End Breakage Control in OE

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Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research

Vol. 41, September 2016, pp. 263-269

Optimization of process variables in rotor spinning for the production of

cotton/milkweed blended yarns
T Karthik & R Murugana
Department of Textile Technology, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 641 004, India
Received 17 June 2014; revised received and accepted 27 October 2014

Cotton/milkweed (60/40) blended yarn of 29.5 tex has been produced on rotor spinning system. The influence of fibre
friction, opening roller speed and sliver linear density on rotor yarn properties has been studied using Box and Behnken
factorial design and the optimum conditions within the processing limits of the machines are established. The results show
that fibre friction is the dominant factor in determining the tensile properties and other properties of rotor-spun yarn. It is
observed that a higher fibre friction gives higher yarn tenacity, and lower yarn unevenness, imperfection and hairiness. The
opening roller speed also has a greater influence on rotor yarn properties. With an increase in opening roller speed, the
number of points per fibre increases, which results in better fibre separation and improvement in yarn properties. But very
high opening roller speed deteriorates the yarn properties and increases the end breakage rate mainly due to fibre breakage
and low fibre straightness. Generally, heavier sliver weight leads to higher spinning draft which deteriorates the yarn

Keywords: Cotton/milkweed yarn, Fibre friction, Opening roller speed, Rotor spinning, Sliver linear density

1 Introduction the only mechanism of control being a combination of

Open-end rotor spinning has emerged as a fibre-to-fibre, fibre-to-metal and fibre-to-air friction.
successful technology for spinning of short staple The performance of fibres in such a gap depends
yarns due to its high productivity, lower man-power largely on their frictional characteristics8.
requirements and the elimination of speed frame and Since the milkweed fibres are smooth, of low
winding. Spinning parameters may be categorized density, and have low elongation-at- break and more
into three major groups, viz based on the machine and short fibres9-12, their behaviour during spinning have
speeds of opening roller, rotor and take-up1; geometry to be analysed while blending it with the cotton fibre.
of opening roller, fibre transportation zone, rotor and The effect of process variables in speed frame and
yarn withdrawal tube2; and pneumatic parameters like ring frame on ring yarn characteristics has been
air speed, volume and suction pressures at the presented in the earlier study13. The effect of opening
transportation tube3. roller speed in rotor spinning varies from one fibre
The opening roller system in rotor spinning gives a material to another; the fibres respond in different
high degree of separation, but it is achieved at the ways and with different results. The present study is
expense of fibre breakage4,5. The fibre breakage therefore aimed at investigating the combined effect
effects can be minimized by using low sliver linear of fibre friction, opening roller speed and sliver linear
density, a high speed of sliver input, a slow opening density and then optimizing the above-mentioned
roller speed and a combing roller with a low wire parameters for better spinning performance and
point density6. New spinning technologies such as quality of cotton/milkweed blended rotor yarns.
rotor, air-jet and friction spinning lack the traditional
mechanical control inherent in ring spinning7. One 2 Materials and Methods
common feature of these new systems is the existence 2.1 Materials
of a gap in which fibres are flowing in an air stream, Medium grade cotton (S-4) and milkweed fibres
were chosen for the production of yarn. The chemical
————— treatment of milkweed fibres, namely delignification
Corresponding author. by alkali treatment and the dyeing of fibres were
E-mail: muruganavd@gmail.com carried out to modify the surface properties and to

