Physics 2
Physics 2
Physics 2
In Chapter 7, we studied the rotation of the bodies and then
realised that the motion of a body depends on how mass is
9.1 Introduction distributed within the body. We restricted ourselves to simpler
9.2 Elastic behaviour of solids situations of rigid bodies. A rigid body generally means a
9.3 Stress and strain hard solid object having a definite shape and size. But in
9.4 Hooke’s law reality, bodies can be stretched, compressed and bent. Even
9.5 Stress-strain curve the appreciably rigid steel bar can be deformed when a
9.6 Elastic moduli sufficiently large external force is applied on it. This means
9.7 Applications of elastic that solid bodies are not perfectly rigid.
behaviour of materials A solid has definite shape and size. In order to change (or
deform) the shape or size of a body, a force is required. If
you stretch a helical spring by gently pulling its ends, the
Points to ponder
length of the spring increases slightly. When you leave the
ends of the spring, it regains its original size and shape. The
Additional exercises property of a body, by virtue of which it tends to regain its
original size and shape when the applied force is removed, is
known as elasticity and the deformation caused is known
as elastic deformation. However, if you apply force to a lump
of putty or mud, they have no gross tendency to regain their
previous shape, and they get permanently deformed. Such
substances are called plastic and this property is called
plasticity. Putty and mud are close to ideal plastics.
The elastic behaviour of materials plays an important role
in engineering design. For example, while designing a
building, knowledge of elastic properties of materials like steel,
concrete etc. is essential. The same is true in the design of
bridges, automobiles, ropeways etc. One could also ask —
Can we design an aeroplane which is very light but
sufficiently strong? Can we design an artificial limb which
is lighter but stronger? Why does a railway track have a
particular shape like I? Why is glass brittle while brass is
not? Answers to such questions begin with the study of how
relatively simple kinds of loads or forces act to deform
different solids bodies. In this chapter, we shall study the
elastic behaviour and mechanical properties of elasticity, now called Hooke’s law. We shall
solids which would answer many such study about it in Section 9.4. This law, like
questions. Boyle’s law, is one of the earliest quantitative
relationships in science. It is very important to
9.2 ELASTIC BEHAVIOUR OF SOLIDS know the behaviour of the materials under
various kinds of load from the context of
We know that in a solid, each atom or molecule
engineering design.
is surrounded by neighbouring atoms or
molecules. These are bonded together by
interatomic or intermolecular forces and stay
in a stable equilibrium position. When a solid is When forces are applied on a body in such a
deformed, the atoms or molecules are displaced manner that the body is still in static equilibrium,
from their equilibrium positions causing a it is deformed to a small or large extent depending
change in the interatomic (or intermolecular) upon the nature of the material of the body and
distances. When the deforming force is removed, the magnitude of the deforming force. The
the interatomic forces tend to drive them back deformation may not be noticeable visually in
to their original positions. Thus the body regains many materials but it is there. When a body is
its original shape and size. The restoring subjected to a deforming force, a restoring force
mechanism can be visualised by taking a model is developed in the body. This restoring force is
of spring-ball system shown in the Fig. 9.1. Here equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to
the balls represent atoms and springs represent the applied force. The restoring force per unit area
interatomic forces. is known as stress. If F is the force applied normal
to the cross–section and A is the area of cross
section of the body,
Magnitude of the stress = F/A (9.1)
The SI unit of stress is N m–2 or pascal (Pa)
and its dimensional formula is [ ML–1T–2 ].
There are three ways in which a solid may
change its dimensions when an external force
acts on it. These are shown in Fig. 9.2. In
Fig.9.2(a), a cylinder is stretched by two equal
forces applied normal to its cross-sectional area.
The restoring force per unit area in this case
is called tensile stress. If the cylinder is
compressed under the action of applied forces,
the restoring force per unit area is known as
compressive stress. Tensile or compressive
stress can also be termed as longitudinal stress.
In both the cases, there is a change in the
length of the cylinder. The change in the length
Fig. 9.1 Spring-ball model for the illustration of elastic ∆L to the original length L of the body (cylinder
behaviour of solids. in this case) is known as longitudinal strain.
Robert Hooke
(1635 – 1703 A.D.)
Robert Hooke was born on July 18, 1635 in Freshwater, Isle of Wight. He was
one of the most brilliant and versatile seventeenth century English scientists.
He attended Oxford University but never graduated. Yet he was an extremely
talented inventor, instrument-maker and building designer. He assisted Robert
Boyle in the construction of Boylean air pump. In 1662, he was appointed as
Curator of Experiments to the newly founded Royal Society. In 1665, he became
Professor of Geometry in Gresham College where he carried out his astronomi-
cal observations. He built a Gregorian reflecting telescope; discovered the fifth
star in the trapezium and an asterism in the constellation Orion; suggested that
Jupiter rotates on its axis; plotted detailed sketches of Mars which were later
used in the 19th century to determine the planet’s rate of rotation; stated the
inverse square law to describe planetary motion, which Newton modified later
etc. He was elected Fellow of Royal Society and also served as the Society’s
Secretary from 1667 to 1682. In his series of observations presented in Micrographia, he suggested
wave theory of light and first used the word ‘cell’ in a biological context as a result of his studies of cork.
Robert Hooke is best known to physicists for his discovery of law of elasticity: Ut tensio, sic vis (This
is a Latin expression and it means as the distortion, so the force). This law laid the basis for studies of
stress and strain and for understanding the elastic materials.
As a result of applied tangential force, there It can also be visualised, when a book is
is a relative displacement ∆x between opposite pressed with the hand and pushed horizontally,
faces of the cylinder as shown in the Fig. 9.2(b). as shown in Fig. 9.2 (c).
The strain so produced is known as shearing Thus, shearing strain = tan θ ≈ θ (9.4)
strain and it is defined as the ratio of relative In Fig. 9.2 (d), a solid sphere placed in the
displacement of the faces ∆x to the length of fluid under high pressure is compressed
the cylinder L. uniformly on all sides. The force applied by the
fluid acts in perpendicular direction at each
∆x point of the surface and the body is said to be
Shearing strain = = tan θ (9.3) under hydraulic compression. This leads to
decrease in its volume without any change of
where θ is the angular displacement of the its geometrical shape.
cylinder from the vertical (original position of The body develops internal restoring forces
the cylinder). Usually θ is very small, tan θ that are equal and opposite to the forces applied
is nearly equal to angle θ , (if θ = 10°, for by the fluid (the body restores its original shape
example, there is only 1% difference between θ and size when taken out from the fluid). The
and tan θ). internal restoring force per unit area in this case
is known as hydraulic stress and in magnitude The body regains its original dimensions when
is equal to the hydraulic pressure (applied force the applied force is removed. In this region, the
per unit area). solid behaves as an elastic body.
The strain produced by a hydraulic pressure
is called volume strain and is defined as the
ratio of change in volume (∆V) to the original
volume (V ).
Volume strain = (9.5)
Since the strain is a ratio of change in
dimension to the original dimension, it has no
units or dimensional formula.
Y = (F/A)/(∆L/L)
= (F × L) /(A × ∆L) (9.8)
Fig. 9.4 Stress-strain curve for the elastic tissue of Since strain is a dimensionless quantity, the
Aorta, the large tube (vessel) carrying blood unit of Young’s modulus is the same as that of
from the heart. stress i.e., N m–2 or Pascal (Pa). Table 9.1 gives
does not obey Hooke’s law over most of the the values of Young’s moduli and yield strengths
region. Secondly, there is no well defined plastic of some material.
region. Substances like tissue of aorta, rubber From the data given in Table 9.1, it is noticed
etc. which can be stretched to cause large strains that for metals Young’s moduli are large.
are called elastomers. Therefore, these materials require a large force
to produce small change in length. To increase
9.6 ELASTIC MODULI the length of a thin steel wire of 0.1 cm2 cross-
sectional area by 0.1%, a force of 2000 N is
The proportional region within the elastic limit required. The force required to produce the same
of the stress-strain curve (region OA in Fig. 9.3) strain in aluminium, brass and copper wires
is of great importance for structural and having the same cross-sectional area are 690 N,
manufacturing engineering designs. The ratio 900 N and 1100 N respectively. It means that
of stress and strain, called modulus of elasticity, steel is more elastic than copper, brass and
is found to be a characteristic of the material. aluminium. It is for this reason that steel is
preferred in heavy-duty machines and in where the subscripts c and s refer to copper
structural designs. Wood, bone, concrete and and stainless steel respectively. Or,
glass have rather small Young’s moduli. ∆Lc/∆Ls = (Ys/Yc) × (Lc/Ls)
Given Lc = 2.2 m, Ls = 1.6 m,
u Example 9.1 A structural steel rod has a From Table 9.1 Yc = 1.1 × 1011 N.m–2, and
radius of 10 mm and a length of 1.0 m. A Ys = 2.0 × 1011 N.m–2.
100 kN force stretches it along its length. ∆Lc/∆Ls = (2.0 × 10 /1.1 × 1011) × (2.2/1.6) = 2.5.
Calculate (a) stress, (b) elongation, and (c) The total elongation is given to be
strain on the rod. Young’s modulus, of ∆Lc + ∆Ls = 7.0 × 10-4 m
structural steel is 2.0 × 1011 N m-2. Solving the above equations,
∆Lc = 5.0 × 10-4 m, and ∆Ls = 2.0 × 10-4 m.
Answer We assume that the rod is held by a Therefore
clamp at one end, and the force F is applied at W = (A × Yc × ∆Lc)/Lc
the other end, parallel to the length of the rod. = π (1.5 × 10-3)2 × [(5.0 × 10-4 × 1.1 × 1011)/2.2]
Then the stress on the rod is given by = 1.8 × 102 N t
Stress = = 2
u Example 9.3 In a human pyramid in a
A πr circus, the entire weight of the balanced
100 × 10 N
3 group is supported by the legs of a
= 2 performer who is lying on his back (as
3.14 × 10 ( −2
m ) shown in Fig. 9.5). The combined mass of
= 3.18 × 108 N m–2 all the persons performing the act, and the
The elongation, tables, plaques etc. involved is 280 kg. The
mass of the performer lying on his back at
( F/A ) L the bottom of the pyramid is 60 kg. Each
∆L =
Y thighbone (femur) of this performer has a
length of 50 cm and an effective radius of
(3.18 × 10 8
N m
) (1m ) 2.0 cm. Determine the amount by which
each thighbone gets compressed under the
= 11 –2
2 × 10 N m extra load.
= 1.59 × 10–3 m
= 1.59 mm
The strain is given by
Strain = ∆L/L
= (1.59 × 10–3 m)/(1m)
= 1.59 × 10–3
= 0.16 % t
Answer Total mass of all the performers, tables, will be accompanied by an equal change in
plaques etc. = 280 kg experimental wire. (We shall study these
Mass of the performer = 60 kg temperature effects in detail in Chapter 11.)
Mass supported by the legs of the performer
at the bottom of the pyramid
= 280 – 60 = 220 kg
Weight of this supported mass
= 220 kg wt. = 220 × 9.8 N = 2156 N.
Weight supported by each thighbone of the
performer = ½ (2156) N = 1078 N.
From Table 9.1, the Young’s modulus for bone
is given by
Y = 9.4 × 109 N m–2.
Length of each thighbone L = 0.5 m
the radius of thighbone = 2.0 cm
Thus the cross-sectional area of the thighbone
A = π × (2 × 10-2)2 m2 = 1.26 × 10-3 m2.
Using Eq. (9.8), the compression in each
thighbone (∆L) can be computed as
∆L = [(F × L)/(Y × A)]
= [(1078 × 0.5)/(9.4 × 109 × 1.26 × 10-3)]
= 4.55 × 10-5 m or 4.55 × 10-3 cm.
This is a very small change! The fractional
decrease in the thighbone is ∆L/L = 0.000091
or 0.0091%. t
Table 9.3 Bulk moduli (B) of some common Gases have large compressibilities, which vary
Materials with pressure and temperature. The
incompressibility of the solids is primarily due
Material B (109 N m–2 or GPa) to the tight coupling between the neighbouring
Solids atoms. The molecules in liquids are also bound
Aluminium 72 with their neighbours but not as strong as in
Brass 61 solids. Molecules in gases are very poorly
coupled to their neighbours.
Copper 140
Table 9.4 shows the various types of stress,
Glass 37 strain, elastic moduli, and the applicable state
Iron 100 of matter at a glance.
Nickel 260
u Example 9.5 The average depth of Indian
Steel 160
Ocean is about 3000 m. Calculate the
Liquids fractional compression, ∆V/V, of water at
Water 2.2 the bottom of the ocean, given that the bulk
Ethanol 0.9 modulus of water is 2.2 × 109 N m–2. (Take
Carbon disulphide 1.56 g = 10 m s–2)
Glycerine 4.76
Answer The pressure exerted by a 3000 m
Mercury 25 column of water on the bottom layer
Gases p = hρ g = 3000 m × 1000 kg m–3 × 10 m s–2
Air (at STP) 1.0 × 10–4 = 3 × 107 kg m–1 s-2
= 3 × 107 N m–2
Thus, solids are the least compressible, whereas, Fractional compression ∆V/V, is
gases are the most compressible. Gases are about ∆V/V = stress/B = (3 × 107 N m-2)/(2.2 × 109 N m–2)
a million times more compressible than solids! = 1.36 × 10-2 or 1.36 % t
Shearing Two equal and Pure shear, θ Yes No G = F/(A×θ) Shear Solid
(σs = F/A) opposite forces modulus
parallel to oppoiste or modulus
surfaces forces of rigidity
in each case such
that total force and
total torque on the
body vanishes
Hydraulic Forces perpendicular Volume change No Yes B = –p/(∆V/V) Bulk Solid, liquid
everywhere to the (compression or modulus and gas
surface, force per elongation)
unit area (pressure) (∆V/V)
same everywhere.
due to gravity. The material at the bottom 30 × 107 N m-2. Equating this to hρg, with
experiences this force in the vertical direction, ρ = 3 × 103 kg m-3 gives
and the sides of the mountain are free. Therefore, hρg = 30 × 107 N m-2 .
this is not a case of pressure or bulk compression. h = 30 × 107 N m-2/(3 × 103 kg m-3 × 10 m s-2)
There is a shear component, approximately hρg = 10 km
itself. Now the elastic limit for a typical rock is which is more than the height of Mt. Everest!
1. Stress is the restoring force per unit area and strain is the fractional change in dimension.
In general there are three types of stresses (a) tensile stress — longitudinal stress
(associated with stretching) or compressive stress (associated with compression),
(b) shearing stress, and (c) hydraulic stress.
2. For small deformations, stress is directly proportional to the strain for many materials.
This is known as Hooke’s law. The constant of proportionality is called modulus of
elasticity. Three elastic moduli viz., Young’s modulus, shear modulus and bulk modulus
are used to describe the elastic behaviour of objects as they respond to deforming forces
that act on them.
A class of solids called elastomers does not obey Hooke’s law.
3. When an object is under tension or compression, the Hooke’s law takes the form
F/A = Y∆L/L
where ∆L/L is the tensile or compressive strain of the object, F is the magnitude of the
applied force causing the strain, A is the cross-sectional area over which F is applied
(perpendicular to A) and Y is the Young’s modulus for the object. The stress is F/A.
4. A pair of forces when applied parallel to the upper and lower faces, the solid deforms so
that the upper face moves sideways with respect to the lower. The horizontal displacement
∆L of the upper face is perpendicular to the vertical height L. This type of deformation is
called shear and the corresponding stress is the shearing stress. This type of stress is
possible only in solids.
In this kind of deformation the Hooke’s law takes the form
F/A = G × ∆L/L
where ∆L is the displacement of one end of object in the direction of the applied force F,
and G is the shear modulus.
5. When an object undergoes hydraulic compression due to a stress exerted by a surrounding
fluid, the Hooke’s law takes the form
p = B (∆V/V),
where p is the pressure (hydraulic stress) on the object due to the fluid, ∆V/V (the
volume strain) is the absolute fractional change in the object’s volume due to that
pressure and B is the bulk modulus of the object.
1. In the case of a wire, suspended from celing and stretched under the action of a weight (F)
suspended from its other end, the force exerted by the ceiling on it is equal and opposite
to the weight. However, the tension at any cross-section A of the wire is just F and not
2F. Hence, tensile stress which is equal to the tension per unit area is equal to F/A.
2. Hooke’s law is valid only in the linear part of stress-strain curve.
3. The Young’s modulus and shear modulus are relevant only for solids since only solids
have lengths and shapes.
4. Bulk modulus is relevant for solids, liquid and gases. It refers to the change in volume
when every part of the body is under the uniform stress so that the shape of the body
remains unchanged.
5. Metals have larger values of Young’s modulus than alloys and elastomers. A material
with large value of Young’s modulus requires a large force to produce small changes in
its length.
6. In daily life, we feel that a material which stretches more is more elastic, but it a is
misnomer. In fact material which stretches to a lesser extent for a given load is considered
to be more elastic.
7. In general, a deforming force in one direction can produce strains in other directions
also. The proportionality between stress and strain in such situations cannot be described
by just one elastic constant. For example, for a wire under longitudinal strain, the
lateral dimensions (radius of cross section) will undergo a small change, which is described
by another elastic constant of the material (called Poisson ratio).
8. Stress is not a vector quantity since, unlike a force, the stress cannot be assigned a
specific direction. Force acting on the portion of a body on a specified side of a section
has a definite direction.
9.1 A steel wire of length 4.7 m and cross-sectional area 3.0 × 10-5 m2 stretches by the same
amount as a copper wire of length 3.5 m and cross-sectional area of 4.0 × 10–5 m2 under
a given load. What is the ratio of the Young’s modulus of steel to that of copper?
9.2 Figure 9.11 shows the strain-stress curve for a given material. What are (a) Young’s
modulus and (b) approximate yield strength for this material?
Fig. 9.11
9.3 The stress-strain graphs for materials A and B are shown in Fig. 9.12.
Fig. 9.12
9.4 Read the following two statements below carefully and state, with reasons, if it is true
or false.
(a) The Young’s modulus of rubber is greater than that of steel;
(b) The stretching of a coil is determined by its shear modulus.
9.5 Two wires of diameter 0.25 cm, one made of steel and the other made of brass are
loaded as shown in Fig. 9.13. The unloaded length of steel wire is 1.5 m and that of
brass wire is 1.0 m. Compute the elongations of the steel and the brass wires.
Fig. 9.13
9.6 The edge of an aluminium cube is 10 cm long. One face of the cube is firmly fixed to a
vertical wall. A mass of 100 kg is then attached to the opposite face of the cube. The
shear modulus of aluminium is 25 GPa. What is the vertical deflection of this face?
9.7 Four identical hollow cylindrical columns of mild steel support a big structure of mass
50,000 kg. The inner and outer radii of each column are 30 and 60 cm respectively.
Assuming the load distribution to be uniform, calculate the compressional strain of
each column.
9.8 A piece of copper having a rectangular cross-section of 15.2 mm × 19.1 mm is pulled in
tension with 44,500 N force, producing only elastic deformation. Calculate the resulting
9.9 A steel cable with a radius of 1.5 cm supports a chairlift at a ski area. If the maximum
stress is not to exceed 108 N m–2, what is the maximum load the cable can support ?
9.10 A rigid bar of mass 15 kg is supported symmetrically by three wires each 2.0 m long.
Those at each end are of copper and the middle one is of iron. Determine the ratios of
their diameters if each is to have the same tension.
9.11 A 14.5 kg mass, fastened to the end of a steel wire of unstretched length 1.0 m, is
whirled in a vertical circle with an angular velocity of 2 rev/s at the bottom of the circle.
The cross-sectional area of the wire is 0.065 cm2. Calculate the elongation of the wire
when the mass is at the lowest point of its path.
9.12 Compute the bulk modulus of water from the following data: Initial volume = 100.0
litre, Pressure increase = 100.0 atm (1 atm = 1.013 × 105 Pa), Final volume = 100.5
litre. Compare the bulk modulus of water with that of air (at constant temperature).
Explain in simple terms why the ratio is so large.
9.13 What is the density of water at a depth where pressure is 80.0 atm, given that its
density at the surface is 1.03 × 103 kg m–3?
9.14 Compute the fractional change in volume of a glass slab, when subjected to a hydraulic
pressure of 10 atm.
9.15 Determine the volume contraction of a solid copper cube, 10 cm on an edge, when
subjected to a hydraulic pressure of 7.0 × 106 Pa.
9.16 How much should the pressure on a litre of water be changed to compress it by 0.10%?
Additional Exercises
9.17 Anvils made of single crystals of diamond, with the shape as shown in
Fig. 9.14, are used to investigate behaviour of materials under very high pressures. Flat
faces at the narrow end of the anvil have a diameter of 0.50 mm, and the wide ends are
subjected to a compressional force of 50,000 N. What is the pressure at the tip of the anvil?
Fig. 9.14
9.18 A rod of length 1.05 m having negligible mass is supported at its ends by two wires of
steel (wire A) and aluminium (wire B) of equal lengths as shown in
Fig. 9.15. The cross-sectional areas of wires A and B are 1.0 mm2 and 2.0 mm2,
respectively. At what point along the rod should a mass m be suspended in order to
produce (a) equal stresses and (b) equal strains in both steel and aluminium wires.
Fig. 9.15
9.19 A mild steel wire of length 1.0 m and cross-sectional area 0.50 × 10-2 cm2 is
stretched, well within its elastic limit, horizontally between two pillars. A mass of 100
g is suspended from the mid-point of the wire. Calculate the depression at the mid-
9.20 Two strips of metal are riveted together at their ends by four rivets, each of diameter 6.0
mm. What is the maximum tension that can be exerted by the riveted strip if the
shearing stress on the rivet is not to exceed 6.9 × 107 Pa? Assume that each rivet is to
carry one quarter of the load.
9.21 The Marina trench is located in the Pacific Ocean, and at one place it is nearly eleven
km beneath the surface of water. The water pressure at the bottom of the trench is
about 1.1 × 108 Pa. A steel ball of initial volume 0.32 m3 is dropped into the ocean and
falls to the bottom of the trench. What is the change in the volume of the ball when it
reaches to the bottom?
In this chapter, we shall study some common physical
properties of liquids and gases. Liquids and gases can flow
10.1 Introduction and are therefore, called fluids. It is this property that
10.2 Pressure distinguishes liquids and gases from solids in a basic way.
10.3 Streamline flow Fluids are everywhere around us. Earth has an envelop of
10.4 Bernoulli’s principle air and two-thirds of its surface is covered with water. Water
10.5 Viscosity is not only necessary for our existence; every mammalian
10.6 Reynolds number
body constitute mostly of water. All the processes occurring
in living beings including plants are mediated by fluids. Thus
10.7 Surface tension
understanding the behaviour and properties of fluids is
Summary important.
Points to ponder How are fluids different from solids? What is common in
Exercises liquids and gases? Unlike a solid, a fluid has no definite
Additional exercises shape of its own. Solids and liquids have a fixed volume,
Appendix whereas a gas fills the entire volume of its container. We
have learnt in the previous chapter that the volume of solids
can be changed by stress. The volume of solid, liquid or gas
depends on the stress or pressure acting on it. When we
talk about fixed volume of solid or liquid, we mean its volume
under atmospheric pressure. The difference between gases
and solids or liquids is that for solids or liquids the change
in volume due to change of external pressure is rather small.
In other words solids and liquids have much lower
compressibility as compared to gases.
Shear stress can change the shape of a solid keeping its
volume fixed. The key property of fluids is that they offer
very little resistance to shear stress; their shape changes by
application of very small shear stress. The shearing stress
of fluids is about million times smaller than that of solids.
A sharp needle when pressed against our skin pierces it. Our
skin, however, remains intact when a blunt object with a
wider contact area (say the back of a spoon) is pressed against
it with the same force. If an elephant were to step on a man’s
chest, his ribs would crack. A circus performer across whose
chest a large, light but strong wooden plank is In principle, the piston area can be made
placed first, is saved from this accident. Such arbitrarily small. The pressure is then defined
everyday experiences convince us that both the in a limiting sense as
force and its coverage area are important. Smaller lim ∆F
the area on which the force acts, greater is the P= ∆A →0 (10.2)
impact. This impact is known as pressure. ∆A
Pressure is a scalar quantity. We remind the
When an object is submerged in a fluid at reader that it is the component of the force
rest, the fluid exerts a force on its surface. This normal to the area under consideration and not
force is always normal to the object’s surface. the (vector) force that appears in the numerator
This is so because if there were a component of in Eqs. (10.1) and (10.2). Its dimensions are
force parallel to the surface, the object will also [ML–1T–2]. The SI unit of pressure is N m–2. It has
exert a force on the fluid parallel to it; as a been named as pascal (Pa) in honour of the
consequence of Newton’s third law. This force French scientist Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) who
will cause the fluid to flow parallel to the surface. carried out pioneering studies on fluid pressure.
Since the fluid is at rest, this cannot happen. A common unit of pressure is the atmosphere
Hence, the force exerted by the fluid at rest has (atm), i.e. the pressure exerted by the
to be perpendicular to the surface in contact atmosphere at sea level (1 atm = 1.013 × 105 Pa).
with it. This is shown in Fig.10.1(a). Another quantity, that is indispensable in
The normal force exerted by the fluid at a point describing fluids, is the density ρ. For a fluid of
may be measured. An idealised form of one such mass m occupying volume V,
pressure-measuring device is shown in Fig. m
10.1(b). It consists of an evacuated chamber with ρ= (10.3)
a spring that is calibrated to measure the force –3
The dimensions of density are [ML ]. Its SI
acting on the piston. This device is placed at a unit is kg m–3. It is a positive scalar quantity. A
point inside the fluid. The inward force exerted liquid is largely incompressible and its density
by the fluid on the piston is balanced by the is therefore, nearly constant at all pressures.
outward spring force and is thereby measured. Gases, on the other hand exhibit a large
variation in densities with pressure.
The density of water at 4 o C (277 K) is
1.0 × 10 3 kg m–3. The relative density of a
substance is the ratio of its density to the
density of water at 4oC. It is a dimensionless
positive scalar quantity. For example the relative
density of aluminium is 2.7. Its density is
2.7 × 103 kg m–3. The densities of some common
fluids are displayed in Table 10.1.
Table 10.1 Densities of some common fluids
(a) (b) at STP*
Fig. 10.1 (a) The force exerted by the liquid in the
beaker on the submerged object or on the
walls is normal (perpendicular) to the
surface at all points.
(b) An idealised device for measuring
horizontal cylinder is indicated by the height of transmitted throughout the liquid to the larger
liquid column in the vertical tubes. It is necessarily cylinder attached with a larger piston of area A2,
the same in all. If we push the piston, the fluid level which results in an upward force of P × A2.
rises in all the tubes, again reaching the same level Therefore, the piston is capable of supporting a
in each one of them. large force (large weight of, say a car, or a truck,
Archemedes’ Principle
Fluid appears to provide partial support to the objects placed in it. When a body is wholly or partially
immersed in a fluid at rest, the fluid exerts pressure on the surface of the body in contact with the
fluid. The pressure is greater on lower surfaces of the body than on the upper surfaces as pressure in
a fluid increases with depth. The resultant of all the forces is an upward force called buoyant force.
Suppose that a cylindrical body is immersed in the fluid. The upward force on the bottom of the body
is more than the downward force on its top. The fluid exerts a resultant upward force or buoyant force
on the body equal to (P2 – P1) × A (Fig. 10.3). We have seen in equation 10.4 that (P2-P1)A = ρghA. Now,
hA is the volume of the solid and ρhA is the weight of an equivaliant volume of the fluid. (P2-P1)A = mg.
Thus, the upward force exerted is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid.
The result holds true irrespective of the shape of the object and here cylindrical object is considered
only for convenience. This is Archimedes’ principle. For totally immersed objects the volume of the
fluid displaced by the object is equal to its own volume. If the density of the immersed object is more
than that of the fluid, the object will sink as the weight of the body is more than the upward thrust. If
the density of the object is less than that of the fluid, it floats in the fluid partially submerged. To
calculate the volume submerged, suppose the total volume of the object is Vs and a part Vp of it is
submerged in the fluid. Then, the upward force which is the weight of the displaced fluid is ρfgVp,
which must equal the weight of the body; ρsgVs = ρfgVpor ρs/ρf = Vp/Vs The apparent weight of the
floating body is zero.
This principle can be summarised as; ‘the loss of weight of a body submerged (partially or fully) in
a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced’.
moves inside the master cylinder, and the The path taken by a fluid particle under a
pressure caused is transmitted through the steady flow is a streamline. It is defined as a
brake oil to act on a piston of larger area. A large curve whose tangent at any point is in the
force acts on the piston and is pushed down direction of the fluid velocity at that point.
expanding the brake shoes against brake lining. Consider the path of a particle as shown in
In this way, a small force on the pedal produces Fig.10.7 (a), the curve describes how a fluid
a large retarding force on the wheel. An particle moves with time. The curve PQ is like a
important advantage of the system is that the permanent map of fluid flow, indicating how the
pressure set up by pressing pedal is transmitted fluid streams. No two streamlines can cross, for
equally to all cylinders attached to the four if they do, an oncoming fluid particle can go
either one way or the other and the flow would
wheels so that the braking effort is equal on
not be steady. Hence, in steady flow, the map of
all wheels.
flow is stationary in time. How do we draw closely
spaced streamlines ? If we intend to show
10.3 STREAMLINE FLOW streamline of every flowing particle, we would
So far we have studied fluids at rest. The study end up with a continuum of lines. Consider planes
of the fluids in motion is known as fluid perpendicular to the direction of fluid flow e.g.,
dynamics. When a water tap is turned on slowly, at three points P, R and Q in Fig.10.7 (b). The
the water flow is smooth initially, but loses its plane pieces are so chosen that their boundaries
smoothness when the speed of the outflow is be determined by the same set of streamlines.
This means that number of fluid particles
increased. In studying the motion of fluids, we
crossing the surfaces as indicated at P, R and Q
focus our attention on what is happening to
is the same. If area of cross-sections at these
various fluid particles at a particular point in points are AP,AR and AQ and speeds of fluid
space at a particular time. The flow of the fluid particles are vP, vR and vQ, then mass of fluid
is said to be steady if at any given point, the ∆mP crossing at AP in a small interval of time ∆t
velocity of each passing fluid particle remains is ρPAPvP ∆t. Similarly mass of fluid ∆mR flowing
constant in time. This does not mean that the or crossing at AR in a small interval of time ∆t is
velocity at different points in space is same. The ρRARvR ∆t and mass of fluid ∆mQ is ρQAQvQ ∆t
velocity of a particular particle may change as it crossing at AQ. The mass of liquid flowing out
moves from one point to another. That is, at some equals the mass flowing in, holds in all cases.
other point the particle may have a different Therefore,
velocity, but every other particle which passes ρPAPvP∆t = ρRARvR∆t = ρQAQvQ∆t (10.9)
the second point behaves exactly as the previous For flow of incompressible fluids
particle that has just passed that point. Each ρP = ρR = ρQ
particle follows a smooth path, and the paths of Equation (10.9) reduces to
the particles do not cross each other. APvP = ARvR = AQvQ (10.10)
which is called the equation of continuity and
it is a statement of conservation of mass in flow
of incompressible fluids. In general
Av = constant (10.11)
Av gives the volume flux or flow rate and
remains constant throughout the pipe of flow.
Thus, at narrower portions where the
streamlines are closely spaced, velocity
increases and its vice versa. From (Fig 10.7b) it
is clear that AR > AQ or vR < vQ, the fluid is
accelerated while passing from R to Q. This is
associated with a change in pressure in fluid
flow in horizontal pipes.
Steady flow is achieved at low flow speeds.
