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Hot-dip aluminum-coated steel sheets

2-6-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 100-8071 Japan U034en_02_202004f
Tel: +81-3-6867-4111 © 2019, 2020 NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION
Introduction Manufacturing Process
Overall manufacturing Blast furnace
is a cold-rolled steel that has been hot-dipped in an aluminum/silicon alloy. It process
Acid Pickling
offers the attractive surface of processed steel sheet that simultaneously affords some of Converter
the features of aluminum, such as resistance to corrosion, attractive appearance, coupled
Cold Rolling
with superior heat resistance and heat reflection, cold-rolled steel’s mechanical attributes Continuous Casting
and other physical characteristics.
We have been manufacturing hot-dip aluminum-coated steel sheets under the name Hot Rolling
aluminum plating
“ALSHEETTM” since July 1961, and it has been widely adopted thanks to its superior
features, such as for vehicle mufflers (silencers), toasters, and gas cookers.
In recent years, there have been calls for the development of materials to succeed
Cooling equipment
stainless steel sheets to cope with exhaust gas restrictions, and inexpensive materials Post-Processing
in order to cut costs, and accordingly the demand for ALSHEETTM with improved heat Hot-dip Aluminum Plating The quality and shape of the aluminum-
resistance performance has grown in these fields as well. Process coated sheet are improved by the
skin pass and tension leveler, and
We have recently developed further improvements to our products in terms of heat <in order of process> post-processing is applied to the add
resistance, strength at high temperature, colorfastness, and corrosion resistance, and corrosion resistance and enhance paint
have extended our product lineup to meet the ever-diversifying needs of today’s market. Heat-processing furnace adhesion. Rustproofing oil is applied if

Contents Pay-off reel Post-processing
Coating pot Skin pass mill
Manufacturing Process 1 Tension reel

Product Usage Examples 2

Heat Processing Coating
List of Manufacturing Standards 4 In the heat-processing furnace, After the surfaces of the base metal are
Quality Attributes 6 coils used for the base metal are cleaned, the coils are immersed in an
Size Availability 13 subjected to surface treatments such aluminum galvanizing tank whose main
as the cleansing of rolling oil and other component is aluminum to provide the
deposits and the removal of oxides. coating. The coating mass is adjusted
Cautions for Use 18 Then, after being fully reheated, by means of gas wiping to ensure ALSHEET coil
Order Guidelines 19 the coils undergo material property an even coating mass and beautiful
adjustments such as recrystallization. appearance.
Packaging and Labeling 20
Unit Mass Table for Sheets 21

ALSHEETTM types and heat-resistance characteristics

Type Colorfastness at Colorfastness at high
Heat resistant High strength
Heat resistance high temperature temperature Ⅱ

Notice: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this publication, the use of Heat resistant(˚C) 500~600 500~600 550 500
the information is at the reader’s risk and no warranty is implied or expressed by NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION with respect to
the use of the information contained herein. The information in this publication is subject to change or modification without notice.
Please contact the NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION office for the latest information. Changing color
300~350 300~350 550 500
Please refrain from unauthorized reproduction or copying of the contents of this publication.
The names of our products and services shown in this publication are trademarks or registered trademarks of NIPPON STEEL temperature(˚C)
CORPORATION, affiliated companies, or third parties granting rights to NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION or affiliated companies.
Other product or service names shown may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Product Usage Examples

Water boiler

manifold covers,
manifold covers,
converter covers)
converter covers)
Hot plate


chen: Ou
it t

In the k

do :
Rice cookers portable generators

Ovens, toasters,
home bakery

In d o ors:

Fan heater

Tumble dryer Mini LCD TV


2 3
1. Types 6. Mechanical Properties
• JIS G 3314-2018 (abstract) Hot-dip aluminum-coated steel sheets and bands • JIS G 3314-2018 (abstract) Hot-dip aluminum-coated steel sheets and bands
①In cases where the coating
Application Tensile test
Type designation is 120≦, the
Main use Aluminum coating designation Elongation (%) nominal thickness may
Tensile Nominal thickness (mm) be 26≦, if an agreement
SA1C Heat resistance (commercial) Code i s re a c h e d b e t w e e n t h e
SA1D Heat resistance (drawing) delivering and accepting
(N/mm2) 0.30≦t<0.40 0.40≦t<0.60 0.60≦t<1.00 1.00≦
40, 60, 80, 100, 120 parties.
SA1E Heat resistance (deep drawing)
②In cases where the coating
SA1F Heat resistance (ultra-deep drawing) SA1C (270≦) — — — — designation is 120≦, the
SA1D 270≦ (28≦) ① 30≦ ② 32≦ 34≦ nominal thickness may be
2 8 ≦ f o r S A 1 D , 3 2≦ f o r
• NIPPON STEEL Product Standards SA1E 270≦ — 34≦ ② 36≦ 38≦ SA1E, and 33≦ for SA1F,
SA1F 270≦ — 35≦ ② 37≦ 39≦ if an agreement is reached
Application between the delivering and
Main use Aluminum coating designation Note: Tensile test samples must conform to JIS 5. accepting parties.
NSA1C Heat resistance (commercial) ③In the case of SA1D, SA1E
Bending properties and SA1F, the internal spacing
NSA1D Heat resistance (drawing) of bends may be single-sheet
NSA1E Heat resistance (deep drawing) Internal spacing of bends product of nominal thickness,
Code Bending if an agreement is reached
NSA1F Heat resistance (ultra-deep drawing)
Nominal thickness (mm)
angle between the delivering and
040, 060, 080, 100, 120 <1.60 1.60≦
NSA1D-P Colorfastness at high temperature accepting parties.

