala Pujari Passed Away
Valiathan), a Padma Awardee, a renowned
Padma Shri awardee Kamala Pujari, the renowned
cardiologist, passed away at 90 in Manipal, Karnataka. organic farmer known for cultivating 100 varieties of
He was born in 1934 in Mavelikkara, Alappuzha
rice, passed away at the age of 74 in Cuttack, Odisha.
District, Kerala.
She was born in Koraput, Odisha and belongs to the
✓ The Government of India(GoI) honoured M.S Paroja tribe.
Valiathanwith the Padma Bhushan in 1990
✓ In 2019, she received the prestigious Padma
and Padma Vibhushan in 2005 for his
Shri award for her contribution to the
contributions in the medical field.
agriculture sector.
Shivraj Singh Chouhan Launches Four Books Present’ and ‘Kahani Rashtrapati Bhavan Ki’ which
Celebrating Rashtrapati Bhavan provide a detailed portrait of the heritage of
Rashtrapati Bhavan, the symbol of the Indian Republic.
Shivraj Singh Chouhan, the Union Minister for
These books have been published by the Publications
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has launched four
books, ‘Wings to Our Hopes- Volume 1’ (English and Division under the aegis of the Ministry of Information
and Broadcasting(MIB).
Hindi); ‘Rashtrapati Bhavan: Heritage Meets the
Day of International Criminal Justice 2024 - Chess, one of the most ancient, intellectual and
July 17 cultural games, which promotes fairness, inclusion and
mutual respect.
Day of International Criminal Justice is annually
✓ The day marks the foundation day of FIDE
observed across the globe on 17 July by
(Fédération Internationale des Échecs /
the International Criminal Court (ICC), to mark the
International Chess Federation), which was
anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute in
established on 20th July 1924 in Paris, France.
1998, the founding treaty of the ICC. 17th July 2024
✓ 20th July 2024 marks the centenary (100th)
marks the 26th anniversary of the adoption of the
anniversary of the establishment of FIDE
Rome Statute.