Fig. 10.7 The meaning of streamlines. (a) A typical Beyond a limiting value, called critical speed,
trajectory of a fluid particle.
this flow loses steadiness and becomes
(b) A region of streamline flow. turbulent. One sees this when a fast flowing
stream encounters rocks, small foamy change). The Swiss Physicist Daniel Bernoulli
whirlpool-like regions called ‘white water developed this relationship in 1738.
rapids are formed. Consider the flow at two regions 1 (i.e., BC)
Figure 10.8 displays streamlines for some and 2 (i.e., DE). Consider the fluid initially lying
typical flows. For example, Fig. 10.8(a) describes between B and D. In an infinitesimal time
a laminar flow where the velocities at different interval ∆t, this fluid would have moved. Suppose
points in the fluid may have dif ferent v1 is the speed at B and v2 at D, then fluid initially
magnitudes but their directions are parallel. at B has moved a distance v1∆t to C (v1∆t is small
Figure 10.8 (b) gives a sketch of turbulent flow. enough to assume constant cross-section along
BC). In the same interval ∆t the fluid initially at
D moves to E, a distance equal to v2∆t. Pressures
P1 and P2 act as shown on the plane faces of
areas A1 and A2 binding the two regions. The
work done on the fluid at left end (BC) is W1 =
P1A1(v1∆t) = P1∆V. Since the same volume ∆V
passes through both the regions (from the
equation of continuity) the work done by the fluid
at the other end (DE) is W2 = P2A2(v2∆t) = P2∆V or,
Fig. 10.8 (a) Some streamlines for fluid flow.
the work done on the fluid is –P2∆V. So the total
(b) A jet of air striking a flat plate placed
perpendicular to it. This is an example work done on the fluid is
of turbulent flow. W1 – W2 = (P1− P2) ∆V
Part of this work goes into changing the kinetic
10.4 BERNOULLI’S PRINCIPLE energy of the fluid, and part goes into changing
the gravitational potential energy. If the density
Fluid flow is a complex phenomenon. But we of the fluid is ρ and ∆m = ρA1v1∆t = ρ∆V is the
can obtain some useful properties for steady mass passing through the pipe in time ∆t, then
or streamline flows using the conservation change in gravitational potential energy is
of energy. ∆U = ρg∆V (h2 − h1)
Consider a fluid moving in a pipe of varying The change in its kinetic energy is
cross-sectional area. Let the pipe be at varying
heights as shown in Fig. 10.9. We now suppose
∆K = ρ ∆V (v22 − v12)
that an incompressible fluid is flowing through 2
the pipe in a steady flow. Its velocity must We can employ the work – energy theorem
change as a consequence of equation of (Chapter 6) to this volume of the fluid and
continuity. A force is required to produce this this yields
acceleration, which is caused by the fluid 1
surrounding it, the pressure must be different (P1− P2) ∆V = ρ ∆V (v22 − v12) + ρg∆V (h2 − h1)
in different regions. Bernoulli’s equation is a
general expression that relates the pressure We now divide each term by ∆V to obtain
difference between two points in a pipe to both
velocity changes (kinetic energy change) and 1
(P1− P2) = ρ (v22 − v12) + ρg (h2 − h1)
elevation (height) changes (potential energy 2
We can rearrange the above terms to obtain restriction on application of Bernoulli theorem
1 1 is that the fluids must be incompressible, as
P1 + ρv12 + ρgh1 = P2+ ρv22 + ρgh2 the elastic energy of the fluid is also not taken
2 2
into consideration. In practice, it has a large
(10.12) number of useful applications and can help
This is Bernoulli’s equation. Since 1 and 2 explain a wide variety of phenomena for low
refer to any two locations along the pipeline, viscosity incompressible fluids. Bernoulli’s
we may write the expression in general as equation also does not hold for non-steady or
1 turbulent flows, because in that situation
P+ ρv2 + ρgh = constant (10.13) velocity and pressure are constantly fluctuating
in time.
When a fluid is at rest i.e., its velocity is zero
everywhere, Bernoulli’s equation becomes
P1 + ρgh1 = P2 + ρgh2
(P1− P2) = ρg (h2 − h1)
which is same as Eq. (10.6).
2 ( P − Pa )
v1 = 2 g h + (10.14)
Fig. 10.11 A schematic diagram of Venturi-meter.
When P >>Pa and 2 g h may be ignored, the
speed of efflux is determined by the container
pressure. Such a situation occurs in rocket 1 A
P1– P2 = ρmgh = ρv1 2 –1
propulsion. On the other hand, if the tank is 2 a
open to the atmosphere, then P = Pa and
So that the speed of fluid at wide neck is
v1 = 2g h (10.15)
2 –½
This is also the speed of a freely falling body. 2 ρm gh A
v 1= –1 (10.17)
Equation (10.15) represents Torricelli’s law. ρ a
10.4.2 Venturi-meter The principle behind this meter has many
applications. The carburetor of automobile has
The Venturi-meter is a device to measure the
a Venturi channel (nozzle) through which air
flow speed of incompressible fluid. It consists of
flows with a high speed. The pressure is then
a tube with a broad diameter and a small
constriction at the middle as shown in lowered at the narrow neck and the petrol
Fig. (10.11). A manometer in the form of a (gasoline) is sucked up in the chamber to provide
U-tube is also attached to it, with one arm at the correct mixture of air to fuel necessary for
the broad neck point of the tube and the other combustion. Filter pumps or aspirators, Bunsen
at constriction as shown in Fig. (10.11). The burner, atomisers and sprayers [See Fig. 10.12]
manometer contains a liquid of density ρm. The used for perfumes or to spray insecticides work
speed v1 of the liquid flowing through the tube on the same principle.
at the broad neck area A is to be measured
from equation of continuity Eq. (10.10) the speed
at the constriction becomes v 2 = v1 . Then
using Bernoulli’s equation (Eq.10.12) for (h1=h2),
we get
1 1
P1+ ρv12 = P2+ ρv12 (A/a)2
2 2
So that
1 A 2
P1- P2 = ρv12 a – 1 (10.16)
This pressure difference causes the fluid in
the U-tube connected at the narrow neck to rise Fig. 10.12 The spray gun. Piston forces air at high
in comparison to the other arm. The difference speeds causing a lowering of pressure
in height h measure the pressure difference. at the neck of the container.
Fig 10.13 (a) Fluid streaming past a static sphere. (b) Streamlines for a fluid around a sphere spinning clockwise.
(c) Air flowing past an aerofoil.
Strain rate =
Fig 10.14 (a) A layer of liquid sandwiched between stress
η= s-1
two parallel glass plates, in which the strain rate
lower plate is fixed and the upper one is
moving to the right with velocity v
(b) velocity distribution for viscous flow in =
a pipe. = 3.46 ×10-3 Pa s
-1 -1
of viscosity are [ML T ]. Generally, thin liquids, t
like water, alcohol, etc., are less viscous than Table10.2 The viscosities of some fluids
thick liquids, like coal tar, blood, glycerine, etc. Fluid T(oC) Viscosity (mPl)
The coefficients of viscosity for some common
Water 20 1.0
fluids are listed in Table 10.2. We point out two
100 0.3
facts about blood and water that you may find Blood 37 2.7
interesting. As Table 10.2 indicates, blood is Machine Oil 16 113
‘thicker’ (more viscous) than water. Further, the 38 34
relative viscosity (η/ηwater) of blood remains Glycerine 20 830
constant between 0 oC and 37 oC. Honey – 200
The viscosity of liquids decreases with Air 0 0.017
temperature, while it increases in the case of gases. 40 0.019
the object and is opposite to the direction of eddies are also generated. An obstacle placed
motion. The other quantities on which the force in the path of a fast moving fluid causes
F depends are viscosity η of the fluid and radius turbulence [Fig. 10.8 (b)]. The smoke rising from
a of the sphere. Sir George G. Stokes (1819– a burning stack of wood, oceanic currents are
1903), an English scientist enunciated clearly turbulent. Twinkling of stars is the result of
the viscous drag force F as atmospheric turbulence. The waves in the water
F = 6 π η av (10.19) and in the air left by cars, aeroplanes and boats
are also turbulent.
This is known as Stokes’ law.We shall not
Osborne Reynolds (1842–1912) observed that
derive Stokes’ law.
turbulent flow is less likely for viscous fluid
This law is an interesting example of retarding
flowing at low rates. He defined a dimensionless
force, which is proportional to velocity. We can
number, whose value gives one an approximate
study its consequences on an object falling
idea whether the flow would be turbulent. This
through a viscous medium. We consider a
number is called the Reynolds Re.
raindrop in air. It accelerates initially due to
Re = ρvd/η (10.21)
gravity. As the velocity increases, the retarding
where ρ is the density of the fluid flowing with
force also increases. Finally, when viscous force
a speed v, d stands for the dimension of the pipe,
plus buoyant force becomes equal to the force
and η is the viscosity of the fluid. R e is a
due to gravity, the net force becomes zero and so
dimensionless number, and therefore, it remains
does the acceleration. The sphere (raindrop) then
the same in any system of units. It is found that
descends with a constant velocity. Thus, in
flow is streamline or laminar for Re less than
equilibrium, this terminal velocity vt is given by
1000. The flow is turbulent for Re > 2000. The
6πηavt = (4π/3) a3 (ρ-σ)g
flow becomes unsteady for Re between 1000 and
where ρ and σ are mass densities of sphere and
2000. The critical value of Re (known as critical
the fluid, respectively. We obtain Reynolds number), at which turbulence sets, is
vt = 2a2 (ρ-σ)g / (9η) (10.20) found to be the same for the geometrically similar
So the terminal velocity vt depends on the flows. For example, when oil and water with their
square of the radius of the sphere and inversely different densities and viscosities, flow in pipes
on the viscosity of the medium. of same shapes and sizes, turbulence sets in at
You may like to refer back to Example 6.2 in almost the same value of Re. Using this fact, a
this context. small-scale laboratory model can be set up to
Example 10.10 The terminal velocity of a study the character of fluid flow. They are useful
copper ball of radius 2.0 mm falling in designing of ships, submarines, racing cars
through a tank of oil at 20oC is 6.5 cm s-1. and aeroplanes.
Compute the viscosity of the oil at 20oC. Re can also be written as
Density of oil is 1.5 ×103 kg m-3, density of Re = ρv2 / (ηv/d) = ρAv2 / (ηAv/d) (10.22)
copper is 8.9 × 103 kg m-3. = inertial force/force of viscosity.
Thus Re represents the ratio of inertial force (force
Answer We have vt = 6.5 × 10-2 ms-1, a = 2 × 10-3 m, due to inertia i.e., mass of moving fluid or due to
g = 9.8 ms-2, ρ = 8.9 × 103 kg m-3, inertia of obstacle in its path) to viscous force.
σ =1.5 ×103 kg m-3. From Eq. (10.20)
2 (2 ×10-3 ) 2 m 2 × 9.8 m s-2
= × × 7.4 × 103 kg m -3 The maximum velocity of a fluid in a tube for
9 6.5 × 10-2 m s-1
which the flow remains streamlined is called its
= 9.9 × 10-1 kg m–1 s–1 t
critical velocity. From Eq. 10.21, it is
10.6 REYNOLDS NUMBER vc = Re × η /(ρ × d).
When the rate of flow of a fluid is large, the flow Turbulence dissipates kinetic energy usually
no longer remains laminar, but becomes in the form of heat. Racing cars and planes are
turbulent. In a turbulent flow the velocity of the engineered to precision in order to minimise
fluids at any point in space varies rapidly and turbulence. The design of such vehicles involves
randomly with time. Some circular motions called experimentation and trial and error. On the other
hand turbulence (like friction) is sometimes free surface when poured in a container. These
desirable. Turbulence promotes mixing and surfaces possess some additional energy. This
increases the rates of transfer of mass, phenomenon is known as surface tension and it
momentum and energy. The blades of a kitchen is concerned with only liquid as gases do not
mixer induce turbulent flow and provide have free surfaces. Let us now understand this
thick milk shakes as well as beat eggs into a phenomena.
uniform texture.
10.7.1 Surface Energy
t Example 10.11 The flow rate of water from
a tap of diameter 1.25 cm is 0.48 L/min. A liquid stays together because of attraction
The coefficient of viscosity of water is between molecules. Consider a molecule well
10-3 Pa s. After sometime the flow rate is inside a liquid. The intermolecular distances are
increased to 3 L/min. Characterise the flow such that it is attracted to all the surrounding
for both the flow rates. molecules [Fig. 10.16(a)]. This attraction results
in a negative potential energy for the molecule,
Answer Let the speed of the flow be v and the which depends on the number and distribution
diameter of the tap be d = 1.25 cm. The volume of molecules around the chosen one. But the
of the water flowing out per second is average potential energy of all the molecules is
Q = v × π d2 / 4
the same. This is supported by the fact that to
v = 4 Q / d2 π
take a collection of such molecules (the liquid)
We then estimate the Reynolds number to be
Re = 4 ρ Q / π d η and to disperse them far away from each other
= 4 ×103 kg m–3 × Q/(3.14 ×1.25 ×10-2 m ×10-3 Pa s) in order to evaporate or vaporise, the heat of
= 1.019 × 108 m–3 s Q evaporation required is quite large. For water it
Since initially is of the order of 40 kJ/mol.
Q = 0.48 L / min = 8 cm3 / s = 8 × 10-6 m3 s-1, Let us consider a molecule near the surface
we obtain, Fig. 10.16(b). Only lower half side of it is
Re = 815 surrounded by liquid molecules. There is some
Since this is below 1000, the flow is steady. negative potential energy due to these, but
After some time when obviously it is less than that of a molecule in
Q = 3 L / min = 50 cm3 / s = 5 × 10-5 m3 s-1, bulk, i.e., the one fully inside. Approximately
we obtain, it is half of the latter. Thus, molecules on a
Re = 5095 liquid surface have some extra energy in
The flow will be turbulent. You may carry comparison to molecules in the interior. A
out an experiment in your washbasin to liquid, thus, tends to have the least surface
determine the transition from laminar to area which external conditions permit.
turbulent flow. t Increasing surface area requires energy. Most
surface phenomenon can be understood in
10.7 SURFACE TENSION terms of this fact. What is the energy required
You must have noticed that, oil and water do not for having a molecule at the surface? As
mix; water wets you and me but not ducks; mentioned above, roughly it is half the energy
mercury does not wet glass but water sticks to it, required to remove it entirely from the liquid
oil rises up a cotton wick, inspite of gravity, Sap i.e., half the heat of evaporation.
and water rise up to the top of the leaves of the Finally, what is a surface? Since a liquid
tree, hair of a paint brush do not cling together consists of molecules moving about, there cannot
when dry and even when dipped in water but be a perfectly sharp surface. The density of the
form a fine tip when taken out of it. All these and liquid molecules drops rapidly to zero around
many more such experiences are related with the z = 0 as we move along the direction indicated
free surfaces of liquids. As liquids have no definite Fig 10.16 (c) in a distance of the order of a few
shape but have a definite volume, they acquire a molecular sizes.
Fig. 10.16 Schematic picture of molecules in a liquid, at the surface and balance of forces. (a) Molecule
inside a liquid. Forces on a molecule due to others are shown. Direction of arrows indicates
attraction of repulsion. (b) Same, for a molecule at a surface. (c) Balance of attractive (A) and
repulsive (R) forces.
10.7.2 Surface Energy and Surface Tension unit area of the liquid interface and is also equal
to the force per unit length exerted by the fluid
As we have discussed that an extra energy is
on the movable bar.
associated with surface of liquids, the creation
So far we have talked about the surface of one
of more surface (spreading of surface) keeping
liquid. More generally, we need to consider fluid
other things like volume fixed requires
surface in contact with other fluids or solid
additional energy. To appreciate this, consider
surfaces. The surface energy in that case depends
a horizontal liquid film ending in bar free to
on the materials on both sides of the surface. For
slide over parallel guides Fig (10.17). example, if the molecules of the materials attract
each other, surface energy is reduced while if they
repel each other the surface energy is increased.
Thus, more appropriately, the surface energy is
the energy of the interface between two materials
and depends on both of them.
We make the following observations from
(i) Surface tension is a force per unit length
(or surface energy per unit area) acting in
Fig. 10.17 Stretching a film. (a) A film in equilibrium; the plane of the interface between the plane
(b) The film stretched an extra distance. of the liquid and any other substance; it also
is the extra energy that the molecules at the
Suppose that we move the bar by a small interface have as compared to molecules in
distance d as shown. Since the area of the the interior.
surface increases, the system now has more (ii) At any point on the interface besides the
energy, this means that some work has been boundary, we can draw a line and imagine
done against an internal force. Let this internal equal and opposite surface tension forces S
force be F, the work done by the applied force is per unit length of the line acting
F.d = Fd. From conservation of energy, this is perpendicular to the line, in the plane of the
stored as additional energy in the film. If the interface. The line is in equilibrium. To be
surface energy of the film is S per unit area, the more specific, imagine a line of atoms or
extra area is 2dl. A film has two sides and the molecules at the surface. The atoms to the
liquid in between, so there are two surfaces and left pull the line towards them; those to the
the extra energy is right pull it towards them! This line of atoms
S (2dl) = Fd (10.23) is in equilibrium under tension. If the line
Or, S=Fd/2dl = F/2l (10.24) really marks the end of the interface, as in
This quantity S is the magnitude of surface Figure 10.16 (a) and (b) there is only the force
tension. It is equal to the surface energy per S per unit length acting inwards.
Table 10.3 gives the surface tension of various Sla = (W/2l) = (mg/2l) (10.25)
liquids. The value of surface tension depends where m is the extra mass and l is the length of
on temperature. Like viscosity, the surface the plate edge. The subscript (la) emphasises
tension of a liquid usually falls with the fact that the liquid-air interface tension is
temperature. involved.
Table 10.3 Surface tension of some liquids at the 10.7.3 Angle of Contact
temperatures indicated with the
heats of the vaporisation The surface of liquid near the plane of contact,
with another medium is in general curved. The
Liquid Temp (oC) Surface Heat of angle between tangent to the liquid surface at
Tension vaporisation the point of contact and solid surface inside the
(N/m) (kJ/mol) liquid is termed as angle of contact. It is denoted
by θ. It is different at interfaces of different pairs
Helium –270 0.000239 0.115 of liquids and solids. The value of θ determines
Oxygen –183 0.0132 7.1
whether a liquid will spread on the surface of a
Ethanol 20 0.0227 40.6
Water 20 0.0727 44.16 solid or it will form droplets on it. For example,
Mercury 20 0.4355 63.2 water forms droplets on lotus leaf as shown in
Fig. 10.19 (a) while spreads over a clean plastic
plate as shown in Fig. 10.19(b).
A fluid will stick to a solid surface if the
surface energy between fluid and the solid is
smaller than the sum of surface energies
between solid-air, and fluid-air. Now there is
attraction between the solid surface and the
liquid. It can be directly measured
experimentaly as schematically shown in Fig.
10.18. A flat vertical glass plate, below which a
vessel of some liquid is kept, forms one arm of
the balance. The plate is balanced by weights (a)
on the other side, with its horizontal edge just
over water. The vessel is raised slightly till the
liquid just touches the glass plate and pulls it
down a little because of surface tension. Weights
are added till the plate just clears water.
Fig. 10.19 Different shapes of water drops with
interfacial tensions (a) on a lotus leaf
(b) on a clean plastic plate.
Sla cos θ + Ssl = Ssa (10.26) If the drop is in equilibrium this energy cost is
The angle of contact is an obtuse angle if balanced by the energy gain due to
Ssl > Sla as in the case of water-leaf interface expansion under the pressure difference (Pi – Po)
while it is an acute angle if Ssl < Sla as in the between the inside of the bubble and the outside.
case of water-plastic interface. When θ is an The work done is
obtuse angle then molecules of liquids are W = (Pi – Po) 4πr2∆r (10.28)
attracted strongly to themselves and weakly to so that
those of solid, it costs a lot of energy to create a (Pi – Po) = (2 Sla/ r) (10.29)
liquid-solid surface, and liquid then does not In general, for a liquid-gas interface, the
wet the solid. This is what happens with water convex side has a higher pressure than the
on a waxy or oily surface, and with mercury on concave side. For example, an air bubble in a
any surface. On the other hand, if the molecules liquid, would have higher pressure inside it.
of the liquid are strongly attracted to those of See Fig 10.20 (b).
the solid, this will reduce Ssl and therefore,
cos θ may increase or θ may decrease. In this
case θ is an acute angle. This is what happens
for water on glass or on plastic and for kerosene
oil on virtually anything (it just spreads). Soaps,
detergents and dying substances are wetting
agents. When they are added the angle of
contact becomes small so that these may
penetrate well and become effective. Water
proofing agents on the other hand are added to Fig. 10.20 Drop, cavity and bubble of radius r.
create a large angle of contact between the water
and fibres. A bubble Fig 10.20 (c) differs from a drop
and a cavity; in this it has two interfaces.
10.7.4 Drops and Bubbles Applying the above argument we have for a
One consequence of surface tension is that free bubble
liquid drops and bubbles are spherical if effects (Pi – Po) = (4 Sla/ r) (10.30)
of gravity can be neglected. You must have seen This is probably why you have to blow hard,
this especially clearly in small drops just formed but not too hard, to form a soap bubble. A little
in a high-speed spray or jet, and in soap bubbles extra air pressure is needed inside!
blown by most of us in childhood. Why are drops
and bubbles spherical? What keeps soap 10.7.5 Capillary Rise
bubbles stable? One consequence of the pressure difference
As we have been saying repeatedly, a liquid- across a curved liquid-air interface is the well-
air interface has energy, so for a given volume known effect that water rises up in a narrow
the surface with minimum energy is the one tube in spite of gravity. The word capilla means
with the least area. The sphere has this
property. Though it is out of the scope of this
book, but you can check that a sphere is better
than at least a cube in this respect! So, if gravity
and other forces (e.g. air resistance) were
ineffective, liquid drops would be spherical.
Another interesting consequence of surface
tension is that the pressure inside a spherical
drop Fig. 10.20(a) is more than the pressure
outside. Suppose a spherical drop of radius r is
in equilibrium. If its radius increase by ∆r. The
Fig. 10.21 Capillary rise, (a) Schematic picture of a
extra surface energy is
narrow tube immersed water.
[4π(r + ∆r) 2- 4πr2] Sla = 8πr ∆r Sla (10.27) (b) Enlarged picture near interface.
hair in Latin; if the tube were hair thin, the rise hairpin shaped, with one end attracted to water
would be very large. To see this, consider a and the other to molecules of grease, oil or wax,
vertical capillary tube of circular cross section thus tending to form water-oil interfaces. The result
(radius a) inserted into an open vessel of water is shown in Fig. 10.22 as a sequence of figures.
(Fig. 10.21). The contact angle between water In our language, we would say that addition
and glass is acute. Thus the surface of water in of detergents, whose molecules attract at one
the capillary is concave. This means that end and say, oil on the other, reduces drastically
there is a pressure difference between the the surface tension S (water-oil). It may even
two sides of the top surface. This is given by become energetically favourable to form such
(Pi – Po) =(2S/r) = 2S/(a sec θ ) interfaces, i.e., globs of dirt surrounded by
= (2S/a) cos θ (10.31) detergents and then by water. This kind of
Thus the pressure of the water inside the process using surface active detergents or
tube, just at the meniscus (air-water interface) surfactants is important not only for cleaning,
is less than the atmospheric pressure. Consider but also in recovering oil, mineral ores etc.
the two points A and B in Fig. 10.21(a). They
must be at the same pressure, namely
P0 + h ρ g = Pi = PA (10.32)
where ρ is the density of water and h is called
the capillary rise [Fig. 10.21(a)]. Using
Eq. (10.31) and (10.32) we have
h ρ g = (Pi – P0) = (2S cos θ )/a (10.33) .
The discussion here, and the Eqs. (10.28) and
(10.29) make it clear that the capillary rise is
due to surface tension. It is larger, for a smaller
a. Typically it is of the order of a few cm for fine
capillaries. For example, if a = 0.05 cm, using
the value of surface tension for water (Table
10.3), we find that
h = 2S/(ρ g a)
2 ×(0.073 N m-1 )
(103 kg m-3 ) (9.8 m s-2 )(5 × 10-4 m)
= 2.98 × 10–2 m = 2.98 cm
Notice that if the liquid meniscus is convex,
as for mercury, i.e., if cos θ is negative then from
Eq. (10.32) for example, it is clear that the liquid
will be lower in the capillary !
1. The basic property of a fluid is that it can flow. The fluid does not have any
resistance to change of its shape. Thus, the shape of a fluid is governed by the
shape of its container.
2. A liquid is incompressible and has a free surface of its own. A gas is compressible
and it expands to occupy all the space available to it.
3. If F is the normal force exerted by a fluid on an area A then the average pressure Pav
is defined as the ratio of the force to area
Pav =
4. The unit of the pressure is the pascal (Pa). It is the same as N m-2. Other common
units of pressure are
1 atm = 1.01×105 Pa
1 bar = 105 Pa
1 torr = 133 Pa = 0.133 kPa
1 mm of Hg = 1 torr = 133 Pa
5. Pascal’s law states that: Pressure in a fluid at rest is same at all points which are
at the same height. A change in pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is
transmitted undiminished to every point of the fluid and the walls of the containing
6. The pressure in a fluid varies with depth h according to the expression
P = Pa + ρgh
where ρ is the density of the fluid, assumed uniform.
7. The volume of an incompressible fluid passing any point every second in a pipe of
non uniform crossection is the same in the steady flow.
v A = constant ( v is the velocity and A is the area of crossection)
The equation is due to mass conservation in incompressible fluid flow.
8. Bernoulli’s principle states that as we move along a streamline, the sum of the
pressure (P), the kinetic energy per unit volume (ρv2/2) and the potential energy per
unit volume (ρgy) remains a constant.
P + ρv2/2 + ρgy = constant
The equation is basically the conservation of energy applied to non viscuss fluid
motion in steady state. There is no fluid which have zero viscosity, so the above
statement is true only approximately. The viscosity is like friction and converts the
kinetic energy to heat energy.
9. Though shear strain in a fluid does not require shear stress, when a shear stress is
applied to a fluid, the motion is generated which causes a shear strain growing
with time. The ratio of the shear stress to the time rate of shearing strain is known
as coefficient of viscosity, η.
where symbols have their usual meaning and are defined in the text.
10. Stokes’ law states that the viscous drag force F on a sphere of radius a moving with
velocity v through a fluid of viscosity is, F = – 6πηav.
11. The onset of turbulence in a fluid is determined by a dimensionless parameter is
called the Reynolds number given by
Re = ρvd/η
Where d is a typical geometrical length associated with the fluid flow and the other
symbols have their usual meaning.
12. Surface tension is a force per unit length (or surface energy per unit area) acting in
the plane of interface between the liquid and the bounding surface. It is the extra
energy that the molecules at the interface have as compared to the interior.
1. Pressure is a scalar quantity. The definition of the pressure as “force per unit area”
may give one false impression that pressure is a vector. The “force” in the numerator
of the definition is the component of the force normal to the area upon which it is
impressed. While describing fluids as a concept, shift from particle and rigid body
mechanics is required. We are concerned with properties that vary from point to point
in the fluid.
2. One should not think of pressure of a fluid as being exerted only on a solid like the
walls of a container or a piece of solid matter immersed in the fluid. Pressure exists at
all points in a fluid. An element of a fluid (such as the one shown in Fig. 10.2) is in
equilibrium because the pressures exerted on the various faces are equal.
3. The expression for pressure
P = Pa + ρgh
holds true if fluid is incompressible. Practically speaking it holds for liquids, which
are largely incompressible and hence is a constant with height.
4. The gauge pressure is the difference of the actual pressure and the atmospheric
P – Pa = Pg
Many pressure-measuring devices measure the gauge pressure. These include the
tyre pressure gauge and the blood pressure gauge (sphygmomanometer).
5. A streamline is a map of fluid flow. In a steady flow two streamlines do not intersect
as it means that the fluid particle will have two possible velocities at the point.
6. Bernoulli’s principle does not hold in presence of viscous drag on the fluid. The work
done by this dissipative viscous force must be taken into account in this case, and P2
[Fig. 10.9] will be lower than the value given by Eq. (10.12).
7. As the temperature rises the atoms of the liquid become more mobile and the coefficient
of viscosity, η, falls. In a gas the temperature rise increases the random motion of
atoms and η increases.
8. The critical Reynolds number for the onset of turbulence is in the range 1000 to
10000, depending on the geometry of the flow. For most cases Re < 1000 signifies
laminar flow; 1000 < Re < 2000 is unsteady flow and Re > 2000 implies turbulent flow.
9. Surface tension arises due to excess potential energy of the molecules on the surface
in comparison to their potential energy in the interior. Such a surface energy is present
at the interface separating two substances at least one of which is a fluid. It is not the
property of a single fluid alone.
10.6 Toricelli’s barometer used mercury. Pascal duplicated it using French wine of density
984 kg m–3. Determine the height of the wine column for normal atmospheric
10.7 A vertical off-shore structure is built to withstand a maximum stress of 109 Pa. Is
the structure suitable for putting up on top of an oil well in the ocean ? Take the
depth of the ocean to be roughly 3 km, and ignore ocean currents.
10.8 A hydraulic automobile lift is designed to lift cars with a maximum mass of 3000
kg. The area of cross-section of the piston carrying the load is 425 cm2. What
maximum pressure would the smaller piston have to bear ?
10.9 A U-tube contains water and methylated spirit separated by mercury. The mercury
columns in the two arms are in level with 10.0 cm of water in one arm and 12.5 cm
of spirit in the other. What is the specific gravity of spirit ?
10.10 In the previous problem, if 15.0 cm of water and spirit each are further poured into
the respective arms of the tube, what is the difference in the levels of mercury in
the two arms ? (Specific gravity of mercury = 13.6)
10.11 Can Bernoulli’s equation be used to describe the flow of water through a rapid in a
river ? Explain.
10.12 Does it matter if one uses gauge instead of absolute pressures in applying Bernoulli’s
equation ? Explain.
10.13 Glycerine flows steadily through a horizontal tube of length 1.5 m and radius 1.0
cm. If the amount of glycerine collected per second at one end is 4.0 × 10–3 kg s–1,
what is the pressure difference between the two ends of the tube ? (Density of
glycerine = 1.3 × 103 kg m–3 and viscosity of glycerine = 0.83 Pa s). [You may also
like to check if the assumption of laminar flow in the tube is correct].
10.14 In a test experiment on a model aeroplane in a wind tunnel, the flow speeds on the
upper and lower surfaces of the wing are 70 m s–1and 63 m s-1 respectively. What is
the lift on the wing if its area is 2.5 m2 ? Take the density of air to be 1.3 kg m–3.
10.15 Figures 10.23(a) and (b) refer to the steady flow of a (non-viscous) liquid. Which of
the two figures is incorrect ? Why ?
Fig. 10.23
10.16 The cylindrical tube of a spray pump has a cross-section of 8.0 cm2 one end of
which has 40 fine holes each of diameter 1.0 mm. If the liquid flow inside the tube
is 1.5 m min–1, what is the speed of ejection of the liquid through the holes ?
10.17 A U-shaped wire is dipped in a soap solution, and removed. The thin soap film
formed between the wire and the light slider supports a weight of 1.5 × 10–2 N
(which includes the small weight of the slider). The length of the slider is 30 cm.
What is the surface tension of the film ?
10.18 Figure 10.24 (a) shows a thin liquid film supporting a small weight = 4.5 × 10–2 N.
What is the weight supported by a film of the same liquid at the same temperature
in Fig. (b) and (c) ? Explain your answer physically.
Fig. 10.24
10.19 What is the pressure inside the drop of mercury of radius 3.00 mm at room
temperature ? Surface tension of mercury at that temperature (20 °C) is 4.65 ×
10–1 N m–1. The atmospheric pressure is 1.01 × 105 Pa. Also give the excess pressure
inside the drop.