NSA1D-PQ Colorfastness at high temperature II SA1C 180˚ Double-sheet product with nominal thickness Double-sheet product with nominal thickness

NSA440R High strength (TS=440 class) SA1D 180˚ Single-sheet nominal thickness Double-sheet product with nominal thickness ③

NSA590 High strength (TS=590 class) SA1E 180˚ Single-sheet nominal thickness Double-sheet product with nominal thickness ③

NSSQAS1500 Hot stamp 80, 160, etc. SA1F 180˚ Single-sheet nominal thickness Double-sheet product with nominal thickness ③

2. Aluminum coating mass (NIPPON STEEL Product Standards) • NIPPON STEEL Product Standards
Aluminum coating designation 040 060 080 100 120 160 ①In cases where the coating
Tensile test designation is 120≦, the
Minimum coating mass (both sides, triple-spot method) g/m2 40 60 80 100 120 160 Elongation (%) nominal thickness may
Minimum coating mass (both sides, Single-spot method) g/m2 30 45 60 75 90 — Code Tensile Nominal thickness (mm)
be 26≦, if an agreement
strength i s re a c h e d b e t w e e n t h e
delivering and accepting
(N/mm2) 0.30≦t<0.40 0.40≦t<0.60 0.60≦t<1.00 1.00≦ parties.
3. Surface treatment (NIPPON STEEL Product Standards) 4. Oil coating
④In cases where the coating
Type Main uses Code Remarks Code Type NSA1C (270≦) — — — — designation is 120≦, the
NSA1D (270≦) (28≦) ① 30≦ ④ 32≦ 34≦ nominal thickness may be
Untreated M — H High oil coating 28≦ for NSA1D, 32≦ for
Mainly domestic electrical appliances. Color remains N Normal oil coating NSA1E 270≦ — 34≦ ④ 36≦ 38≦ NSA1E, and 33≦ for NSA1F,
Chromate- Corrosion resistant QM if an agreement is reached
stable after heating. Recommended by FDA NSA1F 270≦ — 35≦ ④ 37≦ 39≦
free L Low oil coating between the delivering and
Enhance corrosion NSA1D-P 270≦ — 30≦ 32v 34≦
treatment QN Mainly automobiles X No oil coating accepting parties.
NSA1D-PQ 270≦ — 30≦ 32≦ 34≦ ⑤I n t h e c a s e o f N S A 1 D ,
N S A 1 E a n d N S A 1 F, t h e
NSA440R 440≦ — 25≦ 27≦ 28≦
5. Dimensional tolerance (NIPPON STEEL Product Standards) Width Tolerance
internal spacing of bends
NSA590 590≦ — — — 18≦ may be single-sheet product
Thickness tolerance (units: mm) of nominal thickness, if
NSSQAS1500 — — — — — an agreement is reached
<1,000 1,000 ≦t≦1,250 Classification Tolerance between the delivering and
Thickness Note: Tensile test samples must conform to JIS 5.
accepting parties.
<0.40 ±0.06 ±0.06 Width −0, +7
0.40≦t<0.60 ±0.07 ±0.07 Bending properties
0.60≦t<0.80 ±0.09 ±0.09 Internal spacing of bends
Code Bending
0.80≦t<1.00 ±0.10 ±0.11 Nominal thickness (mm)
1.00≦t<1.20 ±0.11 ±0.12 <1.60 1.60≦
1.20≦t<1.60 ±0.13 ±0.14
NSA1C 180˚ Double-sheet product with nominal thickness Double-sheet product with nominal thickness
1.60≦t<2.00 ±0.15 ±0.16 1. Nominal thickness refers to the NSA1D 180˚ Single-sheet nominal thickness Double-sheet product with nominal thickness ⑤
thickness after coating
2.00≦t<2.30 ±0.17 ±0.18 2. Thickness shall be measured NSA1E 180˚ Single-sheet nominal thickness Double-sheet product with nominal thickness ⑤
±0.20 ±0.21 from an optimal spot at least
2.30≦ NSA1F 180˚ Single-sheet nominal thickness Double-sheet product with nominal thickness ⑤
50 mm inside the edge.

