Swartz Vitae
Swartz Vitae
Swartz Vitae
McDaniel College
FYS 1114 Technology in Education From iPads to interactive whiteboards, technology has
changed the face of education. This course explores the role of technology in elementary,
secondary, and higher education classrooms. Students will share personal observations,
review data on technology use, availability, and impact in schools, and will demonstrate
various technological applications in the learning environment. This course allows students
to explore a career in education but is not required for education minors.
MAT 1107 College Algebra and Trigonometry The basic concepts of algebra and
trigonometry needed for the study of calculus. Included are properties of exponents; solving
equations and inequalities; graphing; properties of polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, and
trigonometric functions.
MAT 1117 Calculus 1 Initial study of limits, derivatives and integrals; review of
trigonometric functions; differentiation techniques and formulas applied to rational and
trigonometric functions; applications of derivatives including curve sketching; extrema and
rate problems; definition of the integral; elementary applications of integrals.
MAT 2242 Math Structures I An introduction to selected topics in mathematics, including
sets, operations involving sets, number and numeration, operations and algorithms involving
whole numbers, integers, rational numbers and algebra. In addition, the mathematical
processes of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and
representation will be a major emphasis of the course.
Technology and Mathematics Teacher Education Committee Associate Vice-President
(February 2016 February 2018) & Member (February 2015 February 2018), Association of
Mathematics Teacher Educators. Invited to serve a term on the AMTE Technology Committee in
Fall 2014 after applying for the second time and then after my first year on the committee,
was appointed to serve as the committee chair, called the Associate Vice President. This
committee is tasked with recommending strategies, policies, and activities related to
increasing awareness and improving integration of technology in mathematics teacher
education. It oversees the AMTE-NTLI Award process, identifies an annual fellow, and the
chair prepares an annual report for the AMTE Board of Directors.
Association of Maryland Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMMTE) President-elect
(November 2016 November 2018), Member at Large (November 2015 November 2016), &
Secretary (November 2013 November 2015). Elected president of the Association in the Fall
2016 to serve a one-year term as president-elect and then a two-year term as president.
Previously served the board as a Member at Large and the Secretary. We have regular board
meetings (2-3 times a year) to discuss the current and future endeavors of the organization
and plan the annual meetings for the members.
AMMTEs Early Career Teaching Conference Co-founder, Stevenson University (January
2016 Present). With colleagues on the Board of the Association of Maryland Mathematics
Keynote Presentations
Swartz, B. A. (2016, August). Making Thinking Paramount. Mathematics in-service day for
Carroll County Public Schools, Westminster, MD.
*Denotes student collaborator
Trembley, K.* & Swartz, B. A. (under review). Going beyond the standards: Implementing
research-based activities to introduce fractions.
Virmani, R., Taylor, M. W., Rumsey, C., Box, T., Hedges, M., Kazemi, E., Knapp, M. Lynch, S.,
Schwartz, K., Swartz, B. A., Weston, T., & Woods, D. (in press). Bringing Methods into
Conference Presentations
*Denotes student collaborator
Swartz, B. A., Lynch, S., & Enzinger, N. W. (2017, April). Teaching is Tough, but What Makes
it Complex? Implementing Complex Instruction. (Presentation at the Annual Meeting
of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Antonio, TX). This is a national
conference with peer-reviewed submission process.
Swartz, B. A., & Lynch, S. (2017, April). Rethinking Groupwork: How Groupworthy Tasks
Truly Promote Collaborative Learning. (Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Antonio, TX). This is a national
conference with peer-reviewed submission process.
Swartz, B. A., Lee, M. Y., Powell, A., Rhine, S., Wheeler, A., & Wieman, R. (2017, February).
Preparing Teachers of Mathematics for the Realities of Technology in the Classroom.
(Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher
Educators, Orlando, FL). This is a national conference with peer-reviewed submission
Rumsey, C., Virmani, R., Knapp, M. Lynch, S., Schwartz, K., Swartz, B. A., & Woods, D.
(2017, February). Embedding Mathematics Teacher Preparation Courses in the PK-12
Setting. (Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics
Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL). This is a national conference with peer-reviewed
submission process.
Student Presentations
Thompson, T. (2016, September). Preparing Mathematics Teachers to Use Dynamic
Representations. (Presentation at the Association of Maryland Mathematics Teacher
Educators Annual Early Career Teaching Conference, Greenspring, MD).
Mason, A., & Lutz, C. (2016, September). Teaching is Tough, but What Makes it Complex?
Implementing Complex Instruction. (Presentation at the Association of Maryland
Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Early Career Teaching Conference,
Greenspring, MD).
Howard, J., & Mason, A. (2016, September). How can we get students to practice their facts?
(Presentation at the Association of Maryland Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual
Early Career Teaching Conference, Greenspring, MD).
Koslak, V. (2015, September). Implementing the Mathematical Practices with the Pythagorean
Theorem. (Presentation at the Association of Maryland Mathematics Teacher
Educators Annual Early Career Teaching Conference, Owings Mills, MD).