Sustainable SG Design With BC

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Sustainable microgrid design considering blockchain technology for real-time price

based demand response programs

Tsao, Yu-Chung; Thanh, Vo-Van; Wu, Qiuwei

Published in:
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems

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Citation (APA):
Tsao, Y-C., Thanh, V-V., & Wu, Q. (2020). Sustainable microgrid design considering blockchain technology for
real-time price based demand response programs. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems,
125, [106418].

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1 Sustainable microgrid design considering blockchain technology for real-time price-
2 based demand response programs
4 Yu-Chung Tsaoa,*, Vo-Van Thanha, Qiuwei Wub
5 a. Department of Industrial Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei,
6 Taiwan
7 b. Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
9 Abstract:

10 In recent years, rapidly increasing electric power demand and organizational concerns regarding
11 social and environmental issues have resulted in significant attention being given to microgrids.
12 However, sustainable microgrids that simultaneously address economic benefits and environmental and
13 social issues have not been broadly explored by researches. This study addresses the sustainable
14 microgrid design problem by leveraging blockchain technology to provide the real time-based demand
15 response programs. Three sustainable objectives (economy, environment, and society) are formulated
16 by a multi-objective mixed integer-linear programming model. A robust fuzzy multi-objective
17 optimization approach is proposed to determine the optimal number, location, and capacity of renewable
18 distributed generation units as well as the equilibrium supply and dynamic pricing decisions under
19 uncertain demand, capacity, and economic, environmental, and social parameters. The proposed model
20 and solution approach are then applied to a case study in Vietnam. We find that blockchain technology-
21 based sustainable microgrid can result in a 1.68% and 2.61% increase of profitability and consumer
22 satisfaction, respectively, and a 0.97% reduction of environmental impacts.

23 Key words: Sustainability; Microgrid; Blockchain technology; Demand response; Robust multi-
24 objective optimization; Fuzzy programming.
26 Nomenclature
Demand response DR
Renewable distributed generation RDG
Robust fuzzy multi-objective optimization programming RFMOOP
Robust stochastic optimization programing RSOP
Sustainable microgrid SMG
Sustainable microgrids SMGs

1 1. Introduction

2 Microgrid that is effectively integrated with renewable distributed generation (RDG) units is
3 considered an efficient solution for reducing environmental impacts and investment costs; however, they
4 are still vulnerable to uncertainties caused by the intermittent nature of renewable energy resources [1-
5 3]. This has significantly affected the sustainable properties of the microgrids. The concept of
6 sustainability strongly relies on three indispensable aspects: economy, environment, and society [4]. One
7 way to achieve sustainability in the energy sector is providing demand response (DR) programs [5]. It
8 is defined as changes in normal energy consumption patterns of the end users in response to changes in
9 electricity prices [6-7].
10 In sustainable microgrids (SMGs), DR programs take place using two-way communication and
11 information technologies, and each independent system operator (aggregator) is responsible for
12 providing motivations (incentive bonus or day-ahead prices) for the consumers to react in DR schemes.
13 Price-based DR programs include time-of-use pricing, real time pricing, critical-peak pricing, and peak-
14 time rebates [8]. The increasing application of novel technologies has led to actively integrate the real-
15 time price-based DR in the energy system operation because its benefits in maintaining the sustainability
16 of system. Leveraging blockchain technology to improve the effectiveness of SMGs is an essential
17 application for modern power systems.

18 1.1. Sustainable aspects in microgrids.

19 In the planning of power systems, uncertainties in demand, cost structure, and environmental and
20 social parameters have imposed major obstacles in the process of designing and managing SMGs.
21 Several studies have been presented to incorporate various uncertain resources into the SMG design
22 problem, focusing on optimizing a single objective (economy) or dual objective (economy and
23 environment). For example, a multi-objective robust optimization approach aims at minimizing the
24 greenhouse gas emissions, economic costs, and failure probability of electricity supply chain networks
25 under uncertainties in renewable energy supply and forecasted demand [9]. Network sustainability is
26 created by using RDG units but DR programs have not been considered in their study. In [10] a multi-
27 objective optimization approach was presented for minimizing environmental and economic costs to
28 design sustainable hybrid energy system. Uncertainty is modelled using the method of moments, but
29 DR programs have also been not considered for social issues in their study. A two-stage stochastic
30 mixed-integer programming model have presented in [11-12] to design sustainable electrical grids. The
31 authors have considered strategies to create sustainability by hardening existing lines and building new
32 lines, and RDG units. However, concerns about the environment and society were not discussed in their
33 study. A recent study minimized the economic, environmental, and social costs using a multiobjective
34 robust fuzzy stochastic programming approach to design a sustainable smart grid [13]. Uncertainties and
35 DR programs based on dynamic pricing are considered in their model. Most of the studies pointed out
36 there has not considered the real-time price-based DR programs as well as its effects on the sustainability
37 of microgrids, except the study [13] that mentioned DR via day-ahead energy market.

1 1.2. Demand response programs in microgrids.

2 In recent years, researchers and practitioners have expressed significant interest in DR programs
3 [14-20] due to its potential to relieve stress for distribution network during peak times without adding
4 more capacity to power plants. In [14-15], a DR mechanism based on the time-of-use price and real-
5 time price has been explored in a smart micro-grid environment. The proposed stochastic model with
6 metaheuristic algorithm has significantly improved the operation cost of considered microgrids. Time-
7 of-use price and direct load control have been combined in a DR program to minimize the eco-
8 environmental costs and to maximize the micro-grid’s reliability [16]. Microgrids with dynamic price-
9 based DR program were expected to optimize the flexible and inflexible loads of customers [17]. A
10 metaheuristic algorithm was used to solve the DR optimization problem.
11 Table 1 summaries recent DR programs-related recent studies in microgrids. To the best of our
12 knowledge, the major limitations in the existing literature are shown as follows: (i) DR programs have
13 been implemented based on the day-ahead planning. This means that the system operators will send
14 price signals (e.g., time-of-use price and dynamic price) to the customer in the previous night to perform
15 DR for the next day. For customers who are willing to participate, they will have an active plan to react
16 to the program. In the opposite case, customers may easily ignore the program. This has happened in
17 many real-world situations in which customers’ electricity bills are not too high or DR programs are not
18 sufficiently motivated to encourage customers. From a practical perspective, the above problem has
19 resulted in the inefficiency of DR programs and affected the sustainability (social and environmental
20 goals) of the microgrids; (ii) load control is an important function in DR programs because it provides
21 information visibility about supply and demand balance in microgrids. DR only occurs when the system
22 is out of balance. Most previous studies did not intensively considered this function. The authors in [16]
23 mentioned the direct load control in DR, but it was not formulated with mathematical equations and did
24 not described the operating mechanism explicitly.