10.20 What is the excess pressure inside a bubble of soap solution of radius 5.00 mm,
given that the surface tension of soap solution at the temperature (20 °C) is 2.50 ×
10–2 N m–1 ? If an air bubble of the same dimension were formed at depth of 40.0
cm inside a container containing the soap solution (of relative density 1.20), what
would be the pressure inside the bubble ? (1 atmospheric pressure is 1.01 × 105 Pa).
Additional Exercises
10.21 A tank with a square base of area 1.0 m2 is divided by a vertical partition in the
middle. The bottom of the partition has a small-hinged door of area 20 cm2. The
tank is filled with water in one compartment, and an acid (of relative density 1.7)
in the other, both to a height of 4.0 m. compute the force necessary to keep the
door close.
10.22 A manometer reads the pressure of a gas in an enclosure as shown in Fig. 10.25 (a)
When a pump removes some of the gas, the manometer reads as in Fig. 10.25 (b)
The liquid used in the manometers is mercury and the atmospheric pressure is 76
cm of mercury.
(a) Give the absolute and gauge pressure of the gas in the enclosure for cases (a)
and (b), in units of cm of mercury.
(b) How would the levels change in case (b) if 13.6 cm of water (immiscible with
mercury) are poured into the right limb of the manometer ? (Ignore the small
change in the volume of the gas).
Fig. 10.25
10.23 Two vessels have the same base area but different shapes. The first vessel takes
twice the volume of water that the second vessel requires to fill upto a particular
common height. Is the force exerted by the water on the base of the vessel the same
in the two cases ? If so, why do the vessels filled with water to that same height give
different readings on a weighing scale ?
10.24 During blood transfusion the needle is inserted in a vein where the gauge pressure
is 2000 Pa. At what height must the blood container be placed so that blood may
just enter the vein ? [Use the density of whole blood from Table 10.1].
10.25 In deriving Bernoulli’s equation, we equated the work done on the fluid in the tube
to its change in the potential and kinetic energy. (a) What is the largest average
velocity of blood flow in an artery of diameter 2 × 10–3 m if the flow must remain
laminar ? (b) Do the dissipative forces become more important as the fluid velocity
increases ? Discuss qualitatively.
10.26 (a) What is the largest average velocity of blood flow in an artery of radius 2×10–3m
if the flow must remain lanimar? (b) What is the corresponding flow rate ? (Take
viscosity of blood to be 2.084 × 10–3 Pa s).
10.27 A plane is in level flight at constant speed and each of its two wings has an area of
25 m2. If the speed of the air is 180 km/h over the lower wing and 234 km/h over
the upper wing surface, determine the plane’s mass. (Take air density to be 1 kg
10.28 In Millikan’s oil drop experiment, what is the terminal speed of an uncharged drop
of radius 2.0 × 10–5 m and density 1.2 × 103 kg m–3. Take the viscosity of air at the
temperature of the experiment to be 1.8 × 10–5 Pa s. How much is the viscous force
on the drop at that speed ? Neglect buoyancy of the drop due to air.
10.29 Mercury has an angle of contact equal to 140° with soda lime glass. A narrow tube
of radius 1.00 mm made of this glass is dipped in a trough containing mercury. By
what amount does the mercury dip down in the tube relative to the liquid surface
outside ? Surface tension of mercury at the temperature of the experiment is 0.465
N m–1. Density of mercury = 13.6 × 103 kg m–3.
10.30 Two narrow bores of diameters 3.0 mm and 6.0 mm are joined together to form
a U-tube open at both ends. If the U-tube contains water, what is the difference in
its levels in the two limbs of the tube ? Surface tension of water at the temperature
of the experiment is 7.3 × 10–2 N m–1. Take the angle of contact to be zero and
density of water to be 1.0 × 103 kg m–3 (g = 9.8 m s–2) .
In evolutionary history there occurred a time when animals started spending a significant amount
of time in the upright position. This placed a number of demands on the circulatory system. The
venous system that returns blood from the lower extremities to the heart underwent changes. You
will recall that veins are blood vessels through which blood returns to the heart. Humans and
animals such as the giraffe have adapted to the problem of moving blood upward against gravity.
But animals such as snakes, rats and rabbits will die if held upwards, since the blood remains in
the lower extremities and the venous system is unable to move it towards the heart.
Fig. 10.26 Schematic view of the gauge pressures in the arteries in various parts of the human body while
standing or lying down. The pressures shown are averaged over a heart cycle.
Figure 10.26 shows the average pressures observed in the arteries at various points in the human body.
Since viscous effects are small, we can use Bernoulli’s equation, Eq. (10.13),
1 2
P+ ρv + ρgy = Constant
to understand these pressure values. The kinetic energy term (ρ v2/2) can be ignored since the velocities in
the three arteries are small (≈ 0.1 m s–1) and almost constant. Hence the gauge pressures at the brain PB,
the heart PH, and the foot PF are related by
P F = P H + ρ g h H = PB + ρ g h B (10.34)
where ρ is the density of blood.
Typical values of the heights to the heart and the brain are h H = 1.3 m and h B = 1.7 m. Taking
ρ = 1.06 × 103 kg m–3 we obtain that PF = 26.8 kPa (kilopascals) and PB = 9.3 kPa given that PH = 13.3 kPa.
Thus the pressures in the lower and upper parts of the body are so different when a person is standing,
but are almost equal when he is lying down. As mentioned in the text the units for pressure more
commonly employed in medicine and physiology are torr and mm of Hg. 1 mm of Hg = 1 torr = 0.133 kPa.
Thus the average pressure at the heart is P H = 13.3 kPa = 100 mm of Hg.
The human body is a marvel of nature. The veins in the lower extremities are equipped with valves,
which open when blood flows towards the heart and close if it tends to drain down. Also, blood is returned
at least partially by the pumping action associated with breathing and by the flexing of the skeletal muscles
during walking. This explains why a soldier who is required to stand at attention may faint because of
insufficient return of the blood to the heart. Once he is made to lie down, the pressures become equalized
and he regains consciousness.
An instrument called the sphygmomanometer usually measures the blood pressure of humans. It is a
fast, painless and non-invasive technique and gives the doctor a reliable idea about the patient’s health.
The measurement process is shown in Fig. 10.27. There are two reasons why the upper arm is used. First,
it is at the same level as the heart and measurements here give values close to that at the heart. Secondly,
the upper arm contains a single bone and makes the artery there (called the brachial artery) easy to
compress. We have all measured pulse rates by placing our fingers over the wrist. Each pulse takes a little
less than a second. During each pulse the pressure in the heart and the circulatory system goes through a
maximum as the blood is pumped by the heart (systolic pressure) and a minimum as the heart relaxes
(diastolic pressure). The sphygmomanometer is a device, which measures these extreme pressures. It
works on the principle that blood flow in the brachial (upper arm) artery can be made to go from
laminar to turbulent by suitable compression. Turbulent flow is dissipative, and its sound can be
picked up on the stethoscope.
The gauge pressure in an air sack wrapped around the upper arm is measured using a manometer or a
dial pressure gauge (Fig. 10.27). The pressure in the sack is first increased till the brachial artery is closed.
The pressure in the sack is then slowly reduced while a stethoscope placed just below the sack is used to
listen to noises arising in the brachial artery. When
the pressure is just below the systolic (peak)
pressure, the artery opens briefly. During this brief
period, the blood velocity in the highly constricted
artery is high and turbulent and hence noisy. The
resulting noise is heard as a tapping sound on the
stethoscope. When the pressure in the sack is
lowered further, the artery remains open for a longer
portion of the heart cycle. Nevertheless, it remains
closed during the diastolic (minimum pressure)
phase of the heartbeat. Thus the duration of the
tapping sound is longer. When the pressure in the
sack reaches the diastolic pressure the artery is
open during the entire heart cycle. The flow is
however, still turbulent and noisy. But instead of a
Fig. 10.27 Blood pressure measurement using the
tapping sound we hear a steady, continuous roar
sphygmomanometer and stethoscope.
on the stethoscope.
The blood pressure of a patient is presented as the ratio of systolic/diastolic pressures. For a resting
healthy adult it is typically 120/80 mm of Hg (120/80 torr). Pressures above 140/90 require medical
attention and advice. High blood pressures may seriously damage the heart, kidney and other organs and
must be controlled.
We all have common sense notions of heat and temperature.
Temperature is a measure of ‘hotness’ of a body. A kettle
11.1 Introduction with boiling water is hotter than a box containing ice. In
11.2 Temperature and heat physics, we need to define the notion of heat, temperature,
11.3 Measurement of etc., more carefully. In this chapter, you will learn what heat
temperature is and how it is measured, and study the various proceses by
11.4 Ideal-gas equation and which heat flows from one body to another. Along the way,
absolute temperature you will find out why blacksmiths heat the iron ring before
11.5 Thermal expansion fitting on the rim of a wooden wheel of a horse cart and why
11.6 Specific heat capacity the wind at the beach often reverses direction after the sun
11.7 Calorimetry goes down. You will also learn what happens when water boils
11.8 Change of state or freezes, and its temperature does not change during these
11.9 Heat transfer processes even though a great deal of heat is flowing into or
out of it.
11.10 Newton’s law of cooling
Points to ponder
Exercises We can begin studying thermal properties of matter with
Additional Exercises definitions of temperature and heat. Temperature is a relative
measure, or indication of hotness or coldness. A hot utensil
is said to have a high temperature, and ice cube to have a
low temperature. An object that has a higher temperature
than another object is said to be hotter. Note that hot and
cold are relative terms, like tall and short. We can perceive
temperature by touch. However, this temperature sense is
somewhat unreliable and its range is too limited to be useful
for scientific purposes.
We know from experience that a glass of ice-cold water left
on a table on a hot summer day eventually warms up whereas
a cup of hot tea on the same table cools down. It means that
when the temperature of body, ice-cold water or hot tea in
this case, and its surrounding medium are different, heat
transfer takes place between the system and the surrounding
medium, until the body and the surrounding medium are at
the same temperature. We also know that in the case of glass
tumbler of ice-cold water, heat flows from the environment to
relationship. Notice that since PV = constant named after the British scientist Lord Kelvin. On
and V/T = constant for a given quantity of gas, this scale, – 273.15 °C is taken as the zero point,
then PV/T should also be a constant. This that is 0 K (Fig. 11.4).
relationship is known as ideal gas law. It can be
written in a more general form that applies not
just to a given quantity of a single gas but to any
quantity of any low-density gas and is known as
ideal-gas equation:
= µR
or PV = µRT (11.2)
where, µ is the number of moles in the sample
of gas and R is called universal gas constant:
R = 8.31 J mol–1 K–1
In Eq. 11.2, we have learnt that the pressure
and volume are directly proportional to
temperature : PV ∝ T. This relationship allows a
gas to be used to measure temperature in a
constant volume gas thermometer. Holding the
volume of a gas constant, it gives P ∝T. Thus,
Fig. 11.4 Comparision of the Kelvin, Celsius and
with a constant-volume gas thermometer,
Fahrenheit temperature scales.
temperature is read in terms of pressure. A plot The size of unit in Kelvin and Celsius
of pressure versus temperature gives a straight temperature scales is the same. So, temperature
line in this case, as shown in Fig. 11.2. on these scales are related by
However, measurements on real gases deviate
T = tC + 273.15 (11.3)
from the values predicted by the ideal gas law
at low temperature. But the relationship is linear
over a large temperature range, and it looks as
though the pressure might reach zero with You may have observed that sometimes sealed
decreasing temperature if the gas continued to bottles with metallic lids are so tightly screwed
be a gas. The absolute minimum temperature that one has to put the lid in hot water for some
for an ideal gas, therefore, inferred by time to open it. This would allow the metallic lid
extrapolating the straight line to the axis, as in to expand, thereby loosening it to unscrew
Fig. 11.3. This temperature is found to be easily. In case of liquids, you may have observed
– 273.15 °C and is designated as absolute zero. that mercury in a thermometer rises, when the
Absolute zero is the foundation of the Kelvin thermometer is put in slightly warm water. If
temperature scale or absolute scale temperature we take out the thermometer from the warm
water the level of mercury falls again. Similarly, Table 11.1 Values of coef ficient of linear
in case of gases, a balloon partially inflated in a expansion for some material
cool room may expand to full size when placed
in warm water. On the other hand, a fully Material α l (10–5 K–1)
inflated balloon when immersed in cold water Aluminium 2.5
would start shrinking due to contraction of the Brass 1.8
air inside. Iron 1.2
It is our common experience that most Copper 1.7
substances expand on heating and contract on Silver 1.9
cooling. A change in the temperature of a body Gold 1.4
causes change in its dimensions. The increase Glass (pyrex) 0.32
in the dimensions of a body due to the increase Lead 0.29
in its temperature is called thermal expansion.
The expansion in length is called linear
Similarly, we consider the fractional change
expansion. The expansion in area is called area
expansion. The expansion in volume is called ∆V
in volume, , of a substance for temperature
volume expansion (Fig. 11.5). V
change ∆T and define the coefficient of volume
expansion (or volume expansivity), α V as
∆V 1
αV = (11.5)
V ∆T
Here α V is also a characteristic of the
substance but is not strictly a constant. It
∆l ∆A ∆V depends in general on temperature (Fig 11.6). It
= a l ∆T = 2a l ∆T = 3a l ∆T
l A V is seen that αV becomes constant only at a high
(a) Linear expansion (b) Area expansion (c) Volume expansion
= α1 ∆T (11.4)
where α1 is known as the coefficient of linear
expansion (or linear expansivity) and is
characteristic of the material of the rod. In Table
11.1, typical average values of the coefficient of Fig. 11.6 Coefficient of volume expansion of copper
linear expansion for some material in the as a function of temperature.
temperature range 0 °C to 100 °C are given. From
this Table, compare the value of αl for glass and Table 11.2 gives the values of coefficient of
copper. We find that copper expands about five volume expansion of some common substances
times more than glass for the same rise in in the temperature range 0–100 °C. You can see
temperature. Normally, metals expand more and that thermal expansion of these substances
have relatively high values of αl. (solids and liquids) is rather small, with material,
like pyrex glass and invar (a special iron-nickel lakes and ponds, freeze at the top first. As a lake
alloy) having particularly low values of αV. From cools toward 4 °C, water near the surface loses
this Table we find that the value of αv for energy to the atmosphere, becomes denser, and
alcohol (ethanol) is more than mercury and sinks; the warmer, less dense water near the
expands more than mercury for the same rise bottom rises. However, once the colder water on
in temperature. top reaches temperature below 4 °C, it becomes
less dense and remains at the surface, where it
Table 11.2 Values of coefficient of volume freezes. If water did not have this property, lakes
expansion for some substances and ponds would freeze from the bottom up,
which would destroy much of their animal and
Material αv ( K–1) plant life.
Aluminium 7 × 10–5 Gases, at ordinary temperature, expand more
Brass 6 × 10–5 than solids and liquids. For liquids, the
Iron 3.55 × 10–5 coefficient of volume expansion is relatively
Paraffin 58.8 × 10–5 independent of the temperature. However, for
Glass (ordinary) 2.5 × 10–5 gases it is dependent on temperature. For an
Glass (pyrex) 1 × 10–5 ideal gas, the coefficient of volume expansion at
Hard rubber 2.4 × 10–4 constant pressure can be found from the ideal
Invar 2 × 10–6 gas equation:
Mercury 18.2 × 10–5 PV = µRT
Water 20.7 × 10–5 At constant pressure
Alcohol (ethanol) 110 × 10–5 P∆V = µR ∆T
∆V ∆T
Water exhibits an anomalous behaviour; it =
contracts on heating between 0 °C and 4 °C.
The volume of a given amount of water decreases 1
i.e., αv = for ideal gas (11.6)
as it is cooled from room temperature, until its T
temperature reaches 4 °C, [Fig. 11.7(a)]. Below At 0 °C, αv = 3.7 × 10–3 K–1, which is much
4 °C, the volume increases, and therefore, the larger than that for solids and liquids.
density decreases [Fig. 11.7(b)]. Equation (11.6) shows the temperature
This means that water has the maximum dependence of αv; it decreases with increasing
density at 4 °C. This property has an important temperature. For a gas at room temperature and
environmental effect: bodies of water, such as constant pressure, αv is about 3300 × 10–6 K–1, as
11.6 SPECIFIC HEAT CAPACITY heat absorbed or given off to change the
Take some water in a vessel and start heating it temperature of unit mass of it by one unit. This
on a burner. Soon you will notice that bubbles quantity is referred to as the specific heat
begin to move upward. As the temperature is capacity of the substance.
raised the motion of water particles increases If ∆Q stands for the amount of heat absorbed
till it becomes turbulent as water starts boiling. or given off by a substance of mass m when it
What are the factors on which the quantity of undergoes a temperature change ∆T, then the
heat required to raise the temperature of a specific heat capacity, of that substance is given
substance depend? In order to answer this by
question in the first step, heat a given quantity S 1 ∆Q
of water to raise its temperature by, say 20 °C s= = (11.11)
m m ∆T
and note the time taken. Again take the same The specific heat capacity is the property of
amount of water and raise its temperature by the substance which determines the change in
40 °C using the same source of heat. Note the the temperature of the substance (undergoing
time taken by using a stopwatch. You will find no phase change) when a given quantity of heat
it takes about twice the time and therefore, is absorbed (or given off) by it. It is defined as the
double the quantity of heat required raising twice amount of heat per unit mass absorbed or given
the temperature of same amount of water. off by the substance to change its temperature
In the second step, now suppose you take by one unit. It depends on the nature of the
double the amount of water and heat it, using substance and its temperature. The SI unit of
the same heating arrangement, to raise the specific heat capacity is J kg–1 K–1.
temperature by 20 °C, you will find the time If the amount of substance is specified in
taken is again twice that required in the first terms of moles µ, instead of mass m in kg, we
step. can define heat capacity per mole of the
In the third step, in place of water, now heat substance by
the same quantity of some oil, say mustard oil,
and raise the temperature again by 20 °C. Now S 1 ∆Q
C= = (11.12)
note the time by the same stopwatch. You will µ µ ∆T
find the time taken will be shorter and therefore, where C is known as molar specific heat
the quantity of heat required would be less than capacity of the substance. Like S, C also
that required by the same amount of water for depends on the nature of the substance and its
the same rise in temperature. temperature. The SI unit of molar specific heat
The above observations show that the quantity capacity is J mol–1 K–1.
of heat required to warm a given substance However, in connection with specific heat
depends on its mass, m, the change in capacity of gases, additional conditions may be
temperature, ∆T and the nature of substance. needed to define C. In this case, heat transfer
The change in temperature of a substance, when can be achieved by keeping either pressure or
a given quantity of heat is absorbed or rejected volume constant. If the gas is held under
by it, is characterised by a quantity called the constant pressure during the heat transfer, then
heat capacity of that substance. We define heat it is called the molar specific heat capacity at
capacity, S of a substance as
constant pressure and is denoted by Cp. On
∆Q the other hand, if the volume of the gas is
S= (11.10)
∆T maintained during the heat transfer, then the
where ∆Q is the amount of heat supplied to corresponding molar specific heat capacity is
the substance to change its temperature from T called molar specific heat capacity at constant
to T + ∆T. volume and is denoted by Cv. For details see
You have observed that if equal amount of Chapter 12. Table 11.3 lists measured specific
heat is added to equal masses of different heat capacity of some substances at atmospheric
substances, the resulting temperature changes pressure and ordinary temperature while Table
will not be the same. It implies that every 11.4 lists molar specific heat capacities of some
substance has a unique value for the amount of gases. From Table 11.3 you can note that water
Table 11.3 Specific heat capacity of some substances at room temperature and atmospheric
Substance Specific heat capacity Substance Specific heat capacity
(J kg–1 K–1) (J kg–1 K–1)
Aluminium 900.0 Ice 2060
Carbon 506.5 Glass 840
Copper 386.4 Iron 450
Lead 127.7 Kerosene 2118
Silver 236.1 Edible oil 1965
Tungesten 134.4 Mercury 140
Water 4186.0
has the highest specific heat capacity compared equal to the heat gained by the colder body,
to other substances. For this reason water is also provided no heat is allowed to escape to the
used as a coolant in automobile radiators, as surroundings. A device in which heat
well as, a heater in hot water bags. Owing to its measurement can be done is called a
high specific heat capacity, water warms up calorimeter. It consists of a metallic vessel and
more slowly than land during summer, and stirrer of the same material, like copper or
consequently wind from the sea has a cooling aluminium. The vessel is kept inside a wooden
effect. Now, you can tell why in desert areas, jacket, which contains heat insulating material,
the earth surface warms up quickly during the like glass wool etc. The outer jacket acts as a
day and cools quickly at night.
heat shield and reduces the heat loss from the
Table 11.4 Molar specific heat capacities of inner vessel. There is an opening in the outer
some gases jacket through which a mercury thermometer
Gas Cp (J mol–1K–1) Cv(J mol–1K–1) can be inserted into the calorimeter (Fig. 11.20).
The following example provides a method by
He 20.8 12.5 which the specific heat capacity of a given solid
H2 28.8 20.4 can be determinated by using the principle, heat
gained is equal to the heat lost.
N2 29.1 20.8
Example 11.3 A sphere of 0.047 kg
O2 29.4 21.1
aluminium is placed for sufficient time in a
CO2 37.0 28.5 vessel containing boiling water, so that the
sphere is at 100 °C. It is then immediately
transfered to 0.14 kg copper calorimeter
containing 0.25 kg water at 20 °C. The
A system is said to be isolated if no exchange or temperature of water rises and attains a
transfer of heat occurs between the system and steady state at 23 °C. Calculate the specific
its surroundings. When different parts of an heat capacity of aluminium.
isolated system are at different temperature, a
quantity of heat transfers from the part at higher Answer In solving this example, we shall use
temperature to the part at lower temperature. the fact that at a steady state, heat given by an
The heat lost by the part at higher temperature aluminium sphere will be equal to the heat
is equal to the heat gained by the part at lower absorbed by the water and calorimeter.
temperature. Mass of aluminium sphere (m1) = 0.047 kg
Calorimetry means measurement of heat. Initial temperature of aluminium sphere =100 °C
When a body at higher temperature is brought Final temperature = 23 °C
in contact with another body at lower Change in temperature (∆T)=(100 °C -23 °C) = 77 °C
temperature, the heat lost by the hot body is Let specific heat capacity of aluminium be sAl.
Triple Point
The temperature of a substance remains constant during its change of state (phase change).
A graph between the temperature T and the Pressure P of the substance is called a phase
diagram or P – T diagram. The following figure shows the phase diagram of water and CO2.
Such a phase diagram divides the P – T plane into a solid-region, the vapour-region and the
liquid-region. The regions are separated by the curves such as sublimation curve (BO), fusion
curve (AO) and vaporisation curve (CO). The points on sublimation curve represent states
in which solid and vapour phases coexist. The point on the sublimation curve BO represent
states in which the solid and vapour phases co-exist. Points on the fusion curve AO represent
states in which solid and liquid phase coexist. Points on the vapourisation curve CO represent
states in which the liquid and vapour phases coexist. The temperature and pressure at which
the fusion curve, the vaporisation curve and the sublimation curve meet and all the three
phases of a substance coexist is called the triple point of the substance. For example the
triple point of water is represented by the temperature 273.16 K and pressure 6.11×10–3 Pa.
(a) (b)
Fig. 11.11: Pressure-temperature phase diagrams for (a) water and (b) CO2 (not to the scale).
thermometer and steam outlet through the cork cork. Keep the f lask turned upside down on the
of the flask (Fig. 11.11). As water gets heated in stand. Pour ice-cold water on the flask. Water
the flask, note first that the air, which was vapours in the flask condense reducing the
dissolved in the water, will come out as small pressure on the water surface inside the flask.
bubbles. Later, bubbles of steam will form at Water begins to boil again, now at a lower
the bottom but as they rise to the cooler water temperature. Thus boiling point decreases with
near the top, they condense and disappear. decrease in pressure.
Finally, as the temperature of the entire mass This explains why cooking is difficult on hills.
of the water reaches 100 °C, bubbles of steam At high altitudes, atmospheric pressure is lower,
reach the surface and boiling is said to occur. reducing the boiling point of water as compared
The steam in the flask may not be visible but as to that at sea level. On the other hand, boiling
it comes out of the flask, it condenses as tiny point is increased inside a pressure cooker by
droplets of water, giving a foggy appearance. increasing the pressure. Hence cooking is faster.
The boiling point of a substance at standard
atmospheric pressure is called its normal
boiling point.
However, all substances do not pass through
the three states: solid-liquid-gas. There are
certain substances which normally pass from
the solid to the vapour state directly and vice
versa. The change from solid state to vapour
state without passing through the liquid state
is called sublimation, and the substance is said
to sublime. Dry ice (solid CO2) sublimes, so also
iodine. During the sublimation process both the
solid and vapour states of a substance coexist
in thermal equilibrium.
Table 11.5 Temperatures of the change of state and latent heats for various substances at
1 atm pressure
The heat required during a change of state Note that when heat is added (or removed)
depends upon the heat of transformation and during a change of state, the temperature
the mass of the substance undergoing a change remains constant. Note in Fig. 11.12 that the
of state. Thus, if mass m of a substance slopes of the phase lines are not all the same,
undergoes a change from one state to the other, which indicate that specific heats of the various
then the quantity of heat required is given by states are not equal. For water, the latent heat of
Q=mL fusion and vaporisation are Lf = 3.33 × 105 J kg–1
or L = Q/m (11.13) and Lv = 22.6 × 105 J kg–1, respectively. That is,
where L is known as latent heat and is a 3.33 × 105 J of heat is needed to melt 1 kg ice at
characteristic of the substance. Its SI unit is 0 °C, and 22.6 × 105 J of heat is needed to convert
J kg–1. The value of L also depends on the 1 kg water into steam at 100 °C. So, steam at
pressure. Its value is usually quoted at standard 100 °C carries 22.6 × 105 J kg–1 more heat than
atmospheric pressure. The latent heat for a solid- water at 100 °C. This is why burns from steam
liquid state change is called the latent heat of are usually more serious than those from
fusion (Lf), and that for a liquid-gas state change boiling water.
is called the latent heat of vaporisation (Lv).
These are often referred to as the heat of fusion Example 11.4 When 0.15 kg of ice at 0 °C
Heat lost by water = msw (θf–θi)w
= (0.30 kg ) (4186 J kg–1 K–1) (50.0 °C – 6.7 °C)
= 54376.14 J
Heat required to melt ice = m2Lf = (0.15 kg) Lf
Heat required to raise temperature of ice
water to final temperature = mIsw (θf–θi)I
= (0.15 kg) (4186 J kg–1 K –1) (6.7 °C – 0 °C)
= 4206.93 J
Heat lost = heat gained
Fig. 11.12 Temperature versus heat for water at 54376.14 J = (0.15 kg ) Lf + 4206.93 J
1 atm pressure (not to scale). Lf = 3.34×105 J kg–1. t
Answer We have
Mass of the ice, m = 3 kg
specific heat capacity of ice, sice
= 2100 J kg–1 K–1
specific heat capacity of water, swater
= 4186 J kg–1 K–1
latent heat of fusion of ice, Lf ice
= 3.35 × 105 J kg–1
latent heat of steam, Lsteam Fig. 11.13 Heating by conduction, convection and
= 2.256 × 106 J kg–1 radiation.
Given, L1 = L2= L = 0.1 m, A1 = A2= A= 0.02 m2
K 1 = 79 W m –1 K –1 , K 2 = 109 W m –1 K –1 ,
T1 = 373 K, and T2 = 273 K.
Under steady state condition, the heat
current (H1) through iron bar is equal to the
Fig. 11.15
heat current (H2) through brass bar.
Answer The insulating material around the So, H = H1 = H2
rods reduces heat loss from the sides of the rods.
Therefore, heat flows only along the length of K 1 A1 ( T1 – T0 ) K 2 A 2 ( T 0 – T2 )
= =
the rods. Consider any cross section of the rod. L1 L2
In the steady state, heat flowing into the element For A1 = A2 = A and L1 = L2 = L, this equation
must equal the heat flowing out of it; otherwise leads to
there would be a net gain or loss of heat by the K1 (T1 – T0) = K2 (T0 – T2)
element and its temperature would not be Thus, the junction temperature T0 of the two
steady. Thus in the steady state, rate of heat bars is
flowing across a cross section of the rod is the
same at every point along the length of the ( K1T1 + K 2T2 )
T0 =
combined steel-copper rod. Let T be the ( K1 + K 2 )
temperature of the steel-copper junction in the
Using this equation, the heat current H through
steady state. Then,
either bar is
K1 A1 (300 − T ) K 2 A2 (T – 0) K1 A (T1 – T0 )
= K 2 A(T0 – T2 )
L1 L2 H= =
where 1 and 2 refer to the steel and copper rod
respectively. For A1 = 2 A2, L1 = 15.0 cm,
L2 = 10.0 cm, K1 = 50.2 J s–1 m–1 K –1, K2 = 385 J
s–1 m–1 K –1, we have
50.2 × 2 ( 300 − T )
Using these equations, the heat current H′
385 T
= through the compound bar of length L1 + L2 = 2L
15 10
and the equivalent thermal conductivity K′, of
which gives T = 44.4 °C t the compound bar are given by
2 × (79 W m –1 K –1 ) × (109 W m –1 K –1 )
79 W m –1 K –1 +109 W m –1 K –1
Fig 11.16 = 91.6 W m–1 K–1
bodies like, the moon, Sun and other stars. Light For a body with emissivity e, the relation
from the moon is found to have a maximum modifies to
intensity near the wavelength 14 µm. By Wien’s
H = eσ A (T 4 – Ts4) (11.18)
law, the surface of the moon is estimated to have
a temperature of 200 K. Solar radiation has a As an example, let us estimate the heat
maximum at λm = 4753 Å. This corresponds to radiated by our bodies. Suppose the surface area
T = 6060 K. Remember, this is the temperature of a person’s body is about 1.9 m2 and the room
of the surface of the sun, not its interior. temperature is 22°C. The internal body
The most significant feature of the temperature, as we know, is about 37 °C. The
blackbody radiation curves in Fig. 11.18 is that skin temperature may be 28°C (say). The
they are universal. They depend only on the emissivity of the skin is about 0.97 for the
temperature and not on the size, shape or relevant region of electromagnetic radiation. The
material of the blackbody. Attempts to explain rate of heat loss is:
blackbody radiation theoretically, at the
beginning of the twentieth century, spurred the H = 5.67 × 10–8 × 1.9 × 0.97 × {(301)4 – (295)4}
quantum revolution in physics, as you will = 66.4 W
learn in later courses.