improve its spinnability. The fibre-to-fibre frictional chemical treatment of milkweed fibres, the
coefficients of cotton and raw, dyed and alkali treated cotton/alkali treated milkweed 60/40 blend was used
milkweed fibres were 0.33, 0.16, 0.22 and 0.28 for the study. A three-variable factorial design
respectively. proposed by Box & Behnken was used to investigate
the combined influence of process and material
2.2 Yarn Production variables in rotor spinning. The coded levels and
The spinning trials were conducted on a micro- corresponding actual values of the three variables in
spinning line (Trytex, India)11. The slivers were speed frame and ring frame drafting stages are given
prepared for yarn production on a miniature model in Table 1. The other process parameters in rotor
carding and draw frame machine. After the second spinning were kept constant (rotor speed – 60,000
draw frame passage, the sliver is processed on a rpm, opening roller wire – OS21, TM – 4.4, rotor
miniature rotor spinning machine to produce 29.5 tex diameter – 43 mm).
rotor yarn. The saw tooth type opening roller OS21
3 Results and Discussion
with wire angle of 12º was used for opening the C/M
Based on the Box & Behnken experimental design,
slivers in rotor spinning machine as the conventional
the yarn properties were obtained and are shown in
wire angle of 18º (OK40) used for cotton fibres leads
Table 2. The regression equation of models in terms
to more number of breakages.
of coded factors after eliminating the insignificant
factors is shown in the Table 3. The yarn properties
2.3 Testing of Yarn Properties were found to be well correlated (R2> 0.8) with all
The yarn characteristics, such as single yarn chosen variables except breaking elongation.
strength (ASTM D 2256-02); yarn evenness,
imperfections and hairiness index (ASTM D 1425-09); 3.1 Effect of Process Parameters on Yarn Tenacity and Elongation
and hairiness frequency (Zweigle hairiness- ASTM D The higher R2 value in case of yarn tenacity
5647-07) were tested as per standard method. All the (Table 3) shows that it is better correlated with fibre
tests were carried out after conditioning the samples
Table 1—Coded levels and actual values for processing C/M
at the standard temperature and relative humidity 60/40 yarns in speed frame and ring frame
(21.0 ± 0.1°C and 65 ± 2%).
Variables Coded levels
-1 0 +1
2.4 Experimental Design Milkweed fibre friction, µ, (X1) 0.16 0.22 0.28
Based on the preliminary trials conducted on Opening roller speed, rpm, (X2) 5000 6000 7000
different cotton/milkweed blend proportions and Sliver linear density, g/m, (X3) 3.3 3.9 4.5
Table 2—Properties of rotor yarn obtained by varying the rotor frame process parameters
Experiment Fibre Opening Sliver linear Tenacity Elongation U% Total Hairiness End breakage rate
no. friction roller speed density cN/tex % imperfections/km index (H) breaks/rotor/h
(X1) (X2) (X3)
1 0.16 5000 3.9 8.957 5.83 14.21 465 7.21 0.32
2 0.28 5000 3.9 10.49 6.58 13.9 442 6.52 0.35
3 0.16 7000 3.9 9.59 6.65 13.73 434 7.92 2.71
4 0.28 7000 3.9 10.76 6.70 13.55 418 7.08 2.12
5 0.16 6000 3.3 10.36 6.68 13.12 402 7.53 0.42
6 0.28 6000 3.3 11.47 6.24 12.73 391 7.04 0.46
7 0.16 6000 4.5 9.99 6.49 13.36 438 7.93 2.25
8 0.28 6000 4.5 10.6 6.42 13.03 407 7.42 2.19
9 0.22 5000 3.3 9.92 6.74 13.73 477 8.64 0.16
10 0.22 7000 3.3 10.97 6.95 13.38 437 7.64 1.49
11 0.22 5000 4.5 9.01 6.21 13.9 492 8.86 1.93
12 0.22 7000 4.5 10.13 6.28 13.97 438 8.13 4.23
13 0.22 6000 3.9 10.61 6.87 13.18 396 6.43 1.12
14 0.22 6000 3.9 10.73 6.01 13.23 392 6.74 1.45
15 0.22 6000 3.9 10.75 6.12 13.19 402 6.37 1.31

Table 3—Response surface equations for various yarn properties

Yarn characteristics Response surface equations p-value Coefficient of
Tenacity, g/tex 10.697 + 0.5531X1 + 0.384X2 - 0.374X3 – 0.672X22 0.0106 0.9469
Elongation, % * 0.3422 0.2526
Unevenness, U % 13.2 - 0.151X1 – 0.139X2 - 0.163X3 + 0.666 X22 0.0012 0.9785
Imperfections/km 396.667 – 10.125X1 – 18.625X2 + 8.5X3 + 47.292X22 + 17.042X32 0.0025 0.9710
Hairiness index (H) 6.513 - 0.766X1 + 1.203X22 0.0682 0.8799
End-breakage rate 1.293 + 0.973X2 +1.01 X3 + 0.3521 X22 + 0.307 X32 0.0004 0.9863
* Response surface equation could not be obtained due to insignificant regression coefficient.