25 1.3. Demand response via blockchain technology adoption.

26 Today, with the development of technology, blockchain technology can support to implement DR
27 programs in the real-time. Blockchain technology has a significant potential in managing and operating
28 of complex systems such as SMGs in a decentralized and transparent manner [21]. Besides technical
29 barriers, the actual implementation of DR also faces regulatory and information security issues, for
30 example monitoring and accounting, especially in the case of large-scale, it will be difficult to obtain
31 low-cost if centralized management system is still used [22]. Blockchain technology can not only solve
32 the above problem, but also provide a transparent monitoring system for load control in DR programs.
33 Furthermore, the advantages of smart contract in the blockchain technology (e.g., the cryptology method
34 and the consensus algorithm) can successfully overcome the obstacles of DR programs based on the
35 day-ahead planning and provide a real time load control mechanism for all stakeholders in the SMG.
36 A number of studies have recognized the role of block technology in enhancing the sustainability
37 of DR programs in microgrids in recently [23-27]. In [23], a decentralized blockchain mechanism has
38 been proposed for delivering transparent, secure, reliable, and timely energy flexibility. The authors

1 claimed that blockchain-based DR can be used for the energy supply and demand balance at the grid
2 level. A framework for emerging blockchain technologies was introduced to guarantee the seamless and
3 secure implementation of DR programs in microgrids [24]. Smart contracts in blockchain technology
4 was developed in [25-26] to guarantee a seamless and efficient DR program for a variety of consumers
5 at local microgrids. Although a number of studies have explored the potential of blockchain technology
6 in implementing DR programs, but it has just stopped at proposing the management frameworks to
7 integrate blockchain technology in existing grids. As can be seen from Table 1, it lacks an effort to
8 provide a mathematical model and algorithm to SMG design with DR programs based on the blockchain
9 technology adoption under uncertain environments. Besides, the benefits of blockchain technology on
10 the sustainability of microgrid have not been considered in the literature.

11 1.4. Motivation and contributions

12 Although microgrid design is currently of interest to many researchers, the SMGs through real
13 time-based DR programs by leveraging of blockchain technology has yet to be considered. From a
14 practical perspective, DR programs have not really attracted the attention of consumer due to policy,
15 technical, and regulatory barriers. Besides, the system operators have not been provided information
16 visibility about demand and generation loads to all network players to implement DR programs in a
17 timely manner. From a theoretical perspective, the DR programs based on day-ahead planning are only
18 effective in the perfect environment about customer participation willingness. Besides, the load control
19 function in DR programs have not yet intensively considered in the existing literature. Finally, it lacks
20 a study that consider all sustainable aspects of the microgrid with blockchain-based DR programs under
21 uncertain environments.
22 To address the importance of sustainability issues, this paper develops a new SMG design model
23 based on blockchain technology for proving DR programs under uncertain environments considering
24 economic, environmental, and social goals. An approach based on robust fuzzy multi-objective
25 optimization programming (RFMOOP) is developed to determine the decisions related to the optimal
26 number, location, capacity, and technology of RDG units, electricity price, and the amount of generated
27 and transmitted electric power in a SMG. A real time-based DR program is conducted by smart contracts
28 in blockchain technology. This model allows us to study the impact of such designs on the cost efficiency,
29 environmental impacts, and social issues related to DR programs. It distinguishes contributions from the
30 previous works in the microgrid design field as follows:
31  Practical: This study addresses important issues related to the sustainability of microgrids. A
32 multi-objective mathematical model is proposed to consider three different aspects: economy,
33 society, and environment when designing SMGs. The installation and operation costs of RDG
34 units are used for measuring the economic objective, the land use and CO2 emission costs are
35 considered for measuring the environmental objective, and customer-related social issues (i.e.,
36 consumer satisfaction in electricity bills) are used for measuring the social objective. To
37 overcome the disadvantages in the DR programs based on the day-ahead planning, a simulation
38 model for real time-based DR with the blockchain technology adoption is developed. The

1 proposed model provides a visual load control tool for all network players in the SMG through
2 the information sharing mechanism in the smart contracts. Besides, the profit reward and penalty
3 cost of RDG units are also formulated in the smart contract to ensure that the real time-based
4 DR programs are implemented in the most socially efficient for consumers.
5  Theoretical: An RFMOOP model is developed based on the combination of fuzzy possibilistic
6 programming and robust programming through weighted sum aggregation method to solve the
7 described multi-objective optimization problem. Compared to other uncertain approaches that
8 existed in the previous studies (i.e., stochastic programing, fuzzy programming), the proposed
9 approach successfully overcome different kind of uncertainty in data (i.e., uncertainty for lack
10 of knowledge and epistemic uncertainty) as well as the flexibility in objective functions and the
11 elasticity in soft constraints without increasing complex of the original model which can lead to
12 computational challenging. Moreover, the proposed model is also capable to provide reliable
13 solutions with optimality and feasibility guarantee for conflicting multi-objective optimization
14 problems under uncertain environments.
15 The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: The formulation is presented immediately
16 after the description of the study problem in Section 2. In Section 3, the solution approach is presented.
17 In Section 4, a real case of Vietnam’s electricity distribution network in the residential sector is presented.
18 Section 5 presents the most important conclusions of the present study.
19 Table 1. A summary of relevant researches.
Reference Objective Demand response Uncertainty Approach
Eco Env Soc Scheme Load Technology platform decision
[9] ● ● ● No mention No mention Robust
[10] ● ● No mention No mention Simulation
[11] ● Day-ahead Information technology Deterministic
[12] ● No mention Control system ● Stochastic
[13] ● ● ● Day-ahead Information technology ● Fuzzy
[14] ● Day-ahead Intelligent monitoring Deterministic
[15] ● Day-ahead Control system ● Stochastic
[16] ● ● ● Day-ahead ● No mention Two-phase
[17] ● Dynamic No mention Simulation
[18] ● No mention Information technology ● Linear model
[19] ● ● Incentive No mention ● Stochastic
[20] ● ● No mention Control system ● Simulation
[21] ● Real time Public Blockchain Deterministic
[22] ● Real time Blockchain Game theory
[23] ● ● Real time Blockchain ● Simulation
[24] ● ● Real time Blockchain Game theory
[25] ● Real time Blockchain Game theory
[26] ● No mention Blockchain No mention
[27] ● Real time Blockchain No mention
This study ● ● ● Real time ● Public blockchain ● Robust fuzzy

20 2. Problem definition and formulation

21 In this paper, the proposed SMG structure consists of a group of RDG units that act in isolation,
22 which is shown in Fig.1. RDG units with large capacity levels are considered to establish at

