Multi-Variable Calculus
Multi-Variable Calculus
Multi-Variable Calculus
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2021 Multivariable Calculus Standards
Georgia Department of Education
August 2021
Governor Kemp and Superintendent Woods are committed to the best set of academic standards
for Georgia’s students – laying a strong foundation of the fundamentals, ensuring age- and
developmentally appropriate concepts and content, providing instructional supports to set our
teachers up for success, protecting and affirming local control and flexibility regarding the use of
mathematical strategies and methods, and preparing students for life. These Georgia-owned and
Georgia-grown standards leverage the insight, expertise, experience, and efforts of thousands of
Georgians to deliver the very best educational experience for Georgia's 1.7 million students.
In August 2019, Governor Brian Kemp and State School Superintendent Richard Woods
announced the review and revision of Georgia's K-12 mathematics standards. Georgians have
been engaged throughout the standards review and revision process through public surveys and
working groups. In addition to educator working groups, surveys, and the Academic Review
Committee, Governor Kemp announced a new way for Georgians to provide input on the
standards: the Citizens Review Committee, a group composed of students, parents, business and
community leaders, and concerned citizens from across the state. Together, these efforts were
undertaken to ensure Georgians will have buy-in and faith in the process and product.
The Citizens Review Committee provided a charge and recommendations to the working groups
of educators who came together to craft the standards, ensuring the result would be usable and
friendly for parents and students in addition to educators. More than 14,000 Georgians
participated in the state's public survey from July through September 2019, providing additional
feedback for educators to review. The process of writing the standards involved more than 200
mathematics educators -- from beginning to veteran teachers, representing rural, suburban, and
metro areas of our state.
Grade-level teams of mathematics teachers engaged in deep discussions; analyzed stakeholder
feedback; reviewed every single standard, concept, and skill; and provided draft
recommendations. To support fellow mathematics teachers, they also developed learning
progressions to show when key concepts were introduced and how they progressed across grade
levels, provided examples, and defined age/developmentally appropriate expectations.
These teachers reinforced that strategies and methods for solving mathematical problems are
classroom decisions -- not state decisions -- and should be made with the best interest of the
individual child in mind. These recommended revisions have been shared with the Academic
Review Committee, which is composed of postsecondary partners, age/development experts,
and business leaders, as well as the Citizens Review Committee, for final input and feedback.
Based on the recommendation of Superintendent Woods, the State Board of Education will vote
to post the draft K-12 mathematics standards for public comment. Following public comment, the
standards will be recommended for adoption, followed by a year of teacher training and
professional learning prior to implementation.
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2021 Multivariable Calculus Standards
Georgia Department of Education
August 2021
Multivariable Calculus
This document contains a draft of Georgia’s 2021 K-12 Mathematics Standards for the
High School Multivariable Calculus Course, which is a fourth mathematics course option
in the high school course sequence.
The standards are organized into big ideas, course competencies/standards, and learning
objectives/expectations. The grade level key competencies represent the standard
expectation of learning for students in each grade level. The competencies/standards are
each followed by more detailed learning objectives that further explain the expectations
for learning in the specific grade levels.
Course Description:
Multivariable Calculus is a fourth-year mathematics course option for students who have
completed AP Calculus BC. It includes three-dimensional coordinate geometry; matrices
and determinants; eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices; limits and continuity of
functions with two independent variables; partial differentiation; multiple integration; the
gradient; the divergence; the curl; Theorems of Green, Stokes, and Gauss; line integrals;
integrals independent of path; and linear first-order differential equations.
This course is designed for students who have successfully completed
Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus BC.
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2021 Multivariable Calculus Standards
Georgia Department of Education
August 2021
Georgia’s K-12 Mathematics Standards - 2021
Mathematics Big Ideas and Learning Progressions, High
Mathematical Practices
Mathematical Modeling Framework
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2021 Multivariable Calculus Standards
Georgia Department of Education
August 2021
Multivariable Calculus
The five course standards listed below are the key content competencies students will be expected to master in this course.
Additional clarity and details are provided through the classroom-level learning objectives and evidence of student learning
details for each course standard found on subsequent pages of this document.
MVC.MP: Display perseverance and patience in problem-solving. Demonstrate skills and strategies needed to succeed in
mathematics, including critical thinking, reasoning, and effective collaboration and expression. Seek help and apply
feedback. Set and monitor goals.
MVC.MM.1: Apply mathematics to real-life situations; model real-life phenomena using mathematics.
MVC.PAR.2: Express spatial and functional relationships with vectors, functions, and analytic geometry in three
dimensions, and use these relationships to solve contextual, mathematical problems.
MVC.AQR.3: Define, describe, and represent the differentiation of functions of two independent variables and differential
vectors to solve contextual, mathematical problems and to explain real-life phenomena.
MVC.AQR.4: Interpret integrals of functions of two independent variables and of vector functions to solve contextual,
mathematical problems and to explain real-life phenomena.
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2021 Multivariable Calculus Standards
Georgia Department of Education
August 2021
Multivariable Calculus
MVC.MM.1: Apply mathematics to real-life situations; model real-life phenomena using mathematics.