friction, opening roller speed and sliver linear density. 3.2 Effect of Process Parameters on Yarn Unevenness
The influence of process parameters on yarn tenacity The influence of process parameters on yarn
is shown in Fig. 1. By analyzing the contour diagram unevenness is shown in Fig. 2. By analyzing the
and point prediction tools from the software, it can be contour plot and point prediction tools from the
shown that the maximum yarn tenacity is obtained at software, it can be observed that the minimum yarn
a fibre friction of 0.27, an opening roller speed of U% is obtained at a fibre friction of 0.28, an opening
6285.32 rpm and a sliver linear density of 3.31 g/m. It roller speed of 6192.41 rpm and a sliver linear density
is apparent from the contour that an increase in fibre of 3.31 g/m.
friction invariably increases the yarn tenacity as in The increase in fibre friction reduces the yarn U%
case of ring yarns. But with an increase in opening due to better inter-fibre friction. An increase in
roller speed, tenacity increases up to an optimum opening roller speed results in an initial decrease in
opening roller speed but decreases with the further yarn unevenness up to a certain point and then the
increase in speed. unevenness increases at higher opening roller speed.
The inadequate opening of fibres at lower opening
Initial increase in yarn tenacity with opening roller
roller speeds leads to increase in yarn unevenness20.
speed could be due to increased points per fibre (ppf),
On the other hand, excessive action of the opening
which leads to improved fibre separation and trash
roller (higher ppf) on fibres at higher speeds will not
removal from the sliver. As the opening roller speed
continue to improve the yarn evenness, but it leads to
increases, the carrying factor increases, which, in turn,
the deterioration of yarn evenness due to fibre
increases the opening intensity of the opening roller.
breakage. Further, a greater centrifugal force on
Owing to the better opening of fibres, it can be
fibres, caused by higher opening roller speed, will
anticipated that the fibre tufts of smaller and uniform
clump them within the inlet of the transport tube at a
size are fed into the rotor groove via transport tube14.
speed close to, or even higher than the speed
But, beyond optimum opening roller speed, the yarn
generated by aerodynamic forces. This increases the
tenacity deteriorates because of two reasons, namely
probability of fibre accumulation at the inlet of the
(i) the higher opening roller speed causes excessive
transport tube. The low density and finer milkweed
fibre breakage, resulting in decreased mean fibre
fibres could travel at a different speed compared to
length of fibres15,16; and (ii) the fibre straightness and
the cotton fibres, leading to uneven deposition on
degree of alignment is lost due to throwing away of
rotor groove and hence higher yarn unevenness.
fibre into the transport tube caused by the higher
With an increase in sliver linear density, the yarn U%
opening roller speed17.
increases linearly. At higher sliver linear density, the
With the increase in sliver linear density, the yarn feed rate becomes less, presenting more number of
tenacity decreases invariably. This decrease can be fibres per unit time to the opening roller. This results in
attributed to the increase in spinning draft (between inadequate opening of fibres, leading to increased yarn U%.
feed and opening roller) for a particular count to be
spun causing more fibre damage and frequent 3.3 Effect of Process Parameters on Yarn Imperfections
end-breaks resulting in weaker yarn18,19. It is found The influence of process parameters on yarn
that no significant change in yarn elongation is caused imperfections is shown in Fig. 3. By analyzing the
by changes in the chosen variables. contour plot and point prediction tools from the

software, it is observed that the minimum yarn density of 3.92 g/m. It is evident from the contour that
imperfections is obtained at a fibre friction of 0.27, an an increase in fibre friction decreases the yarn
opening roller speed of 5842.59 rpm and a sliver linear imperfections due to controlled flow of fibres in the
transport channel and deposition of more or less equal
number of fibres in the rotor groove.