4 5
Quality Attributes
1.External appearance • Change in mass when heated (up to 600°C)
The coating mass on our ALSHEET products is controlled using the wiping method, resulting in an An example of the change in mass when continuously heating ALSHEET and cold-rolled
even surface with a beautiful finish. steel sheet in the air is shown below.
2.Heat resistance
The external appearance of ALSHEET at high temperature is much better than hot-dip galvanized steel 50
Cold-rolled steel sheet is damaged
sheet and cold-rolled steel sheet, and the surface does not discolor up to 300~350°C. after heating (at 600˚C) for 15 hours.

At higher temperature, the surface forms an Al-Fe alloy, of a different color, but this prevents the
base metal from oxidizing, so its heat resistance is retained. ALSHEET

Mass (g/m2)
• Surface condition after heating〔As an example〕(35℃×200hours)
The surface color of ALSHEET does not change after heating at up to 350°C, and maintains
its beautiful appearance.

1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000


• Changes in mass when heated (at 600°C, at 700°C)

Heat cycle: Normal temperature ⇒ Heating ⇒ Kept at the specified temperature for 48 hours ⇒
Air cooled ⇒ Normal temperature(Maximum: Five cycles)
Changes in mass when heated at 600°C Changes in mass when heated at 700°C
5 5
1cycle 2cycle 3cycle 4cycle 5cycle 1cycle 2cycle 3cycle 4cycle 5cycle

0 0

Changes in mass (Initial mass - Mass after cycles)(g)

Changes in mass(Initial mass - Mass after cycles)

–5 –5

–10 –10
ALSHEET Hot-dip galvanized Electro-galvanized Cold-rolled
steel sheet steel sheet steel sheet –15 –15

–20 –20
• Oxidization resistance (600°C × 200 hours)
Flakes of oxidized metal do not form even after heating the ALSHEET at up to 600°C. –25 ALSHEET –25 ALSHEET
Electro-galvanized Electro-galvanized
steel sheet steel sheet
–30 –30
Stainless steel Stainless steel

Hot-dip galvanized Hot-dip galvanized

–35 –35 steel sheet
steel sheet
Galvalume Galvalume
–40 –40
Cold-rolled steel sheet Cold-rolled steel sheet

–45 –45

3.Heat reflectivity
The heat reflectiveness of ALSHEET is outstanding, as its surface is very smooth, demonstrating
80% heat reflection at temperatures up to 450°C. Accordingly, it is well suited for use as a heat
shield panel in toasters and the top reflector for gas ovens and oil stoves that operate more
effectively with heat reflection.
• Heat reflectivity of various materials〔As an example〕 (unit:%)
Material NS Zinc chromate coat Electro-galvanized steel sheet
ALSHEET Hot-dip galvanized Electro-galvanized Cold-rolled ALSHEET (Electro-galvanized steel sheet) Aluminum coating designation Zero spangle material
Item Test condition
steel sheet steel sheet steel sheet
Heat reflec- 100˚C×24Hr 90 95 95 95
tion rate 400˚C×24Hr 80 30 20 20

• Measured at normal temperature after heating

• Using D&S AERP emissometer(Measured wavelength: 3~30μm)

6 7
4.Corrosion resistance 4-3. Cyclical wet/dry test (Corrosion resistance to exhaust gases)
ALSHEET affords better corrosion resistance than galvanized steel sheet under various conditions because As per the results of the corrosion resistance test to automotive exhaust gases using condensate simulated
microscopic and stable oxide or hydroxide films readily form in air or water, in the same way as aluminum. solution, ALSHEET demonstrates better corrosion resistance than electro-galvanized steel sheet and cold-
However, unlike galvanized steel sheet, this product does not designed to provide galvanic reactions (sacrificial rolled steel sheet.
corrosion as a preventative measure), so care must be taken in how it is used. Its corrosion resistance under • Muffler test result examples
various conditions is presented below. (Chrysier' Spec 461H-83)
(With cold-rolled steel sheet data benchmarked as 100)
4-1. Saltwater spray test assessment Type
Corrosion rate
50 100 Muffler test method
• External appearance examples after saltwater spray test (after SST 168 hours) 1)Immerse test pieces in a mixed solution of
0.01N hydrogen bromide(HBr)– 0.05N
18%Cr Stainless steel 22.9% sulfuric acid(H2SO4)at 180°F(82°C)for
five seconds.
2)Remove and hang in the air to dry for an hour.
27.5% 3)Repeat processes 1) and 2)above twenty times.
13%Cr Stainless steel
4)Then heat in a furnace at atmospheric tempe-
rature of 1,000°F(538°C)for two hours.
5)Remove from furnace and allow to cool in air.
ALSHEET 80g/m2 30.1%(16μm)* 6)Repeat the above processes 1)to 5)
another 24 times.(Total 25 times)
7)Finally, remove any corrosion from the
Electro-galvanized 92.8%(80μm)* test pieces, weigh them, and calculate the
steel sheet 20/20 g/m2 corrosion rate by comparing the difference
with the sample weight before implementing
the test.
Cold-rolled steel sheet 100%(87μm)*