1 predetermined potential locations. A hierarchical electricity market model for the residential sector with
2 the interaction of home users, the microgrid operator, and multiple aggregators is applied to operate the
3 proposed SMG. In this microgrid, aggregators aggregate electric power from SMGs to provide
4 residential areas. Since aggregators act as intermediaries between the microgrid operator and the home
5 users, they are responsible for the network balance by using price-based DR programs, while the
6 microgrid operator is responsible for the technical validation of the network (e.g., control load of RDG
7 units). Residential areas are composed of a group of smart houses equipped with automatic meter reading
8 systems to conduct price-based DR programs provided by aggregators.
9 In microgrids, DR programs are provided to consumers based on two main ways: incentives and
10 prices to relieve stress for the network during peak times. Price-based DR programs, such as time-of-
11 use, real time, and critical peak time have been widely applied in many companies (e.g., Xcel Energy,
12 Gulf Power, and Hydro Ottawa). Further information about price-based DR programs can be found in
13 [28]. In this study, aggregators provide dynamic price-based DR programs to home users at the previous
14 night. Each aggregator has a different dynamic pricing scheme to optimize his total profit of the SMG.
15 In the next morning, based on the price provided by aggregators, home users select an aggregator to
16 receive electricity and implement DR. This operational model is called day-ahead dynamic pricing-
17 based DR with the support of automatic meter reading and on/off switch systems in the advanced
18 electricity markets, such as US, Australia, and Canada.
19 To address all aspects of the sustainability (economy, environment, and society) in microgrids,
20 the SMG design problem entails a multi-objective mathematical model to determine decisions regarding
21 the number, location, and capacity of the RDG units, amount of electric power generated and transferred
22 in the network, day-ahead dynamic electricity pricing, and DR from home users. We assume that energy
23 demands of all home users are satisfied. The potential locations and generation technologies to install
24 RDG units are predetermined. Energy losses in power transmission and distribution are not significant.
25 RDG units operate stably during the time horizon.
35 Fig. 1. Underlying structure of proposed SMG.
36 The described research problem is formulated with two parts: (i) a multi-objective mathematical
37 model [Eqs. (1) – (16)] is developed to design SMG with day-ahead dynamic price-based DR program;
38 (ii) a simulation model [Eqs. (17) – (22)] is built to integrate blockchain technology into the SMG for
39 implementing dynamic price-based DR program with real time load control.

1 2.1. SMG design model with day-ahead dynamic price-based DR program.

2 In this section, a multi-objective mathematical model is developed for SMG design problem. The
3 following indices, parameters, and variables are used to formulate through the paper.
4 Sets and indices
I set of potential locations for renewable distributed generation, i  1,..., I
G set of renewable generator types, g  1,..., G
5 J set of aggregators, j  1,..., J
D set of residential areas, d  1,..., D
T set of time periods, t  1,..., T
6 Parameters
r discount rate [%] (uncertainty)
lt lifetime of RDG units [year]
fcig capital investment of each capacity of RDG units i with technology g [m.u./mWh] (uncertainty)
N number of days in a year [number]
 certain percentage of fixed operation and maintance cost [m.u./mWh]
g conversion factor of generation technology g [%]
vcig generation variable cost of RDG units i with technology g [m.u./mWh] (uncertainty)
vmigm delivery cost from RDG unit i with technology g to aggregator j [m.u./mWh/km] (uncertainty)
vmjd delivery cost from aggregator j to demand area d [m.u./mWh/km] (uncertainty)
eo environmental cost of land use for opening RDG units i with technology g [m.u./mWh] (uncertainty)
ep CO2 emissions handling cost for operating RDG units i with technology g [m.u./mWh] (uncertainty)
lc coefficient of loss in electric power [%] (uncertainty)
Qdt base electric power demand of each demand area [mW/h] (uncertainty)
d acceptance coefficient of demand area d in demand response [dimensionless]
d coefficient between nominal demand and response demand of demand area d [dimensionless]
numg maximum number of RDG units i with generation technology g opened in area [number]
ig minimum utilization rate of RDG units i with generation technology g [%] (uncertainty)
minimum capacity of RDG units i with generation technology g [mWh]
LUig maximum capacity of RDG units i with generation technology g [mWh]
ed price elasticity of demand [dimensionless] (uncertainty)
p fixed fixed electric power price (policy price) [m.u./mWh]
ei maximum limit of environmental budget [m.u]
8 Variables

1 if a potential RDG unit i with technology g is established
xig  
0 otherwise
Lig capacity of RDG unit j with technology g
ligt amount of electric power generated of RDG unit i with technology g at time t
1 ligjt amount of electric power deliveried from RDG unit i with technology g to aggegator j at time t
ltjd amount of electric power transmitted from aggregator j to demand area d at time t
ptj day-ahead dynamic electric power pricing provided by aggegator j at time t
qdt response load of demand area d based on dynamic pricing
2 Formulation

r 1  1  (1)
Max W1   d tj ptj  1  (1  r )lt
 fcig N
   fcig   g vcig ligt  
jJ dD tT iI gG  iI gG tT 
iI gG jJ tT
l  vm l
igj igj
jJ dD tT
jd jd

Min W2 =  eoLig   ep(1  lc)ligt (2)

3 iI gG iI gG

 l t 
 (3)
Max W3  -l p   q d  t   1
t jd t t
 qd
j d

jJ dD tT dD tT
  
4 The three objective functions are developed to consider simultaneously economic, environmental,
5 and social aspects of the SMG. The first objective function aims to maximize the total profit, while the
6 second objective minimizes the created environmental impacts by establishing and operating of SMG.
7 The third objective deals with the maximization of social benefits of consumers.
8 Equation (1) presents the profit obtained by the difference between the revenue and costs. The
9 income of the network comes from the sale of electric power by dynamic pricing, as shown by the first
10 term. The total cost is composed of the installation cost of RDG units and the operational costs of the
11 SMG expressed in the remaining terms. The installation cost of RGU units in the second term is over
12 long period according to their lifetime. To evaluate the effects of the RGU units installation decision on
13 the short-term social and environmental impacts, it is converted into the short-term cost in the planning
14 time by dividing the total installation cost based on the number of operating days per year, according to
15 Ref. [9-10].
16 Equation (2) shows the environmental impacts under the costs form incurred by establishing and
17 operating of RDG units with large capacities. The first term measures the environmental cost related to
18 the land use for opening the SMG. To open the large capacity RGU units, it requires a large area of
19 planned land. This affects agricultural and residential land in some project areas. In addition, if the forest
20 land is planned to develop renewable energy projects, it will lead to affect climate change, soil erosion,
21 and flooding. For example, large-scale microgrid projects in Vietnam has affected 27,600 hectares of
22 agricultural land in 2018 [29]. The impacts on land use are quantified based on the installed capacity at
23 the RGU units in this study as the environmental impacts from the opening of the SMG. The second