Expectations Evidence of Student Learning
(not all inclusive; see Course Overview for more details)
MVC.MM.1.1 Explain contextual, mathematical problems Fundamentals
using a mathematical model. • Students should be provided with opportunities to learn mathematics in the
context of real-life problems.
• Contextual, mathematical problems are mathematical problems presented in
context where the context makes sense, realistically and mathematically,
and allows for students to make decisions about how to solve the problem
(model with mathematics).
MVC.MM.1.2 Create mathematical models to explain Fundamentals
phenomena that exist in the natural sciences, • Students should be able to use the content learned in this course to create a
social sciences, liberal arts, fine and performing mathematical model to explain real-life phenomena.
arts, and/or humanities contexts.
MVC.MM.1.3 Using abstract and quantitative reasoning,
make decisions about information and data
from a contextual situation.
MVC.MM.1.4 Use various mathematical representations and
structures with this information to represent and
solve real-life problems.
PATTERNING & ALGEBRAIC REASONING – Vectors, Functions, and Analytic Geometry in Three Dimensions
MVC.PAR.2: Express spatial and functional relationships with vectors, functions, and analytic geometry in three
dimensions, and use these relationships to solve contextual, mathematical problems.
Expectations Evidence of Student Learning
(not all inclusive; see Course Overview for more details)
Express the relationships between points, lines, and planes in three dimensions.
MVC.PAR.2.1 Represent equations of lines in space using
MVC.PAR.2.2 Express the analytic geometry of three Example
dimensions in terms of the dot product and • Equations of planes, parallelism, perpendicularity, and angles between lines
cross product of vectors. and planes.
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2021 Multivariable Calculus Standards
Georgia Department of Education
August 2021
MVC.PAR.2.3 Use a linear system of equations to determine
whether two planes intersect in a single point
or a line, or whether they do not intersect at all.
Explore functions of two independent variables of the form z = f(x, y) and implicit functions of the form f(x, y, z) = 0.
MVC.PAR.2.4 Evaluate functions of two independent
variables at a point in the plane.
MVC.PAR.2.5 Graph the level curves of functions of two
independent variables.
MVC.PAR.2.6 Investigate the continuity of functions of two
independent variables in terms of the limits of
such functions as (x, y) approaches a given
point in the plane.
MVC.PAR.2.7 Determine points or regions of discontinuity of
functions of two independent variables.
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2021 Multivariable Calculus Standards
Georgia Department of Education
August 2021
MVC.AQR.3.7 Find the family of solutions and the envelope of
the family of solutions to differential equations,
including Clairaut equations.
MVC.AQR.3.8 Define and apply the gradient, the divergence,
and the curl in terms of differential vector
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2021 Multivariable Calculus Standards
Georgia Department of Education
August 2021
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2021 Multivariable Calculus Standards
Georgia Department of Education
August 2021
The Mathematical Practices describe the reasoning behaviors students should develop as they
build an understanding of mathematics – the “habits of mind” that help students become
mathematical thinkers. There are eight standards, which apply to all grade levels and conceptual
These mathematical practices describe how students should engage with the mathematics
content for their grade level. Developing these habits of mind builds students’ capacity to become
mathematical thinkers. These practices can be applied individually or together in mathematics
lessons, and no particular order is required. In well-designed lessons, there are often two or more
Standards for Mathematical Practice present.
Mathematical Practices
MVC.MP: Display perseverance and patience in problem-solving. Demonstrate skills
and strategies needed to succeed in mathematics, including critical thinking,
reasoning, and effective collaboration and expression. Seek help and apply feedback.
Set and monitor goals.
Code Expectation
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2021 Multivariable Calculus Standards
Georgia Department of Education
August 2021
Teaching students to model with mathematics is engaging, builds confidence and
competence, and gives students the opportunity to collaborate and make sense of the world
around them, the main reason for doing mathematics. For these reasons, mathematical
modeling should be incorporated at every level of a student’s education. This is important
not only to develop a deep understanding of mathematics itself, but more importantly to give
students the tools they need to make sense of the world around them. Students who engage
in mathematical modeling will not only be prepared for their chosen career but will also learn
to make informed daily life decisions based on data and the models they create.
The diagram below is a mathematical modeling framework depicting a cycle of how students
can engage in mathematical modeling when solving a real-life problem or task.
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2021 Multivariable Calculus Standards
Georgia Department of Education
August 2021
Statistical reasoning is important for learners to engage as citizens and professionals in a world
that continues to change and evolve. Humans are naturally curious beings and statistics is a
language that can be used to better answer questions about personal choices and/or make
sense of naturally occurring phenomena. Statistics is a way to ask questions, explore, and make
sense of the world around us.
The Framework for Statistical Reasoning should be used in all grade levels and courses to
guide learners through the sense-making process, ultimately leading to the goal of statistical
literacy in all grade levels and courses. Reasoning with statistics provides a context that
necessitates the learning and application of a variety of mathematical concepts.
The following four-step statistical problem-solving process can be used throughout each grade
level and course to help learners develop a solid foundation in statistical reasoning and literacy:
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2021 Multivariable Calculus Standards
Georgia Department of Education
August 2021