*: Numeric values in parentheses show reduction in thickness

5.Chemical resistance
Aluminum is strongly resistant to mild acidity but weak against alkaline reagents, in contrast to zinc. Examples
ALSHEET Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet Electro-galvanized steel sheet Cold-rolled steel sheet
showing the weight loss due to corrosion caused by several chemicals are shown below.
(Chromate-free treatment) (Chromate-free treatment) (Chromate-free treatment)
(Unit: mg/dm2)
• External appearance examples after saltwater spray test (after heating at 300°C × 200 hours+SST168 hours) Hot-dip galvanized steel
Test type ALSHEET Cold-rolled steel sheet
16% SO2 gas test (96 hours) 130 2,825 1,510
18% NH3 gas test (192 hours) 10 180 25

20% HNO3 test (30 min.) 2 Original form is not retained. Original form is not retained.

1/10N NaCl + 0.3% H2O2 test 18 173 Red rust over entire surface

Example of relationship between pH and weight loss due to corrosion


Lost weight due to corrosion (g/m2 per day)

Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet
Galvalume steel sheet

30 pH ranges within which 1 g/m2 per day or

ALSHEET Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet Electro-galvanized steel sheet Cold-rolled steel sheet less in terms of weight loss due to
(Chromate-free treatment) (Chromate-free treatment) (Chromate-free treatment) corrosion regarding each sample are as
20 follows.

75 ALSHEET : pH 1.8~11.0
4-2. Example of resistance to gaseous sulfur oxides Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet
Corrosion loss (g/m2)

ALSHEET’s resistance to gaseous sulfur oxides is much better : pH 5.0~12.9

than galvanized steel sheet and cold-rolled steel sheets. Test 50 Cold-rolled steel sheet Galvalume steel sheet
: pH 4.0~11.1
results for resistance to gaseous sulfur oxides are shown on the 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
right as an example. 25 pH
Notes:Test conditions ALSHEET
SO2 density: 400 ppm
Air + SO2 flow: 20ℓ/min.
10 20 40 60 80
Temperature: 40°C
Humidity: 95~100% Test duration (hours)

8 9
6.Weather resistance 8.Welding
ALSHEET forms a microscopic yet stable oxide film on the surface even in harsh environments, such as Appropriate conditions for ALSHEET’s resistance welding differ slightly from those for cold-rolled steel sheet
industrial areas, and affords outstanding resistance to weather. for both spot welding and seam welding.This is because aluminum itself is soft, flexible, and has good electrical
• Result examples for ALSHEET outdoor exposure test conductivity, so the amount of heat generated within layered sheets is less than with cold-rolled steel sheet.
Changes in weight of flat sheet as test piece 8-1.Spot welding
Heavy industry area Industrial area Urban area ● Mechanical test value examples per grade are shown below.
Increased ● Better welds can be achieved using electrodes with a smaller edge diameter.
● In terms of the electrode shape, better results can be achieved with a truncated cone type than radial type.
Changes in weight g/dm2

● Increase both the welding current and welding duration.

● Ensure the electrode is clean and allowed to cool down.

Red rust Red rust
Red rust ALSHEET Recommended conditions for spot welding
Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet
Electrode Welding
Note: ALSHEET gradually naturally changes
color (darkens) depending on the
Sheet thickness Edge Pressure Electrical
–2.0 Type diameter d applied Current
environment to which it is exposed, but (mm) current
this has almost no impact on its corrosion 16∅ ( mm ∅ ) (kg) (kA)
resistance. 20˚~30˚
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
year year year 0.6 4.0 150 8~10 6.8~8.7
Number of years ALSHEET
0.8 4.5 200 10~12 9.7~12.2

7.Formability d Cold-rolled 0.6 3.5 175 7 6.8

steel sheet
7-1.Mechanical Property 0.8 4.5 250 8 8.0

Mechanical test value examples per grade are shown below.

