Test 1
Test 1
Test 1
a) Specific instructions
[1] This test consists of two questions on one page
[2] Attempt all questions for full marks
[3] Begin each question on a fresh page
[4] Illustrate your answers using neat sketch drawings where applicable
[5] Do not write anything on the question paper, all rough work should be done on the
official answer booklet
b) Key examination protocol
[1] Students, please note that academic dishonesty (or cheating) includes but is not limited to
plagiarism, collusion, falsification, replication, taking unauthorized notes or devices into
an examination, obtaining an unauthorized copy of the examination paper,
communicating or trying to communicate with another candidate during the examination,
and being a party to impersonation in relation to an examination.
[2] The above mentioned and any other actions which compromise the integrity of the
academic evaluation process will be fully investigated and addressed in accordance with
[3] Please be reminded that speaking without the invigilator’s permission is not allowed.
Question one
a) Classify eucalyptus according to mode of growth and give reasons to support your answer.
b) Sketch radial sawing and tangential sawing methods.
c) Write short notes about methods of seasoning below.
(i) Air seasoning
(ii) Kiln seasoning
d) Sketch four defects in timber.
e) Write short notes about chemical defects and conversion defects of timber.
Question two