1 term calculates the CO2 emissions handling cost caused by the operating of the SMG. The CO2
2 emissions is assumed to be dependent on generation technologies g (e.g., biomass, solar, wind) and on
3 the amount of electric power generated and delivered to residential areas from the SMG.
4 In the longer term, mandatory DR programs for all consumers could come at a cost to society [30-
5 31]. Therefore, equation (3) aims to maximize consumer satisfaction from the social perspective of the
6 adoption of a DR program. The consumers’ electricity bill is expressed in the first term, while the
7 difference between the nominal user demand 𝑑 and the user demand in response to dynamic pricing
8 𝑙 is calculated by the last term. 𝛽 indicates the acceptance of a residential area of a DR program.

ig  1, i (4)

ig  numg , g (5)

ig Lig  ligt  Lig , i, g (6)


LLig xig  Lig  LUig xig , i, g (7)

xig l tjd  Lig , i, g, t (8)

 l  l
igj t, g (9)

ligjt  qdt , t, j (10)

qdt  Qdt   j p j (11)
1 (12)
d  1
p fixed (13)
d  
 eoL   ep(1  lc)l
iI gG
iI gG
ig  ei (14)

9 xig {0,1} (15)

ptj , ligt , l tjd , Ddt  0 (16)

10 Inequality constraints (4) and (5) indicate that the number of RDG units with a certain technology
11 cannot exceed a certain number based on local policies. Constraint (6) states that power production
12 amount cannot exceed the installed capacity, where 𝜃 is the minimum utilization rate of the RDG
13 capacity. If an DRG is built, its capacity must lie between the specified lower and upper bounds,
14 following constraint (7). Constraint (8) indicates that if an DRG is not opened, the corresponding electric
15 power should be zero. Constraints (9) and (10) were established to ensure that the amount of generated
16 power is equal to the amount of transmitted power to the aggregators, and that it is larger than the
17 demand response load 𝑞 of the consumer at every instant t. Equation (11) estimates the demand

1 response load of each residential area d based on the day-ahead dynamic pricing 𝑝 provided by
2 aggregator j and nominal user demand 𝑄 of each residential area. 𝑄 is an uncertain parameter in
3 the form of triangular fuzzy numbers and 𝛿 is an effect coefficient for the price of each aggregator j.
4 Constraints (12) and (13) are coefficients about consumer satisfaction based on the price elasticity
5 of demand 𝑒 and current fixed price 𝑝 from the government. Constraint (14) ensures that the
6 environmental costs of SMG do not exceed the allowable budget. Constraints (15) and (16) guarantee
7 the binary nature and nonnegativity of the decision variables. In section 2.2, a simulation model for real
8 time-based DR with visible load control using blockchain technology is presented.

9 2.2. Simulation model for real time-based DR with visible load control using public blockchain

10 Blockchain technology has been recognized for its potential benefits to transactive energy systems
11 or peer-to-peer energy trading markets. However, in this study, another potential of block technology
12 related to provide a real time load control mechanism to all the network players when implementing the
13 DR program in SMGs. A simulation model with public blockchain technology is built in this section.
14 The blockchain technology has advantages about the decentralized network, the cryptology method, and
15 the consensus algorithm that support real time load control in DR programs. Thus DR programs can be
16 implemented in the real time with blockchain technology in an in efficient manner.
17 Most DR programs in previous studies were based on day-ahead planning (the electricity price
18 cannot be adjusted during the next day) and the load control was not displayed to all the network players.
19 This has influenced the system balancing role of aggregators. With blockchain technology, DR events
20 take place in real-time and the electricity price might be adjusted each hour based on demand signals
21 from customers. In addition, it ensures a safe and transparent method to share all relevant information
22 (e.g., capacity profile of RDG units, demand of home users) to all the network players to support real
23 time load control from multiple sides of the SMG.

24 2.2.1. Public blockchain technology

25 In our study, public blockchain technology is integrated as an advanced information technology to

26 enhance the sustainability of microgrids based on a disruptive innovative approach to DR programs. In
27 traditional centralized management approach, DR programs are implemented by central authority. This
28 has led to challenges in the processing time of DR events and the private information security issues.
29 The private information security problem in DR programs has been highlighted as the main cause of
30 cyber-attacks in the modern grids. Public blockchain technology allows anyone in a decentralized
31 network to verify or add data to the blockchain and energy transactions, which could be authenticated
32 by all nodes. This helps to promote faster energy transactions in the real-time manner [32]. In the public
33 blockchain-based SMG, energy data is registered and stored in the local blockchain using private-key
34 cryptography. That will be replicated and shared to all nodes in the network for validation using public-
35 key cryptography. Finally, DR program is conducted through a smart contract with a consensus
36 algorithm. The framework to integrate the blockchain in an SMG is shown in Fig. 2.
37 As depicted in Fig. 2, the stakeholders in a SMG are only responsible for physical flows (electric

1 power), while the information flows (transactive energy data) are conducted and controlled by four
2 technologies in the blockchain. (1) Data storage is considered as a distributed ledger in the blockchain.
3 This mainly involves the database of each block under digital assets. (2) The cryptology method is a
4 tool to achieve security and privacy protection. It helps to avoid loops in the network by preventing
5 nodes from forwarding a transaction if it was already registered. (3) The smart contract is a code that
6 implements business rules based on the verification and consent of all objects in the network. (4) A
7 consensus algorithm is used to let everyone in the network to agree a certain smart contract and ensure
8 its consistency. To achieve consensus among all network players including consumers, RDG units, and
9 aggregator, a proof of stake (PoS) protocol in Ethereum is applied to validate DR events in an SMG. In
10 the PoS, the participant (e.g., RDG units) will create the next block based on how much energy they
11 have generated in the network. It is called “staked”. The stake is determined by the number of energy
12 coins that an RDG unit receives a specific case of DR events from consumers. All network players could
13 take the role of DR events validator and could be the miner of the next valid block. Each validator should
14 own some stake (energy coins) in the SMG. In our proposed model, the total reward for an DRG unit
15 during a DR event could be used as a guarantee of the block’s validity. Based on the above advantages,
16 PoS has the ability to achieve a high level of reliability in the DR programs by mining the next valid
17 block based on the amount of stake and validating associated events in the previous block based on the
18 amount of guarantee of each DRG unit in the SMG. The following section details the implementation
19 of a smart contract based on the PoS consensus algorithm on the Ethereum platform.

21 Fig. 2. Blockchain application to the real-time price-based DR program in SMG.

22 2.2.2. Smart contract for managing the SMG balance via DR program

23 Using blockchain technology in the DR mechanism in an SMG is conducted by a smart contract

24 which is shown in Fig. 3. Smart contracts may describe the behavior of RDG units during the DR period
25 to ensure the grid-level balance between the energy supply and demand. These contracts are registered
26 in the blockchain when consumers were notified about dynamic electricity pricing and triggered by a
27 new energy transaction from consumers.