Tensile test 8-2.Seam welding

Hardness Ranford value
Type Grade Code (HRB) (r)
● Increase current for welding, and reduce pressure applied.
YP(N/mm2) TS(N/mm2) EI(%) ● Narrow the width of the electrode edge by 15~20%.
Commercial SA1C 245 353 38 56 - ● In order to prevent aluminum from attaching to the electrode, adopt a knurl-gear driving system to ensure

ALSHEET Drawing SA1D 196 314 42 44 - sufficient cooling with water from the top and bottom.

Deep drawing SA1E 176 304 44 41 1.6 Recommended conditions for seam welding

Cold-rolled steel sheet Commercial SPCC 196 323 43 45 -

Electrode Welding
Type Edge
thickness diameter Pressure Electrical
Note: Each of the above materials is based on 0.8-mm examples. t W applied current Cessation Speed Current
(mm) ( mm ∅ ) (kg) (cm/min.) (kA)
7-2. Press forming
0.6 4.5 200~300 4~5 3 100 12.5~15.5
A comparison of drawing limits per grade is shown below. All demonstrate a favorable nature equivalent to ALSHEET
cold-rolled steel sheet in the same manner as their mechanical properties. 0.8 5.0 200~300 4~5 3 100 13.0~16.9
Example of comparison in drawing limits W 0.6 5.5 275 2 2 180 12.0
Type Grade Code 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 steel sheet 0.8 6.0 305 2 2 180 14.5

Commercial SA1C
Materials used:
Sheet thickness: 0.80 mm
Coating mass: 80 g/m2
ALSHEET Drawing SA1D Test conditions:
Punch diameter: 60 mm
Punch shoulder diameter: 6.5 mm
Deep drawing SA1E Die diameter: 6.6 mm
Die shoulder diameter: 6.5 mm
Lubricant: Press working oil #620
Commercial SPCC
steel sheet

10 11
Size Availability
High temperature colorfast ALSHEET (NSA1D-P) 1.Commercial, Drawing, Deep Drawing 2.High Strength, Hot StampDrawing
High temperature colorfast ALSHEET does not change color when heated to temperatures up to 500 - 550°C
because an assaying restraining element is added to the base metal, which enables it to maintain the original (1350、2.3)
glossiness of aluminum at high temperature. 2.20
2.40 (610、2.3) (1219、2.3)
However, although alloying is restrained, if degreased at temperatures higher than 410°C, the color may (1600、2.0)
change due to degreasing. 2.20

Heating temperature
250℃ 350℃ 450℃ 500℃ 550℃ 2.00 1.80
(800、1.6) (1219、1.6)
High temperature colorfast ALSHEET(NSA1D-P) ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ 1.80 1.60
(730、1.6) (1250、1.6)

High temperature colorfast ALSHEET(Ⅱ)
(NSA1D-PQ) ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ● 1.60 1.40
Commercial: SA1C、NSA1C
Heat resistant ALSHEET(commercial) ◎ ◎ ● ● ● Drawing: SA1D、NSA1D
NSA1D-P 1.20
Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet ◎ △ ● ● ● (1600、1.1)
1.20 Deep drawing: SA1E、NSA1E (1530、1.0)
Electro-galvanized steel sheet ● ● ● ● ● 1.00
1.00 (1480、0.95)
• Examples of surface condition after heating (500°C × 200 hours) ◎ No change 0.80
NSSQAS1500 (1400、0.9)
△ Significant color change (670、0.8) (1580、0.8)
● Entire surface changes color NSA590
0.60 (1219、0.6)
0.60 (800、0.6)
(1240、0.6) (730、0.5) NSA440R (1250、0.5)
(610、0.35) 0.40
(610、0.3) (1000、0.3) 0.20

600 800 1000 1200 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Width(mm) Width(mm)

3.Surface Treatment (non-chromate)

Heat resistant High temperature High temperature colorfast 2.20
ALSHEET colorfast ALSHEET ALSHEET Ⅱ (1150、2.0)
• Examples of surface condition after heating (550°C × 200 hours) 1.80
1.60 (1219、1.599)

1.20 (1250、1.199)






Heat resistant High temperature High temperature colorfast 0.35
0.27 (610、0.3) (1250、0.3)