Energy can be transferred by radiation over which is more than half the rate of energy
large distances, without a medium (i.e., in production by the body at rest (120 W). To
vacuum). The total electromagnetic energy prevent this heat loss effectively (better than
radiated by a body at absolute temperature T ordinary clothing), modern arctic clothing has
is proportional to its size, its ability to radiate an additional thin shiny metallic layer next to
(called emissivity) and most importantly to its the skin, which reflects the body’s radiation.
temperature. For a body, which is a perfect
radiator, the energy emitted per unit time (H) 11.9.5 Greenhouse Effect
is given by The earth’s surface is a source of thermal
H = AσT 4 (11.16) radiation as it absorbs energy received from the
Sun. The wavelength of this radiation lies in the
where A is the area and T is the absolute long wavelength (infrared) region. But a large
temperature of the body. This relation obtained portion of this radiation is absorbed by
experimentally by Stefan and later proved greenhouse gases, namely, carbon dioxide
theoretically by Boltzmann is known as Stefan- (CO2); methane (CH 4); nitrous oxide (N 2O);
Boltzmann law and the constant σ is called chlorofluorocarbon (CFxClx); and tropospheric
Stefan-Boltzmann constant. Its value in SI units ozone (O3). This heats up the atmosphere which,
is 5.67 × 10–8 W m–2 K–4. Most bodies emit only a in turn, gives more energy to earth, resulting in
fraction of the rate given by Eq. 11.16. A substance warmer surface. This increases the intensity of
like lamp black comes close to the limit. One, radiation from the surface. The cycle of
therefore, defines a dimensionless fraction e processes described above is repeated until no
called emissivity and writes, radiation is available for absorption. The net
H = AeσT 4 (11.17) result is heating up of earth’s surface and
Here, e = 1 for a perfect radiator. For a tungsten atmosphere. This is known as Greenhouse
lamp, for example, e is about 0.4. Thus, a tungsten Effect. Without the Greenhouse Effect, the
lamp at a temperature of 3000 K and a surface temperature of the earth would have been –18°C.
area of 0.3 cm2 radiates at the rate H = 0.3 × Concentration of greenhouse gases has
10–4 × 0.4 × 5.67 × 10–8 × (3000)4 = 60 W. enhanced due to human activities, making the
A body at temperature T, with surroundings earth warmer. According to an estimate, average
temperature of earth has increased by 0.3 to
at temperatures Ts, emits, as well as, receives
0.6°C, since the beginning of this century
energy. For a perfect radiator, the net rate of
because of this enhancement. By the middle of
loss of radiant energy is
the next century, the earth’s global temperature
H = σA (T 4 – Ts4) may be 1 to 3°C higher than today. This global
warming may cause problem for human life, From the graph you can infer how the cooling
plants and animals. Because of global warming, of hot water depends on the difference of its
ice caps are melting faster, sea level is rising, temperature from that of the surroundings. You
and weather pattern is changing. Many coastal will also notice that initially the rate of cooling
cities are at the risk of getting submerged. The is higher and decreases as the temperature of
enhanced Greenhouse Effect may also result in the body falls.
expansion of deserts. All over the world, efforts The above activity shows that a hot body loses
are being made to minimise the effect of global heat to its surroundings in the form of heat
warming. radiation. The rate of loss of heat depends on
the difference in temperature between the body
11.10 NEWTON’S LAW OF COOLING and its surroundings. Newton was the first to
study, in a systematic manner, the relation
We all know that hot water or milk when left on
between the heat lost by a body in a given
a table begins to cool, gradually. Ultimately it
enclosure and its temperature.
attains the temperature of the surroundings. To
According to Newton’s law of cooling, the rate
study how slow or fast a given body can cool on
of loss of heat, – dQ/dt of the body is directly
exchanging heat with its surroundings, let us
proportional to the difference of temperature
perform the following activity. ∆T = (T2–T1) of the body and the surroundings.
T a k e s o m e w a t e r, s a y 3 0 0 m L , i n a The law holds good only for small difference of
calorimeter with a stirrer and cover it with a temperature. Also, the loss of heat by radiation
two-holed lid. Fix the stirrer through one hole depends upon the nature of the surface of the
and fix a thermometer through another hole body and the area of the exposed surface. We
in the lid and make sure that the bulb of can write
thermometer is immersed in the water. Note
the reading of the thermometer. This reading – (11.19)
T1 is the temperature of the surroundings.
Heat the water kept in the calorimeter till it where k is a positive constant depending upon
attains a temperature, say 40 °C above room the area and nature of the surface of the body.
temperature (i.e., temperature of the Suppose a body of mass m and specific heat
surroundings). Then, stop heating the water capacity s is at temperature T2. Let T1 be the
by removing the heat source. Start the temperature of the surroundings. If the
stop-watch and note the reading of the temperature falls by a small amount dT2 in time
thermometer after a fixed interval of time, say dt, then the amount of heat lost is
after every one minute of stirring gently with dQ = ms dT2
the stirrer. Continue to note the temperature ∴ Rate of loss of heat is given by
(T2) of water till it attains a temperature about
5 °C above that of the surroundings. Then, plot dQ dT
= ms 2 (11.20)
a graph by taking each value of temperature dt dt
∆T = T2 – T1 along y-axis and the coresponding From Eqs. (11.15) and (11.16) we have
value of t along x-axis (Fig. 11.19). dT2
–m s = k (T2 – T1 )
dT2 k
=– dt = – K dt (11.21)
T2 – T1 ms
where K = k/m s
On integrating,
log e (T2 – T1) = – K t + c (11.22)
or T2 = T1 + C′ e –Kt; where C′ = e c (11.23)
Equation 11.23 enables you to calculate the
Fig. 11.19 Curve showing cooling of hot water time of cooling of a body through a particular
with time. range of temperature.
For small temperature differences, the rate time. A graph is plotted between log e (T2–T1)
of cooling, due to conduction, convection, and [or ln(T2–T1)] and time (t). The nature of the
radiation combined, is proportional to the graph is observed to be a straight line having
difference in temperature. It is a valid a negative slope as shown in Fig. 11.20(b). This
approximation in the transfer of heat from a is in support of Eq. 11.22.
radiator to a room, the loss of heat through the
Example 11.8 A pan filled with hot food
wall of a room, or the cooling of a cup of tea on
the table. cools from 94 °C to 86 °C in 2 minutes when
the room temperature is at 20 °C. How long
will it take to cool from 71 °C to 69 °C?
1. Heat is a form of energy that flows between a body and its surrounding medium by
virtue of temperature difference between them. The degree of hotness of the body is
quantitatively represented by temperature.
2. A temperature-measuring device (thermometer) makes use of some measurable property
(called thermometric property) that changes with temperature. Different thermometers
lead to different temperature scales. To construct a temperature scale, two fixed points
are chosen and assigned some arbitrary values of temperature. The two numbers fix
the origin of the scale and the size of its unit.
3. The Celsius temperature (tC) and the Farenheit temperare (tF)are related by
tF = (9/5) tC + 32
4. The ideal gas equation connecting pressure (P), volume (V) and absolute temperature (T)
is :
PV = µRT
where µ is the number of moles and R is the universal gas constant.
5. In the absolute temperature scale, the zero of the scale corresponds to the temperature
where every substance in nature has the least possible molecular activity. The Kelvin
absolute temperature scale (T ) has the same unit size as the Celsius scale (Tc ), but
differs in the origin :
TC = T – 273.15
6. The coefficient of linear expansion (αl ) and volume expansion (αv ) are defined by the
relations :
= α l ∆T
= αV ∆T
where ∆l and ∆V denote the change in length l and volume V for a change of temperature
∆T. The relation between them is :
αv = 3 αl
7. The specific heat capacity of a substance is defined by
1 ∆Q
m ∆T
where m is the mass of the substance and ∆Q is the heat required to change its
temperature by ∆T. The molar specific heat capacity of a substance is defined by
1 ∆Q
µ ∆T
where µ is the number of moles of the substance.
8. The latent heat of fusion (Lf) is the heat per unit mass required to change a substance
from solid into liquid at the same temperature and pressure. The latent heat of
vaporisation (Lv) is the heat per unit mass required to change a substance from liquid
to the vapour state without change in the temperature and pressure.
9. The three modes of heat transfer are conduction, convection and radiation.
10. In conduction, heat is transferred between neighbouring parts of a body through
molecular collisions, without any flow of matter. For a bar of length L and uniform
cross section A with its ends maintained at temperatures TC and TD, the rate of flow of
heat H is :
T −T
where K is the thermal conductivity of the material of the bar.
11. Newton’s Law of Cooling says that the rate of cooling of a body is proportional to the
excess temperature of the body over the surroundings :
= – k (T2 – T1 )
Where T1 is the temperature of the surrounding medium and T2 is the temperature of
the body.
1. The relation connecting Kelvin temperature (T ) and the Celsius temperature tc
T = tc + 273.15
and the assignment T = 273.16 K for the triple point of water are exact relations (by
choice). With this choice, the Celsius temperature of the melting point of water and
boiling point of water (both at 1 atm pressure) are very close to, but not exactly equal
to 0 °C and 100 °C respectively. In the original Celsius scale, these latter fixed points
were exactly at 0 °C and 100 °C (by choice), but now the triple point of water is the
preferred choice for the fixed point, because it has a unique temperature.
2. A liquid in equilibrium with vapour has the same pressure and temperature throughout
the system; the two phases in equilibrium differ in their molar volume (i.e. density).
This is true for a system with any number of phases in equilibrium.
3. Heat transfer always involves temperature difference between two systems or two parts
of the same system. Any energy transfer that does not involve temperature difference
in some way is not heat.
4. Convection involves flow of matter within a fluid due to unequal temperatures of its
parts. A hot bar placed under a running tap loses heat by conduction between the
surface of the bar and water and not by convection within water.
11.1 The triple points of neon and carbon dioxide are 24.57 K and 216.55 K respectively.
Express these temperatures on the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales.
11.2 Two absolute scales A and B have triple points of water defined to be 200 A and 350
B. What is the relation between TA and TB ?
11.3 The electrical resistance in ohms of a certain thermometer varies with temperature
according to the approximate law :
R = Ro [1 + α (T – To )]
The resistance is 101.6 Ω at the triple-point of water 273.16 K, and 165.5 Ω at the
normal melting point of lead (600.5 K). What is the temperature when the resistance
is 123.4 Ω ?
11.4 Answer the following :
(a) The triple-point of water is a standard fixed point in modern thermometry.
Why ? What is wrong in taking the melting point of ice and the boiling point of
water as standard fixed points (as was originally done in the Celsius scale) ?
(b) There were two fixed points in the original Celsius scale as mentioned above
which were assigned the number 0 °C and 100 °C respectively. On the absolute
scale, one of the fixed points is the triple-point of water, which on the Kelvin
absolute scale is assigned the number 273.16 K. What is the other fixed point
on this (Kelvin) scale ?
(c) The absolute temperature (Kelvin scale) T is related to the temperature tc on
the Celsius scale by
tc = T – 273.15
Why do we have 273.15 in this relation, and not 273.16 ?
(d) What is the temperature of the triple-point of water on an absolute scale
whose unit interval size is equal to that of the Fahrenheit scale ?
11.5 Two ideal gas thermometers A and B use oxygen and hydrogen respectively. The
following observations are made :
11.11 The coefficient of volume expansion of glycerine is 49 × 10–5 K–1. What is the
fractional change in its density for a 30 °C rise in temperature ?
11.12 A 10 kW drilling machine is used to drill a bore in a small aluminium block of
mass 8.0 kg. How much is the rise in temperature of the block in 2.5 minutes,
assuming 50% of power is used up in heating the machine itself or lost to the
surroundings. Specific heat of aluminium = 0.91 J g–1 K–1.
11.13 A copper block of mass 2.5 kg is heated in a furnace to a temperature of 500 °C and
then placed on a large ice block. What is the maximum amount of ice that can
melt? (Specific heat of copper = 0.39 J g –1 K –1; heat of fusion of water
= 335 J g–1 ).
11.14 In an experiment on the specific heat of a metal, a 0.20 kg block of the metal at
150 °C is dropped in a copper calorimeter (of water equivalent 0.025 kg) containing
150 cm3 of water at 27 °C. The final temperature is 40 °C. Compute the specific
heat of the metal. If heat losses to the surroundings are not negligible, is your
answer greater or smaller than the actual value for specific heat of the metal ?
11.15 Given below are observations on molar specific heats at room temperature of some
common gases.
Gas Molar specific heat (Cv )
(cal mo1–1 K–1)
Hydrogen 4.87
Nitrogen 4.97
Oxygen 5.02
Nitric oxide 4.99
Carbon monoxide 5.01
Chlorine 6.17
The measured molar specific heats of these gases are markedly different from
those for monatomic gases. Typically, molar specific heat of a monatomic gas is
2.92 cal/mol K. Explain this difference. What can you infer from the somewhat
larger (than the rest) value for chlorine ?
11.16 A child running a temperature of 101°F is given an antipyrin (i.e. a medicine that
lowers fever) which causes an increase in the rate of evaporation of sweat from his
body. If the fever is brought down to 98 °F in 20 minutes, what is the average rate
of extra evaporation caused, by the drug. Assume the evaporation mechanism to
be the only way by which heat is lost. The mass of the child is 30 kg. The specific
heat of human body is approximately the same as that of water, and latent heat of
evaporation of water at that temperature is about 580 cal g–1.
11.17 A ‘thermacole’ icebox is a cheap and an efficient method for storing small quantities
of cooked food in summer in particular. A cubical icebox of side 30 cm has a
thickness of 5.0 cm. If 4.0 kg of ice is put in the box, estimate the amount of ice
remaining after 6 h. The outside temperature is 45 °C, and co-efficient of thermal
conductivity of thermacole is 0.01 J s–1 m–1 K–1. [Heat of fusion of water = 335 × 103
J kg–1]
11.18 A brass boiler has a base area of 0.15 m2 and thickness 1.0 cm. It boils water at the
rate of 6.0 kg/min when placed on a gas stove. Estimate the temperature of the part
of the flame in contact with the boiler. Thermal conductivity of brass = 109 J s–1 m–1
K–1 ; Heat of vaporisation of water = 2256 × 103 J kg–1.
11.19 Explain why :
(a) a body with large reflectivity is a poor emitter
(b) a brass tumbler feels much colder than a wooden tray on a chilly day
(c) an optical pyrometer (for measuring high temperatures) calibrated for an ideal
black body radiation gives too low a value for the temperature of a red hot
iron piece in the open, but gives a correct value for the temperature when the
same piece is in the furnace
11.21 Answer the following questions based on the P-T phase diagram of carbon dioxide:
(a) At what temperature and pressure can the solid, liquid and vapour phases of
CO2 co-exist in equilibrium ?
(b) What is the effect of decrease of pressure on the fusion and boiling point of
CO2 ?
(c) What are the critical temperature and pressure for CO 2 ? What is their
significance ?
(d) Is CO2 solid, liquid or gas at (a) –70 °C under 1 atm, (b) –60 °C under 10 atm,
(c) 15 °C under 56 atm ?
11.22 Answer the following questions based on the P – T phase diagram of CO2:
(a) CO2 at 1 atm pressure and temperature – 60 °C is compressed isothermally.
Does it go through a liquid phase ?
(b) What happens when CO2 at 4 atm pressure is cooled from room temperature
at constant pressure ?
(c) Describe qualitatively the changes in a given mass of solid CO2 at 10 atm
pressure and temperature –65 °C as it is heated up to room temperature at
constant pressure.
(d) CO2 is heated to a temperature 70 °C and compressed isothermally. What
changes in its properties do you expect to observe ?
In previous chapter we have studied thermal properties of
matter. In this chapter we shall study laws that govern
thermal energy. We shall study the processes where work is
12.1 Introduction
converted into heat and vice versa. In winter, when we rub
12.2 Thermal equilibrium our palms together, we feel warmer; here work done in rubbing
12.3 Zeroth law of produces the ‘heat’. Conversely, in a steam engine, the ‘heat’
Thermodynamics of the steam is used to do useful work in moving the pistons,
12.4 Heat, internal energy and which in turn rotate the wheels of the train.
work In physics, we need to define the notions of heat,
12.5 First law of temperature, work, etc. more carefully. Historically, it took a
thermodynamics long time to arrive at the proper concept of ‘heat’. Before the
12.6 Specific heat capacity modern picture, heat was regarded as a fine invisible fluid
12.7 Thermodynamic state filling in the pores of a substance. On contact between a hot
variables and equation of body and a cold body, the fluid (called caloric) flowed from
state the colder to the hotter body ! This is similar to what happens
12.8 Thermodynamic processes when a horizontal pipe connects two tanks containing water
12.9 Heat engines up to different heights. The flow continues until the levels of
12.10 Refrigerators and heat water in the two tanks are the same. Likewise, in the ‘caloric’
pumps picture of heat, heat flows until the ‘caloric levels’ (i.e., the
12.11 Second law of temperatures) equalise.
thermodynamics In time, the picture of heat as a fluid was discarded in
12.12 Reversible and irreversible favour of the modern concept of heat as a form of energy. An
processes important experiment in this connection was due to Benjamin
12.13 Carnot engine Thomson (also known as Count Rumford) in 1798. He
observed that boring of a brass cannon generated a lot of
heat, indeed enough to boil water. More significantly, the
Points to ponder
amount of heat produced depended on the work done (by the
horses employed for turning the drill) but not on the
sharpness of the drill. In the caloric picture, a sharper drill
would scoop out more heat fluid from the pores; but this
was not observed. A most natural explanation of the
observations was that heat was a form of energy and the
experiment demonstrated conversion of energy from one form
to another–from work to heat.
Thermodynamics is the branch of physics that in a different context : we say the state of a system
deals with the concepts of heat and temperature is an equilibrium state if the macroscopic
and the inter-conversion of heat and other forms variables that characterise the system do not
of energy. Thermodynamics is a macroscopic change in time. For example, a gas inside a closed
science. It deals with bulk systems and does not rigid container, completely insulated from its
go into the molecular constitution of matter. In surroundings, with fixed values of pressure,
fact, its concepts and laws were formulated in the volume, temperature, mass and composition that
nineteenth century before the molecular picture do not change with time, is in a state of
of matter was firmly established. Thermodynamic thermodynamic equilibrium.
description involves relatively few macroscopic
variables of the system, which are suggested by
common sense and can be usually measured
directly. A microscopic description of a gas, for
example, would involve specifying the co-ordinates
and velocities of the huge number of molecules
constituting the gas. The description in kinetic
theory of gases is not so detailed but it does involve
molecular distribution of velocities.
Thermodynamic description of a gas, on the other (a)
hand, avoids the molecular description altogether.
Instead, the state of a gas in thermodynamics is
specified by macroscopic variables such as
pressure, volume, temperature, mass and
composition that are felt by our sense perceptions
and are measurable*.
The distinction between mechanics and
thermodynamics is worth bearing in mind. In
mechanics, our interest is in the motion of particles (b)
or bodies under the action of forces and torques. Fig. 12.1 (a) Systems A and B (two gases) separated
Thermodynamics is not concerned with the by an adiabatic wall – an insulating wall
motion of the system as a whole. It is concerned that does not allow flow of heat. (b) The
with the internal macroscopic state of the body. same systems A and B separated by a
When a bullet is fired from a gun, what changes diathermic wall – a conducting wall that
is the mechanical state of the bullet (its kinetic allows heat to flow from one to another. In
this case, thermal equilibrium is attained
energy, in particular), not its temperature. When
in due course.
the bullet pierces a wood and stops, the kinetic
energy of the bullet gets converted into heat, In general, whether or not a system is in a state
changing the temperature of the bullet and the of equilibrium depends on the surroundings and
surrounding layers of wood. Temperature is the nature of the wall that separates the system
related to the energy of the internal (disordered) from the surroundings. Consider two gases A and
motion of the bullet, not to the motion of the bullet B occupying two different containers. We know
as a whole. experimentally that pressure and volume of a
given mass of gas can be chosen to be its two
independent variables. Let the pressure and
Equilibrium in mechanics means that the net volume of the gases be (PA, VA) and (PB, VB )
external force and torque on a system are zero. respectively. Suppose first that the two systems
The term ‘equilibrium’ in thermodynamics appears are put in proximity but are separated by an
* Thermodynamics may also involve other variables that are not so obvious to our senses e.g. entropy, enthalpy,
etc., and they are all macroscopic variables. However, a thermodynamic state is specified by five state
variables viz., pressure, volume, temperature, internal energy and entropy. Entropy is a measure of disorderness
in the system. Enthalpy is a measure of total heat content of the system.
adiabatic wall – an insulating wall (can be law in 1931 long after the first and second Laws
movable) that does not allow flow of energy (heat) of thermodynamics were stated and so numbered.
from one to another. The systems are insulated The Zeroth Law clearly suggests that when two
from the rest of the surroundings also by similar systems A and B, are in thermal equilibrium,
adiabatic walls. The situation is shown there must be a physical quantity that has the
schematically in Fig. 12.1 (a). In this case, it is same value for both. This thermodynamic
found that any possible pair of values (PA, VA) will variable whose value is equal for two systems in
be in equilibrium with any possible pair of values thermal equilibrium is called temperature (T ).
(PB, VB ). Next, suppose that the adiabatic wall is Thus, if A and B are separately in equilibrium
replaced by a diathermic wall – a conducting wall with C, TA = TC and TB = TC. This implies that
that allows energy flow (heat) from one to another. TA = TB i.e. the systems A and B are also in
It is then found that the macroscopic variables of thermal equilibrium.
the systems A and B change spontaneously until We have arrived at the concept of temperature
both the systems attain equilibrium states. After formally via the Zeroth Law. The next question
that there is no change in their states. The is : how to assign numerical values to
situation is shown in Fig. 12.1(b). The pressure temperatures of different bodies ? In other words,
and volume variables of the two gases change to how do we construct a scale of temperature ?
(PB ′, VB ′) and (PA ′, VA ′) such that the new states Thermometry deals with this basic question to
of A and B are in equilibrium with each other*. which we turn in the next section.
There is no more energy flow from one to another.
We then say that the system A is in thermal
equilibrium with the system B.
What characterises the situation of thermal
equilibrium between two systems ? You can guess
the answer from your experience. In thermal
equilibrium, the temperatures of the two systems
are equal. We shall see how does one arrive at the
concept of temperature in thermodynamics? The
Zeroth law of thermodynamics provides the clue.
Imagine two systems A and B, separated by an
adiabatic wall, while each is in contact with a third
system C, via a conducting wall [Fig. 12.2(a)]. The
states of the systems (i.e., their macroscopic
variables) will change until both A and B come to
thermal equilibrium with C. After this is achieved,
suppose that the adiabatic wall between A and B
is replaced by a conducting wall and C is insulated
from A and B by an adiabatic wall [Fig.12.2(b)]. It
is found that the states of A and B change no (b)
further i.e. they are found to be in thermal
Fig. 12.2 (a) Systems A and B are separated by an
equilibrium with each other. This observation adiabatic wall, while each is in contact
forms the basis of the Zeroth Law of with a third system C via a conducting
Thermodynamics, which states that ‘two wall. (b) The adiabatic wall between A
systems in thermal equilibrium with a third and B is replaced by a conducting wall,
system separately are in thermal equilibrium while C is insulated from A and B by an
with each other’. R.H. Fowler formulated this adiabatic wall.
* Both the variables need not change. It depends on the constraints. For instance, if the gases are in containers
of fixed volume, only the pressures of the gases would change to achieve thermal equilibrium.
12.4 HEAT, INTERNAL ENERGY AND WORK associated with various random motions of its
The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics led us to molecules. We will see in the next chapter that
the concept of temperature that agrees with our in a gas this motion is not only translational
commonsense notion. Temperature is a marker (i.e. motion from one point to another in the
of the ‘hotness’ of a body. It determines the volume of the container); it also includes
direction of flow of heat when two bodies are rotational and vibrational motion of the
placed in thermal contact. Heat flows from the molecules (Fig. 12.3).
body at a higher temperature to the one at lower
temperature. The flow stops when the
temperatures equalise; the two bodies are then
in thermal equilibrium. We saw in some detail
how to construct temperature scales to assign
temperatures to different bodies. We now
describe the concepts of heat and other relevant
quantities like internal energy and work. Fig. 12.3 (a) Internal energy U of a gas is the sum
of the kinetic and potential energies of its
The concept of internal energy of a system is
molecules when the box is at rest. Kinetic
not difficult to understand. We know that every energy due to various types of motion
bulk system consists of a large number of (translational, rotational, vibrational) is to
molecules. Internal energy is simply the sum of be included in U. (b) If the same box is
the kinetic energies and potential energies of moving as a whole with some velocity,
these molecules. We remarked earlier that in the kinetic energy of the box is not to be
thermodynamics, the kinetic energy of the included in U.
system, as a whole, is not relevant. Internal
energy is thus, the sum of molecular kinetic and
potential energies in the frame of reference
relative to which the centre of mass of the system
is at rest. Thus, it includes only the (disordered)
energy associated with the random motion of
molecules of the system. We denote the internal
energy of a system by U.
Though we have invoked the molecular
picture to understand the meaning of internal
energy, as far as thermodynamics is concerned,
U is simply a macroscopic variable of the system.
The important thing about internal energy is
that it depends only on the state of the system,
not on how that state was achieved. Internal
energy U of a system is an example of a
thermodynamic ‘state variable’ – its value
depends only on the given state of the system,
not on history i.e. not on the ‘path’ taken to arrive
at that state. Thus, the internal energy of a given
mass of gas depends on its state described by Fig. 12.4 Heat and work are two distinct modes of
specific values of pressure, volume and energy transfer to a system that results in
temperature. It does not depend on how this change in its internal energy. (a) Heat is
state of the gas came about. Pressure, volume, energy transfer due to temperature
difference between the system and the
temperature, and internal energy are
surroundings. (b) Work is energy transfer
thermodynamic state variables of the system brought about by means (e.g. moving the
(gas) (see section 12.7). If we neglect the small piston by raising or lowering some weight
intermolecular forces in a gas, the internal connected to it) that do not involve such a
energy of a gas is just the sum of kinetic energies temperature difference.
What are the ways of changing internal 12.5 FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS
energy of a system ? Consider again, for We have seen that the internal energy U of a
simplicity, the system to be a certain mass of system can change through two modes of energy
gas contained in a cylinder with a movable transfer : heat and work. Let
piston as shown in Fig. 12.4. Experience shows
there are two ways of changing the state of the ∆Q = Heat supplied to the system by the
gas (and hence its internal energy). One way is surroundings
to put the cylinder in contact with a body at a ∆W = Work done by the system on the
higher temperature than that of the gas. The surroundings
temperature difference will cause a flow of ∆U = Change in internal energy of the system
energy (heat) from the hotter body to the gas, The general principle of conservation of
thus increasing the internal energy of the gas. energy then implies that
The other way is to push the piston down i.e. to ∆Q = ∆U + ∆W (12.1)
do work on the system, which again results in
increasing the internal energy of the gas. Of i.e. the energy (∆Q) supplied to the system goes
course, both these things could happen in the in partly to increase the internal energy of the
reverse direction. With surroundings at a lower system (∆U) and the rest in work on the
temperature, heat would flow from the gas to environment (∆W). Equation (12.1) is known as
the surroundings. Likewise, the gas could push the First Law of Thermodynamics. It is simply
the general law of conservation of energy applied
the piston up and do work on the surroundings.
to any system in which the energy transfer from
In short, heat and work are two different modes
or to the surroundings is taken into account.
of altering the state of a thermodynamic system
Let us put Eq. (12.1) in the alternative form
and changing its internal energy.
The notion of heat should be carefully ∆Q – ∆W = ∆U (12.2)
distinguished from the notion of internal energy.
Heat is certainly energy, but it is the energy in Now, the system may go from an initial state
transit. This is not just a play of words. The to the final state in a number of ways. For
distinction is of basic significance. The state of example, to change the state of a gas from
a thermodynamic system is characterised by its (P1, V 1) to (P2, V 2), we can first change the
internal energy, not heat. A statement like ‘a volume of the gas from V1 to V2, keeping its
gas in a given state has a certain amount of pressure constant i.e. we can first go the state
heat’ is as meaningless as the statement that (P1, V2) and then change the pressure of the
gas from P1 to P2, keeping volume constant, to
‘a gas in a given state has a certain amount
take the gas to (P2, V 2). Alternatively, we can
of work’. In contrast, ‘a gas in a given state
first keep the volume constant and then keep
has a certain amount of internal energy’ is a
the pressure constant. Since U is a state
perfectly meaningful statement. Similarly, the variable, ∆U depends only on the initial and
statements ‘a certain amount of heat is final states and not on the path taken by the
supplied to the system’ or ‘a certain amount gas to go from one to the other. However, ∆Q
of work was done by the system’ are perfectly and ∆W will, in general, depend on the path
meaningful. taken to go from the initial to final states. From
To summarise, heat and work in the First Law of Thermodynamics, Eq. (12.2),
thermodynamics are not state variables. They it is clear that the combination ∆Q – ∆W, is
are modes of energy transfer to a system however, path independent. This shows that
resulting in change in its internal energy, if a system is taken through a process in which
which, as already mentioned, is a state variable. ∆U = 0 (for example, isothermal expansion of
an ideal gas, see section 12.8),
In ordinary language, we often confuse heat
with internal energy. The distinction between ∆Q = ∆W
them is sometimes ignored in elementary
physics books. For proper understanding of i.e., heat supplied to the system is used up
thermodynamics, however, the distinction is entirely by the system in doing work on the
crucial. environment.
∆Q ∆U ∆V
Cp = = +P
∆T p ∆T p ∆T p (12.10)
not be uniform throughout. Similarly, a mixture temperature do not. To decide which variable is
of gases undergoing an explosive chemical extensive and which intensive, think of a
reaction (e.g. a mixture of petrol vapour and relevant system in equilibrium, and imagine that
air when ignited by a spark) is not an it is divided into two equal parts. The variables
equilibrium state; again its temperature and that remain unchanged for each part are
pressure are not uniform [Fig. 12.6(b)]. intensive. The variables whose values get halved
Eventually, the gas attains a uniform in each part are extensive. It is easily seen, for
example, that internal energy U, volume V, total
temperature and pressure and comes to
mass M are extensive variables. Pressure P,
thermal and mechanical equilibrium with its
temperature T, and density ρ are intensive
variables. It is a good practice to check the
consistency of thermodynamic equations using
this classification of variables. For example, in
the equation
∆Q = ∆U + P ∆V
quantities on both sides are extensive*. (The
product of an intensive variable like P and an
extensive quantity ∆V is extensive.)
* As emphasised earlier, Q is not a state variable. However, ∆Q is clearly proportional to the total mass of
system and hence is extensive.
process is, in principle, infinitely slow, hence the A process in which the temperature of the
name quasi-static (meaning nearly static). The system is kept fixed throughout is called an
system changes its variables (P, T, V ) so slowly isothermal process. The expansion of a gas in
that it remains in thermal and mechanical a metallic cylinder placed in a large reservoir of
equilibrium with its surroundings throughout. fixed temperature is an example of an isothermal
In a quasi-static process, at every stage, the process. (Heat transferred from the reservoir to
difference in the pressure of the system and the the system does not materially affect the
external pressure is infinitesimally small. The temperature of the reservoir, because of its very
same is true of the temperature difference large heat capacity.) In isobaric processes the
between the system and its surroundings pressure is constant while in isochoric
(Fig.12.7). To take a gas from the state (P, T ) to processes the volume is constant. Finally, if
another state (P ′, T ′ ) via a quasi-static process, the system is insulated from the surroundings
we change the external pressure by a very small and no heat flows between the system and the
surroundings, the process is adiabatic. The
amount, allow the system to equalise its pressure
definitions of these special processes are
with that of the surroundings and continue the
summarised in Table. 12.2
process infinitely slowly until the system
achieves the pressure P ′. Similarly, to change Table 12.2 Some special thermodynamic
the temperature, we introduce an infinitesimal processes
temperature difference between the system and
the surrounding reservoirs and by choosing
reservoirs of progressively different temperatures
T to T ′, the system achieves the temperature T ′.
where in the second step we have made use of We can calculate, as before, the work done in
the ideal gas equation PV = µ RT and taken the an adiabatic change of an ideal gas from the
constants out of the integral. For an ideal gas, state (P1, V1, T1) to the state (P2, V2, T2).
internal energy depends only on temperature.
Thus, there is no change in the internal energy
W = ∫ P dV
of an ideal gas in an isothermal process. The
First Law of Thermodynamics then implies that
heat supplied to the gas equals the work done
by the gas : Q = W. Note from Eq. (12.12) that
for V2 > V1, W > 0; and for V2 < V1, W < 0. That
is, in an isothermal expansion, the gas absorbs
heat and does work while in an isothermal
compression, work is done on the gas by the
environment and heat is released.
