Diagnosis and Management of Psoriatic Arthritis
Diagnosis and Management of Psoriatic Arthritis
Diagnosis and Management of Psoriatic Arthritis
How to cite this article: Balakrishnan C, Madnani N. Diagnosis and management of psoriatic arthritis. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol
Received: December, 2012 Accepted: March, 2013. Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared.
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Balakrishnan and Madnani Diagnosis and management of psoriatic arthritis
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Balakrishnan and Madnani Diagnosis and management of psoriatic arthritis
6. Ultrasound and MRI are more effective for the Spinal Mild pain Loss of function Failure of response
disease No loss of or BASDAI>4
detection of enthesitis.[15] function
7. Lipid profile, HbA1C, liver function tests Enthesitis 1-2 sites >2 sites or loss of Loss of function or>2
(LFT), body mass index (BMI) for evaluating function sites and failure of
Dactylitis Pain absent Erosive disease Failure of response
to mild or functional loss
NR: Not responding, LOF: Loss of function, QoL: Quality of life, BSA: Body
Treatment needs to be holistic and includes drug surface area, PASI: Psoriasis area severity index, DLQI: Dermatology life
therapy and management of co-morbidities such as quality index, BASDAI: Bath ankylosing spondylitis disease activity index
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Balakrishnan and Madnani Diagnosis and management of psoriatic arthritis
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Balakrishnan and Madnani Diagnosis and management of psoriatic arthritis
Women should undergo a rapid wash-out procedure pathological changes seen in PsA. They not only control
with cholestyramine or should not become pregnant the psoriasis but also control synovitis, enthesitis,
for 2 years after the cessation of therapy. It is advisable and non-infectious inflammatory osteitis seen in PsA
that men wishing to father a child should discontinue [Table 3]. As a general consensus, biologic agents are
LEF and should also undergo the wash-out procedure. reserved for resistant disease [Table 4]. However, they
may be considered as first line for the treatment of
SULFASALAZINE (SSZ) enthesitis/dactylitis and those with predominantly
axial disease.[17]
Large RCT for SSZ in PsA are few. In a study by
Clegg Do, et al. of 264 patients comparing the Biologics target very specific components within the
efficacy of SSZ vs placebo in treating ankylosing inflammatory pathway of psoriatic disease process. Most
spondylitis revealed a trend favoring SSZ treatment widely used and studied are those which block TNF-α,
(P = 0.13). The authors concluded that SSZ at a dosage a potent pro-inflammatory cytokine. These include
of 2,000 mg/day was well-tolerated and may be more etarnercept,[37] infliximab[38,39] and adalimumab[40] all
effective than placebo in the treatment of patients with of which have received FDA approval for treatment
PsA.[32] Most of the other studies are small, precluding of PsA. Newer ones like certolizumab pegol,[41] and
meaningful conclusions. golimumab[42] have shown similar beneficial effects,
but adequate trials are still lacking. On starting therapy,
The other DMARDs used in the management of PsA functional capacity of the joints improves dramatically.
include mycophenolate mofetil,[33] azathioprine,[34] Concurrent administration of MTX improves drug
antimalarials, gold,[35,36] and penicillamine. survival, especially in patients receiving infliximab.[43]
Patients who develop reduced/no response to their
It is important to note that DMARDs in PsA have first anti-TNF-α drug can be switched over to another
their limitations. Although, some of them can control anti-TNF-α drug and this shows good improvement.[44]
psoriasis and the peripheral arthritis, they have not
been shown to be of value in the other facets of PsA Efalizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody,
[Table 3]. which was in the market, has been withdrawn because
of it’s complication of causing progressive multifocal
BIOLOGIC THERAPY IN PSA leukoencephalopathy.[45]
Over the last decade, targeted therapy with biologic Ustekinumab is a newer humanized monoclonal
agents has revolutionized the treatment of PsA since antibody, which selectively binds to the p40 subunit
they are the only agents that can address all the of IL-12 and IL-23, and inhibits their binding to
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Balakrishnan and Madnani Diagnosis and management of psoriatic arthritis
the receptor IL-12Rβ1. IL-23 plays a key role in the disease extent and severity have been staged. Biologic
Th17 mediated inflammatory pathway while IL-12 agents have been impressive in the management of
is a key cytokine in the Th1 inflammatory pathway. severe PsA. However, patient selection and screening
So ustekinumab can potentially inhibit both for latent tuberculosis are both important. Combined
inflammatory pathways. Early clinical studies have management by the dermatologist and rheumatologist
shown to improve dactylitis and enthesitis in PsA.[46] is required for better patient care.
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