• Examples of cross-section condition after heating (550°C × 200 hours) 0.25

600 800 1000 1200 1400


High temperature colorfast ALSHEET High temperature colorfast ALSHEET Ⅱ

12 13
Food Hygiene ALSHEET Pipe
① ALSHEET is composed of elements that are harmless to the human body, namely, Al, Si, “ALSHEET Pipe” is manufactured from “ALSHEET” using high frequency induction welding.
and Fe, and there are no concerns about contamination of metals, such as Pb and Cd, in the The strength of the steel is combined with the advantages of aluminum, so this pipe affords
manufacturing process, so it is well suited to use as a material for food-contact equipment, outstanding heat resistance and corrosion resistance. It is widely used for automobile exhaust
such as cookers. pipes subsequent to stainless steel.
② It is approved as material for use in food equipment by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
in the United States as well.
③ Chromate treatment is normally applied to the surface of aluminum coating to prevent 1. Characteristics
white rust, but this is not desirable for food-contact equipment. A chromate-free (QM) type
developed by us for use in domestic electrical appliances passed the elution test specified by
the FDA, and received a Recommendation Letter for items that come into contact with food.
(*) When oil is applied to materials, they must be degreased after processing. The surface is very smooth as is typical for aluminum, but about a 3-mm
width of the iron base appears through the bead cut in the case of high fre-
Appearance quency welding on the outer surface. A slight bead is raised along the weld
on the inner surface, but the protrusion can be controlled (0.2~0.5mm) by
pressure if required.

JIS G 3445 STKM-11A carbon

Formability steel tubes for mechanical struc-
Impact on The aluminum coat- tural purposes can be formed.
ing of the steel sheet
aluminum coating
material remains almost
layer through pipe unchanged during pipe
manufacturing manufacturing.

The iron base is exposed through the bead cut in welding

Corrosion area (outer surface), so rust forms quickly if exposed to salt-
water spray test.
resistance in Generally, the bead cut on the external surface is used
welding area as it is for automobile and heat resistance purposes, and
there is no problem with its functionality.

2. Uses

Truck muffler

● Passenger car muffler

● Special muffler

14 15
3. Manufacturing Process 6. Quality Attributes 427∅×1.6
Tension roller 6-1. Heat resistance
• Appearance examples for 5-cycle test Bent pipe sample
Pipe code 600 650 700 750 800
(℃ ) Humid conditions × 48 hours
Flat Bent Flat Bent Flat Bent Flat Bent Flat Bent
Uncoiler Share welder sheet pipe sheet pipe sheet pipe sheet pipe sheet pipe
Rotary loop Cooling
Heat resistant

Internal ◎ ○

in the air
ALSHEET External ◎ △ △∼× △∼× ×

◎:Good, ○:Some scale spots, △:Many scale spots, ×:Covered in scale

1 cycle
Forming High frequency Bead • Examples of increase in oxidization after cycle heating test on straight pipe
Leveler Edge scarf roll welding (induction) cut Fairing roll
Traveling cutter
70 700˚C 180 800˚C

4. Specifications 60 100

Mechanical properties

(g/mm2 surface area)


Increased oxidization
50 50
Pipe code Coating mass designation for aluminum sheet YP TS EL
(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (%)
40 40
AL80-TK 40, (60), 80, (100), (120) — 290≦ 35≦
30 30

5. Scope of Manufacturing 20 20

Thickness 10 10
(mm) 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.3
External diameter

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 :Heat resistant
22.2 Heating cycle Heating cycle
31.8 △ △ △ △ △ △
6-2. Mechanical properties
34.0 △ △ △ △ △ △
35.0 △ △ △ △ △ △ Mechanical properties
38.1 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Pipe designation Pipe size YP TS EL
40.0 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ (N/mm2) (N/mm2) (%)
42.7 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
45.0 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ AL80-TK 45∅×1.6 270 〜 310 300 〜 340 59 〜 70
47.6 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
48.6 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
50.8 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 6-3. Dimensional tolerance
54.0 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Please contact us regarding the dimensional tolerances in each case.
57.0 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
57.2 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
60.5 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
65.0 ○ ○ ○ ○
75.0 ○ ○ ○ ○
76.3 : Please contact us
80.0 for details within
82.6 the blue frame
○ : Indicates internal
89.1 surface where bead
90.0 pressing is possible.
△ : Indicates internal
101.6 surface where bead
pressing is impossible.

16 17
Cautions for Use Order Guidelines
If inappropriately handled or used, ALSHEET cannot demonstrate its characteristic properties. When placing an order, please confirm the following matters in accordance with
Please pay attention to the following usage precautions. the purpose of the order.