From Eq. (12.14), the constant is P1V1γ or P2V2γ
12.8.3 Adiabatic process
In an adiabatic process, the system is insulated 1 P2V2γ P1V1γ
W = − γ −1
from the surroundings and heat absorbed or 1 − γ V2γ −1 V1
released is zero. From Eq. (12.1), we see that
work done by the gas results in decrease in its 1 µR(T1 − T2 )
internal energy (and hence its temperature for
[P2V2 − P1V1 ] = γ −1
an ideal gas). We quote without proof (the result
that you will learn in higher courses) that for As expected, if work is done by the gas in an
an adiabatic process of an ideal gas. adiabatic process (W > 0), from Eq. (12.16),
P V γ = const (12.13) T2 < T1. On the other hand, if work is done on
the gas (W < 0), we get T 2 > T 1 i.e., the
where γ is the ratio of specific heats (ordinary
temperature of the gas rises.
or molar) at constant pressure and at constant
volume. 12.8.4 Isochoric process
In an isochoric process, V is constant. No work
γ =
Cv is done on or by the gas. From Eq. (12.1), the
heat absorbed by the gas goes entirely to change
Thus if an ideal gas undergoes a change in
its internal energy and its temperature. The
its state adiabatically from (P1, V1) to (P2, V2) :
change in temperature for a given amount of
γ γ
P1 V1 = P2 V2 (12.14) heat is determined by the specific heat of the
Figure12.8 shows the P-V curves of an ideal gas at constant volume.
gas for two adiabatic processes connecting two 12.8.5 Isobaric process
In an isobaric process, P is fixed. Work done by
the gas is
W = P (V2 – V1) = µ R (T2 – T1) (12.17)
Since temperature changes, so does internal
energy. The heat absorbed goes partly to
increase internal energy and partly to do work.
The change in temperature for a given amount
of heat is determined by the specific heat of the
gas at constant pressure.
12.8.6 Cyclic process
In a cyclic process, the system returns to its
Fig. 12.8 P-V curves for isothermal and adiabatic
initial state. Since internal energy is a state
processes of an ideal gas. variable, ∆U = 0 for a cyclic process. From
Eq. (12.1), the total heat absorbed equals the and W is the work done on the environment in
work done by the system. a cycle. In a cycle, a certain amount of heat (Q2)
may also be rejected to the environment. Then,
according to the First Law of Thermodynamics,
Heat engine is a device by which a system is over one complete cycle,
made to undergo a cyclic process that results
in conversion of heat to work.
W = Q1 – Q2 (12.19)
(1) It consists of a working substance–the
system. For example, a mixture of fuel i.e.,
vapour and air in a gasoline or diesel engine
or steam in a steam engine are the working Q
substances. η =1 − 2 (12.20)
(2) The working substance goes through a cycle
consisting of several processes. In some of For Q2 = 0, η = 1, i.e., the engine will have
these processes, it absorbs a total amount 100% efficiency in converting heat into work.
of heat Q1 from an external reservoir at some Note that the First Law of Thermodynamics i.e.,
high temperature T1. the energy conservation law does not rule out
(3) In some other processes of the cycle, the such an engine. But experience shows that
working substance releases a total amount such an ideal engine with η = 1 is never possible,
of heat Q2 to an external reservoir at some even if we can eliminate various kinds of losses
lower temperature T2. associated with actual heat engines. It turns
(4) The work done (W ) by the system in a cycle out that there is a fundamental limit on the
is transferred to the environment via some efficiency of a heat engine set by an independent
arrangement (e.g. the working substance principle of nature, called the Second Law of
may be in a cylinder with a moving piston
Thermodynamics (section 12.11).
that transfers mechanical energy to the
The mechanism of conversion of heat into
wheels of a vehicle via a shaft).
work varies for different heat engines. Basically,
The basic features of a heat engine are
there are two ways : the system (say a gas or a
schematically represented in Fig. 12.9.
mixture of gases) is heated by an external
furnace, as in a steam engine; or it is heated
internally by an exothermic chemical reaction
as in an internal combustion engine. The
various steps involved in a cycle also differ from
one engine to another.
Fig. 12.9 Schematic representation of a heat engine. 12.10 REFRIGERATORS AND HEAT PUMPS
The engine takes heat Q1 from a hot
A refrigerator is the reverse of a heat engine.
reservoir at temperature T1, releases heat
Q2 to a cold reservoir at temperature T2 Here the working substance extracts heat Q2
and delivers work W to the surroundings. from the cold reservoir at temperature T2, some
external work W is done on it and heat Q1 is
The cycle is repeated again and again to get released to the hot reservoir at temperature T1
useful work for some purpose. The discipline of (Fig. 12.10).
thermodynamics has its roots in the study of heat
engines. A basic question relates to the efficiency
of a heat engine. The efficiency (η) of a heat
engine is defined by
η= (12.18)
Fig. 12.10 Schematic representation of a refrigerator
where Q 1 is the heat input i.e., the heat or a heat pump, the reverse of a heat
absorbed by the system in one complete cycle engine.
Pioneers of Thermodynamics
A heat pump is the same as a refrigerator. where Q2 is the heat extracted from the cold
What term we use depends on the purpose of reservoir and W is the work done on the
the device. If the purpose is to cool a portion of system–the refrigerant. (α for heat pump is
space, like the inside of a chamber, and higher defined as Q1/W) Note that while η by definition
temperature reservoir is surrounding, we call can never exceed 1, α can be greater than 1.
the device a refrigerator; if the idea is to pump By energy conservation, the heat released to the
heat into a portion of space (the room in a hot reservoir is
building when the outside environment is cold),
Q1 = W + Q2
the device is called a heat pump.
In a refrigerator the working substance Q2
i.e., α = (12.22)
(usually, in gaseous form) goes through the Q1 – Q2
following steps : (a) sudden expansion of the gas In a heat engine, heat cannot be fully
from high to low pressure which cools it and converted to work; likewise a refrigerator cannot
converts it into a vapour-liquid mixture, (b) work without some external work done on the
absorption by the cold fluid of heat from the system, i.e., the coefficient of performance in Eq.
region to be cooled converting it into vapour, (c) (12.21) cannot be infinite.
heating up of the vapour due to external work
done on the system, and (d) release of heat by
the vapour to the surroundings, bringing it to The First Law of Thermodynamics is the principle
the initial state and completing the cycle. of conservation of energy. Common experience
The coefficient of performance ( α ) of a shows that there are many conceivable
refrigerator is given by processes that are perfectly allowed by the First
Law and yet are never observed. For example,
Q2 nobody has ever seen a book lying on a table
α= (12.21)
W jumping to a height by itself. But such a thing
would be possible if the principle of conservation Experience suggests that for most processes in
of energy were the only restriction. The table nature this is not possible. The spontaneous
could cool spontaneously, converting some of its processes of nature are irreversible. Several
internal energy into an equal amount of examples can be cited. The base of a vessel on
mechanical energy of the book, which would an oven is hotter than its other parts. When
then hop to a height with potential energy equal the vessel is removed, heat is transferred from
to the mechanical energy it acquired. But this the base to the other parts, bringing the vessel
never happens. Clearly, some additional basic to a uniform temperature (which in due course
principle of nature forbids the above, even cools to the temperature of the surroundings).
though it satisfies the energy conservation The process cannot be reversed; a part of the
principle. This principle, which disallows many vessel will not get cooler spontaneously and
phenomena consistent with the First Law of warm up the base. It will violate the Second Law
Thermodynamics is known as the Second Law of Thermodynamics, if it did. The free expansion
of Thermodynamics. of a gas is irreversible. The combustion reaction
The Second Law of Thermodynamics gives a of a mixture of petrol and air ignited by a spark
fundamental limitation to the efficiency of a heat cannot be reversed. Cooking gas leaking from a
engine and the co-efficient of performance of a gas cylinder in the kitchen diffuses to the
refrigerator. In simple terms, it says that entire room. The diffusion process will not
efficiency of a heat engine can never be unity. spontaneously reverse and bring the gas back
According to Eq. (12.20), this implies that heat to the cylinder. The stirring of a liquid in thermal
released to the cold reservoir can never be made contact with a reservoir will convert the work
zero. For a refrigerator, the Second Law says that done into heat, increasing the internal energy
the co-efficient of performance can never be of the reservoir. The process cannot be reversed
infinite. According to Eq. (12.21), this implies exactly; otherwise it would amount to conversion
that external work (W ) can never be zero. The of heat entirely into work, violating the Second
following two statements, one due to Kelvin and Law of Thermodynamics. Irreversibility is a rule
Planck denying the possibility of a perfect heat rather an exception in nature.
engine, and another due to Clausius denying Irreversibility arises mainly from two causes:
the possibility of a perfect refrigerator or heat one, many processes (like a free expansion, or
pump, are a concise summary of these an explosive chemical reaction) take the system
observations. to non-equilibrium states; two, most processes
Kelvin-Planck statement involve friction, viscosity and other dissipative
No process is possible whose sole result is the effects (e.g., a moving body coming to a stop and
absorption of heat from a reservoir and the losing its mechanical energy as heat to the floor
complete conversion of the heat into work. and the body; a rotating blade in a liquid coming
to a stop due to viscosity and losing its
Clausius statement mechanical energy with corresponding gain in
No process is possible whose sole result is the the internal energy of the liquid). Since
transfer of heat from a colder object to a hotter dissipative effects are present everywhere and
object. can be minimised but not fully eliminated, most
It can be proved that the two statements processes that we deal with are irreversible.
above are completely equivalent. A thermodynamic process (state i → state f )
12.12 REVERSIBLE AND IRREVERSIBLE is reversible if the process can be turned back
PROCESSES such that both the system and the surroundings
Imagine some process in which a thermodynamic return to their original states, with no other
system goes from an initial state i to a final change anywhere else in the universe. From the
state f. During the process the system absorbs preceding discussion, a reversible process is an
heat Q from the surroundings and performs idealised notion. A process is reversible only if
work W on it. Can we reverse this process and it is quasi-static (system in equilibrium with the
bring both the system and surroundings to their surroundings at every stage) and there are no
initial states with no other effect anywhere ? dissipative effects. For example, a quasi-static
isothermal expansion of an ideal gas in a from temperature T1 to T2 and then back from
cylinder fitted with a frictionless movable piston temperature T2 to T1. Which processes should
is a reversible process. we employ for this purpose that are reversible?
Why is reversibility such a basic concept in A little reflection shows that we can only adopt
thermodynamics ? As we have seen, one of the reversible adiabatic processes for these
concerns of thermodynamics is the efficiency purposes, which involve no heat flow from any
with which heat can be converted into work. reservoir. If we employ any other process that is
The Second Law of Thermodynamics rules out not adiabatic, say an isochoric process, to take
the possibility of a perfect heat engine with 100% the system from one temperature to another, we
efficiency. But what is the highest efficiency shall need a series of reservoirs in the
possible for a heat engine working between two temperature range T2 to T1 to ensure that at each
reservoirs at temperatures T1 and T2 ? It turns stage the process is quasi-static. (Remember
out that a heat engine based on idealised again that for a process to be quasi-static and
reversible processes achieves the highest reversible, there should be no finite temperature
efficiency possible. All other engines involving difference between the system and the reservoir.)
irreversibility in any way (as would be the case But we are considering a reversible engine that
for practical engines) have lower than this operates between only two temperatures. Thus
limiting efficiency. adiabatic processes must bring about the
temperature change in the system from T1 to T2
12.13 CARNOT ENGINE and T2 to T1 in this engine.
Suppose we have a hot reservoir at temperature
T1 and a cold reservoir at temperature T2. What
is the maximum efficiency possible for a heat
engine operating between the two reservoirs and
what cycle of processes should be adopted to
achieve the maximum efficiency ? Sadi Carnot,
a French engineer, first considered this question
in 1824. Interestingly, Carnot arrived at the
correct answer, even though the basic concepts
of heat and thermodynamics had yet to be firmly
We expect the ideal engine operating between
two temperatures to be a reversible engine.
Irreversibility is associated with dissipative
effects, as remarked in the preceding section, Fig. 12.11 Carnot cycle for a heat engine with an
and lowers efficiency. A process is reversible if ideal gas as the working substance.
it is quasi-static and non-dissipative. We have
A reversible heat engine operating between
seen that a process is not quasi-static if it
two temperatures is called a Carnot engine. We
involves finite temperature difference between
have just argued that such an engine must have
the system and the reservoir. This implies that
the following sequence of steps constituting one
in a reversible heat engine operating between
cycle, called the Carnot cycle, shown in Fig.
two temperatures, heat should be absorbed
12.11. We have taken the working substance of
(from the hot reservoir) isothermally and
released (to the cold reservoir) isothermally. We the Carnot engine to be an ideal gas.
thus have identified two steps of the reversible (a) Step 1 → 2 Isothermal expansion of the gas
heat engine : isothermal process at temperature taking its state from (P1, V1, T1) to
T1 absorbing heat Q1 from the hot reservoir, and (P2, V2, T1).
another isothermal process at temperature T2
releasing heat Q 2 to the cold reservoir. To The heat absorbed by the gas (Q1) from the
complete a cycle, we need to take the system reservoir at temperature T 1 is given by
1 /( γ −1)
Eq. (12.12). This is also the work done (W1 → 2) V2 T
by the gas on the environment. i.e. = 2 (12.29)
V3 T1
W1 → 2 = Q1 = µ R T1 ln (12.23) Similarly, since step 4 → 1 is an adiabatic
(b) Step 2 → 3 Adiabatic expansion of the gas
from (P2, V2, T1) to (P3, V3, T2) γ −1 γ −1
T2 V4 = T1 V1
Work done by the gas, using
Eq. (12.16), is 1 / γ −1
V1 T2
µR (T1 − T2 ) i.e.
W2 → 3 = (12.24)
γ −1
From Eqs. (12.29) and (12.30),
(c) Step 3 → 4 Isothermal compression of the
gas from (P3, V3, T2) to (P4, V4, T2). V3 V2
= (12.31)
V4 V1
Heat released (Q2) by the gas to the reservoir
at temperature T2 is given by Eq. (12.12). This
Using Eq. (12.31) in Eq. (12.28), we get
is also the work done (W3 → 4) on the gas by the
environment. T2
η =1 − (Carnot engine) (12.32)
V T1
W3 → 4 = Q2 = µRT2 ln 3 (12.25)
V4 We have already seen that a Carnot engine
(d) Step 4 → 1 Adiabatic compression of the is a reversible engine. Indeed it is the only
gas from (P4, V4, T2) to (P1,V1, T1). reversible engine possible that works between
two reservoirs at different temperatures. Each
Work done on the gas, [using Eq.(12.16), is step of the Carnot cycle given in Fig. 12.11 can
be reversed. This will amount to taking heat Q2
T − T2
W4 → 1 = µ R 1 from the cold reservoir at T2, doing work W on
γ -1
the system, and transferring heat Q1 to the hot
From Eqs. (12.23) to (12.26) total work done reservoir. This will be a reversible refrigerator.
by the gas in one complete cycle is We next establish the important result
(sometimes called Carnot’s theorem) that
W = W1 → 2 + W2 → 3 – W3 →4 – W4 → 1 (a) working between two given temperatures T1
V2 V3 and T2 of the hot and cold reservoirs respectively,
= µ RT1 ln – µ RT2 ln (12.27) no engine can have efficiency more than that of
V V4 the Carnot engine and (b) the efficiency of the
The efficiency η of the Carnot engine is Carnot engine is independent of the nature of
the working substance.
W Q2
η = =1 − To prove the result (a), imagine a reversible
Q1 Q1
(Carnot) engine R and an irreversible engine I
In V3 working between the same source (hot reservoir)
and sink (cold reservoir). Let us couple the
T V4
=1 − 2 engines, I and R, in such a way so that I acts
T1 V2 (12.28)
like a heat engine and R acts as a refrigerator.
In V
1 Let I absorb heat Q1 from the source, deliver
work W ′ and release the heat Q1- W′ to the sink.
Now since step 2 → 3 is an adiabatic process,
We arrange so that R returns the same heat Q1
γ −1 γ −1 to the source, taking heat Q2 from the sink and
T1 V2 = T2 V3 requiring work W = Q1 – Q2 to be done on it.
Now suppose η R < η I i.e. if R were to act than that of the Carnot engine. A similar
as an engine it would give less work output argument can be constructed to show that a
than that of I i.e. W < W ′ for a given Q1. With R reversible engine with one particular substance
acting like a refrigerator, this would mean cannot be more efficient than the one using
Q2 = Q1 – W > Q1 – W ′. Thus, on the whole, another substance. The maximum efficiency of
the coupled I-R system extracts heat a Carnot engine given by Eq. (12.32) is
(Q1 – W) – (Q1 – W ′) = (W ′ – W ) from the cold independent of the nature of the system
reservoir and delivers the same amount of work performing the Carnot cycle of operations. Thus
in one cycle, without any change in the source we are justified in using an ideal gas as a system
or anywhere else. This is clearly against the in the calculation of efficiency η of a Carnot
Kelvin-Planck statement of the Second Law of engine. The ideal gas has a simple equation of
Thermodynamics. Hence the assertion ηI > ηR state, which allows us to readily calculate η, but
is wrong. No engine can have efficiency greater the final result for η, [Eq. (12.32)], is true for
any Carnot engine.
This final remark shows that in a Carnot
I Q1 T1
= (12.33)
Q 2 T2
is a universal relation independent of the nature
R of the system. Here Q1 and Q2 are respectively,
the heat absorbed and released isothermally
(from the hot and to the cold reservoirs) in a
W Carnot engine. Equation (12.33), can, therefore,
be used as a relation to define a truly universal
Fig. 12.12 An irreversible engine (I) coupled to a thermodynamic temperature scale that is
reversible refrigerator (R). If W ′ > W, this independent of any particular properties of the
would amount to extraction of heat system used in the Carnot cycle. Of course, for
W ′ – W from the sink and its full an ideal gas as a working substance, this
conversion to work, in contradiction with universal temperature is the same as the ideal
the Second Law of Thermodynamics. gas temperature introduced in section 12.11.
1. The zeroth law of thermodynamics states that ‘two systems in thermal equilibrium with a
third system separately are in thermal equilibrium with each other’. The Zeroth Law leads
to the concept of temperature.
2. Internal energy of a system is the sum of kinetic energies and potential energies of the
molecular constituents of the system. It does not include the over-all kinetic energy of
the system. Heat and work are two modes of energy transfer to the system. Heat is the
energy transfer arising due to temperature difference between the system and the
surroundings. Work is energy transfer brought about by other means, such as moving
the piston of a cylinder containing the gas, by raising or lowering some weight connected
to it.
3. The first law of thermodynamics is the general law of conservation of energy applied to
any system in which energy transfer from or to the surroundings (through heat and
work) is taken into account. It states that
∆Q = ∆U + ∆W
where ∆Q is the heat supplied to the system, ∆W is the work done by the system and ∆U
is the change in internal energy of the system.
1 ∆Q
m ∆T
where m is the mass of the substance and ∆Q is the heat required to change its
temperature by ∆T. The molar specific heat capacity of a substance is defined by
1 ∆Q
µ ∆T
where µ is the number of moles of the substance. For a solid, the law of equipartition
of energy gives
C = 3R
which generally agrees with experiment at ordinary temperatures.
Calorie is the old unit of heat. 1 calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of 1 g of water from 14.5 °C to 15.5 °C. 1 cal = 4.186 J.
5. For an ideal gas, the molar specific heat capacities at constant pressure and volume
satisfy the relation
Cp – Cv = R
where R is the universal gas constant.
6. Equilibrium states of a thermodynamic system are described by state variables. The
value of a state variable depends only on the particular state, not on the path used to
arrive at that state. Examples of state variables are pressure (P ), volume (V ), temperature
(T ), and mass (m ). Heat and work are not state variables. An Equation of State (like
the ideal gas equation PV = µ RT ) is a relation connecting different state variables.
7. A quasi-static process is an infinitely slow process such that the system remains in
thermal and mechanical equilibrium with the surroundings throughout. In a
quasi-static process, the pressure and temperature of the environment can differ from
those of the system only infinitesimally.
8. In an isothermal expansion of an ideal gas from volume V1 to V2 at temperature T the
heat absorbed (Q) equals the work done (W ) by the gas, each given by
Q = W = µRT ln V1
where γ =
Work done by an ideal gas in an adiabatic change of state from (P1, V1, T1) to (P2, V2, T2)
µ R ( T1 − T2 )
W =
γ –1
10. Heat engine is a device in which a system undergoes a cyclic process resulting in
conversion of heat into work. If Q1 is the heat absorbed from the source, Q2 is the heat
released to the sink, and the work output in one cycle is W, the efficiency η of the engine
η= =1− 2
Q1 Q1
11. In a refrigerator or a heat pump, the system extracts heat Q2 from the cold reservoir and
releases Q1 amount of heat to the hot reservoir, with work W done on the system. The
co-efficient of performance of a refrigerator is given by
Q2 Q2
α= =
W Q1 − Q2
12. The second law of thermodynamics disallows some processes consistent with the First
Law of Thermodynamics. It states
Kelvin-Planck statement
No process is possible whose sole result is the absorption of heat from a reservoir and
complete conversion of the heat into work.
Clausius statement
No process is possible whose sole result is the transfer of heat from a colder object to a
hotter object.
Put simply, the Second Law implies that no heat engine can have efficiency η equal to
1 or no refrigerator can have co-efficient of performance α equal to infinity.
13. A process is reversible if it can be reversed such that both the system and the surroundings
return to their original states, with no other change anywhere else in the universe.
Spontaneous processes of nature are irreversible. The idealised reversible process is a
quasi-static process with no dissipative factors such as friction, viscosity, etc.
14. Carnot engine is a reversible engine operating between two temperatures T1 (source) and
T2 (sink). The Carnot cycle consists of two isothermal processes connected by two
adiabatic processes. The efficiency of a Carnot engine is given by
η =1 − (Carnot engine)
No engine operating between two temperatures can have efficiency greater than that of
the Carnot engine.
15. If Q > 0, heat is added to the system
If Q < 0, heat is removed to the system
If W > 0, Work is done by the system
If W < 0, Work is done on the system
Thermal Conductivity K [MLT–3 K–1] J s–1 K–1 H = – KA
1. Temperature of a body is related to its average internal energy, not to the kinetic energy
of motion of its centre of mass. A bullet fired from a gun is not at a higher temperature
because of its high speed.
2. Equilibrium in thermodynamics refers to the situation when macroscopic variables
describing the thermodynamic state of a system do not depend on time. Equilibrium of
a system in mechanics means the net external force and torque on the system are zero.
3. In a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, the microscopic constituents of a system are
not in equilibrium (in the sense of mechanics).
4. Heat capacity, in general, depends on the process the system goes through when heat is
5. In isothermal quasi-static processes, heat is absorbed or given out by the system even
though at every stage the gas has the same temperature as that of the surrounding
reservoir. This is possible because of the infinitesimal difference in temperature between
the system and the reservoir.
12.1 A geyser heats water flowing at the rate of 3.0 litres per minute from 27 °C to 77 °C.
If the geyser operates on a gas burner, what is the rate of consumption of the fuel if
its heat of combustion is 4.0 × 104 J/g ?
12.2 What amount of heat must be supplied to 2.0 × 10–2 kg of nitrogen (at room
temperature) to raise its temperature by 45 °C at constant pressure ? (Molecular
mass of N2 = 28; R = 8.3 J mol–1 K–1.)
12.3 Explain why
(a) Two bodies at different temperatures T1 and T2 if brought in thermal contact do
not necessarily settle to the mean temperature (T1 + T2 )/2.
(b) The coolant in a chemical or a nuclear plant (i.e., the liquid used to prevent
the different parts of a plant from getting too hot) should have high specific
(c) Air pressure in a car tyre increases during driving.
(d) The climate of a harbour town is more temperate than that of a town in a desert
at the same latitude.
12.4 A cylinder with a movable piston contains 3 moles of hydrogen at standard temperature
and pressure. The walls of the cylinder are made of a heat insulator, and the piston
is insulated by having a pile of sand on it. By what factor does the pressure of the
gas increase if the gas is compressed to half its original volume ?
12.5 In changing the state of a gas adiabatically from an equilibrium state A to another
equilibrium state B, an amount of work equal to 22.3 J is done on the system. If the
gas is taken from state A to B via a process in which the net heat absorbed by the
system is 9.35 cal, how much is the net work done by the system in the latter case ?
(Take 1 cal = 4.19 J)
12.6 Two cylinders A and B of equal capacity are connected to each other via a stopcock.
A contains a gas at standard temperature and pressure. B is completely evacuated.
The entire system is thermally insulated. The stopcock is suddenly opened. Answer
the following :
(a) What is the final pressure of the gas in A and B ?
(b) What is the change in internal energy of the gas ?
(c) What is the change in the temperature of the gas ?
(d) Do the intermediate states of the system (before settling to the final equilibrium
state) lie on its P-V-T surface ?
12.7 A steam engine delivers 5.4×108J of work per minute and services 3.6 × 109J of heat
per minute from its boiler. What is the efficiency of the engine? How much heat is
wasted per minute?
12.8 An electric heater supplies heat to a system at a rate of 100W. If system performs
work at a rate of 75 joules per second. At what rate is the internal energy increasing?
12.9 A thermodynamic system is taken from an original state to an intermediate state by
the linear process shown in Fig. (12.13)
Fig. 12.13
Its volume is then reduced to the original value from E to F by an isobaric process.
Calculate the total work done by the gas from D to E to F
12.10 A refrigerator is to maintain eatables kept inside at 90C. If room temperature is 360C,
calculate the coefficient of performance.
Boyle discovered the law named after him in 1661. Boyle,
Newton and several others tried to explain the behaviour of
13.1 Introduction gases by considering that gases are made up of tiny atomic
13.2 Molecular nature of matter particles. The actual atomic theory got established more than
13.3 Behaviour of gases 150 years later. Kinetic theory explains the behaviour of gases
13.4 Kinetic theory of an ideal gas based on the idea that the gas consists of rapidly moving
13.5 Law of equipartition of energy atoms or molecules. This is possible as the inter-atomic forces,
13.6 Specific heat capacity which are short range forces that are important for solids
13.7 Mean free path and liquids, can be neglected for gases. The kinetic theory
was developed in the nineteenth century by Maxwell,
Summary Boltzmann and others. It has been remarkably successful. It
Points to ponder gives a molecular interpretation of pressure and temperature
Exercises of a gas, and is consistent with gas laws and Avogadro’s
Additional exercises hypothesis. It correctly explains specific heat capacities of
many gases. It also relates measurable properties of gases
such as viscosity, conduction and diffusion with molecular
parameters, yielding estimates of molecular sizes and masses.
This chapter gives an introduction to kinetic theory.
in Greece had suggested that matter may consist of matter. The theory is now well accepted by
of indivisible constituents. The scientific ‘Atomic scientists. However even at the end of the
Theory’ is usually credited to John Dalton. He nineteenth century there were famous scientists
proposed the atomic theory to explain the laws who did not believe in atomic theory !
of definite and multiple proportions obeyed by From many observations, in recent times we
elements when they combine into compounds. now know that molecules (made up of one or
The first law says that any given compound has, more atoms) constitute matter. Electron
a fixed proportion by mass of its constituents. microscopes and scanning tunnelling
The second law says that when two elements microscopes enable us to even see them. The
form more than one compound, for a fixed mass size of an atom is about an angstrom (10 -10 m).
of one element, the masses of the other elements In solids, which are tightly packed, atoms are
are in ratio of small integers. spaced about a few angstroms (2 Å) apart. In
To explain the laws Dalton suggested, about liquids the separation between atoms is also
200 years ago, that the smallest constituents about the same. In liquids the atoms are not
of an element are atoms. Atoms of one element as rigidly fixed as in solids, and can move
are identical but differ from those of other around. This enables a liquid to flow. In gases
elements. A small number of atoms of each the interatomic distances are in tens of
element combine to form a molecule of the angstroms. The average distance a molecule
compound. Gay Lussac’s law, also given in early can travel without colliding is called the mean
19th century, states: When gases combine free path. The mean free path, in gases, is of
chemically to yield another gas, their volumes the order of thousands of angstroms. The atoms
are in the ratios of small integers. Avogadro’s are much freer in gases and can travel long
law (or hypothesis) says: Equal volumes of all distances without colliding. If they are not
gases at equal temperature and pressure have enclosed, gases disperse away. In solids and
the same number of molecules. Avogadro’s law, liquids the closeness makes the interatomic force
when combined with Dalton’s theory explains important. The force has a long range attraction
Gay Lussac’s law. Since the elements are often and a short range repulsion. The atoms attract
in the form of molecules, Dalton’s atomic theory when they are at a few angstroms but repel when
can also be referred to as the molecular theory they come closer. The static appearance of a gas
is misleading. The gas is full of activity and the for a given sample of the gas. Here T is the
equilibrium is a dynamic one. In dynamic temperature in kelvin or (absolute) scale. K is a
equilibrium, molecules collide and change their constant for the given sample but varies with
speeds during the collision. Only the average the volume of the gas. If we now bring in the
properties are constant. idea of atoms or molecules, then K is proportional
Atomic theory is not the end of our quest, but to the number of molecules, (say) N in the
the beginning. We now know that atoms are not sample. We can write K = N k . Observation tells
indivisible or elementary. They consist of a us that this k is same for all gases. It is called
nucleus and electrons. The nucleus itself is made Boltzmann constant and is denoted by k .
up of protons and neutrons. The protons and
neutrons are again made up of quarks. Even As = 2 2 = constant = kB (13.2)
N1T1 N 2 T2
quarks may not be the end of the story. There
may be string like elementary entities. Nature if P, V and T are same, then N is also same for
always has surprises for us, but the search for all gases. This is Avogadro’s hypothesis, that the
truth is often enjoyable and the discoveries number of molecules per unit volume is
beautiful. In this chapter, we shall limit ourselves the same for all gases at a fixed temperature and
to understanding the behaviour of gases (and a pressure. The number in 22.4 litres of any gas
little bit of solids), as a collection of moving is 6.02 × 1023. This is known as Avogadro
molecules in incessant motion. number and is denoted by NA. The mass of 22.4
litres of any gas is equal to its molecular weight
13.3 BEHAVIOUR OF GASES in grams at S.T.P (standard temperature 273 K
Properties of gases are easier to understand than and pressure 1 atm). This amount of substance
those of solids and liquids. This is mainly is called a mole (see Chapter 2 for a more precise
because in a gas, molecules are far from each definition). Avogadro had guessed the equality of
other and their mutual interactions are numbers in equal volumes of gas at a fixed
negligible except when two molecules collide. temperature and pressure from chemical
Gases at low pressures and high temperatures reactions. Kinetic theory justifies this hypothesis.
much above that at which they liquefy (or The perfect gas equation can be written as
solidify) approximately satisfy a simple relation PV = µ RT (13.3)
between their pressure, temperature and volume where µ is the number of moles and R = NA
given by (see Chapter 11) kB is a universal constant. The temperature T is
PV = KT (13.1) absolute temperature. Choosing kelvin scale for
P (atm)
Fig.13.1 Real gases approach ideal gas behaviour
at low pressures and high temperatures.
total pressure is obtained by summing over the the gas in equilibrium is the same as anywhere
contribution due to all groups: else. Second, we have ignored any collisions in
P = n m v x2 (13.12) the derivation. Though this assumption is
difficult to justify rigorously, we can qualitatively
where v x is the average of vx . Now the gas
2 2
see that it will not lead to erroneous results.
is isotropic, i.e. there is no preferred direction The number of molecules hitting the wall in time
of velocity of the molecules in the vessel. ∆t was found to be ½ n Avx ∆t. Now the collisions
Therefore, by symmetry, are random and the gas is in a steady state.
2 Thus, if a molecule with velocity (vx, vy, vz )
v 2x = vy = v z2 acquires a different velocity due to collision with
= (1/3) [ v 2x + v y2 + v z2 ] = (1/3) v 2 (13.13) some molecule, there will always be some other
molecule with a different initial velocity which
where v is the speed and v 2 denotes the mean after a collision acquires the velocity (vx, vy, vz ).
