Didactic Proposal: "Maps and Orientation": Mario Vidal Fernández (Uo277687)
Didactic Proposal: "Maps and Orientation": Mario Vidal Fernández (Uo277687)
Didactic Proposal: "Maps and Orientation": Mario Vidal Fernández (Uo277687)
For a cycle of your choice, propose a set of activities in which the map is the main
resource for teaching about the Geographical Space. Reason and justify your
The following didactic application revolves around the map as a resource for orientation
in space. The activities proposed below are designed according to the capabilities of the
student of the first cycle of primary education.
For the realization of the activities we are going to take into account that In the first cycle
of primary students are capable of:
- Drawing maps of real (class) or imaginary places. They can also use large scale vertical
or oblique aerial photos. They trace simple routes: home, school. They draw egocentric
maps, places connected to their home and only partially to each other, disorganized
elements. The direction is quite accurate, the scale and distance not so much. The street
or road is well laid out and the buildings are iconic. Some idea of perspective.
- Reading the map: They can describe the maps they have drawn and comment on why
they have been drawn. They relate the shapes drawn to the objects and identify familiar
places in the aerial photos.
At this age students are on the preoperative stage from Piaget, in this stage students begin
to understand the location of elements of their environment in relation to each other
(topological space).
They conceive the relationships between objects in terms of proximity (near/far),
separation and continuity (border, limit), order (inside/outside) and closing (open/closed).
Apart from all that has been mentioned before it is very important that the vocabulary of
lateralization is present in the first cycle.
2. Activities
They have to color the place where they work - Answer questions related to proximity,
in a different color to the rest of the map. separation, continuity, order, and
Once they finish, we will ask them questions
related to topological space related with - Answer questions related with position
or orientation
proximity, separation and continuity, order,
and closing.
For example:
For example:
3. References
Carpendale, J. I. (2000). Kohlberg and Piaget on Stages and Moral Reasoning.
V, Belén. Geographic Space Didactics and use of maps. Teaching methods in social