2 Fig. 3. Smart contract for DR program in SMG with public blockchain technology.
3 A control signal (DRsignal) is sent to the blockchain system from consumers as equation (17)

adt  ptj
4 DRsignal (t ) d  t
d , t [tstart , tend ] (17)
5 where 𝑑 is the forecast energy demand of a consumer d, and the second term in the equation represents
6 the energy demand adjustment based on the dynamic pricing.
7 DRsignal of consumers is registered in the data storage. The smart contract checks the monitored
8 energy consumption data of the consumers and the energy profile of RDG units to detect any significant
9 deviations and notifies the aggregators. The deviations are determined as

10 (t)  ligt (t) DRsignal (t) (18)


11 If Δ(t) is close to 0, no significant deviation is registered, and the DR program is not conducted. A
12 positive value [Δ(t)+] indicates that the RDG units have not reduced the generated energy as requested,
13 while a negative value [Δ(t)-] indicates that the RDG units have decreased the generated energy.
14 In case of significant positive or negative deviation (over 10% of DRsignal), the smart contract
15 calculates the associated penalties for the RDG units. Otherwise, the RDG units receive added revenue
16 considering how much the energy has been adapted during the DR time. The revenues and penalties are
17 established by the aggregators considering the average electricity price in the grid. In our approach, the
18 total penalty for not sufficiently meeting the demand is calculated based on the penalty rate and the
19 deviation registered for an RDG as Eq. (19).

20 RDGpenalty  prate (t) (19)

21 To determine how much an RDG has adapted its energy profile to DRsignal, and using its forecast
22 energy demand as a reference, we used the adaptability power curve (APC) metric of the European
23 Union as follows:


l (t) d

APC start tend


2 where APC ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 meaning that the RDG has not adapted its energy to DRsignal, and
3 1 meaning that the energy was adapted and its deviation from DRsignal is zero. The total reward for a
4 RDG during a DR program is calculated by the aggregators using the following formulation:

5 RDG reward  APC  rrate  ligt ( t ) (21)

6 where 𝑟 is the revenue rate for each kW of energy shifted as established by the aggregators.
7 The smart contract implements the rules for balancing the energy of the entire grid and enforcing its
8 resilience without a need for third-party intervention (aggregators). The smart contract starts a new DR
9 program and communicates the associated DRsignal, RDGpenalty, and RDGreward to the interested RDG units.
10 The smart contract helps to balance the overall energy production and consumption at the grid level as
11 Eq. (22):

12 SG  ligt (t) DRsignal (t),t [tstart ,tend ] (22)

iI gG

13 If the result is close to 0, there is a balance between energy production and consumption at the grid
14 level. Otherwise, a positive value represents a surplus of energy in the grid, while a negative value shows
15 a deficit of energy in the grid. If such imbalances are determined, the smart contract begins a new DR
16 program that allows other DRGs to solve them by increasing or decreasing their generated energy and,
17 as a result, rebalancing the state.
18 By running the simulation model (17)-(22) on the Solidity language for implementing the smart
19 contract, the DR decisions of an SMG with blockchain technology are determined.

20 3. Proposed solution approach

21 Microgrid is a complex system because it consists of a group of RDG units that are characterized
22 by a high degree of the intermittent nature from renewable energy sources. In addition, the aspects of
23 environment and society are taken into account for enhancing the sustainability of microgrids, so a high
24 degree of uncertainty in input data have posed considerable challenges to solution approaches. As a
25 result, deterministic methods are not able to provide a precise analysis of SMG designing. Although
26 there are many uncertain programming methods that have been applied in the microgrid design-related
27 previous studies (e.g., stochastic model, scenario model, and, simulation model in Table 1), these
28 methods have not successfully overcome many different types of uncertainty in the real-life situations
29 in which there is a lack of knowledge and historical data to model stochastic models and scenarios for
30 expressing uncertain parameters.
31 Fuzzy programming provides a framework to deal with a variety of uncertainties as well as the
32 flexibility in objective functions and the elasticity in soft constraints without increasing complex of the

1 original model to lead to computational challenging [33]. However, to guarantee reliable solutions to
2 conflicting multi-objective optimization problems in an uncertain decision environment, a combination
3 of fuzzy programming and robust optimization should be considered. In this study, an RFMOOP model
4 is proposed for the SMG design problem in uncertain environments based on the integration of fuzzy
5 possibilistic programming in [34] into robust optimization programming [35].
6 Fuzzy possibilistic programming is one of two main branches of fuzzy programming including
7 fuzzy flexible programming and fuzzy possibilistic programming, it applies the strong mathematical
8 concepts such as expected interval and expected value of fuzzy numbers to cope with imprecise input
9 data or epistemic uncertainty as well as flexibility in goals and constraints [36-38]. Numerous methods
10 have been based on this approach to cope with supply chain network design problems under situations
11 of uncertainty [39-40]. To the best of our knowledge, the first time, fuzzy probabilistic programming is
12 applied to adjust the objective functions and constraints for effectively handling uncertain conditions in
13 the field of power systems design.
14 Robust optimization could help to achieve optimal solutions based on risk-averse methods in
15 decision-making process. The mature literature about robust optimization provides reliable solution
16 methods with optimality guarantee [41-43]. Pishvaee et al. [44] put a significant step forward in
17 extending of the robust optimization theory into fuzzy programming. Some subsequent efforts in this
18 line of robust fuzzy programming were done by many scholars in the supply chain network design field
19 [44-46]. The combination between robust optimization and fuzzy programming can successfully deal
20 with the complex system features under uncertainties. The proposed RFMOOP approach is superior to
21 the other uncertain programming methods as follows:
22 (i) Providing reliable solution methods with optimality and feasibility guarantee for optimization
23 problems under uncertain environment.
24 (ii) Effectively handling different kind of uncertainty in data, the flexibility in objective functions,
25 and the elasticity in soft constraints without increasing computationally challenging.
26 The process of constructing the RFMOOP model and solving problem are based on the compact
27 form of the SMG design problem which can be stated as follows:
M ax W1 = fx  cy (23)
M in W 2 = gy (24)
M ax W3 = hy (25)
28 S .t Ay  d (26)
Bx  0 (27)
Dy  Fx (28)
x  0,1 , y  0 (29)
29 where x and y represent the binary and other decision variables, respectively. A, B, and D are parameter
30 matrices known deterministically, while f, c, g, h, d, and F are fuzzy variables related to the opening
31 costs, operating cost, CO2 emissions, social cost, energy demand, and capacity of the RDG units. Three
32 objective functions W1,2,3 represent the economic, environmental, and social issues in the SMG.
33 According to the robust optimization approach, a robust objective function must include three