If this were not so, the distribution of velocities
of the squared speed. Thus
would not remain steady. In any case we are
P = (1/3) n m v 2 (13.14) finding v x2 . Thus, on the whole, molecular
Some remarks on this derivation. First, collisions (if they are not too frequent and the
though we choose the container to be a cube, time spent in a collision is negligible compared
the shape of the vessel really is immaterial. For to time between collisions) will not affect the
a vessel of arbitrary shape, we can always choose calculation above.
a small infinitesimal (planar) area and carry 13.4.2 Kinetic Interpretation of Temperature
through the steps above. Notice that both A and
∆t do not appear in the final result. By Pascal’s Equation (13.14) can be written as
law, given in Ch. 10, pressure in one portion of PV = (1/3) nV m v 2 (13.15a)
Ludwig Boltzmann
(1844 – 1906) bor n in
Vienna, Austria, worked on the kinetic theory of gases
independently of Maxwell. A firm advocate of atomism, that is
basic to kinetic theory, Boltzmann provided a statistical
interpretation of the Second Law of thermodynamics and the
concept of entropy. He is regarded as one of the founders of classical
statistical mechanics. The proportionality constant connecting
energy and temperature in kinetic theory is known as Boltzmann’s
constant in his honour.
PV = (2/3) N x ½ m v 2 (13.15b) M N2 28
where N (= nV ) is the number of molecules in m = = = 4.65 × 10 –26 kg.
NA 6.02 × 1026
the sample.
The quantity in the bracket is the average v 2 = 3 kB T / m = (516)2 m2s-2
translational kinetic energy of the molecules in The square root of v 2 is known as root mean
the gas. Since the internal energy E of an ideal square (rms) speed and is denoted by vrms,
gas is purely kinetic*,
( We can also write v 2 as < v2 >.)
E = N × (1/2) m v 2 (13.16)
vrms = 516 m s-1
Equation (13.15) then gives : The speed is of the order of the speed of sound
PV = (2/3) E (13.17) in air. It follows from Eq. (13.19) that at the same
We are now ready for a kinetic interpretation temperature, lighter molecules have greater rms
of temperature. Combining Eq. (13.17) with the speed.
ideal gas Eq. (13.3), we get t
Example 13.5 A flask contains argon and
E = (3/2) kB NT (13.18) chlorine in the ratio of 2:1 by mass. The
or E/ N = ½ m v 2 = (3/2) kBT (13.19) temperature of the mixture is 27 °C. Obtain
i.e., the average kinetic energy of a molecule is the ratio of (i) average kinetic energy per
proportional to the absolute temperature of the molecule, and (ii) root mean square speed
gas; it is independent of pressure, volume or vrms of the molecules of the two gases.
the nature of the ideal gas. This is a fundamental Atomic mass of argon = 39.9 u; Molecular
result relating temperature, a macroscopic mass of chlorine = 70.9 u.
measurable parameter of a gas
(a thermodynamic variable as it is called) to a Answer The important point to remember is that
molecular quantity, namely the average kinetic
the average kinetic energy (per molecule) of any
energy of a molecule. The two domains are
(ideal) gas (be it monatomic like argon, diatomic
connected by the Boltzmann constant. We note
in passing that Eq. (13.18) tells us that internal like chlorine or polyatomic) is always equal to
energy of an ideal gas depends only on (3/2) kBT. It depends only on temperature, and
temperature, not on pressure or volume. With is independent of the nature of the gas.
this interpretation of temperature, kinetic theory (i) Since argon and chlorine both have the same
of an ideal gas is completely consistent with the temperature in the flask, the ratio of average
ideal gas equation and the various gas laws kinetic energy (per molecule) of the two gases
based on it. is 1:1.
For a mixture of non-reactive ideal gases, the (ii) Now ½ m vrms2 = average kinetic energy per
total pressure gets contribution from each gas molecule = (3/2) ) kBT where m is the mass
in the mixture. Equation (13.14) becomes of a molecule of the gas. Therefore,
P = (1/3) [n1m1 v12 + n2 m2 v 22 +… ] (13.20)
In equilibrium, the average kinetic energy of (v )
rms Ar
(m )Cl
(M )Cl 70.9
the molecules of different gases will be equal.
That is,
(v )
rms Cl (m )Ar ( M ) Ar =
* E denotes the translational part of the internal energy U that may include energies due to other degrees of
freedom also. See section 13.5.
In a similar way the molecular speed distribution gives the number of molecules between
the speeds v and v+ dv. dN(v) = 4p N a3e–bv v2 dv = nvdv. This is called Maxwell distribution.
The plot of nv against v is shown in the figure. The fraction of the molecules with speeds v and
v+dv is equal to the area of the strip shown. The average of any quantity like v2 is defined by
the integral <v2> = (1/N ) ∫ v2 dN(v) = Å(3kB T/m) which agrees with the result derived from
more elementary considerations.
the slower one and so there is more of the lighter is V + u towards the bat. When the ball rebounds
molecule (enrichment) outside the porous (after hitting the massive bat) its speed, relative
cylinder (Fig. 13.5). The method is not very to bat, is V + u moving away from the bat. So
efficient and has to be repeated several times relative to the wicket the speed of the rebounding
for sufficient enrichment.]. t ball is V + (V + u) = 2V + u, moving away from
When gases diffuse, their rate of diffusion is the wicket. So the ball speeds up after the
inversely proportional to square root of the collision with the bat. The rebound speed will
masses (see Exercise 13.12 ). Can you guess the be less than u if the bat is not massive. For a
explanation from the above answer? molecule this would imply an increase in
You should be able to answer (b) (c) and (d)
based on the answer to (a).
(Hint: Note the correspondence, pistonà bat,
cylinder à wicket, molecule à ball.) t
* Rotation along the line joining the atoms has very small moment of inertia and does not come into play for
quantum mechanical reasons. See end of section 13.6.
i.e.,Cv = (3 + f ) R, Cp = (4 + f ) R,
3 3
U = k B T × N A = RT (13.27)
2 2 (4 + f )
γ = (13.36)
(3 + f )
The molar specific heat at constant volume,
Cv, is Note that Cp – Cv = R is true for any ideal
gas, whether mono, di or polyatomic.
dU 3
Cv (monatomic gas) = = RT (13.28) Table 13.1 summarises the theoretical
dT 2 predictions for specific heats of gases ignoring
For an ideal gas, any vibrational modes of motion. The values are
Cp – Cv = R (13.29) in good agreement with experimental values of
where Cp is the molar specific heat at constant specific heats of several gases given in Table 13.2.
pressure. Thus, Of course, there are discrepancies between
5 predicted and actual values of specific heats of
Cp = R (13.30)
several other gases (not shown in the table), such
as Cl2, C2H6 and many other polyatomic gases.
Cp 5 Usually, the experimental values for specific
The ratio of specific heats γ = = (13.31)
Cv 3 heats of these gases are greater than the
predicted values as given in Table13.1 suggesting
13.6.2 Diatomic Gases that the agreement can be improved by including
vibrational modes of motion in the calculation.
As explained earlier, a diatomic molecule treated
The law of equipartition of energy is, thus, well
as a rigid rotator, like a dumbbell, has 5 degrees
of freedom: 3 translational and 2 rotational.
Using the law of equipartition of energy, the total Table 13.1 Predicted values of specific heat
internal energy of a mole of such a gas is capacities of gases (ignoring
5 5 vibrational modes)
U = kBT × N A = RT (13.32)
2 2
Nature of Cv Cp Cp - Cv
The molar specific heats are then given by
Gas 1 1 1 1 1 1
(J mol- K- ) (J mol- K- ) (J mol- K- )
5 7
Cv (rigid diatomic) = R, Cp = R (13.33) Monatomic 12.5 20.8 8.31 1.67
2 2
Diatomic 20.8 29.1 8.31 1.40
γ (rigid diatomic) = (13.34) Triatomic 24.93 33.24 8.31 1.33
If the diatomic molecule is not rigid but has
in addition a vibrational mode Table13.2 Measured values of specific heat
5 7 capacities of some gases
U = k BT + k B T N A = RT
2 2
7 9 9
Cv = R, C p = R, γ = R (13.35)
2 2 7
13.6.3 Polyatomic Gases
In general a polyatomic molecule has 3
translational, 3 rotational degrees of freedom
and a certain number ( f ) of vibrational modes.
According to the law of equipartition of energy,
it is easily seen that one mole of such a gas has
U = kBT +
kBT + f kBT NA
2 2
Seeing is Believing
Can one see atoms rushing about. Almost but not quite. One can see pollen grains of a flower being
pushed around by molecules of water. The size of the grain is ~ 10-5 m. In 1827, a Scottish botanist
Robert Brown, while examining, under a microscope, pollen grains of a flower suspended in water
noticed that they continuously moved about in a zigzag, random fashion.
Kinetic theory provides a simple explanation of the phenomenon. Any object suspended in water is
continuously bombarded from all sides by the water molecules. Since the motion of molecules is random,
the number of molecules hitting the object in any direction is about the same as the number hitting in
the opposite direction. The small difference between these molecular hits is negligible compared to the
total number of hits for an object of ordinary size, and we do not notice any movement of the object.
When the object is sufficiently small but still visible under a microscope, the difference in molecular
hits from different directions is not altogether negligible, i.e. the impulses and the torques given to the
suspended object through continuous bombardment by the molecules of the medium (water or some
other fluid) do not exactly sum to zero. There is a net impulse and torque in this or that direction. The
suspended object thus, moves about in a zigzag manner and tumbles about randomly. This motion
called now ‘Brownian motion’ is a visible proof of molecular activity. In the last 50 years or so molecules
have been seen by scanning tunneling and other special microscopes.
In 1987 Ahmed Zewail, an Egyptian scientist working in USA was able to observe not only the
molecules but also their detailed interactions. He did this by illuminating them with flashes of laser
light for very short durations, of the order of tens of femtoseconds and photographing them. ( 1 femto-
second = 10-15 s ). One could study even the formation and breaking of chemical bonds. That is really
seeing !
move straight unhindered; their paths keep will collide with it (see Fig. 13.7). If n is the
getting incessantly deflected. number of molecules per unit volume, the
molecule suffers nπd2 <v> ∆t collisions in time
∆t. Thus the rate of collisions is nπd2 <v> or the
time between two successive collisions is on the
τ = 1/(nπ <v> d2 ) (13.38)
The average distance between two successive
collisions, called the mean free path l, is :
v l = <v> τ = 1/(nπd2) (13.39)
d In this derivation, we imagined the other
molecules to be at rest. But actually all molecules
are moving and the collision rate is determined
d by the average relative velocity of the molecules.
Thus we need to replace <v> by <v > in Eq.
(13.38). A more exact treatment gives
l = 1/ ( 2 nπ d 2 ) (13.40)
Let us estimate l and τ for air molecules with
Fig. 13.7 The volume swept by a molecule in time ∆t
average speeds <v> = ( 485m/s). At STP
in which any molecule will collide with it.
(0.02 × 10 ) 23
the average speed <v>. It will suffer collision with = 2.7 × 10 25 m -3.
any molecule that comes within a distance d Taking, d = 2 × 10–10 m,
between the centres. In time ∆t, it sweeps a τ = 6.1 × 10–10 s
volume πd2 <v> ∆t wherein any other molecule and l = 2.9 × 10–7 m ≈ 1500d (13.41)
1. The ideal gas equation connecting pressure (P ), volume (V ) and absolute temperature
(T ) is
PV = µ RT = kB NT
where µ is the number of moles and N is the number of molecules. R and kB are universal
R = 8.314 J mol–1 K–1, kB = = 1.38 × 10–23 J K–1
Real gases satisfy the ideal gas equation only approximately, more so at low pressures
and high temperatures.
2. Kinetic theory of an ideal gas gives the relation
P= n m v2
where n is number density of molecules, m the mass of the molecule and v 2 is the
mean of squared speed. Combined with the ideal gas equation it yields a kinetic
interpretation of temperature.
1 3
( ) 3k B T
1/ 2
m v 2 = k B T , vrms = v 2 =
2 2 m
This tells us that the temperature of a gas is a measure of the average kinetic energy
of a molecule, independent of the nature of the gas or molecule. In a mixture of gases at
a fixed temperature the heavier molecule has the lower average speed.
3. The translational kinetic energy
3 kB NT.
This leads to a relation
PV = E
4. The law of equipartition of energy states that if a system is in equilibrium at absolute
temperature T, the total energy is distributed equally in different energy modes of
absorption, the energy in each mode being equal to ½ kB T. Each translational and
rotational degree of freedom corresponds to one energy mode of absorption and has
energy ½ kB T. Each vibrational frequency has two modes of energy (kinetic and potential)
with corresponding energy equal to
2 × ½ kB T = kB T.
5. Using the law of equipartition of energy, the molar specific heats of gases can be
determined and the values are in agreement with the experimental values of specific
heats of several gases. The agreement can be improved by including vibrational modes
of motion.
6. The mean free path l is the average distance covered by a molecule between two successive
collisions :
2 n π d2
where n is the number density and d the diameter of the molecule.
1. Pressure of a fluid is not only exerted on the wall. Pressure exists everywhere in a fluid.
Any layer of gas inside the volume of a container is in equilibrium because the pressure
is the same on both sides of the layer.
3. The law of equipartition of energy is stated thus: the energy for each degree of freedom
in thermal equilibrium is ½ k T. Each quadratic term in the total energy expression of
a molecule is to be counted as a degree of freedom. Thus, each vibrational mode gives
2 (not 1) degrees of freedom (kinetic and potential energy modes), corresponding to the
energy 2 × ½ k T = k T.
4. Molecules of air in a room do not all fall and settle on the ground (due to gravity)
because of their high speeds and incessant collisions. In equilibrium, there is a very
slight increase in density at lower heights (like in the atmosphere). The effect is small
since the potential energy (mgh) for ordinary heights is much less than the average
kinetic energy ½ mv2 of the molecules.
5. < v2 > is not always equal to ( < v >)2. The average of a squared quantity is not necessarily
the square of the average. Can you find examples for this statement.
13.1 Estimate the fraction of molecular volume to the actual volume occupied by oxygen
gas at STP. Take the diameter of an oxygen molecule to be 3 Å.
13.2 Molar volume is the volume occupied by 1 mol of any (ideal) gas at standard
temperature and pressure (STP : 1 atmospheric pressure, 0 °C). Show that it is 22.4
13.3 Figure 13.8 shows plot of PV/T versus P for 1.00×10–3 kg of oxygen gas at two
different temperatures.
PV (J K–1) T2
P x
Fig. 13.8
13.4 An oxygen cylinder of volume 30 litres has an initial gauge pressure of 15 atm and
a temperature of 27 °C. After some oxygen is withdrawn from the cylinder, the gauge
pressure drops to 11 atm and its temperature drops to 17 °C. Estimate the mass of
oxygen taken out of the cylinder (R = 8.31 J mol–1 K–1, molecular mass of O2 = 32 u).
13.5 An air bubble of volume 1.0 cm3 rises from the bottom of a lake 40 m deep at a
temperature of 12 °C. To what volume does it grow when it reaches the surface,
which is at a temperature of 35 °C ?
13.6 Estimate the total number of air molecules (inclusive of oxygen, nitrogen, water
vapour and other constituents) in a room of capacity 25.0 m3 at a temperature of
27 °C and 1 atm pressure.
13.7 Estimate the average thermal energy of a helium atom at (i) room temperature
(27 °C), (ii) the temperature on the surface of the Sun (6000 K), (iii) the temperature
of 10 million kelvin (the typical core temperature in the case of a star).
13.8 Three vessels of equal capacity have gases at the same temperature and pressure.
The first vessel contains neon (monatomic), the second contains chlorine (diatomic),
and the third contains uranium hexafluoride (polyatomic). Do the vessels contain
equal number of respective molecules ? Is the root mean square speed of molecules
the same in the three cases? If not, in which case is vrms the largest ?
13.9 At what temperature is the root mean square speed of an atom in an argon gas
cylinder equal to the rms speed of a helium gas atom at – 20 °C ? (atomic mass of Ar
= 39.9 u, of He = 4.0 u).
13.10 Estimate the mean free path and collision frequency of a nitrogen molecule in a
cylinder containing nitrogen at 2.0 atm and temperature 17 0C. Take the radius of a
nitrogen molecule to be roughly 1.0 Å. Compare the collision time with the time the
molecule moves freely between two successive collisions (Molecular mass of N2 =
28.0 u).
Additional Exercises
13.11 A metre long narrow bore held horizontally (and closed at one end) contains a 76 cm
long mercury thread, which traps a 15 cm column of air. What happens if the tube
is held vertically with the open end at the bottom ?
13.12 From a certain apparatus, the diffusion rate of hydrogen has an average value of
28.7 cm3 s–1. The diffusion of another gas under the same conditions is measured to
have an average rate of 7.2 cm3 s–1. Identify the gas.
[Hint : Use Graham’s law of diffusion: R1/R2 = ( M2 /M1 )1/2, where R1, R2 are diffusion
rates of gases 1 and 2, and M1 and M2 their respective molecular masses. The law is
a simple consequence of kinetic theory.]
13.13 A gas in equilibrium has uniform density and pressure throughout its volume. This
is strictly true only if there are no external influences. A gas column under gravity,
for example, does not have uniform density (and pressure). As you might expect, its
density decreases with height. The precise dependence is given by the so-called law
of atmospheres
where n2, n1 refer to number density at heights h2 and h1 respectively. Use this
relation to derive the equation for sedimentation equilibrium of a suspension in a
liquid column:
n2 = n1 exp [ -mg NA (ρ - ρ′ ) (h2 –h1)/ (ρ RT)]
where ρ is the density of the suspended particle, and ρ′ , that of surrounding medium.
[NA is Avogadro’s number, and R the universal gas constant.] [Hint : Use Archimedes
principle to find the apparent weight of the suspended particle.]
13.14 Given below are densities of some solids and liquids. Give rough estimates of the
size of their atoms :
[Hint : Assume the atoms to be ‘tightly packed’ in a solid or liquid phase, and use the
known value of Avogadro’s number. You should, however, not take the actual numbers
you obtain for various atomic sizes too literally. Because of the crudeness of the
tight packing approximation, the results only indicate that atomic sizes are in the
range of a few Å].
In our daily life we come across various kinds of motions.
You have already learnt about some of them, e.g., rectilinear
14.1 Introduction motion and motion of a projectile. Both these motions are
14.2 Periodic and oscillatory non-repetitive. We have also learnt about uniform circular
motions motion and orbital motion of planets in the solar system. In
14.3 Simple harmonic motion these cases, the motion is repeated after a certain interval of
14.4 Simple harmonic motion time, that is, it is periodic. In your childhood, you must have
and uniform circular enjoyed rocking in a cradle or swinging on a swing. Both
motion these motions are repetitive in nature but different from the
14.5 Velocity and acceleration periodic motion of a planet. Here, the object moves to and fro
in simple harmonic motion about a mean position. The pendulum of a wall clock executes
14.6 Force law for simple a similar motion. Examples of such periodic to and fro
harmonic motion
motion abound: a boat tossing up and down in a river, the
14.7 Energy in simple harmonic
piston in a steam engine going back and forth, etc. Such a
motion is termed as oscillatory motion. In this chapter we
14.8 Some systems executing
simple harmonic motion
study this motion.
14.9 Damped simple harmonic The study of oscillatory motion is basic to physics; its
motion concepts are required for the understanding of many physical
14.10 Forced oscillations and phenomena. In musical instruments, like the sitar, the guitar
resonance or the violin, we come across vibrating strings that produce
pleasing sounds. The membranes in drums and diaphragms
in telephone and speaker systems vibrate to and fro about
Points to ponder
their mean positions. The vibrations of air molecules make
Additional Exercises the propagation of sound possible. In a solid, the atoms vibrate
about their equilibrium positions, the average energy of
vibrations being proportional to temperature. AC power
supply give voltage that oscillates alternately going positive
and negative about the mean value (zero).
The description of a periodic motion, in general, and
oscillatory motion, in particular, requires some fundamental
concepts, like period, frequency, displacement, amplitude
and phase. These concepts are developed in the next section.
14.2 PERIODIC AND OSCILLATORY MOTIONS Very often, the body undergoing periodic
Fig. 14.1 shows some periodic motions. Suppose motion has an equilibrium position somewhere
an insect climbs up a ramp and falls down, it inside its path. When the body is at this position
comes back to the initial point and repeats the no net external force acts on it. Therefore, if it is
left there at rest, it remains there forever. If the
process identically. If you draw a graph of its
body is given a small displacement from the
height above the ground versus time, it would
position, a force comes into play which tries to
look something like Fig. 14.1 (a). If a child climbs
bring the body back to the equilibrium point,
up a step, comes down, and repeats the process
giving rise to oscillations or vibrations. For
identically, its height above the ground would
example, a ball placed in a bowl will be in
look like that in Fig. 14.1 (b). When you play the
equilibrium at the bottom. If displaced a little
game of bouncing a ball off the ground, between
from the point, it will perform oscillations in the
your palm and the ground, its height versus time
bowl. Every oscillatory motion is periodic, but
graph would look like the one in Fig. 14.1 (c).
every periodic motion need not be oscillatory.
Note that both the curved parts in Fig. 14.1 (c)
Circular motion is a periodic motion, but it is
are sections of a parabola given by the Newton’s not oscillatory.
equation of motion (see section 3.6), There is no significant difference between
1 2 oscillations and vibrations. It seems that when
h = ut + gt for downward motion, and
the frequency is small, we call it oscillation (like,
the oscillation of a branch of a tree), while when
1 2 the frequency is high, we call it vibration (like,
h = ut – gt for upward motion,
2 the vibration of a string of a musical instrument).
with different values of u in each case. These Simple harmonic motion is the simplest form
are examples of periodic motion. Thus, a motion of oscillatory motion. This motion arises when
that repeats itself at regular intervals of time is the force on the oscillating body is directly
called periodic motion. proportional to its displacement from the mean
position, which is also the equilibrium position.
Further, at any point in its oscillation, this force
is directed towards the mean position.
In practice, oscillating bodies eventually
(a) come to rest at their equilibrium positions
because of the damping due to friction and other
dissipative causes. However, they can be forced
to remain oscillating by means of some external
periodic agency. We discuss the phenomena of
damped and forced oscillations later in the
Any material medium can be pictured as a
(b) collection of a large number of coupled
oscillators. The collective oscillations of the
constituents of a medium manifest themselves
as waves. Examples of waves include water
waves, seismic waves, electromagnetic waves.
We shall study the wave phenomenon in the next
(c) 14.2.1 Period and frequency
We have seen that any motion that repeats itself
at regular intervals of time is called periodic
motion. The smallest interval of time after
which the motion is repeated is called its
Fig. 14.1 Examples of periodic motion. The period T period. Let us denote the period by the symbol
is shown in each case. T. Its SI unit is second. For periodic motions,
which are either too fast or too slow on the scale as a displacement variable [see Fig.14.2(b)]. The
of seconds, other convenient units of time are term displacement is not always to be referred
used. The period of vibrations of a quartz crystal
is expressed in units of microseconds (10–6 s)
abbreviated as µs. On the other hand, the orbital
period of the planet Mercury is 88 earth days.
The Halley’s comet appears after every 76 years.
The reciprocal of T gives the number of
repetitions that occur per unit time. This
quantity is called the frequency of the periodic
motion. It is represented by the symbol ν. The
relation between ν and T is
Fig. 14.2(a) A block attached to a spring, the other
ν = 1/T (14.1) end of which is fixed to a rigid wall. The
block moves on a frictionless surface. The
The unit of ν is thus s–1. After the discoverer of
motion of the block can be described in
radio waves, Heinrich Rudolph Hertz (1857–1894), terms of its distance or displacement x
a special name has been given to the unit of from the equilibrium position.
frequency. It is called hertz (abbreviated as Hz).
1 hertz = 1 Hz =1 oscillation per second =1s–1
Note, that the frequency, ν, is not necessarily
an integer.
u Example 14.1 On an average, a human
heart is found to beat 75 times in a minute.
Calculate its frequency and period.
Answer The beat frequency of heart = 75/(1 min) Fig.14.2(b) An oscillating simple pendulum; its
= 75/(60 s) motion can be described in terms of
angular displacement θ from the vertical.
= 1.25 s–1
= 1.25 Hz
in the context of position only. There can be
The time period T = 1/(1.25 s–1)
many other kinds of displacement variables. The
= 0.8 s t
voltage across a capacitor, changing with time
14.2.2 Displacement
in an A C circuit, is also a displacement variable.
In section 4.2, we defined displacement of a
In the same way, pressure variations in time in
particle as the change in its position vector. In
the propagation of sound wave, the changing
this chapter, we use the term displacement
electric and magnetic fields in a light wave are
in a more general sense. It refers to change
examples of displacement in different contexts.
with time of any physical property under
The displacement variable may take both
consideration. For example, in case of rectilinear
positive and negative values. In experiments on
motion of a steel ball on a surface, the distance
oscillations, the displacement is measured for
from the starting point as a function of time is
different times.
its position displacement. The choice of origin
The displacement can be represented by a
is a matter of convenience. Consider a block
mathematical function of time. In case of periodic
attached to a spring, the other end of the spring
motion, this function is periodic in time. One of
is fixed to a rigid wall [see Fig.14.2(a)]. Generally, the simplest periodic functions is given by
it is convenient to measure displacement of the
body from its equilibrium position. For an f (t) = A cos ωt (14.3a)
oscillating simple pendulum, the angle from the If the argument of this function, ωt, is
vertical as a function of time may be regarded increased by an integral multiple of 2π radians,
Finally, the quantity ω can be seen to be This function represents a simple harmonic
related to the period of motion T. Taking, for motion having a period T = 2π/ω and a
simplicity, φ = 0 in Eq. (14.4), we have phase angle (–π/4) or (7π/4)
(b) sin2 ωt
x(t ) = A cos ωt (14.5) = ½ – ½ cos 2 ωt
Since the motion has a period T, x (t) is equal to The function is periodic having a period
x (t + T ). That is, T = π/ω. It also represents a harmonic
motion with the point of equilibrium
A cos ωt = A cos ω (t + T ) (14.6) occurring at ½ instead of zero. t
Now the cosine function is periodic with period 14.4 SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION AND
2π, i.e., it first repeats itself when the argument UNIFORM CIRCULAR MOTION
changes by 2π. Therefore, In this section, we show that the projection of
ω(t + T ) = ωt + 2π uniform circular motion on a diameter of the
circle follows simple harmonic motion. A
that is ω = 2π/ T (14.7) simple experiment (Fig. 14.9) helps us visualise
this connection. Tie a ball to the end of a string
ω is called the angular frequency of SHM. Its and make it move in a horizontal plane about
S.I. unit is radians per second. Since the
a fixed point with a constant angular speed.
frequency of oscillations is simply 1/T, ω is 2π
The ball would then perform a uniform circular
times the frequency of oscillation. Two simple
motion in the horizontal plane. Observe the
harmonic motions may have the same A and φ,
ball sideways or from the front, fixing your
but different ω, as seen in Fig. 14.8. In this plot
attention in the plane of motion. The ball will
the curve (b) has half the period and twice the
appear to execute to and fro motion along a
frequency of the curve (a).
horizontal line with the point of rotation as
the midpoint. You could alternatively observe
the shadow of the ball on a wall which is
perpendicular to the plane of the circle. In this
process what we are observing is the motion
of the ball on a diameter of the circle normal
to the direction of viewing.
Fig. 14.10
will make an angle of ω t + φ with the +ve
x-axis. Next, consider the projection of the
position vector OP on the x-axis. This will be Answer
OP′. The position of P′ on the x-axis, as the (a) At t = 0, OP makes an angle of 45o = π/4 rad
particle P moves on the circle, is given by with the (positive direction of ) x-axis. After
x(t ) = A cos (ωt + φ )
which is the defining equation of SHM. This time t, it covers an angle 2πt in the
shows that if P moves uniformly on a circle, anticlockwise sense, and makes an angle
its projection P′ on a diameter of the circle
executes SHM. The particle P and the circle of 2πt + π with the x-axis.
on which it moves are sometimes referred to T 4
as the reference particle and the reference circle, The projection of OP on the x-axis at time t
respectively. is given by,
We can take projection of the motion of P on
any diameter, say the y-axis. In that case, the
x (t) = A cos
2π π
displacement y(t) of P′ on the y-axis is given by t+
T 4
y = A sin (ωt + φ ) For T = 4 s,
which is also an SHM of the same amplitude
as that of the projection on x-axis, but differing
x(t) = A cos
2π π
by a phase of π/2. t+
4 4
In spite of this connection between circular
motion and SHM, the force acting on a particle which is a SHM of amplitude A, period 4 s,
in linear simple harmonic motion is very
different from the centripetal force needed to and an initial phase* = π .
keep a particle in uniform circular motion. 4
* The natural unit of angle is radian, defined through the ratio of arc to radius. Angle is a dimensionless
quantity. Therefore it is not always necessary to mention the unit ‘radian’ when we use π , its multiples
or submultiples. The conversion between radian and degree is not similar to that between metre and
centimetre or mile. If the argument of a trigonometric function is stated without units, it is understood
that the unit is radian. On the other hand, if degree is to be used as the unit of angle, then it must be
shown explicitly. For example, sin(150) means sine of 15 degree, but sin(15) means sine of 15 radians.
Hereafter, we will often drop ‘rad’ as the unit, and it should be understood that whenever angle is
mentioned as a numerical value, without units, it is to be taken as radians.
(b) In this case at t = 0, OP makes an angle of where the negative sign shows that v (t) has a
direction opposite to the positive direction of
90o = π with the x-axis. After a time t, it
2 x-axis. Eq. (14.9) gives the instantaneous
covers an angle of 2π t in the clockwise velocity of a particle executing SHM, where
T displacement is given by Eq. (14.4). We can, of
course, obtain this equation without using
sense and makes an angle of −
π 2π
2 T
geometrical argument, directly by differentiating
(Eq. 14.4) with respect of t:
with the x-axis. The projection of OP on the
x-axis at time t is given by d
v(t) = x (t ) (14.10)
x(t) = B cos −
π 2π
2 T
The method of reference circle can be similarly
used for obtaining instantaneous acceleration
= B sin t
2π of a particle undergoing SHM. We know that the
T centripetal acceleration of a particle P in uniform
For T = 30 s, circular motion has a magnitude v2/A or ω2A,
and it is directed towards the centre i.e., the
x(t) = B sin t direction is along PO. The instantaneous
15 acceleration of the projection particle P′ is then
(See Fig. 14.12)
Writing this as x (t ) = B cos t − , and
π π
15 a (t) = –ω2A cos (ωt + φ)
comparing with Eq. (14.4). We find that this = –ω2x (t) (14.11)
represents a SHM of amplitude B, period 30 s,
and an initial phase of − . t
d (14.12)
a (t ) = v (t )
We note from Eq. (14.11) the important
Fig. 14.11 The velocity, v (t), of the particle P′ is the property that acceleration of a particle in SHM
projection of the velocity v of the is proportional to displacement. For x(t) > 0,
reference particle, P. a(t) < 0 and for x(t) < 0, a(t) > 0. Thus, whatever
the value of x between –A and A, the acceleration (b) Using Eq. (14.9), the speed of the body
a(t) is always directed towards the centre. = – (5.0 m)(2π s –1) sin [(2 π s –1) ×1.5 s
For simplicity, let us put φ = 0 and write the + π/4]
expression for x (t), v (t) and a(t) = – (5.0 m)(2π s–1) sin [(3π + π/4)]
x(t) = A cos ωt, v(t) = – ω Asin ωt, a(t)=–ω2 A cos ωt = 10 π × 0.707 m s–1
The corresponding plots are shown in Fig. 14.13. = 22 m s–1
All quantities vary sinusoidally with time; only (c) Using Eq.(14.10), the acceleration of the
their maxima differ and the different plots differ body
in phase. x varies between –A to A; v(t) varies = –(2π s–1)2 × displacement
from –ωA to ωA and a(t) from –ω2A to ω2A. With = – (2π s–1)2 × (–3.535 m)
respect to displacement plot, velocity plot has a = 140 m s–2 t
phase difference of π/2 and acceleration plot
has a phase difference of π. 14.6 FORCE LAW FOR SIMPLE HARMONIC
Using Newton’s second law of motion, and the
expression for acceleration of a particle
undergoing SHM (Eq. 14.11), the force acting
on a particle of mass m in SHM is
F (t ) = ma
= –mω2 x (t )
i.e., F (t ) = –k x (t ) (14.13)
where k = mω2 (14.14a)
or ω = (14.14b)
Like acceleration, force is always directed
towards the mean position—hence it is sometimes
called the restoring force in SHM. To summarise
the discussion so far, simple harmonic motion can
be defined in two equivalent ways, either by Eq.