■ Storage and Loading/Unloading ■ Press Forming ■ Specifications ■ Package Mass

1. Exposure to water during loading/unloading and storage 1. Care must be taken regarding the following as–depending Depending on the severity and method of fabrication to be Specify the package mass according to the local loading/
may cause white rust. Strictly avoid loading/unloading on the press forming method–the coating layer is soft and undertaken, choose the appropriate material specifications unloading capacity and work efficiency.
during rain and prevent exposure to seawater and con- may be damaged during drawing and bending processes. from the options in this catalog. The heavier the unit mass, the higher the work efficiency.
densation. Also, avoid storage in atmospheres of high • For best results, we recommend having a larger clearance In the case of coils, specify the maximum mass (minimum
humidity or sulfur dioxide. Indoor storage under dry, for drawing, and six or more times the sheet thickness for ■ Surface Treatment mass if necessary).
clean conditions is recommended. the radius of the die shoulder. Select the most suitable surface treatment from among The average unit mass to be actually shipped will be
2 Broken or torn packaging paper must be repaired. • Press forming that involves strong abrasion of the coat- those described in this catalog according to the treatment determined based on the relationship between the maxi-
ing surfaces should be avoided as far as possible in the method after fabrication and the application conditions. mum mass and dimensions when divided into the manu-
Warning ! case of both drawing and bending. facturing mass.
• Falling and rolling coils are very dangerous, as is the col-
■Coating Mass
lapse of piled sheets. Approximate standards for die and shoulder radius Unit (mm)
Select the most suitable coating mass according to the ■ Internal and External Diameters
Drawing Tensile bending required corrosion resistance, application conditions, and In the case of coils, specify the inside and outside coil
To prevent such accidents during storage, due care should Sheet thickness
(mm) Die shoulder Punch shoulder Die shoulder fabrication methods. In the event that corrosion resis- diameters according to the specifications of the uncoilers
be paid to storing products in a stable, secure state. radius radius radius
tance is prioritized, a thicker plating should be selected, on the shearing line.
0.6 4≦ 2≦ 4≦
■ Handling 0.8 5≦ 3≦ 5≦
whereas thinner plating is better suited to workability. When selecting inside diameters, it is necessary to
1. This product must be handled carefully to avoid damaging 1.0 6≦ 3≦ 6≦ consider the occurrence of break and reel marks on the
the coating or film treatment on the surface. Perspiration
■ Oiling area of the inside diameter, depending on the thickness.
2 When press forming, some types of extreme pressure ad- The decision whether or not to apply rust-preventive
and fingerprints may impair paint adhesion and corrosion Based on this point, our internal diameter standards are
ditives contained in lubricating oil can cause corrosion of oil can be made separately from the kind of surface
resistance. shown as follows.
the surface coating. Prior confirmation is requested when treatment. Oiling is recommended in order to improve
2 In these cases, post-processing or repairs must be Sheet thickness (mm)
such additives are to be used. In the event that such types intermediate rust resistance, to mitigate fingerprints and
implemented if necessary. ≦1.6 1.6<
must be used, post-treatment–such as degreasin-should damage during handling, and to maintain lubrication
be applied swiftly with all due care. during press forming. However, oiling is indispensable 20”, 24”, 28” 24”, 28”
Attention !
for uncoated materials.
• When removing (cutting) the coil binding hoops (bands)
■ Welding
prior to use, make sure that the end of the coil is pinned In resistance welding, because the electrodes are soiled ■ Dimensions ■ Dimensional Accuracy
down directly beneath the center of the coil in order to by the pick up of metal coating, they should be properly The dimensions of the steel sheets (thickness, width (Sheet thickness, width, length)
prevent the end of the coil from suddenly springing out. maintained and replaced at regular intervals. In seam and length) should be appropriately designed within the Dimensional accuracy of thickness, width and length is
Alternatively, be certain to remove the binding in a loca- welding, the service life of electrodes can be extended manufacturing scope. guaranteed within the range of sizes described in this
tion where safety can be assured and no danger would by using a knurl-gear driving system. catalog.
be posed if the coil end were to spring out upon release. ■ Coils However, there are cases that require strict size specifica-
• Coils are formed by winding flat sheets. When the bind- ■ Degreasing Select coils or sheets according to shear and fabrication tions with respect to assembly accuracy and dimensional
ing hoops or other external restraints that keep the sheet The use of weak alkaline-type, neutral detergents and conditions. accuracy of the parts, depending on the application con-
in coil form are removed and the coil end is freed, the organic solvents is recommended for degreasing. Some The selection of coils will effectively improve product ditions of the finished products. In such cases, please
end of the coil will spring out to return to its flat state. types of degreasing agents such as strong alkaline agents yield by allowing continuous and automated operation. consult us in advance to clarify your specifications.
Furthermore, there have also been cases when the coil cause corrosion of the metal coating. Prior confirmation is In the case of coils, however, some defective parts may
bindings work loose, allowing the coil to spring out. Such requested when such agents are to be used. unavoidably be included because their removal, based ■ Applications and Fabrication Methods
cases may endanger people nearby and cause damage, on inspection, is impossible. Off-gauge from both edges NIPPON STEEL implements quality control to better suit
so great care must be paid when removing the coil bind- ■ Aging of the coil will be removed, but some off-gauge may re- the intended application. For that purpose, it is request-
ing hoops (bands). Generally, steel sheets tend to show deterioration in main in proximity to the welding sections. Accordingly, ed that the intended application, fabrication method,
quality over time. For example: degraded formability, inspection, selection and repairs, etc. must be thoroughly and any other requirements be clearly indicated.
stretcher stains, and coil breaks. To avoid this, usage at implemented prior to use.
the earliest possible time is recommended. However, this
problem can be avoided if products with aging resistance ■ Edge Finish
are selected. Please indicate if the order requires a milled edge or slit
edge in accordance with the conditions. Select slit edge
■ Repairing the surface when an end finish is required, such as materials to be
In the event that the film coating is damaged while used directly as products.
welding, bending or drawing, use a brush to apply a
corrosion-resistant aluminum paint containing powdered
aluminum to restore the surface to a premium condition.