Fig. 1—Effects of (a) fibre friction with opening roller speed, (b) Fig. 2—Effects of (a) fibre friction with opening roller speed,
fibre friction with sliver linear density and (c) opening roller (b) fibre friction with sliver linear density and (c) opening roller
speed with sliver linear density on yarn tenacity speed with sliver linear density on yarn unevenness

An increase in opening roller speed results in initial further increase in roller speed. The initial decrease in
decrease in yarn imperfections upto a certain level yarn imperfection with opening roller speed could be
followed by the increase in imperfections with the due to better opening of fibres. At lower opening roller
speeds, inadequate opening of fibres leads to more
amount of thick and nep faults in yarn. On the other
hand, higher opening roller speed paves the way to
premature acceleration of low density milkweed fibres,
leading to irregular deposition in the rotor groove and
hence a higher yarn imperfection level.
With the increase in sliver linear density, the yarn
imperfections reduce slightly up to a certain level and
then increase steeply thereafter. Higher yarn
imperfections at lesser sliver linear density could be due
to the excessive action of opening rollers on a lesser
number of fibres presented in unit time. At a higher sliver
linear density, the feed rate becomes less, presenting more
number of fibres per unit time to the opening roller,
resulting in insufficient opening of fibres which ultimately
leads to more thick and nep faults in the yarn.

3.4 Effect of Process Parameters on Yarn Hairiness

The influence of process parameters on yarn
hairiness index (H) is shown in Fig. 4. By analyzing
the contour plot and point prediction tools from the
software, it can be observed that the minimum yarn
hairiness is obtained at a fibre friction of 0.28, an
opening roller speed of 5805 rpm and a sliver linear
density of 3.57 g/m. Increase in fibre friction keeps
the fibres intact in the yarn strand and results in lower
hairiness. But with higher opening roller speeds, fibre
breaks occurs liberating short fibres and hence
increased hairiness.

3.5 Effect of Process Parameters on End-breakage Rate

The influence of fibre friction, opening roller speed
and sliver linear density on end breakage rate is
shown in Fig. 5. By analyzing the contour plot and
point prediction tools from the software, it can be
observed that the minimum end-breaks are obtained at
a fibre friction of 0.28, an opening roller speed of
5027 rpm and a sliver linear density of 3.48 g/m.
From the contour plots (Fig. 5) it is observed that
the increase in opening roller speed increases the end
breakage rate gradually. At higher speeds, fibre
rupture of milkweed fibre leads to higher rotor
deposition, disrupting the yarn formation process. As
the sliver linear density increases, more number of
Fig. 3—Effects of (a) fibre friction with opening roller speed,
(b) fibre friction with sliver linear density and (c) opening roller fibres acts upon by the opening roller, leading to
speed with sliver linear density on yarn imperfections increased breaks.

3.6 Production of Yarn with Optimized Parameters (alkali treated), 6010 rpm opening roller speed and
The numerical optimization tool of the software 3.54 g/m sliver linear density. The comparison of
was used to determine the optimum values of the 100% cotton yarns with yarn characteristics of C/M
factors for the spinning of better ring and rotor yarns. 60/40 rotor yarns produced with optimized parameters
The optimum values observed are 0.28 fibre friction are shown in Table 4. The data reveal that the yarn

Fig. 4—Effects of (a) fibre friction with opening roller speed, Fig. 5—Effects of (a) fibre friction with opening roller speed,
(b) fibre friction with sliver linear density and (c) opening roller (b) fibre friction with sliver linear density and (c) opening roller
speed with sliver linear on yarn hairiness index (H) speed with sliver linear on end breakage rate

Table 4—Comparison of C/M 60/40 yarn properties obtained with optimized process parameters with 100% cotton yarns
Yarn Tenacity, cN/tex Elongation, % U% Imperfections/km Hairiness (H) Hairiness (S3)
100% Cotton 12.4 6.25 12.5 540.1 4.69 132
C/M 60/40 11.85 6.43 10.4 382 6.21 199

characteristics are comparable to that of 100% cotton 4.5 Heavier sliver weight leads to higher spinning
yarn. draft, which deteriorates the yarn properties. Finally,
the optimum process conditions for cotton/milkweed
4 Conclusion
60/40 blends have been achieved at a fibre friction of
4.1 It is inferred that a higher level of fibre friction,
0.28, an opening roller speed of 6010 rpm and at a
a moderate level of opening roller speed and a
sliver linear density of 3.54 g/m.
moderate to lower level of sliver linear density lead to
better yarn characteristics. References
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