1 components, namely (1) the expected value of the goals, (2) the feasibility robustness, and (3) the
2 optimality robustness. We apply the mathematical concepts, such as the expected interval and expected
3 value of fuzzy numbers in [37] to formulate the first term of the robust objective function. For a
4 triangular fuzzy number with three prominent points, for example f = (f1, f2, f3) with its membership
5 function in range [0, 1], as described in Eq. (30). According to the defuzzification process in [37], the
6 expected value of f can be defined in Eq. (31). It is noted that the same equations can be used for all
7 others fuzzy parameters in the model including c, g, h, d, and F.
 x  f1
 g f ( x)  f 2  f1
if f1  x  f 2

1 if x  f 2
 f ( x)   (30)
h ( x)  f3  x
8 if f 2  x  f 3
 f f3  f2

 0 if x  f1 or x  f 3
1 1

EV ( f ) 
 0
g f 1 ( x ) dx   0
h f 1 ( x ) dx

f1  2 f 2  f 3
2 4
9 Considering the optimality robustness, some common methods have been applied in the literature
10 of the robust optimization, such as the variance of objective function [35, 47] or the upper bound of
11 constraints determined by decision-makers [48]. However, these methods have posed computational
12 efforts for solving the problem in the non-linear programming model. To escape the obstacle, we apply
13 the fuzzy ranking method to control the optimality robustness. This method can support different kinds
14 of fuzzy number, such as triangular and trapezoidal. In addition, it does not rise the number of objective
15 functions and inequality constraints. For triangular fuzzy number f = (f1, f2, f3) with three prominent
16 points (see Fig.4), the fuzzy ranking method controls the optimality robustness of uncertainty parameters
17 by realizing the difference between the maximum value of f (f3) and its expected value [EV(f)]. Eq. (32)
18 shows the fuzzy ranking method for fuzzy number f . It is applied similarly to other fuzzy parameters
19 including c, g, and h in the model.
20 R ( f )  f 3  EV ( f ) (32)
21 A penalty cost function for each unit of violation of constraints have been used in robust objective
22 functions to take into account the feasibility robustness. In multi-objective optimization problems, the
23 penalty functions will be a balance or compromise between competing goals. Accordingly, the robust
24 objective function of the proposed RFMOOP model is presented as follows.

26 Fig. 4. Triangular fuzzy number f

Min OF   1  EV ( f ) x  EV (c) y    2  EV ( g ) y    3  EV (h) y   (33)

 ( f3 x  c3 y )   EV ( f ) x  EV (c) y   g3 y  EV ( g ) y  h3 y  EV ( h) y   
 
  d 2  d3 d1  d 2   F1  F2 F2  F3 
  d 2   ( 2 )  (1   )( 2 )    x   ( 2 )  (1   )( 2 )  F1  
    
1 d  d3 d  d2 (34)
S .t. Ay   ( 2 )  (1   )( 1 )
2 2
Bx  0 (35)
 F  F2 F  F3  (36)
Dy    ( 1 )  (1   )( 2 ) x
 2 2 
x  0,1 , y  0 (37)

2 The first term OF measures the average performance of the concerned system based on the
3 expected value of the fuzzy numbers. We use a weighted sum aggregation function to combine three
4 objective functions (W1, W2, and W3), where πi (i = 1, 2, 3) is the weight of the ith objective function (∑ 𝜋
5 1). The second term adjusts the degree of optimality robustness by minimizing the maximum deviation
6 of the uncertain objective function. The parameter 𝜏 indicates the importance of this term against the
7 other terms. The last term controls the feasibility robustness using an infeasibility penalty cost function.
8 The parameters ρ and γ represent the penalty cost of each violation unit in uncertain parameters of the
9 soft constraints, and the parameters β and α denote the minimum satisfaction level of the possibilistic
10 constraints for capacity and demand, respectively. The penalty cost is determined through the supply
11 contracts, and these values can be adjusted based on the agreement between the stakeholders in the
12 network or the government regulations.
13 When capacity coefficient matrix F is tainted with epistemic uncertainty, the RFMOOP model
14 results in a nonlinear programming model in Eq (36). To escape from the complexity of a nonlinear
15 model, a new auxiliary variable u = β.x is added into the model. Accordingly, Eq (36) is reformulated
16 into Eq (39) in a linear form. Also, the three added constraints with a sufficiently large number M are
17 shown in Eqs. (40) – (42), where u is equal to zero if x = 0, and u is equal to β if x =1. The RFMOOP
18 model could be converted to the following linear model.

Min OF   1  EV ( f ) x  EV ( c ) y    2  EV ( g ) y    3  EV ( h ) y   (38)

   ( f 3 x  c3 y )   EV ( f ) x  EV ( c ) y   g 3 y  EV ( g ) y  h3 y  EV ( h ) y   
 
  d2  d3 d1  d 2   F1  F2 F2  F3 
   d 2   ( 2 )  (1   )( 2 )     u ( 2 )  ( x  u )( 2 )  F1 x  
    
S .t .
 F  F2 F  F3  (39)
Dy   u ( 1 )  ( x  u )( 2 )
 2 2 
u  Mx (40)
u  M ( x  1)   (41)
u (42)
Constraints (34,35, and 37) remain unchaged

1 SMG design is a multi-objective programming problem. The weight method is applied to
2 aggregate three objective functions in order to transform the original model into the RFMOOP model.
3 The steps to solve the RFMOOP model can be summarized in the form of an algorithm, as follows:
4 Algorithm
5 Step 1: Identify all uncertain parameters and decision variables in the original model as Eqs (1) – (16).
6 Step 2: Convert the original model into the RFMOOP model by using Eqs (33) – (42).
7 Step 3: Determine the value of the coefficients (i.e., πi, ρ, γ, β, and α) based on the opinion of experts.
8 Step 4: Solve the RFMOOP model to obtain the optimal solutions for the feasibility constraints. If the
9 decision-maker is satisfied with the current solution, stop. Otherwise, provide another compromise
10 solution by changing the values of the coefficients, and proceed to step 3.

11 4. Case study

12 4.1. Overview of case study

13 To deliver sufficient electric power for a residential area that includes 300 smart houses in
14 Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City, the Electricity of Vietnam Company has been considering the
15 establishment of RDG units with a five-year lifetime for a local market in the Thu Duc province. Three
16 renewable energy technologies [solar power (S), wind power (W), and biomass power (B)] are installed
17 based on real conditions of 10 considered potential locations including Cu Chi (CC), Nha Be (NB), Binh
18 Chanh (BC), Binh Tan (BT), Go Vap (GV), Can Gio (CG), Thu Duc (TD), Quan 2 (Q2), Quan 7 (Q7),
19 and Quan 9 (Q9). There are three aggregators that buy electric power from the RDG units at a fixed
20 price to sell to consumers using the proposed dynamic pricing schemes.
21 DR programs are conducted in each smart building. In a traditional SMG, consumers will receive
22 day-ahead competitive dynamic pricing information (24 h) from aggregators at midnight in order to
23 conduct the demand response the next morning. In an SMG with blockchain technology, receiving
24 information and conducting the DR of consumers occur in near real time of using smart contract.