18 19
Packaging and Labeling
The finished product is packaged and shipped as per normal procedure for steel to ensure that it is
Example of a Packaging Label
handled and stored with care prior to its use. The external layer of packaging consists of a packaging
label that contains details of the finished product that it is affixed to. Furthermore, the Package Card
is also included, which is the warranty for the product in question.
The Package Card is used when taking receipt of the product and confirming its condition. The
information contained on the Package Card and labels is detailed herein.

Packaging Labels and Package Cards NSA1D: Z M N

Title name
Notation method 0 . 5 X 875 X C
9 , 215LBS 9 , 337LBS

Product name Not shown Product name is displayed

JIS certification mark,JIS certifying
Not shown Class and grade of materials used are displayed
Only the applicable materials are displayed. These are not
2-7-G-8-0860 31-040068
Not shown
body,JIS certification number shown on the Package Card
The spec code for the finished product is displayed (see
Spec designation Specification
note below)
Coating Coating The weight is displayed YAWATA AREA
Dimensions Dimensions The dimensions are displayed MADE IN JAPAN
Number of sheets Number of sheets Only for cut sheets
This is displayed depending on the contractual
Net mass
Mass arrangements (actual quantity or estimated value)
Gross mass This indicates total mass of the products and package.
Length Length Contractual estimate or specific coil length is displayed
Inspection number
Coil number
Inspection number
Coil number
Displayed on each package
Displayed for each production lot
Unit Mass Table for Sheets
Customer name Not shown The customer name is displayed
(Location Name) WORKS (or AREA),
• Unit Mass Table for Sheets (kg/m2)
Company and works name Not shown
NIPPON STEEL CORPRATION is displated Aluminum coating mass designation
Nominal thickness
Month and date of manufacture — The date of manufacture is displayed (mm) 40 60 80 100 120
Note: Notation Used for Specifications 0.30 2 . 242 2 . 186 2 . 130 2.065 2. 017
0.35 2 . 635 2 . 578 2 . 552 2.458 2. 409
For JIS Standards For NIPPON STEEL Specifications
0.40 3 . 027 2 . 971 2 . 915 2.850 2. 802
JIS G 3314 SA1D : Z M O(N) NSA1D : ZMN 0.50 3 . 812 3 . 756 3 . 700 3.635 3. 587
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ 0.60 4 . 597 4 . 541 4 . 485 4.420 4. 372
①:Spec number ④:Surface finish code ①:Spec number ④:Surface treatment code 0.70 5 . 382 5 . 326 5 . 270 5.205 5. 157
②:Spec designation ⑤:Surface treatment code ②:Skin-pass code ⑤:Oiling designation (when no oils 0.80 6 . 167 6 . 111 6 . 055 5.990 5. 942
③:Skin-pass code ⑥:Oiling designation (when no oils ③:Surface finish code are used, this is given the value X) 0.90 6 . 952 6 . 896 6 . 840 6.775 6. 727
are used, this is given the value X)
1.0 7 . 737 7 . 681 7 . 625 7.560 7. 512
Note: In the event of no specific skin-pass being defined, all items
following the surface finishing code are displayed on the left. 1.2 9 . 307 9 . 251 9 . 195 9.130 9. 082
Example of Packaging 1.4 10 . 88 10 . 82 10 . 76 10.70 10. 65
Label 1.6 12 . 45 12 . 39 12 . 33 12.27 12. 22
Packing paper 2.0 15 . 59
Wooden pad 15 . 53 15 . 47 15.41 15. 36
Seal 2.3 17 . 94 17 . 89 17 . 83 17.77 17. 72
Seal protector 2.5 19 . 51 19 . 46 19 . 40 19.34 19. 29


skid Strap
Packing Longitudinal
label skid
Outer ring
Steel cover
[ Cut-length Sheet ] Hoop
Inside angle [ Coil ]

20 21

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