(14.4) for displacement or by Eq. (14.13) that gives
Fig. 14.13 Displacement, velocity and acceleration of its force law. Going from Eq. (14.4) to Eq. (14.13)
a particle in simple harmonic motion have required us to differentiate two times. Likewise,
the same period T, but they differ in phase by integrating the force law Eq. (14.13) two times,
we can get back Eq. (14.4).
u Example 14.5 A body oscillates with SHM Note that the force in Eq. (14.13) is linearly
according to the equation (in SI units), proportional to x(t). A particle oscillating under
x = 5 cos [2π t + π/4]. such a force is, therefore, calling a linear
harmonic oscillator. In the real world, the force
At t = 1.5 s, calculate the (a) displacement,
may contain small additional terms proportional
(b) speed and (c) acceleration of the body.
to x2, x3, etc. These then are called non-linear
Answer The angular frequency ω of the body
= 2π s–1 and its time period T = 1 s. u Example 14.6 Two identical springs of
At t = 1.5 s spring constant k are attached to a block
(a) displacement = (5.0 m) cos [(2 π s –1) × of mass m and to fixed supports as shown
1.5 s + π/4] in Fig. 14.14. Show that when the mass is
= (5.0 m) cos [(3π + π/4)] displaced from its equilibrium position on
= –5.0 × 0.707 m either side, it executes a simple harmonic
= –3.535 m motion. Find the period of oscillations.
= m ω 2 A 2 sin2 (ωt + φ )
= k A 2 sin2 (ωt + φ ) (14.15)
is also a periodic function of time, being zero
when the displacement is maximum and
maximum when the particle is at the mean
Fig. 14.15
position. Note, since the sign of v is immaterial
elongated by a length equal to x and that on in K, the period of K is T/2.
the right side gets compressed by the same What is the potential energy (U) of a particle
length. The forces acting on the mass are executing simple harmonic motion? In
then, Chapter 6, we have seen that the concept of
F1 = –k x (force exerted by the spring on potential energy is possible only for conservative
the left side, trying to pull the forces. The spring force F = –kx is a conservative
mass towards the mean force, with associated potential energy
position) 1
U= k x2 (14.16)
F2 = –k x (force exerted by the spring on 2
the right side, trying to push the Hence the potential energy of a particle
mass towards the mean executing simple harmonic motion is,
The net force, F, acting on the mass is then 1
given by, U(x) = k x2
F = –2kx
Hence the force acting on the mass is 1
proportional to the displacement and is directed = k A 2 cos2 (ωt + φ ) (14.17)
towards the mean position; therefore, the motion
executed by the mass is simple harmonic. The Thus, the potential energy of a particle
time period of oscillations is, executing simple harmonic motion is also
periodic, with period T/2, being zero at the mean
m position and maximum at the extreme
T = 2π t
2k displacements.
It follows from Eqs. (14.15) and (14.17) that Observe that both kinetic energy and
the total energy, E, of the system is, potential energy in SHM are seen to be always
E =U+K positive in Fig. 14.16. Kinetic energy can, of
course, be never negative, since it is
proportional to the square of speed. Potential
1 1 energy is positive by choice of the undermined
= k A 2 cos2 (ωt + φ ) + k A 2 sin2 (ωt + φ )
2 2 constant in potential energy. Both kinetic
energy and potential energy peak twice during
each period of SHM. For x = 0, the energy is
= k A 2 cos2 (ωt + φ ) + sin 2 (ωt + φ ) kinetic; at the extremes x = ±A, it is all potential
energy. In the course of motion between these
Using the familiar trigonometric identity, the limits, kinetic energy increases at the expense
value of the expression in the brackets is unity. of potential energy or vice-versa.
u Example 14.7 A block whose mass is 1 kg
is fastened to a spring. The spring has a
E= k A2 (14.18) spring constant of 50 N m–1. The block is
2 pulled to a distance x = 10 cm from its
The total mechanical energy of a harmonic equilibrium position at x = 0 on a frictionless
oscillator is thus independent of time as expected surface from rest at t = 0. Calculate the
kinetic, potential and total energies of the
for motion under any conservative force. The
block when it is 5 cm away from the mean
time and displacement dependence of the
potential and kinetic energies of a linear simple
harmonic oscillator are shown in
Fig. 14.16. Answer The block executes SHM, its angular
frequency, as given by Eq. (14.14b), is
ω =
50 N m
Fig. 14.16 Kinetic energy, potential energy and total Or cos (7.07t) = 0.5 and hence
energy as a function of time [shown in (a)]
and displacement [shown in (b)] of a particle
in SHM. The kinetic energy and potential 3
energy both repeat after a period T/2. The sin (7.07t) = = 0.866
total energy remains constant at all t or x.
500 N m –1
= 0.1 ×
5 kg
= 1 m s–1
and it occurs at x = 0
(c) The acceleration of the collar at the (a)
displacement x (t) from the equilibrium is
given by,
a (t) = –ω2 x(t)
=– x(t)
Therefore, the maximum acceleration is,
amax = ω2 A
500 N m
= x 0.1 m
5 kg
= 10 m s–2
and it occurs at the extremities. t
14.8.2 The Simple Pendulum
Fig. 14.18 (a) A bob oscillating about its mean
It is said that Galileo measured the periods of a position. (b) The radial force T-mg cosθ
swinging chandelier in a church by his pulse provides centripetal force but no torque
beats. He observed that the motion of the about the support. The tangential force
mg sinθ provides the restoring torque.
chandelier was periodic. The system is a kind
T = 2π
gT 2
L =
4π 2
The time period of a simple pendulum, which Fig. 14.19 The viscous surrounding medium exerts
ticks seconds, is 2 s. Therefore, for g = 9.8 m s–2 a damping force on an oscillating spring,
and T = 2 s, L is eventually bringing it to rest.
* Under gravity, the block will be at a certain equilibrium position O on the spring; x here represents the
displacement from that position.
d2 x
m + b dx + kx = Fo cos ωd t (14.37b)
dt 2 dt b=50g/s (least
This is the equation of an oscillator of mass
m on which a periodic force of (angular)
frequency ωd is applied. The oscillator, initially,
oscillates with its natural frequency ω. When b=70g/s
Fig. 14.21 shows the dependence of the This makes it clear that the maximum
displacement amplitude of an oscillator on the possible amplitude for a given driving frequency
angular frequency of the driving force for is governed by the driving frequency and the
different amounts of damping present in the damping, and is never infinity. The phenomenon
system. It may be noted that in all cases the of increase in amplitude when the driving force
amplitude is the greatest when ωd /ω = 1. The is close to the natural frequency of the oscillator
curves in this figure show that smaller the is called resonance.
damping, the taller and narrower is the In our daily life, we encounter phenomena
resonance peak. which involve resonance. Your experience with
swings is a good example of resonance. You motion is gradually damped and not sustained.
might have realised that the skill in swinging to Their frequencies of oscillation gradually
greater heights lies in the synchronisation of change, and ultimately, they oscillate with the
the rhythm of pushing against the ground with frequency of pendulum 1, i.e., the frequency of
the natural frequency of the swing. the driving force but with different amplitudes.
To illustrate this point further, let us They oscillate with small amplitudes. The
consider a set of five simple pendulums of response of pendulum 4 is in contrast to this
assorted lengths suspended from a common rope set of pendulums. It oscillates with the same
as shown in Fig. 14.22. The pendulums 1 and 4 frequency as that of pendulum 1 and its
have the same lengths and the others have amplitude gradually picks up and becomes very
different lengths. Now, let us set pendulum 1 large. A resonance-like response is seen.
into motion. The energy from this pendulum gets This happens because in this the condition for
transferred to other pendulums through the resonance is satisfied, i.e. the natural frequency
connecting rope and they start oscillating. The of the system coincides with that of the
driving force is provided through the connecting driving force.
rope. The frequency of this force is the frequency We have so far considered oscillating systems
with which pendulum 1 oscillates. If we observe which have just one natural frequency. In
the response of pendulums 2, 3 and 5, they first general, a system may have several natural
start oscillating with their natural frequencies frequencies. You will see examples of such
of oscillations and different amplitudes, but this systems (vibrating strings, air columns, etc.) in
the next chapter. Any mechanical structure, like
a building, a bridge, or an aircraft may have
several possible natural frequencies. An
external periodic force or disturbance will set
the system in forced oscillation. If, accidentally,
the forced frequency ωd happens to be close to
one of the natural frequencies of the system,
the amplitude of oscillation will shoot up
(resonance), resulting in possible damage. This
is why, soldiers go out of step while crossing a
bridge. For the same reason, an earthquake will
not cause uniform damage to all buildings in
an affected area, even if they are built with the
same strength and material. The natural
frequencies of a building depend on its height,
other size parameters, and the nature of
Fig. 14.22 Five simple pendulums of different building material. The one with its natural
lengths suspended from a common frequency close to the frequency of seismic wave
support. is likely to be damaged more.
3. In simple harmonic motion (SHM), the displacement x (t) of a particle from its
equilibrium position is given by,
in which A is the amplitude of the displacement, the quantity (ωt + φ ) is the phase of
the motion, and φ is the phase constant. The angular frequency ω is related to the
period and frequency of the motion by,
ω= = 2πν (angular frequency).
4. Simple harmonic motion can also be viewed as the projection of uniform circular
motion on the diameter of the circle in which the latter motion occurs.
5. The particle velocity and acceleration during SHM as functions of time are given by,
ω = (angular frequency)
T = 2π (period)
Such a system is also called a linear oscillator.
9. The motion of a simple pendulum swinging through small angles is approximately
simple harmonic. The period of oscillation is given by,
T = 2π
10. The mechanical energy in a real oscillating system decreases during oscillations because
external forces, such as drag, inhibit the oscillations and transfer mechanical energy
to thermal energy. The real oscillator and its motion are then said to be damped. If the
damping force is given by Fd = –bv, where v is the velocity of the oscillator and b is a
damping constant, then the displacement of the oscillator is given by,
x (t) = A e–bt/2m cos (ω′t + φ )
where ω′, the angular frequency of the damped oscillator, is given by
k b2
ω′ = −
m 4m 2
If the damping constant is small then ω′ ≈ ω, where ω is the angular frequency of the
undamped oscillator. The mechanical energy E of the damped oscillator is given by
E(t) = kA 2 e −bt / m
11. If an external force with angular frequency ωd acts on an oscillating system with natural
angular frequency ω, the system oscillates with angular frequency ωd. The amplitude of
oscillations is the greatest when
ωd = ω
a condition called resonance.
1. The period T is the least time after which motion repeats itself. Thus, motion repeats
itself after nT where n is an integer.
2. Every periodic motion is not simple harmonic motion. Only that periodic motion
governed by the force law F = – k x is simple harmonic.
3. Circular motion can arise due to an inverse-square law force (as in planetary motion)
as well as due to simple harmonic force in two dimensions equal to: –mω2r. In the
latter case, the phases of motion, in two perpendicular directions (x and y) must differ
by π/2. Thus, for example, a particle subject to a force –mω2r with initial position (0,
A) and velocity (ωA, 0) will move uniformly in a circle of radius A.
4. For linear simple harmonic motion with a given ω, two initial conditions are necessary
and sufficient to determine the motion completely. The initial conditions may be (i)
initial position and initial velocity or (ii) amplitude and phase or (iii) energy
and phase.
5. From point 4 above, given amplitude or energy, phase of motion is determined by the
initial position or initial velocity.
6. A combination of two simple harmonic motions with arbitrary amplitudes and phases
is not necessarily periodic. It is periodic only if frequency of one motion is an integral
multiple of the other’s frequency. However, a periodic motion can always be expressed
as a sum of infinite number of harmonic motions with appropriate amplitudes.
7. The period of SHM does not depend on amplitude or energy or the phase constant.
Contrast this with the periods of planetary orbits under gravitation (Kepler’s third
8. The motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic for small angular displacement.
x = A cos ωt + B sin ωt
The three forms are completely equivalent (any one can be expressed in terms of any
other two forms).
Thus, damped simple harmonic motion [Eq. (14.31)] is not strictly simple harmonic. It
is approximately so only for time intervals much less than 2m/b where b is the damping
10. In forced oscillations, the steady state motion of the particle (after the forced oscillations
die out) is simple harmonic motion whose frequency is the frequency of the driving
frequency ωd, not the natural frequency ω of the particle.
11. In the ideal case of zero damping, the amplitude of simple harmonic motion at resonance
is infinite. Since all real systems have some damping, however small, this situation is
never observed.
12. Under forced oscillation, the phase of harmonic motion of the particle differs from the
phase of the driving force.
Fig. 14.23
14.4 Which of the following functions of time represent (a) simple harmonic, (b) periodic
but not simple harmonic, and (c) non-periodic motion? Give period for each case of
periodic motion (ω is any positive constant):
(a) sin ωt – cos ωt
(b) sin3 ωt
(c) 3 cos (π/4 – 2ωt)
(d) cos ωt + cos 3ωt + cos 5ωt
(e) exp (–ω2t2)
(f) 1 + ωt + ω2t2
14.5 A particle is in linear simple harmonic motion between two points, A and B, 10 cm
apart. Take the direction from A to B as the positive direction and give the signs of
velocity, acceleration and force on the particle when it is
(a) at the end A,
(b) at the end B,
(c) at the mid-point of AB going towards A,
(d) at 2 cm away from B going towards A,
(e) at 3 cm away from A going towards B, and
(f) at 4 cm away from B going towards A.
14.6 Which of the following relationships between the acceleration a and the displacement
x of a particle involve simple harmonic motion?
(a) a = 0.7x
(b) a = –200x2
(c) a = –10x
(d) a = 100x3
14.7 The motion of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is described by the
displacement function,
x(t) = A cos (ωt + φ ).
If the initial (t = 0) position of the particle is 1 cm and its initial velocity is ω cm/s,
what are its amplitude and initial phase angle ? The angular frequency of the
particle is π s–1. If instead of the cosine function, we choose the sine function to
describe the SHM : x = B sin (ωt + α), what are the amplitude and initial phase of the
particle with the above initial conditions.
14.8 A spring balance has a scale that reads from 0 to 50 kg. The length of the scale is 20
cm. A body suspended from this balance, when displaced and released, oscillates
with a period of 0.6 s. What is the weight of the body ?
14.9 A spring having with a spring constant 1200 N m–1 is mounted on a horizontal
table as shown in Fig. 14.24. A mass of 3 kg is attached to the free end of the
spring. The mass is then pulled sideways to a distance of 2.0 cm and released.
Fig. 14.24
Determine (i) the frequency of oscillations, (ii) maximum acceleration of the mass,
and (iii) the maximum speed of the mass.
14.10 In Exercise 14.9, let us take the position of mass when the spring is unstreched as
x = 0, and the direction from left to right as the positive direction of
x-axis. Give x as a function of time t for the oscillating mass if at the moment we
start the stopwatch (t = 0), the mass is
(a) at the mean position,
(b) at the maximum stretched position, and
(c) at the maximum compressed position.
In what way do these functions for SHM differ from each other, in frequency, in
amplitude or the initial phase?
14.11 Figures 14.25 correspond to two circular motions. The radius of the circle, the
period of revolution, the initial position, and the sense of revolution (i.e. clockwise
or anti-clockwise) are indicated on each figure.
Fig. 14.25
Obtain the corresponding simple harmonic motions of the x-projection of the radius
vector of the revolving particle P, in each case.
14.12 Plot the corresponding reference circle for each of the following simple harmonic
motions. Indicate the initial (t =0) position of the particle, the radius of the circle,
and the angular speed of the rotating particle. For simplicity, the sense of rotation
may be fixed to be anticlockwise in every case: (x is in cm and t is in s).
(a) x = –2 sin (3t + π/3)
(b) x = cos (π/6 – t)
(c) x = 3 sin (2πt + π/4)
(d) x = 2 cos πt
14.13 Figure 14.26 (a) shows a spring of force constant k clamped rigidly at one end and
a mass m attached to its free end. A force F applied at the free end stretches the
spring. Figure 14.26 (b) shows the same spring with both ends free and attached to
a mass m at either end. Each end of the spring in Fig. 14.26(b) is stretched by the
same force F.
Fig. 14.26
(a) What is the maximum extension of the spring in the two cases ?
(b) If the mass in Fig. (a) and the two masses in Fig. (b) are released, what is the
period of oscillation in each case ?
14.14 The piston in the cylinder head of a locomotive has a stroke (twice the amplitude)
of 1.0 m. If the piston moves with simple harmonic motion with an angular frequency
of 200 rad/min, what is its maximum speed ?
14.15 The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of moon is 1.7 m s–2. What is the time
period of a simple pendulum on the surface of moon if its time period on the surface
of earth is 3.5 s ? (g on the surface of earth is 9.8 m s–2)
14.16 Answer the following questions :
(a) Time period of a particle in SHM depends on the force constant k and mass m
of the particle:
T = 2π . A simple pendulum executes SHM approximately. Why then is
the time period of a pendulum independent of the mass of the pendulum?
(b) The motion of a simple pendulum is approximately simple harmonic for small
angle oscillations. For larger angles of oscillation, a more involved analysis
shows that T is greater than 2π . Think of a qualitative argument to
appreciate this result.
(c) A man with a wristwatch on his hand falls from the top of a tower. Does the
watch give correct time during the free fall ?
(d) What is the frequency of oscillation of a simple pendulum mounted in a cabin
that is freely falling under gravity ?
14.17 A simple pendulum of length l and having a bob of mass M is suspended in a car.
The car is moving on a circular track of radius R with a uniform speed v. If the
pendulum makes small oscillations in a radial direction about its equilibrium
position, what will be its time period ?
14.18 A cylindrical piece of cork of density of base area A and height h floats in a liquid of
density ρl. The cork is depressed slightly and then released. Show that the cork
oscillates up and down simple harmonically with a period
T = 2π
where ρ is the density of cork. (Ignore damping due to viscosity of the liquid).
14.19 One end of a U-tube containing mercury is connected to a suction pump and the
other end to atmosphere. A small pressure difference is maintained between the
two columns. Show that, when the suction pump is removed, the column of mercury
in the U-tube executes simple harmonic motion.
Additional Exercises
14.20 An air chamber of volume V has a neck area of cross section a into which a ball of
mass m just fits and can move up and down without any friction (Fig.14.27). Show
that when the ball is pressed down a little and released , it executes SHM. Obtain
an expression for the time period of oscillations assuming pressure-volume variations
of air to be isothermal [see Fig. 14.27].
14.21 You are riding in an automobile of mass 3000 kg. Assuming that you are examining
the oscillation characteristics of its suspension system. The suspension sags
15 cm when the entire automobile is placed on it. Also, the amplitude of oscillation
decreases by 50% during one complete oscillation. Estimate the values of (a) the
spring constant k and (b) the damping constant b for the spring and shock absorber
system of one wheel, assuming that each wheel supports 750 kg.
14.22 Show that for a particle in linear SHM the average kinetic energy over a period of
oscillation equals the average potential energy over the same period.
14.23 A circular disc of mass 10 kg is suspended by a wire attached to its centre. The wire
is twisted by rotating the disc and released. The period of torsional oscillations is
found to be 1.5 s. The radius of the disc is 15 cm. Determine the torsional spring
constant of the wire. (Torsional spring constant α is defined by the relation
J = –α θ , where J is the restoring couple and θ the angle of twist).
14.24 A body describes simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 5 cm and a period of
0.2 s. Find the acceleration and velocity of the body when the displacement is
(a) 5 cm (b) 3 cm (c) 0 cm.
14.25 A mass attached to a spring is free to oscillate, with angular velocity ω, in a horizontal
plane without friction or damping. It is pulled to a distance x0 and pushed towards
the centre with a velocity v0 at time t = 0. Determine the amplitude of the resulting
oscillations in terms of the parameters ω, x0 and v0. [Hint : Start with the equation
x = a cos (ωt+θ) and note that the initial velocity is negative.]
In the previous Chapter, we studied the motion of objects
oscillating in isolation. What happens in a system, which is
a collection of such objects? A material medium provides
15.1 Introduction
such an example. Here, elastic forces bind the constituents
15.2 Transverse and to each other and, therefore, the motion of one affects that of
longitudinal waves
the other. If you drop a little pebble in a pond of still water,
15.3 Displacement relation in a
the water surface gets disturbed. The disturbance does not
progressive wave
remain confined to one place, but propagates outward along
15.4 The speed of a travelling
a circle. If you continue dropping pebbles in the pond, you
see circles rapidly moving outward from the point where the
15.5 The principle of
water surface is disturbed. It gives a feeling as if the water is
superposition of waves
moving outward from the point of disturbance. If you put
15.6 Reflection of waves
some cork pieces on the disturbed surface, it is seen that
15.7 Beats
the cork pieces move up and down but do not move away
15.8 Doppler effect from the centre of disturbance. This shows that the water
Summary mass does not flow outward with the circles, but rather a
Points to ponder moving disturbance is created. Similarly, when we speak,
Exercises the sound moves outward from us, without any flow of air
Additional exercises from one part of the medium to another. The disturbances
produced in air are much less obvious and only our ears or
a microphone can detect them. These patterns, which move
without the actual physical transfer or flow of matter as a
whole, are called waves. In this Chapter, we will study such
Waves transport energy and the pattern of disturbance has
information that propagate from one point to another. All our
communications essentially depend on transmission of sig-
nals through waves. Speech means production of sound
waves in air and hearing amounts to their detection. Often,
communication involves different kinds of waves. For exam-
ple, sound waves may be first converted into an electric cur-
rent signal which in turn may generate an electromagnetic
wave that may be transmitted by an optical cable or via a
satellite. Detection of the original signal will usu- We shall illustrate this connection through
ally involve these steps in reverse order. simple examples.
Not all waves require a medium for their Consider a collection of springs connected to
propagation. We know that light waves can one another as shown in Fig. 15.1. If the spring
travel through vacuum. The light emitted by at one end is pulled suddenly and released, the
stars, which are hundreds of light years away, disturbance travels to the other end. What has
reaches us through inter-stellar space, which
is practically a vacuum.
The most familiar type of waves such as waves
on a string, water waves, sound waves, seismic
waves, etc. is the so-called mechanical waves. Fig. 15.1 A collection of springs connected to each
These waves require a medium for propagation, other. The end A is pulled suddenly
they cannot propagate through vacuum. They generating a disturbance, which then
involve oscillations of constituent particles and propagates to the other end.
depend on the elastic properties of the medium.
The electromagnetic waves that you will learn happened? The first spring is disturbed from its
in Class XII are a different type of wave. equilibrium length. Since the second spring is
Electromagnetic waves do not necessarily require connected to the first, it is also stretched or
a medium - they can travel through vacuum. compressed, and so on. The disturbance moves
Light, radiowaves, X-rays, are all electromagnetic from one end to the other; but each spring only
waves. In vacuum, all electromagnetic waves executes small oscillations about its equilibrium
have the same speed c, whose value is : position. As a practical example of this situation,
consider a stationary train at a railway station.
c = 299, 792, 458 ms–1. (15.1)
Different bogies of the train are coupled to each
A third kind of wave is the so-called Matter other through a spring coupling. When an
waves. They are associated with constituents of engine is attached at one end, it gives a push to
matter : electrons, protons, neutrons, atoms and the bogie next to it; this push is transmitted from
molecules. They arise in quantum mechanical one bogie to another without the entire train
description of nature that you will learn in your being bodily displaced.
later studies. Though conceptually more abstract Now let us consider the propagation of sound
than mechanical or electro-magnetic waves, they waves in air. As the wave passes through air, it
have already found applications in several compresses or expands a small region of air. This
devices basic to modern technology; matter causes a change in the density of that region,
waves associated with electrons are employed say δρ, this change induces a change in pressure,
in electron microscopes. δp, in that region. Pressure is force per unit area,
In this chapter we will study mechanical so there is a restoring force proportional to
waves, which require a material medium for the disturbance, just like in a spring. In this
their propagation. case, the quantity similar to extension or
The aesthetic influence of waves on art and compression of the spring is the change in
literature is seen from very early times; yet the density. If a region is compressed, the molecules
first scientific analysis of wave motion dates back in that region are packed together, and they tend
to the seventeenth century. Some of the famous to move out to the adjoining region, thereby
scientists associated with the physics of wave increasing the density or creating compression
motion are Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695), in the adjoining region. Consequently, the air
Robert Hooke and Isaac Newton. The in the first region undergoes rarefaction. If a
understanding of physics of waves followed the region is comparatively rarefied the surrounding
physics of oscillations of masses tied to springs air will rush in making the rarefaction move to
and physics of the simple pendulum. Waves in the adjoining region. Thus, the compression or
elastic media are intimately connected with rarefaction moves from one region to another,
harmonic oscillations. (Stretched strings, coiled making the propagation of a disturbance
springs, air, etc., are examples of elastic media). possible in air.
2π 2π 1 ω
λ= ν= = (15.8)
or k = (15.6) T 2π
k λ
ν is usually measured in hertz.
k is the angular wave number or propagation
In the discussion above, reference has always
constant; its SI unit is radian per metre or
been made to a wave travelling along a string or
rad m−1 * a transverse wave. In a longitudinal wave, the
displacement of an element of the medium is
15.3.3 Period, Angular Frequency and parallel to the direction of propagation of the
Frequency wave. In Eq. (15.2), the displacement function
Fig. 15.7 shows again a sinusoidal plot. It for a longitudinal wave is written as,
describes not the shape of the wave at a certain
s(x, t) = a sin (kx – ω t + φ ) (15.9)
instant but the displacement of an element (at
any fixed location) of the medium as a function where s(x, t) is the displacement of an element
of time. We may for, simplicity, take Eq. (15.2) of the medium in the direction of propagation
with φ = 0 and monitor the motion of the element of the wave at position x and time t. In Eq. (15.9),
say at x = 0 . We then get a is the displacement amplitude; other
quantities have the same meaning as in case
y(0,t ) = a sin( −ωt ) of a transverse wave except that the
displacement function y (x, t ) is to be replaced
= −a sin ωt by the function s (x, t).
* Here again, ‘radian’ could be dropped and the units could be written merely as m–1. Thus, k represents 2π
times the number of waves (or the total phase difference) that can be accommodated per unit length, with SI
units m–1.
2π kx – ω t = k(x+∆x) – ω(t+∆t)
3.0 s
−1 or k ∆x – ω ∆t =0
in general) and elastic properties (Young’s The dimension of µ is [ML–1] and that of T is
modulus for linear media/ shear modulus, bulk like force, namely [MLT–2]. We need to combine
modulus) of the medium. The medium these dimensions to get the dimension of speed
determines the speed; Eq. (15.12) then relates v [LT –1]. Simple inspection shows that the
wavelength to frequency for the given speed. Of quantity T/µ has the relevant dimension
course, as remarked earlier, the medium can
support both transverse and longitudinal waves, MLT −2
= L2 T −2
which will have different speeds in the same ML −1
medium. Later in this chapter, we shall obtain
specific expressions for the speed of mechanical Thus if T and µ are assumed to be the only
waves in some media. relevant physical quantities,
15.4.1 Speed of a Transverse Wave on
Stretched String v =C (15.13)
The speed of a mechanical wave is determined
where C is the undetermined constant of
by the restoring force setup in the medium when
dimensional analysis. In the exact formula, it
it is disturbed and the inertial properties (mass
turms out, C=1. The speed of transverse waves
density) of the medium. The speed is expected to
on a stretched string is given by
be directly related to the former and inversely to
the latter. For waves on a string, the restoring
force is provided by the tension T in the string. v = (15.14)
The inertial property will in this case be linear
mass density µ, which is mass m of the string Note the important point that the speed v
divided by its length L. Using Newton’s Laws of depends only on the properties of the medium T
Motion, an exact formula for the wave speed on and µ (T is a property of the stretched string
a string can be derived, but this derivation is arising due to an external force). It does not
outside the scope of this book. We shall, depend on wavelength or frequency of the wave
therefore, use dimensional analysis. We already itself. In higher studies, you will come across
know that dimensional analysis alone can never waves whose speed is not independent of
yield the exact formula. The overall frequency of the wave. Of the two parameters λ
dimensionless constant is always left and ν the source of disturbance determines the
undetermined by dimensional analysis. frequency of the wave generated. Given the
are much more difficult to compress than gases The result shown in Eq.(15.23) is about 15%
and so have much higher values of bulk modulus. smaller as compared to the experimental value
Now, see Eq. (15.19). Solids and liquids have of 331 m s–1 as given in Table 15.1. Where
higher mass densities ( ρ ) than gases. But the did we go wrong ? If we examine the basic
corresponding increase in both the modulus (B) assumption made by Newton that the pressure
of solids and liquids is much higher. This is the variations in a medium during propagation of
sound are isothermal, we find that this is not
reason why the sound waves travel faster in
correct. It was pointed out by Laplace that the
solids and liquids.
pressure variations in the propagation of sound
We can estimate the speed of sound in a gas
waves are so fast that there is little time for the
in the ideal gas approximation. For an ideal gas, heat flow to maintain constant temperature.
the pressure P, volume V and temperature T are These variations, therefore, are adiabatic and
related by (see Chapter 11). not isothermal. For adiabatic processes the ideal
PV = NkBT (15.21) gas satisfies the relation (see Section 12.8),
PV γ = constant
where N is the number of molecules in volume
i.e. ∆(PV γ ) = 0
V, kB is the Boltzmann constant and T the
temperature of the gas (in Kelvin). Therefore, for or P γ V γ –1 ∆V + V γ ∆P = 0
an isothermal change it follows from Eq.(15.21) where γ is the ratio of two specific heats,
that Cp/Cv.
V∆P + P∆V = 0 Thus, for an ideal gas the adiabatic bulk
modulus is given by,
or ∆P
− =P
Bad = − ∆P
Hence, substituting in Eq. (15.16), we have ∆V/V
B=P = γP
Therefore, from Eq. (15.19) the speed of a The speed of sound is, therefore, from Eq.
longitudinal wave in an ideal gas is given by, (15.19), given by,
v = P (15.22) v= γ P (15.24)
ρ ρ
This relation was first given by Newton and
is known as Newton’s formula. This modification of Newton’s formula is referred
to as the Laplace correction. For air
u Example 15.4 Estimate the speed of γ = 7/5. Now using Eq. (15.24) to estimate the speed
sound in air at standard temperature and of sound in air at STP, we get a value 331.3 m s–1,
pressure. The mass of 1 mole of air is which agrees with the measured speed.
29.0 ×10–3 kg.
Answer We know that 1 mole of any gas 15.5 THE PRINCIPLE OF SUPERPOSITION
occupies 22.4 litres at STP. Therefore, density OF WAVES
of air at STP is: What happens when two wave pulses travelling
ρo = (mass of one mole of air)/ (volume of one in opposite directions cross each other
mole of air at STP) (Fig. 15.9)? It turns out that wave pulses
29.0 × 10 −3 kg continue to retain their identities after they have
22.4 × 10 −3 m 3 crossed. However, during the time they overlap,
= 1.29 kg m–3 the wave pattern is different from either of the
pulses. Figure 15.9 shows the situation when
According to Newton’s formula for the speed
two pulses of equal and opposite shapes move
of sound in a medium, we get for the speed of
towards each other. When the pulses overlap,
sound in air at STP,
the resultant displacement is the algebraic sum
= 280 m s–1 (15.23) of the displacement due to each pulse. This is
known as the principle of superposition of waves.