25 4.2. Data setting

26 In this case study, the forecast electric power demand of residential areas is obtained by referring
27 to [49]. The capital investment and capacity of each RDG unit is referred by [50] while some costs for
28 operations and maintenance along with the CO2 emission level of power generation and distribution are
29 referred to [51]. However, in an uncertain environment, they had to be modified into triangular fuzzy
30 numbers based on expert opinion. Table 2 shows the information of the capacity, capital investment, and
31 generation variable cost of these RDG units.

32 For data related to environmental impact, we assumed that establishment of RDG units would use a
33 certain land area. This would effect on the habitats, such as soil erosion and noise. In addition, the CO2
34 emissions caused by electric power transmission and distribution would depend on the length of lines.
35 Table 3 shows the environmental impacts-related data used in the case study, which are identified
36 according to [51].
37 For the social term in our model, we set the price elasticity of demand (𝑒 ) to be -0.41. It means that

1 when the electricity price increases by 1%, the demand for electricity will decrease by 0.41%.
2 Coefficients for the price of each aggregator (𝛿 and competition degree among them (𝜑 ) are set to
3 be 0.2 and 0.5, respectively. In Vietnam, a number of renewable energy projects have been launched in
4 recently at a suggested fixed price (𝑝 to be $ 0.12/kWh, while the highest price (𝑝 would be
5 $1.65/ kWh in the deregulated market. Two parameters 𝑎 and 𝑏 are set randomly in range [0; 1] for
6 considered residential areas. These parameters are evaluated by the experts at Electricity of Vietnam
7 Company.
8 The penalty cost for each unit of violation of constraints regarding power demand and the capacity
9 of RDG units are γ = ρ = 3.14. All remaining parameters, such as the weight of the objective functions
10 (πi) and the satisfaction levels of flexible constraints (α and β) are used to perform a robustness analysis
11 of the proposed model. The RFMOOP model of the case study is solved by using MATLAB 2013
12 optimization software running on a dual-core 3.40-GHz computer with 8.0 GB of RAM, while real-time
13 price-based DR with the public blockchain technology in SMG is simulated using MATLAB. The
14 significant results are presented and discussed below.
15 Table 2 Capacity and RDG units-related costs.
Potential Capacity (mW) Capital Generation
locations under trapezoidal fuzzy number form investment variable cost
B S W ($/mW) ($/mW)
CC (250, 300, 400) (0.85, 1.14, 1.75) (0.25, 0.75, 1.00)
NB (550, 650, 700) (1.05, 1.75, 1.95) (0.50, 1.15, 1.50)
BC (350, 500, 650) (0.95, 1.25, 1.75) (0.25, 0.50, 1.20)
BT (200, 250, 350) (1.25, 1.75, 2.05) (0.85, 1.25, 1.45)
GV (450, 550, 700) (0.95, 1.25, 1.65) (0.25, 0.75, 1.00)
CG (450, 500, 600) (1.35, 1.75, 1.95) (0.75, 0.95, 1.25)
TD (200, 400, 550) (0.75, 0.95, 1.35) (0.35, 0.65, 1.05)
Q2 (300, 400, 550) (1.35, 1.75, 1.95) (0.75, 0.95, 1.25)
Q7 (500, 700, 800) (1.05, 1.75, 2.25) (0.55, 0.95, 1.55)
Q9 (350, 500, 650) (1.14, 1.75, 2.05) (0.95, 1.25, 1.75)
16 Table 3 Environmental impacts-related data.
Environmental Generation
Land issues (6.895, 8.578, 9.784) (5.245, 7.895, 8.475) (7.895, 9.875, 10.48)
Noise (2.145, 3.645, 4.567) (1.345, 2.456, 3.978) (3.145, 5.645, 7.145)
CO2 emissions (0.025, 0.175, 0.235) (0.034, 0.044, 0.054) (0.003, 0.004, 0.005)

17 4.3. Result analysis and discussion

18 4.3.1. Network design decisions

19 The results of solving the model including day-ahead electricity pricing, network structure, and
20 optimal amount energy of SMG are visualized in Fig. 5 and 6. As can be seen in Fig.5, the capacity of
21 the solar power installed accounts for 42%, biomass power constitutes 31%, and wind power represents
22 27%, corresponding to the seven RDG units opened. As depicted in Fig. 6, each aggregator has a
23 different day-ahead pricing scheme to promote DR programs, but the overall pattern is the same with

1 low prices from 1:00 to 9:00, increasing from 10:00 to 17:00, and finally decreasing from 18:00 to 24:00.
2 The highest prices are $1.40, $1.62, and $1.62 for aggregators 1, 2, and 3, respectively, occurring at
3 19:00, whereas the electricity consumption is largest from 10:00 to 17:00. It indents to reduce the peak
4 load while minimizing the CO2 emissions but still maintaining consumer satisfaction by a deviation in
5 electricity price and demand response.

7 Fig. 5. Network structure and optimal amount energy of SMG.

2 Fig. 6. Dynamic pricing and market share of each aggregator.

3 4.3.2. Real-time price-based DR simulation results in SMG with blockchain technology