= f
i ( x − vt ) (15.26)
i =1
If on the other hand, the boundary point is = a [sin (kx – ω t) + sin (kx + ω t)]
not rigid but completely free to move (such as in Using the familiar trignometric identity
the case of a string tied to a freely moving ring Sin (A+B) + Sin (A–B) = 2 sin A cosB we get,
on a rod), the reflected pulse has the same phase
and amplitude (assuming no energy dissipation) y (x, t) = 2a sin kx cos ω t (15.37)
as the incident pulse. The net maximum Note the important difference in the wave
displacement at the boundary is then twice the pattern described by Eq. (15.37) from that
amplitude of each pulse. An example of non- rigid described by Eq. (15.2) or Eq. (15.4). The terms
boundary is the open end of an organ pipe. kx and ω t appear separately, not in the
To summarise, a travelling wave or pulse combination kx - ωt. The amplitude of this wave
suffers a phase change of π on reflection at a is 2a sin kx. Thus, in this wave pattern, the
rigid boundary and no phase change on amplitude varies from point-to-point, but each
reflection at an open boundary. To put this element of the string oscillates with the same
mathematically, let the incident travelling wave angular frequency ω or time period. There is no
be phase difference between oscillations of different
elements of the wave. The string as a whole
y2 ( x, t ) = a sin ( kx − ωt ) vibrates in phase with differing amplitudes at
At a rigid boundary, the reflected wave is given different points. The wave pattern is neither
by moving to the right nor to the left. Hence, they
yr(x, t) = a sin (kx – ω t + π ). are called standing or stationary waves. The
= – a sin (kx – ω t) (15.35) amplitude is fixed at a given location but, as
At an open boundary, the reflected wave is given remarked earlier, it is different at different
by locations. The points at which the amplitude is
yr(x, t) = a sin (kx – ω t + 0). zero (i.e., where there is no motion at all) are
= a sin (kx – ω t) (15.36) nodes; the points at which the amplitude is the
largest are called antinodes. Fig. 15.12 shows
Clearly, at the rigid boundary, y = y2 + yr = 0 a stationary wave pattern resulting from
at all times. superposition of two travelling waves in
15.6.1 Standing Waves and Normal Modes opposite directions.
The most significant feature of stationary
We considered above reflection at one boundary. waves is that the boundary conditions constrain
But there are familiar situations (a string fixed the possible wavelengths or frequencies of
at either end or an air column in a pipe with vibration of the system. The system cannot
either end closed) in which reflection takes place oscillate with any arbitrary frequency (contrast
at two or more boundaries. In a string, for this with a harmonic travelling wave), but is
example, a wave travelling in one direction will characterised by a set of natural frequencies or
get reflected at one end, which in turn will travel normal modes of oscillation. Let us determine
and get reflected from the other end. This will these normal modes for a stretched string fixed
go on until there is a steady wave pattern set at both ends.
up on the string. Such wave patterns are called First, from Eq. (15.37), the positions of nodes
standing waves or stationary waves. To see this (where the amplitude is zero) are given by
mathematically, consider a wave travelling sin kx = 0 .
along the positive direction of x-axis and a which implies
reflected wave of the same amplitude and
kx = n π; n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
wavelength in the negative direction of x-axis.
From Eqs. (15.2) and (15.4), with φ = 0, we get: Since, k = 2π/λ , we get
y1(x, t) = a sin (kx – ω t) nλ
x= ; n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... (15.38)
y2(x, t) = a sin (kx + ω t) 2
Clearly, the distance between any two
The resultant wave on the string is, according
to the principle of superposition:
successive nodes is
λ In the same way, the
y (x, t) = y1(x, t) + y2(x, t) 2
Fig. 15.12 Stationary waves arising from superposition of two harmonic waves travelling in opposite directions.
Note that the positions of zero displacement (nodes) remain fixed at all times.
positions of antinodes (where the amplitude is Thus, the possible wavelengths of stationary
the largest) are given by the largest value of sin waves are constrained by the relation
kx :
sin k x = 1 2L
which implies λ = ; n = 1, 2, 3, … (15.41)
kx = (n + ½) π ; n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
with corresponding frequencies
With k = 2π/λ, we get
nv , for n = 1, 2, 3, (15.42)
x = (n + ½) ; n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... (15.39) 2L
Again the distance between any two consecutive We have thus obtained the natural frequencies
λ - the normal modes of oscillation of the system.
antinodes is . Eq. (15.38) can be applied to The lowest possible natural frequency of a
the case of a stretched string of length L fixed system is called its fundamental mode or the
at both ends. Taking one end to be at x = 0, the first harmonic. For the stretched string fixed
boundary conditions are that x = 0 and x = L
are positions of nodes. The x = 0 condition is at either end it is given by v =, corresponding
already satisfied. The x = L node condition 2L
requires that the length L is related to λ by to n = 1 of Eq. (15.42). Here v is the speed of
wave determined by the properties of the
λ medium. The n = 2 frequency is called the
L=n ; n = 1, 2, 3, ... (15.40)
2 second harmonic; n = 3 is the third harmonic
1 λ v
L= n + , for n = 0, 1, 2, 3, … and is given by . The higher frequencies
2 2 4L
are odd harmonics, i.e., odd multiples of the
The possible wavelengths are then restricted by
the relation : v v
fundamental frequency : 3 , 5 , etc.
4L 4L
2L Fig. 15.14 shows the first six odd harmonics of
λ = , for n = 0, 1, 2, 3,... (15.43) air column with one end closed and the other
(n + 1 / 2) open. For a pipe open at both ends, each end is
an antinode. It is then easily seen that an open
The normal modes – the natural frequencies – air column at both ends generates all harmonics
of the system are (See Fig. 15.15).
The systems above, strings and air columns,
1 v can also undergo forced oscillations (Chapter
ν = n + ; n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... (15.44) 14). If the external frequency is close to one of
2 2L
the natural frequencies, the system shows
The fundamental frequency corresponds to n = 0, resonance.
Musical Pillars
Temples often have
some pillars
portraying human
figures playing
musical instru-
ments, but seldom
do these pillars
themselves produce
music. At the
Nellaiappar temple
Fig. 15.15 Standing waves in an open pipe, first four
harmonics are depicted. in Tamil Nadu,
gentle taps on a
are heard at the same time, we hear a sound of cluster of pillars carved out of a single piece
similar frequency (the average of two close of rock produce the basic notes of Indian
frequencies), but we hear something else also. classical music, viz. Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha,
We hear audibly distinct waxing and waning of Ni, Sa. Vibrations of these pillars depend on
the intensity of the sound, with a frequency elasticity of the stone used, its density and
equal to the difference in the two close shape.
frequencies. Artists use this phenomenon often Musical pillars are categorised into three
while tuning their instruments with each other. types: The first is called the Shruti Pillar,
They go on tuning until their sensitive ears do as it can produce the basic notes — the
not detect any beats. “swaras”. The second type is the Gana
To see this mathematically, let us consider Thoongal, which generates the basic tunes
two harmonic sound waves of nearly equal that make up the “ragas”. The third variety
angular frequency ω1 and ω2 and fix the location is the Laya Thoongal pillars that produce
to be x = 0 for convenience. Eq. (15.2) with a “taal” (beats) when tapped. The pillars at the
suitable choice of phase (φ = π/2 for each) and, Nellaiappar temple are a combination of the
assuming equal amplitudes, gives Shruti and Laya types.
s1 = a cos ω1t and s2 = a cos ω2t (15.45) Archaeologists date the Nelliappar
Here we have replaced the symbol y by s, temple to the 7th century and claim it was
since we are referring to longitudinal not built by successive rulers of the Pandyan
transverse displacement. Let ω1 be the (slightly) dynasty.
greater of the two frequencies. The resultant The musical pillars of Nelliappar and
displacement is, by the principle of several other temples in southern India like
superposition, those at Hampi (picture), Kanyakumari, and
s = s1 + s2 = a (cos ω1 t + cos ω2 t) Thiruvananthapuram are unique to the
Using the familiar trignometric identity for country and have no parallel in any other
cos A + cosB, we get part of the world.
= 2 a cos
( ω1 − ω2 ) t cos
( ω1 + ω2 ) t
2 2
which may be written as : ωa >> ωb, we can interpret Eq. (15.47) as follows.
s = [ 2 a cos ωb t ] cos ωat (15.47) The resultant wave is oscillating with the average
If |ω1 – ω2| <<ω1, ω2, ωa >> ωb, th angular frequency ωa; however its amplitude is
where not constant in time, unlike a pure harmonic
wave. The amplitude is the largest when the
ωb = ( ω1 − ω2 ) and ωa = (ω1 + ω2 ) term cos ωb t takes its limit +1 or –1. In other
2 2 words, the intensity of the resultant wave waxes
Now if we assume |ω1 – ω2| <<ω1, which means and wanes with a frequency which is 2ωb = ω1 –
1. Mechanical waves can exist in material media and are governed by Newton’s Laws.
2. Transverse waves are waves in which the particles of the medium oscillate perpendicular
to the direction of wave propagation.
3. Longitudinal waves are waves in which the particles of the medium oscillate along the
direction of wave propagation.
4. Progressive wave is a wave that moves from one point of medium to another.
T =
8. Frequency v of a wave is defined as 1/T and is related to angular frequency by
The speed of longitudinal waves in a metallic bar is
For gases, since B = γP, the speed of sound is
12. When two or more waves traverse simultaneously in the same medium, the
displacement of any element of the medium is the algebraic sum of the displacements
due to each wave. This is known as the principle of superposition of waves
y= f i ( x − vt )
i =1
13. Two sinusoidal waves on the same string exhibit interference, adding or cancelling
according to the principle of superposition. If the two are travelling in the same
direction and have the same amplitude a and frequency but differ in phase by a phase
constant φ, the result is a single wave with the same frequency ω :
18. The Doppler effect is a change in the observed frequency of a wave when the source (S)
or the observer (O) or both move(s) relative to the medium. For sound the observed
frequency ν is given in terms of the source frequency νo by
v +v
v = vo
v +v
here v is the speed of sound through the medium, vo is the velocity of observer relative
to the medium, and vs is the source velocity relative to the medium. In using this
formula, velocities in the direction OS should be treated as positive and those opposite
to it should be taken to be negative.
1. A wave is not motion of matter as a whole in a medium. A wind is different from the
sound wave in air. The former involves motion of air from one place to the other. The
latter involves compressions and rarefactions of layers of air.
2. In a wave, energy and not the matter is transferred from one point to the other.
3. In a mechanical wave, energy transfer takes place because of the coupling through
elastic forces between neighbouring oscillating parts of the medium.
4. Transverse waves can propagate only in medium with shear modulus of elasticity,
Longitudinal waves need bulk modulus of elasticity and are therefore, possible in all
media, solids, liquids and gases.
5. In a harmonic progressive wave of a given frequency, all particles have the same
amplitude but different phases at a given instant of time. In a stationary wave, all
particles between two nodes have the same phase at a given instant but have different
6. Relative to an observer at rest in a medium the speed of a mechanical wave in that
medium (v) depends only on elastic and other properties (such as mass density) of
the medium. It does not depend on the velocity of the source.
7. For an observer moving with velocity vo relative to the medium, the speed of a wave is
obviously different from v and is given by v ± vo.
15.1 A string of mass 2.50 kg is under a tension of 200 N. The length of the stretched
string is 20.0 m. If the transverse jerk is struck at one end of the string, how long
does the disturbance take to reach the other end?
15.2 A stone dropped from the top of a tower of height 300 m splashes into the water of
a pond near the base of the tower. When is the splash heard at the top given that
the speed of sound in air is 340 m s–1 ? (g = 9.8 m s–2)
15.3 A steel wire has a length of 12.0 m and a mass of 2.10 kg. What should be the
tension in the wire so that speed of a transverse wave on the wire equals the speed
of sound in dry air at 20 °C = 343 m s–1.
15.4 Use the formula v = to explain why the speed of sound in air
(a) is independent of pressure,
(b) increases with temperature,
(c) increases with humidity.
15.5 You have learnt that a travelling wave in one dimension is represented by a function
y = f (x, t) where x and t must appear in the combination x – v t or x + v t, i.e.
y = f (x ± v t). Is the converse true? Examine if the following functions for y can
possibly represent a travelling wave :
(a) (x – vt )2
(b) log [(x + vt)/x0]
(c) 1/(x + vt)
15.6 A bat emits ultrasonic sound of frequency 1000 kHz in air. If the sound meets a
water surface, what is the wavelength of (a) the reflected sound, (b) the transmitted
sound? Speed of sound in air is 340 m s –1 and in water 1486 m s–1.
15.7 A hospital uses an ultrasonic scanner to locate tumours in a tissue. What is the
wavelength of sound in the tissue in which the speed of sound is 1.7 km s–1 ? The
operating frequency of the scanner is 4.2 MHz.
15.8 A transverse harmonic wave on a string is described by
y(x, t) = 3.0 sin (36 t + 0.018 x + π/4)
where x and y are in cm and t in s. The positive direction of x is from left to right.
(a) Is this a travelling wave or a stationary wave ?
If it is travelling, what are the speed and direction of its propagation ?
(b) What are its amplitude and frequency ?
(c) What is the initial phase at the origin ?
(d) What is the least distance between two successive crests in the wave ?
15.9 For the wave described in Exercise 15.8, plot the displacement (y) versus (t) graphs
for x = 0, 2 and 4 cm. What are the shapes of these graphs? In which aspects does
the oscillatory motion in travelling wave differ from one point to another: amplitude,
frequency or phase ?
15.10 For the travelling harmonic wave
y(x, t) = 2.0 cos 2π (10t – 0.0080 x + 0.35)
where x and y are in cm and t in s. Calculate the phase difference between oscillatory
motion of two points separated by a distance of
(a) 4 m,
(b) 0.5 m,
(c) λ/2,
(d) 3λ/4
15.11 The transverse displacement of a string (clamped at its both ends) is given by
y(x, t) = 0.06 sin x cos (120 πt)
where x and y are in m and t in s. The length of the string is 1.5 m and its mass is
3.0 ×10–2 kg.
Answer the following :
(a) Does the function represent a travelling wave or a stationary wave?
(b) Interpret the wave as a superposition of two waves travelling in opposite
directions. What is the wavelength, frequency, and speed of each wave ?
(c) Determine the tension in the string.
15.12 (i) For the wave on a string described in Exercise 15.11, do all the points on the
string oscillate with the same (a) frequency, (b) phase, (c) amplitude? Explain
your answers. (ii) What is the amplitude of a point 0.375 m away from one end?
15.13 Given below are some functions of x and t to represent the displacement (transverse
or longitudinal) of an elastic wave. State which of these represent (i) a travelling
wave, (ii) a stationary wave or (iii) none at all:
(b) y = 2 x − vt
(c) y = 3 sin (5x – 0.5t) + 4 cos (5x – 0.5t)
(d) y = cos x sin t + cos 2x sin 2t
15.14 A wire stretched between two rigid supports vibrates in its fundamental mode with
a frequency of 45 Hz. The mass of the wire is 3.5 × 10–2 kg and its linear mass density
is 4.0 × 10–2 kg m–1. What is (a) the speed of a transverse wave on the string, and
(b) the tension in the string?
15.15 A metre-long tube open at one end, with a movable piston at the other end, shows
resonance with a fixed frequency source (a tuning fork of frequency 340 Hz) when
the tube length is 25.5 cm or 79.3 cm. Estimate the speed of sound in air at the
temperature of the experiment. The edge effects may be neglected.
15.16 A steel rod 100 cm long is clamped at its middle. The fundamental frequency of
longitudinal vibrations of the rod are given to be 2.53 kHz. What is the speed of
sound in steel?
15.17 A pipe 20 cm long is closed at one end. Which harmonic mode of the pipe is
resonantly excited by a 430 Hz source ? Will the same source be in resonance with
the pipe if both ends are open? (speed of sound in air is 340 m s–1).
15.18 Two sitar strings A and B playing the note ‘Ga’ are slightly out of tune and produce
beats of frequency 6 Hz. The tension in the string A is slightly reduced and the
beat frequency is found to reduce to 3 Hz. If the original frequency of A is 324 Hz,
what is the frequency of B?
15.19 Explain why (or how):
(a) in a sound wave, a displacement node is a pressure antinode and vice versa,
(b) bats can ascertain distances, directions, nature, and sizes of the obstacles
without any “eyes”,
(c) a violin note and sitar note may have the same frequency, yet we can
distinguish between the two notes,
(d) solids can support both longitudinal and transverse waves, but only
longitudinal waves can propagate in gases, and
(e) the shape of a pulse gets distorted during propagation in a dispersive medium.
15.20 A train, standing at the outer signal of a railway station blows a whistle of frequency
400 Hz in still air. (i) What is the frequency of the whistle for a platform observer
when the train (a) approaches the platform with a speed of 10 m s–1, (b) recedes
from the platform with a speed of 10 m s–1? (ii) What is the speed of sound in each
case ? The speed of sound in still air can be taken as 340 m s–1.
15.21 A train, standing in a station-yard, blows a whistle of frequency 400 Hz in still
air. The wind starts blowing in the direction from the yard to the station with a
speed of 10 m s–1. What are the frequency, wavelength, and speed of sound for an
observer standing on the station’s platform? Is the situation exactly identical to
the case when the air is still and the observer runs towards the yard at a speed of
10 m s–1? The speed of sound in still air can be taken as 340 m s–1
Additional Exercises
15.26 Earthquakes generate sound waves inside the earth. Unlike a gas, the earth can
experience both transverse (S) and longitudinal (P) sound waves. Typically the speed
of S wave is about 4.0 km s–1, and that of P wave is 8.0 km s–1. A seismograph
records P and S waves from an earthquake. The first P wave arrives 4 min before the
first S wave. Assuming the waves travel in straight line, at what distance does the
earthquake occur ?
15.27 A bat is flitting about in a cave, navigating via ultrasonic beeps. Assume that the
sound emission frequency of the bat is 40 kHz. During one fast swoop directly
toward a flat wall surface, the bat is moving at 0.03 times the speed of sound in air.
What frequency does the bat hear reflected off the wall ?
Chapter 9
9.1 1.8
9.2 (a) From the given graph for a stress of 150 × 106 N m–2 the strain is 0.002
9.8 0.127
9.9 7.07 × 10 N
9.14 0.0027
9.20 260 kN
Chapter 10
10.3 (a) decreases (b) η of gases increases, η of liquid decreases with temperature (c) shear
strain, rate of shear strain (d) conservation of mass, Bernoulli’s equation (e) greater.
10.6 10.5 m
10.7 Pressure at that depth in the sea is about 3 × 107 Pa. The structure is suitable since it
can withstand far greater pressure or stress.
10.9 0.800
10.10 Mercury will rise in the arm containing spirit; the difference in levels of mercury will be
0.221 cm.
10.12 No, unless the atmospheric pressures at the two points where Bernoulli’s equation is
applied are significantly different.
10.13 9.8 × 102 Pa (The Reynolds number is about 0.3 so the flow is laminar).
10.15 Fig (a) is incorrect [Reason: at a constriction (i.e. where the area of cross-section of the
tube is smaller), flow speed is larger due to mass conservation. Consequently pressure
there is smaller according to Bernoulli’s equation. We assume the fluid to be
10.18 4.5 × 10–2 N for (b) and (c), the same as in (a).
10.19 Excess pressure = 310 Pa, total pressure = 1.0131 × 105 Pa. However, since data are
correct to three significant figures, we should write total pressure inside the drop as
1.01 × 105 Pa.
10.20 Excess pressure inside the soap bubble = 20.0 Pa; excess pressure inside the air bubble
in soap solution = 10.0 Pa. Outside pressure for air bubble = 1.01 × 105 + 0.4 × 103 × 9.8
× 1.2 = 1.06 × 105 Pa. The excess pressure is so small that up to three significant
figures, total pressure inside the air bubble is 1.06 × 105 Pa.
10.21 55 N (Note, the base area does not affect the answer)
10.22 (a) absolute pressure = 96 cm of Hg; gauge pressure = 20 cm of Hg for (a), absolute
pressure = 58 cm of Hg, gauge pressure = -18 cm of Hg for (b); (b) mercury would rise in
the left limb such that the difference in its levels in the two limbs becomes19 cm.
10.23 Pressure (and therefore force) on the two equal base areas are identical. But force is
exerted by water on the sides of the vessels also, which has a nonzero vertical component
when the sides of the vessel are not perfectly normal to the base. This net vertical
component of force by water on sides of the vessel is greater for the first vessel than the
second. Hence the vessels weigh different even when the force on the base is the same
in the two cases.
10.24 0.2 m
10.25 (a) The pressure drop is greater (b) More important with increasing flow velocity.
10.26 (a) 0.98 m s–1; (b) 1.24 × 10–5 m3 s–1
10.27 4393 kg
10.28 5.8 cm s–1, 3.9 × 10–10 N
10.29 5.34 mm
10.30 For the first bore, pressure difference (between the concave and convex side) = 2 × 7.3
× 10–2 / 3 × 10–3 = 48.7 Pa. Similarly for the second bore, pressure difference = 97.3 Pa.
Consequently, the level difference in the two bores is [48.7 / ( 103 × 9.8 )] m = 5.0 mm.
The level in the narrower bore is higher. (Note, for zero angle of contact, the radius of the
meniscus equals radius of the bore. The concave side of the surface in each bore is at 1 atm).
10.31 (b) 8 km. If we consider the variation of g with altitude the height is somewhat more,
about 8.2 km.
Chapter 11
(use tF = t c + 32 )
11.2 TA = ( 4/7) TB
11.3 384.8 K
11.4 (a) Triple-point has a unique temperature; fusion point and boiling point temperatures
depend on pressure; (b) The other fixed point is the absolute zero itself; (c) Triple-point
is 0.01°C, not 0 °C; (d) 491.69.
11.5 (a) TA = 392.69 K, TB = 391.98 K; (b) The discrepancy arises because the gases are not
perfectly ideal. To reduce the discrepancy, readings should be taken for lower and
lower pressures and the plot between temperature measured versus absolute pressure
of the gas at triple point should be extrapolated to obtain temperature in the limit
pressure tends to zero, when the gases approach ideal gas behaviour.
11.6 Actual length of the rod at 45.0 °C = (63.0 + 0.0136) cm = 63.0136 cm. (However, we
should say that change in length up to three significant figures is 0.0136 cm, but the
total length is 63.0 cm, up to three significant places. Length of the same rod at 27.0 °C
= 63.0 cm.
11.7 When the shaft is cooled to temperature – 690C the wheel can slip on the shaft.
11.8 The diameter increases by an amount = 1.44 × 10–2 cm.
11.9 3.8 × 102 N
11.10 Since the ends of the combined rod are not clamped, each rod expands freely.
∆lbrass = 0.21 cm, ∆lsteel = 0.126 cm = 0.13 cm
Total change in length = 0.34 cm. No ‘thermal stress’ is developed at the junction since
the rods freely expand.
11.11 0.0147 = 1.5 × 10– 2
11.12 103 °C
11.13 1.5 kg
11.14 0.43 J g –1 K–1 ; smaller
11.15 The gases are diatomic, and have other degrees of freedom (i.e. have other modes of
motion) possible besides the translational degrees of freedom. To raise the temperature
of the gas by a certain amount, heat is to be supplied to increase the average energy of
all the modes. Consequently, molar specific heat of diatomic gases is more than that of
monatomic gases. It can be shown that if only rotational modes of motion are considered,
the molar specific heat of diatomic gases is nearly (5/2) R which agrees with the
observations for all the gases listed in the table, except chlorine. The higher value of
molar specific heat of chlorine indicates that besides rotational modes, vibrational modes
are also present in chlorine at room temperature.
11.16 4.3 g/min
11.17 3.7 kg
11.18 238 °C
11.20 9 min
11.21 (a) At the triple point temperature = – 56.6 °C and pressure = 5.11 atm.
(b) Both the boiling point and freezing point of CO2 decrease if pressure decreases.
(c) The critical temperature and pressure of CO2 are 31.1 °C and 73.0 atm, respectively.
Above this temperature, CO2 will not liquefy even if compressed to high pressures.
(d) (a) vapour (b) solid (c) liquid
(c) It turns to liquid phase and then to vapour phase. The fusion and boiling points
are where the horizontal line on P –T diagram at the constant pressure of 10 atm
intersects the fusion and vaporisation curves.
(d) It will not exhibit any clear transition to the liquid phase, but will depart more and
more from ideal gas behaviour as its pressure increases.
Chapter 12
12.2 934 J
12.4 2.64
12.5 16.9 J
12.6 (a) 0.5 atm (b) zero (c) zero (assuming the gas to be ideal) (d) No, since the process
(called free expansion) is rapid and cannot be controlled. The intermediate states are
non-equilibrium states and do not satisfy the gas equation. In due course, the gas
does return to an equilibrium state.
12.8 25 W
12.9 450 J
12.10 10.4
Chapter 13
13.1 4 × 10–4
13.3 (a) The dotted plot corresponds to ‘ideal’ gas behaviour; (b) T1 > T2; (c) 0.26 J K–1;
(d) No, 6.3 × 10–5 kg of H2 would yield the same value
13.4 0.14 kg
13.7 (a) 6.2 × 10–21 J (b) 1.24 × 10–19 J (c) 2.1 × 10–16 J
13.8 Yes, according to Avogadro’s law. No, vrms is largest for the lightest of the three gases;
2πnd 2
where d is the diameter of a molecule. For the given pressure and temperature
N/V = 5.10 × 1025 m–3 and = 1.0 × 10–7 m. vrms = 5.1 × 102 m s–1.
v rms
collisional frequency = = 5.1 × 109 s –1 . Time taken for the collision = d / v = 4 × 10–13 s.
Time taken between successive collisions = l / vrms = 2 × 10-10 s. Thus the time taken
between successive collisions is 500 times the time taken for a collision. Thus a molecule
in a gas moves essentially free for most of the time.
13.11 Nearly 24 cm of mercury flows out, and the remaining 52 cm of mercury thread plus the
48 cm of air above it remain in equilibrium with the outside atmospheric pressure (We
assume there is no change in temperature throughout).
13.12 Oxygen
13.14 Carbon[1.29 Å ]; Gold [1.59 Å]; Liquid Nitrogen [1.77 Å ]; Lithium [ 1.73 Å ]; Liquid
fluorine[1.88 Å ]
Chapter 14
14.2 (b) and (c): SHM; (a) and (d) represent periodic but not SHM [A polyatomic molecule has a
number of natural frequencies; so in general, its vibration is a superposition of SHM’s of
a number of different frequencies. This superposition is periodic but not SHM].
14.3 (b) and (d) are periodic, each with a period of 2 s; (a) and (c) are not periodic. [Note in (c),
repetition of merely one position is not enough for motion to be periodic; the entire
motion during one period must be repeated successively].
14.4 (a) Simple harmonic, T = (2π/ω); (b) periodic, T =(2π/ω) but not simple harmonic;
(c) simple harmonic, T = (π/ω); (d) periodic, T = (2π/ω) but not simple harmonic;
(e) non-periodic; (f) non-periodic (physically not acceptable as the function → ∞ as t → ∞.
14.9 Frequency 3.2 s–1; maximum acceleration of the mass 8.0 m s–2; maximum speed of the
mass 0.4 m s–1.
(b) x = – 2 cos
π where x is in cm.
(b) T = 2π k for (a) and 2π m for (b)
14.15 8.4 s
(b) sin θ < θ ; if the restoring force, mg sin θ is replaced by mgθ, this amounts to
effective reduction in angular acceleration [Eq.(14.27)] for large angles and hence
an increase in time period T over that given by the formula T = 2π l where one
assumes sinθ = θ.
(c) Yes, the motion in the wristwatch depends on spring action and has nothing to do
with acceleration due to gravity.
(d) Gravity disappears for a man under free fall, so frequency is zero.
14.17 T = 2π . Hint: Effective acceleration due to gravity will get reduced
g2 + v 4 / R 2
due to radial acceleration v2/R acting in the horizontal plane.
14.18 In equilibrium, weight of the cork equals the up thrust. When the cork is depressed
by an amount x, the net upward force is Axρl g. Thus the force constant k = Aρl g .
Using m = Ahρ, and T = 2π one gets the given expression.
14.19 When both the ends are open to the atmosphere, and the difference in levels of the
liquid in the two arms is h, the net force on the liquid column is Ahρg where A is the
area of cross-section of the tube and ρ is the density of the liquid. Since restoring force
is proportional to h, motion is simple harmonic.
14.22 Hint: Average K.E. = 1 1 2 ; Average P.E.= 1
mv dt
1 2
kx dt
T 2 T 2
0 0
14.23 Hint: The time period of a torsional pendulum is given by T = 2π I , where I is the
moment of inertia about the axis of rotation. In our case I = 1 MR 2 , where M is the
mass of the disk and R its radius. Substituting the given values, α = 2.0 N m rad–1.
14.24 (a) – 5π2 m s–2 ; 0; (b) – 3π2 m s–2; 0.4π m s–1; (c) 0 ; 0.5 π m s–1
v 02
14.25 x 02 +
Chapter 15
15.1 0.5 s
15.2 8.7 s
15.4 Assume ideal gas law: P = ρRT , where ρ is the density, M is the molecular mass, and
T is the temperature of the gas. This gives v = . This shows that v is:
(b) Increases as T .
(c) The molecular mass of water (18) is less than that of N2 (28) and O2 (32).
15.5 The converse is not true. An obvious requirement for an acceptable function for a
travelling wave is that it should be finite everywhere and at all times. Only function (c)
satisfies this condition, the remaining functions cannot possibly represent a travelling
15.8 (a) A travelling wave. It travels from right to left with a speed of 20 ms–1.
(c) π/4
(d) 3.5 m
15.9 All the graphs are sinusoidal. They have same amplitude and frequency, but
different initial phases.
(c) π rad
(c ) 648 N
15.12 (a) All the points except the nodes on the string have the same frequency and
phase, but not the same amplitude.
(b) 0.042 m
(b) 248 N
( 2n − 1 )v
Hint : vn = ; n = 1,2,3,….for a pipe with one end closed
15.16 5.06 km s–1
15.18 318 Hz
15.20 (i) (a) 412 Hz, (b) 389 Hz, (ii) 340 m s–1 in each case.
15.21 400 Hz, 0.875 m, 350 m s–1. No, because in this case, with respect to the medium,
both the observer and the source are in motion.
15.22 (a) 1.666 cm, 87.75 cm s–1; No, the velocity of wave propagation is – 24 m s–1
(b) All points at distances of n λ ( n = ±1, ±2, ±3,….) where λ = 12.6 m from the point
x = 1 cm.
15.23 (a) The pulse does not have a definite wavelength or frequency, but has a definite
speed of propagation (in a non-dispersive medium).
(b) No
15.24 y = 0.05 sin(ωt – kx); here ω = 1.61 ×103 s–1, k = 4.84 m–1; x and y are in m.
15.26 1920 km
For additional reading on the topics covered in this book, you may like to consult one or
more of the following books. Some of these books however are more advanced and contain
many more topics than this book.
For instructive and entertaining general reading on science, you may like to read some of
the following books. Remember however, that many of these books are written at a level far
beyond the level of the present book.
Gauge pressure 253 Laminar flow 258, 264
Geocentric model 183 Laplace correction 376
Waves 368 Y
Waxing and waning of sound 385
Yield Point 238
Weak nuclear force 9
Yield strength 238
Weightlessness 197
Young's modulus 239
Work done by variable force 118
Work 116
Work-Energy Theorem 116 Z
Working substance 313 Zeroth law of Thermodynamics 305