4 In this section, we compare the balance of the energy supply and demand in an DR program of an
5 SMG and SMG with blockchain technology by using simulation approach. To validate the DR through
6 smart contracts in blockchain technology, a simulation based prototype is implemented on the Ethereum
7 platform [52] using Solidity language. The coin used to pay for DR events is the Ethereum coin. Also,
8 each consumer and RGU unit have their own coins which are obtained through implementing DR events
9 in the network. Fig.7 shows a code excerpt from the smart contract for balance the energy supply and
10 demand through DR events in a SMG with blockchain. To control the balance between supply and
11 demand in an SMG, a new smart contract can be performed by the function of deplopSMGContract (see
12 line 11 in Fig.7). All energy profit of RGU units must keep in the SMG’s registry (line 15 in Fig.7).
13 Whenever an DR signal is registered by consumers, the energy profile of a RGU unit and the balance
14 state of SMG are updated accordingly (see lines 7 and 8 in Fig.7) and a new DR event is generated in
15 line 22 in Fig.7. SMG responses to a new DR event from a consumer based on the energy balancing
16 process. If the energy profile of RGU unit is inadequate to balance the grid, the DR event is automatically
17 reverted and RGU unit will be charged a penalty cost as Eq (20) (line 32 in Fig.7). If the energy profile
18 of a RGU unit is appropriate to adapt a new DR event, the DR event is registered in the system and the
19 smart contract will be performed in line 37 in Fig.7.
20 The simulation results in 300 mins are summarized in Table 4 and displayed in Figs. 8 and 9. As seen
21 in Fig. 8, the grid electric power achieves a balance between the forecast demand and response demand
22 of consumers in near real time based on the blockchain by a deviation of 8.7%, while this deviation is
23 13.9% with the DR program based on day-ahead dynamic pricing in the SMG.
24 The energy deviations from using blockchain technology with smart contracts are shown in Fig. 9.
25 There are five times that RDG units increased the energy generated by a matching demand (e.g., 4:00,
26 10:00, 13:00, 16:00, and 18:00). The smart contract effectively manages the grid energy balance by
27 using DR events in a timely manner. Moreover, it is able to efficiently correct the deviations [Δ(t)] by
28 assigning new DR signals to interested RDG units by considering their energy profiles.
29 Table 4 details the values of the economic, environmental, and social objectives for two approaches:
30 (1) SMG with day-ahead dynamic pricing-based DR and (2) SMG with real-time price-based DR with

1 blockchain technology. By comparing the values of the objective functions, it can be claimed that SMG
2 with DR based on blockchain technology achieves a profit and consumer satisfaction increases by 1.68%
3 and 2.61%, respectively, while it reduces the environmental impacts to 0.97%. The proposed model
4 accurately reflects the nature of the DR in the SMGs toward maximizing consumer satisfaction. DR
5 helps to reduce the environmental impacts that were acknowledged in many previous studies. However,
6 the blockchain technology application in DR programs for environmental impact reduction and
7 economic and social benefit increase is investigated for the first time in our study. The expected
8 performance of the SMG with blockchain technology (OF value) is higher than that for the SMG by
9 3.04 times. This reveals that blockchain technology with a smart contract helps to enhance the
10 sustainability of a microgrid by adjusting the grid balance state quickly.
11 We also present sensitivity analyses for the weights of the objectives to show the behavior of the
12 proposed model. As shown in Table 4, the social objective is sensitive to weight changes, while the
13 environmental objective does not have a clear trend. It is obvious that there is a conflict between the
14 economic and social objectives in the proposed model.

16 Fig. 7. Code excerpt of smart contract for balance the energy supply and demand through DR events

2 Fig. 8. Actual versus forecast energy demand using DR based on blockchain.

4 Fig. 9. Energy deviations Δ (t) in smart contracts.
5 Table 4. Objective functions value in SMG and SMG with blockchain technology.
Weight of SMG Simulation SMG with blockchain technology
objectives W1 (10 ) 6 6
W2 (10 ) W3 (106) OF (10 ) 2
W1 (106) W2 (106) W3 (106) OF (102)
π1 = 0.5
π2 = 0.3 2.04 5.24 0.27 9.07 2.32 4.87 1.43 24.4
π3 = 0.2
π1 = 0.2
π2 = 0.5 0.41 4.46 0.57 8.93 2.16 3.77 1.63 25.5
π3 = 0.3
π1 = 0.3
π2 = 0.2 1.86 3.91 1.11 5.63 2.76 4.57 2.04 21.9
π3 = 0.5
Total 4.31 13.6 1.96 23.6 7.24 13.2 5.10 71.8

6 4.3.3. Performance assessment of the proposed RFMOOP model

7 In this section, the performance of the proposed RFMOOP model is evaluated by comparing the
8 results about the value of the objective functions and the computational time with the robust stochastic
9 optimization programing (RSOP) model. Stochastic programming has been widely applied in previous

1 studies to overcome the uncertainties in the power system planning models (see Table 1). However, this
2 method has revealed some disadvantages in terms of the computational time due to a large number of
3 scenarios considered to express the uncertainties. In addition, the requirement for historical data to
4 analyze the probability distributions of the uncertainty parameters has made the method less effective in
5 some real-life situations where the relevant historical data is insufficient.
6 The steps to develop the RSOP can be found in [53]. The weighted sum aggregation method is also
7 applied to combine three objective functions (W1, W2, and W3) in the RSOP model. The comparative
8 results are shown in Table 5. It is clear that the RFMOOP model has a better performance in improving
9 the sustainable goals (economy, environment, and society) of microgrid and the computational time
10 under uncertain conditions.
12 Table 5. Comparing the value of the three objective functions and the computational time under two approaches.
The proposed RFMOOP model The RSOP model
Weight of
W1 W2 W3 CPU time W1 W2 W3 CPU time
(106) (106) (106) (sec) (106) (106) (106) (sec)
π1 = 0.5
π2 = 0.3 2.32 4.87 1.43 105 2.29 4.89 1.38 228
π3 = 0.2
π1 = 0.2
π2 = 0.5 2.16 3.77 1.63 103 2.09 3.79 1.59 219
π3 = 0.3
π1 = 0.3
π2 = 0.2 2.76 4.57 2.04 112 2.69 4.61 2.05 217
π3 = 0.5
Average 2.41 4.40 1.70 106.67 2.36 4.43 1.67 221.33

13 5. Conclusion

14 This study solves the SMG design problem with consideration of blockchain technology to support
15 real-time price-based DR programs uncertain environments. An RFMOOP model was introduced to
16 simultaneously determine network design decisions, equilibrium supply, and day-ahead pricing
17 decisions while a simulation model was developed to explore the benefits of blockchain technology on
18 the sustainability of microgrids through real-time price-based demand response.
19 The proposed model was applied to a real case study in Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City. The results
20 indicate that SMG with blockchain technology increases profitability and consumer satisfaction by
21 1.68% and 2.61%, respectively, while it reduces the environmental impacts to 0.97%. In addition, the
22 expected performance of the SMG with blockchain technology is 3.04 times higher than in SMG without
23 blockchain technology. It reveals that the blockchain technology helps to enhance the sustainability of
24 microgrids with an ability to quickly balance the supply and demand in the grid. Besides, the proposed
25 model has a better performance in improving the sustainable goals (economy, environment, and society)
26 of microgrid and the computational time under uncertain conditions compared to the robust stochastic
27 programming approach.
28 Future research can address the planning of SMGs in the local marketplace, where peer-to peer trades
29 are conducted with the support of blockchain technology. In addition, smart contract design in

1 blockchain should be considered in SMGs to ensure a fair deal for various stakeholders in the network.
2 Finally, the application-related work of algorithms, such as metaheuristic approaches in uncertain
3 environments, should be conducted in the power field.
5 Acknowledgement

6 This paper is supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan under grant
7 108-2636-E-011 -004.

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